#small hiatus announcement!!
foxballad · 7 days
I’m not doing so well mentally but the good news is that my birthday will be on Sunday and i will be traveling on 21 to 29 of September, meaning that i won’t be active here. I will probably just be lurking from time to time and sending memes to people until i get back. I currently don’t owe any threads, so if i don’t get anything to answer until September 20 i will just answer when i get back. I will also be reachable on discord (mutuals can ask for it!) but messages will be slow!
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artscheese · 4 months
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I’m super late but uhhh Dr habit for the smile for me anniversary!!
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jenchan-writingmultis · 2 months
Announcement: Semi Hiatus
Hi! I will be taking a semi-hiatus to take care of personal issues and finishing the series and ongoing fics! Once everything fizzles out, we'll proceed with the usual updates of fics and requests.
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა I won't be taking any request/s in the meantime to finish the ongoing series and non-series! I might add a few more for the measure! The ones I might do while on a hiatus are merely brain rots, little blurbs, and such. If I get motivation, I'll finish the series despite being on break! I hope you have the utmost patience for me.
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Thank you! I didn't want to leave you guys in the dark but hope that it all goes well for me <3
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citrlet · 4 months
pssst if you're into fallout come go crazy go stupid with me over at @lucygooseymaclean
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sunnys-aesthetic · 10 months
Tw: death mention
From the bottom of my heart if you have a dog there’s a new sickness going around that is eerily similar to kennel cough, the symptoms is runny eyes, coughing and sneezing.
No dog should have prolonged respiratory issues for it can be influenza or pneumonia for your puppy. Im not going to be online for a while , I might reblog something here and there but right now my whole family is mourning the loss of my sisters dog. They say it may have been neurological, but she still had these symptoms before crashing.
She was only a year old and she loved biscuits, and she was my dogs best friend. She didn’t deserve this.
Please get your pets vaccinated, and medicated.
More information below from what I’ve checked:
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aroaceweirdos101 · 2 days
Small Announcement:
Hiya! Arz here, so...me and Mark are gonna be gone for 2 days, I have a school mountain climbing trip-
And I have a family event in a different town to attend to-
So...yeah, see ya'll in 2 days!
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thatgrlnany · 1 year
Hellooo! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm back to writing, I was taking a small hiatus and forgot to announce my small step back from Tumblr.
I was taking some vacations which me and my family really needed. But now we're back and more relaxed and energized. I do however can't ensure that I will be posting more often due to the fact that I go back to school the 8th and me, my mom and my sibling will be taking this week to finish all the remaining school affairs.
I will however try to be consistent and try to finish that Hobie Brown fic: It's the thought that counts. As I said I wanted to relax on my vacations and I didn't want to pressure myself into finishing that fic when It's supposed to be a calm, relaxing family vacation.
Thank you for understanding, mll<33
@axeoverblade <33
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shopwitchvamp · 2 years
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Email announcement is out about our closure starting next week on Monday, 1/16 at 10PM CT. You can read the full newsletter -here- 💌
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punkyblooze · 2 years
I Finished My Novel!!! (And Other Updates)
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Hullo! Hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays so far ^^ This time of year is pretty challenging for everyone I think, even when things go well, but if you're having a hard time just know that you aren't alone ❤️ These are very trying times we're living in and a lot that's going on is pretty scary and upsetting, both within the bigger political picture and within individual family units.
A kind reminder that you don't owe anyone who dehumanizes or abuses you a place at your table. Family is as family does. And family does NOT value hurting you over loving you and does NOT insist that you pretend that abuse isn't happening or expect you to silently endure it for the sake of your abuser's comfort. You do not owe anyone perpetually unrequited respect, love, empathy, or time/effort and if they end up alone on the holidays because of their abhorrent behavior, it is their fault. You don't owe them guilt over that either, although that's easier said than felt, but I promise that the pain of excluding an abuser in the family is less than the pain of inviting them just to spend a night that's supposed to be about love and togetherness in a state of intense trauma and fake smiles.
In happier news, I FINISHED MY NOVEL!!! AHHHH!!! At about 170k+ words! ^^ That's a little bigger than Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It's just the rough draft, mind you, it's not suitable for sharing with readers yet, but I've finally got all the bones set right, all the important events and interactions organized and perfectly timed, and I'm ready to finally write the first official draft. Hopefully it all starts coming out really easy now. When I got to this point with Batman2020, I wrote the whole story in like two months. It was wild. Wish me luck!!!
On Commissions: Commissions will be going on an indefinite hiatus for a bit. I've got one lovely comic commission I'm still wrapping up, but after that I'm gonna be on break. I've got to focus as much time and artist energy as possible into writing my novel now that it's finally ready. I picked up a side job in the meantime, but we'll see how long that lasts lol. Either it'll work out or I'll get abused until I quit (again) and open commissions once more. Fingers crossed that it's the former!
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Hello, hello~
I am just making an announcement that since I haven't been very active, I'm going to keep this account for mostly interactions.
Requests are still welcome! I just won't be actively posting any writings as frequent as I used to in the past.
I appreciate every single one of my followers. Feel free to leave messages in my inbox~ (〃´ω`〃)
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yeokii · 7 months
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꒰ synopsis ꒱ all hopes were crushed when you realized there was no way to get close to your crush, choi beomgyu. your advances to get close to him never seemed to work. so, you decided to get closer to his best friend, heeseung, by joining the broadcasting club. but as scripts change, so do crushes, and you end up falling for his best friend instead.
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▸ auditions are open . . . !
ㅤ❕MATCHMAKER ── crush bsf ! heeseung x reader
fast forward  ⃕ [ genre ] : written, fluff, angst, 90s au, unrequited love
meet the members ! beomgyu, gaeul, jungwon, taehyun, juyeon [more tba.]
warnings 𖧷 [only in this scene] unrequited love, yn kinda uses hee, thats all I think
ㅤhe's a real catch ▹ est. 2OK ❨ 이희승 ❩ ⌗ catch adore you here!
⌕ [ archives ] one result found . . . hi (still on hiatus kinda) js came here to post the fic teaser :D (im prolly gna post this after mocks or after my igcses) also ty @yenqa sewlmate for writing the synopsis (ly dookie) send an ask or comment to be added in the taglist !
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THE FALL OF NINETEEN-NINETY SIX MARKED A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE. Ever since you came into the world, you never really could grasp the concept of love.
You wrapped your head around the myths and tales your mother would read to you every night. You thought that every princess would have her own shining knight in armor. So, after thirteen years of living, where was yours?
Your knight in shining armor, or knights in shining armor, existed within the pages of the comic books you read. You often wondered if they would magically pop out of your books and transport you into their world. Similarly, you wondered whether any of the characters from your adored TV shows would step out and bring you into their lives.
So, it wasn't a surprise when your jaw dropped to the ground as you saw the most beautiful man in your life (well, technically, boy). If the epitome of beauty was a fourteen-year-old boy, it would be Beomgyu.
But it wasn’t just his face that made your thirteen-year-old self swoon over him, it was also the way he acted. You loved the way he conversed, his smooth way of talking at a young age and the way he smiled at you every time he made jokes with his friends. You loved how his eyes lightened every time he’d pull a silly prank.
But the problem was, he never talked to you. You admired him from afar. You never actually had the guts to talk to him, as if. You were content with watching his funny actions from a distance.
There were some moments when you pushed aside your nervousness and talked to him. You remember having butterflies in your stomach the moment you first talked to him. There were times when you both were paired up as project partners for a biology assessment and at that moment, you swore you could’ve worshiped the floor that your biology teacher walked on due to her giving you an opportunity like this.
You knew this was an opportunity to make your move. And you did. You brought him small snacks with little notes on them. Gave him gifts regularly. Maybe even took lessons from your best friend on how to subtly flirt with him. You really thought you had him. Because whenever you used to play out these little acts, you saw the subtle smile on his face. You were so close. It’s like the universe laid it out for you. Gosh, how lucky you were!
Luck. The luck that you thought you had. If luck was a person, you would’ve tackled it to the ground already. Because the day you were about to confess to him was the day he announced his new girlfriend. 
His first girlfriend. You doubt you called it ‘love’ since the only thing she cared about was that he was popular and pretty. That’s it! All that girl could get from Beomgyu was his looks and his reputation. You could’ve scoffed at the sight.
Beomgyu was so much more than that. He was loyal, kind, and trustworthy. And she went for his looks. Even though she had him, you felt as if she was missing out on so much. You were partly sad due to them getting together and also due to Beomgyu getting used to his looks.
So, you were practically prancing when you heard the news of their breakup a month later. Did you care that Beomgyu was absolutely heartbroken? Well, yes, but you felt relieved that Beomgyu was finally unleashed from that mean troll's wrath.
And as he got older, he grew more handsome. And God did you love it. When you entered high school he was a completely different person. He had gotten more flirty and way more pretty. He was way out of your league. 
Out of the years you were in this crappy high school, you made absolutely no improvement in your and Beomgyu’s relationship. Beomgyu, who kept getting new flings every summer and tons of situationships seemed to discard your existence. One could only say ‘What the fuck?’
Your thoughts swirled, and you had a collection of emotions roaming around your head until your best friend jolted you back into reality with a gentle nudge on the shoulder.
“Are you even listening?” Seori’s voice cut through your thoughts, annoyed, since she had to explain what she was talking about in the first place.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” You blinked, focusing your attention on your best friend.
She sighs, “I was saying that I think Doyoung is going to ask me out.” Seori pouts “Why does he not get that I don’t like him that way, jeez.”
Her ramble about her current boy toy washed out in the background. You were once back in your thoughts until you saw him heading into the cafeteria. Beomgyu entered the cafeteria, his smile widening at something his best friend said. 
Lee Heeseung, Beomgyu’s best friend. His ride or die. As long as you can remember, they were attached to the hip. They were basically the package deal. If Beomgyu was the life of the party, Heeseung would hold up his hair while he threw up in the host’s toilet. While Beomgyu was the exact depiction of a social butterfly, Heeseung remained aloof, keeping people at arm’s length. You could only wonder how he dealt with Beomgyu’s outbursting personality.
