#smart buck
watchyourbuck · 6 months
Yeah Tommy was ‘casual’ about it all but have you considered that Buck’s the one who opened his eyes first right after the kiss?? Tommy Kinard you ain’t fooling nobody bby, that blonde boy has your stomach turninggg like a cheap washing machine
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if you want eddie to fuck a priest then go read eddie/priest fanfiction on ao3, but leave it at that
eddie does not need another relationship before buddie canon regardless of what some of yall seem to think about queer people somehow needing to be infantilized and needing to date around before settling down which is not true at all and i (as a queer person) am tired of seeing that narrative that someone’s queer realization has to be through a stepping stone relationship
(also this notion just completely saying fuck you to the character development of eddie’s insanely demi coded self)
but of course knowing tim minear and his proclivity to infusing random ass kinks into queer ships he may be unable to pass up the opportunity to profit off the priest kink of it all and force us to watch as he writes a knock off fleabag rather than just committing to the chemistry and subtext he himself has infused into his work for 6 years🙄😒
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
I would love a scene in 911 where they have to take some recertification exam or something. Everybody is really competitive about it and we get study montages and jokes about who will do the best and who will do the worst.
Then Bobby comes in a week later and says he’s got the results. Buck claps his hands and congratulates Hen, and Bobby says, “It wasn’t Hen.”
Buck course corrections because, “Obviously, it’s Chim. He’s been here the longest. He has the most experience…”
“Not Chimney.”
“Well, Ravi is the most recent to get his certification so it’s actually an unfair adv-“
“Buck, it wasn’t Ravi,” Bobby tells him patiently “It was you. You scored the highest.”
Then everybody hands a smug Eddie twenty dollars because they bet on it and Eddie had no doubt Buck was going to do the best.
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agenttommykinard · 4 months
you know Buck is so fucking smart, the first time he takes charge of a scene and Tommy is around to see it they barely make it home before Buck is being railed because Tommy appreciates his boyfriends big brain and competency
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
what if i wrote a twisters au……….
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chobani-flip · 5 months
totally real, leaked script from ep10
fade in - int. Henren's house - evening
At the familiar kitchen table sit Hen and Buck and several wine bottles. Not all of them are empty. None of them are full. Hen and Buck passed tipsy some times ago.
Buck: you know, i just wanna wanna start singing sometimes you know?
Hen: awwww, our buckaroo finally found the secret to happiness? Buck (nodding seriously): in to- in tommy Hen (interrupts): 'sssss pantsssss! Buck (starts giggling and singing very off-key): i blew a boy and i liked it... (hiccups) i really really really really like his flight suit. and his legs. in shorts. he has 'em.. my boyfriend... tommy... has a gym in his garage, you know, hen. and a garage to repair cars. and a croptop. it's white. I really really really really...
Hen cheers and tops up his glass. Buck keeps reapeating his "realies" until suddenly he stops, and frowns.
Buck: henrietta- Hen: do NOT call m- Buck: hen-hen-hen-hen, i don't feel so good. Hen (concern breaking through the fog): buckaroo, what is it? Buck (puzzled): my stomach? Hen: you feel sick? Buck: AM I PREN-GANT!?
Hen stares at him, then screams with laughter. Buck shakes his head a little, then hides his face in his hands.
Hen: you had a really good time in the cockpit, huh? Buck (shaking his head): too many buttons. Hen: ...uh-huh. Buck: there's buttons on the ja- jacuzzi - tommy has- Hen (finishes along with him): -a jacuzzi in the garage. Buck: but only three. (pauses) hen, how long does jizz survive in a really nice jacuzzi?!
Hen flicks him in the forehead. Buck whines, swats at her hand and then starts giggling to himself. Hen rolls her eyes, rests them a little as she takes a sip from her bottle. When she opens them again, she sees that Buck has his phone in his hand and is smiling pathetically at a frankly terrible picture of Tommy. Hen snorts.
Hen (mumbling into the bottle): i should call his babydaddy to come pick him up.
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
Everyone say thank you abc marketing team
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credit: @911bts
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credit: @henswilsons
Also, this gif post by @aa-lionheart shows, I think, that they are trying to tie the convo from 7x01 with 3x03.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
this is soooooo insanely self indulgent but for fic prompts could u write something where bucky is so attracted to buck’s brain to the point where it’s literally a turn on but buck is used to people not caring (his shitty parents) so he doesn’t really get it
The biggest trick any unit has to learn is what to do with downtime. There's things to do in Boise, but it's important to not just let the boys loose every day and night they aren't training.
Lectures are semi-popular. Buck offers up a few on science. High-school level stuff explaining physics and chemistry. Things a lot of the boys already know a little about and want to know more.
Bucky slips into the back of the room for one of them, standing against the wall because there's no free space to sit. It makes him smile. Buck's whole face lights up when he figures out a good topic for a lecture, and Bucky's glad to see how many seem to like them.
Buck steps up to the lectern and grins at the boys. "Who wants to figure out the best order to lose all four engines and survive?" he asks.
"Can we figure it out the other way, too?" Hambone asks, which makes everyone laugh, even Buck.
