inchidentally · 1 month
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Pergan Asuul - first form
Isolated 3D model for The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey
Model by Mark Jones
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gaysebastianvael · 3 months
WAIT...10 years after Trespasser...it DOES line up perfectly with Somhairle's last pregnancy lmao
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ziracona · 1 year
Why persona games keep giving me boyfriends out the gate and then not let me date him???
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mando-abs · 1 year
For my mama mutuals (or medical mutuals??? If I have them), when you were pregnant and had ultrasounds of da babey, did you have to fast and not drink water before it?
I only ask bc I have to do that tonight for my ultrasound tomorrow morning but I was like “man this would REALLY suck if I were pregnant” and got curious
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woetoy · 7 months
if you WERE to exist in the same world as your OCs. What would happen.
haha... hehe... let's just say.... perganant 😏
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It's time for some Dadgil headcanons because I said so
Give this man a baby to sit and watch the kid cling to him. He is so doting and attentive and he always talks softly around the little potato
Little kids love him and his purple hair, they think he's a nice witch who shows them magic (read: he plays some musical instrument for them and teaches them a little)
Kid gets hurt? Even if Remus is there to help, Virgil rushes out with antiseptic and bandaids. If it's more scary than painful, he comforts the little munchkin and gets them a snack for being brave
Incidentally Remus wants a snack too—a purple edgy daddy kind of snack
Rough housing is a Remus specialty, but Virgil is no stranger to it, and kids love riding his shoulders just to feel really tall
He is a master at detangling hair and styling it. Not even chewing gum can stop him! He has a ton of hair chalk if a kid wants some color too
Tell no one but he is the best cook ever!! He makes the best nuggets and mac and cheese!! And he can hide veggies in it!! Oh!! And-and he doesn't set his grill on fire yes this is a little shade
Speaking of food, this man is a baker and a damn good one
Remus is perganant? Of course he is just look at his partner how could he not be!! He's also gonna be spoiled and pampered by a certain spider excited to be a dad no I didn't write a behemoth fic about this
Is it bedtime? Kid is getting a story and a lullaby from Dadgil
Uh oh! Someone had a nightmare! Virgil will calm the kid down and let them sleep with him, and he'll cuddle them and scare away the bad dreams because no one is scarier than protective Dadgil
Remus likes having an excuse to call him Daddy and then deal with the aftermath when they're alone
Honestly he just gets so mushy watching Dadgil in action. That's his Scare Bear and he's just too adorable!!
Fuck Y E S Dadgil my beloved these are all S O fucking cute P L E A S E!!! Vee's so gentle, loving, caring, and fun with the kids and the fact that they all love him is adorable as fuck!!! You better believe the Emo absolutely makes banger ass meals and treats and a very perganant ball of chaos of his happens to be lucky to have them all when he's getting pampered XD <3 (Of course he'd be a lil shit any chance he'd get with Vee being a Dad and y'know what it's W O R T H I T XD)
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merymoonbeam · 1 year
The Morrigan Part II.
This is a continuation of my post The Morrigan. In that post I talked about how Mor could be the High Queen. In this post we are gonna talk about her connection to Wild Hunt.
I went to look a the Morrigan's wiki page and found this.
It has also been suggested that she was closely linked to the fianna, and that these groups may have been in some way dedicated to her. These were "bands of youthful warrior-hunters, living on the borders of civilized society and indulging in lawless activities for a time before inheriting property and taking their places as members of settled, landed communities." If true, her worship may have resembled that of Perchta groups in Germanic areas.
we are gonna talk about two things in here -- Fianna and Perchta.
while I was writing my Wild Hunt post I found out that Fionn and Fianna are the wild hunt in Ireland.
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and We have a Fionn in Acotar.
Rhys’s eyes flicked to Ataraxia, then to Cassian. “Some strains of the mythology claim that one of the Fae heroes who rose up to overthrow them was Fionn, who was given the great sword Gwydion by the High Priestess Oleanna, who had dipped it into the Cauldron itself. Fionn and Gwydion overthrew the Daglan. A millennium of peace followed, and the lands were divided into rough territories that were the precursors to the courts—but at the end of those thousand years, they were at each other’s throats, on the brink of war.” His face tightened. “Fionn unified them and set himself above them as High King. The first and only High King this land has ever had.”
