#small bowel cancer
witlifestylist · 1 year
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itsgood4you · 1 year
I hope tonight is your last night suffering. I can’t stand to hear you struggling to breath. I can’t stand to watch your once vibrant color fade to grey. I can’t stand grabbing for your warm loving hands…but catching cold frail lifeless ones. I can’t stand the thought of losing the most important person in my life.
This makes every heartbreak feel like a splinter in my finger. This makes all betrayal feel like a joke I just didn’t understand. This makes all the horrible things happening all around the world feel like simply an annoyance in comparison to this.
I hate all moments in the past when I was angry with you. I hate the cruel words I spewed your way. All you ever did was love me unconditionally… why did I feel the need to test that so often?
I’m sorry Mommy, for not always being easy to love. And thank you Mommy for always choosing to love me through it.
Without your love, I would have never learned how to truly love myself.
I love you Mom. I will miss you everyday until the end of time. You are the best.
Please rest easy, and please don’t be afraid to let go of that painfully sick body holding you back. You were meant for more.
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catspinach · 2 years
my dog is pissing blood in his diaper and we gotta take him to the vet tomorrow.. hopefully its just a bad UTI but he's an old man and his time is coming....
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Global Small Bowel Cancer Treatment Market Size & share Forecast 2031.
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Global Small Bowel Cancer Treatment Market Size, Share & Trend Analysis- By Treatment Type, By Cancer Type, By End-user, By Drug Class, Regional Outlook, Competitive Tactics, and Segment Forecast to 2031
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bebsi-cola · 3 months
happy disability pride to people with feeding and swallowing conditions that affect their ability to eat orally! whether they need a modified diet to swallow food properly, like thick water, need a liquid only diet, or if they use non-oral feeding to get their nutrition!
there's a lot of types of non oral feeding tubes. nasogastric (NG) are typically short term use used where it is inserted in the nose (naso) and goes down to the stomach (gastric). there's OG tubes (orogastric) which is similar except that it's inserted in the mouth (oro). there's long term/permanently feeding tubes like G tubes (gastric) which bypass the mouth entirely and are placed directly into the stomach through a stoma (an incision in the abdomen)! and J tubes (jejunum) which are similar except they are placed into the middle of the small intestine. you get G-J tubes that go to both places. some tubes are thinner (J) and there's different ways the stoma can present. some stomas end flat against the abdomen and can be opened and closed, and connect to an extension for feeds (should be changed every 3-6 months). longer tubes can extend out of the stomach (should be changed every 12 months). there's also gravity feed bags, pump feeding, and syringe feeding to utilize the tube. some people get all their nutrition from enteral feeding (from outside directly to the stomach) and some people get part of their nutrition from enteral feeding and part from oral feeding. there's a lot of variation
there's a lot of reasons to use feeding tubes. to deliver nutrition, medication, hydration. or to remove undigested food or decompressing the stomach. there's pros and cons to different types of non oral feeding and adjusted feeding methods. a lot of conditions might cause people to need these! such as chron's disease, colitis, paralysis, bowel obstructions, head neck or gastrointestinal cancers, stroke, intestinal failure and more. chron's disease is something my sister has and it's something that can be fatal. one of the things that happen is that the way intestines squeeze to push out digested food is impaired, and it might be pushed back upwards into the body instead of outwards. this can be incredibly dangerous for the body.
people are often somewhat squeamish about food and digestion. they don't like to think about gastrointestinal issues because of the social stigma around excrement. but you know. everyone poops. it's an indicator of our health even if we have no GI issues. it's incredibly important to receive nutrition, and manage our digestive system. people also tend to be scared of things like feeding tubes, but they're pretty straightforward. and they're incredibly necessary disability aids. understanding what they are is a pretty easy way to dispell all the weird intrigue people have over them. it's a disservice to people with any feeding or swallowing issue to make no effort to include them in our society and let them talk about what and how they eat and any complicated relating to that. the rest of us talk about food like all the time
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theoreocat · 2 months
Cancer vlog - week 1
Monday July 15th, I found out that Oreo has a mass in his small intestine. We had gone back and forth to the vet for weeks after a bowel obstruction and an Ultrasound resulted in the finding of this mass. The mass is most likely lymphoma of the GI tract, which is one of the most common cancers for cats his age. This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. We're waiting to see the oncologist this coming Wednesday to find out exactly what we're dealing with and how I can help Oreo. This is week 1 of our journey.
