#sleaze fic
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2jihiir0 · 9 months ago
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sleaze ch 3 : desperation
commissioned by @lulalulens | fic by: @thisusernameisunavailable01
Read sleaze here !
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navybrat817 · 8 months ago
Navy, we want them all!
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Love and thanks! ❤️
PS - I only left rocker off the list since I have a rocker!Bucky. I also left sugar daddy off the list for some reason.
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stupidsimp1000 · 1 month ago
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Barty + Regulus <3
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dietmountaindewbae · 1 year ago
young Al anon again, when I mean Dom. I meant horrid cocky piece of shit 20 year old Alex being merciless because he sees the reader as just a groupie from his new fame
xxi. your band is all the rage
alex turner x reader
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word count: 6348
summary: Glastonbury festival (2007) was here, you and your friends adventure into the festival, but on the way you get lost, and you run into the boy that was taped to your bedroom walls (fwn! Alex) you didn't expect what would happen next...
warnings: sp*t, or*al, dr*gs, alc*ohl, degr*ting
song recommendation: paper planes by M.I.A
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The lingering pre-euphoric feeling of being in Glasto watching and hearing your favorite band live with your most real friends, drinks being poured down your throat like water, and breathing pot smoke like part of the oxygen was magical, it would be hard to forget this year, you recently moved to London for college living in a little flat with your two best friends, and a small puppy that was like your son, staying up late and sleeping until the next day, you had saved up enough for Glasto, all the money that was for the rent ended up in there, but it was worth it, the muddy boots, thick leather jackets, long belts, short skirts, and broken tights, busted knees.
"For fucks sake!" You screamed trying to find a signal in the middle of the field, looking so lost and silly with your arm up high in the sky all stressed up, you had lost your friends after Amy Winehouse went up the stage, and you spend hours trying to find them, and you began to feel worried, and paranoid, the whole day you were stuck together like glue, but then drinks swung one after the other and you were pissed throughout the concerts and suddenly you were alone singing with Amy, somehow you managed to find a spot with one bar of weak signal, you choose to follow that signal until it was getting stronger which let you thru some bushes in the darkness you battled your way out, you walked for a few moments depending on your phone's light for illumination until somehow, you managed to find the camp where everyone who headlined was, you sneaked around when you saw some security walking around the place, you sneaked your way thru some bushes until you found reception again, the trailer that you were hiding behind, for your luck had the door unlocked and you hide from security.
"Shit, shit, shit..." You whispered over and over again, as you tripped over something that knocked you to the table, the moment the lights went on your heart dropped to your stomach as your paths crossed with none other than the boy with a shaggy and short haircut that you've been crazy about for years wearing some denim jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, the one with his face all over your room, you looked for him in magazines and in person he looked just like a normal human.
"Um... excuse me... who are you looking for?" He was alone with his eyes a bit swollen and his hair made a mess as if he had just woken up and was trying to decipher wether he was dreaming you or not, you didn't realize how stupid you were by going inside the trailer, face red, you looked everywhere and anywhere for a quick answer since your brain couldn't develop one.
"I- um..." You awkwardly giggle, "I'm just lookin' for my mates, I lost them or they lost me... I-I dunno... I-I'm sorry I should go, I'm such a prick" Your knees were bruised, but you managed to get yourself up and fix your dress.
"But... how did you get here?" He said, looking at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
His eyes roam your body with no shame, his breathing short as he sees the way your mouth moves as you speak, how your eyes have this little sparkle whenever he looks at you, and how you couldn't hold his gaze for more than a second, your brain taking pictures of his faces, "That's a good question, I've been wondering that myself too... I just found a little bit of reception here, and-"
He clears out his throat cutting you off, "You know what? It don't matter... you can stay, just don't go inside anyone's trailer like that again doll, you can get in serious trouble" He called you a doll, and you smiled to yourself at the fact that Alex fucking Turner had called you a doll, "Want a drink?" Holly fuck, you cursed into your head.
"Sure... yeah that'll be cool" You walked around the monkeys trailer as Alex turned on his blender, throwing on some ice in two cups, all the things that you wanted to say, and scream simply couldn't be spilled out of your mouth as your mind took pictures of every bit of the messy trailer, you could spot Matt's drumsticks, and Nick's bass, you were more than excited when you saw Jamie's owl strap hanged in the settee, and when your eyes ran across Alex's little hard covered open notebook, you wanted to read it so badly.
