#slow horses s1e5
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lovetgr76 · 6 months ago
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Jackson Lamb and / or Catherine Standish caught smiling...
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crazyaboutto · 4 months ago
More of Saladriel and Sauron comedy asdfgh
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
When Galadriel is imprisoned like him and he is enjoying it so much:
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Pretty sure he was thinking this is the greatest prank:
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Of course there is comparing your situationship to a horse
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He is also having the best time while manipulating others while Galadriel solos the guards:
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Sauron can be comedian too, other than a pickpocket. Who knew he had such humour. Sauron being a sassy is so funny
He’s also manipulating Galadriel softkey. He also needs to get out and knows she’ll take him with her so he pushes her to the point she’ll use her resource to get out of the jail. He doesn’t even directly say anything. He makes her find out by herself.
Imo he is truly enjoying messing with her, joking around and all
Then there is s1e5 moments where he is impressed to be played by her:
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And of course their chat in the forge that cracked me up:
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"Not you, yourself" lmao
He acts bratty here but I'm 88% sure he found it hilarious. If there was laughing track, we'd surely hear it here. Sauron looking at the camera and giving a pointed look would be hilarious sdfghj
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Finally, his dramatic shot - as if he wasn't going to accept the offer. Such brat
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I must add Galadriel is as dramatic as he is. In this shot, everyone turned their heads in normal speed but Galadriel was walking as if she's in slow mo
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orthoceras · 2 months ago
tagged by @malcolm-f-tucker (ty!!)
Last song: Black-Out - Incontrollabili Serpenti
Favourite colour: wine red and very dark green
Last book: Marnie by Winston Graham (liked most of the way through, end was a bit disappointing - still planning to watch the opera though)
Last movie: Conclave (interesting with beautiful cinematography, but somehow felt like it dragged a lot to me)
Last show: Slow Horses (currently on S1E5 - enjoying a lot so far!)
Sweet/spicy/savoury: definitely savory! my spice tolerance isn't super high, and while I like sweet food I usually get more excited about making/eating savory food
Relationship status: Catullus 51
Last thing I googled: "how to make graph with error bars excel" (slightly ashamed about this one)
Current obsession: opera in general but currently shaking Don Giovanni and La forza del destino around in a jar in my mind
Looking forward to: getting a proper night of sleep, making mulled wine, and (knock on wood) going to a Met performance for the very first time!
tagging @gaylentine, @shredsandpatches, @egirlgarak, @xserpx, @josephpaine, @such-a-fellow, and any other mutuals or followers who want to do it!
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vfdarkness · 5 years ago
AVFD S1E5 - Another Time, Another Place
On the morning of October 31st, 1978 - four-hundred and eight people woke up in the small, Northern California town of Palomar.
At dusk, parents and children throughout the community engaged in Halloween activities - trick-or-treating, passing out candy, attending costume parties.
By the end of that autumn night only nine people would be left alive.
Every other soul in Palomar was gone. Left in their places, jack-o-lanterns with detailed carvings of the missing.
[Intro Music Fades in]
This is A Voice From Darkness.
[Intro Music plays, fades out]
Hello, this is Dr. Malcolm Ryder, parapsychologist. Normally I’d be in the studio taking your calls to help you with your supernatural problems. But not tonight.
Tonight I’m in Palomar, California. Tonight I’m going to tell you the tale of the worst case of the jack-o-lantern murders in American history. What happened in Palomar stands alone - not only in the quantity of people affected but also in a few details that do not occur in any other case.
Palomar is situated roughly 30 minutes South on the highway from Six Rivers National Park. Like many towns in this region, Palomar owes its origins to the Gold Rush. The town never grew large - at its height in the early 20th century it’s population boasted a mere 900-some residents. But unlike other Gold Rush communities, it never transformed into a ghost town. At least not until after Halloween night of ‘78. 
The town exists today, though merely as a museum. A place to honor all those lost that tragic night. Throughout the town - year round - jack-o-lanterns carved to resemble the missing are placed where they were found on November 1st.
I spent the better part of today traversing the town, taking in the pumpkins - learning their stories... honoring the dead. We’re recording this broadcast from Palomar’s former AM radio station. And so we’ll start our story here.