"Sure," he says. "But I'll let anyone who doesn't want that knowledge cut out before we talk about it."
Bucky chuckles as Buck turns towards the chalkboard and someone sends a paper airplane through the air, hitting Buck in the back.
"Douglass, that's five demerits," Buck says.
There's a few moments of tussling around Douglass as his friends give him grief, but they all go quiet when Buck turns to face the room again and says, "Okay, let's talk gravity."
Bucky follows the lecture easily. He and Buck have had these conversations before, Buck breaking down the science when Bucky can't follow, making sure he can explain it back to him before he picks up again. It means he can relax and simply watch Buck.
Buck's got the room's attention, his deep voice carrying easily, and the loose-limbed way he moves keeping everyone's attention. He walks the boys through equations and illustrations, drawing a full layout of the fuel line hosing from memory to help the discussion about how gravity and mass and velocity all wrap together to affect which engine has the best chance of running the longest even if the fuel pressure drops.
Bucky shifts his hat, moving it from under his arm to hold in both hands in front of his belt to hide the fact that his dick is half-hard. Buck's face is bright and relaxed as he answers a question about the equation. Bucky watches the pilot who asked the question nod along as he makes sense of Buck's answer.
He's so goddamn smart, Buck is. It makes Bucky feel like his insides are sparking when it's on display like this. Buck knows so much and explains it all so well. He's so open with what he knows and never tires at questions or confusion. Watching him be happy to share makes Bucky want to cut the lecture short so he can kiss him silly, taste the chalk dust that's settled on him, and tell him how amazing he is.
The lecture ends, and the room empties out. Bucky stays put, nodding to a few of the boys who say hello. Buck stays up at the front of the room, looking at the chalkboard like he's appreciating his own work.
"Another sold out show," Bucky says once they're alone.
Buck turns and ducks his head. "I think I'm the only show on today."
"That's not true, and you know it," Bucky replies, pushing off the wall and walking slowly up the center aisle to Buck. "You had them eating out of your hand, like always."
"It's just about finding the right way to explain it," Buck says. "That's not hard."
Bucky stops close enough to Buck that their buttons brush together. "You are so goddamn smart it makes me crazy," he says. "You know all this stuff, and you can explain it, and you can figure out how to make it interesting for anyone."
Buck slips a hand over Bucky's hip and shifts so he can slip a leg between Bucky's. "Did I get you riled up again, Major?"
"You rile me up every fucking second," Bucky says, cupping the side of Buck's neck. "But, yeah, watching you work that big brain in front of a crowd really gets me going."
Buck huffs a laugh and brushes his mouth against Bucky's. Bucky tastes the chalk dust and bites his lip so he doesn't moan. "Only you," he says, and it's deeply affectionate.
"Come on," Bucky says, tilting his head to one side. "Let me suck you off while you rattle off geometry proofs."
Buck snorts and shoves at Bucky, but then he reels him right back in and kisses him properly, a slow, steady movement of their mouths matched with an easy glide of their tongues. "I may be the brains of the operation, but you're the romantic," he says.
Bucky laughs and rocks against Bucky's thigh, sighing when Bucky shifts so there's more pressure on his cock. "Come on," he says, "Let's go find a spot to fuck my brains out."
"Only yours?" Buck asks.
Bucky shivers at the challenge in Buck's tone. "I'll never manage, but I will wear myself out trying."
Buck grins at him and takes one step back, grabbing Bucky's hand and pulling him along. "An equal amount of pressure on both sides," he says. "That's physics."
"Uh-huh," Bucky replies. "Keep talking dirty."
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mstrota · 4 months
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army-issued condoms and bucky used all of it on gale (even used gale’s when he ran out) man is Very Educated on this. totally a two per week kinda guy (monogamously as the army intended) gale who mistakenly took out his condom tin case instead of his toothpicks bc how often he switches between the two. don’t get me started on lube—
for more info because this website is phenomenal since they’re a fellow fanfic reader as well
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stone-cold-groove · 11 months
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Don Adams and Barbara Feldon. Get Smart - 1965.
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cuddlyreader · 5 months
I knew Buck was a reader because several times they reference whatever book he’s reading, but now I am jumping up and down. I’m rewatching because I can’t stop. In season five episode three Desperate Measures, Buck comes home after the blackout. He goes upstairs and throws himself on his bed. There is a shot of the shelves next to the bed, and there are books, stacks of books. My boy is a reader! I just love him.
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The 7x01 locker scene...There is not a straight reason as to why Buck is dressed so damn good, just to go home. Like this to me is further proof he was asking Eddie on a date
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trombonechurchill · 3 days
Okay I know it was a funny moment and Buck was being dramatic but I still wanna talk about Buck, the guy who once based his entire worth and identity around being a firefighter, who considers the crew his family and was so scared of losing them he sued the department to get his job back, being so secure in himself, his place in the firefam, and his life, that he was the one who suggested they quit.... Growth.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Buck and Eddie: *are climbing to a building that's could fall at any second*
Buck: *keeps reassuring Eddie about Chris being safe even tho he found out Chris existed earlier that day*
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(occasional jobs count too!)
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