#slowly getting chummy with the blond hair
nicoscheer · 7 months
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I need footage of somebody screaming “Hi Barbie”
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Miles with his Tulips, pretty boy deserves all the flowers
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Idk why I just think it’s utterly cute
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This man is Jesus in disguise
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vendettaparker · 3 years
Reckless [T.H]
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Summary: In a fit of jealousy, Tom embarrasses you in front of your new friend and the entire pub, leaving you heartbroken at his reckless actions.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Swearing, angst, slut-shaming 
a/n: hi! sorry this took so so so long for me to get out! i got super busy with other works, but i’m super happy with how this turned out :) i hope you enjoy this, and don’t worry, i know how scary those warnings look ^ but this ends happy, i promise! as always, comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
Tom was an idiot. He was an actual fucking idiot. He now realizes that as he watches you run out of the pub with hot tears streaming down your face. He watches as Harry runs after you, your bag in his hand, probably to make sure you make it back home safe since there was no way you’d return to the crowded bar, where Harrison and Sam were giving Tom death glares, the same little pub where Tom had made a complete fool out of you. 
The few months Tom came home to London were always the setting of your most cherished memories. Sometimes it seemed like when he left so did the whole group of friends you surround yourself with.
There was no doubt in your mind that Tom was the life of the party. He had a certain aura about him that caused some of the most fucked up, but amazing situations to occur. That was probably one of the reasons you loved him so much. 
When he was in town, his brothers, Harrison, and Tuwaine all joined together to make the next few months memorable before he had to leave again, and you were always included, but when he was gone, Harry usually went with him, Harrison focused on work for himself, and Sam focused on his restaurant. The world slowed down after Tom left, and so many times, you were left to wait for his return; alone. 
Tom hated leaving you behind every time he went back to the states, but you had such deep roots in London, he didn’t want to pry you from your family for months on end. He loved you too much to constantly subject you to his hectic lifestyle. He spent as much time with you as he could when he saw you, but the second he had to go, it was all tearful goodbyes in a crowded airport. 
You and Tom had been best friends for decades at this point. You supported him no matter what it was that he wanted to accomplish. He’s even said in interviews that he credits a huge bulk of his success to his friend back home, then he’d give a wink to the camera, and you always knew it was for you. 
When Tom came home after filming Spider-Man: No Way Home, you practically tackled him to the ground in a hug. 
“You div,” You mumbled into his neck, “you forgot to let me FaceTime with Zendaya.” 
“Oh, shit!” Tom gasped, finally remembering your request to talk to your favorite actress, “my bad.”
You looked at Tom incredulously, “I don’t think I can be friends with you anymore.” You feigned hurt, clutching your hand to your chest, “it just hurts too much.” 
“That’s a damn shame,” Tom frowned, “I mean, I could just FaceTime Zendaya now, but if that’s how you—”
“I changed my mind,” You smiled sweetly, cutting him off, “love you, bestie.” 
Tom rolled his eyes and pulled you into another hug, “Missed you, bestie.” 
“Um,” Sam, Paddy, and Harrison stood behind you, clearing their throats. 
“Missed you guys too,” Tom sighed, and he rushed over and gave his brothers and friend a hug.
You gave Harry a hug while Tom chatted with his brothers, quickly catching up with him. 
“What’s the plan for tonight, guys?” You spoke up. 
Every night after Tom got back, he’d go back to his flat and take a nap before a night out on the town. Usually, you’d bar hop a bit before going to a club, so tonight wasn’t likely to be any different. 
“I was thinking we could get dinner at Lorenzo’s,” Harry said, “then maybe hit the pub on Ashford?”
You and the others nodded in agreement as you made your way out of the airport.
“Can I invite my friend Avery?” You asked. 
Tom nodded, “Sure, I didn’t even know you had any other friends, (Y/N),” he joked.
“Haha,” You laughed sarcastically, “gee that was a good one, Tom. You really got me.” 
“What can I say?” He smirked, “I’m a comedian.” 
“Is that the guy you met in your philosophy lecture?” Harrison butt in.
“Yeah,” You nodded, “he’s really sweet, so be on your best behavior guys, and maybe don’t be yourselves, just this once?” you suggested with a slightly teasing tone. 
“Are you trying to impress him or something?” Tom inquired.
“No,” You scoffed, “I’m just trying to not throw him to the wolves.” 
Tom laughed along, but it was strained. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of adding a new member to your friend group, and the little glint in your eye when you talked about Avery made his heart tighten. 
“Okay,” You smiled as you set the last of Tom’s luggage in his living room, “I’ll let you get some sleep then.”
You gave him one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, “see you later.” 
Tom reciprocated and inhaled the sweet smell of lavender in your locks of hair, “mhm,” he sighed, “see ya.” 
Harrison was about to walk out after you when Tom grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, “Mate, what the fuck.” he grumbled as he stumbled over his feet, “I thought you wanted to take a nap?”
“I slept on the plane,” Tom explained quickly, “you’ve been here the whole time, right?” Harrison nodded, “so you know this Avery guy, yeah?”
Harrison shook his head, “I haven’t talked to (Y/N) much this past month, but he’s probably on her Instagram.” 
Harrison pulled out his phone and looked at posts you’d been tagged in, “Ah, here.” He handed the phone to Tom and pointed to the tall blonde guy in a group photo with you and some other friends, “He’s the tall blonde.” 
Tom studied the picture with a small frown, “They’re not dating though, right?”
“She said he was her friend,” Harrison shrugged.
“You know what I mean,” Tom rolled his eyes, “do they look really chummy to you?”
“His hand’s kind of close to her butt, but other than that I don’t know.” Harrison pointed it out, causing Tom’s heart to momentarily stop. 
“Ok, new plan,” Tom announced, “I’m going to ask (Y/N) out tonight.” 
Harrison scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What?” Tom wondered.
“You’ve said that almost every single time you’ve been home and you always chicken out.”
“No, I don’t!” Tom gasped in offense, “It’s just hard to find the right time.”
“You’ve literally had hundreds of opportunities to tell her how you feel, Mate.”
“It has to be perfect.” Tom insisted, “I can’t just ask her out of the blue, I have to butter her up first.”
“That’s dumb.” 
“Oh, fuck off,” Tom groaned, “get out, I changed my mind, I’m going to sleep.” 
Harrison rolled his eyes and chuckled before giving Tom a pat on the back and leaving. Tom waved goodbye as Harrison drove away, and then rushed to his phone. 
“FaceTime Zendaya,” he instructed Siri. The call went through and soon Tom was met with Zendaya's tired eyes in a dark room. 
“Hey, Z!” Tom said cheerfully, “best friend, bestest pal in the world. The person that never wants to see me fail ever, my greatest companion—“
“Tom,” Zendaya groggily cut him off, “what the fuck do you want, I’m sleeping.” 
“How do you ask a girl out?”
Zendaya sat up a little more and turned on her bedside lamp, “What? You don’t know how to ask a girl out?”
“Well I do,” Tom backtracked, “but I want it to be special. I’ve been in love with this girl for nearly two years now and every time I go to ask her out, I chicken out.”
“I don’t know, what does she like?”
“Well one time she told me her favorite animal was a sea otter, should I get her one?” Tom pondered, hand resting in his chin in thought. 
“Um, no, what the fuck?” Zendaya squinted her eyes at Tom, “have you gotten any sleep yet?” 
Tom shook his head, “This is important, Z, now help me!” 
Zendaya rolled her eyes, “I’ll text you some ideas, but for now just go get some sleep. With how tired you are now you’d probably call her the wrong name or something.” 
Tom rolled his eyes, but the action caused his eyelids to droop even more, “Fine, fine,” he conceded, “I’ll let you know how it goes.” 
“Okay,” Tom announced at the restaurant before you arrived, “I’m going to ask (Y/N) out tonight so I need you all to shut up and not distract me or make me nervous.”
Harrison, Harry, and Sam just stared at Tom. Tuwaine, for some unknown reason, started clapping. 
“Tom,” Harrison began, “no offense, but—“
“Ah ah ah,” Tom stopped him, “is what you’re about to say going to bruise my ego?” Harrison thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding, “okay, then shut the fuck up, respectfully. I don’t need any bad juju tonight.” 
“Well, I’m happy for you, Mate,” Tuwaine nodded. He was the closest to you after Tom and he knew all about your crush on the brown-haired Brit. You might’ve let it slip once when you were drunk, and since you didn’t willingly tell Tuwaine, he was sworn to secrecy. “I’m positive she’ll say yes.” 
“Thank you,” Tom smiled at him, sending a slight glare to the others for their lack of faith in him. “As for the rest of you, I can’t wait to prove you wrong.” 
You walked into the restaurant with Avery hunched over from laughing so hard. Tom smiled in your direction and waved you over, “Hey, (Y/N/N)! Over here!”
“Wow,” You chuckled, “must’ve been a good nap. Little energetic there, huh?” 
Tom went in to give you a tight hug, holding you close, “Just missed you,” he mumbled into your hair. 
“I just saw you a few hours ago?”
Avery stood by you awkwardly, waiting for Tom to release you. Tom reluctantly let you go and pulled a chair out for you, next to him. 
“Thanks,” you smiled at him, motioning for Avery to sit next to you, “hey, everyone,” you smiled at the group of boys that were properly about to piss themselves at Tom’s over-the-top behavior, “this is Avery.” 
“Hi,” He waved at the group as a small chorus of ‘hellos’ rang across the table. He turned to Tom to shake his hand, “I’m a big fan, Mate. Love your work.” 
Tom smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “Thanks, it means a lot.” smiled politely, shaking Avery's hand. 
Dinner went off without a hitch, at least in your opinion. Avery was melding well with your friends and he was cracking jokes like he’d know the group for years. 
The boys seemed to enjoy his sense of humor and what he added to the conversation. Sam and him even found that they shared an interest in cooking, which led to them having a slightly heated discussion about how real Gordon Ramsey’s cooking skills are; which ended in laughs. 
However, Tom was probably having one of the worst nights of his life. Every time Avery playfully shoved you while you two laughed he wanted to wring his neck. It also didn’t help that he couldn’t find the perfect time to ask you out. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to ask you out with all of his mates around. 
Tom smiled and laughed along with the jokes, but once you looked away he was back to frowning. 
“Tom,” Harry nudged his brother, “wipe that scowl off your face.” 
“I’m not scowling,” Tom grumbled, “this is my normal face.” 
Harry rolled his eyes and kicked his older brother under the table, “You need to ask her soon. I think Avery is trying to make some moves on her.” Harry noticed, seeing how Avery casually had his arm around your chair. 
Tom rolled his eyes, “As if I can't see that for myself,” he scoffed. “I don’t want to ask her with all of you watching. What if she says no?” 
“We can leave you alone for a bit when we go to the pub, but I’m not sure if Avery will go with us.” Harry shrugged, “you could always ask her out tomorrow.” Harry suggested. 
“No!” Tom exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him and Harry, “Sorry, I—um, I just don’t really like that shirt on you Harry; it makes my eyes hurt.” 
Harry looked down at his shirt for a moment and then frowned, sending a light smack to Tom, “You bought me this shirt you div.”
Everyone went back to their own conversations so Tom leaned in to talk to Harry some more, “I can’t wait for tomorrow. What if I chicken out again?”
“Then you’re an idiot.” Harry deadpanned with a shrug. 
The pub was way more packed than anyone expected. The new addition of live music to the outside patio definitely livened up the place and more customers went to see what local band would be playing next. 
The pub had a classic English pub feel, with the wood flooring and the yellow-tinted walls, but it also had a modern twist with a back patio and outdoor seating with fairy lights, and the lights that illuminate under the bar itself. 
“I’m gonna go check out the band,” Harry announced after he came back with your drinks, “you guys should all come with me.” He said with a slight side-eye to Sam, Tuwaine, and Harrison. 
“Eh, I’m not really into—” Sam began, but Harry sent him a quick kick under the table. “Ow! I mean, I love music.” Sam smiled enthusiastically. 
“I’m gonna stay back and finish this beer,” Tom said, holding up the large pint of beer he was already a quarter of the way through, “(Y/N), wanna race to see who can finish first?” He suggested trying to get you to stay behind.
“Oh you’re totally on,” You smirked, “but I am going to take a quick peek at the band. We can race after I get back.” You got up from your seat and began walking away with Harry and the boys. Tom pouted at how horribly that plan worked. Harry looked back at Tom apologetically as he held the door open for you.
“Wow,” Avery smiled beside Tom, scaring him, “she really is something.” 
“Holy shit, Mate,” Tom held a hand to his heart, “you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you went with them?” 
“Nah,” Avery shook his head, “I’m not really into music,” he shrugged. 
“Oh, okay,” Tom nodded. “What were you just saying?”
“(Y/N),” Avery looked towards the back patio exit dreamily, “she’s amazing. I mean I would definitely ask her out, but probably not at a pub surrounded by her mates, y’know?” 
“Mhm, yeah,” Tom said quietly, his heart already beginning to shatter into millions of inconsolable pieces. “I mean, she’s alright.” He said with a forced laugh, trying to fend Avery away from you, “she definitely isn’t really your type, though.” 
“What do you mean?” Avery asked, taking a sip from his beer, “she’s perfect, mate.”
“I mean,” Tom racked his brain for an excuse big enough to make Avery not want you, “you don’t think it’s a little weird she’s in a friend group with all boys?” 
“No,” Avery said slowly, skeptically looking back at the exit, “she just clicks with boys, I guess. Girls and guys can just be friends.”
“Not her,” Tom scoffed, “I mean, it’s just a little obvious, y’know?”
You and the rest of the boys were heading back in, seeing as the back patio was completely overcrowded with patrons. 
“What’s obvious?” Avery asked, raising his voice slightly due to the volume in the bar. 
“(Y/N)’s only friends are guys!” Tom nearly yelled over the volume of chatter, not realizing that the surrounding customers could hear him, “makes me wonder how many she’s slept with! I mean, that’s not a coincidence to me!” 
The surrounding customers halted their conversations, leaving only Tom’s voice filtering through the air and into your ears. 
“That’s crazy,” Avery chuckled awkwardly, “I don’t think she’s like that.” He shook his head, annoying Tom. In a final last-ditch effort to get Avery off your back, he said the worst thing he could, loudly, into a quieting pub. 
“Well, she hits on me all the time,” Tom shrugged, “she’s just a bit whorish, I guess.” 
“Tom,” Tuwaine cleared his throat, interrupting their conversation, “what the fuck, mate?” 
Tom looked at all the boys next to Tuwaine, and behind them was you, teary-eyed with harsh sobs racking through your body. 
You whispered something to Harry, and then all but ran out the front door. Harry walked over to where Tom was sitting and picked up your purse.
“Harry I—” Tom tried.
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” Harry snapped, “You're an idiot and an asshole, just leave things be.” 
Harry ran out the pub entrance, following you to give you a ride home. 
Tuwaine, Sam, and Harrison shook their heads once the shock ebbed away. One by one they all left Tom sitting in shock and agony at the bar. Avery, not knowing any of the group, barely knew what was going on or if Tom’s accusations were correct, left the pub and went home without another word. 
“Harry,” Tom whined into the phone, “please tell me how to fix this, please I’m begging you.” 
Harry sighed, now properly regretting lifting his silent treatment from Tom, “Tom, there is absolutely nothing I can do to help you, and even if there was, I wouldn’t. You called her a whore in front of a crowded pub—”
“I know!” Tom yelled, “And I’ve been living with that guilt for three weeks now! Please, Harry. I-I messed up so bad.” Tom’s voice cracked, “I tried calling and texting, a-and my texts started turning green. She blocked me,” Tom sobbed, “I’m in love with her, and I never got to tell her. I ruined our relationship before it even began.” 
“Yeah,” Harry agreed, “you did.” 
“Harry, I just want to apologize properly, please.” Tom begged, “I tried going to her house, but her roommate threw a drink at me and told me she went out of town. Where is she?”
“I can’t tell you.” 
“Harry,” Tom sighed, “I’m trying so hard here, I don’t care where she is, I’ll go anywhere for her. Please, I just can’t keep waiting in the dark for her to talk to me.”
Harry sighed, rubbing his forehead, “Okay, fine, but don’t tell her I told you where she was. And if you get your face clawed off, just know that you deserve it.” 
“Okay, okay, now tell me.”
“She’s been staying with Tuwaine and his girlfriend.” 
“Okay, thanks, love you, bye!” Tom said through the phone, already grabbing his keys. 
Harry sighed and began texting Tuwaine, 
Harry: Tom’s coming over, don’t snap him in half, he just wants to talk to her. 
Tuwaine: I’m not home right now, but I'd be more worried about her snapping him in half… 
Tom pulled up the Tuwaine’s flat and pounded at the door. He didn’t see Tuwaine’s car in the driveway but he saw yours parked on the street so he knew you were in there. 
“(Y/N)!” He desperately called, “Come on, I know you’re in there!”, his pleas were met with silence and he rang the doorbell on repeat, “(Y/N), please! I just want to talk!”
The door opened to show you standing there with your messy hair and stained sweats, still looking overwhelmingly perfect in Tom’s eyes. He noticed the dark circles and the dried tears and his heart broke, even more, knowing he caused this. He loved you so much and he caused you some of the worst pain imaginable. All he wanted to do was hold you and kiss your puffy cheeks, desperately whispering praises into your ear. You were perfect in every sense of the word, and he let you believe you were anything less. He was an idiot—the biggest idiot in the world—for making you cry. 
“What do you want?” You snapped with a sniffle, pulling him back to reality as you rubbed your red eyes. 
“I just want to talk,” Tom gave you a small smile, “please.” 
“I don’t have anything to say to you.” You scowled, “You need to leave.” 
“No, (Y/N), please.” Tom begged, “I’m sorry. I’m so so so fucking sorry. I was being an idiot and—please, (Y/N), you’re my best friend. I don’t wanna lose you.” Tom’s voice cracked, but you remained stoic in the doorway. 
“I’m your best friend? Really?” You scoffed, “I thought I was just some whore you let hang around you?” 
Tom winced at his words being thrown back into his face, “I didn’t mean it, I swear,” he promised, tears glistening in his eyes, “I don’t even know why I said that. I was being so fucking stupid—” 
“No,” You interrupted his rambling, “you don’t get to say that. You don’t get to say that it was just you “being stupid”. Who the hell says that about their supposed best friend? Why would you even think that? You don’t just get to call me those things in public, and then say that you don’t know why you did it. You can’t even give me a reason—”
“I’m in love with you,” Tom blurted out, blowing out a puff of air in stress, “I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, (Y/N). And Avery was saying how he wanted to ask you out, and I couldn’t lose you. I didn’t want to lose you. I had so many plans for us, and I wanted to be with you—to be yours—more than anything, and I let my jealousy get in the way. I’m sorry because if I deserved you I wouldn’t have done that.”
You stood in the doorway of the flat, arms crossed over your chest. “I can’t believe you’d be so reckless.” You said after a moment of silence, “I would’ve been yours if you had just asked me.” 
“I’m sorry,” Tom cried, reaching out to hold your hand, but you backed away ever so slightly, “please, I would do anything to fix it if I could.” 
“You don’t understand anything, Tom.” You frowned.
“Help me understand.” He begged.
You pondered it for a moment and then released a sigh, coupled with a few tears, “I loved you,” you admitted. Tom’s heart did a leap, but then he realized that you were talking past tense as if his chance with you was gone.
“And I would spend months and months just waiting for you to come home so I could spend time with you. I was so lonely when you and Harry left; I always am. Avery offered to spend some time with me after class one day and I agreed because I don’t have anybody else when you leave. And it was fun, but he wasn’t you. He’ll never compare to the place you had in my heart, but at least I wasn’t alone anymore.” You sighed and began closing the door again, “Now, because of you, I have no one again.” 
The door was about to slam back in Tom’s face, but he shoved his foot in the threshold, “(Y/N), wait,” he pleaded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how important Avery was to you. I can never undo what I did, but please let me make it up to you. I just need you to understand how sorry I am.” 
You opened the door again and looked at Tom’s sad eyes, boring into you, “I do understand how sorry you are, but I don’t know how I can trust you again. You said awful things about me without even batting an eye or taking a breath—”
“I know,” Tom sighed, “I know and I’d give anything to take it back. I just want you back (Y/N). Even if you don’t want to be my girlfriend, I can’t leave knowing I’ve lost my best friend.” 
“As much as it hurts,” You caved, moving from the doorway to let Tom in, “I still love you, and I don’t want to lose you either.” 
Tom smiled and walked into the flat, immediately pulling you into a hug, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N),” You hugged back and sniffled into his hoodie, before pulling away with a sigh.
“I know,” You nodded, “I forgive you. But next time, just be honest with me and tell me how you’re feeling. I’d give you the world if you asked for it.”
Tom smiled and stroked your tear-stained cheek, “I’ll just settle on your heart for now, if that’s okay?”
“That’s so fucking cheesy.” You giggled, wiping the tears from your eyes, “I love it.”
✧tags & moots✧ @ptersmj @princessofguineapigs @peterbenjiparker @cherrytholland @itsapeterthing @justapurrcat @thirstiestpotato @kelieah @iovebug  @waitimcomingtoo  @rosyparkers  @parkers-gal @allegra-writes @starktonyx  @celestialholland  @hollandcrush  @londonspidey @blissfulparker @spidernerdsblog @spidey-sophie @spideyspeaches @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @andilovetowrite @sinisterspidey @asonofpeter @westcoastcigar @arlo-sanders @love-peterparker @boiolay @letssee2468  @white-wolf1940 @fandom-life-12 @hollandsdream @annathesillyfriend @lovelybarnes @miseryholland @wierdteenagenerd @duskholland @hollandprkr @lauras-collection @arvinsescape @hollandsrecs
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
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Before you read, here’s the previous chapter. New? Start from the beginning!
Cherry-Orange Blossoms
Katsuki released a small, satisfied sigh after popping the noodle bowl away from his mouth, tongue swiping the last dregs of broth still clinging to his lips. He’d gotten much better at suppressing the disgusted shiver that gripped his body every time he forced himself to eat. As nausea roiled in his belly with an angry yowl, he physically suppressed it with a few thick swallows. Though the cough, fatigue, and sore throat were annoying, he’d have to say that the variation in his appetite was the worst symptom. At least it was the easiest to hide. 
He set the bowl down on the lunch tray with a small exhale. As he moved, the nausea forced its way back up, making him clamp his hand over his mouth in a pitiful effort to combat the strong urge to retch. No! Stop bein’ a weak little bitch! You have to keep this fucking food down, he yelled at his rebelling body. His stomach flopped a few more times for obediently settling back down, though with a few more indignant grumbles. He scrunched up his face as he sucked in a few tentative breaths, praying the beast would stay quiet this time. 
I’m not fucking kicking the bucket until this whole country knows my name, he thought lividly. Basketball was the only thing he had to live for now; he’d be damned if this fungus growing in his lungs was gonna take that away from him, too. For better or for worse, he was going to make the best of his final basketball season. 
Just as he had finally settled down and was debating forcing himself to grab seconds, Ochako’s cheery voice calling his name floated above the cacophony of conversation clouding the air around him. He lurched into the table as his lungs spasmed, the flowers inside his tissue blooming in reverence of her siren call. The noodle bowl jumped as he slammed his fists down and his glass overturned, spilling water all over the red tray and the table. He frantically righted it and grabbed the few napkins he had to try and mop up the puddle of clear liquid as the brunette came trotting up. 
“Katsuki, Katsuki, listen to this— Oh, no! Here, let me help you!” Ochako cried as she spotted him using the sopping-wet napkins to try and wipe up the remainder of the liquid. She snatched some napkins from a nearby container and scurried over, squeezing into the space next to him to furiously dab at the spreading water. As her arm brushed against his, Katsuki locked up and began to shake so hard he wondered if he was having a fucking seizure. Before Ochako could notice, he pinched his leg hard to make his mind stop spiraling into insanity. 
His throat still burned as he swallowed repeatedly to force the rising petals back down, and a thin sheet of sweat bloomed on his skin from the tremor that so suddenly gripped him. Ochako turned her pretty brown eyes on him in a look of inquiry. He appeased her unspoken question by languidly reclining in the booth and running his fingers through his hair, though he cringed as the salty perspiration slicked his fingertips. 
“What’re you lookin’ at me like that for, Cheeks? I just knocked a glass of water over.” 
Ochako’s eyes fluttered a few times as she processed his nonchalant excuse. She seemed to believe it, smiling brightly with a slight nod. 
“Right, right! Of course, haha,” she hummed as she dropped the wet napkins onto his tray. No seconds for me, I guess, he thought with a frown as he regarded the menagerie of soaked brown paper slips that littered the plastic plate. “What was I going to say?” Ochako frowned, pressing the pad of her index finger to her lips as she straightened. Again, her arm gently brushed his, and Katsuki felt electric fire sing through his nerves. He clenched his fists under the table, silently suffering as Ochako stood oblivious next to him. 
“Oh, right!” she exclaimed after a second, clapping her hands together to turn on him with that brilliant smile that he lived for yet killed him slowly. “Katsuki! I made an A on the math quiz! Look, look!” 
Katsuki jerked when she thrust a piece of paper into his face. He edged back a little so he could appreciate the series of red marks inked over the neatly written numbers and equations. Like Ochako had said, there were few incorrect answers. After a second, she pulled back the page to give him a smile that was brighter than before. 
“It’s all thanks to you, Katsuki.” 
“Nah,” the blond muttered, rubbing the back of his neck while a pink hue rose to his cheeks. “That’s all you, Cheeks. I mighta helped a little, but you didn’t do anythin’ you weren’t capable of.” 
Ochako’s eyes grew owlish, making him flinch uncomfortably. Then, like a flip had switched inside of her, she started blubbering. 
“ Kahhhsukiiii !” she wailed in between hiccuping sobs, clutching the quiz to her chest so hard that it crumpled under her grip. The blond’s face grew a shade darker at the strange (and adorable) reaction, prompting him to hide his face with a hand. 
“The hell you cryin’ for?” he chastised half-heartedly. Ochako moaned woefully and tried to stifle her tears, but they continued to pour in thick globs down those round cheeks of hers, which were beginning to turn a ruddy red. Katsuki snorted and stood up, leaning over the lunch table. “Jeez, what am I going to do with you?” he sighed with a tiny smile as he scrubbed at her cheeks with the ends of his sleeves. Ochako let out little squeaks with each swipe of the fabric across her skin, the paper crinkling as her fingers twitched. 
“Always such a crybaby,” he said affectionately when he finally pulled away, the ends of his sleeves damp with Ochako’s tears. “Less cryin’ and more eatin’, Cheeks. I don’t wanna hear you complaining that you’re hungry later!” To emphasize his point, he turned her around by the shoulders and gave her a gentle shove. She gasped as she stumbled forward, then turned around to flash him a giddy smile. Katsuki couldn’t help the way he looked at her then, the way his expression softened and his heart fluttered. 
He was thankful she turned around to leave right as his lungs spasmed again. He hunched over while slapping a hand to his mouth, trembling at the disgusting feeling of the soft, silky petals crawling up his throat. He could see her form retreating through the tears flooding his eyes, the skip in her step as she rejoined the other girls at the lunch table. His chest burned with the strain to suppress the coughs, like a fire had started in his lungs hell-bent on burning him up to ash from the inside out. 
Why did he do this to himself, he wondered as the tears faded and his vision cleared. His answer was immediate, illuminating the room in the form of Ochako’s happy smile. He’d rather live out the rest of his days in total misery than deprive himself of that pure, innocent light of an angel come to earth. 
Idiot, he thought with a slight wheeze through his fingers. This is why you’re dying . 
Katsuki’s vermillion eyes were stinging and still slightly bloodshot when he finally eased himself back into his chair. He looked down at the lunch tray, which was covered with damp napkins, and then pushed it away with a huff. As he plopped his chin down on his crossed arms, Hanta and Denki leaned over each of his shoulders with matching grins that just spelled “annoying.” 
“Yanno, you’re awfully chummy with Ochako lately,” Denki hummed with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 
“Yeah,” Hanta chimed in agreement, “ awful chummy, way too chummy to be with someone else’s girlfriend. You wouldn’t want Izuku getting any ideas about your intentions, now would you?” As Katsuki shot the ravenet an irritated glare, he popped a corndog into his mouth with raised eyebrows. 
“You think I give a fuck about Deku’s ideas ?” he snorted derisively. He shifted to press his cheek into his hand, glowering at Hanta. “What, I can’t be friends with her because she’s dating that shitstain? Get off my case,” he grumbled. 
“Hey, hey, no need to get offended,” Denki said in a sing-song voice. Katsuki looked at him to see him biting down on the tip of his tongue mischievously. “We’re just making an observation.” 
“Yeah, an observation!” 
“Observe this , assholes,” Katsuki retorted and flipped them both off. Before they could annoy him further, he pushed himself up from the table. He slid his hands in his pockets, ignoring the two pleading for him to come back in between laughter. As he sauntered around the table, he found himself glancing in the direction of the girls— and noted the absence of bouncy brown hair and rosy round cheeks. 
He barely had time to wonder where she went before the nausea roiled in his belly again. His hands flew out of his pockets to clutch his belly, and then one slapped to his mouth as he was overtaken with the strong urge to retch. He shouldered through the double doors of the lunch room to stagger down the hall; through his blurry vision, he could spy the bathroom sign hovering against the wall. However, Katsuki’s pride burned inside of him; he was going to try his damnedest to resist. He slumped against the wall and slowly slid down into a squat, then pried his hand away from his mouth to begin gulping down air. 
For a few seconds, the deep breaths only heightened his urge to vomit; gradually, however, his writhing stomach slowly settled. He slowly leveled out his breathing until he was just sitting against the brick, exhausted by the effort. He ran his shaking fingers through his hair, and when he pulled it back, he found his fingertips glistening with sweat. 
“ Fuck ,” he cursed quietly and leaned forward to cradle his head in his hands. It had barely been a month since those damn petals had blossomed in his lungs; how was he supposed to cope with the later stages of his disease, when he was so damn miserable? Tears of frustration sprung to the corners of his eyes and he gripped his hair between his fingers, tugging at the spiky strands. “Why are you doing this to yourself, Katsuki?” he whispered hoarsely. 
He knew why. He knew damn well why, and yet he wouldn’t— couldn’t — do a damn thing about it. 
He jumped when he heard a bang echo in the wall behind him. Startled at the idea of being found like that, he scrambled to his feet and turned around. It took a moment for his disoriented mind to recognize the sign for the women’s bathroom above his head. He looked down at the entrance when another bang sounded in the depths of the bathroom, followed by the unmistakable sound of miserable retching. Someone’s sick…? He thought in confusion.
He was even more confused when Ochako came toddling out, looking a little green in the face and wiping at the corner of her mouth with a palm. When she spotted Katsuki, she froze like a deer in headlights, eyes growing enormous. They just stared at each other for a few seconds, stunned by this strange reaction, until Katsuki sputtered the first thing that came to mind. 
“Cheeks, you aren’t pregnant , are ya?” 
“ What ?!” she shrieked, turning a bright shade of crimson. “N-n-n-n-no! Oh my God, Katsuki, no !” She buried her face in her hands, but Katsuki could still almost see the air sizzling around her head from the heat rolling off her face. “I-It’s some medications I’m on!” she explained through the gaps in her fingers. “I-i-it’s really heavy-duty stuff, with nausea and vomiting as the number-one side effect… Pr-pr-pregnant ? Why on Earth— D-Deku and I don’t— w-we don’t do— oh my gosh!” 