"Margaritas!" He handed you over a cool red plastic cup, sitting beside you on his olive green settee, "Cheers, love" He watched you pour his margarita down your mouth with the biggest look of relief, he smiled, eying you up and down from the side, you bet you were looking dirty and sweaty, your dress didn't hide much of your body, it made your legs longer with your gold dress and leather belt around your hips, with your dirty rain boots, and your trashed eyeliner with gold sparkles on your eyelids, but not only was your face that captivated him, your smooth legs with bleeding bumps on them, if he looked more higher he could see your pair of black knickers.
"Fuck, I never thought this would happen..." You admitted, pushing your hands through your hair, the palm of your hand on your forehead.
"What?" He leaned in closer.
You sighed looking down at your cup because you couldn't look at his face for long, "It's my first festival" You said with a smile, "Well it's our first festival, and I dunno... I saw this coming but I was hoping it wouldn't happen, losing all of my girls just like that" You snapped your fingers.
"This is what happens when you give young girls more booze than they can handle" He chuckled while you awkwardly laughed at his comment, maybe that was his sense of humor, he saw you smiling so he took that as a sign that you were getting into him, his body began to close the space between yours very slowly, leaning in, "To be honest, I'm sort of glad you crashed here," His arm rested on the head of the couch, his fingers lightly touching your shoulder, "To finally have someone that's easy to talk to" You smiled not quite sure to take what he said as a compliment but you politely took what he said as something possibly positive.
"Well... thank you," You said, smiling and resting your head on his hand, his fingers intertwined with your hair, you felt embarrassed about the way you had rudely woke him up just a few minutes ago, you thought it was the right moment to apologize since he had gone quiet, but what he did was admiring your face, "When I... crashed here, where you asleep?" You asked kindly, he nodded his head, "I'm sorry for waking you up" His hand pats your thigh gently, and you look at him in the eyes, and he shrugs with a smile.
"I'm happy you did though, I dunno why but whenever I'm 'bout to play at any festival I just have terrible nightmares, then you came and I thought I was still dreaming" You blushed at the comment, even if it was a cliché, he was just as you imagined he would be, sweet and shy, handsome as well with a touch of cockiness for some spice, you noticed he wasn't as smooth sometimes when it came to flirting but at least he didn't say anything stupid, he was a dork.
"What was it about?" He shrugged smiling to himself again, he stared into your eyes, something in them thrilled you when they shine.
"About me shoes...." You both break into laughter, he sees that familiar spark in your eyes, your smile charming him, so he decides to leave behind his shyness and take a chance with you, "Can I tell you summat?" You nodded, "This is me first Glasto too, so why don't we make it unforgettable together?" Your head raised when he proposed you to stay with him, his hand landing on your knee.
"You reckon?" He said yes with his head, "Really?"
"Yeah, I can write your girls on the list, we'll have a party after the show ends," With no doubt, you said yes, "You're welcome..." You told him your name and you heard him say it back at you with a smile, you pinched yourself to prove that you weren't dreaming this, but this was real, Alex Turner knows about your existence and asked you to stay with him.
"I don't think I need an introduction, right?" You giggled saying no, "Right then, follow me doll, we're almost up" He put your margarita down, and grabbed your hand turning off the lights of his trailer and grabbed a black coat on the way out, on the walk backstage he never dropped your hand, properly holding it, fingers intertwined, his hand soft, and his fingertips bumpy and thick, you went thru the woods his hand gripping yours tightly until you were at the back of the big pyramid, it was so strange looking at it from that angle but it was still magnificent, there was a big white tent right next to the stage, security stopped you and Alex before going inside.
"She's with me, we also have more people coming with us," Out of his pocket he took out his wallet, sliding some money into the palm of his hand, the big man that was twice the size of you and Alex, nodded his head.
"Names" That's the only thing he said, you wrote them down on a piece of ripped paper he gave you and went inside with ease, the place was poorly illuminated but you recognized everyone, your pulse speeding up when you saw that iconic 60's bee hive black hair of hers, walking towards you with her black tank top, leather belt around her waist and beautiful red skirt and her big eyeliner.
"Aye, kiddo!" Amy approached the both of you with a cigarette trapped between her teeth, "It's wild out there, I just wanted to tell you to have fun, it's big and I'm sure after this you lots will only go up and up" She blew the smoke at your face, you were honored, "And who is this?" She greets you with a big friendly hug and kiss on your cheek, you tell her your name and she scans you up and down, "You look very fit"
You internally screamed, "You were amazing out there, me and my gals were-"
"Meh, a bit shit," She said making you laugh, "But have a nice night, I'll see you at the party right?" She repeated your name and you were only able to nod your head and she said goodbye to you, walking to her trailer with her security.
"Shit, I can't believe that just happened" You covered your mouth, "Amy, just... bloody hell" Alex laughed along with you.
