#sleeping beast <> ein
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*click* Woof woof!
Spike: Ein! No paws on the keyboard!
[ Ein has joined the chat ]
Side Muse/NPC
Muses have the opportunity to interact with the data dog, Ein, if the setting of the roleplay takes place on the Bebop.
He'll be happy to be of assistance or want to play.
#sleeping beast <> ein#bow bow | Ein npc#bow wow | ein ic#/I have never seen a ein muse ever so here we are#cowboy bebop
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got tagged by @alphanight-vp. Thank you sm 🤍
As I got four boys I will only pick Ryder for now, as I assume he's the secret crowd favorite. If it happens I get tagged again I'll pick another as I do not have the energy to do all four atm.
Decided to let Ry answer. All in italic is what he thinks for himself as further answers as he usually doesn't like these sort of rather boring and timewasting questioning and even more so doesn't tell that to strangers. So it's not a must to let the oc speak but I felt like doing it for this one. It's just Ryder thinks a lot for himself especially with strangers. He holds back his true wants and interests very often and only gives harsh answers to them that don't tell much about him.
"You scanned me, right? It says 'Ryder' — and that is how you are allowed to call me. No last name, Just Ryder. Is all you need to know." — I'm a fucking von Scharfenberg, some high royal German Corpo. If I would spit that into your face you would probably only laugh and your answer would be "This is a joke right?". Kein Scherz, I'm the son of the CEO of Militech. The useless boy who disappeard several years ago. I had reasons enough to leave this shitty live.
"You are a rando so for you I am still 'Ryder', ist das klar?" — My nickname is 'Ry' but I only allow my closest friends and loved ones to call me like that. Thyjs calls me 'snoep' and I think that sounds beautiful. He only says it when we are just for us. So ein Süßi.
"Cis male."
"It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude under the constellation of Scorpius, so it's Scorpio." — Sometimes though I feel like a cancer in a leather jacket rather than a true Scorpio.
"I'm 1,88m tall. Translate it to inches, feet or whatever you count in by yourself." — Why can't this world have a consistent meassurement system? Geht mir so auf die Nüsse! Apple hat's doch auch vor gefühlt 50 Jahren geschafft Thunderbolt dem USB-C Standard anzupassen und heut' gibts das nicht mal mehr!
"Gay. Top only."
"I rarely eat fruits. They are expensive as fuck these days."
"Clearly Fall. I like the wet rainy air way more than hot sweaty summers."
There we go— the standard questions are popping up once again. Wieso jetzt Blumen? This is getting lame. — "I always forget the name. Ask Thyjs, not me. He knows it for sure. It's pretty. Dark purple is all I can remember."
"The smell of a thick dark and green German forest. Cedarwood, moss and earthy scents. That paired with rain? Beste!" — I miss that a lot. — "If you want to know a fragrance instead: Aramis. Its notes? Like the way I'm smelling for you right now minuse the cigarette smoke." — I see you start sweating. Unübersehbar. Aramis never fails.
TEE? — "Brudi, Tee kommt mir gar nicht in die Tüte! Give me a fucking beer! Faust. Astra. Or a Tannenzäpfle. Man, I even take your lousy American beer or a Heinaken if I have to but please — no fucking tea!" — Coffee in the morning is alright though and gets me going.
"Man, why always these lame questions? Fucking hell. I do not track my sleep. If I sleep, I fucking sleep! If it's 4 or 8 hours – I do not care!" — To be honest, I rarely got a good sleep – not before Thyjs came into my life as he distracts me a lot. I mean if I found sleep, i slept, but there's been a time I slept like two hours and I needed booster meds to stay awake. Beast pounds almost 24/7 in my head — try find some sleep with it. almost impossible …
-Sighs rather agressively- These questions are getting on my nerves. — "Dogs."
SEH ICH SO AUS ALS WÜRD ICH DAS NEM RANDO WIE DIR MITTEILEN WOLLEN!? -tries to stay calm- — "Just be somewhere alone with my soldier visiting several spots in Europe. Where is none of your business." — I would love to show Thyjs where I've grown up and played as a kid. Back then life was easy and carefree. I would love to see Amsterdam. Love to travel up to Sweden or Norway and see the Aurora Borealis, have a great look at the stars as Night City's massive lighting during the night blocks nearly ever star up there. I miss Berlin and the clubbing there. Want to go back and lay down onto the old tarmac at Tempelhof. Explore old ruins along the Rhein and I want to do it all with my soldier.
"None. Don't read. Not much of a tv or movie fan either." — I wasn't allowed to read or watch anything that has to do with 'fandom' as it was only distraction and nonsense. I was told TV programs are there to keep people dumb and busy from looking away from what happens in the world and from edjucating themselves. But once I met V and he did his 80s retro movie nights I liked Indiana Jones a lot.
"Next question!" — Only one blanket and Thyjs in between. At least for a bit because we separate fast as the heat, our bodies emmit, becomes too much waking us up all the time. But I love to fall asleep with him this way. He calms me and it's like he pushes Beast into a corner, silences it for a while just by his presnece. No one else is able to do that.
"What would you do if I told you I am a cyberpsycho?" — -stares at you with a steady gaze and bared teeth- Now, pack your things an go before it gets worse. I'm holding back already.
@imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @morganlefaye79, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @dreamskug, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride @cherryrockpops and @streetkid-named-desire
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
#cyberpunk 2077#tag games#oc interview#about: ryder von scharfenberg#I couldn't stop myself from letting him think and talk German sry not sry#u know where to find a translator for sure if you wanna know
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Wald – Hügel der Erlösung – Drei Tiere – Vergil
1Nachdem ich die Hälfte meines irdischen Lebens vollendet hatte, [*]
Ich befand mich in einem dunklen Wald,
In der Dunkelheit des Tals den richtigen Weg verloren.
Wie er war, oh, wie ich schon sagte,
Dieser wilde Wald, dicht und bedrohlich,
Wessen alter Schrecken trage ich in meiner Erinnerung!
7 Er ist so bitter, dass der Tod fast süßer ist.
Aber nachdem ich für immer das Gute darin gefunden hatte,
Alles, was ich an diesem Ort gesehen habe, erzähle ich euch öfter.
10Ich weiß nicht mehr, wie ich dort hineingekommen bin,
Der Traum hat mich so in Lügen verwickelt,
Als ich mich verirrte.
13Aber als sie sich dem Fuße des Hügels näherten, [*]
Was dieses Tal schloss,
Mein Herz wird vor Entsetzen und Zittern zusammengeschnürt,
16Als ich meine Augen erhob, sah ich:
Dass das Licht des Planeten [*] überallhin führt,
Er ist bereits auf die Bergrücken hinabgestiegen.
19Dann atmete ich freier
Und die lange Angst überkam die Seele,
Erschöpft von einer hoffnungslosen Nacht.
Bos - Heuvel van Verlossing - Drie Beesten - Vergilius
1Nadat ik de helft van mijn aardse leven had volbracht,[*]
Ik bevond mij in een donker bos,
We zijn het juiste pad kwijtgeraakt in de duisternis van de vallei.
Hoe hij was, oh, zoals ik zeg,
Dat wilde bos, dicht en bedreigend,
Wiens oude gruwel draag ik in mijn geheugen!
7 Hij is zo bitter dat de dood bijna zoeter is.
Maar omdat ik er voor altijd het goede in heb gevonden,
Ik zal je vaker vertellen over alles wat ik op deze plek heb gezien.