So the Morrigan is linked to Fianna which is the wild hunt and we have a Fionn in acotar who has the same name of the leader of wild hunt.
now onto...
Perchta or Berchta (English: Bertha), also commonly known as Percht and other variations, was once known as a goddess in Alpine paganism in the Upper German and Austrian regions of the Alps. Her name may mean "the bright one" (Old High German: beraht, bereht, from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz) and is probably related to the name Berchtentag, meaning the feast of the Epiphany. Eugen Mogk provides an alternative etymology, attributing the origin of the name Perchta to the Old High German verb pergan, meaning "hidden" or "covered". Perchta is often identified as stemming from the same Germanic goddess as Holda and other female figures of Germanic folklore (see Frija-Frigg). According to Jacob Grimm and Lotte Motz, Perchta is Holda's southern cousin or equivalent, as they both share the role of "guardian of the beasts" and appear during the Twelve Days of Christmas, when they oversee spinning.
so she is connected to Holda(keep the red highlighted Frija/Frigg part in mind we are gonna talk about that) and with that they both share the role of "guardian of the beasts"
We have beasts in acotar, in Wild Hunt actually.
“Oh, I do not think so,” Lanthys seethed. “I rode in the Wild Hunt before you were even a scrap of existence, witch from Oorid. I summoned the hounds and the world cowered at their baying. I galloped at the head of the Hunt, and Fae and beast bowed before us.”
“We shall rebuild to what we were before the golden legions of the Fae cast off their chains and overthrew us. We shall resurrect the Wild Hunt and ride rampant through the night. We shall build palaces of ice and flame, palaces of darkness and starlight. Magic shall flow untethered again.” Nesta could see the portrait Lanthys wove into the air around them. She saw herself on a black throne, a matching crown in her unbound hair. Enormous onyx beasts—scaled, like those she’d seen on the Hewn City’s pillars—lay at the foot of the dais. Ataraxia leaned against her throne, and on her other side … Lanthys sat there, his hand laced through hers. Their kingdom was endless; their palace built of pure magic that lived and thrived around them. The Harp sat behind them on an altar, the Mask, too, but the golden Crown wasn’t there.
“The Daglan delighted in terrorizing the Fae and humans under their control. The Wild Hunt was a way to keep all of us in line. They’d gather a host of their fiercest, most merciless warriors and grant them free rein to kill as they pleased. The Daglan possessed mighty, monstrous beasts—hounds, they called them, though they didn’t look like the hounds we know—that they used to run prey to ground before they tortured and killed them. It’s a terrible history, and much of it might be elaborated myths.” “The hounds looked like the beasts in the Hewn City,” Nesta said quietly.
so Hounds/beasts= The Wild Hunt and through Pertcha The Morrigan is connected to the "guardian of the beasts"
moving on...
This next part is interesting.
In some descriptions, Perchta has two forms; she may appear either as beautiful and white as snow like her name, or as elderly and haggard. In many old descriptions, Perchta had one large foot, sometimes called a goose foot or swan foot. Grimm thought the strange foot symbolized her being a higher being who could shapeshift to animal form. He noticed that Bertha with a strange foot exists in many languages (Middle German "Berhte mit dem fuoze", French "Berthe au grand pied", Latin "Berhta cum magno pede", Italian " Berta dai gran piè", title of a medieval epic poem of Italian area): "It is apparently a swan maiden's foot, which as a mark of her higher nature she cannot lay aside...and at the same time the spinning-woman's splayfoot that worked the treadle".In the Tyrol she appears as little old woman with a very wrinkled face, bright lively eyes, and a long hooked nose; her hair is disheveled, her garments tattered and torn.
I talked about Swan maiden in my Seidr post.
In myths Frejya/Frigg(remember the red highlighted part) has seidr magic and Freyja also has:
Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers.