As she turned so red Katsuki began to worry her head might actually explode, he jumped forward and waved his hands placatingly. 
“All right, Cheeks, all right! I’m sorry I asked; that was pretty fucking stupid of me, okay! Calm down!” 
Ochako was close to the point of hyperventilating with shock. Smiling wanly, he gently peeled her hands away from her face to find it bright red and shining with nervous sweat. Her eyes were glued to her shoes, watering with tears of embarrassment. Her teeth worried into her bottom lip to shred the fine skin. “Hey,” he laughed, admittedly charmed by her cute overreaction, and cupped her cheek. “Cheeks, look at me. I’m sorry, okay? That was dumb of me.” 
Hesitantly, she looked up at him. Tears clung like dewdrops to her lashes, which fluttered nervously as soon as she met his gaze. 
“I can’t believe you asked me that,” she pouted. He had to chuckle at the adorable way she jutted out her bottom lip; then, the flowers in his lungs began to stir again. He hurriedly stepped back from her, his palm missing the warmth of her soft cheek as soon as it vanished. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets and looked off to the side, but unable to keep his eyes from sliding back to look at her out of his peripheral vision. 
“Tch. I said I was sorry, okay? I mean, what was I supposed to think, with you hurling in the middle of the day? You’ve already had Hanahaki and it’s impossible to relapse when you’re dating Deku.” 
Something flickered over her face, lightning-fast, but Katsuki still caught it. He raised an eyebrow at the strange emotion that passed over her features; he couldn’t name it, but it was nonetheless strange. Ochako hummed thoughtfully and turned, her gaze growing cloudy as she walked to the vending machine across the hall. Katsuki’s body turned of its own volition to keep her in his line of sight. 
“You’re right,” she said quietly, surveying the selection of drinks. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all…” Robotically, she removed a yen bill from her wallet and slid it into the machine, then pressed the buttons to select a bottle of water. The robotic arm within the vending machine jerkily retrieved it and deposited it into the slot. Before Ochako could bend down to get it, though, Katsuki had already closed the distance between them and plucked it from the machine. 
“Cheeks,” he said and poked her in the side of the head with the end of the bottle. She blinked as he pushed the cold plastic into her temple, not sure what to make of the sudden action. Katsuki’s face was pensive, trying to riddle out just what had caused Ochako’s mood to shift so suddenly. But he could glean nothing from that sweet round face and warm brown eyes; whatever it was, Ochako had buried it deep inside. 
I guess we all have our secrets. 
“Cheeks,” he repeated, his lips curling up into a smile. “Take care of yourself, okay?”
Idiot, he thought once more when a smile slowly bloomed on her face, making his heart flutter like a baby bird preparing for its first unsteady flight. He loved that smile so damn much it hurt; it filled his soul to the brim with joy, that illuminating flash of her teeth and bulge of her cheeks and the scrunch of her eyes. Idiot, he thought again as his lungs spasmed in his chest, the fungi digging deep into his cells to bloom cherry blossoms in the dark. This is why you’re dying. 
Yet it felt like he was dying without her, in the moments alone when the nights closed in and he wheezed in his dark room and sweaty bed sheets that were tangled around his legs from fitful, painful sleep. He was dying all the time, so he might as well die within the reach of the light of his life, rather than alone in the dark. 
A flower alone in a patch of light with the shadows closing in, clinging to every last sunbeam it can before the darkness finally washes over it and causes it to wither slowly, painfully, tortuously… Yet for every second he would rage, rage against the dying of the light, until he drew his last ragged breath. 
Because in the light, Ochako bloomed.
Enjoy this story? Here’s the next chapter! Please consider perusing my Table of Contents.
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Authors Note: Hey! So this is a request. And it’s a Smut So perpare yourself. Sorry it took so long, between trying too write it. And Drama with life. I got too be a proud owner of a Shinny new Sickness! Lol 😂 I was in and out for a week. NOT COVID! My skull is swelling up, Long story short. The Doctor I delt with refused too take my Swollen Skull and my memory lost (which I was having ) as serious. He diagnosed it with I had a Bad reaction too a bug bite… been dealing with this issues since Feb before the bugs were out. He refused too do tests on me until there is Snow on the ground.. (I’m Dead serious! I have too wait until November/ December too have this be a taken seriously)It’s been a hassle. The stories alone about the Memory loss should be a different post cause in the. Short week I was having memory issues I got into weird situations. My head however now is better! Still slightly swollen and I’m on day 13 of headaches. Now that my personal excuse for why this is so late is explained I would like too also apologize if it’s Not what you wanted lol 😂 Smut isn’t something I’m use too writing and I struggled. So Hopefully it’s Good! And as requested It’s LONG on word it’s 12 pages long lol so Enjoy the length!
Did I Proof read?: Define proofread lol
Rating: Rating is Smut! So 18 +
Warnings?: unprotected sex, sub / Dom like behaviour (loosely) public sexual acts, adult Toys
Paring: Klaus and Y/N
Appearances by: Klaus mikelson, Kol and Elijah Mikelson
Length of imagine: 12 pages
Requested imagine:
You have had three encounter with Klaus Mikaelson, All awkward, strange and each time endings with you Begging and Hoping too Die from your embarrassment. Each time unsuccessful dying from it. But it gave your classmate Kol (who happens too be Klaus’s Brother) ammo too torment you. Kol being a classmate / friend / tormented. He was a friendenemy. You sort of got along, but he loved, LOVED teasing you! Especially after you met his other brothers.
The first encounter you had with Kol’s brother Klaus. was at a bar with Kol, a few of your friends from class. All of you were learning too be Lawyers. Studying for the Bar, extremely exhausted from your long week. You were dragged too the bar. Where you Drank. (If remembering correctly It was Kol who was shoving the shots too everyone) that’s when the Greek god creature came into the Bar an attractive man. Avenge height, possessing curled dirty-blond hair and dark blue eyes that contrasts with his pearl-white skin. he is well-built. With a delicate and yet masculine face, he dressed casually for the for bar. Wearing jeans, a shirt, and a jacket. He was at t he bar ordering a drink as you shamefully commented, “Now that is a bum I would like too Bite.”
Your friends roared with laughter noticing who you meant as Kol spoke loudly, ‘that my dear Girl Is my brother. Klaus! Come over here.”
Klaus walked over as he spoke, “Hello- what are you all. Up too?”
“being horrified.” Kol spilled your comment too he’s brother who just laughed as you gasped as Klaus Simply said thanks and walked off. You hit Kol hard on the arm for that.
After that Klaus was seen more often you didn’t interact with him much, you were polite but kept your distant cause the comments you made about his bum was still on full display in your mind.l too humiliated. It wasn’t until you were forced into a group session with Kol did you see him face too face again. This Time you stumbled right over your own foot. And he caught you quickly but he’s hand sliced all your buttons open on your blouse reveling your bright Pink bra that was a push up. You gasped quickly covering yourself as he’s other brother Elijah came in. And saw the scene. As he spoke, “I think Kol is in his room..”
“thanks-“ you hurried off trying too fix your shirt as you got upstairs. The next encounter you were sitting with Sasha a friend from school and talking about the famous Charming, extremely Hot brothers. The Mikaelson’s.
“Kol is a heartthrob.”
Sasha curled her hair tonight a rare occasion since she hated putting heat too it. But after hearing that the Mikaelsons could be at this Party tonight she spent hours perfection her looks. You spend the normal amount of time. Kol drove you crazy with comments and being a general Ass, Elijah was Far too Perfect. With the Jaw that could Cut thru metal! And with two embarrassing encounters with Klaus you had NO intention too get chummy with that family!
“Kol is just a player- probably catch something form him.” Sasha laughed as she spoke, “Klaus is hot- and Elijah you can’t say they aren’t!”
Noddig your head, the room was buzzing as you crossed your arms leaning forward on the table looking a t your friend / roommate.
“they are very attractive- But you got too admit Kol is a player.” ‘what is Elijah?”
“The marrying type.” She laughed as she poke “What about Klaus?” You rolled your shoulders again.
“Klaus is the sort of guy who is other going too break your heart unimaginably with the amount of Passsion and Zest too Life he has.. Or he is the Bad boy searching for his good girl too change his life- Or just a more Cunning player Like Kol.”
You both laughed until you heard a deep voice behind you.
“is that really what you think of me Luv?”
You didn’t need too turn- you knew your luck wasn’t great! Every time you mention Klaus out loud he was near. This just proved it! Turning too confirm you your nightmare. He was sitting alone having a Drink.he was smug about hearing your conversation So Smug that you just got up and left.
Hours later you were stumbling around their compound.the Party was loud, your friends were all over the place, everyone including yourself was very tipsy. Or on the verge of not remembering the events of the night. You were searching for a bathroom when you came across Klaus he was standing tall as he had a burnet hair women kneeling in front of him, her hair was being held up and twisted and held tightly by Klaus. He’s head was leaned backward in pure pleasure. You caught the sight better realizing he was being giving head. You heard the loud “Gulps” and moans from the girl pleasuring him. You gasped softly stepping over grabbing the door and slowly closing the door, klaus noticed you as he grinned weakly as you quickly closed the door.
The fourth time.. was the most awkward one of All. You recently graduated when Kol offered you a Job. It was odd too have a recent graduate offering jobs but he’s family owned the most respected law firm in New Orleans. And you weren’t giving many oppunities due too Kol being a Dick. He told every law firm in the city about your passions. You are a Cryptozoology, A fourth generation Cryptozoology! Your family has been in search of Bigfoot for generations basically since your ancestors stepped foot on American soil they were searching for the big Hairy creature that is Bigfoot. You studied the mystical creature for years until you turned too being a lawyer cause you were tired of living in a trailer and having barely any food. It was really a hobby. Vs a real job. Somehow Kol discovered your secret and he blacked balled you from every respectful law firm in the city. Making the offer too work with him and his’ brothers annoying. But bills. Won over self respect!
Klaus discovered you sitting at a desk one morning, you worked there for a week before he noticed you as he spoek, ‘what you doing here?”
“I was hired- by Kol and Elijah?”
He sighed heavily storming off into his office as Kol reached over pinching your arm. You yelped owe as he spoke, “how was that meeting?”
You shoved him off your desk as you fixed your paper he sat on. “He’s annoyed you didn’t tell him?’
“I tohught he would be amused about it- I mean you do make a complete ass of yourself in front of him. Must really like him.” You chuckled softly shoving Kol away as you went back too work. Getting up an hour later too hand some paper work too Klaus, you went too his Desk dropping off the papers when you felt your Phone slip out of your pocket, it hit the corner of your foot and slide on the carpet and slide right under Klaus’s desk. Great! You muttered too yourself going on your hands and knees too find your phone. You found it but couldn’t reach it so you crawled around too the Desk pushing the chair aside as you climbed under the Wooden Desk. When you heared Klaus’s booming voice. Telling he’s Assistant too not too be disturbed for an hour. You went too move but your skirt got caught on a nail under the desk and you couldn’t move. Klaus walked over too his Desk unaware of you as he instantly pulled out his cock from his trousers.
You were stunned seeing his manhood. You joked before about biting his bum but Never did you imagine too be in a postion like this. It was itches from your face. As he opened a drawer he was silent as he reached down giving himself a squeeze slowly awaking his half stiffen Cock. You realized NOW you couldn’t just announce yourself! It would be too awkward! So you watched. Hearing A faint sound of a video playing he had lotion on his hand as he was stroking his impressive cock. Completely unaware of you. Watching him treating himself. You couldn’t help but feel the tingle between your legs watching and hearing his faint soft moans. Hearing the door open eh shifted moving closer too his Desk cursing.
His hand didn’t leave his cock and now it was itches from your face you had too lean your head backwards to make sure too not touch his cock with your mouth he tuck himself tightly into the desk. Trying too conceal himself.
“Sorry but I was searching for Y,N?”
You watched as Klaus squeezed his cock tighter hearing your name he groaned other in frustration or pleasure as he snapped, “SHE’S NOT HERE GO!” You couldn’t just sneak out after this. Not from the office door now! You knew Klaus had a patio, and attached too it was a fire escape you plotted your escape as he kept his assault on his cock. He’s moans got slightly louder. You fought too join in or too touch yourself. It happened suddenly he cummed but he didn’t have a tissue and it went all over your face. And into your gaping mouth that was hanging watching the heated view of his cock. He cursed softly as he shuffled up, fixing himself and going out of the room propbaby too find tissues. You took that as your chance. You ripped your skirt too escape as you climbed out fast and thru his patio.whipping your face you stood ther stunned. Standing there covered in your boss’s cum. What surprised you was how instantly you swallowed his seed. He’s delicious seed. You didn’t marvel in his taste for long before you ran down the fire escape sneaking back into the building and using a bathroom too clean up.
Something about watching a Hot guy, who happen too be your boss rub one out inches from your face and explode all over your face that made you incredibly horny. You debuted on quickly teasing yourself off in a stall but you were already been missing from your desk. And didn’t think that was wise.
Using your brain over your body which wanted too have a quick orgasms just made your heat fester all day. Kol insisted too join in at the bar after work too get drinks. You almost refused until he asked what happened too your skirt. And you realized how torn it was. And that made you say Yes too just stop him from asking questions.
The Bar was typical, Kol got distracted by a pretty girl,and everyone invited from the office was other dancing awfully or at the bar ordering more drinks you were sitting in the back at the booth. You werent’ really in the mood too be socail you wanted too get close too Steven.. your vibrating dildo that was screaming for you. From your throbbing pussy beggging for a fuck. The thought crossed your mind too have a one night stand but too many of the people in here were from work and you didn’t want them too think you were THAT Sort. So you sat unsatisfied in the corner. You were surprised seeing Klaus slip in beside you as he spoke, “well looks who’s here.”
Glancing up into his beauitful blue eyes you spoke, “hey Klaus.” “You been a very naughty girl today Y/N.” he’s voice was low as he shifted slightly looking fulling at you.
“what you mean?”
He reached up putting a fabric on the desk. Seeing it was the chunk of your skirt that was missing he spoke, “did you enjoy the show?’
“I-I Don’t know what you mean?” Grabbing your torn fabric he reached over grabbing your hand as he spoke, “I saw you, mouth open, wide expression the hunger. I saw you take most of my load in your mouth.”
Gasping you turned too him, “why didn’t you stop?”
‘why ddin’t you announce yourself too get out of that situation? I was humiliated.”
Rolling your eyes as he grinned weakly, “Only fair tit for tat..”
Looking at him surprised as he spoke, “touch yourself..”
“well aren’t you a romantic.” He grinned weakly as he leaned closer, “I want you Y/N. in every sense, I want too cum in your mouth again, your pussy, your ass , all over your chest. And all over your body. I want too fuck you until you beg too stop.”
“well aren’t you not scared of Human Resources..” he grinned weakly at that. “Tell me No and I’ll never bring this up again.”
You bite your bottom lip nodding your head, “okay. Your place?”
He grinned weakly as he shook his head, “Not yet- soon.”
That surprised I shifted looking at him “what why?”
Klaus grinned shifted reaching over cupping your face making you look deep into his blue eyes. “I want too make sure your sure about this- but for now. I deserve too watch you don’t you think?”
Looking around you were pretty isolated over here, everyone was shifting towards the front looking at the TV Screen a game was on. Other football. Or a hockey game. You weren’t sure. Even isolated it was still Public, and it wasn’t something you ever done. Hell you never thought about Doing anything in public because it’s- well the public people are around. But having Klaus caress your cheek softly making your body. Bubbly. He made you debate about it. “We.. were in public Klaus. We could get in trouble. A lot of trouble.”
“we are lawyers we know how to get out of it. I wont be fucking you today but I will make you orgasm every day. Until I do.”
Biting your tongue hard, your brain forced you too work earlier the rest of your body decided right now. Not too listen too all the red flags as too why you shouldn’t do this. Ad found yourself slip your hand down to your lap pulling your skirt up, tugging your panties too the side you looked around making sure no one was watching before you slipped your finger inside teasing you clit. Klaus watched amused. Looking into his eyes as you slide your fingers deeper inside you. Your fingers were soaked. You pushed hard sliding your fingers deep inside as you you moan weakly as Klaus’s eyes got a sparkle of amusement. You leaned against the chair as you positioned yourself too take your fingers better as you slowly teased yourself. Reaching your orgasm. Minutes later it didn’t take long too reach it, your pussy has been begging for hours for this. Pulling your hand away from yourself Klaus reached over grabbing your dripping fingers and licked them. Tasting your sweetness.
“until tomorrow Y/N.”
With that he got up and left. You sat there stunned, Did he Really just convinced you too tease yourself in Public and NOT take you to his place? Or tried too take you into the back hallway too the bathroom or in the ally? What the Hell! The high from the orgasm dissapeared as you packed up and went home. The High was GONE! And now you were annoyed he didn’t take you home. What a Tease!
The next morning you got too the office, you were still stunned at yourself for 1) catching Klaus rubbing one out in his office, while you painfully and stupidly stayed hidden under his desk 2) agreed too eventually sleep with your New boss. / your somewhat friend’s brother. 3) fingered yourself in a public bar while Klaus watched and admired you. Getting too our desk you opened your drawer too get a pen when you noticed a small red box with a red lace ribbon around it. With a small white note on the box. You grabbed It and opened the note seeing it was handwritten and from Klaus.
“put these on, and give me yours.”
What the hell? You questioned until you opened the box seeing they were Red underwear. You slide the box into your purse as you quickly went too the bathroom too do what Klaus wished. Normally you weren’t the sort of girl who followed or listened too commands like this. But Klaus made you that sort of girl-other it was his Charm, He’s intensity, he’s hot throbbing looks, but something was making you listen too him and do things that you would NEVER Do. . And after yesterday and how honrier you got after your public displays last night. You were willing.
Sneaking off too the bathroom, you pulled the red panties out you realized they were heavier then you expected. After closer expection you realized why. Vibrating panties. You chuckled softly. Surly. He wouldn’t!
You put them on. Calling his bluff No way would Klaus use this in the office. He wasn’t that stupid! Not only could you get in trouble but he would too! And Elijah would Kill him. This was just a Test. Getting out of the bathroom you went too his office seeing the big grin on his face as you tossed him the red box. He grabbed it. Opening it seeing your pink not so fancy underwear. He grinned wider seeing them as you walked out.
An hour in and Nothing. It made you smile- you called his bluff and he did Nothing! Finally you had a small upper hand on this- Odd thing going on with you and Klaus. Elijah called a staff meeting in the confence meeting. You stood up and grabbed your notebook too write notes, when you felt it. A faint tingle down below. It made you jump high. You weren’t expecting it. A few people jumped seeing your reaction as a older lady asked if you were alright. You nodded your head fast. Trying too composure yourself as you force da smile, ‘Yea- sorry spider scared me.” Walking too the conference room you felt the faint vibration every step! Sitting down you caught Klaus wicked grin seeing you enter and sit down. Klaus started the Vibration too be slightly higher. It made you jump again as you quickly covered yourself saying it was another Bug.
Thru out the meeting he kept changing the intensity from low too high. Looking right at him as someone was taking he was enjoying it as you were fighting off a orgasm. Seeing him bite his lip sent you over the edge. As you felt the pressure going faster, you bite your tounge hard and gripped the side of your leg tightly trying not too make a Peep.
The orgasm was intense. It washed over you, feeling the vibrations still going, you realized one orgasm wasn’t going too be enough for Klaus. After the meeting you were called into Klaus’ office as everyone went off for lunch as he closed the door as he grinned.
“enjoying yourself.”
You breathed deeply hitting his arm, “Klaus ican’t believe you did that!” He chucked as he walked over too his desk as he leaned against it he crossed his arms as he spoke, ‘you put them on- you had too know I was going too play with it.”
Nodding your head you stepped over as you spoke, “I thought you were bluffing!” He grinned weakly as you spoke, “give me back my underwear.” He chuckled as he spoke, “Nope” you rolled your eyes looking behind you seeing the office was empty. You reached down grabbing the panties pulling them off. You let them fall too the floor as you stepped out of them .looking at Klaus. As you bent down grabbing them tossing it too him.
“what if someone caught me!”
“lucky them- luckily they were too busy too look at you.” Rolling your eyes again for that comment he stepped over grabbing them from you as he grinned. “Is your grievances because I used the app in public or because were at work? You had too of know these weren’t normal panties”
Crossing your arms tightly looking at Klaus you reached over grabbing his arm as you spoke, “At Work! At least if its publci it’s with strangers so if I’m caught I’ll die from embarrassment but I wont have too worry about the entire office knowing!” He nodded his head as he reached up gripping your sides, “then Let’s meet up tonight after work”
You smiled weakly nodding your head weakly. “Okay.” He chuckled saying okay. As you left his office.
The end of the day appeared like it always does. You walked over too the elevator seeing Klaus in beside you. He smiled weakly as he went too fix his shoe as the Elevator was empty closing as he traced his hand on your calf. He slowly stood up tracing his hand up your leg before reaching your butt and giving it a hard squeeze. You smiled weakly as he spoke, ‘let’s get dinner.”
Disappointed that he wanted too go too a restaurant vs his place or yours. But you smiled weakly nodding your head. “Okay sure, that sounds like fun.” He grinned as he held your ass the entire ride down. He told you where too meet him as he said he would meet you there. You agreed .as you realized after he wanted your oo take your car. You probably weren’t going too his place after dinner either. But you agreed pushing that thought too the back of your mind as you separated too get too your own cars and drive too this restaurant.
You arrived there before, Klaus so you went inside too get a table. You were lead too the back of the tiny restaurant you never even heard of. It was a hardly lite Restaurant, with candles mainly being the source of light, and Jazz playing in the background. Even those it was 7 pm it was Empty. So when you got too your table you went too text Klaus until you felt a hand on your leg. It made you shriek and jump till you looked down, moving the table cloth seeing Klaus grinning like a fool.
“Fuck Klaus you scared me!”
“what you doing down there/“ he grinned as he caressed your bare legs as he spoke, “I’m having my dinner..” you laughed softly hearing that response as he grinned reaching down kissing your knee softly.
Lifting your head up seeing Elijah you gasped, “Oh Elijah hey.” You started hitting Klaus in the head trying too Single him too get out from under the table. But he grabbed your hand instead and started kissing your inner thigh. You soon realized he wasn’t going too stop. Your only hope was too scare Elijah off before he realized he’s little brother was under the table about too have his “dinner” as he called it.
Elijah was wearing his suit, it fit perfectly on his muscular body as he spoke,” what you doing here alone?”
“oh you know, I was starving and I figured I would try this restaurant out. What brings you here?”
“Same- mind if I join you.”
Elijah has always been kind too you, he was the perfect one out of the three brothers. Before you could come up with a excuse he sat down as he spoke, “how is work? Klaus isn’t giving you a hard time is he?” Feeling klaus softly nibble on your inner thigh not even teasing your pussy he was taking his time. Teasing you. As you spoke, “he’s a ass sometimes but he’s okay.” Saying that made klaus bite harder on your inner thigh as you jumped slightly shocked as Elijah asked if you were alright.
“yea sorry. Cramp. How are you? How’s working with your brothers?’
The conversation was civilized and polite nothing too deep until the waitress came and took your orders as Klaus decided that was enough teasing as he lifted your skirt up. And reach over too your bare pussy. With all the teasing before barely touching you and maybe it was the aftermath of all the times you orgasmed earlier but you were still wet. He spread your legs as he reached down softly kissing your mould before sliding his tongue around your clit. You reached down grabbing his head. As he circled his tongue around your clit.
For the last half hour of talking and waiting for your food, Elijah realized you were nervous, then he’s hearing caught the sound of slurping and hitting something wet. The sound coming from under the table. When the noise started you bitting your cheek hard trying not too make a sound. As you forced yourself too talk about anything. Elijah glanced down at the table seeing the cloth hit the floor, when the meals arrived Elijah lifted the cloth up with his foot too see what he expected he’s brother Klaus under the table. He moved his foot. Elijah was furious that 1) Klaus would be so reckless and do this in public 2) make Y/N sit here and act like nothing was happening she was probably modified 3) knowing Klaus he didn’t think of sexual assault charges that could come up. What a idiot!
Elijah went too put a stop too it until he noticed your lip quivering. Seeing you in bliss and trying too stay quite. He thought back on this afternoon when you were in the meeting acting all jumpy. Elijah heard a vibrating sound but assumed it was a phone or something in someone’s pocket. He didn’t question it because he didn’t expect anything else. But realizing you and Klaus were having a sexual escapades in the office. He was surprised he didn’t see you doing that. And seeing you now trying too eat as the sounds of her wetness got louder. Made him. Horny. Elijah leaned back in the chair enjoying the show.
Klaus had two fingers pushing inside you as he kept his tounge on your teasing you and driving you crazy. Elijah was relax and calm as he talked about Spain. You trying too pay attention but the attack of klaus firm fingers and talent tounge took all your attention. When you felt a orgasm appearing. You tried too keep your mind clear trying too ignore it. It was working until Klaus curled his fingers slightly inside you hitting your G-Spot and it hit you. It was like being slapped in the face you moaned out, feeling your body hitting that sweet heaven your legs cramped around Klaus as you forgot too muffle your moans as you gripped onto his head tightly as your head leaned backward. Elijahs cock started stiffing watching your play time. When he heard the sweet sounds of your moans he grinned weakly. Looking around Not one of the staff members reacted. Clearly Klaus was smart enough too glamor them too not notice. Giving you some privacy minus himself of course.
The gentleman Righteous part of Elijah anted too leave too give you privacy, but seeing you quivering and moaning as you realized Klaus didn’t light up once hitting your orgasm. Elijah was jealous of his brother. The more he sat watching you. The more he wanted too be Klaus between your legs. Giving you that pleasure. He wanted you wrapped around him as he slide his cock into you burying it inside you.
There was no point pretending anymore. That you weren’t being serviced. You tried too come up with something but you saw Elijah relaxing more in the chair and you could notice his hard cock.it was making a very visible appearance against his trouser. You was pulled closer too Klaus as he spread your legs apart further as he started pushing his tongue deep inside you. Making his tongue skinny as he pushed in and making his tongue as fat as it could go as he slide his tongue out. You closed your eyes enjoying every movement as you heard shifting you opened your eyes realizing Elijah was trying too get comfy with. His stiff cock causing him discomfort in his trouser. You looked right at it realizing that was the problem, biting your lip you looked up at him nodding your head. Giving him permission he started too unzip his pants as he pulled his cock out with ease. Not caring about the staff. As he started stroking. You moaned softly trying too muffle his zipper as Klaus kept teasing. Feeling his thumb teasing your clit you were completely in heaven.
Elijah was stroking his cock as he watched you go completely clam , no longer scared someone would see her. The closed sign was out, the door locked, and the staff was in the back. The room was yours. The more Elijah saw you squirming and moaning softly the more he anted too take you right on this table. It surprised him when Klaus pulled out from under the table after Y/N second orgasm as he grinned seeing his older brother.
“see something you like brother?”
Elijah quickly put himself away as he spoke, “that was reckless Klaus.”
“that Is what I wanted.”
Elijah rolled his eyes as he spoke, ‘what if someone saw?”
“lucky them- Y/N see you tomorrow.”
“What?!” You gasped out as you spoke, “you aren’t going too take me home?”
Klaus grinned weakly as he stepped over kissing her head, “No.. but if your still in need of service perhaps my brother could attend too your needs. He was after all. Pawning himself.”
Staring at Klaus you walked over grabbing your purse, “your such a ass! Goodnight.”
Walking off you headed out of the restaurant and home.
The next day you decided too completely forget about Klaus. If he was just going too be a massive tease. 2 can play that game. You wore a tighter skirt and a white blouse you looked presentable for work. But just the bit more appealing. Nothing overly you weren’t going too dress like a hooker at work just too get back at Klaus. He would like that far too much! Getting too the office you went straight too work as you noticed both Mikelsons brothers (minus Kol who once again wasn’t in yet) were stealing glances at you. Normally you go towards Klaus if you needed help. And you walked up with your paper going towards his office. Too only stop at the water fountain too get a cup of water. Before walking off too Elijah’s office.
“hey Elijah you got a second?”
“of course- I wanted too- can you close the door.” You nodded your head stepping forward as you closed the door behind you as you walked over too his desk sitting down as he spoke, “I want too apologize for my actions last night. It- wasn’t proper..”
Shaking your head you looked at him, “No- but it was still.. stupidly hot.- Elijah if I wanted you too stop.. I would of told you too. And. You would of respected it.”
“Still- I’m you boss I shouldn’t want too-“ he stopped himself from finish that sentence as you rolled your shoulders. “Consider I had too force myself out that door before I did something Oh so stupid.. I get it.”
He grinned weakly as he spoke, “I dind’t know you and klaus.”
“we aren’t- he’s just a tease.. he gets me all hot and heavy and just bails… he’s the biggest tease in the world.”
“that is probably the first time I’ve ever heard someone call him that..” laughing at that you reached over grabbing his hand that was on the desk. “Forget about last night- I’m sorry I-“
“you did nothing wrong.”
Shaking your head weakly you slowly stood. Up as you stepped over too stand beside him as you sat on his desk. “No but I wanted too.’
That surprised Elijah as you spoke, “I wanted you both..”
Elijah was stunned as you reached over squeezing his shoulder. “But hey- lets just forget about it.”
He was stunned as you walked out. Walking out you went straight oo your desk as you focused on your work. Biting the tip of your pen you were focused when Klaus called you into his office just before lunch you walked over too his office as he told you too close the door. You did as he sat at his desk. “How are you?”
“Fine,” “you didn’t respond too my text.”
Rolling your shoulders, “Been busy”
“you been talking too Elijah.”
Seeing him jealous you titled your head seeing his all cramp up and annoyed. “You offered him to me yesterday. Didn’t think you would care I went too him.” Walking away he got up as he walked over too the windows closing his blinds as he walked over too you pinning you against the door you were surprised at the sudden reaction. But Klaus locked the door as he spoke, “I want you.”
Looking at him you rested your head on the door as you spoke, “do you? Because you only tease me.”
He stared at you stunned at your boldness as he reached up cupping your head. Hearing chairs shuffling outside everyone was going for lunch. He reached over kissing you deeply which brought your mind back too him as he pressed himself against you.
Feeling his hands on your chest as he ripped your blouse apart. The buttons fell onto the ground but you didn’t care you kept your lips onto him as you felt your body warming up as he kissed down your neck tracing down too your chest as he cupped your breast with one hand as he went too rip your bra off. And with how strong he was. You were convinced he could do it with one hand you spoke, “wait- this was experience” he grinned as you unhooked the bra from the back. He yanked it off as he pressed his lips too your breast kissing down too your nipples before wrapping his tounge around it and taking it fulling into his mouth. You closed your eyes enjoying the sensation. You weren’t the normal girl who had overly sensitive nipples. You read about girls who could have orgasms with just by playing with their nipples. You weren’t that sort of girl. But Kalus was Very gifted with his tounge. And you could now see how it was possible.