10Ik weet niet meer hoe ik daar binnenkwam,
De droom heeft mij zo verstrikt in leugens,
Toen ik de weg kwijt was.
13Maar toen ze de voet van de heuvel naderden,[*]
Die deze vallei sloot,
Ik vernauw mijn hart met afgrijzen en beven,
16Zodra ik mijn ogen opsloeg, zag ik
Dat het licht van de planeet [*] overal naartoe leidt,
Hij is al op bergruggen afgedaald.
19Toen ademde ik vrijer
En de lange angst overwon de ziel,
Uitgeput door een hopeloze nacht.
The Forest — The Hill of Salvation — The Three Beasts — Virgil
1Having passed halfway through my earthly life, [*]
I found myself in a gloomy forest,
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.
What was it, oh, how shall I say,
That wild forest, dense and threatening,
Whose ancient horror I carry in my memory!
7So bitter is it, that death is almost sweeter.
But, having found good in it forever,
I will tell of all that I saw in that thicket.
10I myself do not remember how I entered there,
So much did sleep entangle me in lies,
When I lost my way.
13But having approached the foot of the hill, [*]
Which closed this valley,
My heart was compressed with horror and trembling,
16I saw, as soon as I raised my eyes,
That the light of the planet, [*] a guiding light everywhere,
Had already descended upon the mountain shoulders.
19Then I breathed more freely
And the soul overcame its long fear,
Tormented by the hopeless night.
22And like one who, breathing heavily,
Coming ashore from the foaming abyss,
Looks back where the waves beat, frightening,
25So my spirit, running and confused,
Turned back, surveying the path,
Leading everyone to the predestined death.
28When I gave my body a rest,
I went up, and I had support
In the foot, pressing on the earthly chest.
31And behold, at the bottom of a steep slope,
A nimble and winding lynx,
All in bright spots of a motley pattern.
She, circling, blocked my heights,
And more than once on the dangerous steepness
I thought of saving myself by the return trail.
37It was early, and the sun in the clear firmament
Accompanied the same stars again, [*]
As the first time, when their beautiful host
40Divine Love moved.
Trusting in the happy hour and season,
The blood in the heart no longer contracted so
43At the sight of the beast with the capricious fur;
But, again constraining him with horror,
A lion with raised mane came out to meet him.
He advanced as if on me,
Roaring fiercely from hunger
And the very air was numb with fear.
49And with him a she-wolf, whose thin body,
Seemed to carry all hunger within itself;
Many souls grieved because of her.
52Such a heavy burden fettered me,
Before her terrifying gaze,
That I lost my hope of the heights.
55And like a miser, who has accumulated treasure after treasure,
When the time of loss approaches,
He grieves and cries for past joys,
58So I too was seized with confusion,
Step by step like an irrepressible she-wolf
Pushed there, where the rays are silent. [*]
22En zoals iemand die, zwaar ademend,
Aan land komend uit de schuimende afgrond,
Kijkt terug, waar de golven beuken, angstig,
25Zo is mijn geest, vluchtend en verontrust,
Hij draaide zich om en keek naar het pad,
Iedereen naar de voorspelde dood leiden.
28Toen ik mijn lichaam rust gaf,
Ik ging naar boven en kreeg steun
In de voet, drukkend op de aardse borst.
31En zie, onderaan een steile helling,
Behendige en gekrulde lynx,
Allemaal in lichtpuntjes van een bont patroon.
Zij cirkelde rond en blokkeerde de hoogten voor mij,
En ik ben meer dan eens op een gevaarlijke helling geweest
Ik dacht eraan mezelf te redden door terug te gaan.
37Het was vroeg en de zon stond helder aan het firmament
Opnieuw begeleid door dezelfde sterren,[*]
Wat is de eerste keer dat hun gastheer mooi is?
40Goddelijke liefde bewoog.
Vertrouwend op het happy hour en de tijd,
Het bloed in mijn hart was niet meer zo strak
43 Bij het zien van een beest met een mooie vacht;
Maar de schrik beperkt hem opnieuw,
Een leeuw met opgeheven manen kwam hem tegemoet.
Het was alsof hij op mij stapte,
Grommen van de honger en woedend worden
En de lucht zelf is gevuld met angst.
49En bij hem was een wolvin, wiens magere lichaam
Het leek erop dat hij alle hebzucht in zich droeg;
Veel zielen treurden om haar.
52Ik werd geketend door zo’n zware onderdrukking,
Voor haar geschokte blik,
Dat ik mijn verlangen naar hoogten kwijt ben.
55En als een vrek die schat na schat verzamelt,
Wanneer de tijd van verlies nadert,
Treurt en huilt om vroegere vreugden,
58Dus ook ik werd door verwarring overmand,
Stap voor stap, als een onstuitbare wolvin
Daar, druk, waar de stralen zwijgen. [*]
22Und wie jemand, der schwer atmet,
Aus dem schäumenden Abgrund an Land kommend,
Schaut zurück, wo die Wellen schlagen, ängstlich,
25So ist mein Geist, fliehend und beunruhigt,
Er drehte sich um und überblickte den Weg.
Führt alle zum vorhergesagten Tod.
28Als ich meinem Körper eine Pause gönnte,
Ich bin hinaufgegangen und hatte Unterstützung
Im Fuß, auf die irdische Brust drückend.
31Und siehe, am Fuße eines steilen Abhangs,
Flinker und lockiger Luchs,
Alles in hellen Flecken mit buntem Muster.
Sie kreiste und blockierte die Höhen für mich,
Und ich war mehr als einmal auf einer gefährlichen Piste
Ich dachte darüber nach, mich zu retten, indem ich zurückginge.
37Es war früh und die Sonne stand klar am Firmament
Wieder begleitet von denselben Sternen, [*]
Was ist das erste Mal, wenn ihr Gastgeber schön ist?
40Göttliche Liebe bewegte sich.
Im Vertrauen auf die Happy Hour und Zeit,
Das Blut in meinem Herzen war nicht mehr so fest
43 Beim Anblick eines Tieres mit prächtigem Fell;
Aber das Grauen hält ihn erneut fest,
Ein Löwe mit erhobener Mähne kam ihm entgegen.
Es war, als würde er auf mich treten,
Vor Hunger knurren und wütend werden
Und die Luft ist voller Angst.
49Und bei ihm war eine Wölfin, deren dürrer Körper
Es schien, als ob er die ganze Gier in sich trug;
Viele Seelen trauerten um sie.
52Ich war durch solch eine schwere Unterdrückung gefesselt,
Vor ihrem entsetzten Blick,
Dass ich mein Streben nach Höhen verloren habe.