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bucky-barnes-lover · 11 months
Kinktober day 15: Kinks listed below
Fic: Sebastian Stan
Daddy turned Father:
Dad to be!Sebastian Stan x Wife!reader
Warnings: Slight pregnancy kink, Cursing, SMUT 18+, Pregnancy talk, Going to the Doctor's (Does that even count?)
W.C: 1305
I figure this didn't turn out great but I've had a busy week and I'm tired so, if u like it please re blog. Thanks
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I'm sick. Really sick. Every Morning for the past 2 weeks I've been waking up with a horrible stomach ache and the need to vomit. I haven't told Sebastian though since he's been away filming for the past couple weeks. But, doing the logical thing I went to the doctor.
"So y/n, I think we'll do an ultrosound just to make sure you don't have a stomach bug or something anymore serious. You did however pass all the blood, heart and senses tests with flying colours so it cannot be anything got to do with your brain." Said the doctor.
"Thank goodness! I love my brain." I replied sarcastically.
"I'm sure most of us do y/n"
Dr. Mayladd led me over to the ultrasound room as she handed me a blue papery hospital gown. Addressing me to remove my shirt and put the gown on instead.
"Gosh that's scratchy" I complained making my way over to the examination chair, leaning back as far as the chair would go.
"You'll only have to wear it for a couple minutes, I'm sure you can handle that"
"Of course doctor" I moaned playfully, causing a small laugh to escape the Dr's perfect red lips.
"I'm going to spread some jelly on your stomach okay, it'll be a little bit cold but it won't be for long okay"
"Sure" I answered, boredom creeping into my voice.
"Oh y/n. You sound like an annoyed teenager, brighten up a bit. You could either get home to your husband knowing you have bowel cancer or are expecting a baby." She told me, sounding a little bit too enthusiastic talking about cancer.
"Yeah, thanks but I'd rather not have either"
"You don't want children?" The Dr asked me, sounding a little less excited.
I let out a loud sigh before explaining to the Dr exactly what I was thinking.
"Yes, I do. I do want children. It's just that Sebastian has been away filming for a good while and we never really discussed when we would want to start a family. So I'm not sure if this is the right time."
Dr. Mayland rubbed some cold blue jelly over my stomach, through the hole that was cut in a circle right over the tummy. Then she connected a couple wires to an ultrasound remote, which kind of took the shape of a jade roller, just thicker and electronic. She started rolling the remote across my stomach spreading the jelly with it.
Eyes focused on the computer machine as the remote scanned my skin. Suddenly a small shape, about the size of a blueberry came into view.
It was undeniably a baby.
"Well, you are pregnant and it looks as if you're about 7 weeks along. Would you like me to print off the photos?"
Said Dr. Mayladd as she continued scanning over my stomach.
"Yes please." I responded, overwhelmed at the fact that I am carrying a child.
"OK. Give me a second to do that."
The Dr. responded, a few seconds later I heard a faint buzzing sound and then she turned around to face me. A roll of what looked like Polaroids in her hand. Putting them in a small box, along with a card before she handed it to me. With a note of congratulations, I left the Dr's office.
The drive home was stressful. The radio was playing 'Starlight' by Taylor Swift. One of my favorite songs, but I couldn't pay attention to it. Crazy thoughts running through my brain. What if Seb doesn't want kids right now, What if the pregnancy goes wrong. What if, what if, was all I could think of right now.