Just after 7:00pm on Halloween night the Monster Mash played. The DJ, a man named James Essig, stopped the song midway through the second chorus. He delivered the following message:
“The station’s been given an emergency warning - stay away from Emerson street. Do not take your children trick-or-treating there. We don’t know what’s happened at this time. We’ll keep you up to date as we learn more.”
Essig then played the Monster Mash again - starting the song over from the beginning. 
Twenty-some minutes passed.
Essig interrupted another song. He gave the following message:
“If you’re hearing this - stay out of the east side of town - anywhere east of Lansig Street is what we’re being told. Evacuate if possible. Otherwise barricade yourselves and your family in your homes. We still haven’t been given any information about what’s happening… though it appears to be spreading.”
Across town, on Banker Ave - two streets away from Lansig, twelve-year-old Sarah Glenwald and her friends were trick or treating. She gave the following account to authorities: 
“I was dressed as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. My best friend Jenna was Glinda the Good Witch, and another friend of ours, Becky, was The Wicked Witch of the West. We made my little brother Nick dress up as a flying monkey and come with us. He wanted to go as Batman, and complained the whole night - about how itchy and warm his costume was. About how Batman could beat up all the witches - we just ignored him.
“After we got candy from the Mitchell’s house, we heard sirens. Police cars were at the far end of the street yelling at us to run to them. We had no idea what was going on. But there were jack-o-lanterns all over the street. They hadn’t been there when we approached The Mitchell’s. I think Jenna realized what was happening before I did. Under her breath she kept saying, “No, no, no… Not this…” Her grandparents - four years before - had been taken by the jack-o-lantern murderer.
“Jenna and Becky sprinted towards the police officers. I turned around to grab hold of Nick. But he wasn’t there. I called out for him. Screamed. But he didn’t reply. Down the street - back towards the Mitchell’s - there was a carved pumpkin in the middle of the street. Next to it was a pillowcase with candy spilling out. Nick’s pillowcase. The jack-o-lantern was lit. People say that the jack-o-lantern murderer carves the likeness of his victims into pumpkins. But that’s not right. If you ever saw one up close and lit - you’d know. There’s too much detail. It wasn’t an artistic rendering of Nick etched into the pumpkin. It was more like he’d been stolen out of a moment of time - and a snapshot of him was left across the pumpkin’s surface.
“I grabbed Nick’s pumpkin. When I turned back around, Jenna and Becky were no longer there. Neither were the police. There were only jack-o-lanterns up and down the block. I walked past them all - saw all their faces - Jenna’s, Becky’s, - others I recognized - my friends and neighbors. The street was silent except for the small sound of candles flickering in dozens of pumpkins.”
Sarah wandered the jack-o-lantern filled streets until she arrived back at her home. Her parents missing. Pumpkins left in their place - the candles still burning.
After midnight, on November first a horse galloped down her street. There was a knock on the front door. Three slow rasps that shook her house. She was still in the kitchen with her family of jack-o-lanterns. She did not get up - terrified to leave them. The front door creaked open and heavy footsteps came toward her.
A tall, thin man - without any hair on him - dressed in a black suit entered the kitchen. He and Sarah looked at one another for a moment. Sarah asked him who he was. He did not answer. But he stepped forward. She flinched and closed her eyes. One by one he opened the tops of the pumpkins and blew their candles out. She did not open her eyes again - fearing the worst. A deep voice whispered in her ear:
“Another time. Another place.”
Her eyes didn’t open until she heard the horse galloping away.
Back at the radio station just after 1am on November 1st, Essig played no music. He allowed dead-air to fill the radio waves. Occasionally he interrupted the silence with his pleas. The last message he gave to his phantom listeners was the following:
“I can no longer reach the police station. No one is answering there or anywhere else. I’ve called my wife... She’s not picking up. Please. Please... If anyone else is left in Palomar, call into the radio station. All lines are open. Please let me know I’m not the only one.”
But no one called in. There were only eight other survivors in Palomar, and none were tuned into Essig’s show. And so he abandoned the station.