55Und wie ein Geizhals, der einen Schatz nach dem anderen anhäufte,
Wenn die Zeit des Verlustes naht,
Trauer und Weinen um vergangene Freuden,
58Auch ich war von Verwirrung überwältigt,
Schritt für Schritt, wie eine unbändige Wölfin
Dort, voll, wo die Strahlen schweigen. [*]
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Round 1 bracket
Frosty the Snowman vs Baby It's Cold Outside Sleigh Ride vs December Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher vs I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree vs Christmas At Ground Zero Santa Baby vs It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas vs Last Christmas Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy vs Waltz of the Flowers Silent Night, Holy Night vs God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen White Wine In The Sun vs How To Make Gravy Christmas In December vs Jingle Bells, Batman Smells Do You Hear What I Hear vs O Come O Come Emmanuel The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) vs Run Rudolph Run Song for Christmas Feast (Pentiment) vs Christmas (Tommy) Dominick the Donkey vs All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth Santa Claus is Coming to Town vs Hard Candy Christmas Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer vs Here Comes Santa Claus Kidnap the Sandy Claws vs Oogie Boogie's Song Grandpa's Gonna Sue The Pants Off Santa vs Master Of The House (the one where Santa fucks) All I Want For Christmas Is You vs Do They Know It's Christmas Oh Come All Ye Faithful vs Away In A Manger We Wish You A Merry Christmas vs Deck The Halls Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas vs Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Santa San vs Caramelldansen Christmas Winter Wonderland vs This Christmas Jingle Bell Rock vs We Need A Little Christmas Jingle Bells vs Ding Dong Merrily On High It Feels Like Christmas vs Mr Fezziwig's Annual Christmas Ball March of the Toy Soldiers vs The Battle Scene from The Nutcracker Carol of the Bells vs Good King Wenceslas Christmastime comes Once A Year vs If The Lord Were Alive Today Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer vs A Holly Jolly Christmas One More Sleep Til Christmas vs Silver Bells Santa Claus is a Black Man vs Let It Snow Fairytale of New York vs Blue Christmas 12 Days of Christmas vs My Favourite Things Feliz Navidad vs Joy To The World Australian Jingle Bells vs Six White Boomers I Saw Three Ships vs Christmastime Is Here Trepak (The Russian Dance) vs Dance of the Reed Flutes What's This? vs Making Christmas You're A Mean One Mr Grinch vs Snow Miser/Heat Miser O Holy Night vs Little Drummer Boy We Three Kings vs Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Oh Christmas Tree vs The First Noel I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas vs Angels We Have Heard On High
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) vs Christmas Unicorn Christmas in Heaven vs Christmas Time in Hell Mary's Boy Child vs Underneath the Tree What Child Is This Anyway? vs Coventry Carol Un Flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle vs Once In Royal David's City Christmas Wrapping vs Here Comes Fatty Claus Christmas Canon vs Must Be Santa Snoopy's Christmas vs I'll Be Home For Christmas Father Christmas vs Don't Shoot Me Santa The Friendly Beasts vs Es ist ein Ros entsprungen Step Into Christmas vs Christmas Treat SAD vs Christmas Will Be Soon Baby There's Mummies Outside vs CryptoSanta Hail Santa vs Santa's Beard Aurora Borealis (bye)
If you think there's a song missing: send an ask and I'll add it to the tournament! Seriously, any Christmas music at all. I've got "Grandpa's Gonna Sue The Pants Off Santa" in here the bar is subterranean.
Christmas Song Tournament
Single Elimination knockout tournament to determine the greatest Christmas song of all.
Suggest your song as an ask before 12th of November and I'll add it to the bracket. Even if I already have it, I'll add any propaganda you send in!
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weekly fic recs | 10
prompt: animal
fandoms: aot, bnha, bsd, dc, hp, hq, mdzs
Relative Size by Feneris
Everyone knew Shiganshina was home to some truly gigantic examples of spiderkind. None more so than the residents of the district itself. By the time they were five, every child in the district had become so inured to the sight of gigantic spiders that a tiny little spider was barely something worth noticing.
Of course what Shiganshinans called "a tiny little spider" did not match the rest of humanity's definition.
Ein Riese, der Fliegen Wollte by Closet_Cleaner
He needn't have worried. The small one was strong.
He sees the human many more times since then. It seems as if the herd doesn't venture out without it. He wonders if that one is the pack-leader. It seems logical, but humans are not always creatures of logic.
He forces back memories of that one, and continues to shadow the herd whenever it ventures out. He makes a habit of waiting in the small grouping of trees near the gate so as not to miss one of their outings. Eventually he learns to distinguish the small one from the others even before it takes to the air, and he feels proud of this accomplishment.
Months later, only hours after the humans had returned behind their walls, everything changes.
(In which Eren is not a human that can turn into a Titan, but a Titan that can turn into a human.)
Little Sunshine by CosmicMerman
It storms often now.
Aizawa Shouta is a depressed pro hero only a few years out of high school, struggling to rekindle his love for humanity and the cruel world that lost him his best friend. Perhaps what he finds in the box in the alley after a patrol is the culmination of his bitterness for the people he's sworn to protect... or maybe it's the start of something tiny and bright and hopeful.
Who would have thought that the stormiest night would bring a little sunshine into his life?
Sky's the Limit by MangaFreak15
When All Might tells Izuku that he can't be a hero without a Quirk, that's the last straw. Izuku indeed takes a swan dive off of the roof, hoping for a swift death.
He doesn't hit the ground.
He flies.
an eight-legged predicament by wellthengetouttathesoupaisle
“Um,” Bakugou replies, still staring at the eight-legged monstrosity. It’s huge, the biggest spider he’s ever seen. Bakugou Katsuki is not afraid of spiders, but this one—it’s absolutely lovecraftian. “You want me to kill that?”
Or, a comprehensive guide of what not to do when a giant spider is loose in your headache-inducing, teenage-inhabited shared living space.
Skvader by BelleAmant
Izuku Midoriya was born with rabbit ears poking out of his head and wings sprouting from his back. This...changes a lot more than one would expect.
Or: A story in which Izuku is the little sibling of Miruko and Hawks, raised by the Hero Commission, and kind of just wants to be a normal kid.
Overworked With No Overtime by Monkeygirl77
LivingLieDetector: *Sigh* kid, do your parents know you’re online at this hour ChildOfChaos: define ‘parents’ Megaphoneman: people who take care of and love you, little listener ChildOfChaos: Ah, okay, thanks, no Sleepisfortheweak: you should be sleeping, kid ChildOfChaos: back @ u fucking zombie Naptimechildren: I love this child, I’ve only known ChildOfChaos for a few minutes, but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone in this room, and then kill myself ChildOfChaos: relatable, I crave death too, mysterious person TweedyBird: are you suicidal? ChildOfChaos: hell no man, I just want to be the opposite of alive
Of Beasts and Naps and Sunshine by Just_A_Poor_Boy
Atsushi doesn’t remember much from Before.
Cold. His memory supplies on the rare moments he ponders it. Dark. Painful.
All that isn’t murky is waking up as a tiger, alone in a forest.
Or: tiger boy is actually a Tiger Boy and lives feral in the woods for a hot minute before Suicidal Man finds him
Hum by chimesDissent
All Atsushi really wants to do is make a home for himself in Yokohama, but the universe refuses to make that easy for him.
hunting season by envysparkler
Tim just wanted a snack. He didn't want to be the snack.
two against the world by carolinaa
“I’m Tim,” he says, though introducing himself to a puppy makes him flush in embarrassment. “Are you hungry?”
The dog blinks at him, all scared eyes.
“Where’s your family?” Tim asks. “Did they leave you?”
(Or: Tim Drake finds a friend.)
The Art of Self-Fashioning by Lomonaaeren
In a world where Neville is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry still grows up with the Dursleys, but he learns to be more private about what matters to him. When McGonagall comes to give him his letter, she also unwittingly gives Harry both a new quest and a new passion: Transfiguration. But while Harry deliberately hides his growing skills, Minerva worries more and more about the mysterious, brilliant student writing to her who may be venturing into dangerous magical territory.
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears by umisabaku
"It’s hard to understand the hierarchy when a school like Nekoma exists, putting them all together like they belong, but by the time Kenma enters high school he understands the difference. Kuroo is a black panther, rare and precious; a large predator stronger than most any other foe.