“Earth to Yn!” Seori snapped her fingers in front of your face which once again, brought you back to reality.
“Sorry.” You sheepishly smiled looking at your best friend's annoyed face. Your friend followed the gaze you had fixed before looking over to her. And her eyes followed the trail of your alleged ‘man’–– Beomgyu.
“Him again.”A sigh erupted from Soeri, having enough of your rambling over your four-year-old crush.
“I’m sorry, alright!” You pouted, your back hunching over the disappointing development between you two which was nowhere to be found. “He’s just so cute, God!”
Your sigh was followed by your best friend. Not long after, your best friend’s fed-up expression converted into a rather eager one.
“I got it!” She exclaimed, her hand hitting your back while she practically screamed. You winced in pain as a few fellow students gave you judgemental stares.
“All you have to do is be close with his best friend, Lee Heeseung.” She slowly said, almost like a mastermind coming up with a villainous plan–well, you would consider your best friend to be some sort of evil criminal.
But this, this opened new angles in your head. It felt like the universe–or more like your best friend–laid it out for you again. Your once unsolvable puzzle showed a new direction, and the missing piece was all in front of you. 
Okay, maybe you felt bad that you were going to use Heeseung like that, even looking forward to it. But, you were really desperate. To the point where you would actually be eager to attend Sunday mass just to ask God for Beomgyu to like you back or even spare one glance at you. Well, what could you do? 
Out of excitement, you pulled Seori in for a hug with a squeal while giving her a kiss on the cheek which she in return, yelped. “Seori, you’re a genius!”
“Yes, I know.” She laughed a bit, escaping your tight grip on her before wiping the spot you kissed her hastily with her hands.
“I mean, how hard could it be?” 
You smiled and your gaze wet up to the boy you loved for most of your life, then slowly to the equally handsome boy.
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adore you tags . @wonsbaer @isoobie @armydrcamers @heegyuwrld @nxzz-skz @txtlyn @enhastolemyheart @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @sumzysworld @eleanorheartschishiya @petalsofink @bluujeans @jvjsssnaa @iamliacamila @m3chigo @oldjws @kyrjnie @heartswonn @aeminju @en-dream @yeahsspider @imstupidcheesecat [closed]
tags . @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom @redm4ri @hanniluvi @haechansbbg @taejaysreads @shinunoga-iie-wa @teddywonss
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goldenstrwbrry · 4 months
Due to my school and workload, I will be taking a small hiatus from some platforms! I will still interact and all but my activity will be less, and maybe not many drawings,, I’ll still have kinitopet in my heart tho,, ❤️‍🩹
In the meantime:
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bubblegumspacebxtch · 2 years
Melting the Dragon's Heart
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female Reader
Word Count: 6.3K
Summary: They say opposites attract but can profound differences really find it in them to love?
Warnings || angst but then fluff at the end
A/N: I haven't written in so long, but this man has forced me out of hiatus because he's just so dreamy. The murdering, white-haired menace that is Aemond Targaryen does things to me so naturally I had to write this long ass fic. I know it's long but I couldn't help it really. Also I was in the mood for some angst so that's that lol
As the saying goes, hearts unalike are those most drawn to one another. Aemond thought it a ridiculous belief. He could not fathom it were possible for gentle and kind to love cold and cruel.
He was aloof and indifferent. Prince Aemond curated an image that made even the most proud of lords hesitate to interact with him. Complementary to his nature was his looks. The man stood tall and firm with his chin often upturned as if to reiterate his high status. His scowl seemingly permanent like the scar that ran across his face. Many fear what lay underneath his eyepatch that even having it covered leave people wary of the Targaryen prince.
Though he was not always this ironhearted, the young prince knew that love was an illusion and marriage a duty. Aemond believed only his mother could love him and even she could not do so fully. To some extent he understood why love for the likes of him would always sound ridiculous. Because it was far better to be feared than loved. And no one could love a monster like him.
You had.
You who is pure and spirit bright. You who is social and could sympathize with anyone regardless of status.
You were Aemond Targaryen’s antithesis. Your humility and generosity knew no bounds. Unlike the prince’s seriousness, you were lighthearted. You believed in love and never hesitated to love who you could.
Not only in nature were you and the prince contrary to one another, but also in looks. You were small and would often need to look up in order to maintain eye contact when conversing. Your head of curls the color of ink as opposed to the renowned white of the Targaryen bloodline.
You grew up with Aemond and his siblings seeing as you were the lady-in-waiting to his sister Helaena. You often left the young prince wondering how such goodness could be possessed by an individual, especially given your circumstance.
Being an orphaned bastard of House Westerling, you’ve learned to bury the pain brought by the judgment of others. You have swallowed many vile insults and hate, but never had you let it harden your heart. Your mother died in childbirth and your father you never knew. Fortunate enough, your uncle took you as his own which allowed you to be in the good graces of the king.
You arrived in King’s Landing when you were eleven and the prince thirteen. Aemond committed to memory the very moment your light filled him with awe.
His eye was already lost and though it had already healed, the pain and anger he felt still a roaring flame.
“I want you all to treat her well.”
While his brother rolled his eyes at their mother’s reminder, Aemond simply dismissed her. In his mind, he need not be reminded because he was more or less civil and distant with everyone, especially new people.
The hinges sang lowly as the massive doors to the throne room opened to announce your entrance. A contagious smile adorned your face as you walked alongside the Hand.
Aemond could not deny that even as a child you were captivating. The grace and pureness your persona exude was what kept the room’s attention on you.
“Your Grace.”
Their mother watched with a smile as you curtsied. As you resumed standing upright, you turned your attention to each of the Targaryen children as they were introduced.
“And this is Prince Aemond.”
He seemed to snap back to attention at the mention of his name, having been admiring the dewy skin of your supple pink cheeks.
“Pleased to be in your presence, Prince Aemond.”
Your smile gave way to dimples and the prince felt his heartbeat stutter. Though you made him feel an oddly pleasant sensation between his ribs, his response was anything but. He gave only a curt nod, but your smile never wavered despite his indifference.
With the passing of time you only became even kinder. Aemond once thought you may have been blessed to have your outsides reflect your insides. Your positivity was accompanied by beauty he has yet to see on anyone else in the entire Seven Kingdoms. He would marvel at your soft eyes and full lips before growing bitter at the thought that if you had been blessed then he must have been cursed. The misery and abhorrence he kept inside must be why he had a monster for a reflection.
Before you, it was easy for Aemond to get caught up in self-loathing and insecurity. That was until you showed him genuine affection.
He was training with Sir Criston while you were with the princess looking to find a chrysalis she wished to take care of before it transformed into a butterfly.
Aemond was so focused on trying to dodge the knight’s advances that he failed to notice his cover had fallen to reveal his other eye. The gasps were audible but Aemond was quick to drop his sword to cover himself. You watched him storm off to the castle to his chambers. The unwanted attention had him almost in a frenzy with adrenaline allowing him so make his swift escape.
You watched the scene with a heavy heart, growing upset as the people around who had witnessed the affair started to whisper about the one-eyed prince. You noticed his eyepatch still on the ground and you took it with the intent of returning it and checking up on him.
“Princess, I believe we must be heading back. We would not want your mother to have to wait for you for tea time.”
After being dismissed, you made your way to the younger prince’s chambers.
Aemond had a tight grip on his chalice as he mulled over what had happened. By now his head felt lighter given the amount of wine he had. Drinking was his brother’s way of coping and Aemond wanted no part of him to resemble Aegon, but given the circumstance he allowed himself this bit of irresponsibility.
The sound of your knuckles against his door was so faint that he almost ignored it, but your sweet voice soon followed.
“My prince, I come returning what is yours.”
Even through his sour mood you managed to find your way past as your voice brought him a bit of peace, granting him a break from his harsh thoughts.
“May I come in?”
His mind, the sober part at least, wanted to deny your request knowing you saw his face bare. He feared the heartbreak. What if you regard him with caution or even worse, disgust?
His heart however longed for you. And so before he could decide otherwise, he said, “Come in.”
The creak of the door made him nervous. He refused to face you directly, settling on watching you from his peripheral.
You stood close to the door once it was closed, awaiting further instruction. For a few seconds you studied him. His other eye was again covered by a different eyepatch. His hair was no longer tied, leaving it to frame his face.
“You may sit, Lady Y/N.”
The prince had gestured to the seat next to him. You inhaled deeply before your small feet carried you across the room. The prince watched your every move and he noted how your silver dress made you glow, providing a contrast to your dark hair and eyes.
As you sat, you brought your hands together on your lap and only then did Aemond notice what you were holding. The sight of his eyepatch made him tense and soon an awkward tension filled the space as you sat in silence.
“You must think me a monster now.”
“Your Grace, you are no monster in my eyes. I wish you shared my opinion because it is the truth.”
Your response had him turning to face you and he felt his heartbeat pick up. Your eyes have always been so expressive and where he expected pity to lie he saw adoration and genuine concern instead.
Upon meeting his eye, your smile widened. You so desperately wanted to be there for him and alleviate whatever troubles him.
“Your eye should not be cause for judgement. It is one’s character that ought to be looked at.”
“And what is my character?”
“You are thoughtful. I appreciate how you would leave me books you believe I would enjoy or bring me pastries you’d want me to try. You are bright and respectful. The conversations you hold are of an educated man. You are immensely loyal to not only those you love but to your house as well.”
By the time you had finished speaking, the space between you two was barely there. You stared at each other for what felt like centuries before a small smile broke out on the prince’s face. You admired the way his lips curved, fascinated by the depth of his prominent cupid’s bow.
An unknown force compelled you to touch the left side of his face and your bravery raised your hand to do so. Before you could move further, the prince caught your wrist in a gentle hold.
He stared at you, beginning to feel nervous, but your will remained steadfast. Your hand landed on his cheek, caressing his scar and before the prince could react, you moved to rid him of his cover.
His protests died on his tongue as the bright sapphire was revealed to you and he watched your pupils dilate in wonder. He had never before felt so vulnerable, but your touch put him at ease.
