hjbender · 6 years
7T1L: Jötunn Thor joins the action
Happy Thorsday. Here's some Jötunn Thorki smut.
Part 1
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It took some time before Jötunn Thor was at last accepted by his six Aesir brothers. He had learned their language and was gradually beginning to adapt to their culture, in the meantime proving himself an invaluable ally and a capable warrior in their inter-temporal, multi-dimensional war against Thanos. He did not possess the ability to wield lightning like the others, but he had other useful gifts: the power to conjure ice weapons, to freeze an enemy with a touch and then shatter him to pieces with a single strike; the ability to fling icy needles from his hands, and to shield himself and his brothers with a protective wall of frost. He could take a deep breath and blow it out with hurricane force, covering everything in its path with a thick layer of ice. Blades could not pierce his skin, and neither fire nor lightning could harm him. In this way, he and the other Thors were able to wreak havoc upon Thanos’s forces, and when the last of the Titan’s insidious Children fell, there was cause for celebration on the Asgardian warship.
It was also this night that Jötunn Thor finally earned the full trust of his Aesir brothers and was given their blessing to lie with their beloved Loki.
Loki took his hand and led him from the galley with a devious smile, and soon they entered the stateroom, shutting the door behind them. Loki coyly took his time undressing while Thor ripped the clothes from his body and stood there naked and impatient, his loins aching, his cock drooling, trying not to pant like an animal at all the soft, vulnerable flesh being revealed to him. The sight of Loki’s curvaceous, heavily-pregnant body awoke Thor’s primal urge to protect and provide and to please, and he throbbed at the thought of finally being allowed to indulge those urges.
Loki crawled onto the broad bed with its soft red sheets and beckoned to Thor with a curl of his finger. Some of these Aesir gestures were still alien to Thor, but he clearly understood that one, no interpretation required; he slid onto the bed and his tough cerulean flesh met with Loki’s smooth beige skin, turning it blue wherever he touched him. His huge hands glided over Loki’s body, painting it first lilac, then cyan, then Jötunn blue.
He hesitated when he came to Loki’s belly, giving him a worried look. “Mun ég meidha barnidh?” he asked softly.
Loki smiled and stroked Thor’s long, silvery-gold beard. “No, it won’t hurt the baby,” he said in Jötnin. “I may look Aesir on the outside, but everything inside me is Jötunn.”  
He leaned up and kissed Thor, and his face bloomed into its natural color, starting at his lips and spreading outward, the lines and markings on his body appearing as subtly as frost forming on glass. He took Thor’s hand and placed it on the large swell of his stomach. His skin turned blue beneath Thor’s palm and he shivered, then pulled back to sigh a frosty white mist into the air.
“Good,” said Thor with grin, displaying his sharp white canines. “Because very soon there is going to be even more Jötunn inside you.” 
Loki hummed his approval and Thor began to purr, the sound like a lion’s growl deep in his chest. They rolled over with a giggle and began to explore each other’s bodies, Thor’s touches revealing the beautiful form hidden beneath Loki’s common illusion. 
It was exquisite. Loki was so soft and full, his flesh warm and his body tender and sweet-smelling, a fertile bud that would soon flower and bear the fruit planted by its six sires. Thor spent a long time just sniffing and touching and tasting, accepting what Loki offered him—kisses, caresses, the creamy richness of his milk—grateful to finally have the love he had craved all his life.
When Thor sank his thick, colbalt-colored cock into Loki’s dewy pink folds—slowly and carefully, being very gentle—it was especially pleasing to watch how he changed down there.
“Now you are Jötunn in both flesh and appearance,” he rumbled, holding Loki’s legs apart as he began to slide in and out, going gradually deeper, coating himself inch by inch with Loki’s warm, glistening slick. “You feel as lovely as you look.”
Loki smiled up at him breathlessly. 
They took their time, Thor being extremely careful as Loki was over eight months pregnant now and increasingly prone to discomfort. They tried several positions before finally settling upon their knees, Loki leaning on his hands while Thor entered him from behind.
Loki moaned and eagerly shoved himself back onto Thor’s cock, his sheath squelching as it swallowed his entire length. 
“Mm, yes, like this,” he insisted, pulling himself off almost completely before repeating the motion, slapping into Thor’s pelvis.
Thor squeezed Loki’s thighs and did as he was bid, and soon Loki was rocking beneath him, his cock leaking and his engorged cunt slurping greedily around Thor’s member. His plump little teats bounced with each complete penetration. His belly hung low and heavy, and Thor leaned forward to caress it, rubbing the rounded form of the little Aesir baby within.