And swan maidens:
The swan maiden is a mythical creature who shapeshifts from human form to swan form. The key to the transformation is usually a swan skin, or a garment with swan feathers attached. In folktales of this type, the male character spies the maiden, typically by some body of water (usually bathing), then snatches away the feather garment (or some other article of clothing), which prevents her from flying away (or swimming away, or renders her helpless in some other manner), forcing her to become his wife.
So they have a "swan skin" with swan feathers which helps them shapeshift.
The question is...is Mor going to turn into a bird like the girls in Koschei's lake? Is she connected to Vassa? And more interesting thing is that in myths The Morrigan can shapeshift--into a crow.
The Morrígan is described as the envious wife of The Dagda and a shape-shifting goddess, while Badb and Nemain are said to be the wives of Neit. She is associated with the banshee of later folklore.
The Dagda...The Daglan in acotar who has the hounds and they had the Wild Hunt....
The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death, or victory in battle. In this role she often appears as a crow, the badb.
and lastly from Pertcha's page.
According to Jacob Grimm (1882), Perchta was spoken of in Old High German in the 10th century as Frau Berchta and thought to be a white-robed goddess who oversaw spinning and weaving, like the myths of Holda. He believed she was the feminine equivalent of Berchtold, and was sometimes the leader of the Wild Hunt.
Now I'm gonna talk more about Mor connection to Wild Hunt in acotar and some connections.
While talking about the hounds I took Lanthys's quotes. He was a part of the Wild Hunt.
“Oh, I do not think so,” Lanthys seethed. “I rode in the Wild Hunt before you were even a scrap of existence, witch from Oorid. I summoned the hounds and the world cowered at their baying. I galloped at the head of the Hunt, and Fae and beast bowed before us.”
But what is Lanyths actually? Cassian gives us this information. He is a First God.
Cassian took a bite of food. A good sign that this, at least, was acceptable territory. “When you lived in the human world, you had legends of the dread beasts and faeries who would slaughter you if they ever breached the wall, didn’t you? Things that slithered through open windows to drink the blood of children? Things that were so wicked, so cruel there was no hope against their evil?” The hair on her neck rose. “Yes.” Those stories had always unnerved and petrified her. “They were based on truth. Based on ancient, near-primordial beings who existed here before the High Fae split into courts, before the High Lords. Some call them the First Gods. They were beings with almost no physical form, but a keen, vicious intelligence. Humans and Fae alike were their prey. Most were hunted and driven into hiding or imprisonment ages ago. But some remained, lurking in forgotten corners of the land.” He swallowed another mouthful. “When I was nearing three hundred years old, one of them appeared again, crawling out of the roots of a mountain. Before he went into the Prison and confinement weakened him, Lanthys could turn into wind and rip the air from your lungs, or turn into rain and drown you on dry land; he could peel your skin from your body with a few movements. He never revealed his true form, but when I faced him, he chose to appear as swirling mist. He fathered a race of faeries that still plague us, who thrived under Amarantha’s reign—the Bogge. But the Bogge are lesser, mere shadows compared to Lanthys. If there is such a thing as evil incarnate, it is him. He has no mercy, no sense of right or wrong. There is him, and there is everyone else, and we are all his prey. His methods of killing are creative and slow. He feasts on fear and pain as much as the flesh itself.”(acosf)
So we learn quiet a few things from this quote.
Lantys is a first god.
First gods were near-primordial beings who existed before the High Fae split into courts, before the high lords.
They were beings with almost no physical form, but a keen, vicious intelligence.
But some First gods remained, lurking in forgotten corners of the land.”
Now how this connects to Mor? The Mor's acofas chapter.