The pair of you remained in silence like that for gods know how long. Then you whispered in earnest.
The sound of your laughter traveled down the hall. Aemond could feel his insides twist in delight as he drew closer towards his sister’s chambers.
“Brother? What a lovely surprise.”
Your back was facing the door when he entered. You watched the princess smile at her brother before turning to address him yourself. The sight of you knocked the wind out of Aemond.
A butterfly lay on your cheek and the other at the exposed skin of your clavicle. You looked ethereal and Aemond swore he felt giddy seeing you so lovely.
“My chrysalises have finally turned into butterflies! We opened the jar to free them but they flew to Lady Y/N instead.”
Princess Helaena was amused at how smitten the prince was with you. She had to refrain from giggling as she carefully removed the insects on you before catching her brother's attention.
“What is it you came for, brother?”
It was a physical effort for Aemond to take his eye off you and you felt your cheeks warm at the attention.
“Oh… uh mother requests to see you in her chambers.”
“Now? But I promised Lady Y/N I’d walk with her through the gardens.”
"Your Grace, we do not have to if-"
"I can walk with her! If... of course, Lady Y/N allows it..."
Prince Aemond was rarely embarrassed, but in that moment he could not avoid being bashful at how eager he sounded to spend time with you.
"I am sure you have better use of your time, Prince Aemond."
"Nonsense, Lady Y/N. I insist."
As Princess Helaena left, you and the prince made your way to the castle gardens. You prayed to the gods he could not hear the erratic beat of your heart at his close proximity.
"Let me take this time to say my thanks to you, Lady Y/N."
"What ever for, your Grace?"
"You have never failed to be kind and patient with my sister. Many see her odd, but you regard her in no such way."
Your heart swelled at his appreciation and Aemond felt his own do the same as you faced him with your wide grin and doe eyes.
"I suppose I am grateful that your kindness extends to me as well. It is rare that I am regarded with as much compassion as you have shown me."
You are taken aback by the prince's admission and he gave you a tender smile in return.
"There is no need to thank me, my prince. I only wish more people could witness how beautiful and gentle you truly are..."
The young prince could not contain his bliss as he walked back to his chambers after his time with you. There was a skip in his step with his scowl now absent from his face. That was until he opened his door to reveal his brother waiting for him in his chambers.
Aemond slightly faltered at his brother looking at him with a sly smirk. The younger Targaryen was quick to school his features, returning to the cold expression he always wore.
"What are you doing here, Aegon?"
"I saw you with Lady Y/N and my my I could not believe what I was witnessing."
Aemond raised his eyebrow at his brother and Aegon chuckled lightly before continuing.
"I never thought a simple bastard would catch the eye of a man as proud as you, my brother."
"What are you talking about?" Aemond hissed, glaring at an amused Aegon.
"You mean to say you harbor no fondness for the girl?" his brother teased back.
"Do not dare insult me, brother. I have no intention of ever associating myself with a lowborn orphan such as her. I am a prince after all so I would be careful with implying something so ridiculous."
Unbeknownst to Aemond, you were right outside his door. You had the intent of returning a book he had lent you, but stopped short upon hearing the two princes.
You tried to hold in your tears at the offensive remarks made to your name. Your heart shattered and you felt the shards stab at your insides.
It was not easy to admit, but you had developed feelings for the younger prince. His rare smile that you thought was more common when you were around. The difference in the attention he would give you compared to any other. All these things made you believe that maybe he saw you in the same light. That maybe he too felt he could not breathe whenever you were around. At the very least, you thought he regarded you as a dear friend, just like you had him.
Only after hearing what he had to say about you did you think otherwise. You were mistaken. Blinded by your want to have your affections reciprocated, you failed to notice how different your ambitions were from the truth.
He did not love you. He may not even see you as anything more than a servant he has had to live with these past years. You had set yourself up for heartbreak by creating a delusion of loving the prince and being loved back.
The hold you had on the book loosened and before you could stop it, a small thud echoed from it falling. That snapped you out of your thoughts. As fast as your feet allowed, you made your way out of the hall and on your way back to your chambers.
Aegon soon left his brother's chambers and the younger prince heaved a heavy exhale. Aemond did not wish to ridicule you to his brother, but he wouldn't dare acknowledge his adoration for you either. Not because he was ashamed of having feelings for you, but because he knew making it known would remind him of the rejection that is guaranteed. You could not love him, that much he knew, so he denied what he felt.
A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts. After giving his permission, a servant had revealed herself holding the book you had dropped moments ago.
"Why is this in your possession?"
"I found it outside your door, Prince Aemond. I only wish to return what I believe is yours."
You made it a point to avoid the prince at all costs. Your fragile heart would simply crumble to even finer pieces if you were to be in his presence again. You stopped going to the library and would now convince the princess to avoid wandering to places you knew Aemond would be. You stayed in your chambers more, only leaving when the princess was in need of you.
Almost a week had passed and Aemond thought you had vanished into thin air with how little he's seen you. He now only caught glimpses of you not often which left his heart aching. At some point he resorted to seeking you out by going to your chambers all the way across the Keep.
With the book in his other hand, the silver-haired prince raised the other to knock on your door. He waited with bated breath and his heart leapt at finally seeing you again after what felt like decades.
It was obvious you weren't expecting him and the prince's stomach dropped upon seeing how your smile faltered.
"Prince Aemond... How may I be of service to you?"
Now the confusion was noticeable on Aemond's face. Never had you addressed him with such formality.
"I thought to return this to you so you may finish reading it. You must have left it somewhere because a servant returned it to me."
"Your Grace, I am a person of no importance to have a prince make an effort to hand me books. I believe it best you no longer do so."
You made no eye contact with him as you twiddled with your thumbs and the prince could not stop his smile from turning into a frown.
"Lady Y/N, trust that I do this wholeheartedly. You are no bother to me as I am gladdened by the love of reading we share."
"Pardon me, your Grace, but there is no need for you to pretend any longer. I know what you think of me and am aware you do not want the likes of me near you."
It was a heavy task to not cry despite feeling the heaviness of your spirit become unbearable. Aemond so desperately wanted you to lift your head to face him, but as soon as you did, his heart felt like it took a punch.
Your eyes were glassy and your features forlorn. The sight of you sent the prince scrambling for a response that would comfort you.
"That could not be further from the truth. Y-You are my dearest friend, Y/N... I-"
"I believed you were a friend to me as well, but I heard you with Prince Aegon. Though I know you spoke the truth. The truth being that I am a lowborn bastard. I-I cannot deny how it pains me so to hear you regard me with such contempt."
By now the tears have flown freely down your face. The prince's chest tightened seeing you shake as you succumbed to your heartache.
"Forgive me f-for wasting even m-more of your time, Prince Aemond."
You cringed at your pathetic apology given you could not stop the hiccups from your cries. You made an attempt to close the door, but Aemond beat you to it, placing a hand on the wood and pushing to let himself in your space.
"Y-Your Grace, please... Y-You mustn't-"
His hands on your face catches you off guard, lifting it so that you may look up at him. With gentle fingers, he wiped your tears, and you couldn't help closing your eyes at the gesture.
"It is I who should be begging for your forgiveness, Y/N... I-I did not mean those words. It was not my intention to hurt you. I would never dream of hurting you, my dear Y/N. I-I simply wanted Aegon to leave me alone. I didn't want him to know..."
You raised your eyebrows as the prince trailed off. Aemond felt his heart was to burst out of his clothes soon and drop to the floor. He had to tell you now. Rejection or not, he must make it known that he would never willingly hurt you, the one person whose presence reminds him that he still has a heart and that he is worth more than his title.
"I did not want him to know that... that I care for you deeply. You have enraptured my heart and soul with the unwavering kindness you have bestowed to someone as unworthy as me."
Your eyes widen at the prince but he continues his speech as he moves to decrease the distance between you two even more.
"It is your laughter that calms me and when I close my eyes, it is the image of your smile painted on the back of their lids. When we are together and you tell me of what you've read, I find myself daydreaming of a life with you. How I would offer everything I have in exchange for your hand."
"Prince Aemond, w-what are you saying..."
"I am saying I love you, Y/N. Most ardently."
You gasped upon hearing his words and the prince moved his hands to hold yours.
"What I said to my brother was in fear of rejection for I have denied my feelings knowing they are one-sided. It was childish of me to turn to insults to reject what I feel so strongly for you and I regret having upset you. I-I understand if you wish to never speak to me again..."
With his head bowed and gaze to the floor, the prince did not see the smile that was back on your face.
"Oh Aemond, you fool!"
Before he could make eye contact to decipher what you meant, you had let his hands go in favor of wrapping them around him in an embrace as you lunged forward. The prince was quick to secure your waist in his arms. He heard you giggle in his ear before pulling back to be face to face with him.
"Your feelings are my own, my prince. I too love you a great deal."
Several emotions washed over Aemond all at once, but it was relief that was undeniable. He mirrored the bright smile on your face as your arms remained on his shoulders and his on your hips.
"I did not think it were possible for someone as beautiful and gentle as you to feel for someone like me." Aemond admitted, but you only leaned in to kiss him in response.
There was no greater pleasure than having your lips on his. Having the privilege of your love was comparable to being high up in the sky. He was in so much elation as your chest pressed to his when he tightened his hold on you.
"I love you, my beautiful prince. I am yours."
"Y/N... If you will have me... I desire nothing more than to be your husband."
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if-whats-new · 25 days
What's New In IF? Issue 20 (2024)
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By Marjorie, Axelle, Noi. Brij, Dion and Bex
Now Available!
Itch.io. - Keep Reading below
If you read the zine, consider liking the post: it helps us see how many people sees it! And sharing is caring! <3
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(Re-)Growing Team!
A couple of courageous souls contacted us, looking to make a difference in the IF community by helping us with the zine!
So, we would like to introduce our new members of the team and officially welcome:
Bex, Brij, and Dion!
If you too would like to help us out in a more official capacity, we still have some slots available in our roster. So shoot us a message!