As I arrived home, I almost drove away, seeing my husband's car in the driveway. Shit. How do I tell him?
Leaving all my thoughts in the backseat of the car, I unlocked the front door. Immediately greeted by soft kisses escalating down my neck.
"Hi baby." "How are you?" I asked him as he pecked my lips.
"I'm good. You?" He questioned, pointing towards the doctor's receipt in my hand.
"Oh, Well." I hesitated, struggling to find the words to say to him. Not knowing if I should even tell him right now.
"Well, I'm pregnant."
Sebastian stared at me for a couple seconds, clearly starstruck by the news that he's going to be a father.
"Y/n. Are you serious?"
"Yes. That's why I went to the doctor today. I've been sick almost every morning since you were away, which is ironic now that I think about it. Considering we had a pretty fun night a couple days before you went off for shooting."
"But yeah, I'm 7 weeks along." I uttered anxiously.
"Shit y/n. We're gonna be parents."
Sebastian yelled, happiness clear in his tone and visible in his full smile.
"That is if you want to keep it." He added on, seeing my scared expression.
"Yes, baby, I want to keep it, I'm just scared. We haven't really discussed this much, since you've been away a lot." I expressed.
"Doll, there is nobody else I would rather have children with than you. I love you with all my heart, please acknowledge that." He reasoned.
"Now. We have to celebrate" Sebastian continued.
Picking me up and carrying me up the stairs to our shared bedroom.
Running to the bed, I undress into my bra and panties, my husband doing the same.
"Babydoll, I'm gonna fuck you so good you'll have another baby in you soon enough" He chuckled as he unclipped my bra. Grabbing my breasts in his hands, kneading them as he trailed kisses up and down my neck.
Sweet moans escaped my lips all the while Sebastian sucked on the sensitive skin along my neck. I reached down to his groin and palmed him through his boxers, earning a desperate moan from him. Dropping to his knees, towering over me he grabbed my underwear, tugging as I lifted up my hips letting them slide down. Feeling Sebastian's rough fingers slide along my slit, into my wet hole.
"Damn Mama. You're so wet already. Wonder how well you could take my cock" He muttered, adding a second finger into my entrance. Pumping in and out. My moans grew more desperate as he pumped faster inside of me, rubbing my clit with his thumb. I knew he could feel I was close, because he stopped just as I was on the verge of cumming.
"Ahh. Seb, what was that for" I moaned out, annoyed at his act.
"Not so fast mama. Don't you think I would let you cum that easily without you cumming all over my cock." He growled.
Removing his boxers, he lined himself up with my entrance before thrusting his hips slowly. I groaned, feeling myself stretch as he worked his thick cock through me.
"Oh Seb" I moaned as he thrusted into me harder and harder. Hitting the right spot each and every time.
"Fuck Mama, you're so tight for me." He moaned. Bucking his hips against my own as his thrusts became much, much harder. Digging even deeper into me. Causing me to scream out his name. "Fuck Sebastian!!" I screamed, the pleasure almost too much. I felt Sebastian's fingers trace over my sensitive clit. Rubbing it in a soft circular motion.
My pussy clenched around his cock. So tight and so close. Sebastian's finger grazed my clit one more time, sending me over the edge. A couple moments later, after one last deep thrust, Sebastian came inside me.
"Fuck babydoll. You feel so good" He moaned, still working his cock inside me. I only moaned in response. The pleasure was overwhelming.
If this was what pregnancy would be like, I don't know why I'd be so scared, becoming a mum.
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scientia-rex · 4 months
Good morning! I have a question. When I look up info about vitamin D, I come across many claims that people generally don't get enough of it. In a recent episode of Maintenance Phase, however, the hosts called it a "scam" or overblown, at least (I don't remember the exact wording). So, like, what's the deal with vitamin D? Do Americans get enough of it?
