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spookyrobbins · 2 years ago
re reading smbr and wow the amount of detail and effort that must've gone into constructing the timeline is insane, like your fics just keep getting better and better. i love your stuff so much and really hope you're dropping a banger soon xxx
i don't think everyone understands how much i hate math and how much math i did for smbr, that's how much i love smbr, i did math
but yeah, there were spreadsheets at one point to try and keep everything straight. and lots and lots of research especially for the childhood stuff so the references are all in line. but i'm a history nerd, so that part was fun. and tbh i think smbr might be one of my most favorite tims, so all of the tim scenes in the first part were so much fun to write
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buckiegotit · 2 months ago
New Earth Network Initiative leverages the St. Mary’s Biosphere Reserve to drive Economic Activity
Published 25 December 2024 Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Earth Network Initiative leverages the St. Mary’s Biosphere Reserve to drive Economic Activity Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, December 23, 2024 (UNESCO National Commission) – The Federation’s St. Mary’s Biosphere Reserve (SMBR) in Cayon, St. Kitts and Nevis, has been the focus of vigorous…
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transpublikid · 4 months ago
Rayakan HUT Emas Ke-50, Semen Baturaja Sinergi Membangun Keberlanjutan
Rayakan HUT Emas Ke-50, Semen Baturaja Sinergi Membangun Keberlanjutan
Sumbagut – Menginjak usia emas, PT Semen Baturaja Tbk (SMBR), selaku anak usaha dari PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG), terus menunjukkan komitmen untuk mendukung pembangunan nasional dan menjaga kualitas produk yang unggul. Berkat inovasi teknologi yang diterapkan dalam proses produksi yang semakin ramah lingkungan dan dukungan dukungan dari semua pihak, SMBR mampu mempertahankan posisinya…
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lahore-division-updates · 1 year ago
With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390.
LAHORE, Jan. 14:
The roads surrounding the Shahdara Chowk have been completed 100 percent. Beautiful plants, landscaping and drainage work have also been completed 100 percent. Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi along with the Provincial Cabinet paid a detailed visit to the Shahdara Flyovers project in a severe cold weather. CM along with the Provincial Ministers inspected the beautification work of Shahdara Chowk. Mohsin Naqvi commended Commissioner Lahore / DG LDA, contractor and DG PHA on the 100 percent completion work of Shahdara Chowk Flyovers project. He inspected the surrounding roads and appreciated the high quality of work. CM lauded the landscaping and remarked that thanks to Allah Almighty that Shahdara Chowk has become beautiful like Gulberg today. Mohsin Naqvi while talking with the media stated that the Bund Road was a project of two years, we are trying to complete in 120 days. A specific temperature is required for putting asphalt and we are facing difficulties due to severe weather. We will give good news to the journalists in coming 72 hours. We will give good news to the professional journalists of the whole Punjab. Those Press Clubs who have not been granted funds will also be awarded funds. Azfar Ali Nasir is continuously monitoring the project and seldom goes to his house. We will open Mayo Hospital in coming 7 days. The next government will oversee all the projects. We will have to obey whatever the court gives its verdict. CM apprised that model police stations will not only be seen in Lahore but in the whole Punjab. The last police station of Rajanpur will also look like the Police Station of Lahore. Mohsin Naqvi revealed that land record system has been digitalised and the credit goes to Commissioner Lahore and SMBR in this regard. The people will not have to pay additional amount due to digitalisation of the Land Record System. Provincial Ministers SM Tanveer, Mansoor Qadir, Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, Bilal Afzal, Secretaries of Information, C&W, Commissioner Lahore / DG LDA, CCPO, CTO, DG PHA, officials of NHA, COO CBD, officials of NESPAK, MD WASA, CEO LWMC and concerned officials were also present on the occasion.
