#smart toothbrushes
mygentledentistau · 4 months
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willowser · 7 months
aww aww katsuki coming home to find you and your kiddos in the kitchen, a disarray of gingerbread and icing and candies spread out across the dining room table.
you'd managed to dye your daughters frosting pink, and she's jumping up and down on her tippy-toes when she sees him, grinning so hard the tendons in her neck are straining. she'd wanted to build and decorate her own gingerbread house this year, but so far she's spent the last twenty minutes being very particular about only the first wall.
"daddy!" she leans her head all the way back when he puts his hand on her face, giggling beneath his palm with her little squished nose. "look at mine, look at mine!"
your wobbly son jumps up in his own chair, using the table as leverage to balance himself as he lets out a squeal of gibberish that vaugely sounds like an echo of what his sister is saying. at the excited pitch in his voice, her head whips around, free from katsuki's grip as her brows furrow.
"he's not even decorating anything," she protests—and she's not wrong; whatever your little boy is doing hardly classifies as 'decorating', and is more like 'eating all the frosting he can before getting caught'. there is a mess of sugar dried all around his mouth.
still, your son squeals in his chair, jumping up and down with even more energy when you place a hand on his butt, in case he slips. the promise of you only encourages him, and katsuki reaches across the table to snatch him up when he tries to get his little knee up on the surface.
your daughter's frown grows; sharing attention remains a soft spot for her. instead of saying anything, she only makes an annoyed little sound and presses her cheek into her dad's hip.
"stuff's gonna give you cavities," katsuki murmurs, though he picks up a few red and green candies and shares them with your already sugary boy—who hums happily. "need a toothbrush for christmas."
"no," your daughter pulls back and tugs on his belt loops, sneering up at him playfully when he pinches her nose. "you have cavities!"
katsuki makes a point to bare his teeth at her, and then presses his forehead to his son and does the same until they're both giggling. "ain't me, bighead,"
"you're a bighead!"
"yeah, 'n i am big, so what's your excuse?" a wicked little grin splits his face when she starts swinging on him, and he deposits your son into your lap before scooping her up off her feet, her girlish scream vibrant and happy in the space around you.
katsuki waits until she calms down a bit, holding her to his chest like a baby, before coming around the table to get a good look at her little pink masterpiece. he presses his mouth into her hair, like he does with you, and her little ruby eyes sparkle when he murmurs, "looks good, kid,"—just to her and only to her.
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willcodehtmlforfood · 5 months
"According to a recent report published by the Aargauer Zeitung (h/t Golem.de), around three million smart toothbrushes have been infected by hackers and enslaved into botnets. The source report says this sizable army of connected dental cleansing tools was used in a DDoS attack on a Swiss company’s website. The firm’s site collapsed under the strain of the attack, reportedly resulting in the loss of millions of Euros of business."
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kiseiakhun · 11 months
Anyway, I think the worst thing Geoff Johns did to Hal's character is that he just made him boring. The fun thing about Hal is that he's the worst man to walk the earth. He's a trainwreck in the making. Every day he wakes up and thinks nothing and makes 20 awful decisions and messes up everything and goes to sleep content in a job well done and it's great. Hal is the Worst Man Ever™. He's a donkey in human form. By all means his personality and skillset makes him the perfect supervillain but he's a hero and he's imperfect and he claws himself back from the brink long after most people would've given up because that's who he is. That's at the core of his character. Even when he's below rock bottom, he never gives up, and god does he hit it, over and over again.
Johns just... erased all that complexity by making Hal the bestest greatest most precious lanterny lantern ever. Suddenly everyone loves him and treats parallax as just a 'hehe! Whoops!' and it sucks because if you take away the fact that Hal is a garbage human being he's just BORING. He's just a boring stereotypical stoic superhero. Who wants to read that! Who wants to read about Universe's Best Most Precious Greatest Man Gets Praised And Solves Every Problem And Is Never Wrong. Like at least when batman does it they try to give us a detective story. Usually it's not a good detective story but they at least try. Hal doesn't need to do detectiving. He can solve pretty much anything with the ring on his finger. He's invulnerable and powerful and perfect and let's be real, at this point he barely has a secret identity. There's nothing adding stakes to the story, not when Hal the best boy is here.
It's so fucking boring!! It's genuinely an injustice to his character. Hal's much more interesting when he makes every single bad decision, ever, and then has to dig himself out of the hole that he dug. That's someone I can root for. That's a character I can develop complex feelings about. If you just hand me the perfect being in creation I feel nothing. I'm already bored.