"I know, big fan as well, she's just lovely... come to meet the rest" The rest? you were about to enter into a coma if you met the rest, "There's a signal here as well" Shit, you forgot about that, you walked away for a moment phoning your girls.
"Chelsea?" You yelled, there was a lot of noise but when she said your name you were relieved, "You won't believe what just happened but I'm in the back of the fucking pyramid with Arctic Monkeys and I just fucking saw Amy!" Your friend began yelling like a little child but you managed to explain to her how to get there, "Find Gracie," She promised you she would and to phone you when she was there, you finished the call, and Alex waved his hand at you with a big smile, you ran to meet him, your heart rate speeding when you saw the rest of the guys together.
He pulled you in, his arm around your waist, sticking your body next to his, and introducing you to the guys, "Lovely to meet you" Nick said hugging you and padding your back, Matt and Jamie did as well, and Katie who's Jamie's girlfriend gave you a big hug.
"Finally, a girl! I was tired of all of that testosterone and cologne" Katie pulled you away from Alex, "You don't mind if I steal her away from you for a couple of minutes, do you Al?" He looks at you and back at Katie, she practically had already claimed you.
"Mmm, just don't take long, I want her to see our set" Katie raised her beer and nodded.
"Sure you do... come" She grabbed your hand pulling you to a corner, "I've been dying to fix my hair and makeup!" She said, "Do you mind holding your light and my purse?"
"Oh, no, not at all!" You held your phone up, as she took her lip gloss and mirror out from her little Prada purse, "Shit, I don't know where my bag is" Her laughter was contagious, you were put at ease by her presence.
"You're lovely, do you mind?" She gave you her mirror and you held it up for her as she fixed some gloss on her lips, and some powder on her face, patting it gently on her nose and under her eyes, "Here, have some too," She pats it into your face, taking out some of your runny makeup with her fingers, she put some pinkish lipstick on your cheeks and her cheeks, lastly applying more gloss on your mouth, "Done, let's go back before Al yells at us" Your phone began to buzz like crazy.
"That was fast, my mates are here, I'll be back" She held your hand, she was compromised not to leave your side.
"I'm coming with you" She quickly put her things back in place and ran with you to the entrance hand in hand pushing everyone away with a lot of 'excuse me' and 'sorry', you hugged both of your girls tightly, all of you relieved you were back together, all in one piece.
"Fuckin' hell, where did you guys go?! You left me!" You yelled at them and Chelsea hugged you so hard your lungs ran out of air.
"Gracie saw me running to the bushes to throw up and then we lost you, and then she lost me but I'm fine now!" When Chelsea got drunk she acted like that, that's how your friend was and more than being mad at her you were happy that now you were together.
"Girls, this is Katie!" Katie kindly hugged the girls and all of them already knew who Katie Downs was, the rockstar model girlfriend, a goddess to many girls, all of you looked out to her for pulling Jamie Cook, and now when you went back inside, and saw Alex with that evil cocky smile on his face you could tell he was looking at you shamelessly, when you walk into the room it was hard for Alex to not picture those black knickers falling to your ankles, and that dress to the floor, or your bruised knees getting new ones, you were something else, and Alex wanted you, when he saw you so messy, and so sexy, he just wanted to get to see more of you, get a peek of what was behind that dress.
This time when he saw you, his arm possesively around your lower back, his hand falling to your hip gripping it tight and playing with the studs on your belt. Chelsea quickly caught up on him and the way he was whispering things to your ear and making you laugh, his nose taking a sniff of your scent, he was desperate for the party to come.
"Monkeys!" The staff announced, and Matt alongside Nick were the first to go running up the stairs. Before Jamike walked in, he pulled Katie to a dark corner in the staircase to kiss her deeply gripping her sides tightly, you and Alex crossed looks with each other as you saw them kissing, you blushed when Alex pulled you away to a dark corner before he came up the stairs, caging you in between his arms.
"Aren't you gonna wish me some luck?" One of his hands dropped to your ass gripping it lightly, he bit his bottom lip with a smudge smile, looking at you needy like a teenager, you smiled, taking a step close and kissing his cheek.
"Good luck Al" That's all you said, his smile was quick to come off when he didn't get what he wanted, you could see it crystal clear but you wouldn't let that man go without something to hold on to, you grabbed his hand stopping him, "I'm not done with you yet..."
"Alex!" They yelled but he ignored them when you put his hands on your lower back, your arms wrapping around the back of his head, living a lingering kiss on his mouth, opening it to slip your tongue inside his mouth, his hand went up to your neck, his grip loose around it but his thumb caressed your skin, you took your lips off from his mouth, and he leaned in for more, but you attacked his neck nibbling on his skin, and whispering in his ear, "Would you sing one for me, Al?" Your eyes tender, he smiled and gave you a peck.