This week, we had a very special guest on Small Talk... Author of many IF games, XYZZY winner, ClubFloyd founder and IFComp organizer... Jacqueline A. Lott!
We got to learn about her trajectory in the IF Community since her debut in 2002, from author to event organizer, to community leader!
Check out our interview with Jacqueline A. Lott on Small Talk...
We hope you enjoy this extra long issue!
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Since the release of issue #14, we've enacted some changes with the zine. It is now expanded with interviews of creators from all around the IF world, as well as direct contributions from you, our readers!
Want to write 1-2 pages about a neat topic, or deep-dive into a game and review it in details? Share personal experiences or get all academic?
Prefer to be more low-key but still have something to share? Send us a Zine Letter or share a game title for Highlight on…!
Excited as we are about next week's interview and have questions for our guest? Or want to see a certain author answer questions next? Message us!
Came across something interesting? Know a release or an update announced? Saw an event happening? Whether it's a game, an article, a podcast… Add any IF-related content to our mini-database!
Contact us through Tumblr asks, Forum DMs, or even by email! And thank you for your help!!
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The Superbowl of Interactive Fiction
The Interactive Fiction Competition (or IFComp) is one of the major yearly IF events, since 1995. It may be even the longest still-recurring yearly game making event!
Started by Kevin Wilson in the IF Usenet Forum rec.arts.int-fiction, submitted games were limited to 2h playtime before being judged and ranked by players.
Throughout the years, the IFComp evolved, seeing a couple dozens of parser entries to a wide and diverse range of IF forms. Still, after ballooning during Covid, with recurring 70+ entries, the event continues to be a key avenue for IF creation
As the submission period ended just this week, the IFComp is now moving to its Voting Period, which will last for 1-1/2 month (until October 15). Starting this Sunday, judges will be able to play and rate entries (minimum of 5 to count).
At the end of the event, if participants rank high enough, they are eligible for prizes and part of the Colossal Fund pie! @ifcomp They are still looking for donations!
Looking for great games to play? Want your voice make a difference? Go create an account and vote!
Nothing of note this week.
Only a couple of days to submit your feedback to the single entry of this year's IntroComp. You just need to “vote” to send it!
Today is the last day to submit a campfire-inspired visual novel around a thrilling tale. Tales to Thrill awaits!
There is also about as much time to create a parser, in French(ish), for the Confiture de Parser!
And for the SuNoFes Jam, you will have about three days left to submit a narrative games!
Do you have WIPs on indefinite hiatus? Projects you've started forced to be set aside? Bring Out Your Ghost is a jam to show off your ghosts (and maybe even spruce them up and finish them)! @neointeractives
On the CoG Forum, Halloween is already there! Until Oct 31st, submit to the Halloween Jam - it has funky themes!
Running until Halloween, the Phantasia Jam is a three months game jam to create a fantasy narrative game, with the theme of “Hidden Magic”. It accepts both VN and IF.
Do you understand or write Ukrainian? Until the end of the year, the Ukrainian IF Festival is happening on itch.io!
The end of the Review-a-thon on the IntFiction Forum, whose initiative is to get more reviews for games, is almost there. But you can still participate!Check out this post by Tabitha! This is also a sponsored event, aiming to raise funds for one of the Forum members.
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running! If you have completed an IF piece this year, consider submitting it! It is happening only on itch!
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~ Joining us this week is IF author, ClubFloyd founder and IFComp organizer: Jacqueline A. Lott ~ Author of “The Fire Tower” and many, many more!
Due to Tumblr's link limit, this transcription does not include any links. Download the zine on itch for the complete list.
⟶ Hi Jacqueline! Welcome to Small Talk..!
Thank you for having me!
⟶ Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into Interactive Fiction?
I grew up in a family that loved to play games of all sorts, and I was a kid during the original era of Choose Your Own Adventure and Infocom. Zork was on our C-64 at home, and also on the IBM PCs in the computer lab at my elementary school. I wanted to make my own games, but I didn't know any programmers and there weren't as many resources for kids like me to learn to code back then; I tried to teach myself with books and by typing code out of magazines, but without any adults who could help it became pretty demoralizing, and I drifted away from the idea of making my own games for ten or fifteen years. In 2002, I stumbled across rec.arts.int-fiction, which at the time was where most of the interactive fiction conversation was happening, and joined the ifMUD. Inform 6 was the hot language at that time, and it came with wonderful documentation. I used that to make my first game, which was an entry in the first IntroComp.
⟶ The Waterhouse Women was this first game. How did you come up with the premise? and why submit it to IntroComp?
I was staying with family for several weeks during that period, helping to take care of my papaw, who was very ill, and I had quite a bit of downtime while he was sleeping. In the bathroom of the house were these eclectic accent tiles, each with a scene on them, that looked like illustrations from a children's book of fairytales. There was a lighthouse, a frog on a rock surrounded by cat tails, a double-masted sailing ship, and a striped koi fish with bubbles. I got to wondering if these scenes were meant to be connected in some sort of narrative, or what else I would see if I were to somehow step into each of these illustrations. The concept of moving in and out of images intrigued me, but I wanted a richer tapestry to work with, so I decided instead to use John William Waterhouse paintings.
I entered The Waterhouse Women into IntroComp because it seemed the perfect way for a new author to share an idea and get a lot of feedback before committing fully to an idea that people might not find interesting (or actively dislike!). I still think IntroComp is wonderful for that and I wish more new authors took advantage of it. Ultimately, I got great feedback, figured out what I was doing well, where I needed to focus more, and that the game needed a lot more plot. I have the plot mostly figured out now (with lots of research, correspondence with the art community, seeing many of Waterhouse's paintings in person, and even visiting his grave). One of these days I hope to revisit this story and share it with others.
⟶ The Fire Tower is your highest rated solo project, and one that you recommend yourself on your website. Can you tell us a bit more about this one?
The Fire Tower was written for a curated competition called the IF Art Show, in the Landscape category (other categories included Still Life, Portrait, and Event). The landscape I chose was my favorite hike in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the work is grounded very firmly in that actual, real-world landscape. The rules of the IF Art Show let me do what I love to do most in IF, which is to exhaustively craft and implement a natural environment. I didn't realize it at the time, but Aaron Reed wrote a lovely essay about The Fire Tower as part of his Fifty Years of Text Games and pointed out that the game was basically an IF walking simulator, before walking simulators were really even a thing. I absolutely love walking sims, so him writing that really made me smile.
⟶ The Fire Tower led you to receive one of the coveted XYZZY prizes, for Best Setting. How do you feel about this achievement?
I was surprised and delighted and touched. And I was surprised and delighted and touched again when Aaron Reed included it in his recent book. I'm glad that that game, which is about a place I hold so dear, impacted other people in ways I'd hoped for, and in other ways that I hadn't anticipated.
⟶ About a 1/3rd of your publication was created with other authors. How was the experience working in a group compared to your solo work?
Well, I'm an only child and an introvert, so writing, composing, sculpting, drawing, photography… any sort of solo creation work is the sort of thing I generally love to do to unwind and recharge. That said, I'm fond of the games I wrote with my husband because it's fun and memorable to create things with someone you love. For example, we wrote Within a Wreath of Dewdrops while staying with his parents, who live in rural England, and a lot of that game was conceived during conversations we had while walking across the fields and through the woods. For Disenchantment Bay, even though that was more or less a solo project, where I built on an example that lots of people are familiar with from the Inform 7 documentation (specifically from The Inform Recipe Book), it felt a bit like a collaboration because Emily Short based that Inform example on an experience she had when she was visiting me in Alaska, the boat captain is an actual friend of mine, the setting is another real-world place that I know intimately and love dearly... so I showed Emily the place, she wrote an example, and then (with her permission) I used that example to make a game. I smile just thinking about that. And the four interactive fiction exquisite corpse projects I've contributed to are possibly more fun for the authors than they are for non-authors who play the games later, because being a part of those kinds of projects is a bit of a game in and of itself.
⟶ Is there a game that you made you are particularly fond of? and why?
Well, we've talked about a few of them, but one we haven't touched on yet is I Hear the Wind Blow. It's a one-turn game, meaning that you get one turn, the game ends, you start over, and you use what you learned in previous playthroughs to figure out what move you'll take this time. One reviewer said that it was the first one-turn game they'd played which actually had an emotional impact on them, and that they hadn't thought a one-turn game could do that. I'm pleased I was able to pull that off with such a simple story.
⟶ You were also part of the making of Cragne Manor, a cadavre-exquis-like project which hasn't been replicated since. How did it come to be and what was your involvement in the project?
Well, Cragne Manor was a project conceived by Jenni Polodna and Ryan Veeder to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Michael Gentry's Anchorhead. I'm very fond of Anchorhead... my husband and I played it during a road trip across the United States on our honeymoon (I drove, he read the text aloud and entered commands on a PalmPilot!). I think both Jenni and Ryan are amazing, hilarious, technically proficient, and ever-so-slightly unhinged (in the best sort of way). So, when I read what they wanted to do, and I realized the scope they were willing to take on, and the fact that they really did want as many people as possible to contribute (ultimately they stitched together work from 84 different people), I decided to pitch in. It was just too unique and special a thing to pass up. It was great how it was a bit exquisite corpse but also Jenni and Ryan had thought of special assignments to give many of the participants in order to ensure some degree of cohesiveness and a playable end result. It was amazing, honestly.
⟶ With so many rooms in the game, how can we recognize the Jacqueline room of the manor?
Ah! Well, all of the rooms include the name of their author, and my room was “The Dim Recesses of the Forest”.
⟶ Have you yourself played the game? Any room you found interesting to solve?
Yes. I played Cragne Manor from start to finish with ClubFloyd, the interactive fiction group that gets together on Sundays to play games together. We played it a couple of hours or so at a time, so it took us 19 sessions that spanned six months. It's the longest transcript we've ever produced. I loved so much about it, so many of the rooms, so much of the writing, so many of the moments… I'd be hard pressed to pick just one thing.
⟶ If not just one room, what do you still remember clearly about Cragne Manor? something that touched you maybe?