Probably, mostly. At the very least, people should be tested before starting repletion. It probably has a role in osteoporosis treatment and prevention, BUT how much to take and what form and when is HOTLY debated and frequently conclusions are changing.
Just to take you on a spin through the most recent Cochrane reviews (THESE ARE NOT SINGLE STUDIES, in case any of the research-naive out there want to get pissy about them; look up what a Cochrane review actually is before trying to shit on it; also note that I did NOT say this will cover every fucking person and every hypothetical they can come up with, jesus CHRIST):
No role for vitamin D in asthma
Insufficient evidence to recommend it in sickle cell
Raising vitamin D levels in cystic fibrosis patients is not beneficial
No evidence of benefit of vitamin D in MS
Supplementing vitamin D in pregnancy may have small benefits but also risk of harms
No clinically significant benefit from vitamin D supplementation in chronic pain
Insufficient data on vitamin D in inflammatory bowel disease, but no evidence of benefit
No evidence of benefit of vitamin D supplementation in liver disease
Vitamin D does not appear to prevent cancer in general population
No evidence for benefit in supplementation of vitamin D in premenopausal women to prevent bone density loss
Possible small mortality benefit of D3, but not D2, in elderly patients, but also increased risk of kidney stones and hypercalcemia
Vitamin D alone ineffective, but combined with calcium may be effective, in preventing bone fractures in older adults
Insufficient evidence for vitamin D improving COVID-19 outcomes
Now, vitamin D plus calcium in people who have post-menopausal bone density loss does seem to prevent fractures. This is why doctors routinely recommend it. However, dosage and formulation are still debated as data are insufficient, and uncertainty still large.
So, do you need to supplement? Probably not. There is some fairly weak evidence that vitamin D supplementation may help with depression, but I would argue that it's going to be most relevant in people with pre-existing deficiencies, which Medicare is just hellbent on not letting me test for anymore. They've narrowed the coverage codes for testing so now even know vitamin D deficiency isn't considered a good enough reason to test. So Medicare has very clearly decided it's not relevant, for whatever that's worth, I spit on their graves, etc. Of course, then you get into the question of what counts as a deficiency, which we also really don't know.
And to be clear, I wasn't looking through the Cochrane review results with an angle--those are most of the first page of search results on their site, with the only one skipped being similar to another one I mentioned, and I stopped when I got bored. These should not be paywalled, as I am not logged into anything and I can read it all, so try clicking the side menu on the right if you have trouble getting into the weeds.
If anything, running through this little exercise has made me less likely to recommend vitamin D supplementation, so do with that what you will.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
In a medical first, scientists have hindered the growth of bowel cancers in mice by harnessing immune cells in the large intestine. One of the most exciting new cancer treatments is immunotherapy, which works by training the body's immune system to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, most current immunotherapies only benefit a small minority of patients with bowel cancer – fewer than 10 percent. "We have discovered that an important group of immune cells in the large bowel – gamma delta T cells – are crucial to preventing bowel cancer," says immunologist Lisa Mielke from the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute at La Trobe University in Australia.
Continue Reading.
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luxe-pauvre · 4 months
When the body is healthy, we take it for granted. We can function very effectively without giving it a thought. Throughout any given day, the body undergoes multiple changes, which the brain assesses as normal and duly dismisses. Occasional palpitations walking up a flight of stairs; a small ache in the lower back, caused by sitting in an uncomfortable chair; altered bowel habit triggered by diet; dizziness on standing suddenly – these are only a few of the huge array of small bodily sensations that happen in varying degrees every day. They create a constant background of unobtrusive bodily white noise, to which we rarely give a second thought – unless, that is, something happens to make us pay attention. If a person has always been well and has no expectation of ill health, they will barely notice how the body reacts to activity and the environment. Their attitude to bodily changes might be different, however, if they are given good reason to notice. A person with a relative who was recently diagnosed with a serious heart condition might find it hard to dismiss palpitations that would normally go without remark. Somebody recovering from cancer might worry that fatigue could be a sign of something sinister. The body offers an ever-present potential symptom pool. There are numerous reasons why someone might start to pay undue attention to their body and, out of the white noise, pull one sensation to the fore, starting a medical hunt. Once you assess a bodily change as abnormal, it becomes a symptom. […] As I’ve already said, the processing of sensory stimuli is subject to many unconscious controls. One I have not yet given the attention it is due is the concept of filtering. At any point in time, only a fraction of potential sensory experiences available to us are in the conscious realm. […] There are so many bodily changes and sensory experiences available to us that we would not be able to concentrate if we had to think of every one, all the time. As a result, the brain filters out the excess. Beyond choosing where we want to focus our attention, most of this process occurs at an unconscious level. We have significantly less control over our senses than we think.