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glitchypsi · 5 months
i think more dumb unnecessarily internet connected devices getting hacked to become botnet zombies that deliver devastating attacks is a good thing actually. maybe then so-called "innovators" will realize not every single damn thing HAS to be internet-connected
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revengeromance · 10 months
you don’t need an app to brush your teeth you don’t need Bluetooth to jerk off not every device needs to be “smart”
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imblocking-you · 7 months
#death's game#netflix#love seeing their different fighting styles actually#oh my god lee do hyun will be here right?#i just know he's about to make me cry#any drama he's in is bound to be a fucking tearjerker lol#LOVE THAT THE SHORT GUY CAME BACK FOR HIM WHAT A REAL ONE#not the sharpened toothbrush 💀#HELP HES SO SMART W THE GHOST STORY AND SHIT LMFAO#HAHAHAHHA STRAWBERRY MILK BEST REVENGE#yeah aint no way they're letting him go like that lol#NAABUTAN NIYANG TUMATAWAG PERO 'DI NIYA SINAGOT ARGHH#i feel like taesang is constantly gonna get sniped 😭😭#4 days?? right okay the deaths are pretty close to each other anyway#i forgot his og name but you gotta be more vigilant with how you handle the consequences of your alterations and life after the og death 💀#GIRL WHAT IK THERE WAS A REASON THE ASSAILANT WAS MOMENTARILY CONCEALED FROM US HE'S THE DAD NAUR HE GOT THE WRONG GUY#INJUSTICE AFTER INJUSTICE NAURRRHFSOSKS#ITS THE MULLET FRIEND OMG PLS#GOSH FUCK I KNEW HE WAS FUCKING FISHY THE WAY HE SWITCHED UP COWARD!!#OH MY GOF THIS IS ALL SO FRUSTRATINGLY FUNNY#right like he's so smart and stupid at the same time GIRL HUST GET IT YOUR MOMMA IS SAD AB YOUR DEATH PLS#eto na 'yung nakita ko sa tiktok HAHAHAHAHA 'why are you in such a hurry?' oh death is fucking taunting you fr#HAHAHAHAHA BYE BYE TEN BILLION IN 4 DAYS#i love how theyre continuing the storyline if who i assume is jisu in the beginning of the episodes like yeah it looks like something we de#need to address lol#the frustration i get in this drama is on par with dont pick up boyfriends except the mc there has more tact and more tragedy going for him#same house layout as hyeoksu's??#abusive + neglectful PICK A STRUGGLE DAMN#OH MY GOD THEYRE INSANE#not every life being a moral story 😭
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lavellenchanted · 11 months
not to sound like a boomer but I think when toothbrushes have artifcial intelligence and bluetooth we might be taking technology a little bit too far
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luckyredeyes · 2 years
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ralfmaximus · 5 months
According to a recent report published by the Aargauer Zeitung (h/t Golem.de), around three million smart toothbrushes have been infected by hackers and enslaved into botnets.
The most cyberpunk thing on your dash today.
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oralcare-toothbrush · 4 months
Elevate Your Oral Care Routine with a Smart Electric Toothbrush
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The evolution of oral care technology has led to the emergence of smart electric toothbrushes, transforming the way we approach dental hygiene. These innovative devices combine cutting-edge features, connectivity, and customized settings to revolutionize the brushing experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the features and advantages of incorporating a smart electric toothbrush into your daily oral care routine.
Personalized Brushing Experience: Smart electric toothbrushes are equipped with built-in sensors and artificial intelligence technology that monitor your brushing habits and provide real-time feedback. These devices can track your brushing duration, coverage, and pressure, offering personalized recommendations to help you achieve a more thorough and effective clean. With customizable brushing modes and intensity levels, you can tailor your brushing experience to suit your specific oral care needs.
Interactive Connectivity: Many smart electric toothbrushes are designed to sync with mobile applications, creating a seamless interactive experience. Through the app, you can track your brushing data over time, set goals, and receive oral care tips and guidance. Some toothbrushes even feature gamification elements to make brushing more engaging and enjoyable, encouraging consistent oral care practices.
Advanced Cleaning Technology: Smart electric toothbrushes utilize advanced cleaning technologies, such as sonic vibrations or rotating brush heads, to remove plaque and debris with precision. The combination of smart features and high-tech cleaning mechanisms ensures a superior cleaning performance, leading to improved gum health, fresher breath, and a brighter smile.