He moved from one too another making sure the other didn’t get too lonely.when he shifted up kissing your lips again you pulled his shirt making a few buttons fall off. As he helped you. You tugged at his pants as he obliged letting you undress him fully as he helped you out of your remaining articles of clothing. Standing naked he grinned reaching over kissing you deeply as you felt him hard. He’s cock was pressing against your thigh as he slowly positioned himself too enter you. Rationally you should of worried about protection but after 4 days of just being teased.your rational state of mind was gone. Klaus reached down teasing your clit as he slide his fingers down too slide them inside you. Feeling how wet you already were he grinned biting your neck softly. You moaned softly as he pumped his fingers inside you a few times before replacing his fingers with his waiting cock. Gasping feeling his length slide inside you. It was bigger then you expected as he gripped your neck softly making you look at him as he watched your reaction too taking his cock. He pushed. A few times slowly too. Let you get use too it as you eased he slowly started thrusting fast you looked at him as he reached back kissing you.
Being pinned against the door being fucked. You couldn’t believe this was acturally happening and as if he could read your mind he kissed you deeper. Softly whispering into your ear as he groaned softly, “I can’t believe we are doing this” As he reached down twisting your nipple as he picked you up. You instantly wrapped your legs around him as he carried you too his couch as he sat down as you gripped his shoulders as you started thrusting onto his cock. Riding it. As he kept his lips on you. Your neck, your shoulder, down too your chest.
Klaus hands cupped your breast as he soon shifted you too lay down on the couch as he towered over you as he kissed you deeply before thrusting faster. You moaned softly as he loved hearing you moan. It made him push deeper inside you as you leaned your head backwards. ‘Fuck.” You uttered as he reached down kissing you again.
“language miss y/l/n “
Rolling your eyes hearing his smart remark he chuckled he’s voice was so Soft and musical that you smiled weakly even those. It was slightly annoying. Feeling his hands gripping your neck softly as he pulled you into a kiss again, he’s hand lasted a second on your neck before he traced his hand down your body. Reaching too your pussy As he started playing with your clit with his thumb as he plunges deeper inside you. Feeling the new element. Your body started tensing up as he reached down kissing your neck as he moaned softly. “Cum for me baby.”
Hearing his voice was deepin your body agreed too his request as you turned your head reaching your arm up biting into your arm so you didn’t moan out. Klaus grinned weakly watching your back was arched, your breath was heavy as your legs, pussy and body clinched onto him as he hit his limit seeing you in pure bless as he hit his climax. Burring his face into your chest trying too muffle his own moans as you both.
A few minutes passed without either of you moving or even talking. Klaus stood up as he spoke, “that was incredible. Shall we do it again after work?”
You nodded your head weakly smiling getting up as you notice your shirt. “Shit! Klaus my shirt! You completely destroyed It!”
“I have a spare shirt you can borrow.”
Well at lest it’s better then going partly nude in the office.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 11
I'm back! Almost a month late, but exams got in the way of @marichatmay (how inconsiderate of my uni to hold them at this time of the year, really) The updates should be more frequent again, especially since I've got at least a couple of chapters planned that combine two prompts! Hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Chapter 11: In which, to quote Taylor Swift, dancing is a dangerous game
Marinette hummed happily as she inspected the dress on her mannequin.
Without tooting her own horn, it really was some of her best work; she'd chosen an asymmetric cut for it, slightly shorter in front, so the silk fabric teased the top of her knees. It was light enough that it could expand like a corolla if she twirled, but the shape of the skirt prevented it from hitching too high (one had to remain classy).
She was so pleased with the result. She'd fallen in love with the velvet lining of the cherry blossom pattern fabric when she'd stumbled upon it at the Marché St Pierre over a year ago, and had bought it on a whim. It had been safely sitting at the back of her fabric case ever since, for lack of a worthy project. She’d looked at it longingly every time she opened the box, hoping inspiration would strike.
She didn’t know if it was the upcoming class party, her strangely giddy heart, or the lovely late spring weather, but something in the air had titillated her creativity, and here she was, the proud owner of a beautiful dress, perfect for any occasion.
And what an occasion the class party was turning out to be. What had started out as a lowkey plan to celebrate the approaching end of the school year and the end of the brevet, had developed into something much bigger when the class had started discussing where to hold it, and Chloé had ended up suggesting the Grand Paris restaurant with a seemingly exasperated sigh. Marinette had seen her small smile when everyone had thanked her, though, and had made a mental note to suggest that they found a small present for her before the party.
Alya had been shocked when she’d voiced the thought aloud, asking if Marinette was feeling feverish, but her friend had shrugged the comment off. She just felt very light and breezy for some reason, and nothing could knock her off her air path.
She sighed contentedly as she put her pins away and opened a window to let the warm spring breeze in. This would do nicely. Even if she wasn't going to directly pursue Adrien, she was sure he'd notice the quality of her garment. And then, if he asked her to dance like the last time they’d been to a party at Chloé’s...
Oh, but what if we do dance like last time , she froze at the thought. I haven't made any progress in dancing, and even though I managed to not faceplant in front of him last time, I'm not sure that my luck will withstand a second time - what if I step on his feet? What if I knock into him and break his nose? Then he will hate me, his whole modeling career will be ruined, and Gabriel Agreste will make sure I never become a designer, and Adrien and I will never get married, have our house, three kids and our hamster named-
The lack of oxygen from her hyperventilating made her lose her balance and she caught herself on her desk. She breathed out slowly, relaxing as her eyes met Chat’s on their picture from the Café des Chats. She needed to stop catastrophising. It wouldn’t be a good idea to dance with Adrien, not while her “relationship” with Chat Noir was still "going strong”. She caught herself wondering how out of place it would be to invite him along to the party (it would definitely give her an excuse not to dance with Adrien), but promptly waved the thought away.
She went up to her computer and pulled up a dance tutorial to get her mind off of things. Just to be on the safe side.
"One two three, one two three..." She tried following the waltz steps, pretending to hold someone in her arms.
She felt a little stupid, but quickly brushed the feeling away. It wasn’t like someone was going to see her. She closed her eyes and let herself be carried by the music, picturing the movements in her head. It was easier this way.
“I must say, Marinette, you have excellent taste in music. Oh! Whatcha doing?” Her eyes flew open at the sound of a familiar voice and she stumbled backwards, crashing into her mannequin. Had she somehow invoked Adrien? A quick glance at her window and the smiling, masked face dangling upside down from it answered her question. "It really drags a cat- woah there, careful Princess!”
Chat leaped inside as his smile melted into a concerned frown.
“Would you stop sneaking up on me like that?!” She cursed as he helped her up, not admitting that she was actually kind of glad to see him. It had been a while. She immediately straightened her mannequin and started dusting off the dress.
“But where’s the fun in that? You’re cute when you’re dancing.” He felt his cheeks pinken, on par with hers at the compliment.
“Yeah, well, um…” She stammered, occupying herself by frantically checking for any sign of damage. “You could have ruined my dress!” She huffed.
“Ooh, is that what you’ll be wearing at Chloé… Bourgeois’ party?” He caught himself before he could sound too chummy about Chloé, but his face lit up as he turned around the mannequin to inspect it.
“What do you know about that?” Marinette crossed her arms and squinted suspiciously at him.
“Oh, nothing much,” he gulped, remembering how attentive to detail Marinette was. “I just heard about it through the grapevine, you know? I kind of keep a tab on events involving the Bourgeois, they tend to be at high akumatisation risk.”
“Clever kitty,” Marinette whispered under her breath.
“What was that?” Chat smirked.
“I said, that’s fair.” She cleared her throat.
“Right.” He nudged her. “Anyway, this dress is gorgeous, you’ve done an ameowzing job on it, Marinette.”
“Thanks.” She bit back a giddy smile, and cleared her throat. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I…” Chat hesitated. He wasn’t sure, really. He’d been relaxing in his room, gazing at his ceiling, when he’d suddenly felt an irrepressible longing to see Marinette, and had promptly been on his way. He wondered if he could invoke his right to want to see his girlfriend, but decided it probably wasn’t for the best. They hadn’t seen each other since their encounter at the flower shop (well, of course they had, but she hadn’t been aware of it), and the part of him who was still hellbent on ending this absurd arrangement was convinced that a bit of progress towards a potential breakup had been made; blurting out defining relationship terms would definitely not help go down that road. “I was just in the neighbourhood, so I thought I’d pop in and say hi! I’ve missed you.” He felt the tip of his ears warm up at his words.
“I’ve missed you, too.” She looked at her feet bashfully and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Both remained silent for a moment while the waltz music kept playing in the background, unsure what to say next. The silence was interrupted by a loud ad for Tsurugi cars on Marinette’s computer.
She jumped and went to close the tab, but Chat Noir caught the name of the video before she could do so.
“A dance tutorial?” He tilted his head inquisitively, and she froze. “What’s this for?”
“Well, I know it sounds stupid, but… I’m a little worried about the dancing part of Chloé’s evening.” She admitted, knotting her hands together.
“But you’re a great dancer!” Chat’s exclamation came out like a cry from the heart. “I mean, I suppose. How could you not be? You’re Marinette Dupain-Cheng! You can do anything.”
“Thanks, Chat.” She flashed him a bright smile, making his heart skip a beat.
“I’m only speaking the truth.” He bowed, and decided it would be for the best for him to change the subject, before he went down the ‘Marinette is amazing’ rabbit hole. The rant could easily last for a long time. Thankfully, the video came to his rescue. “You know, though, I hear kids these days don’t really waltz anymore,” he said conspiratorially.
It was true; even though his father had been adamant about him taking ballroom dancing lessons, claiming every respectable young man knew how to dance, Nino had been almost uncharacteristically mocking about how he’d danced with Marinette at Chloé’s first party when they’d discussed it later (he’d had to gush about how great it had been to dance with his good friend), advising him to update his dancing style. Adrien had therefore looked it up, and had found out that Rock’n Roll dancing seemed fairly popular still, and his father had approved the suggestion to add it to the acceptable dance list. He wondered if Marinette also knew how to dance it.
“I know people who still waltz,” Marinette replied, defensively crossing her arms in front of her chest. “And so what if it’s a little old-fashioned? I don’t see what’s wrong with it.”
“It’s just not very twenty-first century, is all.” He shrugged, although he wanted to scream that he agreed with her. He was mildly afraid that she’d see that two of the people she knew who appreciated waltzing were blond guys with green eyes, about the same height and build, and absolutely fantastic, funny and well-dressed, and that she would connect the dots. He wasn’t sure Ladybug would be very pleased if his identity was leaked over a dance, no matter how trustworthy Marinette was.
“Oh yeah? And what would you suggest, then?” Marinette cocked an eyebrow.
“Ever heard of Rock’n Roll?” he asked.
“I don’t live under a rock, you know.” She rolled her eyes. “Pun unintended.”
“And do you know how to dance it?” He took a step forward.
“I know the basics.” She shrugged.
“Would you like to practise? Just in case it turns out to be useful at Chloé’s…” He trailed off, trying to hide how excited he was at the prospect of dancing with Marinette again.
She wrung her hands together and pondered her options. It would be pretty stupid not to seize the opportunity, plus, she’d always kind of wondered what it would be like to dance with Chat. She didn’t know where the idea came from, although maybe their late night patrols in the moonlight played a part in it. “Are you sure you don’t have more important things to attend to?” She looked up at him.
“I’m free as a bird.” He grinned.
“Okay, then.” She found a playlist and launched it. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Chat Noir extended his hand and she took it. He pulled her in a little closer, twirling her in and back out before swinging their hands in rhythm with the music.
“The real pros trace little hearts to the beat, because your heart rate actually changes to match the tempo of a song,” he confided, before taking her other hand.
They met chest to chest a couple of times, then lifted their arms over their heads, letting go of one hand. Chat’s gloved hand hovered over Marinette’s arm as they moved just out of reach of each other, giving her goosebumps. Her breath hitched slightly, and she was fairly sure her complexion was now a couple of shades redder. Chat didn’t notice, or pretended not to, twirling her again, then taking her other hand again to go through a series of passes.
Marinette was impressed by how smoothly he led her, how natural it seemed to be for him. He smiled casually as they danced and she relaxed, effortlessly falling into rhythm with him.
As the end of the song approached, Chat got more confident that she could take more complex moves and picked up the difficulty. Marinette was slightly dizzy from all the twists and turns and was thankful for the pause he gave her after a string of moves. They stepped to the rhythm, her back to his chest, for a couple of beats longer than was traditional. She wondered if he’d sensed that he’d reached her limit.
“Hey, Marinette?” Chat’s breath tickled her ear as he whispered in it.
“Yes?” She looked up at him. Their faces were mere inches away; his gaze had an intensity she’d rarely seen him sport. She couldn’t deny it was a good look on him.
“Do you trust me?” His voice was slightly hoarse from the exercise.
“With my life,” she breathed, her eyes mindlessly landing on his lips. “Why-aaaah!”
She yelped as his hands dropped to her waist and he picked her up, then flipped her in the air.
He caught her before she landed, but her surprise made her fall more heavily than she would have with more notice, a loud thud echoing with her pulse in her ears as the song finally came to an end.
“Hmm, you should really rehearse that last move before the dance, you weren’t very light on your feet…” Chat bit back his laughter.
Marinette was about to punch his shoulder and yell at him to never pull that kind of thing on her again, unless he wanted to become cat food, when Sabine’s voice sounded from below.
“Marinette? Is everything alright?”
“Ah, er, yes Maman! Everything’s fine, I just knocked over my mannequin again!” She called out, frantically starting to push Chat up her stairs, towards her skylight. “You need to go, she can’t know that you’re here,” she added in hushed tones. If Sabine found him there with her… Well, Marinette had managed to convince her after the very first lunch that Chat and her wouldn’t work out, and she knew her mother had taken her word for it; she wasn’t so sure how she would react if she discovered that things were serious enough that he came around and danced in her room with her. Not that it was romantic in any way, but she knew what it could look like from the outside.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled, “no need to be so pushy.”
“Consider it your punishment for almost giving me a heart attack,” Marinette shook her head. Her next words reassured him that she held no grudge. “See you later?”
“I’ll definitely cat ch you around, Princess,” he winked as he quickly kissed her hand. She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. “By the way, I’m sure you’ll do great, whoever you dance with.”
“Thanks, Kitty.”
As she returned inside, she reflected on their synchronicity, and wondered if it was all down to the couple of years of fighting side by side, or if something bigger was at stake, allowing herself, for the first time since it had happened, to think about her first kiss for a little more than a couple of seconds.
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A/N: Am reposting two of my shelved discontinued fem!Hinata fics from my old blog here (for exposure ig? Also I didn't delete them completely there, they're just posted privately lol); for those who've read the original post before and wondering why this blog repost another blog's work, supplies~!! OP here, filling this blog with some Haikyuu content from last October. Enjoy ^^;; ALSO DO NOT SEND HATE ORZ smh
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My Masterlist
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Prologue | 01 | Omake 01
tho it doesn't looked like an extra chapter at all smh ahaha
Omake 01
wc: 1.9k words
warning: mentions of thigh touching (and probs kidnapping but not implied), a bit of OOC-ness, a few ‘damn’ mentions.
note: indented paragraphs -> flashbacks
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*NOTE: since purple/violet is unavailable via PC (using desktop beta lol), I'll use yellow for Ushijima instead.
A female’s voice continued calling her from her deep slumber.
The faint smell of ammonia wafted in the air.
Eyelids slowly opened as she regained consciousness.
“Ah, thank goodness you’re awake now, Hina-chan!”
“Yachi-san?” She groggily glanced at her friend.
“I’ll tell the others she’s awake!” Suddenly, the owner of that voice earlier, Date Tech’s manager, Nametsu Mai, stood up and headed outside the door. Yachi nodded her thanks.
“W-what happened… Where am I? Is this not our—the managers’—room?” she asked.
Hinata started to sit up from where she was laying but wobbled.
Luckily, Yachi and their second-year senpai Kinoshita Hisashi helped her out and gently positioned their fellow member on one corner of the classroom-slash-makeshift sleeping area.
Her senpai sheepishly replied to Hinata, “This is Date Tech’s sleeping quarters. We were having our first practice match of the day, against them, when Sugawara-san called to inform that they’ve found you together with Shiratorizawa, and their captain carried you on—“
The decoy shivered, thinking about the restroom incident hours ago.
“—and fainted on Ushijima’s shoulder. Ma~n, Suga-san’s so furious back then Kageyama had to stop him from killing them.” Kinoshita chuckled.
“Your room’s kinda far away from where they found you, so the managers decided to drop you off here since it’s the nearest one.”
Hinata sweatdropped, a bit embarrassed.
“Ah… thank you, and sorry for whatever inconvenience I have caused earlier…”
Yachi shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine! You’ve done nothing wrong, Hina-chan~,” she grinned at the orange-haired girl.
Smiled back also.
Then she suddenly facepalmed. “I forgot about the practice match! Is it still going yet?”
“It finished an hour ago, we lost—2-1,” a scowling Kageyama answered, trudging towards the three.
“K-k-kageyama…!!!” the female middle blocker blanched with fear, hands gripping the blanket draped on her lap, while the raven-haired setter shot a menacing glare at her, which she averted. “I’m… I’m sorry for—“
“Are you alright?” he quietly asked Hinata, his hand perched on her head.
His deep blue eyes swimming with concern and worry.
She felt a slight flush on her cheeks while meeting his gaze.
“H-hai, I’m fine!” the chibi assured Kageyama. “Nothing to worry about, Bakayama-kun~!”
And she smiled at him.
The boy suddenly became hot and turned to look away from her, hiding his flustered face with the back of his hand.
“H-hinata boke… idiot,” Kageyama stuttered, his heart thumping louder than normal.
Ahh… he sure is whipped for Hinata, that Kageyama boy, Kinoshita thought, shaking his head.
While their blonde manager only giggled.
Recovering from his blushing mess a while ago, the raven-haired setter took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes at Hinata and quipped.
“But I guess you do know that we lost in the match earlier because of your carelessness around your surroundings, right, dumbass?”
He smirked.
This pissed the female decoy and threw in some punches at Kageyama, which he constantly dodged. “Shut up, you!! I said I’m sorry, alright?!”
“No, you did not!”
“Yes, I did, Bakayama!”
There goes their ‘lovers’ quarrel’ again… hahaha…
“Hinata!” Sugawara’s sweet voice boomed inside the room as he entered together with their team’s captain Sawamura Daichi. Beside them tagged along Hinata’s friend from Date Tech, fellow middle blocker Aone Takanobu.
“Ah, Sugawara-san!” The first-year idiot duo stopped their bickering when the gray-haired setter all of a sudden hugged her.
Hc’d Suga and Hinata are chummy-chummy but in a mother/daughter sort of way.
He is, after all, Karasuno’s Sugamama.
“Honey, are you alright now? Did those Shiratorizawa bastards hurt you? Don’t lie to me!” She blinked in reply, baffled.
He might cry in an instant now—
“Oi, Suga, calm down,” Daichi said, drawing circles at the fellow third-year’s back to calm him down.
Aone then stepped closer besides Hinata and sat with his legs crossed, his eyes gazing at hers like Kageyama’s.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, his deep voice nearly startled both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita.
Date Tech’s one-third of the famous Iron Wall is a man of few words, and his replies were mostly grunts, hand gestures, and nods.
So it’s rare for him to speak, or ask a question, especially to a member of the opposite sex—or, in this case, at Karasuno’s Number 10. At Hinata Shouyou.
She held both hands at Aone’s now flustered cheeks, and grinned.
“I’m okay now, Aone-san! Don’t worry too much~ nn?” She tilted her head while looking at him.
C-cute… she’s cute, No-Eyebrows thought to himself. Even the other boys thought so, too.
Then he nodded.
Hinata patted his shoulders. “Good!”
Ahhh the power of friendship, feat. AoHina—
“Say, Hina-chan,” Yachi looked at the orange-haired girl. “Care to say to us why you fainted on Ushijima-san’s shoulder?”
The chibi stilled herself, cheeks starting to get a bit red. Kageyama noticed it.
“A-a-ano!! H-hinata-chan, it’s o-okay if you d-don’t have to tell us! S-sorry for asking such a foolish q-question—“
“Yachi-san, calm yourself down, too—,” the captain sweatdropped.
Looking at the people around her, Hinata slowly opened her mouth to speak.
“My thighs are kind of ticklish when being touched,” she muttered, face in an embarrassed state.
“Ha?” “Ticklish?”
“He—Ushijima-san touched the back of my thighs, but just to keep myself from falling down his shoulder!” the female middle blocker said aloud, pouting. “That’s why I… f-fainted earlier.”
Her partner remembered the face she made while being carried on Ushijima Wakatoshi’s shoulder.
“USHIJIMA-SA—hyaah! …P-please… stop—“
A vein pop ticked on the raven-haired setter’s face, his jawline twitching slightly.
Kageyama’s fists gripped hard, his face a big scowling mess.
Damn that Ushiwaka guy—
Another dark aura emitted on another corner as vein pops ticked on both Dadchi and Sugamama.
Wearing their scary faces.
Both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita panicked, while Aone furrowed his brows.
“Did you bring some shovels, Daichi?”
“They’re inside the bus compartment, Suga.”
“Good. We’re digging some graves for some perverted volleyball dorks to bury down later—wanna help us, Kageyama?”
Meanwhile, at Shiratorizawa’s side of the training camp, the members were at the sidelines, taking a break from practice when—
“ACHOO!!!” Tendou sniffled for the nth time already ever since coming back to the gym with Ushijima after the incident with Karasuno’s Number 10. “Uh, yizz…”
“Tendou-san, are you really alright?” their team’s first-year ace-in-the-making Goshiki Tsutomu asked, his face scrunched with worry. “You’re sneezing constantly.”
The redhead shook it off with a wave of his hand in reply, and smiled grimly.
“Yeah, I’m a-OK, thanks for your concern, Tsutomu-kun!”
“Oi, are you sick?” Shiratorizawa’s team mom third-year setter Semi Eita stared at his fellow third-year teammate with disgust. “If you are, please stay away from us! We don’t wanna get infected by your cold… Goshiki, don’t go near him!” “Eh? But, senpai—“
Tendou narrowed his eyes on him. “Semi-Semi, if I do have a cold, I will first go straight at ya and share my germs, duh!”
“DON’T CALL ME BY THAT STUPID NICKNAME, YOU IDIOT!” the team mom seethed, throwing a pack of tissues at the middle blocker in reply, hitting his arm.
A quarrel ensued at Shiratorizawa—
“Okay, guys, that’s enough! Save your bickering later at lunch period,” another third-year, Oohira Reon, chided and managed to stop both Tendou and Semi from tearing off their heads.
While the rest of the team just sighed and/or watched at a distance.
“Ano sa…”
Some of them turned their heads at the semi-deep voice of second-year starting setter Shirabu Kenjiro.
Idk how to describe voice ranges ‘cept high-pitch, deep blah blah sorry—
“Tendou-san, you mentioned earlier that you and Ushijima-san met Karasuno’s Number 10, right?”
“Aye~ we have!” the redhead then nudged Ushijima, who was sitting near him, on the side. “Right, Wakatoshi-kun?”
He nodded. “Un. We met Hinata Shouyou early this morning, outside the gym.”
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You two met that cute sunshine already upon arrival!?!!” Both their libero, Yamagata Hayato, and middle blocker, Kawanishi Taichi, squawked at their captain.
Their faces looked like (‘◉⌓◉’), with Kawanishi gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“T-taichi, stop shaking me, goddammit—!” Whack!
Said second-year middle blocker started to wail in a dramatic way.
Dunno how to grasp Kawanishi’s personality here tbh so stfu dejk—
“We were about to bring her here back though…” Then Ushijima’s usual stoic face darkened a bit.
“…if only those Karasuno setters didn’t show up.”
“Ah, that Kageyama guy and their vice-captain, isn’t it? Number 2?” Shirabu pointed out. “That guy’s really scary even though he has the face of an angel; their captain also.”
Oohira asked, “Wait… so you two attempted to kidnap the girl?”
“No, no, ‘kidnapping’ will only cause us trouble,” Tendou said, waving his hand in a disapproving way.
“Let’s call it ‘luring her with some sweets then put her inside a potato sack’—“
“ARE YOU A DOWNRIGHT LOLICON!?!!” Semi screamed straight at the Guess Monster’s face, pissed at his earlier statement.
Tendou vs Semi, Round 2–
“I-I heard from Date Tech’s Koganegawa-san that Hinata-chan fainted on you, Ushijima-san,” Goshiki stammered, red tinge on both his cheeks due to embarrassment, maybe? “Is that true?”
Ushiwaka nodded curtly. “Ye—“
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHE DID WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!!” Both Yamagata and Kawanishi squawked again, interrupting his response.
Their faces now looked like (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾, with Kawanishi again gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“KAWANISHIIIIII!” An uppercut.
Chaos ensued inside the Shiratorizawa Academy (High School Division) Men’s Volleyball Club.
Their captain declared to himself, his olive-colored eyes shone with determination:
We will take Hinata Shouyou here, in Shiratorizawa. She should have (come here). Whatever the consequences be.
How did the supposed-to-be ‘rumor’ begin? It all started when…
“Aaaarrrggghhh!! This is not right, Ryuu!��
“Huh? What d’you mean ‘not right’, Noya?”
“I want to sit next to our cute kouhai Shouyou on the bus earlier, but it’s always that bastard Kageyama who gets to sit beside her!! Hnnnnnngh—!!! He gets to touch Shouyou’s hair whenever she dozes off, or place her head on his shoulder to sleep on! Or-or maybe even take a candid shot of her sleeping cutely—dammit!!! This is frustrating!!!!!”
“Ahhh~ I know how you feel, bro! I, too, want to sit next to our precious Hinata-chan on the bus! B-but… Noya, what about Kiyoko-san?”
“Ryuu bro, our loyalty is always on our beautiful goddess Kiyoko-san—BUT SHE’S DIFFERENT FROM SHOUYOU! Our kouhai is literally the epitome of a living sunshine~! She cures our blues away! Remember that time during our match with Wakunan, when you were kind of down about Daichi-san’s injury then Shouyou suddenly hugged and peppered you with words of encouragement?”
“Oh, yeah! It calmed my senses down… and also! Remember when you came back from your suspension, and me and Hinata noticed bruises—“
idk I really need to refresh my HQ knowledge by rereading the whole manga orz—
“—on your arms? Ma~n, she freaked out and began applying those with some ointment she had in her bag. And you told me later that time Hinata’s hands were very soft even though she spiked and blocked so many balls in her lifetime? Also that expression on your face! So priceless!”
“Ahhhh~ I wanna touch Shouyou’s soft hands again longer! Not just a high five—but holding hands!”
“Me too~ Damn, I wish there’d be some kind of (rotational?) seating arrangement whenever we’re on the bus, traveling to matches and stuff…”
“Ryuu! Noya! Heya!”
“Tora! Our shitty (city) boy from Tokyo—wassup!”
“We can’t wait to play another game against you guys later! ww”
“Same here!”
“Ah, what are you guys talking about?”
“Eh? Shrimpy-chan? What about her?”
“It’s like this….—“
The two crows and mohawked cat walked their way inside the camp premises, talking.
Unbeknownst to them, two eagles accidentally eavesdropped on the earlier conversation.
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theymakemegayer · 4 years
Reputation: Chapter 6
a/n: this was somehow long whew. I just kept on writing haha Please enjoy today’s update!
Reputation Chapter List (Chap 1-5)
 I was in my mass communication class - a class I had together with Poppy. I kept on re-reading the text Poppy sent me this morning.
 Don't think you're off the hook. I'll still ruin you.
  I don't know if I want to laugh or get annoyed. I glanced towards Poppy. Amusingly she was focused on Professor Roberta.
 "Bea!" I jerked when my name was mentioned. I looked at Professor Roberta. "Hello? I assume you heard the details of the assignment."
 I plastered a smile, "Of course Professor."
 She frowned before going back to the lecture. Yikes. I try not to let my mind wander again after that. Unfortunately my mind started to wander off. How did she even find my number? I hate how butterflies fluttered in my stomach because of that thought.
 "Earth to Bea!" 
 Ah Crap. I looked around and realized my classmates were starting to stand up and arrange themselves. 
 I looked at Professor Roberta, "Oh. I'm sorry."
 "Find you community service project partner please."  She said.
 I gathered my things and walked up on the aisle, gazing around the room. It seemed like everyone had a partner, except for that certain blonde who had been messing in my mind since morning. Our eyes met, and Poppy frowned at me. I stifled a laugh.
 "Perfect." I mumbled to myself. I smirked as I stride towards her seat. As I sat beside her she didn't look at me and kept using her phone.
 "Fancy meeting you again, enemy."
 Poppy looked up glaring at me. I smiled sweetly at her, "Sooo... we need to plan out this project."
 She groaned, "This is seriously criminal. The last thing I need right now is you tanking my GPA."
 I gasped, "Hey I'm offended." my hand clutched my chest, "I'm an excellent student Poppy. As excellent as my personality to be exact," I smirked.
 "Seriously Hughes?"
 I stifled my laugh, but nonetheless a chuckle escape my lips. She glared at me, "God I can't risk people thinking I'm being chummy with you."
 I smiled warmly at her, "Okay got it, less teasing slash flirting and more planning for the project."
 I bit my lips trying hard to suppress my laugh at her comical reaction. 
 "I... I told you, your mind games won't work on me." She stuttered, eyes avoiding mine and a blush creeping on her cheeks. 
 "Sure Pops." I smiled cheekily.
 She groaned, "Shut up."
 So I did, eyes glued at her -just appreciating her beauty this close. I noticed how the blush in her cheeks deepened as time passed. She started to get fidgety. 
 Tucking her hair behind her ear she started to speak, "I've already figured out what we'll do. We're doing an animal shelter commercial for our project."
 "A commercial? Is that even--"
 "It will be good for the shelter. Commercials are the definition of mass communication. Besides I can talk to daddy to lend us some crew and equipment."
 Resting my elbow on the table with my face on my palm, I smiled at her softly, "I knew you were brilliant before, but nothing beats seeing you in action."
 She crinkled her nose, "Why are you much more annoying today Farmsville?"
 I chuckled, "You secretly like this."
 "Oh my God!" She exclaimed startling me. She stared at her phone open-mouthed. Her grip on it tightened.
 "Hey are you o--"
 "I have to go. We can talk about this later. I'll text you." She snatched her belongings, shoving it on her quilted leather tote and made a beeline for the door.
 "Bye.... I guess?"
 On her way out, Poppy walked passed Zoey, making sure to bump her on the  shoulder. Zoey rolled her eyes, then grinned when she spot me.
 "Zoey Wade! I can't believe it! I was hoping to see you around campus, and here you are practically fallen into my lap." Professor Roberta suddenly spoke, a grin painting her lips.
 "Oh...? I was just here to grab Bea for lunch."
 The conversation flowed. Surprisingly it looked like Professor Roberta had a soft spot for Zoey which led for us to invite her during lunch. I almost want to hug Zoey inviting Professor Roberta meant I might also make a new and good impression towards her. 
 Later that afternoon Poppy had sent me a direction where we're supposed to meet. It led me to the middle of a forest somewhere still inside of the campus. 
 "Oh God. She won't kill me... won't she?" I can't help not to overthink as I continued to follow the direction. I push through a few more and once I push past the tress and into the clearing a clubhouse stood. 
 Once I slipped inside I spot Luis who welcomed me, "Yoooo Farmsville! Glad you can finally join us."