Well, I adored the half-full styrofoam cup of cold and unpleasant coffee in the game. Which sounds terrible out of context, but there we are.
⟶ Is there a game you regret having made or don't look kindly on in retrospect?
I have a Thanksgiving-related speed-IF that I coded in under an hour called You Are a Turkey! that ... well, I don't regret it, per se, but it's just very silly. It takes less than five minutes to play, and contains a joke that is only funny if you were watching the news in the USA in 2012.
⟶ Aside from your two last publications, your games were made through competitions or jams. Were independent releases not as prevalent during the 00s-10s as it is now?
Honestly, now that you ask this, I'm not sure I've ever just released a game independently without some driving event (a contest, jam, group project, or because I wanted an example to share for a presentation). This is also likely part of why almost everything I've released is fairly short. I suppose that I've looked to events to provide me with a deadline and a writing prompt, or I've done a jam because I found the constraints particularly interesting. I think that's just more about me, and not about any overall trend, though I do think a lot of folks out there only produce for competitions because they think it's a way to get more eyes on their work. I've always just written for myself, or my friends, and have never been about trying to win something big. That's why I have never really considered entering the IFComp or SpringThing. The fact that I received a Xyzzy for The Fire Tower was just serendipity. When the time comes (possibly in retirement!) when I do produce the one or two large stories in my head, I don't think I'll release them as part of anything. If they're any good, word will get out, and people will play them.
⟶ For the next decade, you released a bunch of games, almost all of them made with Inform. What made Inform your program of predilection when creating IF? Do you see yourself trying other systems in the future?
I feel like I've somehow done quite a few games, yet also simultaneously not done very much at all. I've made eleven games on my own (all of them rather short), co-written two with my husband, written that game that builds on an example from the Inform Recipe Book, and contributed to four exquisite corpse games that have tons of authors (most notably the epic Cragne Manor, as we discussed).
I started coding with Inform 6, and was an early adopter of Inform 7... I think that's just because the documentation for those languages was/is so well done, accessible, and fun to read. I've explored a couple of other languages as well. I released In Memory in ADRIFT, as part of the Indigo New Language Speed-IF, where the requirement was that you had to write a game in a language you'd never touched before, and I have one short game, Cloud Dreaming, that I wrote in both Inform and Twine, as examples for a talk called If You Can Write, You Can Make Games. I recently dusted off Inform to explore a couple of percolating ideas, and found that my memory of how it works is still pretty solid, so I suspect I'll stick with Inform rather than picking up something new.
⟶ You've praised the Inform documentation for being so extensive, but are there things you wished you knew about the program before starting?
I think it's less about what I would have liked to have known about Inform specifically, and more about ways of achieving efficiency and organizing my ideas. In terms of efficiency, I know my code is not as streamlined as it could be, and that sometimes I go about things in a way that's harder than it needs to be. That leads me to wonder if I could have done more (and better) work if I hadn't spent so much time fumbling around. And not having worked very much in the games industry, I don't have a grasp of all the tools that are out there, best practices, etc, so that's another place where I've sunk a lot of time trying to figure things out for myself, which leaves less energy for writing stuff that people actually see.
⟶ Based on your own experiences of making games, if you could give any tips to future IF creators, what would it be?
Hm... I think this advice is general enough so as to be applicable to anyone thinking about writing IF, regardless of platform/genre/style:
- Don't use your favorite idea for your first piece of IF; you likely won't do it justice until you've had some practice, so save the favorite idea until at least your third or fourth project.
- If you're going to make something for a competition or a jam or some other event that comes with a deadline, start earlier than you think you need to, and build in time for at least two or three rounds of beta testing (i.e. people test it, you correct the bugs, more people test it, you correct the new bugs that crept in when you were fixing the previous bugs, etc).
- If you're making your game for a competition and it's not quite ready by the deadline, there is nothing wrong with withdrawing from that competition and entering your work somewhere else or waiting until the following year.
- If you're not sure what kind of story or game to write, just write the story or game that you yourself would want to experience.
⟶ Was there ever a project you found particularly challenging to create?
Only the projects that I have not yet released, and in all four cases, it's just challenging due to my bandwidth / energy / available time. Two of the four are somewhat grand in scope. I'm envious of people I know who are also incredibly busy but who somehow manage to continue turning out epic creative work… but I also try to place a lot of focus on self care and proper rest for myself.
⟶ Any chance we could get just a hint of your current works-in-progress?
I'm always hesitant to talk about WIPs, because there is this case of imposter syndrome within me that hears people saying, “She's never released anything substantial, so it's all just talk!”. Setting that dismissive internal voice aside for a moment, I have four ideas that have been living rent free in my head for a while, and that I do poke at often enough to keep them from going entirely stale. One is inspired by a favorite book from my childhood, one is inspired by a favorite film, one is a non-sci-fi sci-fi set on a distant planet, and one is a fantasy filled with beauty and unhealthy love and dark magic.
⟶ Aside from creating games, you are also a pretty prolific reviewer, releasing even a rating method advised to be used by judges at the IFComp. How did you come up with this metric?
Hm. I wouldn't say I wrote it for other judges, or that I'd necessarily recommend it for anyone else. I wrote it mostly for myself, and perhaps for authors who were curious what my ratings mean because they often seemed to differ from ratings other people gave on the same game. I like having this descriptive scale for consistency, so that I know what a 7 I gave 10 years ago meant. Oddly enough, I've found the descriptions for each number useful enough that I've adapted the scale for ranking other things, like, um, comparing the various skills of job candidates.
⟶ How did you get to writing reviews? Any advice for players looking to start reviewing?
Just start writing reviews. Try to write them from the perspective of what you'd accept as valid critique if it were your own work and you were on the receiving end of the review. You don't have to be glowing where it's not warranted, you should be honest, but you don't need to be cruel, either.
Some of my earlier reviews were also written to be somewhat humorous, and I blurred the line into cruelty from time to time; I regret that, and think I've matured since then. I've opted not to update old reviews; what's online is online. But I've shifted to an approach that I hope is still honest, perhaps still a bit harsh when that's warranted, but mostly I try to write reviews that are helpful to the author.
I think it's important to focus on the game, its writing, its implementation, its content, and never on the author. Never make it personal. If you can't avoid that, then you probably shouldn't review that particular game. Consider, where possible, offering ideas for how the work could be improved, particularly if you're hoping to see future work from that author. Help them learn how players experienced their work. The best part is, writing reviews leads you to think about what makes a good game, and in turn improves your own work.
⟶ Is there a review of yours that you are particularly fond of?
Not particularly. There are games I'm particularly fond of, which leads me to go back sometimes and reread my reviews, because that evokes some of the memory and emotion that I had during my experience with that piece of IF, but not from a fondness of the reviews themselves. Also, if there is a particularly memorable turn of text in a game that I think I'll want to remember later, I'll often quote it in a review so that I can find that text again easily.
⟶ Following the release of your first game, you took over the IntroComp for its second edition, which you would run for 14 editions. How did you become the organizer of IntroComp? What was your experience with the event?
IntroComp had been so helpful to me, and there was nothing else out there quite like it, so when Neil deMause indicated that it had been a one-off event, I asked him if I could pick it up and make it an annual thing. Some years it gets a healthy crop of entries, sometimes only a few, and while I did start offering cash to people who finished their games within a year, the real prize of that competition has always been thoughtful, honest, and generally empathetic feedback that helps new authors grow.
In 2018, when I was asked to become the new IFComp organizer, I approached Xalavier Nelson and asked him to become the new steward, which he graciously did for five more years. I was so pleased that, when Xalavier's career really took off and he finally needed to step away, he came back to me and we worked together to make sure IntroComp kept going. Eric Brown has the helm now, he's got support from the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, and I'm a member of his advisory committee. We got a normal number of intents to enter this year, but ultimately most of the authors didn't complete their intros, so for the first time ever there's only one entry -- but people should still go to IntroComp.org and play Good Bones and 'vote' (which provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback with the authors) before Sept 3rd! It's an intro, so it's not a huge time commitment, and I know the authors would really appreciate it.
⟶ As an advisor on the IFTF board, what does this position entail?
It principally entails attending a few meetings a year where the IFTF board brings us together to share general updates and discuss topics that may impact multiple committees, such as IFComp.
⟶ You moved from organizing the IntroComp to handling the IFComp. Aside from the amount of entries per edition, are there differences between the two events?
Yeah, there are ... a *lot* of differences. IntroComp was a thing I thought about perhaps three months a year, at best. It was a light lift. I mostly did it solo, though I had invaluable help from Dan Shiovitz who wrote the website's backend to automate aspects of collecting feedback, reviewing votes, and determining the results.
IFComp, by contrast, is more of an eight(+) month per year endeavor. There are multiple teams of volunteers (and occasionally paid help) to coordinate. There's a team for the maintenance and continuous development of the website and its custom software. There are a couple of folks who collect, track, and help distribute prizes. There's a curation team that reviews entries as they're uploaded to ensure consistency with competition rules so that we can hopefully prevent any disqualifications. There's a social media team that is way more online than I like to be. We work with folks over at the IntFiction forum, who facilitate a private space for authors. Each year there's a different artist who is commissioned to create the competition logo. This year there are some folks offering to help me improve the awards ceremony. And I have an advisory committee, which includes multiple past IFComp organizers, who help me think through tons of things far better than I could do alone.
⟶ During your tenure as the IFComp organizer, have you seen any changes with the event? How has it evolved?
Well, participation has varied annually over IFComp's full thirty-year lifespan. On my watch, we notably had a year with over 100 games [2020], but that had less to do with me as organizer and more to do with a global pandemic. I can't speak for what the atmosphere was like prior to my watch, but one of the reasons that I've stuck with organizing IFComp for as long as I have now, despite having other irons in the fire, and the fact that organizing the Comp keeps me from creating more work of my own, is that the majority of folks who take our annual post-competition survey remark on what a great experience they've had, and that's really important to me. I enjoy being a part of making that happen. I obviously do not (and cannot) please everyone, but that's just how things are anytime you're doing something that impacts this many people.