Conclusion: Investing in a smart electric toothbrush is a smart choice for those seeking a comprehensive and personalized approach to oral care. With features that promote optimal brushing techniques, interactive connectivity for tracking progress, and cutting-edge cleaning technologies, a smart electric toothbrush can elevate your oral care routine to new heights. Experience the future of oral hygiene with a smart electric toothbrush and enjoy a cleaner, healthier smile.
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hiramnoriega · 5 months
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appliancehouse · 6 months
New Post has been published on Appliance House Blog
New Post has been published on https://blog.appliancehouse.co.uk/smart-tech-santa-forgot-your-guide-to-the-best-post-christmas-splurges/
Smart Tech Santa Forgot: Your Guide To The Best Post Christmas Splurges!
Ah, the joys of the holidays, endless feasts, snug evenings by the fire, and of course, the glorious Christmas cash! Now, as we bid farewell to the festive season and set our sights on the New Year, it’s time to put that leftover holiday moolah to good use. And what better way than investing in gadgets that not only sparkle but also contribute to your well-being!
First up, on the health-conscious tech train. is none other than the wonder-watches from Garmin. Let’s talk about the Garmin Lily Smartwatch, a sleek, elegant timepiece that doubles as your wellness guru. Ladies, rejoice! With features like women’s health tracking, hydration reminders, and stress tracking, this little gem becomes your personalized health whisperer. This stylish smart watch isn’t bulky, it’s lightweight and dainty making it perfect for casual wear and smart attire.
For the fitness enthusiasts, the Garmin Venu 2 GPS Smartwatch is a powerhouse. It’s not just about tracking steps; it’s about following HIIT workouts, tapping into Garmin coach for tailored training, and even embracing the art of calming breath work to tame stress. It’s like having a personal trainer and a zen master on your wrist. The number of features is quite staggering, take a look here to see just how smart this watch really is!
In the quest for a post-holiday health boost, let’s not overlook the game-changer for brighter smiles and healthier gums; The Aeno DB1S Smart Sonic Toothbrush. Say goodbye to mundane brushing routines and welcome a new era of dental care. This sonic wonder isn’t just about cleaning teeth, it’s a whole dental spa rolled into one sleek device as it offers 12 cleaning functions including massage, gum care, and white mode! It is also proven to remove plaque ten times more effectively than manual brushing. Talk about a reason to switch to sonic toothbrushing!
Now, let’s weigh in, literally, with the Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale! This isn’t your average bathroom scale; it’s a fitness companion that goes beyond numbers. Bluetooth-enabled and equipped with advanced sensors, it measures more than just weight! It calculates BMI, body fat percentage, body water percentage, and more. It’s the perfect sidekick for those gearing up to conquer their health goals in 2024 and beyond. And the best part? It’s family-friendly, storing data for up to 16 users, making it an inclusive tool for everyone’s journey to wellness.
But what about staying warm while being energy-efficient? Enter the Aeno Premium Eco 700W Infrared Smart Heater. Not just any heater, mind you, it’s a marvel of infrared heating technology! Infrared is a radiant heat, like the sun, which means it heats objects and not the air in between. Its efficiency will leave you cozy without burning a hole in your wallet!
Its modern design, smart climate control and flexible installation options make it a sleek addition to any room. We love the fact it can be controlled manually using the side touch, LED controls or, you can control and schedule your heating times to come on at a time to suit your lifestyle using the Aeno App!
And the cherry on top, all these health-boosting, life-enhancing products are readily available at our store, Appliance House. Treat yourself or your loved ones to the gift of well-being. After all, what better way to spend that Christmas stash than on gifts that keep on giving and a step towards a healthier, happier you!
So, why wait? Step into the future of well-being with our curated selection of smart tech. Let’s bring in the New Year with a touch of tech, a dash of health, and a whole lot of cheer!
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icpa · 6 months
Unraveling the world of toothbrushes: From ancient origins to modern must-haves | ICPA Health Products Ltd.
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We all know and love our toothbrushes. They help us get rid of that yucky stuff on our teeth, prevent cavities (with the help of toothpaste), and make our breath smell fresh. But did you know there’s more to learn about them? Let’s explore some interesting facts about toothbrushes.