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vortexshadowend · 1 year ago
Ns prfndz ngtc d ntd d nvmbr, nvcms s frcs smbrs pr dr nícs trm snstr d mldç d Ncls. Qs plvrs sblnts s s nts mlncólc d SynthszngRlty srm cm prlúd pr dnc mldt q s dnrlrá. Q cd sm sj m l n crrnt q prnd Ncls dstn cml trçd pll mldç q nvlv. Sb nflnc tnbrs d Mlr, tcl d smbrs, q s smbrs s prfndm, nvlvnd cd pss d Ncls m m vé d dsprr. Q Yntr, rqtt d dscnhd, dt s lns trts d dstn d Ncls. Q st nrrtv d mldç s dnrl cm trgédd sbr, nd cd plvr scrtd e cd nt tcd slm dstn nxr d Ncls. Sss sj, q mldç s nci c trvés ds crrdrs d tmp, trnsfrmnd rldd m m psdl ntrlçd. N bscurdd d n, cdg dbíc 777XDPQ23 cnad, lçnd mldç snstr sbr prjt Mrcscmc d Ncls. Cd nt rss cm mlncl ds smbrs, slnd s sort n m bsm d nfrtns mprvsvs. Prtl smbrs s brm, nvlvnd- m dslnç, nqnt mstr ds smbrs, Mlr, dnc cm Yntr, cntrlrd ds smbrs. O dstn d Ncls é ltrd, s crtvd dsnc, tds s cntrts ftr cm nflnts d psytrnc s lçds n sqcimnt zr. Rd d frtn vrt-s, cndzd Ncls m qd nxr scurdd.
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shahananasrin-blog · 2 years ago
[ad_1] LAHORE:Senior Member Board of Revenue (SMBR) Nabil Javed has issued directives for retrieving state land from squatters. A meeting was held in the committee room, which was chaired by Senior Member Board of Revenue (SMBR) Nabil Javed here Tuesday. The gathering saw the attendance of distinguished officers from Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA), Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Directorate of Land Records (DLR), and other relevant officials. During the meeting, Senior Member Board of Revenue Nabil Javed reviewed the state land management system under the Directorate of Land Records (DLR). He issued a series of directives aimed at streamlining processes and ensuring transparency. The foremost among these directives was a clear instruction to retrieve government land from squatters. SMBR emphasised the zero-tolerance towards corruption and nepotism within the land acquisition system. In a bid to enhance efficiency, he mandated the swift dissemination of all rules and regulations related to land acquisition management to all Deputy Commissioners (DCs). He urged the timely registration of those areas that are yet to complete their online registration, underlining the urgency of this task. [ad_2]
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luluuchi · 3 years ago
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em-bandaid-boy · 4 years ago
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I was looking at Scandinavian Christmas traditions to adapt some for my fake country and it all sounds rlly cozy and fun
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spookyrobbins · 2 years ago
it's summer which means i can finally start reading the soulmate fic!!!! pumped to be back on the calzona wave. i'm kinda stressed about navigating it though, cuz how do i bookmark it it's a one shot 🥲🥲🥲
happy summer and welcome back!!
1. i keep meaning to getting around to breaking it into pieces haha so may need to get on that
2. i’d recommend using ao3 - since that one is in 3 parts and it’s searchable! it’s all sectioned out by date so if you just note what date section you’re on, you should be in good shape!
pls pls send me all your thoughts !!
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miscsinners · 1 year ago
Ignore any denial on Peach's part. She's 100% Bowser Junior's mom and everybody knows it. Hell, I wouldn't surprised if all of the koopa kids are hers.
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"I would be proud if such big strong koopas were my children~."
She's neither confirming nor denying that they are, like a true politician. But really with how much Bowser has blasted her womb full of over the years it would be weirder if she hadn't gotten knocked up with at least that many koopa kids. Big and strong as they are, taking after their supreme king stud of a father well and learning all about how to treat sluts like their (alleged) mother. Not that Peach would eeever condone kidnapping, even for them. Deeefinitely not.
Technically speaking since she's the princess and they're her children that means the oldest among them has full claim to her kingdom, provided Bowser hasn't already taken over anyway. Bowser Jr will be a king twice over. And he'll have this hot piece of ass milf as much as he wants, too. Not that he doesn't already, as easy as she is.
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pojokinvestasi · 5 years ago
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SMBR - Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk
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transpublikid · 1 year ago
Peringati Bulan K3 Nasional 2024, Semen Baturaja Menggelar Apel dan Berbagai Perlombaan
Peringati Bulan K3 Nasional 2024, Semen Baturaja Menggelar Apel dan Berbagai Perlombaan
PALEMBANG | TRANSPUBLIK.CO.ID, 19 Januari 2024 – PT Semen Baturaja Tbk (SMBR) selaku anak usaha PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) kembali menggelar Bulan Keselematan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Nasional. Bulan K3 Nasional diperingati setiap tahunnya, dimulai dari tanggal 12 Januari hingga 12 Februari, dengan tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan terhadap norma K3 di lingkungan…
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peterneptune16 · 4 years ago
!!Minor Spoilers Ahead!!
