#small sequel.
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peachybunana · 8 months ago
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FUCK YOU and happy birthday sonic the hedgehog
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idolomantises · 10 days ago
I was replaying BOTW for the third time to play the DLC but I got bored halfway and decided to boot up Skyward Sword and play it for the first time…
I didn’t know Link was this expressive 😭
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picopubbydawg · 1 year ago
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in the absence of comfort
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1000sunnygo · 4 months ago
I did write the summary on the wiki lol - happy to see that people use it! On a separate topic, and if you're interested, I remembered another bonus story released for Jump Victory Carnival 2021 about Luffy and Law bug hunting for beetles (imgur /a/Txt6ayl). It hasn't been included in any of the volumes (like the rest of the JVC stories)
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the image quality got significantly worse after lettering, here's the raw link (credits: @walrsu)
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THIS NERD NAMED 4 BEETLES IN 2 PAGES (the 'welcome ⬆️' signboard HAHA)
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+ Luffy's face in this panel 😭 I love him being a little shit with Law
This made my day, thank you again!
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suppernerd · 1 month ago
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FIRM headcanon that Tom and maddie grew up together 🍩🥨
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beetelbabes · 4 months ago
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Michael Keaton as Betelgeuse in Till Death Do We Park (BTS for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice) 1/3
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gingerchip03 · 5 months ago
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Helios betrayal
Drawing of me and a friends playthrough 🫶
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wybienova · 11 months ago
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dream visit (nostalgia) - a 2nd anniversary katfl comic
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 3 months ago
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some Sandor doodles because I love this man dearly and wish him the best.
Tormund was right, he does have very sad eyes.
also with quite a few of my designs/personifications for characters i kinda just tend to pick and choose things from the source materials (the show and the books) and go from there. Like the book’s description of Sandor was actually when he was younger, and actual time frame he Yk. Aged. Since he’s 35 years old in the show. (At the end he’d be about 40-42 I think)
but anyways
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dog helm sketch/personal interpretation.
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marlynnofmany · 4 months ago
One delightful thing about being a writer is when you get to make references to your own stuff.
The new space shanty sung by one character turns out to be based on something that happened to the other recently. And the same song will probably be years-ago history in the thing I'm going to write next week.
I always loved that sort of thing in the books I grew up reading. "OMG the ghost in this one scene is the main character from that other trilogy! And these other characters are reading a history about the stuff that happened in the first books! I am going to read this very carefully."
It's pretty awesome to be able to do bits of that same thing in my own writing. Even if I'm the only one who ever gets some of the more obscure references, I'm having a great time with them.
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calistozom · 6 months ago
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A nostalgia post. It's been a long time since I've drawn Meteora, and for much longer I've had an old idea related to her, namely, a decoration for tails. A long time ago, I often came across "chapters in the book of spells" that various authors did on behalf of their OCs in the SVTFOE au’s. I wanted to try it too, but nothing really worked. The title picture, poem, spells and wands did not give me much in terms of inspiration and only when I came across the idea of a diary and monsters’ tails did I strike gold.
Sadly, in another fit of self-criticism, I abandoned this project half-way through and only recently found the strength to return to it again.
Anyway, here I have several pages of Meteora's diary, in which she showcases various types of jewelry for different types of tails. I think some of the enthusiasm in the description that I have tried to convey here must belong to the ghost of Heinous (the part of her that she has been suppressing for so long). Of course, most of the decorations here would hardly work as intended (the laws of physics and high mobility of the limb will obviously be a big obstacle), but no one pretends to be realistic here.