"Mmm, yeah babe... just wait for me, I'll show you summat else after I wrap it up here, enjoy the show" He went back with the rest, all of their heads turning to you and Alex, of course, they knew what was going on but you couldn't care less.
"Be careful" Chelsea said, she was more rational than Gracie who was more boy obsessed, she loved boys so much that she, of course, would support your decision to stay with Alex, "You know rockstars, they hit it, lit it and quit it," You hummed as a yes, you were cornered, in the wonder, would it be worth it to spend the night with Alex or to hit and run before he does that to you?
The crowd screams wildly as they see them walk onto the stage, without saying a word they begin to play, everyone recognizes the song in the very first strum of his bronco, and the crowd sings the lyrics along with Alex.
"So who's that girl there? I wonder what went wrong so that she had to run the streets she don't do major credit cards"
As the show settles down after the first song ends, the next no one begins back to back, Alex shared his excitement with the chanting crowd you were dancing and jumping thru the whole gig, "We'd like to play a cover for you Glastonbury, ladies and gentlemen, it's like I said before, you know it only happens once...we're fucking like thrilled, thrilled and we just wanted ...like make it out for everyone to have a good time you know?"
He kept smiling whenever he looked at you in certain lyrics that he dedicated to you when he sang 'Diamonds Are Forever', you had no words to describe how euphoric you felt when you turned 18 you thought your life as a teenage girl was over but you still feel like that young girl that hopelessly wore her heart on her sleeve, when Alex looks at you, a fire in your belly spreads wildly, you couldn't control it, you wanted to be all over him, you didn't care anymore, it was pure young lust, and it was something he wasn't hiding either. At that moment, when he saw thousands of people waving their arms, chanting, clapping, jumping, and throwing themselves, the monkeys felt that they'd made it, all of them had an itch inside their tummies, and all of them could feel it in each other, this was it, this is their moment, this is when they begin.
Alex's lips leaned in closer to the microphone, announcing the next song, "This is called 'Leave Before The Lights Come On' ladies and gentlemen.... and I should stop saying ladies and gentlemen, that must be about the fourteenth time" He quickly turned to see if he had made you laugh, he knew he had embarrassed himself in front of thousands of people but when he saw you smiling he felt fine.
His intentions were clear, right as he came down from the stage bathed in sweat his hands landed on your hips, there was a spark in his eyes that was hard to control, that fresh concert euphoric bliss that had his eyes so deeply dilated, that angst he couldn't control like an itch on the roof of his mouth, he couldn't console, he wanted to do you and only you.
"Mate, everyone's going to Lily's tent, we'll see you there, reyt?..." Matt said, Alex just nodding focusing your eyes on you.
"Shit, Chelsea and Grace!" Little did you know that they were also hooking their selves with the guys from Fratellis, specially Chelsea as you imagined, you turned to look at Alex and you fetched them.
"Lily's... now" That's the only thing you said but everyone was gonna be back in the trailers of course, either way you managed to get them all, including Kasabian, Fratellis, Amy, and The Killers were there too, you were baffled by the amount of people you met and all the pictures you took with each of them, but it didn't take long until you had to get out for a necessary cigarette break.
Just when you had relaxed and sat on your legs to enjoy your cigarette you heard someone say, "There you were" Your heart speeds when you see Alex, and you quickly stand up and keep smoking.
"I lost you, with all of those girls in there... I thought you had forgotten about me," You said with a hint of annoyance, he nudged his head to the side and said no.
"I'm not finished with you yet... I could have all of them and you know that, right?" That was very hard to accept but who were you kidding? He was right, then he took your cigarette away, pulling you in and pressing your body against him so you could feel how hard he was, he blew the smoke into your mouth wrapping you up in a poisonous and addictive kiss, "Don't flatter yourself" Your cheeks painted dark red without you noticing it, he grabbed your hand and let your way to his camper, both of you knew exactly how things were going to go down.
Alex couldn't wait any longer both getting excited by the anticipation, the ride to his campsite was too far for him, his need for you was too hard, and he needed to get it out of his system, the kiss was enough to get him hooked, he couldn't get you out of his head the whole gig, and the euphoria, and the bliss, and you... he knew you were more than willing, he pulled you to a bench, settling you on top of him.
He pulled your face to his, slipping his tongue inside you the moment your lips parted to kiss him, his hands gripping your ass tightly, your dress riding up to your hips and that was enough for him to take advantage of, feeling your smooth skin and digging his nails into your ass, you sighed when that piece of thin fabric in your body rubbed against the roughness of his blue denim jeans, "Quite needy" You whispered, at that moment he thrusts his hips, you felt that piece of hard meat coming in direct contact with you, your underwear was so thin, you could feel him entirely.