 My eyes scanned my surrounding - a stunning indoor pool built in the center caught my attention. "I wouldn't even know about this place if Poppy hadn't invited me for this project we're currently partners with. What is this place anyway?"
 Michael answered me, "This was built by the Alphas and the Zetas. A place we can study, hang out, party and hook up. Only a few people knows this place--"
 "People I only invited are welcome here." Poppy suddenly popped out of nowhere and interrupted Michael. She held my gaze then smirked, "This is my new boyfriend by the way. Isn't he gorgeous? Bea meet my new boyfriend--"
 "Bradley Denbrough? From the show Young Wulfe? My sister have a poster of you hanging around her room." I stared at him in shock, but an unusual feeling surfaced in my chest as I looked at him and Poppy. 
 "Nice to meet you." He smiled at me.
 Like something sunk at the pit of my stomach I watched as Poppy boasted about him. "Yes, Bradley's TV Heartthrob days are almost over. He's currently working on a film. Don't you, honey?"
 I swear I felt the corner of my lips twitched as I tried to keep myself smiling as I listened to them. "Yes. I'm actually really stoked to prove myself as a serious act--"
 Before Bradley can even finish, Poppy interrupted him, a frown already on her face, "Hold on. What is she doing here?"
 I turned and spot Chloe at the front door that seemed to be frozen on the spot when Poppy glared at her.
 "Oh, boys! If you would please?" Poppy spoke.
 Two of the Alpha boys walked on the front door blocking Chloe's path.
 Chloe frowned, "Hey! You just can't-- I have the right to be here!" Chloe exclaimed in frustration.
 Chloe tried to walk passed the two boys, but after some tries she failed. She huffed in frustration, "Fine I'll leave. I just want to talk to you Poppy." 
 Poppy scoffed, "There is nothing to talk about." 
 I saw the sad look in Chloe's eyes before she turned her back and leave.
 I looked at Poppy. Our eyes met and she raised an eyebrow. I began to talk, "What was that Poppy? I thought you two are supposed to be best friends?"
 "Surprisingly you're behind the news huh. Walk with me?" She said those in a neutral voice and face expression, but I saw her lips twitched a little - a sign of  a smile she was holding back.
 She shooed the boys away as we walk slowly around the perimeter of the pool our shoulders almost touching. The only sound was her heels clicking. 
 After a few a seconds she finally spoke, "Have you checked the student ranking today?"
 Puzzled, I took out my phone to look for it. A gasp escaped my lips, "Oh my God! Chloe is..."
 "Don't say it." She said curtly. She slipped off her heels and sat at the edge of the pool. I sat beside her.
 "I don't know what she did or who she slept with, but this won't last long. It was utter betrayal. That girl is dead to me." A frown was etched to her face, eyes looking at a distant.
 I pouted looking at her, "Have you tried to talk to her?"
 She turned at me so fast, her glare like daggers that shoot at me, "There is nothing to talk about with her."
 "Poppy," I said her name softly.
 Her gaze never left mine, "What?" 
 "Is Chloe your best friend?" 
 She clenched her jaws and started to avoid my eyes, trying to focus her gaze in front of her. I heard her sigh, "It doesn't matter now. She betrayed me."
 "I'll assume that was a yes then." 
 She looked at me then glared, "You're being annoying again."
 I chuckled, "Then try answering my question for real." 
 "Fine." She said curtly. A moment passed by of silence. I let her. My eyes started to drift with the remaining distance between us. A few inches apart, and her hand - one move from mine and I can hold her hand. I felt the urged to hold her hand. How would it feel to hold her hand? I gulped hard, burying the hundreds of emotions that surged on my chest. 
  "Indeed she is."  She finally spoke. I looked up watching her side profile once again. I started to wonder - how many people had the chance to be this close to her? How many of them even appreciated how beautiful she was. Suddenly with all my thoughts swarming in my mind I wasn't fast enough to look away when she looked at me catching me off guard. A million of emotions flashed in her eyes as she locked gaze with mine. I noticed the smile blooming on her lips.
 "Were you checking me out?" There was an undeniable amusement in her voice.
 Ignoring the warmth creeping on my cheeks, I grinned at her, "Can't help not to get caught with that beauty of yours."
 She huffed before chuckling. She really laugh...? Like a real genuine laugh? I felt a million butterflies fluttered in my stomach. It sounded soft almost angelic in my ears. 
 She shook her head as her laugh died down, but the smile in her lips never faltered. "We're definitely getting out of topic Hughes."
 I looked at her eyes hoping I can convey the genuine care blooming in my chest right now, "Will you consider talking to Chloe?"
 She sighed softly, "Why do you keep on insisting that? In fact I already have a plan to wreck her reputation. And I'm about to offer you a truce for the mean time you know."
 "Do you want to know what I think of you Poppy?" I suddenly asked her.
 "Okay that was completely out of nowhere, but alright. Tell me." She said her eyes on mine.
 "I think you're someone who is more than who meets the eye." 
 "That... is something new." She paused digesting the words I said, "Never heard of anyone telling me that." Her soft smile after she spoke tugged at my heartstrings.
 I sighed, propping my hands behind me and looking up at the ceiling, "I can't believe you're offering me a truce. I don't even treat you like an enemy."
 "Whatever. At least I am informing you." 
 I shook my head laughing, "I'm still hoping you'll talk to Chloe instead of doing something rush and wreck her reputation." 
 She glared at me, "Are you like a follower of her or something? Why do you kept on insisting I talk to her?"
 "Because Poppy I am only looking out for you. I think deep inside you were hurt by what happened. I also think Chloe treats you as her best friend, so before you regret anything try to talk to her first."
 Poppy groaned, "Why am I even talking to you." With that Poppy finally stood up and slipped her heels back. "Let's just meet this Saturday for the commercial. Noon time, in front of Animal Rescue on East 45th?"
 I grumbled, "Fine."
 She smirked, "Bye Hughes." She turned her back and started to sashay her way out. She was probably aware how my eyes were glued at her retrieving figure with the way she was swaying her hips. I internally groaned. What a tease.
 It was Saturday noon finally. I walked inside the Animal rescue shelter and cooed once in a while as my eyes darted from fur animal to another. One particular Puppy caught my eye making me cooed, "Oh my god. Look at this cutie."
 My loud musings were interrupted when I heard Poppy's voice. "...nice to see many additions. I guess that means a lot of these little guys are being adopted?"
 The shelter stuff guy answered her, "Yes Ms. Min-Sinclair. We have a ten percent higher adoption rate since last year."
 Poppy laughed. That laugh I heard from her a few days ago. My heart lurched at the softness of it. I rounded a corner and saw her talking with a shelter employee. She was carrying a bichon frise puppy in her arms and stroking its stomach softly.
 "I'm happy to hear that, Julian. Hopefully this commercial we'll be doing will get some good press for you, and we'll get that rate up to 20 percent rate this year?" Poppy said smiling. Julian spotted me over Poppy's shoulder before he can reply. That caught her attention. She turned around. She frowned once she spotted me.
 She marched towards me, frown still on her face. Once she was in front of me she spoke, "You're late." 
 "Sorry about that." A soft smile tugged on my lips, "But that scene... I knew there was something about you than what meets the eye, but witnessing that soft side of yours." I grinned. "Didn't know you can be more beautiful."
 I saw a blush crept on her cheeks as she stuttered next, "F-First, who doesn't like puppies?" She glared at me, but her eyes failed to hide the depth and softness in her right now. "And second, don't you dare mention this to anyone." She started walking towards the kennels. I tried matching her pace, but her stride was crazy long despite her height.
 "One thing I'm curios though. You sound close with the employees here." I spoke while we walked.
 "If you must know my parents bought me this animal shelter when I was eight."
 I gaped at her, "What?"
 She looked at me nonchalantly and raising her eyebrow, "I wanted a puppy, but my parents didn't want pets in the house, so decided to buy me this shelter instead. I guess they thought it was better to have many than one pet alone." She paused her eyes traveling towards the fur animals on our right, "Guess they didn't realize that the purpose of this shelter meant these animals won't stay here forever." A faint sadness flickered on those brown eyes. It was a cracked on her mask, a glimpse of who really was Poppy. My heart ached with her. I itched to shelter her in my embrace for a second before she spoke again willing me back to reality.
 "But whatever." She shrugged her shoulders. When she looked back at me her mask was there once again. Like an avalanche I felt my emotions crashing in my chest. My memories and emotions colliding, and fighting their way through me. I giggled a funny realization dawning on me. 
 "What are you laughing at?" She glared at me. 
 "I forgot sometimes that you're still a human." I smiled softly.
 "So?" She crossed her arms in front of her.
 "I want to tell you something Poppy." I exhaled my nerves were starting to act up. 
 The giggles and the pitter-patter echoed as two kids rounded up where we are. We both got distracted specially Poppy, our past conversation hanged in the air and forgotten. If I thought I was up for more surprises, well I wasn't prepared for this one. Poppy's eyes soften as one of the boys directly bumped into her legs.
 "Oof." The little boy tumbled on the floor, butt first.
 Poppy reached down and help the boy stood up. Her voice was gentle as she spoke," Are you alright?" A gentle smile painted in her lips.
 The little boy nodded, "Sorry."
 Poppy smiled, "It's alright. Be careful next time alright?" 
 The little boy nodded a sheepish smile on his lips. His playmate which I realized was his twin brother walked towards us. 
 "I'm sorry my brother can be real clumsy sometimes." He giggled as he wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders.
 "Are you guys here to adopt one of these fur animals?" Poppy crouched as she looked at them both. I felt like my heart was about to melt as the scene unfold in front of me.
 The one who bumped into Poppy nodded enthusiastically, "Yes! Our parents are just talking in their with that guy."
 "I'm sure your new pet is already happy to have a new home with you both" Poppy continued to talk with them the softness in her eyes never faltered.
 Their mother called out to them cutting the conversation between the three.
 "Mason! Mickey!"
 "Coming mom!" They both answered and run towards their mother. However, they halted and turned around smiling at Poppy.
 "Bye pretty lady." They giggled before running towards their mother again.
 I chuckled, "I don't know what or who was more adorable those kids or you?"
 She looked at me. I'm almost surprised to see amusement dancing in her brown eyes, "I shall let those kids win then."
 I gasped, "Who are you and what have you done to Poppy?"
 She laughed. I swear I am still not used to hearing her laugh. "Maybe this is one of my secret Hughes." She winked, "You just got lucky to find it today." She turned around and was about to walk away, but I held her wrist stopping her.
 "I-" I still haven't forgotten what I was about to tell her before the boys interrupted us.
 She raised an eyebrow, "Spit it out Hughes."
 I let myself get lost on her brown eyes. My heart started drumming wildly in my chest. Warmth creeping fast on my cheeks as I tried to to voice out the words my heart was screaming,"I guess I just want you to know that I care for you." 
 Her breath hitched, "Bea..." 
 She finally said my name. She said it so softly. I wasn't prepared for it - the buzzing of my heart almost deafening me. My limbs were starting to turn into jelly. She was close enough to intoxicate my senses with her perfume. The urge to get a lot much closer to her surged my body. 
 I was still lost in her brown eyes, her perfume and the warmth of her in my grasp when someone called her, "Ms. Min-Sinclair?"
 It was Julian, if I remember correctly. Gently I let her wrist go. She looked at me for one final second before averting her eyes from mine and looked at Julian, "Yes."
 "Are you guys ready? The crew and producer are waiting for you both." He smiled.
 I stifled a sigh. Guess commercial first then feelings later? 
 During the commercial shoot I wasn't even surprise that Poppy only gave me a one sentence line - to say that line was something not pleasant at all. The shoot continued. I tried to not get distracted and think about it too much. I observed her. Despite that little moment we had earlier, Poppy remained professional and very her during the shoot. Once the commercial shoot was finished I scooped Beppy - the dog I decided to adopt on the spot while we were filming.
 Poppy walked towards me, "So you decided to call him Beppy?"
 I smiled mischievously, "Yeah something to commemorate this day too."
 "Huh?" She said clueless. "Does his name meant something?"
 I smirked, "I'll keep it simple. It's a result of our combined names." I laughed when she gaped at me.
 "You're kidding right?"
 "I guess you can also treat Beppy as yours you know, so even if you can't visit the shelter you'll have Beppy in Belvoire." I shrugged my shoulders.
 "Oh my God. I think you've just gone crazy or something." 
 I rolled my eyes, "Over dramatic are we?"
 "I am not. This is just shocking." She stared at me wide eyed.
 "Like what I said earlier inside, I still stand by it. This is partly my way of showing you that those words are sincere." I smiled gently.
 She smiled too, mischief flashed in her eyes, "Hmm. Fine. I guess I'll just focus on the fact that I'll get to bond with Beppy again."
 "And me!" I grinned enthusiastically.
 "Hush Hughes. Not your lucky day... yet," She smirked at me. "See you around at school Bea. Come on Champ." She turned and walked away with Champ following her.
 I stood there in awe, in shock, in stunned silence feeling my heart beating so loud and my mind attacked by whirlwind of thoughts with Poppy's name on it.
 Later that night I was helping Professor Kingsley grading papers - well I was definitely staring on this paper and not grading it because my mind was somewhere else. 
 "Bea focus! We need three more classes to grade." She suddenly spoke waking me up from spacing out.
 "Yes professor." I said as I willed myself to start again on grading these papers.
 A few minutes past, but eventually my mind slowly got lost again. I knew there was something more about Poppy and what I witness today just... proved that. I felt the flutter of my heart as my mind wandered on the memories of Poppy's laugh and smile.
 "Okay we're definitely not achieving anything productive right now." She slipped off her eyeglasses and folded her hands on the table as she looked across at me, "Tell me what's bothering you."
 I sighed as I put down the papers on the table, "I'm sorry if I can't focus Ina, but are you really sure you want to know?"
 She chuckled as she leaned back in her chair, "I know I'm your professor, but that doesn't mean I can't also be your friend."
 I frowned as I try to put into words all that was messing my mind, "Have you ever met someone where they were labelled as a bad person by people, but you tried to give them a benefit of the doubt? Then that benefit of the doubt you gave just pay through cause you had glimpses of the good side of this person?"
 "Hmm..." Ina tapped her fingers on the table as she think through my words. She crossed the room and opened a globe compartment which revealed a miniature bar. 
 I laughed in amusement, "Really? Drinking on a school night?"
 Ina grinned, "Don't act innocent you probably partied hard a night before your exam."
 I guffawed, "Guilty as charged Professor."
 She smirked handling me a shot glass, "Besides the situation seems to call for it."
 I groaned," I couldn't agree more." I gulped down the alcohol in one shot.
 She leaned at her table and faced me, "It seems like there is more to the story that you're not sharing Bea."
 I sighed heavily, "This bad person... I kinda had a crush on them since the start. My friend warned me about that person, to the point I promised my friend that I'll avoid catching feeling for this person." I chuckled dryly, "But well shit happened and now I think I'm really starting to like this person."
 "Why not just tell your friend the truth?"
 "I am not sure how my friend will react. And I'm starting to feel torn if I should try to erase these feelings or go for it." 
 "In the first place why would you try to move on if you haven't even tried to make a move on this person? I thought you see something good in them? Heck, Bea you saw this person's bad side and you still gave them a benefit of the doubt. So why will you let go now?"
 I bit my lips. Something about moving on and forgetting about my feelings for Poppy made my heart ache, "Because maybe I'm scared that this can be one sided."
 Ina sighed, "Look, I know in the end it will still be your decision, but if your friend is really a true friend then they'll eventually understand and accept the fact that you're having feelings for this person. And for that crush of yours, if you want to live a life having unanswered what ifs then fine let them go."
 I groaned, "I don't know if you're helping me or only messing with my mind more."
 Ina shook her head, "Bea you're being stubborn. That's what's happening. Now if you want to call it a night and go home it's alright."
 I sighed, "I'll stay and help you Ina. I need a distraction, plus I know you really need a helping hand right now."
 Ina smiled, "Thanks even though you're still stubborn."
 "Hey!" I exclaimed making her laugh.
 It was almost 2 am. I was still working on my Anthropology essay. My mind too energized to think of other thoughts like Poppy. Okay, nope. We're not thinking about her right now. Just then Beppy was being his usual self and bit my slippers.
 "Grrr," Beppy growled as he wriggled my slipper in his mouth.
 "Beppy, that's not a toy." 
 He put my slipper down and looked at me with those innocent and soft eyes. 
 I sighed and cooed, "How can I remain mad at you huh? Come here little rascal."
 He walked towards me and lay down as I scratch his belly. Not even a minute had passed when my phone lit up with a new notification.
 "Poppy texting me?" The rapid beating of my heart wasn't helping at all. "What does your other mom wants?" I gasped and lightly slapped my lips, "Ugh! Beppy why did I named you that again? This is torture."
 Beppy just looked at me with his gentle eyes which brought me comfort for some reason.
 I looked at my phone to read her text.
 Hey. You still awake? What do you say? Would you like to go with me when I talk to Chloe? 
You know I need someone to stop me from attacking that girl on the spot.
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smol-and-trashy · 4 years
Botched Rescue (BnHA vore) 2/5
A/N: So this is also a thing. Warning for unwilling prey, fearplay, all that jazz. 
Never in his 16 years would Izuku imagine the number two hero enter through those doors. I-is he here to save us? Or what if… could it be Toga wearing Hawks’ face? His terror spiked, just imagining the blood-lusting girl sent shivers down his spine. Looking up, he noticed that the winged hero’s face was strangely passive, chatting with a long-nosed villain as if nothing was out of the ordinary. As Hawks stepped closer to the jar, following long-nose’s lead, his golden eyes widened ever so slightly once catching a glimpse of the U.A. students.
“H-Hawks!” Izuku cried out, pounding on the glass to get the hero’s attention. Hawks stared back at him, blinking blankly. He raised a feathery brow and turned to long-nose, “What’re Endeavor’s interns doing here…?” he trailed off, sharp eyes honing in on the students, “And why are they so small?” Long-nose’s perpetual grin never left his face, “Why Hawks, they are for you. We thought this size would make them easier.” Izuku slowly quieted down while Todoroki stiffened, Easier for what? Izuku thought while the hero before them voiced the same concern. “For consumption,” Long-nose answered simply as if there was no need to provide a further explanation. The blood drained from both students’ faces. Izuku faltered backward, his brain going on overdrive. Consumed by what? By who? But the answer was glaringly obvious. Long-nose had brought Hawks in the hideout to perform their death. Judging by the winged man’s affability towards the villain, he wasn’t there to break them out. Izuku’s heart plummeted; getting eaten would be tantamount to death. It couldn’t be their fate, this man had to be lying. Todoroki punched the glass, a scorching storm of raw emotion taking over his form. “Enough with your tricks, let us out!” he demanded. Still, his words fell upon deaf ears as the hero’s achingly indifferent eyes lingered over them before returning to face the villain—as if they were some kind of insignificant buzzing.   — Hawks balked, did he hear that right? No, keep your cool. Just remember your mission, I can’t afford to sabotage this. “Heh, you want me to eat them? Never thought the PLF would be into cannibalism,” he answered nonchalantly, putting his arms behind his head. Re-Destro shrugged, “I know, it is a rather unconventional method to dispose of hostages, but think of the advantages. No evidence of the corpses and imagine the humiliation the heroes would experience if they found out one of their own did the deed," he raised his hands in the air, words flying out of his mouth in eager anticipation. “It is too great of an opportunity to pass up!” The blond hero stepped back, his thoughts twisted while his gut knotted up. This shouldn’t be possible, he shouldn’t be able to do this, he can’t. “I get why you’d want me to do it, but wouldn’t it be more impactful if a big shot villain did it? What difference would it really make if I,” he took a deep breath and swallowed, regretting his next choice of words, “ate them?” The formerly stressed boss narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to the shorter man, “I thought you would be grateful, after all, this would provide an opportunity to continue to prove your allegiance to us. My successor still has his doubts.” Hawks’ eyes darted back at the students, the finger smashing kid was yelling something incomprehensible to him. No doubt thinking he was going to murder them, his guilt swelled. You’re killing me here. How do I save them without any casualties, without revealing myself? “But you get my hesitation, right? This is just a lot… more than just fighting for the liberation of quirks. I’d discreetly kill them for our cause, but actually consuming those kids is another story. It’s a huge taboo, cannibalism, y’know?” “I understand, but it’s a question of whether you will or will not do what is asked of you. We value your contributions, but we need allies who are loyal.” Shit. “Nope! Not a problem at all. I was just making sure I heard you right," he pressed a thumb to his forehead in an 'L' shape, eyes dead serious. "Everything I do is for the Liberation.” Re-Destro smiled wider, shaking the hero’s hand, 
“Good good, that’s what I like to hear!” There was a pregnant pause, and Hawks stepped closer to the jar, taking off his visor and resting his chin in his arms, now eye level with the aspiring heroes; he winced inwardly as the two jumped back. He really didn’t want to do this. Would it be too late to back out now? If they kill me, would the kids still get to live? If he was being honest with himself, probably not. “What’s wrong? You look nervous.” It was a test. Re-Destro’s eyes were closed in slits, but his tight-lipped smile was telling. If he didn’t do as he was told, Hawks would be branded as a traitor and most likely subjected to the Liberation Front’s torture. Everything he worked towards would be for nothing. He cringed, and no doubt would Dabi burn him to crisp. “Ok, ok.” he grabbed the jar and tried to avoid looking at the terrified gazes of the students. Hawks plucked a thrashing Todoroki Shouto from the jar and popped him in his mouth without a second thought. “You…YOU TRAITOR!” Shouto shouted before the mouth snapped shut, pushing past his guilt, Hawks internally gagged at the boy’s flavor. Todoroki’s body was salty and quivering with hateful tears. The kid was fired up, though and he winced as a fist made contact with his molar. Shit, I'm actually going to have to swallow him. I’m going to hell. This is so sick, even for me. He repressed the urge to vomit and tilted his head back, distinctly feeling the squirming figure traveling down his throat. Hawks brought a hand to his mouth, the tiny student was going down so slowly, so painfully, it was only a gross reminder of his deed. Urk, I’m gonna throw up, his wings shifted uncomfortably and he shot a glance at Re-Destro, who was staring expectingly. Can’t look reluctant. They’re gonna suspect me. Just ignore the fact you’re eating Endeavor’s son—- ugh. Hawks tossed the former leader of the Liberation Army a wry smile, internally recoiling at the fact that Shouto hadn’t even passed his esophagus. “Can I have some water? Jeez, he’s so dry,” he complained as he rubbed his throat. The villain called up an underling and quickly, he was given a bottle of water, “Thanks!” the winged hero gasped out as he greedily gulped down the water. The younger Todoroki had finally gotten unstuck from his gullet, and he could feel him descend to his stomach. Sorry Shouto, I need to do this as quickly as possible. Please don’t drown. —— Izuku watched in abject horror as he watched the bulge of his friend slide down the former hero’s neck, quickly disappearing past his collar bone.   “T-T-T-Todoroki?” Izuku stuttered out, overcome with pure shock as he watched the death of his friend. Out of the many possible deaths Izuku thought he would encounter, being shrunk and eaten by a top hero didn’t quite make the list. As he watched a gigantic hand make its way back to the jar, Izuku held a shred of hope in his heart. He didn’t just watch Hawks, the number 2 hero, just knock back Todoroki like a mere snack. No, it was too outlandish to be real, he must still be unconscious, and these were nightmarish projections of his subconscious. It explained their predicament and why Hawks was even chummy with a villain in the first place. Despite himself, he mustered up his fear and looked up at the shadow looming over them: massive passive golds reaching tear-welled greens. While the winged man peered down at them, Izuku’s large eyes gazed up with desperate hope, but the former’s face was completely devoid of emotion: Izuku felt his insides liquefy. No. They were about to die in one of the most gruesome ways possible in the hands of a trusted hero. He collapsed on his knees. Despite the instability of the jar, the sense of hopelessness overwhelmed him. This was real. He was actually going to die. As the gloved hand neared the jar, Izuku found himself running in front of the unconscious blond. Keeping a protective stance, right when the hand was about to snatch Bakugou, Izuku leapt in front of it. The hand jolted, causing the man to drop Bakugou and grab Izuku instead. Time stood still as Izuku was lifted to the awaiting maw. As he drew nearer, he could see every pore of the man’s face, every hair of his stubble, and more importantly, large and daunting his mouth was from this perspective. Izuku was a shaking, dizzying mess as he was nearly thrown into the mouth, barely able to get himself reoriented before he was slammed to the ridged palette. Sandwiched between his tongue and palette, Izuku’s only light source was cut off, and all he knew was the damp humidity coupled by Hawks’ easy breaths. He waited in blind terror for what felt like a good minute and finally let out a sigh of relief, “Oh good, he’s not going to—” A resounding swallow echoed, and with a flick of the tongue, Izuku was dragged down.
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onelostgirl · 4 years
14. Just Me
Miya Atsumu x (f) smau
Y/N’s eyes shot back and forth like a pinball as she watched Cat talk to Osamu like they had been friends forever. She knew that Cat had introduced herself to him a few weeks back right around the time they had eaten at his restaurant with Tooru but she hadn’t expected them to be this chummy.
“It’s a bit weird ain’t it?” She heard a voice say as she looked over to the blonde man beside her.
They had just finished prepping the photo booth and way ahead of schedule thanks to the surprising entrance of the Miya twins, more than 5 hours earlier than their shift to be exact.
“Well I guess not considering how friendly Cat is, she seemed to get along with you too earlier.” Y/N replied as Atsumu glanced over to her shooting his signature smirk that Y/N had to mentally fight reacting to.
“Guess the ladies have a hard time fightin’ their inner desires when it comes ta me.”
Y/N scoffed then looked at the blonde setter, “Oh you were serious.”
“Yeh yeh play as hard as ya want ya know I’m right.” He said waving his hand in a casual gesture as Y/N laughed at him earning her a joking glare from the setter.
“So how’s my choco goin’?” He asked as Y/N head shot up, she had actually planned to get them when she went back home to change before the event.
“Don’t worry I bought you the cheapest but tastiest one.”
“Ay, that ain’t the deal.”
“Why would it matter anyway, you’re probably not even going to recognize mine anyway.” Y/N stated trying to brush off the feeling of annoyance at his desire for sweets when he would be knee deep in the by the end of the night.
“I’d know if it was from ya.”
Y/N glances slowly up to Atsumu who had an unexpectedly serious expression. They stated at eachother for what felt like forever though they didn’t really know what was happening between those unspoken moments but something was definitely happening.
“Hey Atsumu is it true that Osamu kicked your butt at field day every year in high school?”
Cat’s voice broke through whatever was happening as Y/N looked away quickly.
“Samu why ya lyin’ ya know I owned ya!” Atsumu shouted back making his way to the pair cleaning up a ways from them.
That just left Y/N to think about what had just happened and that those chocolate eyes she stared into was something deeper than she was ready to take on.
“So is your brother single?” Cat threw out as Osamu was getting ready for his photo shoot shift.
He didn’t know that agreeing to this stupid thing for Tsumu would have brought him to the exact person he was thinking of. He was extremely surprised that the same girl he met knew his brother’s team manager.
He had yet to get her number as Atsumu was teasing him about since they got there and he recognized her. Introducing them went smoothly with a narrow escape of awkwardness thanks to his jamming an elbow into Atsumu’s ribs before he could say the milf comment he was biting back.
But what was with this sudden interest with his brother - she couldn’t be into him right?
“Don’t you think they make a cute couple?” Cat stared as Osamu’s thoughts were interrupted as he looked in the direction that she was talking about.
His eyes caught the scene that she was referring to as Atsumu said something that earned him a scolding smack over the head by Y/N. She looked like she was doing her best to be serious but at one word she laughed along with the blonde beside her.
He had to admit he hadn’t seen his brother genuinely enjoying himself off the court anyway. Not since everything that happened with Hayami.
He assumed the same could be said about Y/N because Cat seemed extremely interested in how they were interacting.
“Guessin’ she ain’t always like that.” He stated as Cat looked over to him, almost forgetting how attractive the man beside her was. But how she hadn’t felt that attraction to the twin beside her best friend.
“Y/N’s a lot of things and definitely someone who could benefit from taking it easy every now and then.” She responded as the dark haired twin smirked at her.
“That prob’ly makes two of ya.”
She looked at Osamu with a curious expression, “What do you mean?”
“Well ya know cuz’ yer a mom yerself?” He replied in a whisper that Cat could barely hear him.
“I’m a what?”
“...a mom.” He said again not sure if that was the best way to bring it up.
He really didn’t know how to address it but he felt that she should know he was interested in getting to know her regardless of the situation.
Osamu didn’t look at her just yet not sure what face she would make, maybe she would be offended or insulted he brought it up without her initiating that serious of a conversation.
“I’m a mom? Why in the world would you...” she replied as it dawned on her then that he had first saw her with Yuto. A young kid who she loved very dearly but was also not hers.
“But the kid..” Osamu began but was stopped by Cat’s hand moving up gesturing him to stop.
“He’s a relative of a very close friend of mine.” She explained but stopped there knowing it wasn’t her place to say who exactly he was especially when it was obvious that Y/N hadn’t mentioned anything to Atsumu.
“So yer not a mom then.”
“Not biologically, I have tons of kids though, I work at a daycare.”
“Yer a teacha?”
“Ding ding, looks like you’re not completely brainless then.”
Osamu shook his head how could he assume something like that and actually come out looking like he had the same intelligence as his brother.
“Well then how would ya feel ‘bout catchin’ a bite ta eat after all this?” He threw out not wanting to hold back any longer.
Cat looked up at him with a coy smile, “It’s about damn time you asked.”
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By the time Y/N saw him he was surrounded by a hoard of girls. Despite this seeming like Atsumu’s natural habitat, anyone could tell he was politely trying to tell them to fck off.
She assumed this was from the constant bad reputation and hate he gained whenever he was -well his true self out in public. Many people enjoyed his athleticism and definitely his looks, his nasty personality though, wasn’t a real crowd pleaser.
“Listen ladies, thanks fer the goodies but I gotta go, gettin’ back ta the booth.” Y/N heard him say as he quickly ducked out of the crowd and made a quick exit choosing a banner displaying an elderly couple celebrating 50 years of marriage.
From where she was standing, he looked really ridiculous and strangely cute attempting to hide until she arrived.
As confident as he was on the court it was refreshing to know he had moments like this too.
“You going to hide here all night or?” Y/N stated as she watched Atsumu’s shoulders jump up high and he quickly turned back to her.
“Don’t do that-ya scared the sht outta me.”
Y/N bit back a laugh seeing Atsumu’s look of displeasure complete with arms folded together in a pouting motion.
“Let’s just get something to eat before you start getting more grumpy.”
“If ya knew I’d be grumpy why’d ya make me wait so long.”
“Let’s go princess.” Y/N teased as Atsumu followed her his dragging feet showing his displeasure with her comment.
“It can’t have been that bad!”
After getting something to eat, they had somehow spent sometime talking and were now discussing horrible Valentine stories. Atsumu had just finished telling her of when a girl who was crazy for Osamu had slapped him silly when she mistook him for his twin and wasn’t happy about him being on a date with another girl.
“Ya weren’t there Y/N, it was a nigh’mare, she was yellin’ at me even pulled the other chick’s hair. I would’ve laughed my ass off it wasn’t happenin’ ta me.” Atsumu added as Y/N began to laugh at the story and his over exaggerated gestures and expressions.