I brought one thing with me from IntroComp: allowing judges to leave anonymous feedback when casting their vote, feedback that is only shared privately with the author (after we review it to ensure it meets our Code of Conduct). I guess the other major changes that have happened during my tenure are the introduction of a new logo each year, the addition of an awards ceremony live stream, allowing authors to judge in the competition (but only on games they didn't write or beta test), and shifting the competition up one month to let EctoComp have full control of the spooky season. Mark Musante and the Dev Team have also made a ton of great improvements to the website based on feedback from the annual post-comp survey.
⟶ Stephen Grande was the longest organizer for the IFComp. You’re about halfway through. Do you think you’ll break his record?
Oh wow. What a question! Stephen did this for fifteen years, and he's still helping as a member of the advisory committee, for which I'm very grateful. I'm not sure how much gas there is left in my tank, and my day job is pretty demanding, and I've definitely hit the point where if I bowed out I could do so knowing that I'd had a decent run and made the Comp a little bit better for having been involved with it... but I also do still really enjoy doing it, it was a hard thing to learn to do, but now that I've got the boat up on plane it's not that hard to steer. So I guess the answer is that I'm not out to intentionally break any records, but I ran IntroComp for 14 years and have been (sporadically) organizing ClubFloyd for 17 years as of this coming month... so, who knows?
⟶ So many positive changes brought during your tenure! Have there been ideas for change that were discarded or processes that didn't quite work out?
Thanks for saying that, you’re very kind. As to the question, I don't think we've made any changes during my tenure that we've ended up rolling back. There've been a small number of experimental changes that I thought we might end up rolling back, but then based on input from the post-comp survey decided to let stand, such as allowing authors to also be judges. I really do benefit by being the fifth organizer, inheriting a thing that has been running for decades, where a lot of the kinks have already been worked out, and where I personally know all of the prior organizers and can reach out to them to discuss anything.
⟶ Any advice for aspiring gamedev event organizers?
I recommend volunteering to help with an existing event for a year or two, learn from that, and then spin things off using what you've learned if you still see an unfilled niche that needs an event. It's also fine to reach out to other event organizers and ask for advice... for a while I was on a private group chat with a few other IF event leads, and we should probably resurrect that, as it was pretty helpful to everyone involved.
⟶ Is there something you'd like to see happen or implement in the future for IFComp?
I would like to see more mainstream coverage, at least in gaming media; we've done press releases in the past but have been mostly unsuccessful in getting those picked up for news stories; I think we may take another run at that next year, because our parent non-profit, the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, is working to rebuild its communications team. There are folks every year in the post-comp survey who lament that we don't get featured more in the press, or that we don't have folks like Wil Wheaton do a cameo at our awards ceremony, or that we don't have more judges than we do, and I agree with a lot of that (well, all of it, really -- Wil (@wilwheaton), if you're reading this and want to do a cameo, please reach out!).
⟶ Is there anything the community would like to see happen for IFComp that you don't support?
I think there are a fair number of people who look to the IFComp to help make interactive fiction itself more 'mainstream' or more profitable, but I don't see that as our role. A lot of past IFComp participants have gone on to have amazing careers in gaming or academia or publishing... so in that sense, we are having an impact on the industry, but mostly IFComp is about providing a venue for people to share good, well-tested works of interactive fiction and to put a spotlight on the very best of the best among parser and choice (and other IF that may not neatly fit either of those categories). We've got some folks who feel we shouldn't rank all of the games, that no one should come in last (or at least know that they came in last), but there are other venues for that. It’s not a jam, it’s a contest, and we are asking people to bring their best game to the competition.
We've also had repeated requests to reduce the number of entries through entrance fees, or having curated pre-judging, or having multiple rounds of judging with brackets, or splitting the comp by genre or platform, or hosting multiple iterations of the IFComp per year... and for a variety of reasons related to equity or workload, we're not considering those changes. Some folks have consequently created different competitions that do do those things, and that is absolutely of benefit to the community as a whole. It's great for there to be more ways for authors to get their games seen.
⟶ In the past couple of years, the IF event calendar has sort of exploded - you can't spend a month without one happening. Have there been recent competitions or game jams that you thought seemed fun?
It really has exploded, which is pretty great. I'm grateful that there are so many people out there organizing different things to give authors lots of options, and some of the jam constraints are novel and interesting. I'm exploring the Single Choice Jam games right now, for example. It's interesting how people approached the idea of games with only one choice. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm starting to see how, if there's only one choice in a game, you build up to it and make it count.
⟶ You don't just run competitions, you are also the founder of ClubFloyd, a weekly IF-play session. Can you tell us a bit more about it?
Sure. ClubFloyd is a group that meets mostly weekly on the ifMUD. I mentioned the ifMUD earlier; it's an old yet fancy chat room principally frequented by people who are interested in interactive fiction that's been around since 1997. In 2007, a group of us there decided to start playing games together using the MUD's resident bot, whose name is Floyd, inspired by the robot in the Infocom game Planetfall by Steve Meretzky (hence the group's name, ClubFloyd). I post the transcripts of the games we've played on my website. I unfortunately update the site pretty sporadically, in file dumps that happen every six to twelve-ish months. I'm a little over a year behind right now, but there are over 800 transcripts that have been posted, so there's plenty to look at until the next big update.
⟶ Dang! 800+ games played! That’s impressive.
Yeah. There are 811 game transcripts up on the site right now, despite me being a year behind on uploads. Some of the transcripts are of games we've played more than once, either with different players present, or because we just wanted to revisit something after a long time. I have not been present at every session, and I don't play IFComp games with the group until after voting closes (so that I can remain more neutral and unbiased as the competition organizer). But still, yes, it's a lot of games.
I'm grateful to ClubFloyd, because without it I wouldn't have experienced nearly so many works of IF. It has forced me (in a good way) to experience genres I usually don't do on my own, and the group can solve puzzles in a way that individuals sometimes cannot. Definitely in ways I don't usually have the patience for. Having a diverse group means you experience things in a way you wouldn't otherwise.
⟶ Can anyone join ClubFloyd or is it an invite-only type of group?
Yes, anyone can join us at ClubFloyd, and anyone can reach out to us for a playtest. Sometimes, though, we get into the middle of playing a long game (like when we were playing Cragne Manor for six months), and when that happens we're not available for playtesting.
⟶ How does a lambda session of ClubFloyd happen? How are games picked and running?
For years I was very organized and planned in advance and even invited authors to show up when we played their game! These days we only occasionally do that, and it's usually reserved for when we are beta testing someone's work, which we do for folks from time to time. These days we usually just all show up at the appointed time, chat a bit about what's happening, what's new, what jams have happened, or look at the list of things we haven't yet played, and pick something together. It's far more informal.
⟶ Are there restrictions on what type of games played during ClubFloyd?
No, no real restrictions in terms of content, but the bot itself has constraints. It's text only, for example, so we miss out on games (or don't fully experience games) that contain graphics or sound or effects. If a game turns out to be particularly adult in some way, such as violence or sexual content or something along those lines, then we (try to remember to) flag the transcript but we still post it to the website. Some games, like ChoiceScript, require us asking for a special file that will make it work on Floyd. Other games, such as Twine, do not work. We've occasionally laboriously done Twine games using Copy/Paste, but it's pretty intensive. Worth it, though, for the right game.
⟶ Your own games were playtested by ClubFloyd. How does that experience compare to being a player?
Oh, I often find it maddening to watch people play my games in real time. But it's also interesting to watch how people approach your work, what they try, how they react, etc. I think that's why a lot of authors appreciate our transcripts - it's not just the game, you can also see the side conversation that's happening about the game as it's being played, which gives you more information about player motivation than you get from transcripts alone.
⟶ Is there a ClubFloyd session (or tested game) you remember the most?
Hm. There are a few. I think the games that make the most memorable ClubFloyd sessions are games that build tension over a long time, put the whole group on edge, and then suddenly release the tension or surprise the whole group at once and leave us a little (or very) stunned. Those are fun moments. The game Once upon a winter night, the ragman came singing under your window did that, despite being a SpeedIF.
⟶ You've participated in many editions of the Speed-IF, which ran also on ifMUD (none since 2016). How was your experience with them?
They're fun. Just writing a Speed IF is a sort of game (for the author, I mean). Speed IFs don't expect quality, they're meant to be done in a short period of time, and they give you interesting writing constraints. It's fun to see others work within those same parameters and what approach your friends took.
⟶ How did a Speed-IF event go? How did you know there was one happening? Was there really a 2-hour limit?
Well, back in the day there'd be a bulletin board post on the ifMUD and/or a post on rec.arts.int-fiction. The 2-hour limit was always a suggestion, never seriously enforced, though a couple of my games were made in less than two hours. And you can definitely tell that they were made in under 2 hours! But that was part of the fun.
⟶ If you were not currently organizing the IFComp, would there be an IF event you would want to be part of?
I've long wanted to make something for EctoComp, and have two ideas for that. Maybe one of these years. I've also always wanted to enter le Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone (i.e. the annual French IF Comp).
⟶ Speaking of the French IF Comp, which you've also previously reviewed, is it as cut-throat as its original counterpart?
Hm. By that, do you mean is it as cutthroat as IFComp? Gosh, I don't know that I think of IFComp as cutthroat... Serious, yes. Competitive, yes. I guess for some, serious and competitive is how you might define cutthroat.
⟶ Yes, the IFComp seems like very scary and serious event -- kind of like authors wearing armor and battling for the prizes!
Ha. I think both competitions have a high degree of comradery among authors and judges. I mean, there are prizes. But the authors are pretty great to one another. There are wonderful private forums [on IntFiction and on Discord] where authors come together and share their jitters and hopes and talk about their experiences being part of the competitions. It's lovely, really. No armor, no swords.
The main differences I see between the two are that the French comp has an annual theme (though admittedly it's within their rules to completely ignore the theme), and there are aspects to their awards that, in the English speaking community, have generally been addressed by other events outside of IFComp, such as specific qualitative awards for literary excellence, technical achievement, etc… [similar to the Xyzzies].