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... and at the end there is also a small gif with a ghost appearance (even two – because I still haven't decided which transition turned out better) >w<
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sattiereturn · 2 months ago
anyone else who puts body horror into their agathario erotica is able to chime in— or anyone who has thought about it, really— but i personally consider death/rio's physical form/limits to be similar to a homunculus in fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood.
for those who haven't seen it, they're essentially humanlike creatures who are able to heal themselves through just about any injury. it's not unlimited (they have a power source) but i don't necessarily picture rio having that same limit because she's a necessary cosmic being. that anime also has a give/take system that's a little too strict for the MCU's wonky magic worldbuilding, if i'm being honest, so i don't think about the "rules" of it too much.
but, for example, a character will shoot one of the homunculi and their skin will knit itself back together instantly. you could behead them and they'd regrow their head, blood vessels and sinew and all. so, if rio got a paper cut, it'd heal so quickly she wouldn't even know it was there. i think if it was a larger injury, she COULD feel it momentarily, but i honestly think agatha is the first (and only?) person to throw rio off enough to a) surprise her with an injury or b) do it for sexual pleasure. i also think any blood vessels broken due to bruising, concussions incurred from fighting, etc., are in paper cut category and rio doesn't feel them.
i also like to think rio can control if she is able to heal or not, hence in my knife fucking smut agatha's implicitly asking rio to keep her injuries while they fuck. i do think it has to be a conscious choice for rio, though.
and in terms of what rio "feels" i obviously think the way she feels pain is different from a mortal. firstly, we experience pain so that our brain/conscience knows where our weak spots are. if i snapped my ankle in half but wasn't able to feel it, i'd walk on my broken ankle for who knows how long and really fuck it up. but since rio can inherently heal herself, AND since she can't be killed, her body's knowledge of its own bodily harm isn't really something she would have evolved. i like picturing agatha teaching rio how humans experience pain, and i do think at some point what rio feels is fairly close to what a human feels, BUT she's a certified freak and thinks it's fun. which, since there's no fear of the pain amounting to anything but pleasure for her, tracks.
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fortytworedvines · 16 days ago
If you're still taking prompts: I'd like 14 :)
Send me a prompt! This is a sequel to Summer heat, but can be read as a stand-alone. T rating.
14. The water is too cold
The heat hadn’t lessened; the air was hot and sticky and still. Siegfried struggled through his calls, desperate for some relief from both the heat and the vision that was constantly in his mind’s eye. Early that morning, before dawn, he’d happened upon Audrey bathing in the forest pool in the pre-dawn light, like a nymph, a goddess. He’d watched, unnoticed, unable to turn away.
He’d arrived home after her and the house was dark and quiet, and when she’d greeted him that morning, her usual prim and proper self, a calm smile on her face, he wondered if he’d dreamt it. But it was too vivid. The water cascading down her as she stood, the slim curves of her body… He couldn’t stop thinking about her.
By the time he went to bed he was in a state; desperately hot, tormented with longing.
He managed to sleep. He dreamed of her. Woke up with a groan and full of need. He glanced at the clock – nearly three. He could do nothing about his feelings, but he could get cool. The forest pool called him.
He crept from his room, fetched a towel from the cupboard and was down the stairs and out of the house in no time.
How was it still so hot outside? This heat wave had to end soon, surely! Sweat dripped down his forehead as he walked up the path.
Finally, he reached the pool. The still surface looked inviting, and he stripped off his clothes eagerly. The rocks around the pool were rough under his feet and he stepped carefully towards the edge. Dipped a foot into the water.
It was cold. It was beyond cold. It was too cold.
Ridiculous; all he wanted was too cool down, but his foot in the water felt like a block of ice.
Audrey had managed it, yesterday. She had looked like she was enjoying herself thoroughly. Siegfried gritted his teeth. He would get in.
Jump, the voice in his head that sounded like Tris whispered.
“Oh God,” he murmured to himself. He peered into the water – it looked deep enough. He steeled himself, and jumped.
It felt like shards of ice pricking him all over. He surfaced shivering and certainly not hot any more.
“Gah,” he said, slapping his arms around himself. Get moving, he thought. He struck out across the pool in the inelegant but serviceable breaststroke he’d learned years ago at school.
He reached the other side, turned – stopped. Surely he was hallucinating.
Standing on a rock by the edge of the pool… “Good morning,” Mrs Hall said with a smile.
“Mrs – Mrs Hall!” He shifted in the water, trying to prevent her from seeing – anything, well aware of his hypocrisy given his own ogling the day before.
“I see we had the same idea,” she said. “It’s far too hot. Do you mind if I join you?” She was already undoing the buttons on her blouse.