Basically When team SMBR (Somber, I am calling them that) bumped into each other
Marrow, Robyn, Qrow:
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lahore-division-updates · 1 year ago
With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390.
Lahore, January 06:
A model e- Registration system for the transfer of land in Punjab has been introduced. Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi inaugurated the first e- Registration Model Centre of Punjab located at LDA Plaza Kashmir Road today. Sub- Registrar offices of Ravi Town, Samanabad Town and Data Gunj Baksh Town have been shifted for the facilitation of citizens at the e- Registration Model Centre.CM ordered to complete further two e- Registration Centres at Raiwind and Shalimar by 31st January. Mohsin Naqvi conducted a detailed visit of the e- Registration Model Centre and inspected the e-Registration system for the transfer of land. He directed to formulate a system for the payment of online fee for the facilitation of citizens. Mohsin Naqvi also visited the branch of Punjab Bank at the e- Registration Centre. He inspected the Sub Registrar offices of Ravi Town, Samanabad Town and Data Gunj Baksh Town established at the centre. CM conversed with the citizens who came for their transfer of land and inquired about the e- Registration system. He quered Garhi Shahu citizen present at the e- Registration Model Centre as whether anyone asked him for money for the registry.The citizens by appreciating the e- Registration system replied no money was been taken and the registration system is much simplified and easier now. Mohsin Naqvi revealed that the land transfer process of all the three towns will be done under a single roof at the e- Registration centre. The people will get rid of frequently visiting the offices for their transfer of land. The land transfer process will become transparent with the establishment of e- Registration centre and corruption will be eliminated. E- Registration Centres will be established in every Divisional Headquarter of Punjab. First e- Registration Centre has been inaugurated in Lahore while other two centres will be completed soon. I will review the pace of work by visiting the Shalimar and Raiwind Centres. All phases of e- registry will be completed in a short span of time at the e- Registration Model Centre. CM lauded the performance of Senior Member Board of Revenue, Punjab Land Record Authority, administration and his team on the issuance of e- Registration system. SMBR and DG PLRA gave a detailed briefing about the land transfer process under the e- Registration system. CM while talking with the media after inaugurating the first e-Registration Centre in Lahore apprised that manual registry will not be carried out now and so far 2 lakh 21 thousand registries have been done. A ban has been imposed on doing manual registry in Lahore as only e-Registry will be done. Excellent facilities have been provided to the citizens in the e- Registration Centre. He informed that he has inaugurated one e- Registration Centre in Lahore while two more e- Registration Centres will be established in Shalimar Town and Raiwind. I have directed the Deputy Commissioner to complete both e- Registration Centres by 31st January. BoP facility has been provided in the e- Registration Centre and will soon provide NADRA facility as well. CM stated that tax evasion will be eliminated with the establishment of e- Registration Centres. I visited the Data Gunj Baksh Town Registry Office some time earlier. The office condition was highly deplorable and their was no place to sit. Then it was decided to improve the condition of e- Registration office. Everyone worked hard and the credit goes to SMBR who worked day and night. Comfortable facilities will be provided to the people at the e-Registration Centre and they will also be saved from fraud. He said that pending applications will be highlighted on the dashboard. The registry process will not be delayed with the establishment of e- Registration Centre and registry will be done on the spot. In reply to question Mohsin Naqvi stated that neither he cares for protocol nor for criticism. A criticism can be done on many things and has no issue with the criticism. If I had cared for criticism then I would not have done any work. The complaints about corruption will be eliminated with the e
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mrsgenxdg · 6 years ago
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Azizi Riviera. To book your unit with only 1% please contact +971504305209 #dubai #dubairealestate #dubaiyacht #realestatedubai #investindubai #millionaire #billionaire #makemoney #riviera #azizi #aziziriviera #milliondollarlisting #newdowntown #dubaidowntown #dubaicanal #meydan #smbr https://www.instagram.com/p/BuGKe9Mnx28/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fl7xb0ahn273
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yataba888 · 4 years ago
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