⟶ A fun thing we found out during our research: you appear as an NPC in Yay Games by David Welbourn. How does it feel to see yourself in someone else's game?
Ha. I did not realize this (or had forgotten). I just went and played the game. It is indeed a little weird to see yourself as an NPC that you did not write. (I'm pretty much the PC in The Fire Tower, for what it's worth, but that's a very different thing.)
⟶ You gave a talk called If You Can Write, You Can Computer Make Games. Can you tell us a bit more about it?
Yes. I gave that talk a few times, back when I was living in Seattle and a part of various coding meetups and actively going to conventions. It was a talk targeted at general, non-IF audiences, to introduce them to the concept of text based games, and to show what the learning curve was like in a couple of different development environments (specifically Inform and Twine, though I mentioned other authoring systems like Ink, ChoiceScript, Undum, and Texture). I also provided some resources to get people started.
⟶ What Interactive Fiction games would you recommend to our readers?
Hm. I've played so much over the years. I like a lot of the games that lots of other people like, but let me recommend a lesser-known game that I loved experiencing that apparently is not universally loved but which I don't think has enough reviews. (How's that for a strong sell??) Anyway, if you're up for something a bit dark... wear headphones, turn off the lights, and play Ms. Lojka or: In Despair to Will to Be Oneself by Jordan Magnuson. Love that game.
⟶ Thank you, Jacqueline for sitting down with us!
Thank you for the fun interview! Before I go, I just want to put in a plug for this year's IFComp (@ifcomp). I hope anyone reading this who hasn't been a judge before swings by our site to play a few games. We really want more new judges -- and you only have to play 5 games between Sept 1 and Oct 15 to be part of the fun. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] and ask!
Huge thanks to Jacqueline A. Lott for letting us take some of her time during the very hectic period that is the week before the opening of voting of the IFComp!
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Terminal City (Unity) is a text-based adventure inspired by the 80s games like Space Quest. In this retro setting, you play as a street kid trying to right some wrongs and rescue his friends.
Anastasis (Twine) is a short-ish game based on The Talos Principle, where you explore the history of civilization and decide on its future.
hiraeth and hwyl (Twine) is a fantasy fan-inspired text adventure set in the world of “Howl's Moving Castle”, in which you explore a mysterious house
As always, don't forget to check out the submitted entries to the events mentioned in the previous pages. They deserve some love too!
The Gladiator's Oath: Blood and Sacrifice (CScript) is a Rome-inspired project where you play as a gladiator.
Lament (Twine) is a horror project in which you explore a mysterious town in hopes for a cure from your tormenting nightmares. @lament-if
Bastard (Twine) is a fantasy project where you play as a bastard heir to a tense kingdom on the brink of war. @plotplay
For King and Country (CScript) is low-fantasy project inspired by many world (like LOTR), where you must work through the intrigue of the capital. @forkingandcountry-if
War of the Divines (CScript) is a modern-fantasy project with a hero reborn trope, where you must to everything in your power to save your world.
One Hærfest Day (Ren’Py) is a prequel to Myrk Mire (in re-writes) where you follow multiple characters over the span of one day. @catt-nuevenor
Final Sunset (CScript) is a slice-of-life project, following an aspiring e-Sport professional hoping to find success in Battle Royale/FPS games.
Ballad of the Cosplayer (Ren’Py) is a yaoi isekai project, where you enter a cosplay contest, only to get more than you hoped for in return.
Boyband Hell (Ren’Py) has now been released on Google Play.
FFS, Another Northern Duke?! (Ren’Py) released the complete version on Steam. @chthonicchromestudio
Grey Swan - Birds of a Rose (CScript) added extra content to the demo. @reinekes-fox
Vestiges of the Hallowing (Twine) updated the demo with a second chapter. @buttercupfiction
The In-Between (CScript) made the previous update available to all. @dalekowrites
Creation: Book 1 (CScript) added Chapter 6 to the demo. @creation-if
The Night Market (Twine) 's latest release is now available to all. @night-market-if
Starways Saga (CScript) added the Navy path to the demo.
Dance of the Night (CScript) added a second chapter to the demo.
The Cordillarian Revolution (CScript) added the Police path to the demo.
Shepherds of Haven (CScript) updated the Patreon demo with extra content. @shepherds-of-haven
Peninsula Campaign (CScript) updated the Patreon demo with extra content.
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian (CScript) updated the Patreon demo with new scenes. @defiledheartsblog
Velocity: The Race Begins (CScript) added 2 new chapters to the demo.
Blood Legacies (CScript) added extra content to the demo. @bloodlegacies
The Thousand Of Us (CScript) completed a major re-write of the demo and routes. @ivanwm-05
Press Play (CScript) added the second part of Chapter 1 to the demo. @pressplay-if
It Takes Three To Tango (CScript) has been released to the public. @when-life-gives-you-lemons-if
Thicker Than (CScript) added extra content to the Patreon demo. @barbwritesstuff
Saturnine (CScript) updated with Chapter 20. @satur9-if
Dear Diary, We Created a Plot Hole (CScript) returned with a whole lot of new content. @ddwcaph-game
Aquarii (Twine) added chapter 3 to the demo. @aquarii-if
The Humble Detectives Bundle includes a handful of IF games, including Inkle's Overboard!, with its profit going to the Direct Relief charity.
To celebrate its anniversary, Wayfarer (Twine) is doing a Giveaway where you can win an Alpha Build key if you submit fanwork. Check the rules! @idrellegames
Not Your Mother's Shire (CScript) is looking for beta-testers ahead of submission.
The Rosebush Magazine published the first article on a ZIL series: Studies of ZIL - History of Infocom and the Z-Machine. @the-rosebush-mag
Lost in Limbo (Ren'Py) has just launched its Kickstarter. @ravenstargames
Gold Machine published a new article for its series on Infocom's Trinity. @golmac
The IF program PunyInform has updated with major bug fixes (Log).
As always, we apologize in advance for missing any update or release from the past week. We are only volunteers using their limited free time to find as much as we can - but sometimes things pass through the cracks.
If you think something should have been included in this week's zine but did not appear, please shoot us a message! We'll do our best to add it next week! And if you know oncoming news, add it here!
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We did not get a submission this week. But if you have an idea for a short essay, or would like a special space to share your thoughts about IF and the community...
Shoot us an email!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Leechcraft by Ainsley Sunday @addersmire (Ink - itch.io - IFDB)
This relatively horror short game is steeped in dark fantasy with medieval inspiration, mixing dark urges of vampirism and duty for care during a plague spread. Though it is not in its fully completed form, the current release creates a very intriguing build-up.
//recommended by Marjorie [Team]//
In the Flesh by Raziel Razmattaz (Narrat - itch.io)
Ranked first in the second NarratJam, In the Flesh asks you to investigate strange reports from an old house. Though pretty ordinary, the house arbors many dark secrets. Will you solve the mystery before it is too late?
//recommended by anonymous//
Spider and Web by Andrew Plotkin (Inform 6 - itch.io - IFDB)
One of the most revered parser game from the late 90s, winner of many xyzzy, and showcasing the best of IF. Though it might be more on the challenging side, it is still an interesting experience with pretty intricate implementation. Walkthrough
//recommended by Axelle [Team]//
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserves some highlighting?
An old or recent game that wowed you so much you spam it to everyone?
Tell us about it! And it might appear here!
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HOW?!?! DO YOU?!?! MANAGE?!? TO GET?!?! ALL THESE SCOOPS?!?! WHAT ARE YOU?!?! THE IF SCRET WHISPERER?!? A new E. Jade Lomax (@ink-splotch) game?!? coming soon?!?! I AM SO FREAKING SOCKED!!! - raving anon
That last Column was really conflicting, because I get how demotivating it can be to get very negative messages about your writing, but on the other hand, do we really want to coddle people who purposefully and publicly put their work out there? - a reader
i hope it's ok! cause i'd like to use my shoutout for a non-author friend~ Jessica, you devilled egg, thank you so freaking much for introducing me to IF! - Patate
Have something to say? Send us a message titled: Zine Letter!
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As we end this issue, we would like to thank:
Our new awesome team members (Bex, Brij, and Dion), @franzinyte-writes, Patate, raving anon, a reader, and a couple of very helpful anonymous users!
For sending news, interview questions, helpful tips, cool links, filled form, written Sheet line, even emails... all these help us so much to make this Zine possible!
And as always, huge thanks to all you readers who liked, shared, and commented on last week's issue! What might be tiny actions are huge support and motivators to us! Thank you for cheering us on this journey!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We also hope you join us again next week, for we have a very special guest on the zine:
Surrealist Twine author, multimedia creator, Tumblr sensation: We'll be talking to Kit Riemer (@adz) next week!
Want to know more about their work? How they found IF? And everything in between?
Send us all your burning questions!
And see you again next week!
113 notes · View notes
mikashisus · 6 days
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PAIRINGS: dan heng, aventurine, sunday, jing yuan, blade x gn!reader
CWS: angst
NOTES: all of u can blame gwen and jun for the dan heng section. anyw ive been so hyperfixated on as it is lately bc they just announced they’re coming back from hiatus and RAHHHH IM SO EXCITED, ive been waiting so longgg i missed the pookies sm <//3 ermm this is not proofread sorry for any errors !!
WC: 1.1k
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“she’s all i want, now that i’m on my own, now that she’s really gone” …
on the days where his mind wasn’t occupied with the data bank or memories of his past life, his thoughts always drifted to you.
you, who always kept him warm with your body heat. you, who always filled the express with constant laughter and chatter. you, who never failed to distract him from his work. your smile that could light up an entire room and your joyful presence that beckoned others to you.
but he let you slip through his fingers. and now, his bed was cold and so was he. his room was quiet, almost devoid of life except for his soft breathing. the parlor car was empty, except for welt and himeko’s occasional whispers. breakfasts weren’t any fun anymore, not when you weren’t there to rile up march and shout “food fight!”
his life was dull without you, the fire that kept him going. now there was a different fire, but it didn’t burn as bright as you. it never would. now that you were gone, traveling elsewhere in the cosmos, you were all he ever wanted.
