#smart home Greece
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projecting-and-sounding-art · 8 months ago
Τι Είναι Τα Αόρατα Ηχεία; Πού Μπορούν Να Τοποθετηθούν;
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Αόρατα Ηχεία
Επιτέλους ποιοτική μουσική υψηλής πιστότητας χωρίς την εμφάνιση ηχείων και καλωδίων !
Τα εξαιρετικά νέα από το μέτωπο της τεχνολογίας έρχονται από πρωτοπόρους κατασκευαστές ηχείων. Τα νέα ηχεία είναι αόρατα, πλήρως εξαφανισμένα από τους όμορφους χώρους που τοποθετούνται και παράλληλα διαθέτουν εκπληκτική ηχητική απόδοση Hi End σε μουσική οποιουδήποτε είδους.
Που μπορούν να τοποθετηθούν τα αόρατα ηχεία
Τα αόρατα ηχεία μπορούν να τοποθετηθούν σε κατοικίες, βίλες, εξοχικά, yachts, ξενοδοχεία, καταστήματα, γραφεία, εταιρίες. Όπου χρειάζεται μουσική κάλυψη, δηλαδή παντού!
Σε εσωτερικούς ή εξωτερικούς χώρους. Σε μεγάλους ή μικρούς, κύριους ή βοηθητικούς χώρους. Σε καθιστικά, τραπεζαρίες, κουζίνες, υπνοδωμάτια, λουτρά, χωλ, lobby, γραφεία playroom, Home Cinema, σε πισίνες.
Τοποθετούνται σε οροφές, δοκάρια, κάθετους τοίχους, κολώνες, εντός επίπλων, πίσω από ξύλινα πάνελ….. δηλαδή περίπου σε οποιοδήποτε χώρο ή σημείο επιθυμείτε.
Η εφαρμογή τους πραγματοποιείται σε επιφάνειες από ξηρά δόμηση (γυψοσανίδες), πλινθοδομή (τούβλα), πορομπετόν (πχ. alfa block, ytong κλπ), σκυρόδεμα, ξύλινες επιφάνειες κ.α.
Δέχονται τελική επικάλυψη από σχεδόν οποιαδήποτε στόκο, χρώμα ή και ταπετσαρία.
Με την εγκατάσταση τους «εξαφανίζονται» αφού επιτρέπουν στην επιφάνεια τους να έρχεται στην ίδια ευθεία, όπου και αν τοποθετήθηκε. Με το πέρας της βαφής ή της επικόλλησης ταπετσαρίας παραμένουν πλήρως αόρατα διατηρώντας άριστα την ηχητική τους απόδοση.
Χρήση αόρατων ηχείων σε έργα με ανάγκες πιστοποιημένων ηχείων PAVA
Με μια νέα σειρά ηχείων που καλύπτουν πλήρως τις αυστηρές προδιαγραφές ΕΝ-54-24 και διαθέτουν όλα τα κατάλληλα έγγραφα & πιστοποιητικά, τα αόρατα ηχεία της Amina Sound μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν σε έργα που απαιτούν ανακοινώσεις ανάγκης και εκκένωσης PAVA (Public Address Voice Alarm)
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Τα αόρατα ηχεία συστήνονται μόνο για ακρόαση μουσικής ή μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν σε συστήματα οικιακού κινηματογράφου;
Τα αόρατα ηχεία δεν έχουν κανέναν περιορισμό χρήσης. Δεν φέρουν καμία ταμπέλα βέλτιστης απόδοσης σε κάποιο είδος μουσικής ή κινηματογραφικών έργων. Μπορούν να εγκατασταθούν για οποιαδήποτε χρήση, σε οποιοδήποτε χώρο και είναι ικανά για οποιαδήποτε είδους αναπαραγωγή, είτε πρόκειται για ακρόαση μουσικής είτε για θέαση κινηματογραφικών έργων
Το κύριο στοιχείο επιλογής τους είναι το είδος της χρήσης που επιθυμείτε να κάνετε. Και αυτό γιατί οι περισσότεροι κατασκευαστές αόρατων ηχείων διαθέτουν συνήθως παραπάνω από μια σειρά διαφορετικών μοντέλων απόδοσης. Συναντάμε ηχεία για χρήση μουσικής χαμηλής έντασης (background music) συνήθως για δευτερεύοντες ή βοηθητικούς χώρους όπως χωλ, διαδρόμους, λουτρά, μοντέλα για ακρόαση μουσικής σε μεσαία ένταση που προορίζονται για σχετικά μεγαλύτερους χώρους όπως υπνοδωμάτια, μικρά καθιστικά, κουζίνες και τέλος ηχεία υψηλής έντασης και απόδοσης για μεγάλα καθιστικά, σαλόνια, Playrooms, Home Cinemas και εξωτερικούς χώρους.
Παρ’όλη τη μεγάλη ποικιλία, όλα τα ηχεία διαθέτουν την ίδια ακουστική ταυτότητα που είναι μείζονος σημασίας για να μην υπολείπεται κανένας χώρος ηχητικά σε σύγκριση με κάποιον άλλον.
Αν πειραματικά εξετάζαμε την απόδοση όλων των μοντέλων σε έναν μεγάλο χώρο θα διαπιστώναμε ως μοναδική διάφορα μεταξύ τους το μέγεθος της έντασης και το ηχητικό βάθος που προσφέρουν τα μεγαλύτερα ηχεία.
Είτε λοιπόν επιθυμείτε έναν δυναμικό αλλά αόρατο οικιακό κινηματογράφο στο σαλόνι σας, είτε την ακρόαση υψηλής ποιότητας μουσικής στον ίδιο χώρο, για να εξασφαλίσετε την πλήρη συχνοτική απόδοση με δυναμικές εντάσεις, προτείνεται πάντα μια ηχητική μελέτη. Αυτή θα σας βοηθήσει τόσο στην επιλογή των κατάλληλων μοντέλων όσο και στην υπόδειξη των βέλτιστων σημείων εγκατάστασης τους, με κέρδος την απολαβή ενός άρτιου ηχητικού αποτελέσματος.
Ανακαλύψτε την ιστορία & την τεχνολογία των αόρατων ηχείων στο νέο μας άρθρο.
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thinkingsmart · 5 months ago
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Steve B. 💜 18350 Everything you are angry about .. is stopping you from being happy. 💫👀💫   https://ift.tt/Qs58cfu
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landossnorriss · 6 months ago
i see you, the puppy addition - ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she. Summary: with all the stress landos dealt with recently, doesn't he deserve a dog?. series links. Word Count: 1.4ishk Warning: just fluff.
he had wanted a dog for as long as she had been dating him, that much she recalled. it had always been a topic every few months, of whether not they thought that they were in a position to have one yet and they always reasoned that they were both too busy to make such a commitment.
then mclaren had surprised him with damn puppies, she had caught him watching the video at least six times now and swiping past the photos he had taken of the small baby boy that he had fallen in love with. it had been a smart and dumb move on their part, to tempt the man in such a way. their pr team deserved a raise though because she hadn't seen one comment about the rough few weeks that lando had had below the video and instead it was all love for how cute he looked.
crawling onto the bed she spread herself out on top of him, her hand nudging the phone away from him. "you're only going to make yourself sadder if you keep looking at him." she mused, reaching to press a kiss to his chin, her own pout matching his as lando sighed under her. "i just wish it was the right time, but even with summer break coming up..." he trailed off and she knew that he was going through the same string of arguments in his head that he always did.
come the morning they were both meant to go and join martin for a string of shows over the week and she knew lando had a string of friends that he wanted to get time with during the break. "you really don't think between us we could make it work?" she asked quietly as she looked back at him. she hadn't been at MTC with him when he'd shot the promo videos but she had been waiting for him at home and the man that had returned to her was the happiest that she had seen him in, well weeks.
"i just don't know how it would be fair." lando muttered.
"not even if charles and lewis make it work?"
"i don't know...i wouldn't want to be a bad dog dad, besides, i doubt he's still there now anyway." the driver muttered as he pressed his lips to her head. "and we're flying out tomorrow."
"actually...i have a job that i had to rearrange to be at one of the races and they can't wait any longer, so i'm going to be a little late to spain, just a day or so." she confessed quietly as she lifted her head to look at him, eyes rolling at the face he was back to looking at the photos on his screen. "it'll happen when its the right time lan."
lando nodded, putting the phone down and rolling them over so that he was looking down at her. she was right, he was already grateful for so much in his life, and they were young they'd have time to be responsible and settle later. "you're right, i'll delete the pictures tonight." maybe, he'd try anyway, right now he was quite content to distract himself as his kisses trailed down her jaw.
there was every chance, that she had taken it too far this time, from the days they had just been friends, she had loved surprising lando. the genuine awe that he wore on his face each and every time even if it was something small had kept her addicted to the habit, but this?
god he was going to kill her.
it felt like she had been travelling none stop all day. on the phone to various different people, bribing the media guys at mclaren for favors and information. bargains made with andrea and zak as she checked a few things over. now she was on her way to greece where she would meet lando and martin and well - he was going to love her or he was going to kill her.
it didn't matter how much the surprise in her hands had cost in large donations and pleading with a family that had been ready to take it that this dog was already spoken for. they had thought she was crazy at first, then they'd bribed her with paddock passes for next years silverstone when she had managed to prove who she was. then lots and lots of paper work had needed to be done so that she could even leave england with her surprise again and it was good job the surprise she held in her hands was cute because she had barely slept with all the excitement.
checking into the hotel, with more bribes to the men behind the counter and promises of very big tips for being such accommodating hosts and she was finally on the home stretch to being able to rest. well, maybe, lando would decide that when she let herself into their room.
"lan? love are you home?" she called as she kicked off her sandals in the door way, her hand clamped over a tiny snout to keep the secret alive for just a moment longer.
"in here!" lando called from the bathroom where he was finishing getting dressed for the day, his attention on the clasp of his watch as the footsteps drew closer to him.
"hi baby." the way in which she said it had lando raising a brow before he had even turned to look at her, she was up to something. spinning in his spot lando paused for a second as he took in her face. guilty. then he heard the small noise that had been ingrained into his brain for the past week and his eyes, shit, they grew misty as he took in the small creature in her arms.