He drove slowly through the small town’s streets. At the intersection of Main and Church there were multiple car crashes. In every vehicle -  jack-o-lanterns.
A large grey stallion stood in the middle of the road. Nearby a giant of a man dressed all in grey. The grey giant approached Essig’s car, gesturing for him to roll down his window, then told him:
“Another time, another place.”
He then disappeared on his horse.
All nine survivors claimed to encounter a tall man dressed monochromatically. Always with a horse. Always stating the same phrase:
“Another time, another place.”
Seven of the nine survivors are now presumed dead. Over the intervening years, each has disappeared. Jack-o-lanterns that resemble them have been found at all their last known locations.
Sarah Glenwald and James Essig are the only two remaining survivors of Palomar. Their current whereabouts are currently unknown - though it’s widely believed both were placed in some form of witness protection.
In all cases of the Jack-o-Lantern Murders, Palomar stands alone in multiple respects. No other instance saw the same quantity of disappearances. Thirteen people disappeared and were replaced by jack-o-lanterns at a Colorado cabin in 1947. That’s the second highest number of disappearances to date.
And in no other case have there been survivors who’ve encountered strange giant men who travel by horse and give cryptic, threatening messages. In no other instance of the jack-o-lantern murders have there been any survivors - period.
Several conspiracy theories have risen out of Palomar - that it wasn’t a true case of the jack-o-lantern murders - but a government experiment gone wrong. That aliens abducted most of the town. That the giants were the horsemen of the apocalypse and they began the rapture that very night - and whenever James Essig and Sarah Glenwald disappear from the earth, the end of days shall commence.
Personally, I believe whatever happened in Palomar was a case of the jack-o-lantern murders - plain and simple. That whatever causes these disappearances is stranger and more powerful than we’ve given credit. But perhaps I’m wrong and the end of the world is nigh.
With those thoughts, I believe we’ll end our show for the evening.
The next time you hear from me, I’ll be back in our Chicago studio - ready to take your calls. However, that will not be soon. A number of you who’ve called into the show or left voicemails need my help. I’ll be traveling the country over the next month aiding a few callers with special problems. That said - Amanda, if you’re listening - please call. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Please tell me you’ve taken my advice and haven’t approached The Traveling Salesman. That you haven’t opened the door.
Until next time… this has been A Voice From Darkness.
[Outro Music]
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lovetgr76 · 6 months ago
Catherine x Jackson
S1e5 Fiasco
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When we catch up with Lamb and Standish at the beginning of this episode, Lamb is using a key to unlock the gate to the cemetery with the grave of William Blake where the Slow Horses had agreed to meet during the last episode.  Standish stands fast outside of the cemetery gates while Lamb is seen walking off, only he only gets about 6 steps away before he realizes that she is not walking behind him and turns to look at her.
Taverner’s voice mail – Standish; Lamb audibly and visibly sighs at this…
In the car you said you’d tell me. So, what did she mean about Charles’s death? – Standish
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Read the room, will you? Is now really the time? – Lamb (sounds exasperated by this questioning)
Standish says nothing, just closes her eyes for a second and decides to continue to follow Lamb.
Slow Horses are slowly arriving; Lamb asking about Struan and Cartwright.  Ho mentions the dogs showing up to the hospital, hence him leaving Cartwright and Lamb explains that they’re all next.  The dogs will be after them and Taverner will play it as Slough House gone rogue. Lamb takes off with the Slow Horses trailing behind him.  Cartwright arrives, calls Roddy a “dickhead”… Roddy glances at Standish, who just looks away shyly.
CLASSIC……. Lamb (closest to Standish) … gives his speech.
I don’t normally do these kind of speeches, but this feels like a big moment and if it all turns to shit, I might not see any of you again. You’re fucking useless.  The lot of you.  Working with you has been the lowest point in a disappointing career. Right!... Cartwright you’re with me – Lamb
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Everyone just kind of rolls their eyes at this but Standish manages to look genuinely offended!