Siegfried’s brain ceased functioning. He mumbled something that might have been agreement. He swam back across the pool – there was no other option really – trying not to watch her avidly as she removed blouse and skirt, kicked off her sandals.
She stood there in bra and knickers, apparently unselfconscious. He reached her.
“It’s ever so cold,” he said, inanely.
“As I’m hoping.” She sat on the edge of a rock and dangled her feet in. “Bliss,” she said with a smile.
“Ngh,” Siegfried said, and turned back to swim back across to the other side. He was feeling more comfortable with the temperature now. The only discomfort left was his wild attraction for his semi-clothed housekeeper.
There was a splash and he turned to see her surfacing, water dripping down her face. She was even more beautiful than she had been yesterday. “So much better,” she said with a sigh. She lay back idly in the water, unaware, or uncaring, of the way her cotton bra clung to her skin, almost see-through.
“I came out here yesterday at this time.” Water swirled around her and Siegfried tried to stop looking at her. “It set me up for the day, it really did.”
It was the cold; that was why his brain wasn’t working, that was why he blurted out, “I know.”
She flipped onto her front and eyed him. “You do?”
His face flushed with shame and he swallowed. Didn’t want to compound his misdeeds with a lie. “I saw you.”
“Oh.” She was still for a moment, her face unreadable.
His brain still wasn’t working. “You looked beautiful. Like a goddess.”
Colour tinted her cheeks. “Daft ha’p’orth.”
But though she was blushing, she wasn’t shouting at him.
His heart pounded and he dared to swim nearer.
“I assume you didn’t follow me on purpose…?”
He shook his head ferociously and droplets sprayed from him. “Of course not! I was coming back from a call and I remembered this place and I was just so damned hot!”
She laughed at him and the tension in him eased. “And I was here and spoilt it for you. I am sorry.”
“No,” he said, and his voice was suddenly tight in his throat. “You didn’t.” He was close enough to touch her now, reached out a hand through the cool water and found hers. “You are so beautiful.”
She pulled him closer to her and there was a speculative look in her eye that made his heart pound. “I think,” she said slowly, “that you should return the favour.”
“… Pardon?” She wasn’t really suggesting… was she?
She was. “Out you get, Siegfried.”
“I – I…” but it was only fair, he supposed. He swallowed. Nobody had seen him naked since Evelyn, and he was years older now. “Very well Audrey. But please, promise me that you won’t run screaming.”
She laughed, her amusement and affection clear. “I promise.”
He let go of her, swam to the edge and climbed out slowly, extremely aware of her gaze on his naked body. He steeled himself to stand, feeling water drops slide down his body. He breathed in, out, and turned.
She was lying back in the pool and watching him avidly. He fought not to cover himself. “Well?” he demanded.
She laughed again. “You’re at the top of the hill, but you’re not over it. You’ll do, Siegfried, you’ll do.”
With a sigh of relief he jumped into the pool, surfaced spluttering, and swam to her side.
“There aren’t so many poetic comparisons,” she mused, taking his hand and pulling him to float next to her. “I don’t suppose Poseidon will suffice?”
“Humph,” he grumbled. She was still holding his hand and the water between them seemed to be heating. He put his feet firmly on the rocky floor of the pool. “Audrey?”
She floated into him, put her arms around his neck. He found her waist and pulled her tightly into him, barely able to think of anything apart from the feel of her silky skin against his own. His body was reacting to her and he knew she could feel it but she didn’t pull away and the expression on her face was one of need.
She ran her fingers through his wet, tangled hair. “Will we be forgetting this?” she asked quietly.
“I don’t want to forget,” he said hoarsely. “Whatever we do… whatever happens, I want to remember it.” She brushed a kiss to the corner of his mouth and his heart nearly exploded with it. “I want this to be the start.”
Her lips found his, and she kissed him fiercely.
“Audrey,” he whispered as they kissed, “oh, Audrey.”
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phoenixtakaramono · 8 months ago
I swear to god you were on demon mode when you wrote the multiverse conclusion. My jaw is literally on the floor. I have to compose myself otherwise I’ll just keyboard smash my phone in hysteria.
