#small hiatus
myimaginedcorner · 3 months
Hey everyone, I hope summer hasn't caught you off guard! It has caught me, most certainly - even coming from warmer lands, I am currently melting.
Scales of Justice is being reviewed by CoG's team. I will post an update on the progress as soon as I learn something about it, but meanwhile, all we're left is wait! Again, thank you everyone who followed me on this journey - you've been my inspiration and my strength, and I cannot wait to see where we'll go next.
As to that, I currently have some external deadlines due, so I'm putting all my effort into that. Due to it, I will be a little less active over here in the upcoming weeks: I want to get all sorted and steady before it overwhelms me. I will come back with Torn Page very soon!! Also, I'm currently considering what is the next thing to write...
There are ideas. They are fun.
Julia xx
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karppie · 10 days
Hey, uh….I’m kinda not doing well at school, plus I have a lot of work and exam week.
Probably not gonna post for a while or with the same frequency for now, sorry.
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sessakag · 1 month
Is there anything butterfly coming? I need more updates on this fanfic, pls
It's being worked on here and there as I'm able. I'm currently going through treatment for a BP episode and unfortunately it takes time to get back to normal. I'm still around and active when I can be, but I don't have an ETA on when I'll be well enough to start really working on all my fics again, but I'm closer to getting back on track than I have been in weeks, so there's that :D
Thanks for the ask, hopefully I'll have something for you guys soon!
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bagopucks · 1 year
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A group of Michigan Brothers and their tall friend
A group of Michigan Brothers and their tall friend
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From one hyper fixation to the next. If you wanna know where I’ve been, it’s with my music.
If there’s one thing I’ve loved all my life, it’s been music. It has been so long since I’ve genuinely invested myself in a band I felt meaningful or enjoyable. Modern music is not my favorite thing. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I just don’t enjoy the vast majority. This however, I can get behind. Nothing beats modern rock that sounds like it was pulled from the 70’s. I’ve always been envious of older decades that had such beautiful music, and I can’t even express how wonderful and fulfilling life has felt with the one thing I’ve wished for since I was old enough to listen to and comprehend music. I can’t explain it in a way to make anybody understand, but this music, this fashion, this time feels almost.. like a reality in a way. Like it’s actually within my grasp. It’s something I’ve always loved but I never had the privilege of loving in the present time. Now I do, and the love I used to hold for music has returned at such an overwhelming pace that life feels so full again.
Nothing touches my soul deeper than a beautiful voice and meaningful lyrics. Something poetic and fun. I’ve been an artist since as long as I can remember. I feel incomplete if I don’t have good music to listen to, or a muse for drawing and physical art. Music is beautiful in an indescribable way.
Due to the transition period I’ve started, from high school to college, and a lot of change, my OCD and depression has been spiking on and off like a switch. I’ve been pretty busy these past few weeks, seeing as everybody at work simply decided to quit, so my hours are through the roof. I’d like to take a break to focus on my art and my future for a month or so. Possibly until the new season opens. I’m not saying a permanent goodbye, I promise I’ll be back. I just need some time for myself, and I’d love to explore my other interests some more while I have this past summer as a ‘kid’.
Always feel free to check in, submit thoughts, questions, just talk if you want to talk. I’ll still be on tumblr, just not writing. Though I’ve kept my accounts separate, with this break, I’d like to extend the opportunity for anybody to follow @teddydrawshockey (my first account) if they’d like. I’ll probably continue to post art there from time to time. Requests for art, drawings, anything of that nature is always welcome on that account as well.
I want to give a sincere thank you to all of those who have followed and remained consistent through the few months I have done this! It has been so much fun, and I can’t wait to return to writing soon. The support, interaction, and love for my work was what kept me going. This account was initially created so I could get some of my own ideas down on paper. Then interaction came in, and I decided to make something out of it. I thank all 800+ of you who have followed for the ride. And the ones who popped in every once and a while to check out my works and spam my account. I am eternally grateful, and I do hope you all stick around for my return.
I promise this is not the end, I’ll be back
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winterskydragonx · 4 months
Yeah disappointed in 911 once again. I will be stepping away from Tumblr for awhile. I'll pop in a couple of times, but I need a small break.
This season has been a mess and I hope for a better season 8 than what we got for 7. It's been a weird season and it's probably a bridge for season 8, but still there was a lot of choices made. (And not a good one.)
Yes bummy fans have turned me off the fandom and the way they treat Buck characters is sad. He's been very ooc with this relationship. Where the real Buck. We will free you Buck. Also you Oliver.
After this episode I realized I still followed the right people.
I will always be there for Eddie, but I need a break from part of the fandom.
I mean how can I leave this group behind. Thank god for them.
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sunnys-aesthetic · 10 months
Tw: death mention
From the bottom of my heart if you have a dog there’s a new sickness going around that is eerily similar to kennel cough, the symptoms is runny eyes, coughing and sneezing.
