#sleep deprived rambles
angryanimator · 7 months
I just now finished reading dunmeshi and have so many thoughts bouncing around in my head like ping pong balls like how this manga is legit one of the most genuine representation of autism (in the form of not just one, but multiple characters!!!!) in media I've seen in... Ever, actually. There is so much rich depth in both worldbuilding and storytelling/plot. It gives you so many characters that you're sure you won't care about, for you to become attached after a couple chapters later. There is no character i wasn't at least a little interested by. This manga is also sooo uninterested in romance and gives you such a good example of an intensely interesting and powerful story without any of the characters being tied up in any (outwardly) romantic subplots. And yet - it maintains enough vagueness to hook a little suspicion over certain interactions and subtext, only to keep adding context to it as the plot moves along, allowing you to puzzle pieces together. God, i just have so much i wanna say about this story but i would literally have to write an essay and i don't have the confidence or attention span for that
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saturfied · 26 days
yo! what if jeff starts a cat youtuber channel?? where he just makes silly videos with his cattos!!!
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Some late night doodles I did at like 3-4 am, it's now 9 am and I've had 0 sleep-
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Dave is a cat boy in spirit and nobody can ever convince me otherwise. Other than cat boy he is definitely snake boy, like- the noodle neck, the venomous fangs, the snake-ish eyes and the long wavy tail that I hope is snake like, the eating any tiny animal that gets too close to his maw when he's hungry... I hope the snake-ness I give my version of dave isn't too subtle, he even hisses like a snek in my brain stories when he's angy.. And the hiss has rattlesnake sounds in as well, because idk it's more intimating and cryptid tomfuckery. If you have any questions the answer is cryptid tomfuckery.
... I'm definitely sleep deprived.
I may digitize these later, or soon, I'm tired and I really like the sketches ok-
Time to sleep through the mid day summer heatwave heat, thankfully this school term doesn't start until the 11th-
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Random question tho. This is for anyone please. Reblog with your answers
you wake up and you and a minimum of 5 other people are with you. These people are you from past events in your life, you have the most experience. The people can be from any point in your life as long at they are significantly different from you as a person. You cannot leave the room until the others go back to their timelines which will happen once the amount of time equivalent to 24 hours for each person has passed. What do you do and which people are with you.
(No ages I don’t want minors telling people theyre minors or their exact age. That’s dangerous)
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Sometimes when I'm tired YouTubers will start narrating my thoughts
What's really fun is when I get more than one and they start having a conversation
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grollow · 2 years
I’m so tired and I can’t sleep because reasons and so I’m thinking a lot about Rom instead and I just love her okay, I want to hug and protect her from harm and I wish the option to not hurt her existed because she’s perfect
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pinecone-gremlin · 1 month
AI can't make hot people. Just saying.
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giantsinthemist · 5 months
Okay, calculus explained through genetics? idk i just had the thought
if you have two people 1: 50% A and 50% B 2: 50% A and 50% C
their child will roughly have 50% A, 25% B, 25% C
and if that child has a kid with a person 100%
that kid will be roughly 75%A, 12.5% B, 12.5% C
if the genetical lime continues and you keep adding a person of 100% A genetics, the other genes though trace will never reach zero so long as the traits get passed down
aka a non zero infinite number (i think that is what it is called?)
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error-rambles · 10 months
11/13/2023 12:15 am
I wish I could talk to Zeta about this now, I think they would’ve been able to relate. Back when I visited them in Peru I hadn’t hit this low, however Zeta had, and was probably deeper in it than I am right now.
Sometimes I fantasize about the what ifs. What if Zeta were alive right now, if they had never killed themselves and we could hang out again. There’s the what if I had stayed in Peru and never left, would Zeta still gone through committing suicide. I don’t like that one a lot, I was never a good enough friend so probably not much would’ve changed, other than us spending every single weekend together.
Then there’s what if we had killed ourselves together like we discussed once. It’s appealing, in my current fucked up mindset, fantasizing about my own death with someone else.
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webonchin · 9 months
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First of all thank you all soooo soo much for following or just liking my art, support means alot to me , second you are all so talented and so sweet! even if you don't create content you are all so cool!! Yes you reading this ,you are so cool!! And for last...
Happy new year's eve, may all your dreams come true!
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dontbelasagnax · 4 months
I heard it through the grapevine that Cody and Obi-Wan are kissing right now. If true please send photo evidence.
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gojoest · 1 month
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carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders on just 3 hrs of sleep …. also love how slacking off is part of his schedule lmfao
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make-a-post-at-4am · 2 years
welcome to make-a-post-at-4am! why do i always choose the lengthiest urls possible
taglist: art - #make some art at 4am text - #sleep deprived rambles ask - #is that orby?
other tags will be added along the way!