"You couldn't expect for you to just leave me like that, now do you?" He chocked, "I know what you want" His eyes look down to his bulging boner, you oblige, knees on the ground, your hands on his jeans, stroking him, but he already had figured out exactly what to do with you in his mind, he quickly unbuckled his belt, he didn't want to waste more time while you just wanted to warm him up and tease him to get him more worked up, he took out his cock from his belt your eyes widening at the size, you looked up at him, he was impatient pulling your head down to his cock.
Your mouth closed around him but barely did anything, a big sigh of relief left his lips, and you smiled your eyes coming in contact with his, "I don't have all night" He said demandingly, you began to gather up a steady pace, sucking hard but not going too fast, swirling your tongue around his red tip, while your hand strokes the rest of his dick, "Are you gonna blow me or what? You're wasting me time"
He pulled your head back and your hands gripped his thighs to not let him go, "No, no! Wait... I'm sorry" Here you were, down on your knees being the one that apologized to him because you weren't doing a good enough job in Alex's eyes, but he still had a little trace of goodness, and the chances of him treating you more like shit would make you better, he could see how hard you tried, how much you wanted to please him, he wouldn't let down a chance like this, a girl that would beg to suck his dick.
"Sorry won't make me cum, just get down you fuckin' cunt" You leaned in forward, pushing your hair behind your ears, sliding his cock down your throat, he chocked out a groan, his whole body relaxing on the bench, and sighed and said, "Fuckin' finally..." You tried your best to keep your breathing steady, but you couldn't stop gagging around him, his size too thick, you drew some of his cock back, going back to rimming his cock with your tongue, he pulled your head back, and your mouth drooling, "Hey, is this your first time sucking a dick, you lazy whore? Don't act like you can't do better than just gag," Sliding back your comments about his arrogance you took him in.
Alex moaned as he kept watching you suck him more harshly, your cheeks hollowed the outline of his cock could be seen on your cheek, the exaggerated moans that fell from his mouth could tell you than more than enjoying your warm, wet, and greedy mouth he enjoyed himself, he only saw you as that, as something he could use to play with, to make himself feel higher, more confident, and you liked that, you liked how much he enjoyed himself so you began to do the same, your hand sliding down in between your legs, and it was obvious, you were soaking wet by now, you enjoyed giving him head so much, him fucking your mouth like it was your pussy, and possibly spilling his cum down your throat, and how much of an asshole he was with you, how little value he gave to you, it pushed you to be wilder, to try harder, to not be scared of him being more rough, you could vividly picture him fucking you, your walls contracting around nothing by the thought, your clit swollen from rubbing it in harsh circles, the vibration of your moaning making him moan louder and louder, he smiled when he saw you touching yourself.
"You're a dirty little slut touching yourself like that, you like how I feel in your mouth huh?" He asked, "You'll like it more when I fill it up" You moaned loudly as your fingers slid in easily, your fingers fucking your hole harder, "You dirty fuck, I'm gonna fuck your mouth until you can't breathe" He pulled your head down, gathering your hair into a ponytail, thrusting his hips, your screams muffled by his cock, you couldn't stop him, he had lost it the moment you kissed him, and now you were paying for it.
Then, the moment you heard people approaching Alex quickly drew back his cock from your mouth, putting it back inside his boxers and zipping up his jeans, he grabbed your hand picked you up from the ground, and dragged you around the tent, behind a three, both of you could hear the music close, and at any moment, anyone could see you two together and that was so thrilling, it's not like he cared, but he wanted to remain some things private, he leans in forward slowly, backing you up against the tree cupping your cheeks, "Kiss me" You closed the space between you and his body, at first he enjoyed the deep kiss, tasting your warm mouth, something about you was quite addictive, you didn't know if it might be the tiniest trace of nicotine or the fact that he just wanted to feel your insides more than just wanting a simple blow.
Alex flips you, face against the tree, his hands dropping to your hips pulling them forward, "Are your little fantasies coming true? You can't lie to me, I knew you were thinking of summat like this... just wanting me inside you this whole time... and you didn't say anything..." You heard the sound of his zipper coming down, you gripped the wood tighter as Alex pushed your dress up to your back, he finally saw what was underneath your golden dress, that thin pair of black knickers, he pushed them aside, and pressed his fingers down on your clit making you sigh, he smiled to himself gathering up a slow tempting pace.
"You're such..." You were cut off the moment his fingers finally made their way into your panties.
"Such a what?" You couldn't stop gasping as his fingers began to fuck your hole more vigorously, deeper, you couldn't stop moaning his name out loud, even if you tried, he filled you up to the top, your legs losing balance, "Such a good fuck, babe?" You whined when he took himself out of you, rimming his dick on your cunt, spreading your wetness all over it.