Suzanne O’Sullivan, The Sleeping Beauties and Other Stories of Mystery Illness
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witlifestylist · 1 year
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sensualnoiree · 10 months
astro health notes pt.2
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Cancer: Nurturing Instincts and Emotional Health
Ruling Anatomy: Cancer governs the breasts, diaphragm, womb, lymphatic system, vagina, stomach, and right eye. It embodies nurturing, motherhood, and the Moon principle, associated with substance change but lacking vitality.
Health Connections: Possibility that Cancerians might encounter weight gain in later years due to their fondness for food. Emotional stress, anxiety, and tension often cause digestive problems such as ulcers, gastritis, and digestive upsets. They might struggle with gall bladder issues, nausea, and gas pains, while also being susceptible to overindulgence in alcohol.
Characteristics: Cancer individuals exhibit a nurturing nature akin to motherhood. Their susceptibility to digestive issues and emotional stress underscores the impact of their emotional state on physical health.
Challenges: Afflicted Cancerians may suffer from dropsy, indigestion, and sclerosis. Symptoms such as dizziness, syncope, and watery or congested nose and sinuses can manifest, reflecting the sign's vulnerabilities.
Leo: Vital Energy and Robust Constitution
Ruling Anatomy: Leo rules over the heart, circulation, blood pressure, spine, back, and left eye. It symbolizes vital energy, creativity, and power associated with the Sun principle.
Health Connections: Leos boast robust constitutions, often excelling in physical activities like dancing and sports. However, overexertion might cause strain, especially in their upper back. They might experience heart-related issues, like pains and pressure, and are advised to slow down in later years to prevent potential heart attacks.
Distinctive Traits: Leo ascendants are identifiable by their voluminous hair, regal posture, and tall stature. Their physicality exudes strength and royalty, marked by their golden undertone and bright, bold presence.
Challenges: Leo individuals can suffer from tension in neck and shoulders, headaches, nosebleeds, and visual disturbances due to aggravated heat and choler. Conditions such as apoplexy, convulsions, and syncope can arise from severe heat imbalances.
Virgo: Selective Process and Health Concerns
Ruling Anatomy: Virgo governs the digestive system, pancreas, small intestines, eyes, and ears. It symbolizes selection, utilization, and nervous temperament.
Health Connections: Virgos tend to worry themselves sick, turning emotional troubles into physical ailments, especially intestinal issues like indigestion, colitis, ulcers, and bowel problems. Their fussy digestive systems and hypochondriac tendencies often lead to digestive discomfort and nervous system complications.
Characteristics: Virgo ascendants possess delicate features with clear, bright eyes and a tendency for a "resting b*tch face." They often have lean muscles and are sensitive to energies around them.
Challenges: Melancholic disorders like neurasthenia and cerebrovascular issues may afflict Virgo individuals. Their sensitive digestive systems and nervous temperament can cause chronic stress, insomnia, tremors, and digestive disorders.
For more info follow me here! :D
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week - December 19, 2022
1. Biden to sign Respect for Marriage Act, reflecting his and the country's evolution
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President Biden signed into law Tuesday a bipartisan bill that codifies same-sex and interracial marriages with a large celebration on the South Lawn of the White House.