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britishraptor · 2 years
weasel but eel
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angeygirl · 8 months
I love the fnaf fandom. You go to read one fic and Purple Guy is actually the worst person ever, how did he get married? idk his wife left him and he hates his kids for no reason at all. Go to a different fic and he's just a silly little guy who was perfectly normal until everyone around him died. Try a third fic? Well who knows? Maybe he's just jaded and trying, maybe he's just looking for a chance to go off the deep end, maybe he's a scientist, maybe he's a theater kid maybe he's suspiciously flirty and flamboyant
What about Michael? Is he jaded? A goofy goober? Totally traumatized? Coping with sarcasm? Just kinda chill? Who knows! I doubt Scott does
Maybe teen Mike is trying to be a good brother because his dad won't, maybe he's full of sibling jealousy, maybe he's acting out to cope, maybe he's not acting out at all, maybe he needs to be slapped my consequences to not end up just as evil as his father, maybe it was a genuine mistake
Uhh when did these kids die? idk. That just means motives change based on what happened :D
Did C.C. See Elizabeth get taken by Baby? did he see a spring-lock failure? the MCI? Up to you! Did Elizabeth hate Michael after getting their brother killed? Was she the only one to comfort him? Was she too young to understand? Did William kill Charlie first to get back at Henry and developed a taste for blood as a result? Was Charlie the final nail in the proverbial coffin? I dunno, who cares!
It's all for fun anyway and that makes me happy
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camille-lachenille · 7 months
I was thinking about how, in fanfictions and in the fandom in general, Elrond is often depicted as a pure Noldorin lord, if not a die hard Fëanorian. And while I do enjoy Fëanorian!Elrond, the more I think about it the more I am convinced Elrond is not the fëanorian one of the twins. Elros is. Elros who adopted seven eight pointed stars as the heraldic device of his whole dynasty, a symbol still used 6000 years after his death. Elros who had Quenya be the official language of Númenor. Elros who decided to leave Arda for an unknown fate after his death; not Everlasting Darkness but not the rebirth in the bliss of Valinor either. He choose to go to a place Elves aren’t supposed to go, just like Fëanor and his sons went back to Beleriand. Elros, the mortal man, who decided to forge his own path in the world.
And I am not saying Elrond didn’t, because Eru knows how much strength, patience and stubbornness Elrond must have to become who he is in LotR. But when I first re-read LotR after reading the Silm, he did not strike me as Fëanorian at all (except for the no oath swearing rule that seems to apply in Rvendell). In fact, Elrond, and all three of his children, are defined by being half-Elven. Elrond is so much at the same time they had to creat a whole new category for him. He is described as kind as summer in The Hobbit, but also old and wise, and his friendly banter with Bilbo in FotR show he is also merry and full of humour. Elrond is both Elf and Man despite his immortality, and this is made quite clear in the text.
But. If I had to link him to an Elven clan, I’d say Elrond is more Sinda than Noldor, and even that is up to debate. Rivendell, this enchanting valley hidden from evil thanks to his power, is like a kinder version of Doriath. Yet, the name of Last Homely House and Elrond’s boundless hospitality make me think of Sirion: Rivendell is a place where lost souls can find s home, where multiple cultures live along each other in friendship and peace.
In FotR, Elrond introduces himself as the son of Eärendil and Elwing, claiming both his lineages instead of giving only his father’s name as is tradition amongst the Elves. It may be a political move, or it may be a genuine wish to claim his duality, his otherness, or even both at the same time. But from what is shown of Elrond in LotR, he seems to lean heavily in the symbols and heritage from the Sindar side of his family, rather than the Noldor one. I already gave the comparison with Doriath, but it seems history repeats itself as Arwen, said to be Lúthien reborn, chooses a mortal life. Yet Elrond doesn’t make the same mistake as Thingol by locking his daughter in a tower and sending her suitor to a deathly quest. Yes, he asks Aragorn to first reclaim the throne of Gondor before marrying Arwen, but this isn’t a whim on his part or an impossible challenge. Aragorn becoming king means that Middle-Earth is free from the shadow if Sauron and Arwen will live in peace and happiness. Which sounds like a reasonable wish for a parent to me.
Anyways, I went on a tangent, what strikes me with Elrond is his multiple identity. Elrond certainly has habits or traits coming from his upbringing amongst the Fëanorians, and he loved Maglor despite everything. The fact he is a skilled Minstrel shows he did learn and cultivate skills taught by a Fëanorion, that he is not rejecting them. There is a passage at the end of RotK, in the Grey Havens chapter, where Elrond is described carrying a silver harp. Is this a last relic from Maglor? Possible.
But while Elros choose the path of mortality and showed clear Noldorin influences in the kingdom he built, Elrond is happy in his undefined zone he lives in. He is an Elf, he is a Man, he is Sinda and Noldo and heir to half a dozen lost cultures and two crowns. He is the warrior and the healer, the only one of his kind in Middle-Earth. And that is why I will never tire of this character and I love so much fanworks depicting him as nuanced and multiple yet always recognisable as Elrond.
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