"Mhm" You whimpered, the tip of his cock was used to rub your weakest spot in circles, you could feel him smiling to himself, whatever happened to that 19-year-old boy that won your heart with his shyness in his interviews, reserved, quiet, a sweet kind smile, now he was all over you, treating you like a trashy whore, but you loved it, it boosts his ego, but nobody had seen this part of Alex Turner, or even felt it, "You are Alex" You whimpered.
"Be quiet sweetheart, or they'll hear you..." He enters you and keeps fucking you like a doll, pressed against you so tight you were seeing the stars in the black sky shining like diamonds, reflecting in your eyes, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach, his lips pressed against your neck, sucking on it harder to leave his little stamp, his mark, "I bet everyone would be glad to know you got fucked by me..." You didn't know how did he have the strength to keep talking to you while he fucked your insides so good. His lips were so soft against your skin, his cock reaches to a place that covered your flesh in goosebumps, his nose tickling your nape, his hands gripping your tits, squishing them together, kneading them.
"Oh... Alex," You gasp, he had such a delicious rhythm that burned your body and his, the tension making the air thicker, harder and harder for you to catch your breathing, you trembled, your cheeks burning hot as your pussy only got wetter, and nipples got hard.
"I felt that... tell me what it is..." He drawled, but you couldn't sound a syllable, you grabbed his hand, sliding down in between your legs, your back arched as his fingers press down on your clit, your head on his shoulder, your long neck so beautiful in his eyes, his other hand chocked your neck, he kissed you as best as he could, rubbing your clit harder as he feels you contracting, your pussy made a mess, wetting your inner thighs, feeling those tickles, and his dick was pushed deep inside you, only to make you finish all over him, your eyes turning white gasping for some air, making you feel lightheaded, and he let go of your neck before you passed out, but you were sure it wasn't because you couldn't breathe, it was because he fucked you so well, "Now is my turn..." He gathered up a giddy pace, so fast that the sound of his hips colliding against your body sounded like applause, your ass turning tender and soft like a piece of dough, he was coming to an end, and so did you for the second time, he pushed himself harder, "Cum all over me cock, you dirty cunt... fuckin' do it" He flicked your clit and you came again, not being able to stand on your feet any longer, he pulled out of you fast to cum on your back, the warm fluid dripping down your hips and bum, "Shit, shit... oh fuck" He gave himself a few strokes to squeeze everything out when he opened his eyes again he began to panic a bit, he researched in his jeans for something to clean you up.
You quietly giggled and kicked your panties off your feet, "Just use these" You panted, he grabbed them and he pushed his lips together.
"But I'm gonna ruin them" He pouts, you wave it off and he cleans up your back, once he is done, you take your coat off, wrapping it around your waist, he feels bad about it, and you can see it on his face, "What's wrong?"
"Ruined a sexy pair of knickers," Your fingers brushed the hairs on his forehead, and you kindly smiled at him, pecking his lips.
"It was for a good cause," You made him laugh, and it was the silliest, sweetest, and most contagious laugh ever, you've heard it before on the radio when they interviewed them, but it was nothing like real life, "Besides, I always keep a spare on my purse" He pushed his eyebrows together, smiling, his smile was the one that made your insides melt.
"Now I'm curious to see what's inside that magical purse of yours," You looked at him with a hint of sadness in your eyes, knowing that maybe it was time for you to go your separate ways as you walked together, but at least for today, he didn't want you to just disappear, so he grabbed your hand and you walked back together, you found a bathroom in the way where you could change, and he waited patiently outside for you, telling your how sorry he was over and over, but you truly didn't care. 
You had the time of your life, partying with him and the monkeys, Lilly Allen had turned the party into a costume party, you saw Alex changing into a green dinosaur onesie, drinking beer, and dancing with you dressed like an angel, with sparkles in your eyes and a white dress that Amy lend you in exchange for your golden dress, you kept dancing and drinking until the sunrise with him, smoking some weed with him and Matt in the back, Alex played with you, he stuck with you throughout the whole night, pinching your bum, kissing the back of your head, but mostly he spent most of the time craving the taste of your mouth, kissing you with angst and possession since there was another guy, James from Klaxons that wanted to kiss you, he wouldn't leave you alone, both of you felt like you were flying like planes running and rolling around the grass watching the sun peek behind the giant pyramid. And then, your memory went blank, you had woken up from the floor with your knees and elbow bleeding, blood on your wings and broken fishnets, Chelsea lying on your thighs and Gracie hugging you close, you glanced at your clock, it was 8 in the morning, you woke Chelsea and Gracie up, taking them with Jamie and Katie who kindly gave them water and some food, then you had another worry, it was Alex.