Kenma is a calico housecat. His coloring is uncommon, but he is not special."
Shapeshifter!AU. Kenma struggles with a culture and the rules of courtship.
if you go chasing rabbits by occultings (microcomets)
Wei Wuxian drops his hand, leans one shoulder into the stunted door frame. “Oh. Okay. So. Why are you here, exactly?”
“The Institute sent me to assist you,” the ridiculously beautiful cardigan owner says, “as your familiar.”
Wei Wuxian laughs as if it’s a joke, although the man’s stony expression makes it clear that any humor gleaned from him is likely unintentional.
“Well, uh, I appreciate your,” Wei Wuxian says, “you know, time, but everything is under control here, actually.”
With impeccable timing, a tea-kettle sound keens from the kitchen, followed by a contained bang.
Or: Wei Wuxian is a witch, Lan Wangji is sent to be his familiar. They figure it out.
what else is there? by mme_anxious
(graphic depictions of violence)
“Did you hear the terrible news? Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian has gone beyond the pale! He has murdered Hanguang-Jun!”
This is the first thing the swan hears flying over Yiling, and it sets him to hissing. It’s the kind of sound he would never make as a human, but as a swan—a mute swan— hissing is the only form of communication available to Lan Wangji. So he hisses.
Jin Guangyao transforms Lan Wangji into a swan. Only an act of love will break the curse.
Window Shopping by thunderwear
Lan Wangji didn't look out across the other apartment building often, but now, as he scooped up his escaped rabbit, he looked over only to see a piece of paper taped to the window of the apartment across from him. It was written on purple construction paper in big block letters, like a child had written it.
And they were quarantined.
Oh my god, they were quarantined.
#weekly fic recs#aot fic recs#bnha fic recs#dc fic recs#bsd fic recs#mdzs fic recs#hp fic recs#prompt#animal
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Ooc: My personal review of 2020
So the year ends and a new year starts and now I was thinking about a review of the things that happened during 2020. To be honest I never thought I would make it... never thought I would be still able to be here.
To be honest during this year I was in a dark and deep place and that I could come out of it wasn’t as easy... I... only lived for my work... I worked 9 hours per day and from home to work and work to my home I was like 3 hours gone... in total I was like 12 hours not at my home and as all that COVID started it became worse for me too... I went to work, went home, slept and went back to work and that’s like every day, on weekends I stayed home... also my dog became seriously sick and had an emergency operation in the middle of the year which almost had cost her life, suffering from the meds and barely could eat and drink.. I have almost lost her and if I hadn’t fought for her, she wouldn’t be with me...
Since there was nothing I could do to compare my mental health became worse again... it went for month, actually became heavy, my downs were more stronger than ever before... often ending up after work to cry on my way home or crying to sleep... insomnia that followed... my body started to hurt, my head hurt as well, day by day, I got itchy and also hurting spots which seemed to be an allergic reaction out of sudden, my motivation for everything lowered drastically... I had thoughts which... right now I don’t want to describe... after I had a breakdown I was for six weeks sick (what was the worst decision ever) I went back to work, being full in chaos mode, also all of that affected my playing with Mikaru... anyway... I am here... I started all over and yeah... I am thankful to you all... especially those:
@hxghlysuspect Seriously... I never thought that you would come back to me... after two years we were separated because of a fight... you don’t know how happy it made me after I saw you followed me... you don’t even know how suspicious I was because of your account as you started to follow, I observed you seriously until you wrote things about that one special character which has a place in Mikarus heart. Hiroki... only then I was like “Do I write him first? Or should I wait?”, until I decided to write you a “Hello stranger~”, haha. You know how my heart was racing? I was excited about how you react and it was good that we both talked to each other about what have happened and it still makes me happy to write with you, may it be ooc or ic... I love you, Honey. 😘
@hibiki-the-beast Well well well, what should I say about my sweet sweet kitten? Damn I cannot say anything just that I am happy that you also followed my new blog and that we both still write with each other as well that we write with your other characters, thank you so much. Ich hab dich gern, Schnuckel. 😘
@hiro-bloodlust What should I say? Well... let me say it like that and in German: Du bist ein Idiot. Ein großer Idiot, eine der größten Idioten, der mir je im Leben untergekommen ist... wie kann es nur sein, dass du so doof bist? Und trotzdem... ich hab dich gern, du bist mein Schatzi und das solltest du nicht vergessen, außerdem könntest du auch gerne von dir aus mich anschreiben, Erbsenprinzessin. 😂 Zudem: Glaub an dich und lerne dich selbst lieben, ohne das du immer daran denkst, wie andere dich sehen. Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch. Hach, fertig mit dem rant: Ich liebe dich trotzdem, Doofnuss. 😘
Also I am thankful to: @taka-oneokrock, @loveflush-rp, @misuirana, @dexcore-k, @ka-rules and a lot of others which I write, you all makes it worth to be here and stay in contact, really I love you all. Also when I often write back after some time and or drop our threads, sorry for that.
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17 Questions
Tagged by @hydra-ventalya and @kita-lavellan thank you my friends <3
Rules: Answer these 17 questions and tag 17 people to do the same.
Nicknames: Ez, Xen
Height: 5′6
Hogwarts House: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: Starscream
Song stuck in my head: True Believer by Beast in Black
Number of Followers: 541
Amount of Sleep: Around 4
Lucky number: 7
Dream Job: Create my own show/s using ball-jointed dolls/puppetry and mini sets (money money moneyyy)
Wearing: Penguin pjs \o/
Favorite Song: hm I don’t really have one
Favorite Instrument: Guitar/Drums/Violin/Koto
Favorite Author: to name a few; Neil Gaiman, Philip Reeve, Philip Pullman, Tamsyn Muir
Favorite Animal Noise: Cat purr, owl hoot,
Random: want a grilled cheese x10
Tagging: @amvi1323 @ein-trigger @noriakikakyoin @dykemagik @dykecrystal @radroller
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7T1L: Jötunn Thor joins the action
Happy Thorsday. Here's some Jötunn Thorki smut.
Part 1
It took some time before Jötunn Thor was at last accepted by his six Aesir brothers. He had learned their language and was gradually beginning to adapt to their culture, in the meantime proving himself an invaluable ally and a capable warrior in their inter-temporal, multi-dimensional war against Thanos. He did not possess the ability to wield lightning like the others, but he had other useful gifts: the power to conjure ice weapons, to freeze an enemy with a touch and then shatter him to pieces with a single strike; the ability to fling icy needles from his hands, and to shield himself and his brothers with a protective wall of frost. He could take a deep breath and blow it out with hurricane force, covering everything in its path with a thick layer of ice. Blades could not pierce his skin, and neither fire nor lightning could harm him. In this way, he and the other Thors were able to wreak havoc upon Thanos’s forces, and when the last of the Titan’s insidious Children fell, there was cause for celebration on the Asgardian warship.
It was also this night that Jötunn Thor finally earned the full trust of his Aesir brothers and was given their blessing to lie with their beloved Loki.
Loki took his hand and led him from the galley with a devious smile, and soon they entered the stateroom, shutting the door behind them. Loki coyly took his time undressing while Thor ripped the clothes from his body and stood there naked and impatient, his loins aching, his cock drooling, trying not to pant like an animal at all the soft, vulnerable flesh being revealed to him. The sight of Loki’s curvaceous, heavily-pregnant body awoke Thor’s primal urge to protect and provide and to please, and he throbbed at the thought of finally being allowed to indulge those urges.