The president spoke before a crowd of thousands gathered to celebrate the federal protections in the Respect for Marriage Act.
"The road to this moment has been long, but those who believe in equality and justice – you never gave up," Biden said.
2. MacKenzie Scott reveals details of her $14bn in donations to 1,600 non-profits
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She has signed pledge promising to give away over half of her wealth. The billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott's donations have yielded more than $14bn for about 1,600 non-profits since 2019, according to her new website Yield Giving, which was unveiled on Wednesday night.
3. A stranger on a plane gave two girls fleeing civil war $100. Decades later, they reunited.
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This is so heartwarming! I’m so glad they’re able to meet again!
Ayda Zugay was a nearly 12-year-old refugee fleeing the former Yugoslavia with her older sister when a stranger handed them the envelope on a flight to the United States in 1999. The woman made them promise not to open it until they got off the plane. The girls were later shocked to discover dangly earrings and a $100 bill inside.
A note scribbled on the outside of the envelope is signed with only a first name — Tracy. And for almost a decade, Zugay says she's been trying to find her.
After years, her message finally made it to Tracy Peck of Blaine, Minnesota. Her daughter reached out to Zugay: "You are looking for my mom Tracy Peck! Her handwriting is unmistakable. She remembers you girls from the flight!"
4. US scientists boost clean power hopes with fusion energy breakthrough
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US government scientists have made a breakthrough in the pursuit of limitless, zero-carbon power by achieving a net energy gain in a fusion reaction for the first time, according to three people with knowledge of preliminary results from a recent experiment. Physicists have since the 1950s sought to harness the fusion reaction that powers the sun, but no group had been able to produce more energy from the reaction than it consumes
5. Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial
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Researchers say they have successfully completed a trial of a personalised cancer vaccine that uses the same messenger-RNA technology as Covid jabs. The experimental vaccine, made by Moderna and MSD, is designed to prime the immune system to seek and destroy cancerous cells.
Doctors hope work such as this could lead to revolutionary new ways to fight skin, bowel and other types of cancer. Moderna and MSD called it "a new paradigm" moment.
6. Historic ban on shark fin trade poised to become U.S. law
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The U.S. is poised to ban the lucrative trade in shark fins, a move conservationists hope will help protect millions of sharks that are butchered every year to satisfy demand in China and other parts of Asia.
The practice of shark finning, whereby sharks are caught for their fins and their carcasses then dumped back into the ocean, has been banned in U.S. waters for decades. But the U.S. remains a major hub for the brisk trade where the fins of as many as 73 million sharks are cut off around the world each year.
7. Ukraine says power restored to almost 6 million people in last 24 hours
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Ukraine has managed to restore power to almost 6 million people in the last 24 hours after massive Russian strikes against the electricity generating system, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Saturday.
"Repair work continues without a break after yesterday's terrorist attack," he said in a video address.
That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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aressida · 1 month
Wrote a long one cos the in law family wanted him to take the flu shot, I said no.
"Dear Family, Friends, and Medical Professionals,
I am writing to share some thoughts and questions about vaccines, particularly in light of recent developments.
Do we believe that vaccines are the ultimate solution in medicine?
It is commonly known that influenza vaccines are reformulated each season due to the virus’s constant mutation, making it challenging to predict and protect against new strains accurately.
Is it true that these vaccines bypass the liver’s natural filtration system, potentially causing a shock to our bodies?
How should we classify these ingredients—as toxic or benign?
Here are just some vaccine ingredients, and these are being injected into your body and into your children’s bodies if you choose to vaccinate:
– Formaldehyde/Formalin – Highly toxic systemic poison and carcinogen.
– Betapropiolactone – Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death or permanent injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
– Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide – May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
– Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts – Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long-term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.
– Thimerosal (mercury) – Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism.