"Have you guys seen Alex anywhere?" You slurred to Jamie and Katie, then Jamie grabbed Katie's hand and went outside with you, you heard the sound of Alex's grunts, and you followed them until you saw him wrestling James in the mud with his dinosaur onesie, his eyes just as red as yours, "Alex!" James was in the mud and Alex quickly went running back to you zigzagging, you couldn't help but laugh so hard it knocked you to the floor, your body and head still felt light, he laid down next to you staining your costume with mud, "What the fuck, Alex?"
"That fucker wanted to kiss you!" Alex's voice sounded a pinch higher when he was drunk, he was annoyed that you kept laughing, "What? He needed to know that you're mine, he can't kiss you"
"So brave!" You teased him, cuddling close to him, "How much grass did we smoke? Jesus... I'm so tired" You turn your head to look at him but he is already staring at your lips, stealing a kiss from you.
"We could go back to the trailer," He pinched your chin, his thumb caressing it gently, and a smile crawled to your lips.
"You're not that tired, are you?" He said no with his head, his hands sneaking to pinch your bum, making you giggle like a child and blush hard.
"I'll do everything, you just have to lay down... and look pretty just like now" He kissed your temple, piggybacking you back to the trailer, closing the door shut.
Happy Alex Turner day everyone! 💘
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wolfpants · 2 years ago
everybody hates a tourist: fic playlist
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Pulp - Common People
Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
Sugababes - Freak Like Me
Electric Six - Gay Bar
Razorlight - America
Kaiser Chiefs - Oh My God
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up to Dry
Bloc Party - This Modern Love
Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor
Franz Ferdinand - Michael
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Robyn - With Every Heartbeat
Édith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien
on spotify here! ⚓️
fic on ao3 here 🦀
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angelbambisworld · 2 months ago
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Save me Trixxian Vitolo, guitarist of the obscure totally-not-a-knockoff-of-KISS band Creature. SAVE ME!!!
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boybasher · 4 months ago
Not For Sale 🏷️ (my tumblr aesthetic dress up music video)
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2jihiir0 · 1 year ago
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“You really fucking did it-, damn you’re a freak.”
some more Gator x Eddie based on sleaze by @thisusernameisunavailable01 !!
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choface · 1 year ago
eddie x gator brainrot is back in action babyyy
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navybrat817 · 7 months ago
Navy, can you tell me about Smile Pretty 👀 any little secret 👀 and your titles are amazing 😍
Suz, I'm so glad you like the titles! A few of them are song lyrics!
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Smile Pretty is our sleazy photographer!Bucky! He helped get your brother a job and you're so thankful for that. And Bucky just wants to take you on a date, but you'd rather not cross that line. I mean, what if for some reason it doesn't go well and he takes it out on your brother? It doesn't matter. You're going to sleep with Bucky.
He'll make sure of that.
Love and thanks! ❤️
WIP Ask Game
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lostloveletters · 1 year ago
i can’t wait for the new woody fic i miss her😪
You're so sweet! I'm really hoping to have it posted tomorrow or Sunday? Probably late Sunday...
Most of Woody and Holly's fics run parallel to each other because they're basically attached at the hip, so this one is taking place at the same time as Damn Yankees.
🦇 Battie
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toxicanonymity · 4 months ago
No hard feelings
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Joel miller x f!reader | 1.3k words I8+ MDNI. 1980 AU, you're a college student and have car trouble. Joel offers help, if he gets to take pics of you. Sleaze/creep, touching, pet names. Big ty to aly @iamasaddie for her 24 hr fic challenge (which had these pics) even if this doesn't fit the challenge due to length and not signing up lmao it still inspired me. I saw it last night when I read aly's hot fic, Feelings are a lot of work ❤️��🔥❤️.
When your car broke down on a remote stretch away from campus, your face was dewy and your thighs stuck to the leather seat. You got out in your daisy dukes and thin white tee and popped the hood. You were bent over, looking at the smoking engine, when you heard a truck and looked back to see a faded yellow F-100 kicking up dust as it rolled to a stop. You tried to pull your shorts down enough to cover your ass cheeks as a man exited the truck in jeans and a teal polo with the collar all wonky. His salt and pepper hair was sweaty, and he held a cowboy hat to his chest.
“Miss,” he nodded. “Mind if I take a look?”
You agreed, and he put his hat on.
. . .
When he was done, he offered, “I could get ya fixed up long enough to get ya to the service station.”
“Thank you,” you gushed. “Thank you so much, really.”