Loki crawled onto the broad bed with its soft red sheets and beckoned to Thor with a curl of his finger. Some of these Aesir gestures were still alien to Thor, but he clearly understood that one, no interpretation required; he slid onto the bed and his tough cerulean flesh met with Loki’s smooth beige skin, turning it blue wherever he touched him. His huge hands glided over Loki’s body, painting it first lilac, then cyan, then Jötunn blue.
He hesitated when he came to Loki’s belly, giving him a worried look. “Mun ég meidha barnidh?” he asked softly.
Loki smiled and stroked Thor’s long, silvery-gold beard. “No, it won’t hurt the baby,” he said in Jötnin. “I may look Aesir on the outside, but everything inside me is Jötunn.”
He leaned up and kissed Thor, and his face bloomed into its natural color, starting at his lips and spreading outward, the lines and markings on his body appearing as subtly as frost forming on glass. He took Thor’s hand and placed it on the large swell of his stomach. His skin turned blue beneath Thor’s palm and he shivered, then pulled back to sigh a frosty white mist into the air.
“Good,” said Thor with grin, displaying his sharp white canines. “Because very soon there is going to be even more Jötunn inside you.”
Loki hummed his approval and Thor began to purr, the sound like a lion’s growl deep in his chest. They rolled over with a giggle and began to explore each other’s bodies, Thor’s touches revealing the beautiful form hidden beneath Loki’s common illusion.
It was exquisite. Loki was so soft and full, his flesh warm and his body tender and sweet-smelling, a fertile bud that would soon flower and bear the fruit planted by its six sires. Thor spent a long time just sniffing and touching and tasting, accepting what Loki offered him—kisses, caresses, the creamy richness of his milk—grateful to finally have the love he had craved all his life.
When Thor sank his thick, colbalt-colored cock into Loki’s dewy pink folds—slowly and carefully, being very gentle—it was especially pleasing to watch how he changed down there.
“Now you are Jötunn in both flesh and appearance,” he rumbled, holding Loki’s legs apart as he began to slide in and out, going gradually deeper, coating himself inch by inch with Loki’s warm, glistening slick. “You feel as lovely as you look.”
Loki smiled up at him breathlessly.
They took their time, Thor being extremely careful as Loki was over eight months pregnant now and increasingly prone to discomfort. They tried several positions before finally settling upon their knees, Loki leaning on his hands while Thor entered him from behind.
Loki moaned and eagerly shoved himself back onto Thor’s cock, his sheath squelching as it swallowed his entire length.
“Mm, yes, like this,” he insisted, pulling himself off almost completely before repeating the motion, slapping into Thor’s pelvis.
Thor squeezed Loki’s thighs and did as he was bid, and soon Loki was rocking beneath him, his cock leaking and his engorged cunt slurping greedily around Thor’s member. His plump little teats bounced with each complete penetration. His belly hung low and heavy, and Thor leaned forward to caress it, rubbing the rounded form of the little Aesir baby within.
“I may not have made him, but I will treat him as if he were mine,” he vowed in a husky voice. “He is half you, Loki, therefore he is half Jötunn. We will teach him our words and our ways so that he never forgets, and I will love all of him. Not just the half, but the whole. As I love you. Eins ég elska thig. Unnusti mín.” He bent and kissed Loki’s shoulder blade, leaving behind a silvery patch of frost. “Elskan mín.”
He grasped Loki’s cock and began to work it, and Loki tossed his head, flinging his wavy black hair over his shoulder as he moaned. Five minutes and three orgasms later, Thor finally joined him, roaring like a beast and filling the room with a cold mist from his mighty Jötunn lungs. He spent himself inside Loki, a process which took close to a minute and made Loki gasp with shock—both at the amount and the sensation. He had never been filled with a Frost Giant’s seed before and was surprised by how cool and tingly it felt, alleviating the discomfort caused by its overabundance.
Loki arched his back and suddenly experienced two simultaneous orgasms, both strong and unexpected and very different from his usual climaxes, and the distended feeling mysteriously faded. Nothing but pleasure and a delicious, satisfying glow remained.
When Thor pulled out, he was completely clean. There was no leakage, no mess. Not a single drop.
“What was that?” Loki asked as they lay down together, catching their breaths in the aftermath. “You filled me and then… nothing. What happened?”
Thor frowned. “You have never experienced that before?”
Loki shook his head.
Thor’s lavender eyes reflected his surprise. “You had a secondary climax. Dýpfulla it is called, the deepening. Your womb opened and took what I put in you. It is almost impossible for our people to make children without this happening. But you are already bred, so now the seed fulfills a different purpose.”
“A different purpose? You mean it has other uses?”
Thor petted Loki’s belly lovingly. “It is said that such offerings help strengthen the child and ease the mother’s burden. A good father is expected to contribute to the well-being of his mate. Aside from a healthy child, a brief and painless labor is a sire’s greatest pride.”
Loki made an impressed face and snuggled against Thor’s side. “I never knew sex and childbearing among the Frost Giants was so complex. Do you… speak from experience, or have you not yet fathered children?”
Thor tucked his massive arm beneath his head and put the other around Loki. He sighed a small, frosty breath. “There were very few Jötnar willing to sleep with a runt like me, and none of them was the one I truly wanted. There was little pleasure in it for me. I was either a joke or a pity to them, and I was seldom on the giving end.” His voice became quiet, distant. “It was fortunate that I never became pregnant as a result of those couplings. I always experienced the dýpfulla, sometimes multiple times. I don’t know how I avoided it for so long.”
Loki propped himself up on his elbow, stunned. “You mean you. The Frost Giants are all…?”
“Yes. We are much better equipped than the Aesir.” Thor smiled and gently took Loki’s hand, guiding it between his hard, muscular thighs and moving it slowly inward. Loki had already noticed that Thor’s testes were absent from the outside, being internal like his own, but he was unprepared for the familiar touch of soft skin and the smooth wrinkle of warm, moist flesh.
“Oh,” he uttered, gently caressing the folds. “My. So you’re all like this, then. I thought it was just me.” His cheeks darkened to indigo. “You’ll have to forgive my ignorance. I was taken from Jötunheim as an infant and told nothing of how my people reproduced. I was beginning to think I was nothing but a gross mutation.”
Thor grinned. “No, Loki. You are small, but perfect in every way.” He lifted his leg a little, encouraging Loki to slip his fingers inside him. Loki did, a delighted smirk spreading across his blue lips as he listened to Thor sigh with pleasure.
“You had better not let the others find out about this,” he teased, stroking the smooth, slippery walls of Thor’s lumen. “They’ll be fighting one another to mount you.”
“Perhaps someday I might let them,” Thor chuckled. “It would be nice to be penetrated by someone closer to my size.” He arched a platinum-blond eyebrow. “I wouldn’t mind letting One-Eye mount me. He is very amusing.”
Loki cuddled closer, pressing his belly against Thor’s side and continuing to lavish attention on his cunt, which was growing wetter by the moment. “Hm, yes, he does have a good sense of humor. But what if you were to become pregnant by him? I’m not quite sure I’m ready for the product of a Thor-on-Thor union.”
“Nor I. But it is only speculation at this point.” Thor turned and nuzzled Loki’s face with his own, kissing his cheek, slipping his hand down to stroke Loki’s cock back to life. “Only one person’s love matters to me now, and that is yours, Loki.”
Loki’s eyes fluttered as he felt himself grow hard in Thor’s big, cool hand.