"baby...." he asked cautiously as he took in the sight before him. "what did you do?"
"are you mad at me? please don't be mad, i just, you were so happy lan i haven't seen you smile like that in so long and look." holding up her hands she lifted their new puppy so that he was face to face with lando and she watched as her boyfriend melted before the puppy, hands reaching out to take him from her. "hi little man, i missed you." lando beamed softly as he buried the puppy under his chin, the small creature immediately at ease with the smell he seemed to recognise from lando, little teeth finding the necklace he wore.
"love, we said we didn't have the time for a dog." lando urged but the battle was already won.
"i know i know, but i made a schedule of at least the next three months on the plane over, alex is happy to watch him with leo in the one week that we're both totally unavailable and i spoke to zak and andrea, on the weekends i can't have him, they're happy for him to be at races with you. he's your soul dog lando." she fought back as she stepped into the arm that lando had offered out to her.
"i thought you were flying for work." he chuckled gently as he felt their puppy lick at his hand, moving to do the same to his loves just as quickly. "but i love you so fucking much you know that?" lando wasn't sure, what the hell he'd done in the past to deserve her, but he adored her with his whole heart. "we have a dog. i can't believe you would do this for me."
"we have a dog lan. and i love you, i love you so much there isn't a thing i wouldn't do for you." she beamed, laughing pouring from her as she scratched behind tiny puppy ears. "i also had to give away paddock passes to convince another family not to take him, if you could organise those for me." she muttered quietly earning herself a loud laugh from the driver.
"damn baby, you're something else." but he'd do anything for her, she'd flown for a damn puppy for him. "what are we going to name him?" he asked quietly
"i've been calling him rover, since he's going to be wandering all over the world with us, but we can change it, he's your dog." looking at the pair of them, she knew she had done the right thing, his smile was bad and the puppy was utterly in love with him. now she would always have a little ally in making sure that they kept lando smiling, just the way he was right now as he looked down at her.
"no i love it." lando thought it was perfect, just like his little family. "welcome home little rover, we see you."
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pumpkinbxtch · 10 months ago
hi! I love your Apollo fics sm can I please request a fic we’re the reader is Percy’s older sister and she finds out there’s like a prophecy of her marrying Apollo and then like they eventually meet and fall and love and then what there marriage is like
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𓇼 the sun & the sea 𓇼 〰✷〰
— apollo / lester x daughter of poseidon!reader
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— part i | part ii | part iii | part iv |
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☆ radiostar is playin': hot rod by dayglow...!
summary: There is a prophecy waiting for you to listen to it and although it may not be something you expect or consider possible. You know what they say about prophecies…they can't fail to come true.
warnings: none BUT long read, literally. got out of hand and i couldn't stop writing. that's bad? oh, fuck me, i'm sorry. a/n: i appreciate your request, thank you (although I think I changed it a little, sorry). HEAR ME OUT I feel like I owe a lot of love to those who love Apollo, so that's why I didn't entertain the idea of ​​making this long. Hope you like I know it's long, but I promise I did my best to make it bearable and fun, I swear. 😭
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“The sea and the sun are not far away as they look…”
They told you to stay away from the attic of The Big House, but they never told you why.
“Only he can go up”, they said, and it seemed stupid to you because he was your younger brother; you were supposed to protect him.
“It's very dangerous”, they told you while Annabeth went up, even though you were a couple of years older than her.
“Only if you lead some quest, but…” but no, because as the years went by, they made sure to remind you of your place. They told you that you were powerful, smart, and capable, because, yes, you were Poseidon's firstborn, but not the chosen one. That was Percy, your brother. Did it hurt? Yes, as an older sister, you tend to aspire to greatness and be an example, but you didn't die; you got over it.
“What does it matter? Less work for me” you said as you watched your brother's back on all the missions. Anyway, you ended up stuck in his destiny.
“His destiny. But then, what's mine?” you wondered. Then, when you took a step near Rachel Dare's cave, they stopped you too.
“Dangerous.” You completed the familiar phrase with a look of disgust, avoiding Chiron's eyes. He just looked at you with pity, thinking to himself that if you went in there, you could cause more trouble for your father or Olympus… Or everyone; it would be a war among all the Olympians, something they didn't need with Titan Kronos already on their heels.
Dionysus gave you his typical mocking smile, the same one that made you want to grab the can of Diet Coke and throw it right at his disgusting Christmas-reindeer-red nose.
“It would be so interesting, but we don't need it,” he said as he dragged you away from Rachel with Chiron.
You weren't stupid, you knew there was some good reason. But damn, those fossils were sneaky and never let you get to your redheaded companion, who also avoided you like the plague. Between those two things, you never managed to achieve it. Even less so after you ended up fighting on the Argo II with your new friends, straight from real Greece.
Oh, man, if you had thought Kronos was a damn old grump, Gaea was an old ball-buster. You didn't even have time to think about your future when you didn't know if you had one.
After the second war is when you started to throw in the towel about the future. You realized that the last thing you wanted to know at that moment was whether you would have to fight against twelve more Titans, return to Tartarus, or travel to Alaska again.
New Rome became your new home, and you only waited for Percy to catch up with you along with everyone else. That is, until you returned home to pack new things and didn't find your brother studying just as he should be.
— Mom? — You asked when she came back from shopping.
She gave you that look, and you cursed.
— Relax, he'll be back in a while; he just went to drop off Apollo or well, now he's Lester because apparently he's no longer a god but Zeus…
— Wow. Wait, what?
As a hero of Olympus, touching, seeing, or talking to the gods was never impossible for you; in fact, it was much more usual for your taste, and although you had been through too much already, that was new. So, you found yourself immediately traveling to Long Island Sound on the back of a Pegasus, looking for your brother. You wouldn't let Apollo, Lester, or whatever he called himself now take your brother away to distract him with his godly stuff that surely wouldn't lead to anything good.
— Where's Percy?! — You shouted in the dining hall, making the campers flinch.
Chiron got up from his seat, and from there, he smiled at you, but it only put you in a worse mood.
— Dear, it's been a long journey. Please, sit and eat with us.
You lowered your head without taking your eyes off Chiron and tightened the dagger on your belt. There was no reason for it, you knew, but you couldn't help feeling that fury after knowing everything you had been through. Percy deserved a break.
— Where's my brother? — The pause between words made the campers squirm in their uncomfortable seats. They had heard about you, about everyone. to be exact, in the third lesson of history in their camp classes.
— He left Apollo and Meg in a field not far from here — Chiron decided to sit back down and began to spread the tablecloth nervously. — He probably should have already reached home while you were flying here.
You sighed, and as you relaxed your body, everyone seemed to feel relieved.
— He has exams, Chiron — He nodded, and you made your way to the table where he was.
— In fact, there are problems, and apparently, he promised to come back this weekend — Your eyebrows furrowed again, and Dionysus laughed.
— Girl, shouldn't you be in New Rome?
— I went home for a few more things, also taking the opportunity to see my family, and it turns out that my little brother was helping an ex god who can't fend for himself, risking his studies. — You replied without looking at him — And speaking of brothers, you should control yours, Mr. D.
The god of wine snorted, and you formed a mocking smile. — Insolent.
— Miss Jackson — Chiron intervened, and you softened your gaze toward him — You can stay tonight, you know you're welcome and after all, it's too late to travel on Pegasus.
You didn't argue with them; you'd never put your pegasus in danger. So, for the first time in a long time, you returned to your cabin, the same one you shared with Percy and Tyson for so many years, and you had to admit that you missed him. At dawn, you were preparing to travel, and you left at the moment you thought no one was watching you, how wrong you were because a few meters away, Apollo was hidden behind the cabin piles, admiring you from afar.
— She… — He felt his heart tighten, and his gaze unfocused. He cursed his mortal body for how weak it was.
— Pervert! — Meg shouted, alerting the other campers who turned confused, and Apollo blushed.
— Shut up, I'm not a pervert — He smiled exaggeratedly at the others, pretending a smile and letting them know that everything was fine.
— You saw her — Said a voice behind him once Meg was far enough away to hear. The brunette turned and smiled sheepishly.
— For a second — Apollo replied, avoiding his old friend's gaze; embarrassment nibbled at his body, and it became evident once his cheeks glowed.
Chiron had never seen him… like that, so young, embarrassed, and notably imperfect, but despite Apollo's opinions about his recent change, he thought it suited him well, even found it amusing.
— You remember…
— I remember it well, Chiron — Apollo blushed even more — That's why I didn't approach her; dealing with my father's wrath is enough. Now I don't want to annoy Poseidon or I'll probably wake up dead on the lake shore tomorrow.
He played with the tips of his sneakers as buried them in the rocks on the floor; he looked like a scared little boy, but Chiron didn't judge him.
— I think you know what it means when she's around when you're close.
The ex god didn't want to pay attention, but he knew he was right.
— Although I remember who she is… there’s a problem. I don't remember how to avoid her…— Apollo's blue eyes looked directly at Chiron's, and the urgency on his face told him he was telling the truth. — If I don't know now, it's going to be harder; all I can do is hide if she's near.
— We've lasted many years with this circus, and as much as I respect the lord of the seas, I don't think this will last long. And you know what's more stubborn than a son of the sea god?
— The sea god — Apollo raised his eyebrows in annoyance, and Chiron resisted rolling his eyes.
— Fate, Apollo. You know it well, things are written. The prophecy is still there; it exists, and all we've done is delay the inevitable.
The brunette nodded with annoyance and waved his hand dismissively.
Although he wanted to pretend that he didn't care, the anxiety of what was to come ate at him. He knew very well that it wouldn't take long for you to discover what all these years had been hidden from you. If Apollo reflected better on that, he wasn't sure he wanted to continue keeping it to himself, either, 'cause those years had been torture for him. Yeah, he knew that you weren't yet mature enough for your mind to be stained with the weight of a prophecy that, unlike the others, not had to do with some quest or some imminent danger that threatened the entire world; but now you are in college, he couldn't wait for you to know.