In Mor's chapter we have this:
But Mor scented nothing, saw nothing. The tendril of power she speared toward the woods revealed only the usual birds and small beasts. A hart drinking from a hole in an iced-over stream. Nothing, except—.There, between a snarl of thorns. A patch of darkness. It did not move, did not seem to do anything but linger. And watch. Familiar and yet foreign. Something in her power whispered not to touch it, not to go near it. Even from this distance. Mor obeyed. But she still watched that darkness in the thorns, as if a shadow had fallen asleep amongst them. Not like Azriel’s shadows, twining and whispering. Something different. Something that stared back, watching her in turn. Best left undisturbed. Especially with the promise of a crackling fire and glass of wine at home. “Let’s take the short route back,” she murmured to Ellia, patting her neck. The horse needed no further encouragement before launching into a gallop, turning them from the woods and its shadowy watcher. Over and between the hills they rode, until the woods were hidden in the mists behind them. What else might she see, witness, in lands where none in the Night Court had ventured for millennia?(acofas)
She sees a shadows... and what we know about the first gods? with almost no physical form.
It stares back at her, watching her...and what we know about the first gods? but a keen, vicious intelligence.
She was in the lands where none in the Night Courth had ventured for Millennia... what we know about the first gods? lurking in forgotten corners of the land.
Did she saw a First God? Are there more like it? Why mor was the one to see it? This is where her connection to Wild Hunt comes from? She is connected to Wild Hunt? Maybe she is going to be the leader of the Wild Hunt?
Let's not forget that in Wild Hunt myth there are valkyries.
The Wild Hunt is a folklore motif occurring across various northern European cultures. Wild Hunts typically involve a chase led by a mythological figure escorted by a ghostly or supernatural group of hunters engaged in pursuit. The leader of the hunt is often a named figure associated with Odin in Germanic legends, but may variously be a historical or legendary figure like Theodoric the Great, the Danish king Valdemar Atterdag, the dragon slayer Sigurd, the WelshpsychopompGwyn ap Nudd, biblical figures such as Herod, Cain, Gabriel, or the Devil, or an unidentified lost soul or spirit either male or female. The hunters are generally the souls of the dead or ghostly dogs, sometimes fairies, valkyries, or elves.
and Mor in acosf suggested that she might join them.
Mor’s brows bunched. “So you really are learning Valkyrie techniques.” Nesta nodded. They’d been so busy during their dancing lessons that the details of training hadn’t come up. Mor grinned. “You mind if I start joining you once this business with Vallahan is over? I never got to train with the Valkyries before the first War, and after it, they were all gone.”
So Mor as the leader of the Wild Hunt?
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daifauxx · 9 months
chat I think I’m perganant
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theplottdump · 1 year
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At some point when I split off to start writing a ghost story for Olive, Hinoki got perganate again and was almost ready to give birth when I got back.
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Ball is Life.
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Being a famous celebrity has some perks, she had a whole fleet of Doctors!
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Lots of bouncing on the exercise ball later and it's epidural and go time!
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Hinoki: Please remove this object from me!
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pregnancykink · 1 year
is dean perganant
Is he gregnant?????
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orpheusilver · 1 year
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uhman-duh · 2 years
have u ever been perganate?
I’ve been to Purgatory yes
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the-observer-squip · 27 days
No I'm not >:(
If I weren't bound I'd bite you.
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pagerunner-j · 1 month
I just filled out an intake form for something that was entirely in text...except for this question. It's been illustrated as if to suggest that without it, no one would know what the essential word here means.
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I really hope this isn't how someone discovers that they're perganant. ...sorry, pregante.
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Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide Market: Industry to Grow with an Impressive CAGR 2031
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Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide market has experienced dynamic transformations in recent years, anticipated to remain an investible domain for investors in the projected time. The market is propelled by consumer preferences, regulatory parameters, and advancements in technology. Concurrently, the surge in automation has favored Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide market share expansion. Advancements in manufacturing technologies have made the Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide market viable and accessible, which is further expected to contribute to market growth.
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Regional Insights
The report attempts to explore both global and regional market aspects through authorized sources. Regional share, trends, key market players, and future scope are perks under this section.
Segmental Coverage
Polymerization Initiator
Chemical Synthesis
Curing Agent
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North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
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Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Akzo Nobel
Jiangsu Peixing Chemical
Plasti Pigments
Tokyo Chemical Industry
United Initiators GmbH
Haihang Industry Co., Ltd.
Salsbury Chemicals, Inc.
Other key companies 
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