A whole new world of pleasure, and this is where it begins. In ice and frost, in the warm blue depths of a seventh heart.
#thorki#6T1L#7T1L#jotunn thor#pregnant loki#bottom-ish thor#intersex thor#intersex loki#jotunn biology#a good time is had by all#pardon my crappy editing skills#mpreg#hjbwrites#hjbedit#thorklet#thunderfrost#or is it frostyfrost now?#jotunnfrost?#idk man#nafw
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At the Last Minute With Starbucks Toonami Summary! ♪♩~Let’s Pop together~Whoa~!~♪♩
Dragonball Super continues with the death of Goku. For like 5 seconds. Turns out Goku hired the hit (heh) himself because he wanted a fucking challenge that badly. Everyone comes around to watch.
Boku no Hero Academia continues with [Mountain Villains Screaming], but then Aizawa is down for the count. Tenya escapes to get the pros, so the villains decide to retreat. After they murder some kids.
FLCL Progressive: Hidomi has been given some homework to take to Ide, a classmate/romantic interest. He tries to sell things to Yazuka. She overflows and ends up in his bedroom.
Pop Team Epic continues the team popping with bobsledding/Initial D/plane. Also, you are uncool, unsophisticated, and uncouth. Fast until you're dead. All the kids are doing it!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure continues with the squad (except Jotaro and Polly) fleeing until dawn. Murderous intent feels like an icicle shoved up your ass. Dio is a non-driving gay vampire, etc.
Hunter x Hunter continues with Meruem playing HxH's version of 3D chess against a 10 year old who continues to win. This is giving Mer feelings he does not understand. He's never had FUN before.
Black Clover focuses on the mass kidnapping of many children, Gauche's sister included. He is angry about this. Noelle informs The Black Bulls, so they can get backup. As usual, Asta yells.
Shisbkfjghi is there. Sasuke vs Danzo concludes. Sasuke won with an obvious strategy.
Space Dandy dips into Dandy's past with the arrival of Catherine, an extra-dimensional being who came to visit Dandy and ask for help. We indirectly learn why he hates warping.
Cowboy Bebop continues with Faye telling a long story about a guy with thin eyebrows to Ein. Spike listens also but complains about it. Speak of the devil and he will appear, but fatter.
Lupin the Third; The Clone Wars continues to be in reruns so people went to bed. Nyx does not like Rebecca much, but his daughter, Bridgette, loves her. A makeup bag left behind leads to many shenanigans.
Pictured: A successful marriage
tfw you can’t drive
Sleeping Beast
#toonami#spoilers#Stay Golden Brown Potatoes#I really did have Starbucks this time can you believe#Cannon out
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[ooc: tag drop]
#the heart sings music <> 3 2 1 lets jam#am I dreaming?...<> aesthetic#90's femme fatale <> faye#blakk dog won't let go <> jet#feral child aboard ship <> ed#sleeping beast <> ein#that angel of mine <> julia#beast bares its fangs <> viscous#that girl rests on his mind <> elektra#the family I never asked for <> bebop crew#watch this <> headcanon#can't get it out my head <> thoughts#meme <> ic#why am I alive <> verse 001#the temptation of hope hangs in view <> verse 002#don't tempt the beast with promise of domestic life <> concrete rose#i'm looking in a mirror and I see a beast staring back at me <> spike#two is a crowd <> side oc's
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just recycles old tags.
#◦🌹 music. ┊ three‚ two‚ one‚ let's jam. ›#◦🌹 introspection. ┊ are you living in the real world? ›#◦🌹 headcanon. ┊ hard to forget your past. ›#◦🌹 aesthetic. ┊ life is but a dream. ›#◦🌹 spike. ┊ tiger striped cat. ›#◦🌹 jet. ┊ do you have a comrade? ›#◦🌹 faye. ┊ stolen from another life. ›#◦🌹 ed. ┊ see you cowgirl‚ someday‚ somewhere! ›#◦🌹 ein. ┊ sleeping beast. ›#◦🌹 julia. ┊ he's worried she's waiting in his dreams. ›#◦🌹 vicious. ┊ enter scene‚ enter judas. ›#◦🌹 meme. ┊ in character. ›#◦🌹 meme. ┊ out of character. ›#◦🌹 verse 001. ┊ you're gonna carry that weight. ›#◦🌹 verse 002. ┊ see you‚ space cowboy. ›#◦🌹 ooc. ┊ later space guy... ›
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Queening a Pawn, 18
If you're new: this is my procrastination fic. It is what I drabble around with when I'm being my worst self, and ignoring all my other WIPs and responsibilities! Enjoy!
Summary: During the Time Heist, Loki stole the Tesseract and escaped. He did not expect, however, to be pulled through a Time Loop that delivered him to a Midgard more than a decade older, wiser, and bitterer. Having just lived through his unsuccessful attack in New York, Loki must learn to live in Midgard after the defeat of Thanos (post-Endgame). The question is, who is Loki without a quest for a throne or total domination?
Pairings: Loki x OC
Loki was lounging in the plush armchair in his living room, legs thrown over the armrests as he leafed through a chemistry book. In his lap, the tufted ball of fluff that was Einherjar lay on his back, showing the dark-haired Prince his belly for the occasional scratch. The kitten chirruped, protesting the lack of attention. Loki lifted the book to look down at his lap with a smirk.
"When I said you could come over, it wasn't for you to monopolize my time, you tiny brat."
The cat made a noise of protest before flipping just enough to butt his head against Loki's hand. He acquiesced, rubbing the kitten under the chin before the beast hopped off and stood before the bedroom door, tapping his soft paw against the door.
"She needs to rest–"
He stopped himself when the cat just started to scratch at the door with a vengeance. Loki rolled his eyes, swinging his legs onto the floor and abandoning the book onto the coffee table before stopping by the bedroom.
He had barely twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open before the kitten had slipped inside with his tail straight up and alert. With a grin, he followed the feline with his eyes as the kitten made its way up the tall bedposts and the twisted black bedlinens. Among a thick cocoon of sheets, Delilah lay rolled up into a ball, breathing evenly in peaceful slumber. His lover had fallen a little under the weather, and while every other being tended to avoid her like the plague, Loki knew he was at no risk of contracting any disease. After much protest, he had slung her over his shoulder and deposited her in his bed. Three days later, and she had pretty much remained unmoved.
Einherjar burrowed his furry body under the crook of her arm, settling against her warmth and purring so loudly Loki could hear it plainly from the doorway. "Ein, baby. Give me five minutes," she rasped weakly, barely able to pet the kitten.
"He just wants to curl up with you. No need to wake."
His voice made Delilah rouse. She blinked sleepily at the man with an odd look on her face. "When did you get here?"
"Well, I do happen to live here," he replied, clearly amused.
She stared around the room with a frown. "This isn't my room."
He suppressed a snort. "Well spotted, love."
"I'm icky."
"That is patently untrue." A few steps had him climbing up on the bed with a smile, pressing a kiss to her temple, despite her vehement protests. "You are burning again, sweetheart."
"My eyes are achy."
"Perhaps," he started, flexing his fingers before placing his palm onto her forehead. Delilah watched in fascination as his skin slowly turned blue, from the tips of his fingers and disappeared into the sleeves of his jumper. "Alright?" She nodded quietly, leaning into the soothing cool of his skin before her fingers began to trace his markings.
"Frosty, the snowman–" Lilah started singing, but Einherjar mewled as if he was protesting on the frost giant's behalf. "I'm kidding, Ein. He knows that. Don't you, gorgeous?"