Lamb tells the team to “go lock yourselves in a toilet somewhere”… but as we know from later series – he doesn’t want Catherine in particular to be anywhere near the “action” or danger… ever…  – she should be kept safely hidden away… except for when he bellows for her, at which point she should come running!! Lol
Standish is in the Smithfield Café with Ho, Guy & Harper. They’re all discussing how the dogs are after them, while Roddy watches the dogs.  The news is on and they are concerned about the kidnapped boy.
You’re forgetting Lamb – Standish
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Lamb doesn’t care about us.  As soon as whatever he’s got planned goes south, he’ll forget us! – Harper
That’s not true. The thing Charles always said (stops herself mid-sentence) – Standish
Roddy looks concerned, looks over at Harper & Guy questioningly. Harper puts a finger gun into his mouth and pretends to blow his brains out.  Ho acknowledges. Guy kicks Harper.
You hurt his joes, he’ll never stop coming for you.  And the thing, for Lamb, there’s nothing worse than not being able to get EVEN! – Standish
And he’s not gonna wanna lose to Taverner. - Guy
Exactly – Standish
I think he’s got even more contempt for her than he does for us. – Guy
Wow, that’s a skip-load of contempt. – Harper
And meanwhile, we what? – Guy
*the tv in the café is heard, as the news is discussing the kidnapped boy situation and threats of decapitation*
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Standish sighs at the news, before asking…
Roddy, where are the Park on Hassan? – Standish
They’ve just narrowed it down to ten vehicles that have left the area. – Ho
The one thing that we can bring to this is that we knew Alan Black, so…. What do we remember about him? – Standish
He was sent to Slough House for sleeping with the Venezuelan ambassador’s wife while undercover. – Ho, said with a bit of a smirk.
Apart from that. – Standish
He moaned a lot.  Never bought biscuits. – Harper
Oh, my God. – Guy
Sorry, what? We’re free forming.  There’s no bad ideas here.  – Harper
He was really lazy. – Guy
        And that’s better than what I said, is it? – Harper
Listen, he was undercover with the Sons of Albion, so there would have been a birth certificate, passport, credit cards, the full legend. – Standish
        Yeah. Deep cover’s expensive.  He was tight, so he definitely wouldn’t want to have to front that.  – Guy
        More than that.  Taverner won’t want any of it to show up on the books. – Harper
So he could have used an old ID. – Standish
Roddy? – Standish, she leans towards him and asks him softly.
        Ho looks at Standish then Guy before sighing and replying.
If you’ll give me a few minutes, ladies. – Ho
        And gentleman. – Harper
        Ladies. – repeats Ho
We see more of the kidnappers for a bit, as they are deciding how things will end, and how that will happen.
Back at the café –
Got him.  Like a rat in a trap that I will kill with a hammer.   “Triple-D Care Hire” Leeds address. – Ho
                Registration number? – Standish
                Ho glances at her in surprise for a moment before responding…
That will take a while. – Ho
                Ho finishes his coffee, Standish looks disappointed, Harper and Guy are looking a bit restless.
Get me a coffee. – Ho (said to Harper, who immediately sits back and looks offended).
                Standish is seen next to Roddy rolling her eyes at this entire exchange.
I need fuel for this one. An SQL injection attack will take hours, which leaves a malware bomb as the most effective method, but that needs someone to open an email, so… - Ho
During this lil rant… Standish is seen glancing outside of the café to confirm there is a public telephone.  She glances at Ho’s computer, squints … and grabs her purse before heading outside.
                Ho hears her get up and assumes she’s getting him coffee.
Cheers, Standish.  Double espresso. – Ho
                Guy and Harper just watch as she leaves the café. We see Standish running across the street to make the call.
I thought you could hack anything. – Guy
I can.  I’m not saying I can’t do it.  Just that it will take some time. – Ho
How much time do you need, Ho? Because the kid’s gonna get beheaded in about two and half hours. – Harper
                Ho glares at Harper from behind his laptop for a moment…
I’ll tell you what I can do real quick. Check your search history and tell everyone what porn you look at. – Ho
                Guy raises her eyebrows at this.
                Harper tries to act perfectly calm, unsuccessfully…
Fine, cause I’ve got nothing to hide. – Harper
                Ho snickers at this.  Harper lets Ho type for maybe 10 seconds before attempting to slam his laptop shut!!