– Polysorbate 80 & 20 – Trespasses the blood-brain barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing them to enter the brain.
– Glutaraldehyde – Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat-sensitive medical equipment.
– Fetal Bovine Serum – Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.
– Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells – Aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.
– African Green Monkey Kidney Cells – Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.
– Acetone – Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.
– E. Coli – Yes, you read that right.
– DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
– Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
You can view all of these ingredients on the CDC’s website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected.
Injecting foreign substances directly into the bloodstream—viruses, toxins, and proteins—has been linked to various diseases and disorders. These include conditions like atypical measles, cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and even SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
Conditions like Addison’s disease, anaphylactic shock, arthritis, asthma, asymptomatic COVID-19, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, facial paralysis, fibromyalgia, fetal distress syndrome, foreign body embolism, genital herpes, hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, jugular vein embolism, lung abscess, lupus, meningitis, MERS-CoV test positive, migraine-triggered seizures, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, multiple sclerosis, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, pneumonia, stiff leg syndrome, stiff person syndrome, stillbirth, sudden heart attack, sudden respiratory failure, type 1 diabetes, uterine rupture, viral bronchitis—and much more.
This does not mean everyone will experience these reactions, but a significant number of test subjects have experienced one or more.
It is more than enough evidence to show that vaccine mandates are completely anti-scientific.
How can you make an informed decision if you do not have all the information?
We have also seen a shift where flu vaccines are now mRNA-based. But does a "vaccine" really prevent a virus or its recurrence as we expect it to?
The annual flu shot is, at best, a partial defense, aimed at last year’s strain. Does it truly help against the ever-mutating new flu, or is it just a temporary fix?
My concern is that this mindset—that a vaccine is a quick fix for everything—is flawed. The immune system may struggle to handle these types of agents, leading to breakthrough infections and potentially higher mortality rates.
For those who are vaccinated, I respect your choice. I simply ask for the same respect in return for my decision not to vaccinate. My reasons are personal and grounded in a belief that the government should not dictate my health choices and my family's.
Have you heard about Pfizer’s side effects?
Have you read the Pfizer documentation? Ask yourself if a drug with 32 pages of side effects is right for you.
The list of potential vaccine side effects released by Pfizer is alarming, ranging from autoimmune disorders to serious conditions like multiple organ dysfunction and sudden respiratory failure. Yet, this information was kept under wraps and only recently made public. Shouldn’t we be informed of the risks?
Do we even know the medium- or long-term effects of these vaccines?
Are they still in clinical trials? Is there a control group? What about Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) – has it been adequately tested? And why are ingredients like formaldehyde and mercury, known toxins, included in these vaccines?
Do you truly think this vaccine is 100% safe?
Transparency is crucial.
How can we make informed decisions if we are not given all the information?
We must ask ourselves, do we trust the pharmaceutical companies and their relationships with organizations like the CDC and FDA?
The FDA requested 75 years to release data on the Pfizer vaccine—why? Why did it take only 108 days to approve this vaccine, yet it supposedly requires decades to fully understand its effects?
Do you believe that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated?
How well-informed are you about the CDC, FDA, pharmaceutical companies, and their donors? Do you think their qualifications are reliable?
These are important questions that deserve honest discussions. And, I believe it is crucial to acknowledge the existence of these alternative perspectives and engage in open discussions to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
Our health and freedom are at stake, and I urge everyone to think critically and seek out all the information before making decisions.
Thank you for taking the time to consider these points."
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jgroffdaily · 8 months
Jonathan is unlikely to be involved, as he will still be contracted to Merrily, but there will be a benefit concert in London of Spring Awakening to mark the 15th anniversary of the London production.
Exclusive: June will bring a 15th anniversary concert staging of Steven Sater and Duncan Sheik’s multi-award-winning musical Spring Awakening.