The thing was, your father thought that the one who could be in danger was you, his precious daughter since Apollo was selfish, arrogant, and immature to have been around for eons. Poseidon could not fully explain the reason The Fates had woven such a destiny for you. So, until things had and could happen at the right time, in the right way, he warned Apollo to be close to you and he knew so well that be such an idiot idea to make him angry.
Before his thoughts could swallow him, Apollo shake them off and sigh to Chiron.
— Right now, I have a bigger problem. I think we've found something.
— Where?
— Here — Chiron frowned, and Apollo looked towards the camp's forest. — My dear friend, you have the Grove of Dodona here, in your playground.
Apollo didn't know that of all the decisions he had made in his life, avoid you was the best one he could make, because even if you had met that day or before, with the things that were about to happen to him, he wouldn't come back as half the man he was.
“Things at the moment, in time” the fates whispered in some place.
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plutoasteroids · 3 months ago
In Another Life- PAC
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This reading is allegedly for entertainment purposes only. I am not responsible for any choices made in accordance to my readings!
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This reading is to find out who your past life lover was
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Your past life lover was someone very in control, they had a desire to always protect and be the one to bear all the burdens regardless of if they were male or female. This person felt like home to you they may be coming back as your lover again in this past life there is a soul tie between you both. Anyways, they have a lot of inner strength nothing really tore them down they constantly thrived to be better and honestly most of the time things never worked out for them but they never gave up they kept going, they were always so confident and held themselves with high regard no one could point anything out that could be remotely awful about your person, they were quite likable and attractive and was always the leader never the follower. In this lifetime they are bound to continue striving to be the leader and keep doing the best they can while also balancing being human as in letting themselves feel their emotions instead of living life like they are a robot.
For some of you it could be in the 1800's, In this lifetime they are born in the 90's or you were born in the 90's but 90's holds significance. England, Paris, Germany specifically Berlin, Japan, Switzerland
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Your past life lover was very resourceful they could always turn a situation good or bad in their favour. they are quite smart and cunning, they were the type to run circles around you without you realising until the very end that they tricked you. Because of their ability to be able to talk themselves out of a situation they felt like they didn't need to work for anything. They could just trick anyone into doing whatever. They could have used any means necessary to get their way like their appearance and words which honestly may have led to a lot of issues for them down the line especially financially because eventually people caught up to what they were doing and in a way they were shunned and they needed to find a way to turn things around and change and I don't think they managed to do that in that last lifetime so in this new lifetime they will have to learn to be more humble and hard working instead of using deception to get their way. For some of you there is a chance that you will be with them again this lifetime but for the majority it's very unlikely.
(Bonnie and Clyde as well as Elvis Presly could point to just time eras not that they were affiliated with them but who knows maybe they could have)
England, early to mid 1900's, Elvis Presley, Bonnie and Clyde, France, Germany, World War 1, Cambridge, G@mbling, g@ng affiliation.
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Your past life lover was constantly burdened by one thing or another mostly relating to not having enough money to do something else. Your past life lover may have been a sailor or fisherman and passed away quite young. Whatever they tried to do to make ends meet never seemed to work for them it was just loss after loss. They worked so hard with absolutely nothing to show for it after all that hard work and it was such a frustrating situation for everyone involved because they were always plagued by poverty and never having enough. At the end of the day when all that hard work was over their only source of happiness or peace was YOU. Things never seemed as awful with you around. Things did eventually get better, but it was a long and treacherous battle to getting to that stability and unfortunately, they didn't live long enough to enjoy it. They were plagued by illness at a young age and passed. Unfortunately, in this lifetime I don't see them being your future spouse.
Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, Papyrus, boats, tan skin, white, gold
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year ago
she got this - op81
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pairing: oscar piastri x academic!girlfriend
summary: oscar visits his girlfriends bachelor thesis defending
word count: 1.3k
face claim: phoebe bridgers
warnings: a swear word, some angst - mentions of a panic attack
note: this is for my baby @lissyontour, you got this, pls wish her good luck for today <3
oh and it’s my first oscar fic, hihi, enjoy it
and there is some of the bachelor thesis… i had to include some of it, thanks to chat gpt
masterlist / taglist
Fuck, was she nervous. Her head was spinning and her legs were jelly - no, scratch that - her legs were liquid.
Her eyes were trying to focus on something, just something that would help her back to reality. She knew she was somewhere else right now, somewhere where she shouldn’t be.
Why wasn’t Oscar with her? Why was she alone? This was not how she planned it!
Her heart was beating, she felt it nearly pop out of her chest. It almost hurt. Oscar should’ve been here with her, but a last minute meeting with Zak just threw her plans overboard.
Her breath quickend and her hands searched for the only safe thing she could think of, her phone. Her fingers quickly glided over the screen and Oscars answer made her hold her breath for a second.
Standing in front of the auditorium, the heavy red doors made her uneasy. It’s gonna be time soon.
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Oscar had to hold himself back not to text her that he was actually sitting in the front row and waiting for her to enter the room. He knew it was cruel. But he just had to do it.
He was so much more nervous than her. He watched her write that bachelor thesis for over six months now. At every race she was sitting in his drivers room with at least ten books and her laptop. Only just for the last five laps she came out of the room to watch him race.
He appreciated her coming, she could’ve just stayed at home and studied, but she always came with. Multitasking her way through her studies. And he was so proud of her. There was no way he would miss her final step of the way.
And he knew his cruelty was all worth it, as she stepped into the room and her eyes spotted his. Her whole face lit up and he could almost spot some tears of relief.
„What are you doing here?“, she mouthed. A small smile on her lips. „Supporting you“, he mouthed back, matching her smile.
„Welcome Ms y/l/n!“, her professor welcomed her. „I am exited to hear you defend your bachelor thesis about; How Greek Mythology influenced modern literature.“
She smiled at her favourite teacher and took out her thesis. She closed her eyes for a second, breathed in and out again. She was ready. Oscar knew she studied English literature and oh did that make her sexy.
But he had no idea of Greek Mythology or modern literature by any means. Yes, he read her thesis at least twice, but did his brain understand anything she meant? It did not. Being the smart one was all her job.
„Welcome Professor McAllister, dear colleagues, guests and friends. I hereby welcome you dearly to my defending of my bachelor thesis: How Greek Mythology influenced modern literature.“
Oscar listened intently and always smiled when she looked at him for reassurance. His heart was swelling with proudness. He soon had a girlfriend with a bachelor degree.
„In the vast tapestry of literary evolution, Greek mythology stands as an enduring thread, weaving its timeless narratives into the very fabric of modern literature. As contemporary authors navigate the labyrinth of inspiration, they find themselves entwined with the rich tapestry of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures that originated in ancient Greece.
The resurgence of interest in Greek mythology can be traced to its profound impact on archetypal storytelling. From the lofty heights of Mount Olympus to the depths of the Underworld, these tales resonate with universal themes that transcend temporal and cultural boundaries. Authors draw from the exploits of Zeus, the sagas of heroes like Achilles, and the tragedies of figures like Oedipus to explore complex facets of human nature. The gods' capriciousness mirrors the unpredictable forces that shape our destinies, while the struggles of mortals against divine intervention echo the perennial human quest for agency in the face of cosmic uncertainty.
Prominent literary figures, from James Joyce to J.K. Rowling, have paid homage to Greek mythology, infusing their works with echoes of ancient narratives. The hero's journey, a concept rooted in the mythic structure of heroes like Perseus and Hercules, serves as a narrative template for protagonists in contemporary novels. These echoes are not mere nostalgic nods; they represent a perennial dialogue between past and present, a dialogue in which timeless themes find new expression.
Moreover, the enduring allure of Greek mythology lies in its malleability. Authors wield the myths as allegorical tools to explore issues ranging from power dynamics and hubris to the nuances of morality. The Hydra of Lerna becomes a metaphor for societal challenges that sprout anew when seemingly eradicated, and the labyrinthine trials of Theseus mirror the complexities of modern ethical dilemmas.
In essence, the enduring influence of Greek mythology on modern literature is a testament to the universality of its themes and the perennial resonance of its characters. As authors continue to delve into the wellspring of ancient tales, they discover not relics of a bygone era, but rather a living reservoir of inspiration that fuels the imagination of generations, perpetuating the eternal dance between the ancient and the contemporary.“
Her voice angelic as it could be, drew in people who never even heard of the topic. You didn’t have to be interested in Greek Mythology to listen to her thesis, because she delivered her speech that even Oscar understood and left him wanting to know more about it.
My god was he proud. He was in awe, his beautiful girlfriend standing up there, speaking about her passion and delivering it in a way he never thought she could.
Even the look on Professor McAllister made him proud. She looked at his girlfriend with a proud smile, nodding along with her and reassuring her. She was gonna ace this.
Oscar was snapped out of it when the whole auditorium clapped. She was standing with the biggest smile on that stage. Oscar just had to get a picture of her. His new wallpaper.
„Thank you, Ms y/l/n. This was magnificent! We‘ll just discuss real quick and we‘ll be back with your grade. You can be proud of yourself, Ms y/l/n“, Professor McAllister told the young woman on stage.
And as soon as they left the room, she squealed and ran to Oscar. He opened his arms and let the girl spring into his embrace. „Hi“, he whispered. „Hi“, she whispered back. „I thought you weren’t coming?“
He laughed, a real deep belly laugh. „I had to surprise you!“ She hit his shoulder and said: „I hate you, but I’m glad you came.“
„You did so well, my love. I am so proud of you! We have to celebrate afterwards, anything you want.“
The time together was cut short, when the door opened again and the four professors walked in again. „Ms y/l/n, please, have a seat“, her professor said and pointed to the chair sat in front of the four.
She nervously walked over to them and smiled at them. „No need to be nervous, you did well, you can be proud of yourself.“
They talked stuff Oscar didn’t understand. But when he saw a big smile form on her face, he knew she received the best grade she could’ve. Proud, that’s the only word that came to Oscar’s mind.
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„I love the boys“, she told Oscar. He smiled up at her and said: „I know you do, but only I can celebrate with you today.“ She giggled and would’ve almost kicked her feet, if it weren’t for the others in the room.
Professor McAllister handed y/n her diploma and told her they’d see each other at official ceremony. After that, Oscar and his girlfriend almost sprinted out of the auditorium.