He really was a good story teller.
“I actually feel sorry for you-here you were trying to score one and something like that happened. Not sure if it’s rotten luck or bad karma.”
“Whaaa, I hav great karma!”
“Sure you do, especially for all those times you were beyond nasty about your serves.”
“That was high school.”
“You still do that!” Y/N teased as Atsumu turned to deny it but came up empty because she had a point.
“I ain’t that bad no more.”
“Haha, that sounds like something a kid would say.”
Atsumu turned to look at her, “Since ya think I’m actin’ like a kid, where’s mine?”
“You already have so many-why do you need this one too?”
“Because ya made it fer me.”
Y/N tried not to think of how his voice sounded when he said that but it was kind of difficult not to. She wanted to blame it on the fact that she hadn’t been on a date in years but maybe it was also because she was enjoying the attention Atsumu was giving to her.
Before spending time getting to know him, she just assumed he was a jerk but now she knew he was a jerk and so much more.
He made her laugh, like really laugh. Then there were times when his smile or even his stupid smirk or grin would tug lightly on her heartstrings. Or even the conversations that could be so random and average then suddenly deep and thoughtful.
So, she had made him chocolates, despite her better judgement, even when she was horrible at it and Yuto laughed at her attempts or spit out the really awful ones.
She pushed herself to make these chocolates because maybe she wanted to see wherever the heck this could go.
“I’ll wait all night if I gotta.” His statement rung through to her as Y/N looked up at him slightly glaring at him.
“If they don’t taste that good just- lie to me okay and say they were great.”
Y/N reached into her bag slowly pulling it out.
“I mean it, it’s probably really bad, and if it is don’t even eat them all, just throw it out.”
“Would ya just give ‘em here. Ya actin’ like I’m some nasty chef who’d spit it up on ya.”
Y/N reluctantly passed it to the blonde looking away trying to mask her embarrassment. Atsumu found this beyond amusing since she was acting like a real person and not just his manager or someone who’s job it was to care about him.
“Thank-” Atsumu began but a ringtone stopped him as he watched Y/N pull her phone out. He as about to say something when he saw her politely put up her hand gesturing for him to wait.
“Yes this is she...”
“...is everything okay?”
“...oh...no that’s fine, I’ll be right over.”
As quickly as the call came it ended as Y/N put her phone back into her bag. Atsumu was waiting for her to say something but from her distant eyes and silence he assumed it was personal.
“Er everythin’ alrifht Y/N?”
His question stayed in the air between them for longer than he expected it was like she hadn’t even heard him.
“Yo, Y/N ya good?” He asked again this time waving his hand in front of her face snapping her back to reality.
“Oh yeah, I just got to take care of something.”
Atsumu watched as she began walking rather quickly in the direction of their booth.
“Did somethin’ happen? Ya got to go somewhere?” He continued to ask as Y/N distracted responses began to unsettle his stomach for some reason.
“Yeah nothing so serious-just got to let everyone know I need to leave.”
“Oh well, did ya need a ride? I don’t mind takin’ ya.” Atsumu offered as Y/N stopped and looked up to him, her eyes somewhat guarded.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“...well maybe I wanna make sure yer good.” He replied as Y/N’s lips tightened as though she was thinking of what to say.
“I guess that would be nice.”
“Ya sure got a way with words.”
Y/N tried not to smile at his teasing tone but Atsumu caught it ever so slightly. She didn’t realize he too, had a small smile on his face.
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Bonus: Cat and Y/N’s outfits for the day (taken at the MSBY Valentines Booth)
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Author’s note: Hi everyone! Sorry for the late upload had some trouble conveying this chapter but hope you enjoy it. Please stay tuned for the next update and continue to shower Love Loop with your beautiful support and love. Taglist is still open (:
Taglist: @shadyjinyoung @roiana-mustang @z-i-t-t @koukamisblog @90s-belladonna @kimxbae @hamsterfan17 @atsunflower @huliannajace @iloveanime691 @rinnieee @lilacshouko @alyssasteaparty @nhaikyuu @crazyforleo @life-taken-by-hq-baby-liberos @lolaywrites @sunareclipse @jexiiann @semiathleticnerdykid @pharvhs
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kelseaaa · 4 years
Together with the Sundown
Day Three: Precipice
Part 4/4 | Masterlist
Pairing: Lieutenant Oliver Cochrane x f!MC (Abigail Bellamy)
Word Count: 10,707 (oof I know)
Warnings: nsfw ;)
Series Summary:  This story takes place on Lieutenant Oliver’s ship just after he saves the Poseidon’s Revenge’s crew from the island and before they get to Port Monarque in Chapter 13. Since the book says that it takes a few days to get to the port, I wanted to expand on what might happen on the ship between Oliver, MC and the crew. I headcanon that it took them three full sea days to arrive at the port and this story will give insight on what might have happened, specifically between Oliver and MC.
Tagging:  @jaxsmutsuo​, @krishu213​, @greedy-choices, @imrookieramsey, @choicesficwriterscreations​
Abigail could count every hangover she’d ever had on one hand. And out of all those times, this one was the absolute worst.
She tried to squeeze her eyes shut tight as the sunshine filtered in through the tiny porthole window. When that didn’t work, Abigail rolled over in the bed to face the cabin wall, hoping that would be enough to block out the hellish rays that beamed into the room. But when that failed, she shoved her head under her pillow, and for a moment, that seemed to help.
But then someone knocked on her door - loud. Or maybe it was just an ordinary knock, but in Abigail’s hungover state, it sounds like a cannon shot repeatedly directly next to her ear.
Abigail groaned then pulled the pillow tighter against her face. She decided to ignore the asshole at the door and hoped they would take the hint and walk away.
Knock knock.
She clenched her jaw but didn’t move. She wasn’t going to give in that easy. After a few seconds, she finally started to relax again and willed her body to sleep.
Knock knock knock!
“Oh, for the love of!”
Abigail flung the pillow across the cabin then untangled herself from the bedding. Preparing to berate whoever was on the other side, she swiftly strode across the room and threw open the door. 
“What?” Abigail asked through gritted teeth.
“Well, good mornin’ to you, too, love.”
Abigail winced at the cheery tone from the Quartermaster, who was standing just outside the door. Charlie smiled then took a bite from the apple in her hand before pushing past Abigail and walking into the room. Abigail blinked once, twice, then finally closed the door and made her way back to her bed.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Charlie questioned as Abigail tried to bury herself under the covers. She had given up on retrieving the pillow - it was too far.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Abigail questioned back, turning over so her back was now to her pirate friend.
Abigail could hear the huff come from the woman behind her. Then the sound of boots walking closer to the bed before the blanket was seized from her body.
“Charlie!” Abigail yelped. She sat up in the bed - too fast which made her head swim - and glared at her friend. Charlie merely smirked, then took another bite out of the red fruit.
“Sorry, love, but ‘tis time you get up. Can’t have you loungin’ ‘round all day while us hard workers toil away.”
Abigail wanted to scream. But the thought of any further loud noise just made her cranium throb further.
“Here, drink this,” Charlie said, pulling a flask out of one of her hidden pockets.
Abigail nearly gagged at the sight of the thing. “No way. I’m never drinking again.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. “Yer loss,” she replied before taking a sip from her flask.
“How can you even drink this early?”
“I’m a pirate, Abigail,” Charlie answered as if her response didn’t require further explanation. Abigail was so tired and achy and annoyed that she didn’t bother to question it further. “Now come on, get dressed. Let’s go start the day,” Charlie said as she tucked the flask away and took a few more bites of her apple.
At that, Abigail looked down and realized she was dressed only in her undergarments. She was embarrassed for a brief moment, but between the pounding headache and her dry mouth, she decided she didn’t care. Though her body resisted at first, eventually Abigail crawled out of bed again and she grabbed her clothes. She got dressed then followed Charlie out of her cabin.
“Where did you get that?” Abigail asked Charlie as she gestured to the apple in her hand.
“Henry had a few of ‘em stashed back in the galley,” Charlie replied. “He was movin’ a bit slow today so I was able to snatch one. I’ll get another one for ye.”
Abigail nodded, “thanks.”
The pair reached the top deck of The Intrepid and Abigail had to cover her eyes with her arm. The sun, which was well high in the sky and blisteringly hot, bore down on her skin. Abigail wondered if jumping overboard would be a better fate than facing the world today.
Also, everything above-deck was loud. Mind-numbingly loud. A jump into the ocean sounded better and better by the minute.
Charlie took off for the galley as Abigail made her way over to Axton and Maggie. Abigail was surprised at how jovial the pair seemed. Had she been the only one to get truly hammered the night before?
“Mornin’, Abigail!” the two other pirates greeted.
Abigail winced. “How are you all so damn cheerful today?”
Maggie’s smile faltered. “What’s wrong?” she asked, lowering her tone to something more soothing.
“It’s nothing,” Abigail lied. “I could sure go for some Tylenol right about now, though.”
Axton and Maggie exchanged a befuddled look between each other before turning back to Abigail with confused expressions.
Abigail sighed. “Nevermind.”
Before either of them could speak further, Charlie sauntered up and shoved a bright red apple into Abigail’s hand. “Here you go, love.”
Abigail shot her an appreciative smile then took a bite of the delicious fruit. She hummed to herself as she took several more bites.
“So,” Maggie began, “any word from the Lieutenant?”
Abigail swallowed the bit of apple left in her mouth. “What do you mean?”
“Hasn’t been out his cabin all mornin’,” Axton replied nonchalantly. “His men say that he was still sleeping when they checked earlier.”
“Look at that, you might have found your equal,” Charlie jested, jabbing her elbow into Abigail’s side. Abigail rolled her eyes - which hurt... a lot - and continued to eat her apple without a word.
“Maybe you should check on him, Abigail?” Maggie suggested with a sly grin. “You two seemed pretty chummy when ye left last night.”
Abigail was sure her face had turned the exact same shade as the fruit in her hand. Her memories were a bit hazy, but she could vaguely remember how close she and Oliver had been while sitting in the mess hall the previous night. She could remember the look he had given her. Remembered grabbing his hand.
Her cheeks only darkened further.
“Were we that obvious?” Abigail asked. To her chagrin, all three other companions nodded their heads. “Well, guess I’ll go wake him up, then,” she replied before taking one last bite of her apple and throwing it over the rail of the ship. Somehow in her state of stupor she was feeling surprisingly bold.
Without another word, Abigail turned away from her friends and made her way to the Lieutenant’s sleeping quarters. She stood outside the door and debated whether to knock or to just go inside, deciding on the latter.
The lanterns were off but the sun still streamed in from the windows, illuminating most of the room. It was quiet, save for the small snores coming from the man lying in bed. Abigail silently made her way to the bed where Oliver was fast asleep.
The first thing she noticed was his hair. His blonde locks were out of his usual bun and were now cascading all around his face, neck and pillow. His lips were parted just slightly. He looked peaceful. Angelic. Perfect.
Her eyes roved down his body, taking in the bandage that was now loosely wrapped around his waist. She frowned when she saw the dried blood around the area where the wound was. 
She continued to assess his sleeping form, her eyes traveling further and further. Her eyes stopped just as she saw the spot where his hips met the blanket. She felt her cheeks flush with warmth and had to push out the depraved thoughts filling her mind at that moment.
Without thinking, Abigail sat on the edge of his bed. She reached her hand out and gently pushed back several strands of hair. Then she ran her fingers down his cheek to his jaw.
She wondered if she could stop time right then and there. If she could be frozen forever in this moment. Forever with him.
But then he stirred, making Abigail instinctively pull her hand back. She watched as Oliver slowly blinked his eyes a few times, adjusting to the light. She could see his body tense as he realized someone was there, but then he relaxed once his eyes met hers.
“Abigail?” Oliver’s voice was still husky with sleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned then winced in pain as he tried to sit up.
“Hey, careful,” Abigail’s voice was soft and nurturing as she leaned over to help him up. “What hurts?”
“Everything,” he answered through a hoarse laugh. He finally sat up enough to prop his back against the wall. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, this ship can’t very well run without its captain,” Abigail joked as she turned to face him more.
Tilting his head back against the wood, Oliver hummed thoughtfully before closing his eyes. “You don’t want to take over for me then?” he asked, his face neutral.
“I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not,” she said as she furrowed her brows. Oliver simply smiled, causing Abigail to roll her eyes. “Well, either way, you should get up.”
Abigail stood from the bed and made her way over to the pitcher of water. She grabbed some clean cloth before sitting on the bed again. Oliver opened one of his eyes and glanced sideways at her. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“Cleaning your wound,” she said resolutely. “Now lift your arms so I can remove the bandages.”
Oliver complied, holding his arms up so Abigail could work on taking off the soiled bandages. Once they were removed, she tossed them aside then inspected the cut. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realized it was mostly healed over and didn’t look to be infected. She grabbed the cloth and dipped it into the water before wringing out the excess.
“This is probably-”
“Going to sting?” Oliver said with a smirk as he finished her sentence. “Don’t worry, I trust you.”
Abigail gave him a warm smile before pressing the wet cloth to his skin. He didn’t jerk but she could feel his muscles constricting below her touch. She wiped away any remaining dried blood until all that was left was the laceration.
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” she asked him as she cleaned her hands with the remaining water and put the pitcher and soiled cloth away on his shelf.
Oliver raised his brow. “The good first.”
“Okay,” she began, sitting back down on the bed to face him, “It looks to be healing well and you shouldn’t need any more bandages.”
“That is good,” Oliver agreed as he looked down at the wound. “Now, the bad?”
Abigail looked at the wound then back up to Oliver’s face. “You’re going to have a real nasty scar.”
Oliver chuckled then reached out and grabbed Abigail’s hand. He laced his fingers with hers and smiled. “Now I’ll always have a piece of you with me,” he replied. His voice was so sweet and tender that Abigail thought she would melt into a puddle right then and there.
“Now then,” Oliver began as he rubbed his thumb along the inside of her wrist, “how are you, today?”
It was as if Abigail had forgotten all about her pounding headache until that moment. Now that the attention was on her, the pain was back in full force. “I’ve been better,” she admitted.
Oliver frowned. “What’s the matter?”
She laughed lightly to herself. “I had way too much to drink last night,” she said, rubbing her forehead with her free hand. 
“Ah, yes, I know the feeling,” Oliver chuckled. “Why don’t you get some rest?” 
Abigail shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I should get out there and face the day.”
Oliver smiled then pulled her hand to his lips and placed a few kisses on her knuckles. Abigail returned the smile then gingerly unclasped their hands and stood from the bed. She started to walk towards the door then turned around when she didn’t hear him move.
“Aren’t you coming?” she asked.
Oliver gave her a sheepish grin. “I’ll meet you out there,” he answered but when she didn’t budge, he sighed. “I need to get dressed,” he said, motioning to his body while looking at his Navy uniform that sat on his desk.
Abigail’s eyes wandered to the neatly folded pile of clothes. She felt her face burn and eyes widen with realization. “Oh,” she stammered out, then turned so she was looking away from him. “I won’t look.”
She heard him laugh then shift and stand from the bed. Then she heard his footsteps and the rustling of clothes behind her. A few moments later she felt his hand slide along her lower back.
“Ready?” he asked. His lips were right by her ear and his voice was low. It sent a shiver down her spine. She nodded her head in response and together they made their way out of his cabin and into the waiting sun beyond.
“How was your evening?” Abigail asked Adelia as they made their way into the mess hall for supper.
Adelia had been missing for the majority of the day. Once she finally made her way out onto the deck, she had been less than helpful. It normally took her only a few minutes to jump up to the sails and work the rigging, but it took her nearly thirty minutes just to climb up the mast. She had a look as if she was floating on air. Her mind obviously somewhere else.
Even now, as Abigail and Adelia walked into the mess hall, Abigail could tell that her friend was not paying attention. She repeated her question, which was ignored again as Adelia’s eyes lit up at the sight of Officer Alvarez sitting alone at one of the tables. Without a word, Adelia made a beeline to the Navy man, leaving Abigail standing by herself in the center of the mess hall.
“Good chat,” Abigail mused to herself.
She rolled her eyes then made her way to the galley to grab her dinner rations for the evening. “Hello, Henry,” Abigail greeted the old pirate as she took a plate of salted meat from him. They had run out of hardtack biscuits and leavened bread that morning. Thankfully they should be docking in Port Monarque the following morning to resupply and hopefully end this with the Admiral.
“Evenin’, lass,” Henry grunted, barely taking his eyes away from the smooth stone he was using to sharpen his hook.
She gave him a small smile then turned away with her food. She looked around the hall, looking for the one person she really wanted to sit with. It felt like being in the high school cafeteria all over again, trying to find a familiar face to sit with. She shuddered at the thought alone. She wasn’t ready to relive any of those memories.
Abigail frowned once she realized that he wasn’t there with them. Instead, she saw an open spot with Jonas, Ginny and Axton, and decided to join them.
“‘Ello, Abigail!” Ginny greeted her with a big grin.
The rest of the table welcomed her as she sat down. As she ate her food, they each started to talk about their day which eventually evolved into their plans for tomorrow once they finally reached land.
“As soon as we reach the port, I’m headin’ to the closest tavern to get me a real meal,” Axton said while pushing his untouched plate of meat away from himself. 
“You should be grateful ye even have somethin’ to fill yer stomach, lad,” Jonas argued, “When I was yer age I’d go weeks without food.”
As the two men started to bicker, Ginny rolled her eyes and turned to face Abigail. “Men,” the little pirate said with disdain. Abigail nodded her head and together they both laughed, breaking the men out of their argument.
“What?” Axton questioned, confusion written over his face. Abigail and Ginny only laughed more.
Ignoring his question, Abigail reached out and grabbed Axton’s plate. “Are you done?” she asked, motioning to the still full plate. Axton nodded his head and Abigail stood up from the table. She said her goodbyes and made her way out of the mess hall and up to the quarterdeck, plate in hand.
“Well isn’t this a lovely surprise,” Oliver said as he caught sight of her walking up the steps. He stood tall and proud against the helm. He looked so perfect - so right - holding onto the wheel. It made the butterflies in her stomach flutter impossibly hard.
“Evening, Lieutenant,” Abigail greeted as she made her way over to the helm. “I thought I’d find you here. I brought supper.” She thrusted the plate of rations his way.
He looked away from the sea in front of him to look down at the plate. Slowly his eyes wandered up to her face. “Thank you, Abigail. But I can’t exactly take my hands off the wheel.”
Abigail gave him a demure smile. “I could feed you?” She offered and she relished in the laugh that escaped his lips at that.
“That’s not necessary,” he countered, though she didn’t miss how his face flushed at her comment.
“Fine,” she relented, “then let me take over the wheel.”
He looked like he was about to argue again but she silenced him but ducking down under his arm and squeezing into the space between his body and the wheel. She stood firmly between his arms, facing him with her back to the helm. She watched him swallow, his throat bobbing ever so slowly.
“I insist,” she said, pushing the plate his way again. Finally, he let go of the wheel, his fingertips brushing against her sides, as he moved to grab the plate from her hands. She smiled triumphantly as she turned to take the helm for him. “That wasn’t so hard?” she chided.
“No,” he began as he stepped away to lean against the rail next to the helm, “I suppose it wasn’t.”
As he ate, the two filled each other in on what they had done that day after they had parted ways. Oliver asked how she was feeling and Abigail was happy to say she felt much better. She wouldn’t admit it, but being out in the sun and working hard might have just been the best hangover cure she had ever heard of.
“I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better,” he said as he finished the last bite of his meal.
“And how are you?” she asked, glancing over to his ribs. The familiar feeling of dread crept into her mind but she quickly pushed it out when he smiled at her.
“Fantastic,” he said without contempt, “I had an excellent doctor.”
She rolled her eyes but her heart hammered in her chest at the look he gave her. It was full of care and affection and maybe even…
No, she wasn’t ready for that yet. They weren’t ready for that yet.
The sound of him clearing his throat knocked her from those thoughts. She welcomed the reprieve and focused her attention on him. She watched as he set the now empty plate down on a nearby barrel and turned back to her.
“Would you join me? Tonight after Alvarez relieves me?” Oliver asked. She was surprised that he actually seemed nervous.
Abigail gave him a warm smile. “Of course. Our usual spot?”
“Actually,” Oliver began. She could see the twinkle in his eyes which only made her heart pound rapidly in her chest. “I was hoping you would meet me in my cabin. I would like to show you something.”
She was intrigued, wondering what he could possibly want to show her. “I would love to.”
He beamed at her then walked around so he now stood behind her. “Wonderful.”
His hands made their way to her hips and her skin burned with his touch. It sent a thrill down her spine and she leaned back into his chest. “Is this fine?” he asked and Abigail could only nod in response.
They stayed that way for a while as a comfortable silence fell between them. His fingers drummed across her skin as if he was playing along to some old sea shanty that was stuck in his head. She wondered, if she tried hard enough, listened long enough, if she could understand the melody he was playing against her skin.
All worries about the Admiral and Robert seemed to dissipate. With the ship’s wheel in her hands and her body nestled in Oliver’s arms, everything else felt like a distant memory. One that she hoped she would never remember. But then...
“Miss Bellamy!”
That was until she heard the unmistakable voice of the Poseidon’s Revenge’s captain belt out her name from below the quarterdeck. She felt the warmth of Oliver’s hands and chest disappear from her body and she silently cursed herself for missing it so much already.
She turned her head slightly to face Oliver who was now coming beside her to grip the wheel. “Go, I’ve got it,” he said.
“Fine,” she replied, reluctantly letting go of the wheel to let Oliver stand in her place.
As she started to walk away she heard him call out to her, “I’ll see you in an hour’s time?” Though he tried to look stoic and professional, she heard the underlying excitement in his voice.
She smiled and gave him a curt nod before making her way down the steps to the top deck. She walked over to Edward who was standing near the mast. He seemed distant, not all there, which concerned her. “Yes, Captain?”
“Walk with me,” was his only response.
Edward didn’t say another word before he turned and made his way down the steps towards the gundeck. Abigail looked back up to Oliver at the helm. He smiled at her, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. She gave him a brief wave and then made her way below deck.
“So, what are we doing down here?” she finally asked once she had caught up to the captain.
Edward was standing near one of the many cannons that faced out to sea. His fingers slowly grazed over the brass material. He was quiet, which wasn’t unusual. But for some reason, Abigail couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever purpose he had called her down here, it would not be good.
He continued to run his hand upon the giant weapon as he spoke, not bothering to even face her. “Do you remember what I said to you? Back on the island?”
Abigail knitted her brows and she thought back to their harrowing time on the wretched island before they were rescued by Oliver. “You said many things, Edward. You’ll have to be more specific.”
She tried to play off how nervous she was actually feeling. She knew the man could be gruff and hard, but she had never really been afraid of him. Save for maybe the first time she saw him fighting on the Admiral’s ship.
Finally, Edward turned to face her. His face was cold, unreadable. “I had asked if you were letting your heart influence your head,” he reminded her.
The crease in her brow only furrowed further. “What are you going on about?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Miss Bellamy,” he retorted, his expression turning more irate by the second. “Need I remind you that we are on a mission?”
She could feel the blood in her veins start to boil. She knew what he was accusing her of. And it was bullshit. “You do not need to remind me of anything. I am well aware of this mission and what’s at stake here.”
“Could have fooled me,” he mumbled under her breath. But she heard it. And she was furious.
“This is about Oliver, isn’t it?” she asked. By his silence, she knew she was right. “I don’t see you berating Adelia!” She felt awful for throwing her friend under the bus like that, but she wasn’t going to put up with Edward’s double standard.
Edward wiped his hand over his face. He let out an exasperated sigh before pacing up and down the wooden deck. “That’s different.”
“How?” she exclaimed, raising her hands up in question.
“It… It just is!” he countered, his voice rising several octaves. “Adelia isn’t the reason we’re chasing after the damn Admiral. I can’t have you losing focus now that we’re so close!”
Abigail inhaled sharply and narrowed her eyes. She dug her fingernail into the palms of her hands, taking several steps forward until she was right in Edward’s face. She was angry - livid - and about to combust.
“Don’t even think you can pin this all on me,” she punctuated her sentence with a jab to his chest. “Whatever you’re feeling, or not feeling, you just need to get over it.” Another jab. “Just because I care for Oliver, does not mean I will let anything interfere with our mission.” This time she used her whole hand to push him back. He staggered, the back of his legs hitting a cannon but he stayed upright.
“No! You don’t get to say my name,” she protested. “I’m going to go back out there and we’re going to pretend that this little spat never happened. You’re going to get over whatever issue you thought you had between Oliver and me.”
She turned on her heels and made her way over to the step. Just before she ascended the staircase, she turned back around to face her captain. He was still back against the cannon. His expression was grave but also surprised - defeated. She frowned before adding, “Don’t let your heart influence you, Edward.”
And with that she went back upstairs, leaving Edward alone.
When Abigail made it to her cabin, she finally broke down. The tears flowed freely as she buried her face into her pillow. She wasn’t just feeling hurt or sad. She was furious. So angry that all her emotions came rushing to the forefront so she let herself sob openly.
After a while, her sobs slowly changed to sniffles until her tears seemed to stop entirely. All that remained was her damp pillow and the feel of salt on her cheeks. She hated that Edward’s words had gotten to her. She hated how he made her feel weak. She hated the fact that maybe he was right.
Abigail quickly shook that thought from her mind.
No. She would not give in that easily.
She stood from the bed and made her way to the metal mirror that hung from the wall. She wiped away any remaining tears, determined to not show any sign of her weakness. Then she unworked the braid from her long hair, letting the waves and curls cascade down her back and shoulders. She grabbed her brown belt from the floor and wrapped it around her waist.
With one final nod to herself in the mirror, Abigail turned around and made her way out of the cabin and towards Oliver’s quarters. As she sauntered across the deck, she waved at the remaining crew that was milling about. She stopped and talked to Maggie and Kendrick who were going on and on about rope tying techniques. After a few minutes, Abigail broke away from them and continued on. She glanced up at the helm where Officer Alvarez was trying to focus while Adelia hung all over him.
“Hey! Make sure we don’t crash, please!” Abigail yelled at the two though she was smiling the whole time. Alvarez waved sheepishly and Adelia gave a mock salute before wrapping her arms around the officer again. Abigail rolled her eyes and continued walking.
She knocked three times on Oliver’s door and waited with her hands behind her back. A moment later the door swung open and Oliver stood in the doorway. His eyes lit up the moment they landed on hers and Abigail instantly forgot all about her worries and her argument with Edward.
“Good evenin’, Miss Bellamy,” he greeted with a bow.
Abigail couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped her lips. “Evening, Lieutenant.” She jokingly held out her hand to him which he deftly took, brushed his lips along her knuckles, and gave her a warm smile.
“Please, come in,” he said, stepping back from the door to allow her to walk inside.
“So, what is it that you wanted to show me?” Abigail asked once the door was closed.
Oliver smiled and walked over to the other door in the room that was set between the two windows. He opened it and gestured for her to follow him. Soon, she was stepping onto a small balcony that jutted out from the back of the ship. It was as long as the stern but only wide enough for two people to stand side-by-side. From the railing, there was an unobstructed view of the ocean and the sky stretched out over the horizon.
The sun was dipping low before the ocean. The sky was painted a multitude of colors. Rich purples and pinks dotted with white specs as stars started to twinkle high above them. Warm golds and oranges radiated on top of the water. It was stunning, breathtaking.
Abigail’s lips parted in amazement. “Wow.”
“Do you like it?” he asked, his voice a mere murmur against the loud crashing of waves below them.
Abigail broke her gaze from the view to look up at Oliver who was already staring at her. His eyes held an almost boyish gleam and his smile - that damn smile - made her stomach do somersaults. The gentle breeze wafting from the water’s surface tousled his hair just so making her breath catch in her throat. Just the sight of him left her reeling.
And when the words escaped her, all she was able to do was nod her head to his question. All she could think about was how she absolutely liked it. How she adored it. How she simply loved it. Though she wasn’t sure if she was thinking of the view anymore.
After a few minutes of staring out behind the ship in comfortable silence, Oliver finally spoke up again. “I suppose this is technically the last leg of our tour.”
Abigail chuckled. “I knew you were holding out on me.” Oliver returned the laugh and Abigail relished in the warmth she felt when he moved his body closer to hers.
“To be fair,” he began, his fingers drumming against the wooden rail, “I’ve never actually brought anyone out here. Even my own men have never set foot on it.”
“Oh? And why’s that?” she asked with genuine curiosity.
He was silent. For a moment, Abigail worried that maybe she had asked too much. Maybe she had misread all the signs of the past few days. Maybe he was just being nice. That he didn’t actually care. She was making herself dizzy with all the speculation and doubt that she almost missed when he cleared his throat and spoke again.
“This place is special to me,” he spoke with conviction. “It’s where I do my best strategizing. Where I come to calm down after an especially harrowing day. It’s where I come to think.” Another beat of silence and through the corner of her eye, Abigail could see that he was staring at her, though she didn’t dare to look at him right now. He continued, “It’s… it’s the first place I came after I met you.”
His voice was so soft - so sincere. Her chest felt so tight as she listened to his words. She finally tore her eyes away from the sea, just to get lost in his.
She wanted him to continue. Wanted to ask him question after question but her tongue, lips and mouth stopped working. Thankfully he must have known - the mind reader that he apparently was - and spoke up again. She silently sighed in relief.
“I was torn, that day. After I met you in that tiny port town. After I learned who you were. I had never been so confused and angry.” He paused and closed his eyes. Still, she didn’t speak, and silently waited until he continued. He exhaled slowly then opened his eyes and spoke again. “I was angry at myself. Angry at the situation. Angry that I had to follow my orders and chase down the pirate ship that held the woman who had so clearly stolen my heart.”
She finally found her voice, only able to croak out a near-silent ‘Oliver’ at his admission. 
He wasn’t done yet, though. “Abigail, I need you to know, before whatever happens tomorrow - before we reach port and we find my father - that I care a great deal for you.” She felt his hand rest against her cheek and he slowly turned her head to face him head on. 
“I… I’ve always been the man that got everything he wanted,” he said. There was so much tenderness in his voice that Abigail had to steady herself against the rail for fear of falling over. “It comes with the status and all. But... if you tell me right now that you don’t want this - want me - then I will honor your wish.” His thumb swiped along her skin. “I’m just happy to have met you, Abigail Bellamy.”
Abigail’s heart strained heavily against her ribcage and it took every ounce of strength to not let her legs buckled beneath her. She wasn’t sure what tomorrow held. She wasn’t sure what the days that followed would bestow upon them, either. And she certainly didn’t know what the future would look like for her now. But none of that mattered right now. At that moment, she only knew one thing for certain.
“I want you,” she admitted without hesitation. “Oliver, it’s always been you. Before I even knew you, truly knew you, I wanted - needed - you.”
And when he smiled again, she knew that every single barrier and wall she built inside her were gone and destroyed. Hopefully never to be risen again.
“Abigail…” The hand he held to her cheek slowly snaked around, finding its way to the nape of her neck. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled her towards him until their foreheads rested against each other. “Tell me again.”
“I want you,” she repeated more confidently than before.
His breath tickled her nose as he spoke again. “Tell me.”
“I need you, Oliver.”