"Are you always this flirty when you're ill or do I simply bring it out in you?" Delilah smirked impishly, and Loki rolled his eyes. "Never mind, you flirt." Another kiss peppered her forehead. "Let me bring you some broth," he murmured, slipping off the bed and reluctantly parting with her.
Delilah surprised him by wolf-whistling after him after giggling. "Do you have any fries for that shake?"
His darkened gaze cut over his shoulder. "Don't tempt me, pixie. I'll give you much more than a shake."
He ignored the claim, pouring the broth he had carefully tended to all day, into a colorful mug for her to sip. The warmth scalded his blue fingers, but he made no complaint as he dutifully carried it back into the bedroom and waited for Lilah to sit up. She mumbled a complaint as her sore body stretched and burrowed into his side. She jumped when her outer thighs came into contact with his cold corporation.
"Why am I not wearing pajama pants?"
Loki chuckled. "Terribly sorry. I have a strict no pajama bottoms rule in effect. No exceptions."
She closed her hands around the mug, absorbing its warmth. She raised an eyebrow at him. "The lace underwear?"
"That was purely for my benefit, I admit." He nudged her gently on the side. "Illness is not an excuse to forego a bath."
"I've been sleeping," she retorted, deadpan.
"And I've yet to disturb your rest. You're welcome," he sassed back with a half grin, making a bundle of her and dragging her warm body into his lap, careful not to spill her broth. Delilah shuddered against the chill of his skin but settled against his chest, regardless. Her interest piqued as she sipped on the warm, savory liquid as Loki was now humming some unknown tune under his breath. He pointedly ignored her curious expression as his voice reverberated through his ribcage and hers, still humming. The forest cat completed their odd nesting doll positions by curling up in his mistress' lap, purring loudly.
"You're happy." The phrase wasn't so much an accusation as it was an intrigued declaration.
Loki tutted, forcing a frown on his face. "Slander."
"No, you are. Why are you so giddy?"
His fingers worried at a loose thread at the hem of her shirt and he made a mental note to have it replaced. He shrugged. "You never seem to need help and… it's nothing."
"You fell asleep before I could even assure you that you'd be fine…"
"Oh, my heart," she gushed, staring up at him with an expression of pure adoration that seemed very out of place directed at him. "I trust you with my life, Lo."
"I know that. I just didn't know you were comfortable with me."
Lilah sighed, still smiling. She leaned away just long enough to place the mug on the bedside table. "I know that it's hard for you to believe, but I don't mind you around even when I'm sick and vulnerable and icky. In fact, I kind of prefer it."
"You prefer m-me around?" Despite the question, he was lighting up from within with giddy expectation.
"Everything is better with you around."
"I feel the same." His cheeks turned lavender over his Jotunn form. "I've waited a thousand years for you."
"God of Mischief and Lies? God of Soft Feelings and Ardent Domesticity!"
He smirked. "Easy. If rumors get out no one will ever respect me again."
"Or they'll respect you even more. Because how in the world can you turn from a sweet creature fishing for hugs and kisses to a lethal animal with deadly precision? How does that not inspire awe?" Loki's cheeks burned further, eyes dead set onto his hands on her lap, curled in Einherjar's fur.
"That sounds awful."
"It sounds like everything I want to come home to," she whispered before pressing her lips to his. "Or maybe that's the fever talking," Lilah joked, trying to break the tension and make him chuckle.
His back tensed and he drew a breath to steel his resolve. "Would you– would you want to come home to me?
She raised an eyebrow. "Don't I already?"
"And there you go, answering a question with a question again," he huffed, shifting uncomfortably beneath her. "I'm asking you to wed me."
Delilah giggled pecking the frown out of his lips. "I know."
"So, it's a "no", I assume?"
An eyebrow raised expectantly. "Why would you say that?"
Loki cut his eyes at her with an unsure expression. "Because you… I…don't…. know…"
"Silvertongue, indeed, I see," she teased. Loki supposed there was no way he could blush any harder. His heart was thudding in his ears and threatening to burst through his chest cavity, sad and defeated, but also thoroughly and entirely enamored of this ethereal creature. "You'd really be stuck with me for however long I live?"
His mouth tenderly trailed down her jaw. "I could ask you the same."
"Stop making dumb decisions and you'll happily arrive at my funeral looking like a snack," she joked, only to have him pinch her side with a frown.
"You're not dying before me," he groused. "Do you think I would ever offer you marriage without guaranteeing you'd outlive me?" Delilah rolled her eyes, but offered no complaint, choosing instead to cuddle him, all the while sandwiching Einherjar. The kitten purred contentedly and burrowed further between them. She could tell there was still more on his mind and she waited patiently for his bravery to agree with him. "I'm aware that I'm not the safest option. I'm also aware that I am not the most suitable mate– Thor is–"
"I don't want Thor. I love him, but he's kind of a narcissistic brat with a hero complex."
"In fairness, he is a hero."
She cupped her hands around his face, watching how his skin pinked at the warmed contact and his features fell into his Asgardian form. "So are you–the person I actually want. Who is already entirely mine and I intend to keep, forever." Her finger ran the length of the creases that formed whenever he smiled. "If you want to put a ring on it, be my guest. I wasn't planning on letting you go, either way."
"And how did you know I'd be amenable to this plan to hoard me away?" He caught her left index finger between his teeth and gnawed gently.
She grinned. "In the last four days, I've been feverish, throwing up and looking like a trash monster and you've been anxiously hovering for the entirety of it. You've basically hoarded yourself into my life." The kitten, who had scaled the front of her shirt, fishing for attention, mewled in what sounded like annoyance. "Our life. Terribly sorry, Ein." They shared a glance and Delilah rolled her eyes dramatically. "You sure you want all this?"
"Most definitely. Say "yes", darling." She gave a giggle and peppered his face in a trail of warm kisses.
"Yes, darling."
"Smart ass," he muttered, though his face lit up in a disbelieving smirk.
"Learned from the very best, love of mine." Delilah caught the corner of his mouth and Loki bit back a growl before recapturing her lips. "Husband of mine."
This time the growl was not subdued. His kisses were effervescent but short-lived. With a wide smile, he leaned over opposite her, digging into the drawer of his own bedside table. When he righted, he was fisting something tightly in his left hand, a slight tremble barely noticeable in his limbs.
"What are you–?" Delilah could not finish the questions before Loki opened his hand. Laying in the center of his palm was a delicate silver band woven in threads like vines. Details of tiny flowers and leaves threaded through the fibers.
The Asgardian looked rather sheepish as he waited for a reaction –any reaction– from his lover. "On Asgard we trade weapons, but I've read that rings are the traditional exchange of the realm here. Though I do have a beautiful Uru dagger that I've been meaning to give you. Is it weird that I want to give you a weapon? I just worry–"
"You're rambling." Her tone was playful and loving. "You're rambling when you should be making me yours," she added as she offered her left hand to him, "but god, I love it when you do."
Despite the flush, Loki eagerly slipped the ring from his palm onto her finger, enjoying the crackle of electricity that formed once the band magically adjusted on it. There was a tug in his soul calling him to her, one that he was sure she felt, too, if the curious tilt of her head was any indication. It was an intimate, yet effortless, connection–souls finding their match and twisting together. The new sensation was comfortable and soothed his anxious, frayed nerves. She was his balm.