The show, based on Frank Wedekind’s 1891 play of the same name, follows group of teenagers, silenced and controlled by a censorious society, discovering a new world of feeling and freedom. Numbers in the musical include “Totally F**ked”, “Mama Who Bore Me” and “The Song of Purple Summer”.
The musical opened on Broadway at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre on December 10, 2006, starring Jonathan Groff, Lea Michele, and John Gallagher Jr. It won eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Direction, Book, Score, and Featured Actor. Afterward, it embarked on a North American tour in 2008. The production then opened in London at the Lyric Hammersmith on 23 January 2009, before transferring to the West End’s Novello Theatre in March of the same year. The musical was revived on Broadway in 2015 and in London in 2021.
The 2024 concert, celebrating the anniversary of the original London production, is set to take place on Sunday 2 June 2024 at the Victoria Palace Theatre (customarily the home of Hamilton). Tickets will go on sale on 2 February 2024.
Sheik stated: “Spring Awakening is the first musical I worked on that managed to get to Broadway and then the West End. Being in London in 2009 for opening night at the Novello with that young and amazing cast was one of the highlights of my life. It is more than exciting that 15 years on, London gets to experience this anniversary concert, and I’m honored that I can be some small part of that.”
Sater added: “My youthful dream was to be a part of the theatre in London. So for me, our brilliant original production of Spring Awakening at the Lyric, and then at the Novello, was an answered prayer. Fifteen years later, to bring back that production for a one-night-only anniversary concert is like having that prayer answered all over again.”
This anniversary concert will also serve as a fundraiser for Imogen Kinchin. Imogen Kinchin was one of the original producers of Spring Awakening in 2009, guiding the show and its young cast. She was diagnosed with Stage IV Bowel Cancer in 2022. Proceeds from the concert will be donated to Imogen’s Fund, which supports bespoke treatment and her family’s needs during her battle with cancer.
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houseofbrat · 6 months
Don’t you really think her cancer is serious? I mean, some people are talking about ‘not knowing what type of cancer she has nor the stage (which I find concerning). Many suggest she already removed an organ and that that was a huge step on her recovery, but others saying that we don’t know if cancer had extended.
I have read what you posted about ‘preventative’ chemotherapy but still, I am worried about her diagnosis. Like I’m not very confident that she doesn’t have cancer anymore (as some have suggested)
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No, I don't think it's as serious as the conclusions people are leaping to. If her cancer was actually "serious," then she would have stated that she is being "actively treated for cancer."
I'm sure they used "preventative chemotherapy" instead of the proper medical term "adjuvant therapy" because they wanted to differentiate between being actively treated for cancer, such as what King Charles III is being treated for, and Kate's "preventative treatments."
We don't know what she had removed during surgery other than it was sent to the pathology lab. I think it's highly likely that she has some (small) section of her colon removed--as I suspect she must have had surgery for a bowel blockage or something similar--but I highly doubt she had her entire colon removed. That sounds ridiculous and based on statements by people with no medical knowledge or experience what so ever.
Lots of people have cancer. Just because you have a few cancer cells does not mean it is going to kill you or cause you terrible health implications. This is something that people do not think about. The reaction is that if you get a cancer diagnosis--even if it's not severe--then you need to treat it with every available option to reduce the of it growing and killing you.
People clearly do not realize that there are risks to over-treating cancer. Some cancers are so slow growing that they will never cause you harm before you die. Kate's appears likely to be that kind of cancer. Her January surgery was not staged as a cancer surgery. Sounds as if they didn't suspect cancer at all, but tissue samples were sent to pathology as a routine procedure. Weeks later some cancer cells were found. That, however, does not mean that the cells pathology found would behave in a manner that could cause further problems. Those cells might not ever change and may just coexist with all the other cells without causing any problems for multiple decades.
The "preventative chemotherapy" does have its risks, not just while she's doing it, but years from now she could have serious problems, such as chemo-induced leukemia, which can also kill you. I think Kate has a case of the-treatment-is-worse-than-the-disease, which is a choice she made.
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