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liked by yninsta, landonorris and 82‘729 others
oscarpiastri how did we get from that to this?
view all 22‘219 comments
yninsta the first one is NOT me, idk where you got this from
user1 weren’t we all at that point during our studies?
user2 yes, yes we were
yninsta glad i wasn’t alone…
oscarpiastri so it was you
yninsta oop-
landonorris congrats, y/n! when we gonna get a lecture about greek mythology from you?
yninsta any day you want
landonorris now?
oscarpiastri no, now she’s busy with me
landonorris ewww, my eyes are scarred, don’t ever come back to the mclaren garage
oscarpiastri i didn’t mean it that way
yninsta he did
landonorris you’re just kids
user3 we love an academic wag
user4 so proud of you, y/n!
mclaren congratulations, y/n, next podium is for you 🍾
yninsta thank you, admin
yninsta thank you, baby
oscarpiastri i am so proud of you, darling
loganseargant i cannot believe i have a friend with a bachelors degree…
yninsta better believe it, american boy
user4 do u even know what a bachelors degree is..?
user5 american slander, we love it
alex_albon we are all proud, y/n
user6 we really are
yninsta thank you all so much, i love you guys so much
georgerussel63 oh no, she’s getting sentimental, let’s stop here guys
@ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall , @darleneslane , @mikauraur , @heartmetaphor , @darleneslane , @ellswilliams , @thxtmarvelchick , @nataliambc , @dontjudgeabookbythecover , @hockeyboysarehot , @thehistoryone
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percabethsong · 1 month ago
I just read your warrior Penelope au post and I love how you explained why Penelope would go in his place because Odysseus is missing his leg, genius
Does it still take Penelope ten years to get back home after the Trojan war or is the timeframe shorter/longer? Is her journey back home similar to what happened in the Odyssey? And if so, does Odysseus get suitors at his door wanting his hand in marriage? How would he hold them off while he waits for his wife to get back home?
Sorry for the questions, late night thoughts go brrrrr
Unfortunately, the ten years journey home still happened, although some changes would be made. I think Circe's would be far more trusting of Penelope since she's a woman, although she would still have turned Penelope's crew into pigs, once Circe saw their captain was a woman and they respected her, she let them go easier and doesn't try to seduce her.
Calypso stays pretty much the same, though, it's Greek Mythology, pretty common to feel attraction to more than one gender.
I imagine Penelope, being Ares champion in this AU, may face things a little more upfront than Odysseus would, even though she's also smart and uses cunning sometimes.
The suitors is an interesting questions! I actually thought about this a lot. It depends how accurate things are with Greek Mythology/history. I often see in this AU Odysseus having suitors, which is a fun concept, but since I'm trying to make a version of this AU that would be more possible in universe (hence Penelope having to use her status as an Amazon to convince people she can fight as a woman, since they were some fem warriors in greek myths or general history, but it was difficult for them to gain people's respect), I would say not exactly. Odysseus already has a heir, and Greek Kings can rule without Queens. However, Odysseus is disabled in this concept, and Ancient Greece was a very ableist society. The exception often made were for war wounds, which Odysseus's wouldn't be considered. Odysseus is still very much capable to rule even if he can't fight, he has a sharp mind and Athena stays by his side helping him, which makes Odysseus a great king. However, it's a very hard thing to be respected as a disabled person in this time, even if it was a bit easier if you were nobility. Because he was the king and had a Amazon ruling by his side, people how doubted him kept their complaints to themselves in the beginning. But without Penelope people starting to question him more, especially after she doesn't return with the crew that left for war, making people more relentless. Then a group of men started to appear at the palaces, demanding Odysseus to choose one of them as an advisor and protector, since the queen had not return to fullfil this role. Odyssey not only very much does not need an advisor and protector, but is also aware of the men true intentions: once he chooses one, he'll be killed in a way that looks like an accident and the man he chose will claim the throne, since Telemachus is still too young to be king.
Regarding how Odysseus would hold them off... Hum, that's a interesting questions. I like to imagine he would invent a lot of little challenges for them, claiming he needs to test the skills of his future advisor, both physical and mental. He would come with a new game ever month. I can also picture him saying he would choose a advisor as soon as he finishes an marble sculpture of Penelope himself, without any help to honour his wife. Every night, though, he breaks a little peace of the stone, having to fix it and buying Penelope time. Or at least hold them down enough until Telemachus is ready to be king.
Don't apologise! I've actually never received these kind questions about a post and it made me really happy!
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bladespark · 2 months ago
Troodontid Worldbuilding Time, GO!
SO, I am working on a story that involves a made-up species of troodontids with human-level intelligence. They have villages, culture, and most importantly for the story, religion. Except it's not "faith-based" because their gods are real and walk among them on a daily basis. The story itself, in fact, follows Death, imagined as the Greek Thanatos, but having an origin far, far older than "ancient" Greece.
But before I get into gods, weaving, dancing and everything else that went into this setting, we have to go back to the start and ask "What is a troodontid?"
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This is. Sort of. It's complicated. "Troodon" is a weird thing because the species name was based on the find of a single tooth, which...that doesn't work terribly well, does it? Troodontid teeth are distinct enough to make knowing the group that tooth belongs to pretty easy, but we don't know anything else about the original, except it must have been related to the rest.
That said, some creatures in the broader group that are lumped together as "troodintids" are VERY well described, with lots of extremely complete fossils. Some of the most complete anywhere, in fact, because some of them have feathers so well preserved that we know what color they were!
Overall Troodontids are smallish, feathery dinosaurs in the larger manoraptoran group. Some were absolutely tiny and probably flighted, including some that were four-winged like microraptor, though it's not a troodontid. Some others were pretty big and definitely couldn't fly. The largest known is Lativenatrix, which was similar in size to Utahraptor.
They had a "killing claw" like velociraptors, but were more slender, and built for speed more than strength. They were potentially omnivorious, too!
Also they have a better brain to body ratio than the supposedly "intelligent" raptors.
Yup. If we're going just by brain percentage, troodontids were the geniuses of the dinosaur world.
Which isn't saying much, they have a brain to body ratio that's hovering around the low end of modern birds. If you know birds, you know many of them are not so bright.
But birds are interesting, because their intelligence isn't as closely linked to brain size as it is with us mammals. In fact there's not a huge difference between something as smart as say a raven and something as dumb as say an eagle. (Oh man, guys, eagles are so dumb. I've worked a little bit with birds of prey, and none of them are taking home any prizes for intellect, they are the epitome of bird-brained.)
That opens up some interesting possibilities, though. If troodontids had an intelligence similar to ravens, then it wouldn't take much of a brain boost to get them up to something closer to human.
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And thus we have my Troodontid People, illustration above by @sombertide-0. A "what if a theropod dinosaur really was as smart as Jurassic Park raptors seem to be, and what would their culture and society be like?" thought experiment centered especially around their relationship with their gods.
I'll stop here for today, but there's SO MUCH MORE.
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
I’ve seen some people try and defend Lore Olympus by saying that movies like Hercules and such aren’t accurate to Greek myth, yet they’re still loved. And I somewhat get where they’re coming from, i really do.
BUT- I feel like part of the problem with LO is the fact that if you replace the names, you’d almost be right to assume it takes place in a completely different setting. Meanwhile, if you take away the names from the Hercules movie, you can still tell where it’s supposed to take place. (And who’s who, if you know your myths). Plus the writing of Hercules is 100% better than LO.
The difference between LO and Hercules is that Hercules clearly has respect for the source material put into it. It might not be accurate to the source material - because it's being retooled as a Disney movie for children - but you can tell there's still a lot of thought, love, and effort put into it. The team behind that movie did research on the art and culture of Greece, and adapted it into a movie that was entertaining and recognizable as a Greek myth adaption.
They put our home boy Heracles/Hercules in a tunic! Do you know how shocking that must have looked to American viewers who didn't know a shred of Greek myth and wondered why the big buff hero was being drawn in a skirt? Still accurate though!
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LO, meanwhile, writes Greek myth as if it hates Greek myth for existing. It comes across more as a white woman using these stories purely for profit and colonizing it with American-esque culture. The outfits have become noticeably less Greek since the beginning, the characters never eat Greek food anymore, and the locations are left as vague as solid color backdrops to indicate "The Underworld" and "Olympus" without actually showing any set pieces or understanding of how these locations would look and feel in a modern setting.
All of these examples I gave are things we saw a decent amount of in S1. But since then it's just become talking heads on top of flat color backgrounds, eating Chinese food and dressing in American-style clothing. When was the last time we saw a mortal? There's just nothing Greek about the comic anymore because either Rachel has gotten so complacent that she just defaults to what she knows without any research (so what she watches on TV and in movies) or she only bothered with her research in the beginning to get people hooked and convinced that she's a "folklorist" so that they'd keep reading the series and giving her money on good will alone.
Using Hercules as an example of "well it's not accurate to Greek myth either!" completely misses the point of what people are getting at when they say that LO is a bad Greek myth retelling. Guess what else isn't completely accurate to Greek myth? Hadestown. Hades (the game). God of War. Stray Gods. They all take creative liberties with the source material in order to adjust it to the medium and audience they're creating it for, but none of those adaptions are quite as disrespectful as LO's. And God of War literally has little angry man going around and brutally murdering the gods. It still respects the setting of Greek myth more than LO, but unlike LO, it doesn't try to constantly sound smart with its inaccuracies, it knows fully well that it's a video game first and foremost.
And that's the beauty of myths. They can be adapted across generations and used to tell new versions of the same stories. So it begs the question, why bother writing a Greek myth retelling if you're going to make it so non-Greek that you could have just as well just written a normal soap drama and have it still be virtually the same?
Compared to all of the other examples, LO is the definition of confidently incorrect. It should have stuck to just being Greek myth inspired, not a retelling.
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footballfanficwriter · 2 years ago
Questions pt 2
Summary:where the reader is on an interview and she gets asked questions about Jude
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"Welcome y/n Bellingham, how are you today?"
"I'm good, how are you?