Delilah looked down at her hand in his. She turned it over, palm up, casually running her thumb over the band in an attempt to perceive the intricate designs with her digits, but coming up surprisingly empty. Beside her, Loki gave a shudder, gasping lightly, and her mind flashed with a million images of herself, many in an array of compromising positions. She had never had a god in her head before, but she decided she was going to like this.
#Loki#Loki MCU#Loki fanfic#MCU#MCU fanfic#MCU fanfiction#Loki x oc#Loki x ofc#alternate timeline#time heist#fix it#Queening a Pawn
0 notes
I was tagged by the lovely Salmón over @fallonkristerson
NICKNAME(S): Freddy or Rieke choose your fighter
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 1,71
TIME: 23:11
BIRTHDAY: 25th of January
FAVORITE BANDS/ARTIST: Battle Beast, and many others
SONG(S) STUCK IN MY HEAD: the “Hab ne Zwiebel aufm Kopf ich bin ein Döner” song for some ungodly reason
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: In Cinema: Infinity War, at home: Avengers (I had a lovely “I forgot a deadline and now I need background noise to keep myself awake so lets just watch movies I already know” marathon)
LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED: La casa del papel
WHAT I POST: 65% Fandom, 20% animal stuff, 10% random, 5% being done with tumblr’s perception of media all rounded up with just a breeze of salt
DO I GET ASKS: not often
URL MEANING: So when I was still a wee girl (like 17-18) I once thought to myself “Hey I like Loki and that’d make a funny name to mix him up with the your friendly neighborhood Spiderman has going on” 4 years later I’m back in the fandom and just went with it
I tag everybody who wants to do it because it’s late and the tagging part usually takes longest for me, also I tend to forget to tag people so if you’re reading this thinking “I haven’t done a tag in a long time” good go for it.
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Matt Berninger - Distant Axis - Neues Video Zusammen mit The National veröffentlichte Matt Berninger zuletzt “I Am Easy To Find” (2019) als Nachfolger von “Sleep Well Beast” (2017). Nach acht gemeinsamen Studioalben wird es nun Zeit für eine Platte im Alleingang, dachte sich wohl der Frontmann und kündigte vor wenigen Wochen sein Solo-Debütalbum an, welches von Booker T. Jones produziert wurde. “Serpentine […] #MattBerninger #TheNational https://www.musikblog.de/2020/07/matt-berninger-distant-axis-neues-video/
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What's this? A new kennel? We got another dog?
Nope, just a miniature freaking horse
This is Pretty Girl, our resident miniature pony that drools on everything and is the sweetest pony.
We got her 2 days ago? I'm not 100% sure, my sleep schedules been real funky so everything has just been a continues blurr xD but she was my sister-in-laws grandmas service dog. She's a little sad since Lala passed(my sister in laws grandma) but I think she's adjusting well she likes running around with Ein and barking at the neighbor dogs haha she sounds like a BEAST XD (in the last pic she’s pouting cause my brother wouldn’t let her in the bathroom with him lol but I mean...she stands taller than all our furniture, I don’t think she’d fit in the bathroom XD) We had to rearrange the whole living room to accommodate her massive kennel lol the wall all the kennels are on is where the TV use to be...also...if you look close enough at the first picture you can see the cover thing to the interwebs my brother and I somehow broke while moving the massive kennel haha we’re replacing it soon, no worries lol
#random#personal#newest addition to the pack lol#biggest baby ever#with the scariest bark and growl ever#XD#literally she can make the neighbor dogs shut up in an instant#lol
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2017 in sound
Moin liebe Musikblablas,
schon ist der erste Monat des Jahres 2018 wieder rum, gilt es noch schnell meine Jahrescharts Musik zusammenzufassen. Wie passend, dass mein Nummer 1 Album 2017 von meiner Lieblingsband The National am Sonntagabend auch ihren ersten Grammy für das beste Album „Alternative“ bekommen hat. Sicher auch für das allg. Schaffen und weniger für „Sleep Well Beast“ allein. Dennoch: ich habe letzten September auf einem 10 Stunden Flug das Album 6 x hintereinander gehört und jedes Mal einen anderen Song als Meisterwerk empfunden. Und nur kurze Zeit nach diesem Erlebnis durfte ich dann dank Carina & Marcus in der Elphi ganz vorne dabei sein, als dieses perfekte Album seinen Triumphzug durch den Musik-Tempel vollzug:
Beste Konzerte 2017:
The National – Elbphilharmonie
The National – Haven Kopenhagen
Eddie Vedder – Zitadelle Berlin
Iggy Pop – Haven Kopenhagen
Lisa Hannigan - Elbphilharmonie
Sehr gute Konzerte: Waterboys (Laiszhalle), Feist (Haven), Bon Iver (Haven), Fleet Foxes (Berlin), The National (Tempodrom), Einstürzende Neubauten (Elphi), The xx (Sporthalle), Room 29 mit Jarvis Cocker & Gonzales (Kampnagel), Ahnoni (Elphi), Lisa Hannigan (Mojo & Haven), San Fermin (Grüner Salon), Car Seat Headrest (Knust), Foxygen (Kultursommer Altona), The War on Drugs (Große Freiheit), Spoon (RSW)
Schlechter als erwartet: U2 (Olympiastadion Berlin), Arcade Fire (Wuhlheide Berlin), Angel Olsen (Heimathafen), Wolf Alice (Mojo)
Alben 2017
The National – Sleep Well Beast
Aldous Harding - Party
LDC Soundsystem – American Dream
Phoebe Bridgers – Stranger In The Alps
Moses Sumney – Aromanticism
Klassik 2017 - Entdeckungen
Kjartan Sveinsson – Der Klang der Offenbarung des Göttlichen (schon 2016 erschienen)
Zbigniew Preisner – Requiem For My Friend (schon 1998 erschienen)
Auch gut: Diverse (ua Sufjan Stevens, Nico Muhly) – Planetarium, Grizzly Bear – Painted Ruins, A War On Drugs – A Deeper Understanding, Spoon – Hot Thoughts, Father John Misty – Pure Comedy
Singles 2017:
Portugal. The Man – Feel It Still (Den Kommentar kann ich mir nicht verkneifen: Ich mag diese Band eher nicht und dann haut sie den Song des Jahres raus…#Schattenspringen)
The National – Carin At The Liquor Store (Songwriting!)
Polica & Stargaze - Agree (Da scheint ein großes Album 2018 zu kommen)
Sufjan Stevens – Tonya Harding (niemand beschreibt die White-Trash Eisprinzessin treffender)
Kishi Bashi – Can´t Let Go, Juno (Perfekter Popsong – Hört auch Ishibashis Album “Sonderlust”)
Gut: Leif Vollebekk – Into The Elder, This is the Kit – Hotter Colder, Marika Hackman – Cigarette, Apparat – Goodbye, Cigarettes After Sex – Apocalypse, Girls In Hawaii – Guinea Pig, Car Seat Headrest – War Is Coming, The War On Drugs – You Don´t Have To Go, Grizzly Bear – Morning Sound, Spoon – Hot Thoughts, Young Fathers – Only God Knows, alt-J – 3WW, Fleet Foxes – Third of May/Odaigahara – Colter Wall – The Devil Wears A Suit and Tie
Entdeckungen Singles:
Jackson C. Frank – Blues Run The Game (schon 1965 erschienen)
Leon Bridges – River (schon 2016 erschienen)
Luluc – Passerby (schon 2014 erschienen)
Gutes Reinhören in 2018!
Euer Dr. J.
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