The hand at the back of her neck tightened slightly, as his head pressed harder against her. His eyes were closed, but hers were trained to his lashes, his nose, his lips.
The words out of his mouth were so low - so quiet - she almost missed them. “May I kiss you?”
Instead of answering with words, Abigail leaned in slowly - tentatively. Only when her lips finally brushed against his did she close her eyes. She heard a soft, strangled sigh come from the back of his throat as their lips met. This kiss was sickening sweet, a stark contrast from the first one that they shared in Tiburon. His lips were soft against hers, only growing harder and more needy as time moved around them.
His free hand found purchase on her waist, fingers pressing into the fabric. She traced her hands up his chest where they rested against his thundering heartbeat. Her exposed skin was cool from the ocean spray below, but she was warm all over from his touch and his lips and just him.
Abigail needed to breathe. She tried to inhale through her nose but her senses were filled with leather and salt and skin. It was intoxicating and all too much. Her head spun and she reluctantly pulled her lips away from his. They both gasped for air as she opened her eyes to see he was already staring at her with eyes half-lidded. They untangled their hands from each other though stood only inches apart.
As Abigail’s chest heaved with heavy breaths, she racked her brain to find something - anything - to say to him. She wanted to convey the exact words and feelings she really held for the man in front of her. The noble Lieutenant that somehow stole her heart, as well. So she said the only thing that came to mind. The only thing she could say to prove how much she cared for him.
“Oliver... Kiss me again.”
And in seconds his hands captured her face and his lips crashed - like the unrelenting waves below them - to hers. Her body went where he guided her until her back pressed against the door that led back into the cabin. His lips grew hungry, greedy, but she willingly gave what he took. Abigail grabbed the front of his jacket, fingers bunching into the fabric, to pull him closer to her.
Ever so gently, Oliver’s hands traveled down from her face, making their way over her shoulders then down the grooves of her spine. One hand landed on the small of her back and pulled her flush against his body as the other hand opened the door behind her. Then in one fell swoop his hands rested against the back of her thighs, lifting her from the floor. Abigail wrapped her legs around his hips as the two made their way back into his cabin. Without breaking the kiss, Oliver pushed the door closed behind them with his boot then made his way over to the bed. Only when he sat her down on the edge did they break apart. Her legs fell from his waist but he stood his ground between them.
Oliver moved his hands to her upper arms, his thumbs gently rubbing against the white fabric. His gaze on her was intense, unwavering, and it made her skin tingle and the heat inside flare. Without breaking eye contact, Abigail brought her hands up to the belt around her waist. She watched his throat bob as she started to unclasp the buckle, throwing it to the ground once it was undone.
His hands roamed down her arms then made their way to the newly exposed fabric of her blouse. His fingers dimpled against her skin as he leaned in again, kissing her once, twice, then speaking against her ear.
“I need you to tell me, Abigail.” He kissed her cheek, making her shiver. “I am yours. Your eternal servant.”
Abigail’s heart was about to burst into a million pieces. They would be scattered across the entire Caribbean and not even the best pirate crew would be able to find all the buried pieces. And Abigail thought that maybe, she would be okay with that.
She grabbed Oliver’s face and pulled his mouth back to hers, leaving a searing kiss to his lips. “I already told you,” she began when they pulled apart. Her hands went down to the hem of her shirt, batting his hands away. “I want you.” She deftly pulled the blouse up and over her head, tossing it somewhere behind him. “I need you.”
She watched as his brown eyes grew almost entirely black with desire. He reached his hands up but paused just before touching her skin. “May I?” he asked.
Abigail nodded. “Please.”
His hands were warm as they caressed the skin along her waist. His calloused fingers traced the grooves of her ribs as they moved up her body. When they reached the fabric of her lace bra, his expression morphed to one of wonder.
“I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” he claimed. His fingers continued to graze along the lace material until his thumbs ghosted over the front, causing her to let out a breathy moan.
Abigail’s mind was clouded with lust as she tried to think of an answer that would satisfy his curiosity enough. His hands glided up the straps and he slowly slid them down her shoulders. His lips followed the trail, leaving her completely speechless. She needed a distraction. Her hands went around to unclasp her bra where she tugged it off, letting it fall to the floor to join the rest of her discarded clothes.
It worked.
Soon his lips were latched to her skin where he left tender kisses along the juncture of her neck and shoulder. His fingers grazed over her the newly exposed skin of her chest, cupping and squeezing just so that made needy whimpers escape her throat. She could tell with each new sound she made, it only made his touches and kisses grow more heated.
As Oliver laved over her chest and neck, she wound her hands around his waist - minding his wound - to bunch the fabric of his jacket between her fingers. “Oliver…” she started to plead until his teeth grazed the column of her neck, causing her to yelp. “Oliver, please. I need to touch you.”
He pulled away from her skin and nodded wordlessly. Abigail smiled and leaned forward, capturing his lips with hers. Her fingers found the buttons of his jacket where she deftly undid them. Soon he was shrugging out of the uniform, letting it hit the floor. 
Abigail’s hands travelled greedily over his body. She reveled in the feel of his muscles moving and contracting under her touch. Her fingers traced down his chest, slowly gliding over his stomach until they reached the hem of his trousers. Before her fingertips could delve past his waistline, his hands gently wrapped around her wrists, pulling them away and pinning them back to her sides.
“Not yet,” he stated when she gave him a questioning look. “I told you, I get what I want,” he said as if that was answer enough. “And what I want, more than anything,” he released her hands then moved them so they rested on her waist, his thumbs dipping under the waistband of her pants. “Is to watch as I make you come undone.” He kissed her softly before murmuring against her lips. “Do you want that, too?”
Abigail would have given him the entire world if he had asked her in that same way. Would have wrangled all the stars in the sky to please him.
“Yes,” she replied, leaning into another kiss.
She could feel him smile against her lips. When he dug his fingers further into her waistband, she lifted her hips, allowing him to pull her black pants down her legs. Left in only her underwear, Abigail continued to brush her lips to his. His hands landed on her knees, using them to push her legs further apart. Then his hands ran over the expanse of her thighs, slowly caressing her skin, until his fingers played with the band of her underwear.
Oliver broke away from her lips and stared into her eyes reverently. She could tell he was searching, silently asking, so she showed no hesitation. Then, his fingers trailed down, and slowly - painstakingly slow - he made contact with sensitive skin.
The next thing she knew, she was on fire.
The pads of Oliver’s fingers stroked slowly along her slick folds, rubbing tantalizing circles that made her entire body shudder in response. Abigail bit her lip as she choked back a groan, knowing full well that there would be people just outside the door.
“Don’t,” he admonished, though his words were soft and without chasten. “I want to hear all the lovely sounds you can make.” As if to prove his point, Oliver’s fingers slipped inside, making Abigail gently cry out at the sensation. “That’s it,” he said as his hand moved slowly in and out. “That’s its, darling. Let me hear you.”
Abigail needed something, anything to grab to steady herself. She quickly found his shoulders, placing her hands onto the muscled flesh and dug her blunt nails into his skin. Now that she had found leverage, she started to rock her hips, meeting the thrust of his hand. Soon they found a steady rhythm and Abigail gave up on holding in her moans, allowing them to escape her lips freely.
With every thrust and stroke her movements only grew more erratic. Oliver’s free hand snaked into her hair, fingers wrapping around the strands to pull. She keened as his tongue traced up her neck, moving to the spot just under her ear. Her body shuddered at the sensation, only making his pace quicken.
She was teetering on the edge, her body dangerously close to spilling over. She pulled him close, capturing his lips into a blazing kiss. She trailed her lips down his jaw and chin, making her way down his throat, leaving a fiery trail in her wake. He redoubled his efforts, using his thumb to gently stroke against her sensitive skin.
It was too much but also not enough. She wanted more but her aching body couldn’t take it. She tried to hold on but he felt so good and everything else felt so right. Soon she was gone, coming undone just like he wanted. Her teeth dug into his bare shoulder as she cried out in pleasure.
Oliver continued to coax out more wanton moans and whimpers from her lips and he helped ease her from her high. Soon his hand stilled before removing it to place it on her trembling thigh.
“Brilliant,” he exhaled slowly before pulling her face to his so he could press a kiss to the corner of her parted mouth. “Absolutely breathtaking.”
Abigail agreed wholeheartedly, considering every ounce of air seem to have dispelled from her lungs. As she worked on catching her breath, her hands roamed down from his shoulders, leading a path down his abdomen and stilling on his waistline again. This time, he didn’t object when she started to tug his trousers down. He let them pool at his feet before kicking out of them. Soon he was completely bare before her and she couldn’t help but stare.
“Breathtaking,” she parroted back to him. The indulgent smirk that crossed his lips made her body shiver and she decided that she couldn’t hold back anymore. “On the bed,” she demanded as she slid forward to stand.
Oliver didn’t argue. He pulled her in for a heated kiss before climbing into the bed, propping his back up against the wooden wall at the head of the bed. He turned to where Abigail still stood next to the bed and reached his hand out. She quickly removed her underwear before grabbing his hand and letting him pull her up onto the bed.
She settled on her knees between his parted legs. When his hands went up to touch her, she swiftly grabbed his hands and pressed them back to his sides. She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Hands to yourself.”
She watched as his fingers dug into the linen at his sides, but he obeyed her command. “Abigail…” The timbre of his voice was low, hoarse.
She rested her hands against his chest then leaned in and captured his lips with hers. She moved down to his throat to suck the supple skin there, leaving treacherous marks that would surely be seen by the rest of the crew. She didn’t care.
Soon, her fingertips grazed down his chest, over the taut muscles of his stomach and the lean cut of his hips. She heard him hiss as her nails raked over the tender flesh of his thighs. She could see the white on his knuckles as he continued to refrain from touching her.
She kept one hand splayed on his thigh as the other made its way to where he needed her most. When her fingers gently wrapped around him, he jerked upwards once before quickly stilling himself.
Abigail unlatched her lips from his throat, marveling at the colorful marks that remained, and stared into his eyes. His lashes fluttered as her hand continued to move tortuously slow, up and down.
He was a vision - cheeks tinged pink, lips parted and pupils blown wide - just for her.
“Can I make you feel good, Oliver?” she purred as her hand continued its deliberate slow pace. He wordlessly nodded his head but Abigail stopped her ministrations, causing him to groan at the loss. “Tell me, Oliver,” she commanded, the hand on his thigh squeezing tight, “I need you to say it.”
She watched him swallow - his Adam’s apple bobbing so deliciously that she debated on if she should actually wait for him to speak.
“Yes, please,” he said softly.
With his answer, Abigail started to work her hand again. She placed featherlight kisses across his chest, tongue slowly gliding down his abdomen. She shifted in the bed, lowering herself until her head lined up where her hand was starting to increase its movements.
She looked up one last time through her lashes, catching his eyes, then lowered her mouth over the head of his length. She heard him mutter a curse and her tongue swirled and swiped over his sensitive skin. Her hand stroked at the base as she bobbed up and down.
Her name fell from his lips over and over as if it was the only word he knew. Her free hand moved from his thigh and found its way to one of his hands at his side. She laced her fingers between his and he squeezed, the moment so surprisingly affectionate that her chest tightened and filled with warmth.
The noise from the world around them was gone. Left with only lewd sounds and heavy panting that only made Abigail move faster against him. She took him further and deeper than she ever thought imaginable. When his hips bucked up to meet her, she moaned around his length, only causing him to buck more. Her eyes watered as she swallowed him whole, his hard length pressing to the back of her throat.
“Abigail...” she could hear the warning in his near quiet voice.
Then she felt his fingers running through the loose strands of her hair. He pulled her head up and away from him until she released him from her mouth. She was about to protest when he eagerly pulled her lips to his. His other hand broke away from hers to wrap around her waist. Soon, they were flipped and Oliver was draped over her body as her back hit the mattress.
“Wha-” she couldn’t finish as his lips met hers again. His kiss was demanding, all tongue and teeth, as he nipped and pulled at her lower lip. Each whimper and moan he coaxed from her throat was captured by his lips and Abigail could do nothing but give in.
His hands traveled the length of her body, running along her arms, ribs, waist and finally her hips where they stayed. His fingers gripped her flesh so insistently that they were sure to leave bruises. Again, Abigail didn’t care.
Abigail mewled as she felt his hardened length press against her waiting sex, still hot and wet. “Are you ready, love?” he whispered against her ear before sucking the skin just below it. 
Humming a yes against his skin, Abigail threaded her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips. He teased her entrance, causing a strangled groan to rise from her throat. She could feel his smirk against her neck and she tugged at his hair in retaliation. His usual bun became loose and tendrils of pale, blonde locks framed his face.
Finally - finally - he relented, pushing forward until he was enveloped entirely in her warmth. They both inhaled sharply at the sudden peak of pleasure. Oliver sucked the skin of her neck, moving to her shoulder then down her collarbone, leaving a trail of glistening red marks that matched his own that dotted his skin.
Soon he was moving, bodies dancing between the sheets like they were made perfectly for each other.
“Extraordinary. Beautiful. Perfect.”
He articulated each word against her skin between punctuated thrusts. Her toes curled, legs pulling him closer and deeper. His hands ran down her thighs, gripping almost painfully, digging blunt nails into her flesh that were sure to leave crescent moon marks. The thought alone made a broken moan pass her lips.
She wanted more. Need to feel the full extent of what he could do. But her brain refused to cooperate and she was unable to use her words to tell him exactly how desperate she was for him. Instead she raked her nails over the planes of his shoulder, down the sinew of his back, urging him closer.
He continued his hedonistic pace, languid thrusts hitting all the right spots but not nearly enough. Soon, she found her words. Just enough to get her point across.
“Oliver… I need…”
And thank the lucky stars he could read her mind so well. He leaned up, placing one hand next to her head to steady himself, and kissed her deeply. His other hand reached down and connected where their bodies met and Abigail cried out in sheer, unadulterated bliss. His hips canted forward, his thrusts growing rapid against the rocking of her own hips.
“Yes, just like that,” she encouraged through strained breath. “I’m so close.”
Oliver’s thumb and hips only moved more frantic, hitting every spot that made her keen. She was burning up, their bodies slick with the humid, Caribbean air. She wasn’t going to last much longer and by the movement of his thrusts, neither was he.
She locked eyes with him, his eyes so dark with lust that the warm brown color was almost completely gone. She reached her palm up to his cheek where her thumb stroked soft circles against his chiseled skin. She pulled his face down to hers, pressing their foreheads together. She kept her eyes trained on his, not daring to move away even when the pressure became too much and she came, his name falling from her lips in an endless prayer. She felt his body shudder. A few more hard strokes and he was spent, stilling his movements before slowly rolling off to lay in the bed beside her.
They laid there together in silence, the only sound beside creaking wood was the hoarse breaths and pants coming from their lips. They both stared up at the ceiling, Abigail’s mind fuzzy and reeling as she tried to catch her breath. Until finally...
“Bloody hell,” Oliver exhaled.
A small smile played across Abigail's lips as she turned her head. She could see his eyebrows raising ever so slightly and his lips curling into an almost goofy smile. “Everything alright, Lieutenant?”
Without a word, Oliver reached his arm out, wrapping it around her shoulder to pull her close. Abigail went willingly, fitting perfectly against the crook of his arm and the curve of his side. She rested her head against his chest, leaving tender kisses on his skin. She felt her hair ruffle as he sighed, then kissed the top of her head.
Abigail’s hand traced patterns across his skin. Running along the invisible lines between each freckle and scar that graced his body. Connecting the dots to form a picture that only she could see. Imagining all the constellations in the sky that they would stare at each night along their journey.
Soon, she felt Oliver’s hand gently run under her chin, tilting it up so they were now face to face. “You are amazing,” he admitted as he pulled her lips to his in a gentle kiss. Slow, steady and unbelievably delicate. When he eventually pulled away he sighed against her lips and closed his eyes. “I want to thank you, Abigail.”
Abigail knitted her brows, her fingers coming up to brush back several strands of hair from his face. “What for?”
He grabbed the hand that played with his hair and brought it to his lips. He left a quick kiss on the palm of her hand before intertwining their fingers together and resting them on his chest, just above his steady, pounding heart.
“Thank you for trusting me,” he began, as he kissed her temple. “Thank you for allowing me to prove my worth to you. And thank you for being with me tonight.”
She wanted to huff a laugh at that last statement, but then he kissed her again, just as soft as before. Any witty remark she might have had quickly died on her lips.
“You don’t have to thank me, Oliver,” she said. “I should be the one thanking you. For rescuing and aiding us. I owe you so much.”
Oliver stared into her eyes, the hand that laid against her back slowly rubbing circles into her skin. “Don’t,” he whispered against her forehead. “Abigail, I would do it all over again given the chance. I would do anything for another moment just like this with you.” he stated brusquely. “You owe me nothing.” Her chest swelled and she leaned in for another kiss, this time more deep and passionate than the others.
They continued their conversation, conveying all their thoughts and emotions through kisses and touches rather than words. Each kiss was a promise and each touch was a solution to whatever issue may lie ahead. Soon, when they were both truly tired and spent, they fell asleep, blissfully in each other's embrace.
Tomorrow would come, that was the only guarantee they knew. But for tonight, they had each other. They would worry about the distant shores in the morning.
Cold, eerily cold darkness surrounds Abigail as she trugs through long corridors of brick and stone. The smell is old, musty, as if no one else had stepped foot here in centuries.
There’s a glow from up ahead. Blue and shiny at the end of the tunnel.
Abigail walks towards the light, unsure of what lies in front of her. Then she feels it, a warm pressure against her lower back. Her breath catches as she turns around. Only to be greeted with warm eyes and a brilliant smile.
“Darling?” Oliver says, taking in her haunted expression.
Abigail breathes a sigh of relief at the sight in front of her. “Oliver!” she exclaims, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a tight embrace.
“Are you alright?” he asks once she finally releases him. She nods her head then turns back around to face the glow at the end of the hall.
“Come on,” she demands as she laces her fingers with his. “We must go this way.”
She goes to step forward but is pulled back, weighed down by the man behind her. She turns her head to see a grim expression on his face. “Oliver? What’s wrong?” she asks, the worry evident on her face.
She reaches out for him, but he falls, collapsing to the floor, hand clutching his side.
The dim corridor and glowing light disappear, fading back to the strange darkness, leaving Abigail cold and alone.
Abigail was jarred awake from her sleep, panting heavily as her eyes adjusted to the early morning sun that barely peaked in through the windows.
Windows. Plural.
She was still groggy, but soon remembered she wasn’t in her own sleeping quarters with the tiny porthole window. She was still in Oliver’s room - Oliver’s bed. She moved her hands, soon realizing she was alone as her fingers splayed over the cold space next to her.
Then she remembered her dream. Abigail’s eyes grew wide and panic filled her body. She tossed the covers off her bare body and shifted to the edge of the bed. She stood up but still held onto the mattress, her legs still weak from her night’s activities.
It was still relatively dark in the room and she grabbed the first bit of cloth she could find - her underwear. Next she spotted his Navy jacket which was now hung on the back of his desk chair where it was most certainly not left last night. She sighed in relief, hoping that he must have laid it there not too long ago. She grabbed the jacket and threw it over her shoulders as she walked around the room looking for the rest of her clothes.
She didn’t make it far before the sound of the balcony door opening caught her attention. When Oliver walked inside, stopping just short of the doorway when he saw her standing there, all worry was erased from her mind. In an instant she ran towards him, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. Thankfully he was quick, grabbing onto her thighs to hold her up.
“What’s this, darling?” he asked as Abigail buried her face into his neck. She tried to control the few tears that threatened to spill, but unfortunately a few escaped her eyes and landed on his bare chest.
“I’m just so happy to see you,” she answered, not prepared to go into detail about her dream. Vision? Premonition? She hoped not.
Oliver walked them to the bed, perching her on the edge just like the night before. He pulled her face between his hands, his eyes searching hers. She could see the evident worry in his knitted brows and the slight frown on his lips. “What’s wrong, Abigail?”
She surged forward, capturing his lips into a searing kiss. An attempt to make sure this was real - he was real. She was thankful he didn’t pull away. Thankful that her tears stopped as his lips continued to devour hers.
When they finally broke apart, she smiled slightly, the nauseating worry that was there earlier finally disappearing. “I just had a bad dream,” she finally admitted and almost laughed at the exasperated frown that greeted her.
“But you’re alright?” he asked, and the sincerity in his voice just made her kiss him again and again, hoping that this action alone would convey how ‘alright’ she was. When she pulled away again, she nodded her head and was relieved to see him smile, a genuine, pure smile.
“You know,” Oliver began, his fingers running across the lapel of her jacket - his jacket. “It would cause a great scandal if someone were to see you wearing this.”
Abigail’s lips quirked in delight. “Even more of a scandal than a Navy Lieutenant consorting with a pirate?” she mused.
Oliver chuckled lightly and leaned in to nip along her jaw to her ear. His lips brushed against her lobe and just before he could open his mouth to speak, a loud knock rang through the cabin.
“Sir, it’s Doyle. We’ll be reaching Port Monarque within an hour’s time.”
Oliver sighed, the grip he had on her bare thighs tightening just slightly before he let go and stepped back. “Thank you, Doyle,” he barked out towards the door. “Please leave me, I will be out shortly.”
“Yes, sir,” Officer Doyle replied before footsteps leading away from the door could be heard.
Abigail hopped off the edge of the bed and shrugged out of the jacket and handed it out for Oliver to take. “Duty calls,” she said in an amused, mocking tone and she moved around the cabin to grab the rest of her clothes.
The pair dressed in silence, exchanging flirty glances and an occasion touch or kiss. It took longer to get dressed than normal, but neither of them cared. Once they were completely dressed, Oliver held his arm out to her. Abigail smiled, looping her elbow with his as they stood in front of his cabin door.
“Well, Miss Bellamy, ready to see what the future holds for us?”
Abigail forced a smile, swallowing the pain and fear that came with that sentence. She would tell him the truth, soon. She only hoped that it wasn’t too late for him to forgive her. 
“Ready, Lieutenant,” she replied.
Oliver beamed at her then placed a chaste kiss to her cheek and together they walked out of the door and towards their future.
A/N: If you’ve come this far, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! This was an idea I had the moment I read this chapter and I’m so glad to have written it out. I definitely think more happened on that ship so this is my retelling of it :)
I want to give a HUGE shout out to @thealia for beta reading this story. You are amazing and give the best advice so thank you, thank you, thank you!
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ravenforce · 5 years
Manhattan 4
Word Count: 3797
Pairing: Lou Miller x Fem!Reader 
Warning/s: None. Except probably some minor baiting, and tooth-rotting fluff. :)
A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who likes, and follows this story. You guys are amazing. Please leave your reactions, bloody or otherwise, on the comment section. My inbox is open too if you’d like to pop by. Oh, and please note the ff:
1. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
2. Also, I’m sorry if this took a while. With the pandemic COVID-19 raging throughout the world, I struggled to stay in the light for a while, and with my city going on full lockdown there was so much unrest. Rest assured, I’m keeping with the strict home quarantine. I hope you guys are too. We can beat this virus if we follow the rules for now. You know the protocol, stay safe. Stay with me.
3. For requests, I haven’t yet to write, I apologize too and again. I just can’t find inspiration to write for some characters right now.
Manhattan Parts: 1 |  2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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(Photo not mine. Credits to the owner)
Saturday - New York, New York
“What is this sorcery?” Charlie said amused as he stood beside Agatha on your open kitchen.
The two assistants were so engrossed in watching Lou interact with you that they didn’t see Debbie and Rose entering the kitchen area from the other side of the apartment. 
“That, children is what you would call love,” Rose whispered dreamily yet still startled the two. Agatha blushed from being caught half gossiping.
Debbie just smiled, watching her best friend laugh so freely with you. Never did she saw Lou act in such a way with her other dalliances. She has strict rules of engagement: don’t call me, I call you; we’re not friends so they can’t be chummy with me especially in public; more importantly, they’re not my girlfriend so they can’t act like one; jealousy is a capital offence; no dates; no sleepover, Debbie recalled. Yet here is her blonde friend violating all her rules for you. 
“Careful using the L-word though,” Debbie mused before sipping her mojito. “Those two can bolt.”
“Better let them figure it out,” Rose whispered before walking away to join the party in your huge industrial living room. Charlie and Agatha nodded as they watch you kick Nine’s ass on Mario Kart, and Lou looking extremely proud of you. 
A few more rounds of continuously losing to you in both Mario Kart and Tekken 7, Nine threw her joycon on the couch. 
“This thing is rigged!” she exclaimed before collapsing on the couch next to you. You rolled your eyes playfully at her. 
“Didn’t think I’d see the day, someone would beat your ass at video games,” Daphne teased.
“You’re good, Y/N’s just simply better,” Lou added fuel to the fire, taking your attention away from Nine’s pouting. It’s not that you weren’t paying attention at her all night as she moves around gracefully, pretending to approve of the curated setup of your apartment like she wasn’t the one to help you put them together.
“Shut up,” Nine grumbled. “Your crush can be seen from outer space.”
That effectively shut the blonde up while the rest started laughing. Lou threw a pillow on Nine’s face, making everyone crack up even more. 
“Alright, children. It’s way past your bedtime,” Debbie said. “Let’s go home.” Everyone groaned but started putting on their shoes and coats before thanking you for dinner and the awesome night.
Agatha and Charlie were already waiting for the lift when everyone filed out on your hallway, except for Lou who stood way too close behind you that you could feel her hips against your ass. You fought hard not to blush as images of what those powerful hips do to you flooded your mind. Lou stretched her hand out for Debbie to take the keys to the company van they used to go to your place. Debbie accepted the keys with her eyebrows cocked. 
“I’m gonna stay and help clean up,” she intentionally husked out behind your ear. 
“Yeah right,” Rose, Tammy, Daphne and Debbie all said at the same time before walking away laughing.
“Clean up my fucking ass,” Nine drunk mumbled before Constance and Amita dragged her away but not without wishing you have a good fuck first. 
You nearly kicked the door closed in your haste to turn towards Lou who immediately wrapped her arms around your waist. She slowly walked you back until you’re secured against her body and the door. Your breath hitched when her hand crept down from your waist down to your ass.
“Lou,” you half-whispered, half moaned when she squeezes your backside. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” she said while peppering featherlight kisses along your jaw. “Yet.”
It’s becoming increasingly hard to focus as Lou started kissing down your neck. The last straw to your self-control was when she sucked on your pulse point. You groaned before you tugged on her soft blonde hair and pulled her face towards you. It was Lou’s turn to groan when you started kissing her with so much fervour.
She tasted like blueberries and vodka. And right at that moment, you think you could go on forever as long as she never stops kissing you. She’s simply intoxicating and extremely dangerous for your carefully constructed guard. You knew that to stop yourself from falling, you should have put a stop to your affair with the woman the moment you found out that she’s your boss. Yet here you are, still flying closer and closer to the sun.
The desire to feel her hands and her lips again overtake your need for control over all situations. How can you want anything else when Lou’s too good with you. She knew all the buttons to push to make you crave, she knew the right amount of pressure to make you squirm and shake, and she knew how you like to be touched to ensure you come undone screaming her name.
“Lou,” you moaned against her lips. You can already feel the telltale heat coiling on your belly, flow downwards and creating a huge wet patch on your Victoria Secret underwear. You swear you think Lou can smell how ready you are for her by the smirk on her face.
“Yes, love? Use your words,” she said confidently. “What do you need?”
Before you can get one word out though there’s a knock on the door.
“Y/N/N! Open up,” Tony yelled on the other side of the door.
“Fuck,” you whispered before bumping your forehead down on Lou’s shoulder.
You cursed under your breath for forgetting that your apartment is the designated nest for the Avengers in Manhattan since you’re the only one living alone. Maria, Wanda, Carol, and Nat are renting an apartment in Brooklyn while the boys are staying together in the Bronx. It extremely pleased you when your friends informed you a week prior that they all got into various programs in New York as well. Now, not so much. You forgot what a massive cock block they all are.
“I intended to but we have company,” Lou said seductively before completely untangling herself from you to open the door.
“Lou?” Thor asked incredulously when he saw who opened the door.
Before Lou can say another word though you decided it was the right time to push away from the door, giving away a hint on what you two were doing before their arrival.
“Hey,” you said overly enthusiastic. “Come on in.”
Lou who had one of her hand on the door, opened it wider so everyone can come through. You had to take a step back to give your friends space, making your ass connect Lou’s front again. You had to bite your lip from making a sound. Lou loved the expression on your face though that she oh so subtly grind her hips against your ass. Thankfully, your friends were more interested in the interior design of your apartment to pay you and Lou any more attention.
When everyone was inside, Lou suddenly stepped away from you and towards the door.
“You’re leaving?” You tried not to sound desperate to have her stay but you don’t expect her to sit around and wait for everyone to leave so she can finish what we started.
“I believe we’ll have to finish this another day,” she said genuinely looking apologetic. She knows that you know how much she wants you but she knows the Avengers are more likely going to spend the whole night with you anyway.
Lou turned to leave but you caught the sleeve of her shirt. You surged forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You better, or else I’ll find someone else to scratch my itch,” you whispered on her ear before you bolted back into your apartment. Leaving Lou staring at your door and grinning like an idiot. At that point, she’s not even going to deny that she has a fucking crush on you.
When you got inside, Maria’s waiting for you in the hallway. Everyone was busy setting up everything for your private party in the living room. You immediately tackled your best friend into a bear hug. 
“Easy tiger,” she said giggling while you ignored her and murmured repeatedly how much you missed her. Even though it’s just been a couple of days since you last saw each other. When you pulled away, Maria gave you a funny look. 
“Were you and Lou house warming before we arrived?” she asked cheekily.
“No?” Maria cocked an eyebrow at you. Convincing Maria of a lie is close to trying to convince yourself.
“She offered to help clean up,” you tried one more time but it only made Maria laugh out loud. Everyone was informed that you’ll be hosting a dinner for your colleagues from the gallery that’s why they came over late. So it wasn’t technically a lie, still, Maria can see right through you. 
“Right. So how come you have this,” she said before wiping her thumb across your jaw. When she put her finger up for you to see, there was a visible lipstick stain in the exact same shade that Lou’s wearing. You pursed your lips together.
“Next time you try to lie to me, make sure your face isn’t covered in evidence,” Maria teased one more time before dragging you inside your own house.
Monday - First Day High
Lou unconsciously frowned when she entered the conference room packed full of everyone except you and Debbie. She was so excited to come to work because she wasn’t able to talk to you the day prior since Thor and Loki decided they wanted to spend time with her before they drive back to the Bronx. Daphne immediately caught her expression.
“Don’t fret my dear, she’s joining us today,” Daphne said with a firm smirk on her face. “It’s her first team meeting after all.”
Lou rolled her eyes before plopping down on her seat on Debbie’s right. Charlie came around to give her a cup of coffee. She accepted it thankfully before engaging Amita and Rose with small talk. A few minutes later, the door opened signalling your arrival back into the room. Lou took a sip of her coffee at the same time you put down the stack of papers on the table giving her a full view of you.
She ungracefully coughed out her coffee, even spraying some of it on the table. You looked at her with concern, while everyone started laughing. She immediately wiped her mouth and the table with some napkins in an attempt to save her dignity. She’s rarely embarrassed since she always carries herself with grace.