No dog should have prolonged respiratory issues for it can be influenza or pneumonia for your puppy. Im not going to be online for a while , I might reblog something here and there but right now my whole family is mourning the loss of my sisters dog. They say it may have been neurological, but she still had these symptoms before crashing.
She was only a year old and she loved biscuits, and she was my dogs best friend. She didn’t deserve this.
Please get your pets vaccinated, and medicated.
More information below from what I’ve checked:
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samptlay · 8 months
So guys I just happened to shower my Dad in too much affection when he was sick...
(I had too, it was the only way he'd get me a new laptop, mines been broke for months & I need to be able to write fics everywhere)
But it's the flu & I currently need to recover. So it might be a little little while until the next post.
Love you all.
(I really have no regrets)
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palatteflags · 10 months
Small hiatus
Hey guys! I'm going to a con this weekend, so I won't be able to post the next two/three days. Thank you all for sticking by, requests will resume soon! :) -mod Jay
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myimaginedcorner · 5 months
Hello lovely readers,
I hope spring is treating you well, and you're enjoying the bloom of flowers and the heat of sun. To those of you working, don't forget to get your deserved rests; To those of you who are approaching exam season, good luck!
I'm sadly part of the latter group, as you might have noticed by the slow progress of my work. With deadlines looming close, I will be absent until the 8th of May, when my last essay is due. Until then, I will not publish Torn Page unless I get a free moment, and even then, I think I might priorisite Scales of Justice, as I'm very close to the end of my revision. This doesn't mean I won't keep an eye on this page - if you want to comment, ask, or discuss anything, feel free to message me, anonymously or otherwise! You would be a very welcomed distraction from my university workload.
I will see you very soon, hopefully, with big updates. Until then, take care and please, forgive your silly author, who appreciates your patience and support!!
Lots of love,
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finn-pot · 1 month
sorry ive been gone for like two/three days :c
okay im just gonna say it
but even though theres that. the teachers are fucking chill. i fucking love them sm. my second favorite teacher is my math teacher because nobody will beat my band director B)
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i got some stickers and put them on my sketchybooky
lol anyways bye might be another itty bitty hiatus
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theyellowroseofsodor · 11 months
I know I have been MIA, life is busy and I find myself too exhausted to write at night sooooo, I’m planning on right now about to dump a bunch at once. I’ve been taking a break from the writing because well, writing 25-30 pages a week has been HARD. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the story, I absolutely do, but I’m also pretty wiped at this point.
But I’m not gone or dead! I promise! Just taking a sabbatical I guess 😅
I may or may not have also discovered character.ai and plugged in my Gordon to run through ideas of the storyline and been having WAY too much fun with that. Like, it’s been a freaking blast and I may be addicted… But anyway, I’ve got most of the entire plot written and I’m excited to continue.
Peace!! Everyone have a great day!!
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thefangirlfever · 5 months
Hi everyone !
Just a quick announcement. Finals are coming soon and I won't be able to post much during the next month. I might only reblog things and maybe post only imagines and other short things, which I can't really guarantee.
The next chapter of the dbf! fic is coming out early June. I also have an other big WIP 🤭
Anyway, I wanted to thank ya'll for your enthusiasm over firefighter! Miguel's story and I'm looking forward posting my next works.
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grumpytrans · 1 year
⭐ psa! ⭐
hello my friendlies ❤️
i am going to take a short break from Tumblr as i start as a transfer student at a university! im quite busy with getting ready for classes, so ill be less active on here.
love you all, wish me luck! 🤞🏼🍀
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thatgrlnany · 1 year
Hellooo! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm back to writing, I was taking a small hiatus and forgot to announce my small step back from Tumblr.
I was taking some vacations which me and my family really needed. But now we're back and more relaxed and energized. I do however can't ensure that I will be posting more often due to the fact that I go back to school the 8th and me, my mom and my sibling will be taking this week to finish all the remaining school affairs.
I will however try to be consistent and try to finish that Hobie Brown fic: It's the thought that counts. As I said I wanted to relax on my vacations and I didn't want to pressure myself into finishing that fic when It's supposed to be a calm, relaxing family vacation.
Thank you for understanding, mll<33
@axeoverblade <33
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
It's been so negative nowadays, and honestly, I'm off, for a bit.
I am already stressed enough with irl shit and tumblr used to be my safe space yet now it's just filled with drama, literally feels like I'm on Twitter.
I feel so nauseous with all the negative posts on the feed, it's just too much.
I'll return when things cool down, I'll queue the fics that I've completed writing but I won't be reblogging or posting my rambles here much.
See ya.
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samptlay · 3 months
I'm in another state taking care of my great grandmother. I apologize for the inconvenience but I don't think I'll have works ready for you for a while. I know I said the Simple Creator AU would be published by now but honestly it won't be any time soon. And when it's done, I will be releasing it chapter by chapter at a time like all my other fics. So that whole season release thing will not be happening. I don't have the time as of now, seeing her in the hospital like this takes a big toll on me. I'm not completely discouraged though, so if I do get time I'll be writing. I hope you can all understand.
I love you all. ❣️
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