Don’t you fucking dare. – Harper
Hey. – Ho
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. – Guy
What’s wrong with you?  - Ho
                Standish is seen rushing in to the café again.
You’re eight years old. – Guy (to Harper)
Pardon? – Standish
Where’s my coffee? – Ho, to Standish
I didn’t get you a coffee.  I got you the registration number. DE15 CGK. – Standish
     Guy and Harper are both staring at Standish, mouths open in surprise.
What? How? – Ho (also in disbelief)
Well, I rang them up. – Standish, sounding a bit proud of herself here.
And said what? “Do you mind breaking multiple data protection laws?” – Ho
No, I said th-that I’d had an accident with one of their vehicles and I had the driver’s name but because I was so shaken, I couldn’t read the registration number I’d written down. – Standish
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I think the words you’re looking for, Ho, and these would be a first for you, are “Well Done.” And “Thank you.” – Guy
     Ho is seen entering the registration number before agreeing, that it was on the list of vehicles the Park are looking for.
Then we need to get them to focus on that vehicle – Standish
How do we let the Park know that without them tracking us? – Harper
     Oh, my God. Min, a kid’s life is at stake. – Guy
I know, but Lamb told us not to get caught. – Harper
Can’t we track it ourselves? – Standish to Ho
     Ho cracks his fingers before attempting to work some of his magic.  Standish looks excited that they’re able to contribute.
Lamb returns the stolen vehicle to Duffy at the Park.  Asks to speak to Taverner.
Lamb is in Taverner’s office.  Taverner dismisses Duffy, leaving them alone. Jackson plops down on her sofa.  Taverner is at her desk.  Diana tells him that Alan Black has been found. Taverner says she has a statement from someone who saw Lamb and Black meeting after he’d left Slough House.  Lamb immediately determined that it was Stuart Loy.  Taverner tells him there’ll be others.
Standish will show. And she’ll turn when she knows why you’re at Slough House. And Moody, dead, after committing murder himself.  - Taverner, who has now moved to sit directly in front of Lamb, legs crossed, attempting to appear quite relaxed and casual, as she threatens him.
Lamb is reacting to this news, but does not say anything.
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you knew.  Sid Baker is gone. – Taverner
Lamb looks a bit defeated at this bit of news.
I’m going to make you an offer, Jackson – Taverner, leans in to make this offer…
I’m sure.  I mean, obviously you have to have this all wrapped up before Tearney lands, and I can blow the whistle on you. – mumbles Jackson
You don’t have a whistle.  All you have is a CV littered with dead joes. – Taverner
Well, I’m not sure your career will survive the death of Hassan Ahmed. But anyway, make your pitch.  I’m sure you’ve got some sweetener to help me neck this absolute bullshit. – Lamb
Sign a statement that tallies with Loy’s and that’ll be the end of it. – Taverner
Oh you mean the end of me. – Lamb
You’d be fired, but no charges. And enough of a pension to keep you in single malts. A heavily redacted file will state that you were thinking out loud and Black went rogue – Taverner, seen looking at her nails… again … very nonchalant about the entire proposal.
When’s Tierney get back? I mean, I’d love to run all this by her.  – Lamb
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Or we can sit here and watch the slow horses walk in one by one and accept a job back here at the Park, while you fester in the  basement until all this is cleared up, which I can make last a very long time.  … And if you get lonely, I can always send Standish down. The treason charge against her will be resurrected, and this time I can make it stick. – Taverner.  The last part send in a lower tone of voice, definitely intended to insinuate feelings between Lamb and Standish.  Taverner is sat back, quite intent on looking relaxed during these threats.
Lamb is seen vaguely nodding… sighs… and then quickly moves to get up.
Taverner is seen immediately moving back as if threatened by him / his movements toward her.
Lamb scratches his butt and stands in front of Taverner, with complete lack of regard.
Bomb threat – Cartwright breaks into the Park – steals the Fiasco File – Taverner is bested in her own office.
As always, really appreciative of any other insight, thoughts, feelings that you're willing to share!! ♥
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