So she held her head up high. No one can begrudge her of her reaction especially since none of them warned her - intentionally, she’s sure of it - that you’re dangerously hot in work clothes.
“Thank you, dear,” Lou heard Rose say beside her when you passed to give everyone a copy of the agenda. You smiled at the kind woman.
“You have talent on dressing yourself. Would you mind if I make some pieces for you sometime?” Rose continued, catching you off-guard. You’re literally just wearing a white button-up blouse tucked inside a black knee-high leather pencil skirt, and black heels. You don’t see any reason for a fashion designer like Rose to take an interest in making you some custom made outfits.
“Uhm, thank you, Rose,” you said softly before resuming on your task. Rose giggled excitedly and asked you to come to her office before the day ends so she could take your measurements.
“Oh no, Lou,” Nine sing-songs. Lou looked at the tech-girl with an impassive look on her face.
“Y/N’s gonna hit the runway with Rose dressing her. She’s gonna be popular soon. Are you ready to share her to the world?” Nine continued to tease, making the blonde woman frown. When you arrived behind Nine, you dropped the stack of paper in her head, instead of just handing her a one piece. Everyone giggled except Nine.
“Hey!” she complained.
“Sorry.” The smirk in your face tells her you did it intentionally. Nine grumbled softly about how she used to be your favourite. You just chuckled before looking across the table to Lou and giving her a subtle wink, which totally made her smile and all mushy inside.
The two-page agenda took almost all day to go over especially between discussing each point, Nine, Amita and Constance can’t stop interjecting jokes whenever they can. If you have a dollar for every time Debbie sighed or rolled her eyes, you would have collected enough for a whole months rent. Towards the latter part of the meeting, the team started discussing battle plans for the upcoming art week. The gallery is located in the art district, and the competition is tight. They needed something that’ll put the Heist in the art map of New York City.
“Any ideas?” Debbie asked, pinching the bridge of her nose. So far nothing is standing out for her.
You looked around. Everyone was deep in thought, clearly racking their brains for ideas. You raised your hand like you were in class. You feel kinda silly doing so but it caught Debbie’s attention.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“As a new gallery, The Heist isn’t carrying any artist yet, correct?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
The process of selecting an artist to sign on board with the gallery is tedious. Mostly it was a question of chemistry. The team collectively agreed that they wouldn’t carry an artist whose personality deflects from any of them as it will only create friction in the group. Everyone in the team has a purpose but more importantly when Debbie chose them, she chose them based on how well they would mix and work together and up to date, no one has proved that she chose wrong.
“Maybe it’s time to change that,” you suggested boldly.
There’s a collection of murmurs. “But most of the popular artists in town are already booked with other galleries,” Daphne mentioned.
“Who said about signing known artists?” Daphne frowned.
“We can’t sign nobody’s Y/N,” she answered. You smiled softly at your brunette boss.
“Everyone was a nobody at the start,” you started to explain. “Until someone believed in them. We can be that someone to a nobody. We can be that difference.”
For a few excruciating seconds, your heart hammered in your chest like the first time you presented one of the techs you invented in Stark Industries.
“That’s…” Debbie started. You look her directly in the eyes. “Actually brilliant.”
Everyone turned to Debbie and asked, “Really?”
“Yes. It’s wild but maybe that’s why I like it,” she said to her team then she turned again to you. “Do you have a plan?”
You grinned like an excited puppy. “Well I was thinking, we could find at least two artists’ that uses two different medium,” you explain. “The gallery’s huge enough for a painter and an installation artist.”
“Do you have artists’ in mind?” Tammy asked, starting to get on-board with the plan.
“Okay,” Debbie said. “Have your presentation ready before next weeks meeting.”
“Yes ma’am,” you answered smiling. You caught Lou looking extremely proud beside Debbie.
“Great! Now can we have lunch?” Amita asked. “My brain cells are dead.”
Debbie adjourned the meeting as soon as everyone confirmed they know their assignment for the week. You were about to head out when Debbie asked to see you in her office.
“I’m going straight to the point,” Debbie said as she fixes her stuff in her table. She sat down after a few seconds and looked at you. “I know you slept with Lou.”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling. “I did.”
“I really don’t care if you do, again but can I count on you to keep being this professional?” she asked. “Since you’ve seen all of my friends, they’re children.”
This time, you didn’t try to stop yourself from smiling. Her concern is definitely warranted. “I promise. I also promise that whatever this is, it won’t affect my work here at the gallery.”
Debbie smiled, somehow she just knows she can trust you. So she let you go without further ado but before you can even open her door, she called for your attention again.
“Oh, Y/N.” You turned your body towards her, one hand clutching the door handle. “I’m assigning you to spearhead the artists’ acquisition for the art week. And whatever happens, please don’t have sex in my office.”
The change of topic in one sentence can almost give you a whiplash had it not been too funny that you started laughing hard.
“I don’t make promises I can’t keep, boss,” you said before pulling the door open to leave. On the way out, you almost bumped into Lou. She gave you a questioning look as you continued to giggle as you keep walking away.
Lou was still looking at you when Debbie spoke, “I get why you like her. She’s brilliant.”
“She is,” Lou said almost dreamily. Then she blinked her eyes to look at her best friend who’s looking at her like she knew something she doesn’t. She didn’t probe though, she’s not sure she’s ready to know the answer just yet. “Anyway, everyone left ahead for the restaurant. Are you coming?”
“I am,” Debbie answered before gathering her bag. Lunch at their favourite restaurant every Monday has become their tradition since they all moved to Manhattan and started the gallery. It has become the team’s way to decompress on a #ManicMonday.
While waiting for the lift, Debbie couldn’t help but be annoyed by the incessant ringing of Lou’s phone. 
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” she asked curiously. There are only two reasons why Lou wouldn’t answer her god damn phone. First, she’s avoiding whoever is on the other line, which is always most definitely a girl had sex with. Lastly, she’s in the middle of making passionate, consensual, no-strings-attached sex with someone else. 
“Nope,” Lou answered. “It’s just Therese. She wants to meet tonight.”
“She’s just Therese now?” Debbie questioned. Therese is Lou’s ex-girlfriend who she started bedding again a few months ago, adding her to the roster of women she beds on an occasional basis. “Something happened?”
Lou shrugged in time with the arrival of the elevator. She didn’t answer for a while.
“I’m just suddenly tired of all of it,” she said when they stepped off the elevator at the ground floor.
Debbie wondered for a moment what it meant until she followed Lou’s line of sight. She wasn’t surprised when she saw you eating casually at Agatha and Charlie’s table. Lou can’t stop the small smile on her face thinking Debbie wouldn’t even notice it. Oh, but Debbie did and she understood. Out of everyone in the team, Lou’s the only one who isn’t dating monogamously.
They’ve all played the field when they’re younger until they found someone worth throwing the towel in and committing themselves to. Everyone thinks that she’s looking for magic but that wasn’t the case, she was actually looking for something simple. She just wanted someone that makes her feel home. For a long time, she searched all over the world only to find what she’s looking right under her nose.
Debbie smiled watching the loving look on Lou’s face as she watches you for a heartbeat before walking directly towards the exit. Debbie didn’t mean to look when Lou whipped out her phone and started typing a message for you. 
Plans tonight? I missed you yesterday.
Lou’s phone lighted with a reply while she’s reversing out of the parking lot that she couldn’t stop Debbie from reaching for it and opening her text message. She grumbled and begged and threatened the brunette not to read it but she knew it was futile. 
“Ready to finish what you’ve started,” Debbie read laughing. Lou blushed from her neck to the roots of her hair. 
Yes! See you tonight. Debbie texted on Lou’s behalf. She’s so happy for her best friend, she couldn’t even care that you’re younger or that you’re their employee.
Can’t wait. xx
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Taglist:  @kaytoopio​​​​​ @marvelfansince08love​​​​​ @marvelb00kwolf​​​​​ @shycucumbersandwich​​​​​ @subject7creed​​​​ @inkstainedhandsofgold​​​
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It’s Too Late For That
Police Captain!Steve Rogers X Reader Past Cop!Bucky Barnes X Reader Cop!Bucky Barnes X Detective Natasha Romanoff Natasha had slowly filled the hole in his chest, making space for herself.  It still wasn’t enough.
a/n:this shit is angsty, AF, so be warned warnings:excessive drinking, bad habits, destructive habits
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The gala that Tony was throwing was stuffed to the brim with people, it was mostly a party to announce that Steve was being promoted to Captain of the police force.  Bucky was excited for his friend, to see what the future had in store for him.  He was a great officer, and being able to do more for the world filled Steve with pride.
Steve had mentioned that he was going to stop by for a couple of hours, and that he was bringing a date along with him.  Bucky wasn’t stupid though, Steve was probably going to beg Sharon to come as his date so he didn’t so alone.  He’d admitted it during one of the times they’d been out in the field together, how he’d asked her to come along so Tony would stop asking questions.
“Tony’s making his rounds, try and look a little friendly.” Natasha’s smirk was playful, only joking partially.
“Can’t make any promises there, he likes to get under our skin too easily.” Bucky chuckled to himself, watching as the man in question stepped up.
Tony stepped up, tux looking crisp as ever, glass of scotch held loosely in the hand that wasn’t shoved deep in his pocket.
“Nice to see you cleaned up for once, enjoying the party?” Tony took a slow sip, glancing around the room as if he was also expecting someone.
“Nat convinced me it wouldn’t be so bad, you have her to thank for all this.” Bucky glanced over to the red head, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
The door opened to let in a slew of guests, Bucky immediately recognized General Ross, Steve was close behind him, who was that on his arm though..? Oh, was she really here with him?  That arm didn’t look friendly at all, so there was no way that Steve asked her to come as his friend.  Bucky’s lips pulled into a scowl, glaring a hole into the blonde.
“I was wondering when he’d finally show, took him long enough.” Tony headed off, slipping into a conversation with such ease it astounded Bucky.
Steve was laughing, it sounded like Y/N had made a joke, nose scrunching as she laughed along with him.  This wasn’t fair, how could Steve move in on his girl like that?  Except, Y/N wasn’t his anymore, he’d let her go over five years ago.
“Y/N, we can’t keep doing this, one of these days I could end up getting killed when I’m out in the field, and where does that leave you?” Bucky pulled on his leather jacket, looking at the small duffel bag of things he’d left at her apartment.
She didn’t say anything, tears welling up in her eyes as she watched the man she’d loved for almost two years break her heart.
“Buck, we’ve been making this work just fine, what happened?” Y/N knew deep down that nothing she said would convince Bucky to say.
“We’re not right for each other, you should be with someone you can actually spend time with.  I’ll see you around.” Bucky picked up the duffel, leaving the apartment one final time. Y/N could hardly believe the words that seemed to seep into her skin, Bucky was truly gone, and it was all her fault.  How could she be so blind to all of this?  It was obvious they weren’t going to work out together, not with who he was. Bucky hadn’t realized the glass in his left hand shattered until the smell of alcohol floated into the air.  Natasha had watched it happen, unsure of what exactly had caused the action, Bucky had seemed alright for the most part.
“Rogers!  Y/L/N!  It’s about time.” Sam was his usual hyper self, something that was slowly getting on Bucky’s nerves. “Sorry, traffic was an absolute nightmare, we even tried to leave early to avoid it.” Steve smiled, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s cheek in the process.
“Of course, I actually drove with Maria, and Peter so we could help avoid the awkwardness of taking three separate cars.” Sam rolled his eyes, as if ignoring what was happening right in front of him.
How could he be so calm about Steve and Y/N being so chummy together?  It wasn’t right!
“Buck, you just have to understand where I’m coming from, she deserved better than that kind of break up.” Sam had been trying to help play therapist for a while, seeing as Bucky refused to see an actual therapist.
“She knows the type of work we do, I can’t promise her that I'll be able to come home every time.” Bucky ran a hand through his hair, sighing softly.
“And she still chose to date you, and you threw it all away because you were scared.” Sam wasn’t afraid to tell him how it was though, and Bucky was somewhat grateful for that.
Bucky ended up spending more time in the gym than what someone would consider healthy, it was his own coping mechanism.
He wanted to apologize, to tell Y/N that he was truly and utterly sorry for the heartbreak he was putting her through, but he couldn’t.  She needed to find someone that wasn’t like him, someone that could give her everything she’d ever ask for without having to sacrifice her own life in return. 
Bucky was selfish.
Steve had his arm wrapped around her waist, lower than he’d ever done on any of their other female friends, and especially on Y/N.  It made Bucky’s blood boil, eyes glaring a hole into the  side of the blonde’s head.  She wasn’t his to be around, to cuddle into during this event.
No, she didn’t belong to Bucky either.  Y/N was her own person, who could very well make her own decisions, even if it meant hurting Bucky in the end.  And Steve!  How could he do that to Bucky, knowing what it cost him?
“James, you can’t be mad at her for moving on, not when you did the same thing.” Natasha was right, he had no right to be angry.
“I know.” Bucky kept his voice low, afraid to attract any unwanted attention.
So why does it feel so wrong to see her with someone else?  Someone he trusted with his life on more than one occasion?
“Steve?  Where the hell are you right now?” Bucky could hear what sounded like club music in the background, bass booming loudly over the phone.
“I had to pick someone up, they had a little too much to drink.” Must’ve been Sam, he had mentioned he was going out earlier in the day. “Oh, alright, let me know when you get back.” Bucky hung up and set his phone back on the nightstand, resting against the pillows as Natasha laid beside him, sleeping peacefully.
Steve wasn’t going to tell him the truth, that Y/N had called him, voice overly cheery and words slurring as she struggled to remember the name of the club she’d found herself in.  There was a guy that wouldn’t leave her alone, and she’d begun to feel unsafe.  She wanted to call Bucky and beg him to come get her, but he wouldn’t answer her calls anymore.  So she called the next person in line, Steve.
He arrived not even five minutes after she called, keys clutched loosely in his hand as he looked for the woman in question.  Surely it couldn’t be that hard to find her, then again, this place was pretty damn crowded at the moment.
“Stevie!  I knew you’d come rescue me!” Y/N threw her arms around his neck, giggling into the softness of the shirt he had on.
Most of the club goers didn’t even so much as glanced towards Steve, assuming he was just a friend of the girl who was much too drunk.
“I told you I was coming, just had to get dressed was all.” Steve smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her waist carefully.  
Her dress was much shorter than he’d seen her wear in the past, and he knew that judging her based on her outfit was downright rude, but something unnerved him.  Was this her way of trying to move on from Bucky?  Find someone to fill that void he’d left inside of her heart?  An open wound that would forever bleed.
“How about we head out and get some pizza, I know how much you like Giovanni’s down by the tower.” He’d taken her there a few times whenever Bucky was out on a mission, Sam usually tagged along just for the free food.
“Just don’t drop me Stevie.” Y/N kept her arms around his neck, waiting for Steve to pick her up.
He caught on quickly, picking her up in a bridal carry before heading out to where he’d parked his truck.  Y/N reached down idly, struggling to pull down the hem of her dress as not to flash people that were walking by.  Surely Steve had a pair of sweatpants somewhere in the car, something she could wear so she felt more comfortable.
“You wanna tell me what happened?” Steve set her into the passenger seat, reaching into the back and plopping a pair of black sweats onto her lap.
Y/N stayed silent, eyes lost somewhere even Steve wouldn’t be able to reach her.  “Bucky’s been staring at you two since you guys got here, does he not know?” Sam sipped from the champagne glass in his hand, eyebrow slightly raised.
“I tried telling him back when we got together, but it’s like he blocked me out entirely, wouldn’t listen to a word I said.” Steve shrugged, pulling Y/N closer to his side and pressing a kiss to her hair.
Bucky had resorted to drinking, constantly.  He was afraid of what the consequences were going to be if he ever got caught drinking on the job.  Steve would most likely have him fired, or at least force him to go to rehab until he’d learned his lesson.  He just couldn’t forget the way she looked at him, tears in her eyes as she begged him to stay. 
Natasha had slowly filled the hole in his chest, making space for herself.  It still wasn’t enough.
“Buck, you alright?” Clint stepped over to his desk, looking at the papers messily strewn about.
“Yeah, just a little tired I guess.” Bucky was being sent on a six month undercover mission, he wasn’t really ready for it.
“I think we all are, I heard Natasha’s going with this time.” That seemed to catch his attention, she was joining the mission? 
“What are you talking about?  I thought she was pursuing something else?” Bucky’s blood ran cold, if Nat joined him, she’d know he wasn’t alright.
Bucky was admitted into a rehab the moment they got back from the mission, successfully taking down a drug lord that was running rampant through most of New York.  While the win was great, Bucky couldn’t ignore that he truly did have a problem.
“You started drinking because you left her James, you can’t blame her for finding someone else.” Natasha shrugged, heading off to talk with Clint.
Sam was animatedly talking with Steve about something he couldn’t really understand from being too far away.  They’d been close back when Y/N and he were dating, and then things got tense.  Bucky couldn’t really blame everyone for taking a break from speaking with him, he would have done the same exact thing if he could’ve.
“Is this thing on?” Tony tapped against the mic, chuckling when his voice echoed throughout the open room.
“Alright, I know you guys are all here to join us in welcoming Steve in becoming Captain, so get on up here before I send someone down to pull you up here.” Tony stepped away from the mic, watching Steve head up to the stage.
Bucky clapped along with everyone else, afraid that if he didn’t, someone would notice and word would end up getting back to Steve.
“I can’t begin to say how much of an honor it is to be chosen to be a leader to all of you fine men and women, it’s something I’ve thought about for a while now to be honest and I’m grateful you chose me.  I didn’t become a cop right away though, I joined the army when I was barely eighteen, ready to fight for my country and make the world a better place.  Unfortunately, the world’s always going to have tragedy, and death, and that’s not something even I can prevent.  So instead of making the rest of my speech horribly depressing, I’d like to call someone up onto the stage to join me in this endeavor.” Steve glanced down to where Y/N was, Bucky watched the shock cross over her features.
This wasn’t happening, there was no way he was going to do what was currently running rampant through Bucky’s mind.
Y/N fixed her dress as soon as she was up on the stage, a bright smile on her face as she stepped over to Steve.
“We’ve known one another since we were teenagers, kids dumb enough to know better, but still willing to do some stupid things along the way.  We had our ups and downs like everyone does, even spent our time dating other people who saw the good in us, but didn’t think we were right for them.  I just have one thing to ask, will you marry me?” Steve knelt down, pulling the small velvet box from his pocket.
Even from nearly twenty feet away Bucky could see that the ring was beautiful, the stone was bigger than the one that Bucky had personally picked out for Natasha’s ring.  Had he gone to the same jeweler that Bucky had?  Custom made a ring that would only ever be perfect for Y/N?
“Yes!” Y/N threw her arms around his neck, laughing happily as she pressed their lips together.
Bucky felt sick, stomach twisting as he watched the happy couple announce their new engagement to everyone in the room.  People were cheering, that much he could gather even though it sounded as if his ears were blocked.  Sam ran onto the stage to hug them, laughing as he told everyone he’d helped Steve pick out the ring, how nervous the blonde had been.
Y/N deserved this though, someone who was going to guarantee her a happy life for the rest of her days.  Steve was going to be her person, just like Natasha was going to be his.  They would get married, have children, and grow old together, whereas Bucky, and Natasha couldn’t have that.
Would he be able to go to their wedding?  Watch the love of his life marry someone else without letting greed control his movements?  His words?  
“You need to let her go, she deserves someone that won’t abandon her when things get tough.” Tony’s voice, although quiet, sounded much angrier than he’d ever heard before.
“She already has someone else, she’s not mine anymore.” Bucky turned and left the room, effectively leaving behind the woman he loved, and the best friend he’d had for so long.
3 Years Later Bucky had told himself he couldn’t go, he’d make up a lie as to why he wasn’t able to attend when it came down to it, but in reality he couldn’t hurt her like that again.  So here he was, almost in the front row as he watched Steve take a few slow breaths.  Sam stood behind him, whispering encouraging words to keep the other man calm.
When the music changed indicating that Y/N would be making her way down the aisle, Bucky stood slowly.  He knew not to hold onto the chair in front of him, for fear of breaking it with his metal hand.  It had always been too strong for him to properly handle, and today would be no different.
She looked breathtaking, from the way her hair had been pinned almost effortlessly, to the way her eyes glistened in the soft lighting.  Steve hadn’t taken his eyes off her, smile brighter than the sun even on the clearest day.  They were meant for each other, and Bucky wasn’t going to stand in their way.
The ceremony was quiet, peaceful almost as Bucky watched Y/N slide the ring onto Steve’s finger, and he do the same to hers.  The bands were simple, it almost reminded Bucky of his own that sat upon his left hand.  Their kiss wasn’t so simple and sweet, Steve dipped her low, pressing their mouths hungrily together.
Bucky couldn’t even do that for Natasha during their own wedding, pressing their lips together gently as if he would break her otherwise.  He hadn’t held back during the honeymoon, showing Nat that he had married her for a reason.  Except now he was unsure if he’d truly made the right choice.
They’d sat him, and Natasha with their other friends, place cards sat neatly as he headed over with an arm around Nat’s waist.
Sam was already at the table, along with Clint, Tony and his wife, Pepper, and someone he didn’t much recognize.
“Hey, long time no see you guys.” Sam hugged him carefully, stepping around to hug Nat as well.
That was how they went around the table, greeting everyone until it was time for the new bride and groom to head inside.  Bucky tightened his grip when Y/N looked over, glowing smile on her face as she stepped onto the dance floor with Steve.
It was obvious she’d helped teach him how to dance, the man was a disaster on the dance floor, no matter the occasion.  Watching them though, brought a small smile to Bucky’s face, even if his heart was screaming violent obscenities at him.  Natasha made him happy, it’s why he’d asked her out on a date, it’s why they got married, Bucky was happy. It was also a downright lie.
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caprina-mints · 4 years
Hello dear! I would like a match up! I'm a straight female and I'm 5'2. I have dark blonde/ light brown curly hair (people always touch them ugh) and I wear glasses. I like playing the piano (insecure uff)and writing. I also like playing videogames and skating. I HATE doing things I can't do well, like drawing. I am ambiverted and I have a short temper. People tell me I tend to put others before me. I am very caotic with the people I know. I am also perverted af. I speak italian and english.
Hey Puddin I see another matchup here! Ok now down to business.
I ship you with.....
Jeff The Killer!
Now at first everyone was creeped out by how much you look like Ben and how similar you two are from hobbies to personas which shook everyone seeing how much you were like a female version of their little green elf boy.
Jeff was the very first person to point it out in a very obnoxious way. Cause of that you always had a very negative view on him at first.
Everyone even started betting, if you ever end up with Ben or not. But because of the similarities Ben thought that it would be extremely creepy because he felt like he would be dating his sister so it was a big No No for the both of you.
Jeff on the other hand was being an asshole about how he mistakes You for Ben every single time one time he ended up tackling you down on the ground because of the stupid prank Ben pulled on him and he was convinced that YOU were Ben because you looked like him.
At first you and Jeff would always bicker about this and it goes on and on with pointless arguments and funny insults that you two became the sole entertainment to everyone there besides the T.V.
You were one of the very few people who could rival Ben in Video games.
A few weeks passed and Jeff started getting chummy on you and he purposely Mistakes you for Ben just to get closer to you since this maniac didn't know how to tell you he liked you.
Apparently he can't threaten you or kidnap you because 1. you're already part of the mansion and 2. Ben would hunt his ass for kidnapping his sister look alike.
Now Jeff may act arrogant and smug around you specifically because of your small height compared to his so expect a lot of stupid mocking insults like
' Hey short stacks want me to get a chair for you? '
' Shortcake where the fuck were you when it was raining heights? Playing near the puddle? '
And all those dumbass shit he throws at you so you will either physically attack him or bark at him with all of the insults that were blessed upon the earth. Jeff clearly likes to Tease since your temper is so pissable he just had to.
Nobody and I mean Nobody had ever imagined a Day that you two would actually dating.... And surprise that Day came.
You lost a Bet with Jeff and he dared you to be his girlfriend until he says he's bored of you.
But deep down inside of him he will never let you go because if you tried to leave him.... Everyone will pray for your soul.
At first you were so against the physical contact you became feral and started hissing at him because he's like your number one enemy inside the mansion which he found funny and attractive at the same time.
But you stopped biting him. Because one time you bit his arm... He bit you back on your neck creating a large bite mark .
You were lowkey traumatized but as time passed by this guy wasn't as bad as you thought he was..... He's still bad though.
You two became video game buddies and there are peaceful times when you two would just lay down and cuddle *ehem* more like force you to cuddle with him.
And talk about normal stuff and he was shook when he found out that you knew how to play the piano.
' shortass... Looks like your talent made up for the lack of height '
You slowly got to know him better and things stirred up and became real when you confessed to him because this asshole is too smug and arrogant to admit it first.
It escalated quickly and he became more protective of you. He's still pretty reckless so he doesn't know how to carefully take care of himself.
So he asked E.j to teach him basic medication stuff so when you get injured he knows what to do which you find kinda cute?
Because you found him putting bandages on himself while muttering the instructions given to him by Jack.
You're pretty much the first one to act all PDA on him and he starts complaining and whining about it but when you stop he'll act all pissy and neglected so you're pretty much confused.
You two may have been the most chaotic couple in the mansion. Clashing personalities with evil minds? Yup the definition of disaster.
He found out that you really were an exact female replica of Ben when he knew how dirty your mind was. He'd tease you about it but when you unexpectedly tease back with a dirtier remark he'd go dead silent and just pin you down.
And he went bat shit crazy on your first time with him. The next morning you couldn't face everyone because... You looked terrible and hand prints were every where. On the other hand everyone knew what you two were doing last night because of all the noise. Ehem...
Even though you two may get on each other's nerves Jeff was certain about one thing.
You were his shortcake and he wants to keep it that way.
Now at first I thought about shipping your character with ben but with your description it would be too obvious who your ship would be so I thought about making it a little bit... Different?.
Hope you like it! ✨
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vulcan-highblood · 5 years
Fashion God - Part 1
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Pairing: Gen??  Characters: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Summary: Izuku desperately wants to be a fashion designer, but can’t find a model who will wear his clothes. Izuku is shocked when a crude blonde boy mysteriously appears in his room to “help” him achieve his dream. It can’t possibly be that simple! [A/N:  This turned out longer than expected. I basically did a timed-write, and here’s what I came up with in an hour. I’m planning to go back and finish this with another timed write or two, so for now, enjoy part 1.  This story was prompted by a lovely anon, but I did adapt it slightly to fit the idea I ended up having. I hope you enjoy it! It’s a pretty out-there AU, but I’m happy with it.]
Midoriya Izuku loved fashion. He loved it more than life itself, as could be attested by the deep bags under his eyes and his poor fingers, which had been stabbed by needles so many times that he was pretty sure he had built up scar tissue. Izuku wanted nothing more than to make it big in the fashion world, but he was from a small town in the middle of nowhere. He read all the magazines, watched videos of his favorite designers, and used whatever materials he could get his hands on in his backwater town. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find anyone to wear his clothes. He’d offered to sew for his mom, he’d offered to make costumes for the school festival, he’d tried countless times to get anyone to model for him, but the only person he’d ever found that was willing to wear his clothes was… well, himself.
It wasn’t fair, but that was the way the world worked, sometimes. He just needed some way to get attention! Once he could capture the hearts and imaginations of the fashion world, he’d be able to share his vision with the world. But for now, he sewed alone in his room, wishing things could be different.
And then, he saw the announcement. Yagi Toshinori, the designer who created the world’s current top brand, AllMight, was looking for an intern. But rather than go to the fashion schools, he was opening the internship up to anyone willing to submit a fashion line that they felt embodied who they were as an artist, and submitted photos online. It was his chance! But Izuku found himself facing the same challenge as always - no models. 
Despite the setback, Izuku decided he’d just model all the clothes himself. That would be fine, right? It wouldn’t be as nice as he’d like, but hopefully his clothes would speak for him. Throwing himself into his work, Izuku began researching, trying to decide what his theme would be. AllMight’s designer, Yagi, had urged competitors to “make their story”, and tell him something only they could share. Izuku wasn’t sure how he could do that, but he thought that trying to tell a story would be interesting. He just had to decide what story that would be.
Google told him that story writing was all about writing from experience. But Izuku had only just graduated middle school, he didn’t have much in the way of life experience to share. Still. He had been rejected, frustrated, and abandoned at every turn by people who claimed to support his dream but were never really willing to put in the work to help him. He knew what it felt like to be abandoned or forgotten. Sometimes, facing this challenge made him feel like a lone warrior, staring down a terrible horde of demons.
So he decided trying an interpretation on “old and new”, drawing on inspiration from old Japanese mythology, artistic motifs, and fashion. There was lots there - beautiful angles, layers on layers, coarse fabrics and smooth silk, princesses, castles, warriors, generals… He spent hours poring over his history textbooks from school, then any books he could find on ancient lore. He looked at books of art, trying to get a feel for the way clothes and fashion had developed in ancient Japan. He began to draw up designs for how to transition these looks from ancient Japan to the modern-day catwalk. He pinned, he sketched, he wandered through museums, and borrowed library books, throwing himself into the design process with fervor. 
He prayed as he worked, begged any god that might be listening to please, please let him win this contest, let his designs show enough potential, let him be enough, let him finally leave his small town behind and show his ideas on a world stage.
He needed a miracle to pull this off.
“Do you know how much a miracle fucking costs these days, kid?” came a drawling voice from behind him.
With a shriek of terror, Izuku dropped his sketchbook and whirled around to face the strange figure that was standing in the middle of his bedroom. “Who are you?” he demanded, shrinking back in his chair. “What do you want?”
“Who am I?” the young man snapped, pointing to himself, shooting Izuku a disgusted look. “You’re seriously asking that?”
“You just appeared in my house!” Izuku protested, “I think it’s a reasonable question!”
“Fucking look at me,” the man - or was he a boy? It was hard to tell, Izuku realized with a frown - gestured to himself. He was clothed in baggy shorts and a tank top. He looked like a kid who wore what was comfortable and still looked good wearing it, but that probably wasn’t what he’d meant for Izuku to notice when he’d said it. 
“What am I looking for?” Izuku asked, beginning to feel like he was on trial in his own bedroom.
“I -” the young man - kid - boy - whatever - glanced down at himself and did a double-take. “Oh, what the fuck?” he snapped, looked back up at Izuku, down at himself, and sighed, flopping on Izuku’s bed. “This just got complicated.”
“What do you mean?” Izuku asked, glad to be feeling less threatened but instead finding himself 100% more confused. 
“Here’s the thing,” the kid sat up, his scarlet eyes fixing on Izuku as he ran a hand through pale blond spikes. “I’m a god.”
Normally, when Katsuki appeared to a supplicant, they fell down on their face and got real chummy. Not this moron. Oh no, he was too busy fixing Katsuki with a concerned look. 
“Right…” the boy said, carefully fumbling on his desk for his phone. “Is there someone I can call for you? Do you have a family?”
Katsuki shut his eyes briefly to resist the urge to light the room on fire. “No, I’m here for you. Because you called me.” And because he’d fucked up, but he wasn’t going to be telling this green kid that, because it would seriously damage his reputation as a powerful god, and Katsuki was not about that shit. 
Green-haired kid narrowed his equally green eyes. “I didn’t call anyone, I can prove it, let me open my call log.”