When you’re picking a toothbrush, buy a standard toothbrush from a reputed company that follows the guidelines published by the American Dental Association. The toothbrush range from ICPA Health Products follows the ADA guidelines.
Toothbrushes have been around for a very long time, like 5,000 years! They didn’t look like today’s toothbrushes, though. In ancient times, people used things like small sticks with frayed ends to clean their teeth. Over time, toothbrushes changed and were made from bones, wood, or ivory handles with tough bristles from animals. The toothbrush we use today with nylon bristles was invented in 1938.
Surprisingly, the first mass-produced toothbrush was created by a man in jail. In 1770, a guy named William Addis got locked up for causing trouble. While in prison, he saw other inmates using rags covered in soot or salt to clean their teeth. So, he saved a bone from his dinner, got some bristles from a guard, and made a toothbrush by poking holes in the bone and sticking the bristles in with glue. After he got out of jail, he improved his idea and started a company, and that company, Wisdom Toothbrushes, still exists in the United Kingdom today.
When it comes to choosing between a regular and an electric toothbrush, it doesn’t make a big difference for your teeth. What’s really important is to brush twice a day for two minutes with fluoride-containing toothpaste. Both types of brushes can clean your teeth well, so it’s up to you to choose the one you like. If using a regular brush is hard for you, you might find an electric one more comfortable. Ask your dentist which one is right for you.
There’s no strict rule about whether you should brush or floss first. Your teeth don’t mind which order you do it in, as long as you do both.
When you finish brushing, it’s essential to clean your toothbrush. Just rinse it with water to get rid of toothpaste and bits of food. Keep it standing up so it can air dry. If you store your toothbrush with others, make sure they don’t touch it to avoid spreading germs. And don’t put it in a closed container because that can make it a cozy home for unwanted bacteria.
Remember to change your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles look worn out. An old toothbrush won’t do a good job of cleaning your teeth.
Whether you use a regular or electric toothbrush, go for one with soft bristles. Brushes with hard or medium bristles can hurt your gums and enamel. When you brush your teeth, be gentle. You don’t need to scrub hard; just brush enough to remove the stuff on your teeth. The fluoride in your toothpaste will do the rest of the work.
ICPA toothbrushes come in three groups, based on the bristle diameter. Bristles are those tiny, thin, hair-like structures that clean your tooth surfaces.
0.007” diameter bristle, known as a soft toothbrush, is ideal for daily use.
0.006” diameter bristle, known as an ultra-soft toothbrush is ideal for sensitive teeth, post-surgical care, and in cancer patients where brushing can be painful.
0.008” diameter bristle, known as a smart toothbrush, is ideal for those patients, who want a little robust and harder bristles.
And don’t forget: Brush for two minutes, twice a day. Four minutes every day can keep your smile healthy.
Sharing is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to toothbrushes. When you share a toothbrush, you might share germs and bacteria too. This could be a problem if you’re sick or have a weak immune system. So, it’s best to stick to your own toothbrush.
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techgadgetlab · 11 months
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lunaiz4-misc · 1 year
Mwhaha, I have trained my cat to take pills.
Backstory - I have a VERY smart, very weird little cat that has, thus far, been pretty responsive to training. He knows "stand up," "spin," "go through" (jump through my arms - this is supposed to progress to jumping through a hoop but he was having none of that), and "say meow." He also uses communication buttons, and has a keen interest in human goings-on and communication in general. (Like I said, weird little guy. Love him to death.)
Now this cat has to take medication every night. He immediately decided that he doesn't like pill pockets, so I had to resort to opening his mouth and shoving the thing down there. He doesn't like this, but he doesn't fight me too hard. Then I thought... I wonder if I can get him to understand that I want him to swallow it, even though it's not food. That would be a lot easier for both of us. So, I offered him one treat, showed him I had more, and then offered the pill and asked him to "take his medicine." Straight down. Perfect. Gave him the rest and made much of him. I wasn't sure if he understood, though, or if he got excited about treats and thought it was one. That worked again last night, but tonight he took it, spit it out (lol) and tried to get the rest of the treats. When that proved ineffective, he gave me a *look*, let me put it back in his mouth, and swallowed it. FUCK yes. I have to give him the pill regardless, but it's so much nicer if BOTH of us are on board with the operation.
We'll see if I'm able to get a repeat performance, but for tonight, at least, the pill has been taken (if grudgingly), and I didn't have to trick him *or* violate his personal boundaries.
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