I'm great, thank you ,so a lot has been going on in your life recently"
"Yeah, it's been a lot"
"With your husband being transferd to Real Madrid, the hate comments he's been getting from liverpool fans , just recently celebrating his birthday, your new movie that's just dropped and the new magazine cover that's got everyone talking ,aswell as your kids adapting to the new situation, how has it all been for you?"
"Uhhmm, it's been a lot I'm not gonna lie, when Jude came to me and told me that Madrid had made him an offer I lost it ofcourse, because it's Madrid you know he sat on it long and hard and made the decision and we knew it was going to be tough and we prepared ourselves,
as for the hate comments Liverpool fans have been throwing at him
I just feel like they should honestly mind their own business cause, it doesn't concern then nor does it affect their way of living , Jude made a decision that he thinks is going to benefit him and make him stronger as a football player and I'll support it, the fans or other people weren't considered when this decision was made
"And how did you celebrate his Birthday?"
"We couldn't really feed him junk food and cake and all that because he'd already been to Greece and France, but we had a mini family get together with the kids and his parents, brother and best friends and I think he enjoyed it, he looked grateful"
"That sounds nice and what about the 2 new projects that you've recently dropped, tell us about those"
"Well firstly, time was tight, we needed to work fast, because with the move that was happening, the kids and Jude not being able to play in the Euro Qualifications, I was living according to a schedule for three months, everything was scheduled, from family time, bath time ,dinner, I hardly got to see my husband through the three months but in the magazine it's something I menton aswell like being a working football wife with kids does take a strain on you and your family, but if things are done in a certain way everything works out"
"So in the magazine you talk about you life as a working football wife with children"
"Yes because most football wives just become stay at home moms, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing just that it's a very brave thing to do"
"Why don't you want to become a stay at home mom, I mean I know if I had that opportunity I would take it"
"Firstly it's because I would become bored out of my mind if I did, I've got ADHD, so I can't focus on the same thing over and over again and also because I'm plan B"
"What do you mean you're plan B?"
"I mean that a lot of the times you see football players getting hurt and having serious injuries that nearly ended their careers, I obviously don't want that for Jude but, I lie awake at night thinking what if he got really hurt and he had to quit, it would kill me ofcourse, but we'd lose everything that's in our name and the Bills for whatever the injury would be would be very high, I don't want to be taking out loans on my house just to pay for medical Bill's, so that's why I'm plan B"
"That is a very smart way of thinking, And did you have a say in the Transfer to Madrid"
"Yes, I did we sat down together, talked it out, for a long time it was a very had decision to make considering all the other clubs that were interested in Him especially because Liverpool made their offer first and when we got the offer we wanted to see how it would impact us as a family and the impact it would have on our children"
"Speaking of your children, how are they adapting to the new change?"
" they are excited, already they are definitely taking it better than I thought they would, they can't wait to learn how to speak Spanish"
"So in another interview, your husband shared a fatherhood story about Lelani can you give us a Motherhood story that you remember"
"Uhmm Jabilo,one of my sons loves helping out wherever he can, whether it's in the Garden, the kitchen, the living room, just anywhere he can help he wants to help, but he also loves to climb things, so on one of my day offs he got sick, so sick he couldn't go to school and he stayed in bed, it wasn't until I fed him and gave him some medicine, he started running around the house for no reason at all, then I had and idea to make cookies hoping it would calm him down, so I placed out all the ingredients on the counter to make it easier for me and all, then all of a sudden I get a call from Jude checking up on him and the mistake I made is that I left the kitchen, when I come back after the call my bowl was on the floor, with butter, sugar and an egg and an egg shell, with Jabilo just sitting on the floor, bowl in between his legs and him attempting to mix everything with his hands, while at the same time he's covered in flour , when I asked him, what he was doing he said "helping you momma" I know I should've been mad but my heart wouldn't let me"
"And your other son?"
"Jordan, is a very quiet kid, he keeps to himself if he doesn't know you, but he's one of the those people to be comfortable with people close to him like family and friends
But when he is comfortable around you he's the comedian of the family, he'd tell ridiculously funny jokes and make impressions of famous people it scares me sometimes, but I see Jordan as the creative one out of all three of my children and not because he draws on my walls, but because, for his birthday we got him this thick notepad with colors and crayons to draw on and he protects those with his life, everyone in the house knows not to touch them, only he can touch them and if you do, he throws tantrums, but he's stopped with it now so"
"Well Y/N thank you so much for your time and telling us a little about your life
"Yeah no problem, thank you so much
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charlenefrl · 4 months ago
A house stained with murder
"Should I wait until he murders me, like a lamb ready for slaughter? I don't want to be a lamb. I want to be cruel and terrifying, I want to send him the plague and I want him to die and to feed his corpse to beasts."
(Art by the fabulous Kloh.eh for La Flèche d'Artémis: Philippos haunted by the Erinyes.)
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There is one thing that surprises me, about the fictions dealing with Philip II of Macedon: how unimportant it seems that he killed three of his brothers. Perhaps that's because fratricide and murdering family members is an habit of his clan, perhaps that's because it happened before Alexander enters the story.
It is strange, to me, because this is the kind of crimes that fuelled tragedies.
Let's dwelve into the fratricides, and why I think Alexander's family is perfect to write a tragedy.
Let's go back to his youth. For clarity, I use the name Philip when talking about the historical king of Macedon, and Philippos when I talk about the character in my novel.
Philip had five, or maybe six brothers who reached adulthood. His father reigned for a long time, in a country that had been wrecked by infighting: in one scene of my novel, Parmenion, aged sixty, tells Alexandros eleven king claimed the throne since he was born. That's a rather high number, considering two of them, Philipos and his father, were long lasting.
I said maybe. There's a man called Ptolemaios of Aloros who may have been an elder brother, or maybe just an in law. It's unclear, but it's rather important; at least, the gods would think it's important.
Here is how the story beggins.
Young Philippos is eleven, maybe twelve, when his father dies. He's only the third boy of the king's most powerful wife, a child without the beauty of his elder Alexandros and without the smartness of Perdikkas, the second boy. Alexandros ascends the throne: he's the eldest. And then things don't go as planned; or perhaps, they go as things usually go in Makedonia, and there's tribute to be paid, and the young king, barely old enough to be acclaimed, can't pay it.
So he sends his brother as a hostage. That's the first time, but not the last.
And then he dies.
Philippos comes back home. There's chaos, of a kind. His brother was murdered by Ptolemaios of Aloros, everyone knows that - and Ptolemaios is the new regent, and has married Philippos' mother.
What happens next looks like it's inevitable. What keeps Ptolemaios from murdering young Perdikkas, the new king, like he murdered Alexandros? And the next step would be, obviously, to get rid of Philippos once Perdikkas is gone. But the great city of Thebai is asking for an hostage, because it's the biggest power in Greece and of complicated politics Philippos missed while he was hostage.
But, well, he's thirteen, it's not like anyone cares about what he thinks, when he's shipped to Thebai as an hostage. Again.
What happens next? Who dies first? Should Ptolemaios murder Perdikkas? Or maybe kill the one that's in Thebai first? In both cases, Philippos dies before he reaches adulthood.
In the end, he doesn't. Unexpectedly, young Perdikkas wins and murders Ptolemaios. Was Ptolemaios a brother? If he was, that's two fratricides already. But it takes three years to get to that. Three years of whispers in the night: when is he going to kill me? Will he try to poison me, to make it look like it was mere sickness? A knife in a back alley? Can he reach me here, in Thebai?
Should I wait, weaponless, or should I try to defend myself? ... how do you defend yourself when you are still a boy?
You have the gods. The gods answer, sometimes.
Beware of what you ask.
Ptolemaios will win. He's older, he murdered one king already. Perdikkas will die. It's written, isn't it?
What do you want to ask the gods? What would ensure your survival, what would please the few peoples who believe in you to fight for the throne once Perdikkas is gone and it's your turn?
So you ask: I want to be the most glorious king Makedonia ever knew.
And the gods answer: yes.
But then, Perdikkas wins.
He wins, and the gods promised you his throne.
Because the truth is, the stain was there, from the start. Brothers and cousins have been killing each other for so long, there must be a curse attached to the family. Whispering: should you kill him, before he kills you?
Ptolemaios is gone. Perdikkas is the king. Philippos returns home.
Perdikkas dies during a battle, unexpectedly. Was that his destiny, or did the god grant Philippos what he asked for, but doesn't want anymore?
Did he kill his brother?
He still has three half brothers.
Years after the blood bath, he's forty, and his son Alexandros is finally old enough to join him on campaign. He's a bright boy, promising. So is Philippos' nephew Amyntas. He likes him, and like Alexandros, he would probably be a good king. Philippos knows that: he raised this nephew, almost like a son.
But he hears them. The whispers. Except this time they aren't targetting him, because he has no more half brothers to murder and no more brother to betray: kill him, before he kills you.
His children are going to slaughter each other, and no matter how much he regrets his own crimes, or how many time he got initiated into the gods know how many cults to wash himself of the eternal stain of brothers killing brothers, he knows. He knows there's no way to keep them safe from each other.
Because they are all cursed, all of them, until the end of their line.
PS: My Philippos was actually a nice kid so maybe IDK, when Parmenion met him in Thebai, he should have grabbed him and moved to Spain to raise horses in peace, and everyone would have been happier and less depressed.
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projecting-and-sounding-art · 8 months ago
Η Ιστορία Και Η Τεχνολογία Των Αόρατων Ηχείων.
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Η Ιστορία Εφεύρεσης Των Αόρατων Ηχείων
Η τεχνολογία των αόρατων ηχείων βασίζεται στην εφεύρεση του ακουστικού πάνελ NXT όπως αυτή ανακαλύφθηκε πριν από περίπου 25 έτη από τον Βρετανό μηχανικό Richard Newlove. Τότε ήταν που κατόπιν εντολής του Βρετανικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού, ο ιδιοκτήτης της σημερινής εταιρίας Amina Sound εφηύρε ένα μαγνητικό διεγέρτη μικροδονήσεων που επικολλώμενος πάνω στο μεταλλικό κέλυφος του εξομοιωτή ελικοπτέρων, έδινε την απαραίτητη ηχητική ένταση με υψηλές δυναμικές στους εκπαιδευομένους πιλότους.