“Not like that,” Katsuki snapped, standing once more so that he could gesture more dramatically. It felt good to gesture. He hadn’t appeared to a mortal for some time, he’d forgotten how fun it was to gesture at them. “You prayed. Here I am. Answering your prayer.” He struck a pose.
The green kid blinked. “I’m confused.”
He sure as hell seemed to be confused. Most people these days were, since they seemed to forget so easily that their prayers were going somewhere. Half the time Katsuki suspected that people prayed just to hear themselves talk, not because they actually expected divine intervention. Which was bullshit. Because the gods were fucking busy, and didn’t deserve to get a bunch of bullshit calls from people who didn’t have the faith and conviction to really appreciate the work that went into answering their prayers. That was one reason why appearing to a petitioner felt so satisfying - giving that hard evidence of work in the spirit world so that they had to give credit where credit was due. 
“Did you, or did you not, visit a temple literally yesterday?” Katsuki reminded him.
“But that’s because my mom wanted to finish her pilgrimage,” the green kid protested, “I just… prayed because… she said to…”
Katsuki watched the understanding dawn slowly across the dumb kid’s face.
“Wait. So you came because I prayed at the temple yesterday?”
“Hell yeah I did!” and because he’d been fucking forced to come because of some paperwork bullshit, but the kid didn’t need to know that. “So I’m here to help you achieve your dream.”
“...oh,” the kid said slowly, “Well, I mean, what I need most is models. Can you, um. Hire fashion models for me?”
Katsuki blinked. “I’m sorry, you prayed for fashion models?” 
Green kid blinked back at him. “I thought you were here to answer my prayer. How do you not know what I asked for?”
Because he hadn’t been paying attention to it. And because he hadn’t thought it would matter, yesterday, when he’d been collecting the prayers from the temple. Turns out it had mattered. A lot. “I just thought you were aiming small because your faith was weak. But you could just ask to, you know, win the contest. I can do that.”
Green kid shook his head, unruly hair flying. “That’s not fair, I want to win because I deserve it, not because I got some god to do it for me.”
Katsuki wanted to point out that he was rather simplifying a complex process and since basically everything happened due to some deity’s influence, what did it really matter which deity was doing the influencing? But he also didn’t want to bother explaining that. So instead he just sighed. “So what do you want?”
“I told you,” Green kid said, “I want models to wear the clothes in my fashion line.”
“I can do that,” Katsuki said. He’d have the models ready for this kid quick as could be, and then he’d be back in the heavenly realms and free of this detail-oriented bullshit for another decade. Simple.
He should have known better. Nothing was ever that easy.
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feb. 15th
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki is forever alone and blames Deku
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Song: https://youtu.be/vyAH9fHb5FY
Warnings: Angst/Heavy Feels. And a bit of descriptive violence, so be cautious.
First ever story posted. Please let me know if you want more. 
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The butterflies in my stomach have died Now there's lowly caterpillars that are waiting for the night to strike And they've been dying to escape The pit of my stomach's a real dark fuckin' place
He was doing it again.
Staring directly at the back of your head. The class had slowly trudged into the last twenty minutes and the studious etiquette had already been dropped. Students bunched together in small groups to chat, sitting on top of desks, loudly talking, or discussing plans. He noticed how that Deku and his friends seemed to congregate to you, circling your desk as you smiled along to whatever Round Face was spewing. He watched as you pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth to suppress your wide smile.
He frowned deeper. Just who the fuck did you think you were? Having that big and nice of a smile just to try and hide it? He never understood and had deemed the action to be asinine and vexing.
Bakugou watched as you chatted away, your hands occasionally being thrown around for emphasizes as you all spoke over each other. Whatever had been said must’ve been fucking hilarious because the next thing Bakugou knew, your laugh had erupted and his heart stalled and sputtered.
Your laugh. Its warmth and liveliness seemed to stir his insides, making his stomach flutter and knot. He could feel the heat begin to crawl up his neck and nip at his ears. He swallowed thickly, discovering just how dry his throat was. Deciding that he was tired of feeling like some damn lovesick dog he turns back to his own desk, his own group of friends surrounding him. However, he hadn’t expected to look and find eyes staring at him so intently.
“What the fuck are you fuckers lookin’ at?” Scowl present and brows furrowed, he hoped to scare them back to their own devices. Instead, the complete opposite is what happened.
Smiles. Big, cocky, sardonic smiles.
“Well Bakugou, I gotta say. You’ve been real interested in (Y/N). What do you guys think?” Kaminari taunted, smirking in Bakugou’s direction while nudging Sero to egg on the explosive boy. And he did just that. Leaning forward, Sero’s smile never faltered, in fact, it only seemed to have gotten more wide and smug.
“Yea, I think so too,” Sero tossed his head in your direction. “You’ve been staring for, like, an hour dude. Just admit it.” Bakugou could feel the embarrassment balloon in his chest and he had fought back the blush that so desperately wanted to rise. He hadn’t noticed his friends watching him, shit, now they were gonna make jokes.
Bakugou swallows his nerves and extinguished the heat that seemed to claw up his belly and his chest. He sneered at his friends, splitting his glare among the four of them. “Fuck you, Shithead. I don’t have shit to admit,” Bakugou stands, making sure to scratch his seat loudly against the floor for punctuation, catching a certain pair of (E/C) eyes in the process. He tosses his bag over his shoulder with ease just as the bell rang and his peers began to file out. “Now leave me the hell alone.”
My new friends are starting to know Why my old ones don't talk to me anymore My ex knows why my last one's my last one Hey, guess why It's 'cause my fuckin' actions
Bakugou chest heaved and fell with heavy breaths, fingers curling in on themselves till his knuckles turned white. Sweat spilled off of him but his glare never faltered. His veins ran hot and he could taste the blood that swished in his mouth, he licks his teeth clean and spits out the bloody glob in the green haired boy’s direction.
Their training had fallen into a lull, both boys using this time to reevaluate their next moves while resting their battered bodies. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Bakugou had noticed Deku’s eyes briefly dart to the stands. Class 1-A watched with either pure awe or unmasked worrisome, but Bakugou had followed Midoriya’s eyes and didn’t like what he saw. You both had shared a look, one he couldn’t quite chart, but he could make out the small sparkle of assurance.
Your eyes told him your support. They told him that you believed in him, and as Bakugou whipped his head back to Deku, he could see the small smile crawl up his face. His eyes seemed to only sparkle to you in a reply.
That pissed him off.
His whole body shook with anger and his breathing labored. Without so much as a second thought, Bakugou dug his shoes into the ground and threw his hands behind him, shooting off with a deafening explosion. Midoriya had no time to react as Bakugou slammed into him, successfully knocking the wind out of his chest. The smoke began to clear and Bakugou had stood over Midoriya, his knee digging into his chest, scowl present and deep. Bakugou watched as Deku try to push his knee off of him, boring his nails into the fabric of his uniform. But to no avail, Bakugou ground deeper into him till he heard him cough and wheeze, his breathing coming out in strangled gasps.
This is what you wanted? A weak piece of shit? Bakugou grabbed Midoriya’s neck with his left hand and cocked back his right far before slamming his fist hard into Midoriya’s cheek. The boy’s head snapped to the left sharply on impact. He glowered.
Pathetic. Punch
Useless! Punch
Fucking worthless! CRUNCH
Bakugou went for another punch but found his arm fighting against him. It wasn’t until his arm was wrapped up from palm to elbow had he noticed Aizawa had intervened, his eyes harsh and red. Bakugou was yanked away from the bleeding boy just as Recovery Girl quickly shuffled her way onto the scene. The blonde’s breathing was ragged and his fist hurt but his eyes went searching towards the stands until they landed on you, and his breathing only seemed to have gotten harder.
Your eyes. They looked so wide and afraid. Your entire face resembled that of a person in a horror movie, you had just seen something so horrifying that you were frozen with fear. You both lock eyes for a moment, and for the first time, Bakugou wishes to disappear, to not have your attention. But there he sat, fist covered in his ex-friend’s blood and staring you down.
I'm gonna be alone forever I'm gonna be alone forever But I'm getting used to the thought Except late at night, so maybe I'm not I'm gonna be alone forever I'm gonna be alone forever But I'm getting used to the thought Except-
It had been about a month since his little incident with Deku and Bakugou had noticed just how chummy you two were. It had been at lunch today when Bakugou had found out through his chatty friends that you and Deku had started dating. When his friends continued to talk about the two of you being a cute couple, he got up and left. You had been avoiding him like the plague, you no longer ate at his table, or sat next to him in English, or even walk past him in the hall. But today, today your guard was down and he had seen you at the water fountain, he froze.
You were still as beautiful as ever, your hand held back your (H/C) locks while your lips kissed at the water. For a second he is envious of the fountain. His eyes lingered on your lips longer than they should and his prolonged staring had caught the corner of your eye, you stood straight and faced him, glare present. He fought the embarrassing blush that warmed his ears and steeled his nerves. He looked past you and kept walking, but not before forcibly bumping his shoulder into yours. He kissed at his teeth and spoke with fake malice.
“Get the fuck outta my way, you extra.”
That night sleep eluded him and the darkness brought no kind of comfort. He tossed and turned, tucked and untucked his blanket but nothing could fix this. Sighing and accepting defeat, Bakugou laid flat on his back and stared up at the ceiling. You crept into his blank thoughts and he could only think about the interaction you shared today. He called you an extra and you hated him. He bumped into you and you hated him. He loved you and you hated him.
He didn’t know when the tears started, but they were hot and they stung. He hiccuped and sobbed into downy pillows to muffle the cry. He loved you. . .
And you hated him.
She went to Columbia and I went to jail I just wanted another apple when she really wanted Yale And that is the problem where all of this lies I'm emotionally unstable—crazy fuckin' guy! Who's-
Six years had past and Bakugou had found the hero lifestyle to be rather lonely. Many of his friends had settled into relationships and seemed to be happy with their lives, and he was happy for them, don’t get him wrong. But he wanted that happiness, he wanted that love, he wanted you. Recently, he had heard that you and Deku were engaged and emigrating to North America and as much as he wanted to deny this, the proof stared back at him. In his hands was the invitation to your wedding. The crisp letter written in curly words only seemed to mock him while he read.
‘You are cordially invited to the marriage ceremony of Midoriya Izuku and (L/N) (F/N). Come join us in uniting these two souls into one.’ Bakugou scoffed and crumpled the paper under his large hands. He wasn’t going to torture himself by showing up to your wedding and seeing you marry his rival. In all honesty, Bakugou he had no clue why he even got an invitation in the first place. It was probably that Deku’s idea, probably trying to show off the woman of his dreams and rub it in his face.
Bakugou's actions had came to a complete stop. As that thought festered over in his mind, it all seemed to become more clear to him. His fists clenched at his sides and his jaw tensed shut. That was it, this was just a way for Deku to brag, to show him that he’s won. His blood boiled in his veins and his vision began to blur. He was just going to invite him over to watch as the woman that he loved be taken away from him, just so that Deku could show him just how much better he was than him!
The sound of ceramic glass shattering had pulled him momentarily out of his blind rage, he hadn’t even noticed grabbing the vase from its place on the table. His breathing - that had sounded heavy and angry all at once - was the only sound that resonated through his empty home. Soon after, his heavy breathing was followed by the sounds of shattering glass and splintering wood. He broke whatever he could get his hands on and whatever didn’t move, he blew up. His throat was raw from the screaming and his eyes burned from the tears as he continued his tantrum, demolishing everything.
I'm gonna be alone forever I'm gonna be alone forever But I'm getting used to the thought And in a couple years, I fuckin' hope that this stops
Bakugou sat in the remains of what was once his sleek and modern living room, surrounded by bits of broken coffee table and fragments of large portraits. Pieces of glass stuck out in awkward angles in his hands and the blood trickled slowly down his fingers, but he didn't care. Finally, he lets the tears flow freely and the choked out cries fall from his mouth with no resistance. He was broken, a broken man who was in love with someone he couldn’t have. He wanted so badly to let these feelings go, to forget you and all the heartache that came with you, but he was scared. All that he knew was you, how was he suppose to learn to love someone else when you were all he wanted to know?
                                                                                                                                 I really hope that you guys like it. You can read it on my AO3!
Also, don’t be afraid to send in requests for headcanons/Imagines! It’ll give me something to do. 
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Don’t break me again
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 4,143
Warnings?: Swearing?
This is a piece for @moonstruckhargrove‘s Valentine’s Day Challenge
Tags under the cut
Valentine’s Day sucked ass.
And chocolate wasn’t on sale till tomorrow.
But you would be damned if you didn’t get any.
The one good part of adult life was that the holiday wasn’t shoved down your throat anymore. You might have liked the holiday in elementary school, when teachers made a big deal about making everyone a valentine and someone’s mom made cupcakes with pink icing, but once middle school hit and kids started being weird about crushes and the holiday, all bets were off. Middle school candy grams were a popularity nightmare-if you didn’t get one, you were a loser who nobody liked. You cried in the bathroom at lunch when nobody bought you one. When the creepy kid from your debate team bought you one the next year, you didn’t hear the end of it till junior year of high school. You watched every ‘couple’ from seventh grade on make a massive deal of the holiday-flowers and chocolates and paper hearts taped to locker doors and teddy bears dragged through classrooms and abandoned in the cafeteria or parking lot or the bleachers in the gym. You watched them lay waste to the holiday every year.
It wasn’t until senior year that you even had a reason to celebrate the holiday.
Billy Hargrove arrived in a cloud of smoke, dressed like a low rent Billy Idol and sneering like he could still smell the cow shit from the farms on the out skirts of town; hell, he probably could, you were very accustomed the stench of Hawkins. He was angry and bitter and desperate to rule the school. And you were just intriguing enough to him, with your matching sneer and Madonna style-you looked like the groupie he wanted to take home with him, and you were more than willing.
You got together quick and, to the shock of all, stayed together. That Valentine’s day, you had someone to celebrate with. But Billy didn’t do mushy holidays. You were fine with this, you didn’t need flowers that would die or stuffed animals to give to GoodWill when you broke up. You were completely content with being pushed up against a locker and kissed until you couldn’t see straight. That was good enough. And, for awhile, it made you stronger-while other couples frittered away and hated each other, you and Billy made it through till graduation.
You moved to California with him, finding not the endless beaches of Los Angeles but the northern, suburban, dull Sacramento. You found his bad boy attitude to be a façade, his grandparents’ house filled with photos of their golden, smiley grandson, their only grandchild, passing milestones like kindergarten graduation and swim lessons and losing his first tooth. He was a dork who was obsessed with Orson Scott Card and Stephen King and watching Dynasty with his grandmother. He was…lost back in his old world. He didn’t exactly fit into it anymore; his friends had moved on, the girls were more interested in the older college boys than Billy, the fun things he used to do just weren’t fun anymore. Instead of finding new things and new friends, he fell into a funk. He didn’t have a job and so he spent his days watching TV and eating junk food.
Meanwhile, you tried your best to enjoy yourself. While this wasn’t the life Billy had lovingly described to you, it was different. It wasn’t lonely, but it was awkward. You worked at the Macy’s makeup counter, selling Clinique to busy moms and teaching preteen girls to  recreate looks from magazines, selling them cheap lip gloss to appease your disgruntled boss. They were sweet girls, just looking for a shot at being noticed at their schools by anyone and you knew the feeling well enough to find the time to teach them how to blend their eye shadow and blush out. It certainly killed dull weekdays when the mall was mostly empty save for kids wandering around and shoplifting magazines and candy bars.
You continued the job when you started at the community college, studying history and selling semi-expensive makeup to moms on the weekends and after school. Billy, meanwhile, promised to get his acted together and, for the most part, he stayed true to his word. He got a job at a hardware store and got you and he out of his grandparents’ house and into a crappy one bedroom apartment, its only selling point was that it was fifteen minutes away from Billy’s job. He worked full time and often took side jobs fixing lawn mowers and bicycles around the neighbourhood out of your storage space. It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing and you often missed each other-when Billy was coming in from work, you were heading out for your evening shift and when you were home, Billy was either at work or in the back of the building, getting coated in gritty grease and oil that stain his clothes and made his hair stink. You only ever seemed to see each other at the end of the night, when you were both too tired to do anything at all.
You were very lonely.
Sure, you had some friends at school and a couple of your coworkers were chummy, but you weren’t close with them. You didn’t hang out outside of school or work with them and Billy’s friends weren’t exactly inviting you along on their poker nights. You spent a lot of nights alone, pouring over your textbooks with the TV on in the background so you didn’t feel completely alone. Billy was your best friend, but he wasn’t exactly around. As you fell into the hum of school and work schedules, Billy fell into his own personal bout of loneliness.
That’s when he met Amber. That’s when he forgot you.
You knew he was cheating in the corner of your mind, but you held out hope that it would pass once you got on winter break. You had a wonderful Christmas with his grandparents, only to be spoiled by a rough call from his father. You got him a watch, monogrammed with his initials, knowing he’d lost his last one to a slippery fingered co-worker. He got you a wrench. In his defence, it was useful, but it certainly wasn’t what you wanted.
After Christmas, Billy fell away again. He was distant, out of the house just as fast as he came in, out with friends all the time and never quite with you when he was around. You craved his attention, to bring him back somehow.
And then, it all came to a head.
You worked that Valentine’s Day, because you and Billy didn’t celebrate anyway and the money would be good for an easy night. You’d painted your face in pretty pink hues and watched the young couples who wandered the mall after school that day with a bittersweet smile. You remembered being like that with Billy just a year prior. It felt silly-you were only nineteen, barely older than them, and yet you were sounding like a disgruntled housewife. You leaned on the counter, watching the clock tick down till you could finally close down the counter for the night and head home. You wanted to head home to your tired boyfriend, sit around on the couch with him, order takeout and relax for the night. It felt like forever since you done that.
But that was at noon. By five, your whole opinion had changed.
You went for your dinner break at four thirty, a small luxury of boring technical holidays where people acted like it was an actual holiday while scrubs like you worked. The only perk of it all was that while couples circulated the mall, they stayed mostly to the Valentine’s themed aisles and the jewellery stores. This gave you ample time to peruse the sale racks of expensive shops, digging around for good deals and having sales clerks mostly ignore you, a welcome thing for you.
You usually wouldn’t find yourself in the expensive lingerie shop on your break-it was full of overpriced bits of strategic lace and mesh in pastels and silks and satins. But, to your surprise and joy, they were having a sale for Valentine’s Day only and, even better-it was actually a decent deal. You went in hoping to get one new decent bra and then maybe look at the silly themed lingerie; if any of the panties were on sale you’d buy them, no amount of hearts would or could ruin a good deal on nice undies.
That’s when you saw him-Billy, mulling the racks of baby doll sets and lace one pieces’ with the eye of a skilled critic, rubbing the material between his fingers and examining the lace and mesh spots carefully. He looked absolutely adorable and you had half a mind to rush him. But two things stopped you, firstly: you didn’t want to ruin his obvious little surprise for you. It was a sweet gesture, if a little misplaced; there was nothing you’d rather wear less than the French cut magenta one piece he’d pulled with the nipples cut out and the rest of the chest covered in lace. It all looked impractical and itchy.
But the main reason you didn’t burst in on his little shopping trip was simply: someone else did it for you. A Playboy playmate jumped on his back, grinning like a fool and pressing long, fast kisses on his neck and cheek. You found yourself dumbfounded-suddenly knockoff Sandy Greenberg was pressing herself into your boyfriend and he was pulling her to his chest and kissing her with all the passion your relationship lacked. You wanted to storm them, to hit him and make a scene and cry and make him feel the way you felt as your heart slowly shattered watching them. The playsuit was for her, of course it was for her; the colour suited her bleach blonde hair and sun tanned skin perfectly. You were a forgotten piece of window dressing.
You should’ve slinked away quietly, it would’ve been so much easier and you could’ve saved the screaming match for inside your apartment. Instead, you bought the damn bra and two pairs of silk panties for the fuck of it; you wouldn’t be paying Billy’s rent anymore, you could buy yourself something new.
Before you could stop yourself, you marched over to the pair, now examining stockings and garter belts. You pulled the last bit of cash from your wallet. “Here,” you snapped, pushing the cash into Billy’s chest. His eyes flicked from your hand to yours, realization dawning on him as to what was happening. “Since I’m already paying for you to screw around with her, let me help with the toys.”
“Y/N…” Billy tried softly, watching you carefully. His little girlfriend was already putting distance between him and herself.
“Save it.” you snapped, rushing out and back to Macy’s to hide away behind a counter. You hoped that Billy would stay out of the apartment when you returned home, but a small part of you hoped that he’d be there with a thousand apologizes that you could refuse or accept at your leisure. But you knew that wouldn’t happen-you’d come home to an empty apartment and maybe a note if you were lucky. You guessed your eyes were red when you returned to your counter, because Mallory, your manager, sent you home with a sneer to ‘not use your break to get stoned’. You didn’t particularly care; you went back to the apartment to handle the mess he’d made.
Billy wasn’t home but his stuff was still there. You packed up your clothes and made your break.
That was the last time you saw him.
San Francisco was much better than Sacramento. Costume design was a more fun degree than Russian history. And working for the San Francisco Ballet was way more fun than you expected it to be.
The ballet had run a production of Romeo and Juliet for the month of February, meaning you’d spent all of January switching between quick fixes on costumes for the end of the Nutcracker run for Christmas and making dozens of muted pastel dresses for the choral girls. You weren’t the head designer, you weren’t even the head of a design group, you were simply a seamstress for the company, building tutus and skinny little dresses. In fact, your only job of real importance was the slightly awful job of helping the trope’s Prima Ballerina, Henrietta McCoy, break in and then fix her Pointe shoes. How you had gotten this role, only God knew, but you guessed you fixed a hole once and she’d had such a good performance that she insisted on you doing it from then on.
Valentine’s Day was a big performance night-it wasn’t the first performance of the run but it was the most packed. You had finished your alterations and fixes that afternoon and it was not your shift to help with changes. It was your first free night in weeks and you intended to spend it in your pyjamas on your couch with a movie and some overpriced chocolate. But to achieve this you would have to go out to get it.
Usually, you’d till the day after Valentine’s Day to buy chocolate; it always tasted better on sale and you could pick your poison guilt free. Sure, you could’ve spent your night out on the town with Cooper from the company, but you’d rather be on your own on your couch than out at some restaurant with Cooper listening to him drone on about how he was this close to making the lead male dancer for Swan Lake next Christmas.
You made your way into the cooler February night; you only lived a block away from a BlockBuster and a grocery but you still drove, not wanting to risk anything in the dark. There wasn’t going to be anything good left at BlockBuster anyway, so you went in search of chocolate first.
The store was mostly empty, save for the usually struggling husbands and boyfriends who’d forgotten the holiday. You smiled politely at their buffoonery as you passed them, heading for the more expensive chocolate.
And now…the biggest decision of the night: assorted dark or milk chocolate? Were you pretending to be healthy or admitting to your fat assery?
“Since when are you into this mushy shit?”
The voice made you stop dead in your tracks.
You didn’t turn around; if you didn’t turn around he wasn’t there. You tried to hide the shock from your voice as you answered it. “Since…Since when are you in San Francisco?”
“Just passin’ through…You look good, Y/N.”
“I know.” You chose the dark and you almost went for the smaller box.
“You’re not even gonna look at me, are you?” you could hear the confidence waver in his voice. You heaved a sigh and turned around.
The mullet was gone, a definite improvement. He looked different though-bulkier maybe. He looked less like a chiselled god and more…human; still strong, but less toned and tan. His blue eyes still shone with mischief, but there was something else there too. They were less glassy and clearer; less filled with trauma and more focused. His eyes didn’t train your body the way they used to with every girl; they stayed right on your face, in search of something.
“Hi Billy…” you said tightly, crossing your arms over your chest, plastic basket handles digging into the crook of your elbow.
“Ouch, guess I look like shit now, eh?” he joked, though it fell flat.
“You look…different.”
“No…more mature maybe, but not bad. Just…different.”
Billy hummed, shuffling on the linoleum. “I…I really don’t know what to do with that. Let’s try again: so, what’re you doing tonight? Hot date?”
“Nah, I’m enjoying a much needed night off.” You smirked softly, your mind drifting to pyjamas and movies and the end of this conversation.
“Oh yeah? Work a lot of nights now?”
“Work around the clock now. No rest for the wicked I suppose.” You turned down the aisle, contemplating wine to go with your chocolate. You had a feeling Billy would follow, but you weren’t exactly pleased about it.
“I didn’t think history teachers worked around the clock.” Billy mused.
“I wouldn’t know, I’m not a history teacher.” Billy hummed curiously and you stole a glance behind you, not able to stop the grin that formed on your face as you watch him try to think of other jobs that could be related to history.
“I’m a costumer for the San Francisco Ballet. I spend all my free time starching tulle and making tutus.” You explained, pulling a bottle of red off the shelf, a half decent bottle you’d tried before and didn’t hate.
“I thought you were going to be a history teacher? Like Ms. Barney or whatever…”
He remembered. Curiouser and curiouser…
“Do you remember how shitty we treated our teachers in high school? Why the hell would I submit myself to that? Besides, I was trying to be Russian history major, that’s not exactly hireable. So, I changed to a fashion design major and got a damn degree.”
“I didn’t think you were much of a seamstress; you couldn’t even fix the hole you made in our old couch.” Billy chuckled cruelly and scowled up at him. He was such a douche.
“Okay, one; you made that hole wrestling with Justin high off your asses. And two; I DID sew it back up, and I took the weird jizz stain out of it, but you ripped it again. You stuck your foot right threw it and got stuck.” You snapped bitterly. Billy’s smirk faltered and he crossed him arms over his chest awkwardly.
“I was just kidding…” he muttered. You rolled your eyes, turning back to the shelves and pretending to examine a bottle of rosè.
“I was just…I didn’t know you were into sewing.”
You frowned, raising an eyebrow curiously, turning slowly to face him again. “I pretty much made or refashioned my whole wardrobe in high school…did you not know that?” you asked.
Billy shook his head and, for once, you believed him.
“Well, I did. And I forgot that I liked it so much so, when we…broke up, I reconsidered my life and changed my program. Stuck around in Sacramento for a little while, but once I was done I got the hell out.” You explained, turning and heading towards the cash registers, choosing the smiley girl, twenty at the oldest. You slightly hoped that he’d be more than a bit distracted by her flirty smile bubble gum bubbles.
“You know…we didn’t actually break up…” Billy whispered in your ear as you piled your purchases on the conveyor belt. You pulled away from Billy, his hot breath on your ear wet and all too familiar. He was too close for comfort and too easy to slip back into. Billy hadn’t changed, not really- he was still the giant flirty asshole he was before. Sure, he might have had a change of heart, but his attitude was the same.
“I’m pretty sure me catching you with your side chick buying lingerie was enough of a hint that you didn’t want to be with me anymore. I don’t stay where I’m not wanted.” You explained, smiling politely at the cashier, whose eyes were taking a stroll down Billy’s muscle bound body. You pulled out your wallet and your debit card, flashing it to the girl, who plugged in the payment type into the computer.
“I never said I didn’t want to be with you, Y/N.” Billy said bluntly. You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you swiped your card and plugged in your code.
“Oh of course, you liked that I was paying bills and cleaning up after you.” You muttered, bitterly, grabbing the plastic bag from the girl, who waved Billy goodbye, eyes fluttering softly.
You were more than ready to leave. You’d honestly just wanted to go home, it didn’t matter that you didn’t get a movie, you just wanted to hide behind a locked door until Billy left town again. You rushed into the parking lot, leaving Billy in the dust. Because, at the end of the day, Billy was your first love and you still carried him a piece of your heart. And Billy wanted that piece back, that was clear, and you were nowhere near interested in giving it back.
But Billy didn’t exactly want to see you go just yet. And he wasn’t there for the piece, he was there for the whole heart.
Billy knew he’d fucked up the second he saw you in the mall. He realized how much he’d fucked up instantly. Erika, that was the other woman’s name, was the type of girl he went after before you. It was in a moment of desperation, of boredom and loneliness and dissatisfaction with his life. And she was exciting and new and shrill and phony and self-centred. She was a decent lay and should’ve stayed a one night stand. But, because she was interested and he was bored, he kept going back. He got caught up in the excitement of a new relationship. He didn’t realize how shit he was until he got caught.
And he regretted it so much. Because you deserved better, you deserved the best man he could be and that wasn’t him. All he wanted to do was apologize, to beg for forgiveness, but when he returned that night, practically chasing what he thought was your car, abandoning Erika without a second thought. He swore you were done at four; he would catch you before you left. But you left early and he came home to an empty apartment, your things gone, and no note to give him any clues to where you went. He’d taken all this time to find you again. He wouldn’t have guessed San Francisco.
And now you were leaving again and his chance was slipping away. If you rejected him now, he wouldn’t come looking again. He’d gotten lucky that Tina of all people knew where you had moved, that luck wasn’t coming back. And besides, he knew that his search was more than a little creepy; he really didn’t want to be creepy.
He reached out for you, grabbing your arm and pulling you back. You ripped your arm out of his grasp, but you didn’t turn your back to him, you stared him down.
“Come to dinner with me.” He grinned cockily, shoving his hands in her pockets casually.
You barked out a laugh in utter disbelief “No way in hell!”
“Why not?” Billy chuckled.
“You broke my heart, remember? I caught you with your other girlfriend on Valentine’s day.” You snapped.
“You’re never gonna let that go are you?” Billy said. You scoffed, turning to walk away. This time, Billy let you. He’d fucked up, again. This was not was he was here for
“I’m sorry.” He called after you.
You turned back slowly “What?”
Billy took a deep breath “I’m sorry, Y/N, I fucked up back then and I was unhappy and I made a mistake. I’m sorry I hurt you so much.” He said.
You were stunned; this was not what you were expecting. You nodded dumbly “It’s…its okay, Bill. I wasn’t as happy as I thought I was then.”
Billy stepped closer to you “I want to make it up to you, I wanna fix us.”
“I don’t think we can be fixed, Bill. I think we’re done.” You sighed bitterly, crossing your arms once more.
“I just…I lost you and it made me realize how much I care about you. And not just as like a girlfriend, I think you might have been my best friend.” This earned a small, genuine laugh from you that filled Billy’s whole body with the warmth of a summer day. He pressed on “And when you were gone, I realized how much I needed you. How much I need you. So please, let me try to fix this. I just want you in my life again, I don’t care in what way.”
You stayed silent for a moment, letting his words settle in your mind. You missed him too, you couldn’t deny that any longer. Your eyes fluttered shut as you breathed out a sigh.”Just…just don’t break me again, okay? I can’t bear it.” you whispered.
Billy nodded frantically “I won’t, I can’t I-I would never let that happen again.”
You nodded, more to yourself than him “If you want to hang out, I was gonna rent a movie.” You peaked at him, watching the genuine grin break out on his face. “But nothing scary! You know I don’t like horror movies!”
Billy chuckled “You liked Carrie!” he tried. You smiled much to his relief, smacking his shoulder slightly as you headed for the Blockbuster, just a few shops down.
“Don’t push it, Hargrove.” you said, grinning up at him.
“I won’t.”
Permanent Tag: @moonstruckhargrove @hargrovesgoldilocks @casaharrington @itstartswithhelloo @thechickvic @alex-awesome-22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hipsmcgee
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