The way you write makes it so easy to envision the scene in my head, like word for word you set it up so perfectly that I’m like oh okay so I’m really seeing all these Butchers take on one Homelander. That’s ace, that’s juice, that’s every single compliment I can think of.
I can’t wait for the sequel oh my god oh my GOD. All those HLs with one Butcher? HL on HL? The possibilities are endless. Thank you again for sharing this with us!!
This Ask is regarding this 🔞 butchlander multiverse oneshot threadfic on twitter (tumblr read version: parts 1, 2)
Thank you very much for reading! I had The Name of the Game (AO3) thoughts in my brain that are unrelated to the main story so, whilst that 135ch monstrosity is gonna take its time, I might as well offer some unofficial post-main story or during-main story spin-offs—but as threadfic oneshots so they won’t clutter AO3 and/or taint the reading experience when more chapters are added. The brainworms were strong this time, so I might as well tap into that creative surge of inspiration instead of letting it gather dust and maybe never see the light of day.
Re: the threadfic ending. I’d always planned to have the vice versa switcheroo in this threadfic (where it turns from 7 Butchers + 1 TNotG HL into 7 Homelanders + 1 TNotG Billy 😉) but I had initially been uncertain whether to include it in this threadfic itself or allocate it to a separate sequel threadfic. I saw how long this oneshot threadfic was becoming and, well, after having to essentially retype 60% of what I could recall from memory after the last unsaved 58 tweets were lost to the void, I guess you can say the universe helped make my decision, hahaha.
Fun fact: I’d mentioned this in Part II’s comments, but making it the 5 HLs from 5 of my threadfics + the 1 HL from the Truce universe transmigrated into the TNotG universe is us having mercy on Billy. Because, imagine, you’re the scummy Male Lead who has quick transmigrated (world hopped) into 6 parallel universes, and had a relationship with each parallel dimension’s version of Homelander. And upon returning to your own world, you schemed to to get together with your own world’s destined lover Homelander—and it happened, although probably not how Billy had envisioned it with HL taking initiative into his own hands drugging him and making him participate in a seven-way 0rgy to seduce him. But bam! Murphy’s Law struck, and now Billy has to contend with seven jealous Homelanders. They’re the prideful trophy wives who are reunited with the husband they’d thought they’d lost, but he’s alive, and in their eyes they equate it as him “cheating” on them with a new hot floozy (TNotG’s HL). *laughs*
It’s a lot more dramatic if I made it a reunion, so instead I decided to be merciful on our Male Lead service top and instead make 6 of those Homelanders from my other fics, so the narrative is easier to handle not that TNotG HL wouldn’t also be down for a fun time with TNotG 6 other HLs.
Essentially I am willing to serve y’all the Homelander f*cking doppelgänger Homelander scene that we never got to see, Amazon you cowards. But ramp it up a notch, and toss our somewhat nicer to HL TNotG Billy Prime into the sweaty pile of clingy, needy, h0rny affection-craving Homelanders (but ofc Billy has to pay TNotG Homelander the most loving attention and endearments to smooth his ruffled feathers because hoo boooooy, imagine the cocktail of jealousy, insecurity, entitlement, and competitiveness in that one room alone y’all this is a grownass man who’d canonically gotten jealous and had a one-sided beef with a baby).
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Like^^^ tell me this man wouldn’t enjoy a seven-way selfcest g@ngb@ng 0rgy session with himself, and with a very willing diabolically handsome V-ed up British Supe patiently servicing them in that pile. TELL ME IT WOULDN’T BE ONE OF HOMELANDER’S WET DREAMS.
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galilelgalileo · 6 months ago
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Any way I’m working on a fan sequel that takes place 200 years after the original and I really wanted to go a female protag route because I felt like there’s something untapped in such a concept. And also a second legit over powered evil king as well
I’m hoping to get the soup and heart of the series, which it’s tongue and cheek pokes at jrpgs and the roles we play in such games and how I can we do a similar vibe when it comes to both sequels, how a new set of characters act when they have the pressures of the original cast on them and as well as how our new protag is with both our titular evil king and a new king as well. I’ll keep posting the process as I go on!!! Wish me luck!!!!
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akitasimblr · 11 months ago
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