Γρήγορα όμως παρατηρήθηκε ότι η δυνατότητα ηχητικής απόδοσης του, ήταν τεράστια για να παραμείνει αυτή η εφεύρεση εγκλωβισμένη στη χρήση αναπαραγωγής ομιλιών και θορύβων προς τους εκπαιδευομένους πιλότους.
Και από εκεί ξεκίνησε ένα μακρύ ταξίδι δημιουργίας. Τα ενθαρρυντικά νέα ήταν ότι η πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία διέθετε εξαρχής καινοτόμα χαρακτηριστικά όπως αναπαραγωγή πλούσιου ήχου από μικρές διαστάσεις, απόδοση υψηλής πιστότητας ακόμη και με τη χρήση διαφορετικών υλικών και ευρεία ηχητική διασπορά στο χώρο, σε σύγκριση με τα συμβατικά ηχεία που γνωρίζουμε.
Η Τεχνολογία και η Ποιότητα Μουσικής Αναπαραγωγής των Αόρατων Ηχείων
Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι αν επιθυμούμε ακρόαση δυνατής και καθαρής μουσικής με ποιοτικά ηχητικά χαρακτηριστικά συνήθως χρειαζόμαστε μεγάλα, ακόμη και ογκώδη ηχεία που θα καταλάβουν ένα μη ευκαταφρόνητο χώρο.Στον αντίποδα με την αντισυμβατική τους όψη, τα παραλληλόγραμμα ελαφριά πάνελ της Amina Sound εκτός ότι εξαφανίζονται και παραμένουν αόρατα, δεν μοιάζουν καν για ηχεία!
Εξετάζοντας προσεκτικά τις δημιουργίες του Richard Νewlove, αντιλαμβανόμαστε ότι δεν εφηύρε τον τροχό της μουσικής αναπαραγωγής αλλά με την βοήθεια της τεχνολογίας μετέφερε την ακουστική εκατοντάδων ετών στο σύγχρονο κόσμο. Η εξαιρετική ηχητική απόδοση των ηχείων της Amina Sound οφείλεται στο ότι ο αρχικός σχεδιασμός τους αντιγράφει με πλήρη ακρίβεια τις ίδιες ιδιότητες ακουστικής που διαθέτουν όλα τα έγχορδα μουσικά όργανα.
Το βιολί, το τσέλο ή και το πιάνο δεν διαθέτουν γούφερ και τουίτερ όπως τα κλασσικά συμβατικά ηχεία. Με μικροσυντονισμό και την δημιουργία ελαφριών δονήσεων πάνω στις χορδές τους, ο ήχος τους μεγεθύνεται από την ξύλινη καμπίνα που διαθέτουν και δραπετεύει στο χώρο για να συναντήσει την ακοή μας.
Πλήρως εναρμονισμένα με αυτή την πρακτική, τα αόρατα ηχεία της Amina Sound μικροσυντονίζουν τις δικές τους «χορδές» που είναι δεν είναι άλλες από ένα σετ φυσικών γαίων μαγνητών στην πίσω πλευρά του ηχείου. Αυτοί επιδρούν πάνω σε ένα κυψελωτό πάνελ αλουμινίου, το οποίο με τη σειρά του μεγεθύνει τον ήχο αναπαράγοντας σε απόλυτη αρμονία έντασης όλες τις συχνότητες ακουστικής μεταξύ 100Hz έως 20.000Ηz.
Η ακουστική εμπειρία των αόρατων ηχείων είναι από μόνη της συγκλονιστική. Ένας τοίχος, μια οροφή ή ένα έπιπλο μεταμορφώνεται σε μια συμφωνική ορχήστρα με την συνοδεία μίας υψιφώνου, ενός τενόρου και βαρύτονου.
Πιθανότατα η μαγευτικότερη εξέλιξη στον ήχο εδώ και δεκαετίες!
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Καίγονται ή Καταστρέφονται τα Αόρατα Ηχεία
Όπως όλες οι ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές, έτσι και τα ηχεία, μπορούν να καταστραφούν. Τι γίνεται όμως στην περίπτωση των αόρατων ηχείων; Αυτά ενδέχεται να τοποθετηθούν μέσα σε τοίχους, πίσω από στρώματα βαφής ή ταπετσαρίες, ακόμη και να δεχθούν τεχνοτροπίες ή περίτεχνες ζωγραφικές.
Ποσό δύσκολη, δαπανηρή και εκνευριστική θα είναι μια αντικατάσταση ηχείου που επιφέρει και δομικές εργασίες;
Προλαμβάνοντας πλειάδα πιθανών αιτιών καταστροφής τους, όπως για παράδειγμα η τροφοδοσία σήματος υψηλότερης έντασης των δυνατότητων τους, η Amina Sound προστατεύει όλα τα ηχεία της με την προσθήκη ενός φίλτρου απομόνωσης το οποίο τοποθετείται αμέσως μετά την έξοδο του ενισχυτή στο σημείο που συνδέεται το καλώδιο του.
Με αυτό εξασφαλίζεται ότι δεν θα δεχθεί σήμα ανώτερο ή κατώτερο των προδιαγραφών λειτουργίας του και το προστατεύει αποκόπτοντας ακαριαία σήματα που θα το έβλαπταν. Με την επαναφορά του σήματος σε φυσιολογικά επίπεδα, επιτρέπει αυτομάτως εκ νέου την αναπαραγωγή της μουσικής χωρίς καθυστέρηση.
Με τη χρήση αυτού του φίλτρου προστασίας, μηδενίζεται η περίπτωση καταστροφής των ηχείων από ακούσιο χειρισμό ή δυσλειτουργία του ενισχυτή ή κάποιου άλλου μέσου.
Ακολούθως ο κατασκευαστής τιμάει τα προϊόντα του με μια πρωτόγνωρη εγγύηση 10 ετών!
Ανακαλύψτε Τι Είναι Τα Αόρατα Ηχεία Και Τι ��νάγκες Εξυπηρετούν.
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thinkingsmart · 5 months ago
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Wyatt 🙏 18230 You cannot change the past.. on the other hand .. the future is yours to discover. 💫🌸💫   https://ift.tt/sMbC73A
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alouiadina · 4 months ago
Ancient Greece/Alexander the Great
So, yesterday, I posted about clegan in Rome, now it's time for Clegan in Greece.
A little backstory before I get into the idea: Alexander the Great was a bit of a conquerer, and a smart one at that. He married I think two women for political reasons, and according to some, might have been in love with one of his generals, whose death may have lead to Alexander's own. (One of the reasons for his death was poisoning, and I think my early western civ teacher said it might have been alcohol poisoning)
Again, like the one for Rome, there are two ways I can see this going:
Bucky is the Alexander the Great stand in, and wherever Gale is set to be from (real or fake), is his next target. Much like irl King Darius III, Gale's father, the ruler of this real/fake place, leads his army into battle (with his family watching) then sees that he's losing, and flees, leaving his army and family behind. And much like Alexander the Great did, when Bucky takes what's left of the Royal family (Gale and his mother, and maybe also Marge) with him and his army, treating them with great respect. Bucky takes note of Gale's hesitance to trust him, so he arranges it so that Gale is the one who brings him his food. After some time, Gale asks why, and Bucky says something along the lines of "So that if you and your family wanted to leave, you could easily poison me and escape." Something in that level of trust does something to Gale, as he knows that his dad doesn't have this level of trust with any member of his family. They eventually grow close, and for what Bucky says to be political reasons to his soldiers, but Gale knows the real reason why, he says that he and Gale are to be married. And maybe they have a Romeo and Juliet ending, with Bucky dying of poisoning, assassination, or a number of infectious diseases (Like Alexander the Great did) and when Gale finds Bucky dead, he isn't long after him.
Gale is the Alexander the Great stand in and Bucky is the Hephaestion stand in. Like Hephaestion, Bucky is Gale's bodyguard and one of his generals. They start out as friends, Gale specifically picking Bucky as his body guard because he was the only one who was brave enough to talk back to him or something. Then it grows into something else when they start expanding Greece. It happens one night in Gale's tent. The next day/night, they'll be fighting with another country, and they don't know how it will end. Bucky is the first one to make a move, and Gale is the one who tops. It actually takes Gale awhile to convince Bucky to top him, mostly due to the views of being a bottom in ancient Greece, which I may accidentally be making up about ancient greece. For political reasons, Gale marries Marge so that when he eventually defeats her father for good, he has more of a claim over where she's from. She is already pregnant when they get married, as she's in love with someone, and Gale says he'll claim the child to avoid scandal, and he'll order her lover to be her guard or something. Then, somewhere near the end of the expansion, Bucky gets killed in action, dying in Gale's arms. Gale ends up winning the battle, and wanting to do more, but his troops want to go home. So, at the party celebrating a successful expansion and the returning to Greece, Gale drinks for the first time in his life. He drinks and drinks and drinks. He drinks more than his troops, more than Bucky ever did. Marge is concerned for him, but he pushes her off, says some mean things, try to apologize, then keeps drinking and starts crying. That's what ends up killing him.
bonus third: Achilles and Patroclus au
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leynaeithnea · 5 months ago
Hi :)
here is a lil ask to use whenever you're ready to go insane about love in paradise ( go nuts with your analysis!!! Make it a thousand pages essay!!! Or half a sentence, anything you want love<3 )
YeS YES YES YES THANK YOU AAAH here you go seven pages/3600 words essay :>
TW, for SA/Sxcide mention/discussion, you know the deal with the song
29. Love In Paradise
THE DIVE INTO THE SOUND SCAPE WITH THE CHOIR, the melody, and the clicking clock??? SO GOOD
“It′s been 10 years since I last saw you” YOU DIDNT CHECK ON HIM IN 10 YEARS GIRL
“Remember me, I am the infamous, Odysseus!, Oh, woah-oh, woah-oh” This was the last time she saw him, its been 10 years, she quick minded him right after that, and HASNT SEEN HIM SINCE--- i love how it is sped up and you can visualize her literally diving through his memories in a timelapse
“Let’s see where you′ve been” FINIALLY, but also thE VOCAL PERFORMANCE (this is me like 90% of this saga, im obssessed)
I LOVE the soundscape of the flashbacks, the way that sounds with a mild echo like in big room? just...in his mind?? IDK how to call it but ITS SO GOOD
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” - the first thing that went wrong “Ruthlessness is mercy upon oursel-” BIG THING THAT WENT WRONG
“One wrong move and you’re done for
Anything I-” close call
“Song of past romance I see the” smart way to recall the underworld saga AND bring up the sirens, followed by
“We won’t take more suffering from you”, the way that ody embraced his monster
“Drown in your sorrow and fears” -that didnt go well very long, also, timelaps is slowing down, we’re getting closer to the events that answer where he spent the last years
“Captain? - I have to see her - But we′ll die -I know”, the last moments before he disappeared, making him suffer terribly again at the hands of her father >:)
“Odysseus... where did you go?” she sounds so worrieddddd, her voice tho, pls mother dearest
THE MUSIC, is so coool the island vibes? the dodo do do dodo, the birds and the shore and the....instrument whos name i forgot the tip-tap thing is soo comfy vibesssss, beach island holiday vibes!!