“I may not have made him, but I will treat him as if he were mine,” he vowed in a husky voice. “He is half you, Loki, therefore he is half Jötunn. We will teach him our words and our ways so that he never forgets, and I will love all of him. Not just the half, but the whole. As I love you. Eins ég elska thig. Unnusti mín.” He bent and kissed Loki’s shoulder blade, leaving behind a silvery patch of frost. “Elskan mín.”
He grasped Loki’s cock and began to work it, and Loki tossed his head, flinging his wavy black hair over his shoulder as he moaned. Five minutes and three orgasms later, Thor finally joined him, roaring like a beast and filling the room with a cold mist from his mighty Jötunn lungs. He spent himself inside Loki, a process which took close to a minute and made Loki gasp with shock—both at the amount and the sensation. He had never been filled with a Frost Giant’s seed before and was surprised by how cool and tingly it felt, alleviating the discomfort caused by its overabundance.
Loki arched his back and suddenly experienced two simultaneous orgasms, both strong and unexpected and very different from his usual climaxes, and the distended feeling mysteriously faded. Nothing but pleasure and a delicious, satisfying glow remained.
When Thor pulled out, he was completely clean. There was no leakage, no mess. Not a single drop.
“What was that?” Loki asked as they lay down together, catching their breaths in the aftermath. “You filled me and then… nothing. What happened?”
Thor frowned. “You have never experienced that before?”
Loki shook his head.
Thor’s lavender eyes reflected his surprise. “You had a secondary climax. Dýpfulla it is called, the deepening. Your womb opened and took what I put in you. It is almost impossible for our people to make children without this happening. But you are already bred, so now the seed fulfills a different purpose.” 
“A different purpose? You mean it has other uses?”
Thor petted Loki’s belly lovingly. “It is said that such offerings help strengthen the child and ease the mother’s burden. A good father is expected to contribute to the well-being of his mate. Aside from a healthy child, a brief and painless labor is a sire’s greatest pride.”
Loki made an impressed face and snuggled against Thor’s side. “I never knew sex and childbearing among the Frost Giants was so complex. Do you… speak from experience, or have you not yet fathered children?”
Thor tucked his massive arm beneath his head and put the other around Loki. He sighed a small, frosty breath. “There were very few Jötnar willing to sleep with a runt like me, and none of them was the one I truly wanted. There was little pleasure in it for me. I was either a joke or a pity to them, and I was seldom on the giving end.” His voice became quiet, distant. “It was fortunate that I never became pregnant as a result of those couplings. I always experienced the dýpfulla, sometimes multiple times. I don’t know how I avoided it for so long.”
Loki propped himself up on his elbow, stunned. “You mean you. The Frost Giants are all…?”
“Yes. We are much better equipped than the Aesir.” Thor smiled and gently took Loki’s hand, guiding it between his hard, muscular thighs and moving it slowly inward. Loki had already noticed that Thor’s testes were absent from the outside, being internal like his own, but he was unprepared for the familiar touch of soft skin and the smooth wrinkle of warm, moist flesh.
“Oh,” he uttered, gently caressing the folds. “My. So you’re all like this, then. I thought it was just me.” His cheeks darkened to indigo. “You’ll have to forgive my ignorance. I was taken from Jötunheim as an infant and told nothing of how my people reproduced. I was beginning to think I was nothing but a gross mutation.”
Thor grinned. “No, Loki. You are small, but perfect in every way.” He lifted his leg a little, encouraging Loki to slip his fingers inside him. Loki did, a delighted smirk spreading across his blue lips as he listened to Thor sigh with pleasure.
“You had better not let the others find out about this,” he teased, stroking the smooth, slippery walls of Thor’s lumen. “They’ll be fighting one another to mount you.”
“Perhaps someday I might let them,” Thor chuckled. “It would be nice to be penetrated by someone closer to my size.” He arched a platinum-blond eyebrow. “I wouldn’t mind letting One-Eye mount me. He is very amusing.”
Loki cuddled closer, pressing his belly against Thor’s side and continuing to lavish attention on his cunt, which was growing wetter by the moment. “Hm, yes, he does have a good sense of humor. But what if you were to become pregnant by him? I’m not quite sure I’m ready for the product of a Thor-on-Thor union.”
“Nor I. But it is only speculation at this point.” Thor turned and nuzzled Loki’s face with his own, kissing his cheek, slipping his hand down to stroke Loki’s cock back to life. “Only one person’s love matters to me now, and that is yours, Loki.”
Loki’s eyes fluttered as he felt himself grow hard in Thor’s big, cool hand.
A whole new world of pleasure, and this is where it begins. In ice and frost, in the warm blue depths of a seventh heart.
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