“i’ll mend your heart and break it in the same breath, all we ever share are dial tones” …
another night of the same shit. you had been waiting for the inevitable ringtone that always sounded when he called you.
same time every night without fail. sometimes, he wouldn’t call at all. he’d blow off your dates and then gift you things you didn’t need to try and make up for it. but all you really wanted was to spend time with him.
you waited, cuddling a plushie he gifted you to your chest. the clock struck midnight and still no call. you were just about to give up and call it a night, when your phone screen lit up and the caller id displayed his name. you eagerly sat up, reaching for your phone, when you suddenly paused.
he was going to recite the same words. you could feel it. you let your hand drop back onto your bed and sighed as you turned your back to your phone. you wouldn’t answer. not tonight.
when you woke up the next morning, his side of the bed was still empty, but a small note rested on his pillow. you picked it up, only to see the same lame half-assed apology he always gave. you crumpled up the piece of paper and grabbed your phone, dialing his number.
“i need you when i’m bruised, i need you when i’m broken” …
he fell from grace. he was no longer the esteemed head of the oak family. he was now… a fallen angel. a fugitive of penacony.
and yet, he came crawling to you for help again. even now, when he knew that involving you meant you would be a fugitive too. but he needed you— needed your smile, your laugh, your presence, your embrace. everything about you.
you always healed him when he felt broken and bruised. you always welcomed him into your home without question, tending to his broken state of mind and allowing him a moment of solace from the outside world.
he knocked thrice, waiting for the door to the shop to swing open like it always did. but there was no answer from the other side, no sign of life. he knocked again, only to realize the sign in the window. the shop was closed, and sold.
you were gone. you didn’t tell him you were leaving. why didn’t you tell him? why didn’t you stay when he so clearly needed you?
he fished out his beaten up phone and sent you a text, only for it to not go through.
“how long's it been, it must be months, i swear this time I meant to keep in touch, like always” …
how long has it been? months? years?
he swore he’d keep in touch with you even after you moved to the yaoqing, yet he never took that one step to sending you a text or dialing your number.
it was slowly getting harder for him. his mental health was getting worse. all of his past friends were showing up again, all of them completely different from the people they used to be. they were familiar faces, yet he didn’t recognize any of them.
you were the only one thing that stayed constant in his life before you also left. you moved, and you slowly changed, just like everyone else.
he wondered if you moved on, found a new partner, had kids…
he could easily text you, or call, and ask to catch up sometime. but he was scared. you’d ask about his wellbeing, and he wouldn’t be able to tell you because he didn’t want you to feel disappointed. he didn’t want you to feel guilty for leaving him by himself.
you sent him texts. he read each one. he’d reread them when he missed you terribly. yet, he couldn’t find the courage to reply. you sent him letters once in a while, yet none of them told of how your own life was going. you always asked about him. how he’s been, how yanqing was doing, how fu xuan was faring.
you asked about dan feng once, and that was the only time he responded, telling of his reincarnation. that was the last and only time he replied.
“i won’t forget you, i won’t regret through the pain, the years i gave to you” …
he knows you used to love him, but you don’t anymore. you loved who he used to be.
yingxing was the man you fell in love with once upon a time. it’s been years since then. did he even remember that time? you did. you oh so clearly did.
whenever you reconnected, you’d bring it up. you’d talk about all the things you two used to do, where you’d go, the holidays you spent together. it seemed as if your head was filled entirely of memories from the past. as if your heart still beat for the man he used to be, when all he used to do was smile. when all he said to you were words of love and encouragement.
but it’s been years since then. and he was not the same man you knew. he was mara-struck, his mental health unstable and teetering on the edge of insanity at every moment.
yet, you seemed to be the same. somehow. you’d text him now and then, and he knew you felt guilty for what happened, even though it wasn’t your fault in the slightest. he never blamed you for anything.
you’d ask to meetup, and when you did, he saw how you were almost the exact same as you used to be. just, now, your eyes were duller, no longer filled with that wonder he always loved the most about you.
you talked of how your life was going. you were faring well— way better than he was. you had kids. they were all grown up with families of their own. your heart no longer beat for him. it seemed as if you finally moved on.
he wouldn’t ever forget you. he swore he wouldn’t. not when thoughts of you kept him sane. although the past you shared was no more, he still felt himself again when he was with you. as if nothing changed.
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© 2024 mikashisus. do not plagiarize, copy, repost, feed to ai, or translate my works to any other platforms.
115 notes · View notes
agent-cakeshroom · 6 months
Thinkin about a Trolls au where Brozone never split. This is also under the assumption that during the scene right before going out to perform, they were not at home. They still fought, but as they're yelling at each other Grandma steps in and separates them to let them go clear their heads. Clay bursts into tears as his emotions crash down on him, and he runs out to go home. Spruce(no name change yet obv) quickly follows after shooting JD a dirty look, telling Grandma he'd go soothe Clay. Grandma picks up Branch, and Floyd offers to go gather her things so they can head home too. John Dory is still reeling, and blurts out that he's going to go stay with a friend. Before anyone else can say anything, he's hopped out the window. Grandma decides to leave him be, and heads home with the youngest two.
By the time they get back, Clay has cried himself to sleep in the room he shares with Floyd, and Spruce is dressed more comfortably while slumped over at the kitchen table. Grandma sets Branch in the high chair and gets to fixing them up some hot cocoa. Floyd grabs out the jar of shortbread cookies, and passes some to his brothers as he sits next to Spruce. No one says anything until they're all sitting and nursing a mug of cocoa. Spruce apologizes to Grandma out of habit, but she waves it off. Talks about how they're teenagers and children, that emotions are bound to explode. She talks about how JD should be back by tomorrow, and they can all try to work things out then. Eventually they all head to bed, Spruce in his shared room with JD, and Branch with Grandma.
Next morning, they all wake up late and John Dory is in the kitchen whipping up breakfast. Clay wakes up first, and just stops in the kitchen doorway to stare at his eldest brother. JD's eyes are puffy like his, and he looks like he'd barely slept. Without saying a word, Clay simply sits at the table to wait for the rest of their family. Floyd is next, still half asleep, and curls up in the chair next to Clay while leaning on the middle brother. Spruce is close behind, wearing a sweater he stole from JD's closet, but decides not to explain himself since no one was paying attention anyway. Last is Grandma carrying a sleepy Branch, setting him in the high chair just as food finishes cooking. She helps JD set out plates and dish out the food before they both sit, and the family eats in silence at first.
Eventually John Dory speaks up first, apologizing to Clay. He doesn't look at his younger brother, or anyone really, but they can all hear how close to crying he is. He apologizes to Spruce as well, and then Floyd. He tells them that he'll try to stop being so bossy, and he won't force them to do anything they don't want to. He says he loves them all the way they are, and he never should've tried to change that just for the band's image. He apologizes again, and tries to lighten the mood by commenting on his tears getting in his pancakes. It's gets a small laugh out of his brothers, and Branch pipes up with his own apology. He tries to say it was all his fault the concert was ruined, but all 4 brothers jump in to reassure him it wasn't his fault. John tries to explain that Branch is just a baby, and if it's anyone's fault it's John's. Grandma praises them for trying to work things out, and then tells them to hurry up and eat. Their food is getting cold.
Obviously all their problems aren't solved there, but it leads into John Dory announcing that Brozone is going on hiatus. They're taking a break to focus on their personal lives. He's terrified of the audience reaction, but fans were surprisingly supportive. Clay focuses more on school, and even starts sharing about his sad book club. Spruce focuses less on working out all the time, and instead convinces Grandma to teach him how to bake. Floyd starts writing his own songs, and has JD double check them just in case. John decides to ignore anything he wants to do, and focuses more on helping his brothers. Grandma notices and tries to get him to go and be a teenager, but JD refuses.
Timeskip to Grandma still getting eaten. Clay was off at sad book club, Spruce was inside trying to make lunch, and Floyd was working on songs with JD. Spruce hears Grandma yelling and screaming, and as he starts to run outside he hears Branch scream too. He barely catches a glimpse of the Bergen walking away with his Grandma, and he wants to collapse and wail but he can hear Branch crying from the ground. Spruce hurries down to his baby brother as JD and Floyd finally burst out of the pod. JD forces Floyd back inside, and crashes down beside his brothers to drag them back into the pod. He doesn't know what just happened, but he knows they're safest inside. Once inside, the older brothers see Branch's colors begin to fade and panic. Spruce explains that Grandma was taken just before bursting into tears himself. Floyd starts crying right after, and JD can feel himself start to shake. But seeing his brothers so distressed, the oldest manages to shove back his feelings and take all three brothers to his and Spruce's room to cuddle and process. Clay arrives not too long after, unaware, and JD tries to gently break the news to him. Clay is distraught, screaming and stomping before deflating into JD's arms.
FAST FORWARD AGAIN. After that JD starts helping with the tunnels to escape, and let's Spruce take on more responsibility over their younger brothers. When the time comes to escape, JD is in charge of carrying Floyd while Spruce carries Branch. Clay tries to stick close, but stops when he hears Viva yelp in fear. He glances back at his brothers, just in time to catch the horror in their faces as a pick axes smashes down between them. Clay is flung back, and smacks into a startled Viva. JD and Spruce are frozen for a moment, but rhe screams of their youngest brothers kick them into gear as they start sprinting for the exit. Floyd is hysterically crying and flailing, trying to reach out for Clay while Branch is inconsolable.
Viva and Clay end up in a similar situation to canon, the only difference is Clay is more soft and in tune with himself. He still enjoys boring stuff, but he's not as adamant about not being fun. The other four try to settle down in the new village with a new pod, but the older brothers catch Branch attempting to dig his bunker on multiple occasions. One by one they give in and help, and eventually the bunker is built with an extra room for Clay just in case. Branch isn't fully gray, but his color is severely muted, and his other brothers aren't much brighter. Floyd is the only one that really actively sings, but JD and Spruce will hum to themselves or to their brothers. Branch refuses to sing at all.
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