“Morning, sleepyhead, You′ve been resting for a while, I swore that you were dead when you washed up on my isle”.......i need...visuals......i need the most angsty visuals i can get of this, please, i need to see him wash up, more dead then alive and then unconscious for who knows how long, with his stab wound, the concussion from Eurys punch, whatever wounds he got from the lighting hitting his ship AND almost drowning, getting taking care of by her until he wakes up again...
“Did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me though, who’s Penelope?” ........is she hoping that he’ll say his sister or was she just trying to make small talk?
“She′s my wife”, he sounds so tired/distanced from the situation, her reminding him instantly of the one thing he’s holding on to, maybe remembering what just happened, he needs to go back...
and then the “anyways!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN “ANYWAYS” SHE IS HIS LOVE HIS LIGHT HIS REASON YOU DONT ANYWAYS PENELOPE ahem, im vibing so hard to this tho
“I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here” sounds nice, i would 100% fall under her spell, her voice is beatiful
“Just you and me, my dear, my love for life” uh oh where is this going, huh?? huh???? >:) Ma’am, this is not yours
“I’m not your man-” THE JUST A MAN REPHRASING? EXCUSE ME???? this is going so differently compared to Circes there are other ways, he has no interest in her, all he wants is to go back home, hes sacrificed the rest of his crew for that, he. needs. to go. home. (the delivery tho omg so good)
“I′m what you want here, I’m what you need here, Just you and me, my love in paradise, Now ‘til the end of time” he does not need you, he does not want you, this is not paradise for him, get the fuq away from my baby girl odysseus, i know youre lonely on your little island, i know zeus did you wrong, BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU ANY RIGHT TO TAKE CLAIM TO ODYSSEUS; HE IS NOT YOUR MAN
“From here on out, you′re mine, all mine” possissive much, fuck off >:) also thats what he greets him with? thats....not...no. he’s been through so much, he fought in a war he never wanted to go to for ten years, he used a wooden horse to finially end the war because he just needed to go back home, he had to kill a child to choose his family, they were safe on their way home when his best friend got killed, then they almost made it home, but the bag was opened, most of his crew died, his men got turned into pigs and he got another round of the gods playing games with him (see: hermes telling Ody not to refuse circe in homers odyssey when she wants to take him to bed, so he doesnt, he cant refuse the demands of gods), once they finially leave their island with his men back as humans, they have to go through the underworld where EVERY loss he had (which are more than he knew) comes back to haunt him, he learns his family is in danger, theres blood in his palace, all his mercy is harming him, so he embraces the thing he never wanted to be - a monster - and when the sirens come, he kills them, but he has to go further than that, the only way to get home is to sacrifice six of his men, so he does, six more men to haunt his dreams, if thats the price he has to pay he will, but his men turn on him, his trusted brother in law, not only opened the windbag, now he also starts a mutiny, the men he tried to bring home so badly betray him, stab him, bind him to a statue and he can do nothing but watch as they kill the cattle, his doom is sealed, zeus shows up and tells him to either choose himself, or his crew, hes a broken man, how much more has he to go through before he can go home? but he has to home to his family, so he chooses, his last decision he has to make, and he sinks into the ocean, thinking maybe, he can finally close his eyes, he needs to go home but he is so tired of suffering he would welcome an end of it...but then he wakes up, on this peaceful island, with a woman next to him, who suddenly puts claim on him, she wants him IN HER BED??? He needs to go home. he’s alive, he survived zeus and poseidon and aelus and circe and the underoworld and the war and-...he became the monster, he knows what to do, just another face in his nightmares to get home
“Hell no, I could kill you where you stand” he just has to be the monster
“I′m no pet, I’m a married man” HE HAS TO HIGHLIGHT THAT HE IS MARRIED TO HER AH, the fact that he feels like she sees him as a pet? picked up like a stray dog and kept as a pet....he is not that, i also love his electric guitar is in the background together with the ticking clock of the time dive
“Oh handsome, you may try, But last I checked, goddesses can′t die” she doesnt feel threatened by him at all, because she is a goddess, how could a mortal man refuse her? he cant, even if he tries, he has no choice (but also, i hate jorge for dropping this line, just before godgames, ITS LEAVING US NOT KNOWIng WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE)
THEN THE DROP IN THE MUSIC AH its becoming so imposing and threatening AND ITS SO COOL
“Goddess?” terrified, here they go again, another goddess, he is powerless against these forces, it cant be, he needs to get home, how can his luck be so bad?
“Bow down now to the immortal Calypso” CALYPSO YOU BITCH LEAVE MY MAN ALONE; but liek The fuQing audacity? to ask him to bow down? you just told him hes the love of your life and now you ask him to bow down???? THE POWER IMBALANce is so stRONG IN THIS ONE I CANT EVEN
“Here to entertain” entertain who? mh?? YOURSELF? with your new “pet”? NO shut up
“But fear not, I bring no pain” Calpyso, come a bit closer so i can punch you, youre KEPEign him on YOUR ISLAND; THE LACK OF ACTion IS WHATS goNNA KILL HIM; NOT YOU HURTING HIM PHYSICALLY; YOU TORTURE HIM IN the WORST WAYS emotionALLY SO GET AWAYYYYYYYYYY FROM PENELOPES MAN
“Cause we′ve got, All we could want here, All we could need here”, the way she keeps approaching him, dancing around him and trying to get close, while he keeps backing away and trying to get away From her is killing me, they have everything they need to survive yes, which means he does not have to do any work, he has NOTHING to distract him from you, all he can do is do what you tell him to because youre a goddess and he’s at your mercy and SUFFER sitting with his own thoughts and all his regret and shame and pain and trauma and yearing to go back home
“Under my spell, we’re stuck in paradise” fuck you. this is not paradise, this is hell :) :) :) RELEASE HIM
“No one can come or go, my island stays unknown” this, might very well be the worst moment for Ody so far, after EVERYTHING he’s been through. He choose his crew to die, it was supposed to be the last decision, it was supposed to be the climatic event before the end, all the expectations and tensions that rose in him getting set so high but instead..... nothing happens, he gets stuck in “paradise”, no monsters to fight,its not violent, theres no external threads to his life, things should be good, and happy and peaceful. its anti-climatic, and stifling because he has no way to release all this tension, its just stagnation, and all this tension getting internalized, it might very well be worse than having something you can fight against, but Calypso is a goddess, he cant harm her, her spell keeps him stuck on the island, he is powerless. His goal, his reason, his hope impossibly out of reach, all in the hand of this goddess, who doesn’t take no as an answer
“no, no” i love how Jorge wrote another “suffering” thing again, where the last syllable of one speaker gets picked up by the other “unknown” “no” becoming “Unknowno,no” its SO GOOD, but also the implications???? the last time we had this a siren wanted to seduce him and lure him into the water, now its a goddess wanting to lure him into loving and staying with her, again, he tries to find excuses and fend her off, his argumentation is a lot weaker than with the sirens though, he doesnt have a way out, all he can do is refuse and pray she listens, also CALYPSO BITCH THERES NO CLEARER WAY HE COULDVE SAID “NO”; LEAVE HIM BE; HE SAID NO FUCKING ACCEPT THAT HE DOES NOT CONSENT
“I don′t belong here”, he doesnt, time passes, he has to tell himself that this isnt where he’s meant to be, he needs to go, he has to leave.
“There’s something wrong here”, how many times do you think he almost gave in? how many times do you think she was lured in by her spell only to shake the spell off again because he kept feeling that something was wrong, never really falling under her spell, never staying under it for long, because its wrong, this isnt where he needs to be, he needs to get home because his family is waiting at home, theyre in danger.
“I won’t be drawn to love in paradise, not ′til the end of time, there is no way” she just has nothing on penelope. and he will never be interested in calypso as seductive as she tries to be, circe failed, calyspo fails even worse (i love these vocal performances man, theyre SO GOOD)
“You′re mine, all mine” Annnnnd she doesnt take no as answer again, shes so possessive I HATE it, how she drowns out Odys “theres no way - youre mine, all mine” she drowns out and swallows up his voice, ignores him, his voice goes unheard...
and we go back to the clock ticking of the time dive of athena
“Seven years, she’s kept you trapped, out of your control, time can take a heavy toll” SEVEN. YEARS. sagnation for SEVEN YEARS. THIS IS TERRIBlE, Athena sounds so sad...and concerned, from what she’s seen, but just...imagine that, he fought in troy for 10 years, now odys been stuck on this island for almost just as long, and before that he had EVERYTHING ELSE happen to him, feeling powerless against outside forces for YEARS, it weights down in him, all he can do is internalize it, because there is no monster he can fight, but himself. and...we can hear the danger motif in the choir.....because...he’s become a danger to himself....
the soundscape shifts again, we go back into a memory, its raining and windy, at the beach
“Odysseus?”, she geninuely sounds concerened, what could make her concerned i wonder....
“All I hear are screams”,...he...he’s broken, a callback to the underworld, he sounds defeated, hopeless, dissociative
“Ody”...Ody......you dare call him ody? you may have known each other for seven years but you DID NOT treat him right, you have no RIGHT to call him that, the last person who called him Ody was Eurylochus before he signed their doom.
“Get away from the ledge”....hes.....on his last rope, its been seven years since he sacrificed his last crew, ten years since he lost polites, eight since he lost most of his crew, twenty years since he last saw his family, she wants to keep him at the island for eternity, he cant leave, theres no way out, so now he’s here, on the cliffs edge staring out into the deepths below, knowing that Poseidon is still out to get him, but behind him is a Goddess that made him suffer just as bad, if not worse, rly is there any way to escape?
“You don′t know what I’ve gone through, You don′t know what I’ve sacrificed, every comrade I long knew, every friend, I saw them die”, its been more than seven years, and they still haunt his every waking and sleeping hour. he sacrificed everything to get back home, and yet it was not enough, now hes stuck here, and all sacrfices were for nothing, and he has nothing to distract him, when the goddess doesnt want his attention, he just....sits at the beach replaying their deaths over and over in his mind. [One translation of the scenes in Homers Odyseey: She found him sitting on the shore, his eyes as ever wet with tears, life’s sweetness ebbing from him in longing for his home, since the Nymph no longer pleased him. He was forced to sleep with her in the hollow cave at night, as she wished though he did not, but by day he sat among rocks or sand, tormenting himself with tears, groans and anguish, gazing with wet eyes at the restless sea] just....for SEVEN years? good gods, homer really said “how much trauma can we fit into this one man”
“And all I hear are screams” .....and all he hears are their screams
“(It will be fine dear)”, it wont, fuck off, not as long as you keep him trapped
“Come back inside, dear” ..............i...come back inside? to do what? remind him that hes stuck with you? force him to-............my rage is endless.
“Let me close my eyes”, hes...so....sooo..so tired. he just wants to close his eyes..and..not open them anymore, doesnt he? He sang to the infant “to close your eyes to spare yourself the view”, he wants to do the same, hes so so tired.....
“I know your life′s been hard”, you have no idea
“I’ll stay inside your heart”,....did you just......did...you really just......use the words his mother said to him in the underworld? ...............
“All I hear are screams!” hes having flashbacks, the ghosts of his past keep haunting him, and shes making it so, so mcuh worse
“(I love you my dear) I love our time here
Life would be so much worse If you had died” YOUR LIFE, the worst part is, she doesnt say this because Ody deserves better, she says this because if he was gone, she would be alone again, and she just wants to have him, own him, have him be hers
“(Just let me close my eyes)”, she doesnt...let him close his eyes, he spents the nights in her bed against his will, and the days, crying at the beach, and when he sleeps he must be haunted by nightmares......theres no rest ever really.
“Please stay from away from harm, Stay in my open arms.......................she..just....made it so so much worse, ALSO JORGE; JORGE WHEN I CATCH YOU JORGE HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU SLAP OPEN ARMS AT US AGAIN WILL POLITES NEVER STOP HAUNTING THE NARRATIVE, Calyspo rly threw “Ody”, “stay inside your heart” and “open arms” at him consecutively, while he was already deep down the trenches.and now......
“(All I hear are-)” what he hears is....
“This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, Whatever we face, we’ll be fine if we′re leading from the heart, No matter the place, we can light up the world here′s how to start Greet the world with open arms, greet the world with open”
Polites, all his opens, and promises, and he cant live up to it, he tried, he tries so HARD to greet the world with open arms, but he cant, but ruthlessness did not help him either, he misses polites, he was the last person he had at sea who TRULY cared for him, hes having a flashback, PTSD so badly as he is standing at the edge of the cliff, i can just see him falling to his knees, crying and then...
“How much longer till your luck runs out? How much longer till the show goes south? How much longer till we all fall down?”, he hears eurys warning, how much longer till his liuck runs out? his luck has run out, for years now, and hes still stuck, everything has turned bad, the show went south, they all fell down and yet.....
“Waiting..waaiting” his mom....said shed stay inside his heart, he took too long, its been twenty years since he left home, how many other people are waiting for him while is stuck on the island? all these voices are just...inside his head all the time and cant shake them off.
“ooohooooh...ohhh” THE VOCAL PERFORMANCE JORGE- JORGE-... hes just screaming, trying to drown out the voices in his head as he’s breaking down....he wants to let go, he cant let go, he needs to get back home, his family is in danger, theres no one who could help him, the only one, who might have been able to do something, his ally, left him ten years ago, when he defied her, but she is a goddess, if she has any mercy left...maybe...jsut maybe...she could help him...but she wouldnt really listen to him would she? how often has he prayed to her in those years? or has he refused to call out for her in fear of facing more rejection? but...he cant do this any longer, this is ...the very last thing he can do....and so he calls out for her.
“Athena!”, praying that what has been broken can be amended. at least with her.
“He needs my help” and his cry gets heard......athena voice breaks, when she sees how far her friend has fallen.
.....and she decides to do something about it
Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I was worried about this song, how Jorge would choose to tackle the whole situation with calypso, while sticking to his “sfw” rule, AND I DID NOT GET DISAPPOINTeD QUITe on the cONtrary IM OBSSESED WITH IT
also the way polites is in one ear, Eury in the other and his mother all around him? the two sides that Ody had back then, polites more positive, and eury as more devil and both are gone and then his mother is just ALL AROUND HIM
typing this up took a couple of days, but if you will excuse me, imma go cry in a corner now
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hetalia-club · 7 months ago
Got Bored And Made An Entire Hetalia Baseball League (HBL)
the league is meant to have fictitious and near impossible goals for regular humans to achieve. They are all scaled beside each other accounting for superhuman strength.
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~Amelia's Stats~
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Batting Average Regular Season- .302 Projection- .300 Career- .329
Running Speed MPH- 18-20 Hitting Power MPH- 95-100 Regular Season Stolen Bases- 20 Career Stolen Bases- 300
Amelia’s energetic, passionate, confident, and team-oriented nature significantly influences her play style. She is an aggressive and powerful hitter who can change the game with one swing. Her determination and confidence make her a leader on the field, always ready to make a big play and contribute to her team’s success. Her plate discipline shows that she can balance her aggression with smart decisions, making her a well-rounded and valuable player.
Other Players: (will update with link as they are added) America Russia Sweden England Ireland Iceland Canada Denmark Turkey France Scotland Greece Germany Japan Nyo!America Prussia China Nyo!England Spain Austria Italy Norway Romano Finland
breakdown below >> (Chat GTP helped with this part because I'm not good at describing things or sports talk)((it also made me the lay out above I made the stats and it put them in MLB format for me & calculated batting average because math :/ ))
Player Analysis: Amelia
Energetic and Passionate:
Amelia's energetic and passionate personality translates into an aggressive and powerful approach at the plate. She brings excitement to the game and can energize her team with her powerful hitting and big plays.
Confident and Determined:
Amelia’s confidence in her abilities and determination to succeed make her a formidable opponent. She approaches each at-bat with the intent to make a significant impact, reflecting her assertive personality.
Amelia's sassy nature adds an element of flair and fun to her play. She is not afraid to show her personality on the field, whether through confident banter with opponents or celebrating her achievements with style. This sassiness can boost team morale and intimidate opponents.
Power Hitting:
Amelia's ability to hit home runs (30 in regular season, 32 projected, 400 career) and doubles (40 in regular season, 42 projected, 500 career) showcases her power at the plate. She can change the game with one swing, making her a constant threat to drive in runs.
With a solid number of hits (175 in regular season, 180 projected, 2300 career), Amelia demonstrates reliable contact hitting. Her batting averages indicate she can consistently get on base and contribute to the team's offense.
Run Production:
Amelia's RBI totals (90 in regular season, 95 projected, 1200 career) highlight her ability to perform in clutch situations and drive in runs. She excels in bringing her teammates home, which is crucial for team success.
Plate Discipline:
Her walk numbers (70 in regular season, 75 projected, 900 career) reflect good patience and a selective approach at the plate, allowing her to get on base and create scoring opportunities.
Amelia's relatively high strikeout numbers (100 in regular season, 95 projected, 1300 career) suggest a tendency to swing aggressively. This can lead to missed opportunities, particularly against tough pitching. Her aggressive style, while contributing to her power, also results in a higher risk of strikeouts.
Detailed Stat Analysis
Games Played (GP)
Regular Season: 150 | Projected: 155 | Career: 2000
Amelia’s high number of games played reflects her durability and consistent presence on the field. She is a reliable player who regularly contributes to the team.
At Bats (AB)
Regular Season: 580 | Projected: 600 | Career: 7000
Amelia is a regular in the batting lineup, trusted to contribute significantly to the team’s offense.
Runs (R)
Regular Season: 110 | Projected: 115 | Career: 1400
Amelia’s ability to score runs highlights her effectiveness in getting on base and being driven in by her teammates. Her dynamic nature helps her to be a consistent scorer.
Hits (H)
Regular Season: 175 | Projected: 180 | Career: 2300
Amelia’s ability to consistently get hits shows her skill as a contact hitter. Her batting averages indicate she can reliably get on base.
Doubles (2B)
Regular Season: 40 | Projected: 42 | Career: 500
Amelia’s doubles indicate her ability to drive the ball into gaps, turning singles into extra-base hits. Her strength and precision allow her to achieve a good number of doubles.
Triples (3B)
Regular Season: 6 | Projected: 7 | Career: 80
While not a primary focus, Amelia’s triples reflect her occasional bursts of speed and aggressive base running.
Home Runs (HR)
Regular Season: 30 | Projected: 32 | Career: 400
Amelia has solid power, capable of hitting home runs regularly. Her strength and aggressive approach at the plate make her a significant power hitter.
Runs Batted In (RBI)
Regular Season: 90 | Projected: 95 | Career: 1200
Amelia’s ability to drive in runs makes her a valuable player in the lineup. Her clutch hitting in key situations helps bring her teammates home.
Walks (BB)
Regular Season: 70 | Projected: 75 | Career: 900
Her walks reflect good plate discipline and patience, allowing her to get on base and contribute to the team’s offense.
Strikeouts (SO)
Regular Season: 100 | Projected: 95 | Career: 1300
Amelia’s strikeout numbers indicate a balance between aggression and discipline at the plate. While she has significant power, her approach results in a moderate number of strikeouts.
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