“Oh I ain’t doin’ it for free, sugar,” he laughed darkly and your face fell.
“Alright,” you mumbled to the ground, then looked him in the eye. “Thanks for taking a look anyway.”
He looked you up and down and gave a low whistle. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
You crossed your arms, temporarily obscuring the view of your nipples poking through the worn cotton.
“Tell ya what,” he offered. “I’mma get ya fixed up here, then you’re gonna lemme take some pictures of ya.”
“You said go straight to the station.”
“Oh we can do it right here, sugar. Got my camera’n all,” he nodded toward his truck. “Whaddya say?”
“Alright,” you agreed, without any other options. No other cars had driven by in the time since he’d been there. He nodded, put on his cowboy hat, then put a toothpick in his mouth. “Wait in the truck if ya wan’t. Grab me a beer. One for you too.”
At least the beer was cold.
You didn't wait in his truck, you lowered the tailgate of the bed of his truck and sat there with your legs dangling off the back, watching him work.
Sweat blotched his polo with darker patches until he stopped, took off his hat and dabbed his forehead with his arm. Then, as he pulled the polo over his head, that’s when you recognized him.
He put his cowboy hat back on, turned around, balled up his sweaty shirt, and threw it at you. “Grab me another beer, darlin’. Almost done here.”
You'd seen that broad back before, and his padded stomach that didn’t quite hide his strong abdomen.
As you handed him a lukewarm Coors light, you asked, “Don’t you work on campus at UT?”
“Heh,” he chuckled. “Recognize me?” He brazenly studied your tits, looking back and forth at them, then your mouth.
“Guess so,” you agreed.
“Soon as I took my shirt off, huh?” He gave you a wink then went back to working on your car.
Yeah, his physique was what caught your eye on campus. He was a janitor and he wore a gray jumpsuit. One day when you were walking home from class, he must’ve been on break, because he was leaned up against a maintenance vehicle with his jumpsuit hanging down, sleeves tied around his waist, brown skin glistening in the sun, having a cigarette. He turned his head to watch you walk by and gave you a small nod, then raised his eyebrows as a he took a drag. Then he stomped his cigarette out and turned around. You ogled his muscular back, and he looked over his shoulder and caught you.
. . .
When he finished working on your car, the sun was glaring as it approached the horizon. He put his wrinkled shirt back on, stowed some tools in his truck, and came back with a Polaroid camera hanging from his neck.
“Right there’s good,” he muttered with you still sitting on the bed of the truck
You fidgeted with your clothes and crossed your knees and he snapped a pic. The camera whirred and he took out the pic, waved it through the air, then slipped it into the breast pocket of his wrinkled shirt.
“Alright, now you’re gonna be a good girl for me,” he informed you. “And y’ain’t gonna be a prude about it ether.”
Your gut twisted, but at the same time, your pussy throbbed at his commands.
“What?” You asked.
His voice became low and gravely. “We’re gonna pull that shirt up’n lemme see those titties.”
You took a deep breath, and in the time you took to hesitate, he stepped into your personal space. “Uncross those pretty stems, darlin’.”
You obediently uncrossed your legs, and he spread your knees gently with his dirty hands as he got close enough for you to smell the beer on his breath, the stench of his sweat, and the memory of cigarettes.
Getting wet with your knees spread, you were glad to provide the distraction of showing your tits.
“Lift your arms," he directed.
You did, and he gently slid his thick, grubby fingers under the sides of your shirt. He lifted the shirt and let out a low whistle as your tits fell out. “Well God damn, even prettier than I thought.” You braced your hands behind you and watched his face as you let him have a look. It was hot to think of him jacking off to these photos later.
He glanced to your eyes and you didn’t stop him from nudging the bottom of your breasts with his thumbs, watching them swell upward.
“God damn,” he whispered. “You’re gonna be the death of me, sugar.”
After snapping a pic, he directed you in a couple of poses for more pics, then stood and looked you up and down.
“One more. You’re gonna show me your panties.”
What panties? God, by this point you were so wet, the crotch of your jeans had to be soaked through.
“No panties, huh?” He asked. “Well, lemme see your bush.”
When you hesitated, he comforted you, “That’s okay, darlin’. Sorry, you’re just so damn pretty.”
But you weren't off the hook.
“One more thing, okay? Bring those pretty legs up, put your feet on the truck,” he patted the tailgate.
You did as he instructed and could smell your own arousal. He inhaled sharply through his nose as he looked between your legs and raised his eyebrows.
You looked down and away.
“Here,” he offered and put his cowboy hat on you. “Hide your face if it makes ya feel better.”
It did, a little.
He took a pic with the hat tipped down, covering your face, shirt still pulled up over your tits, legs spread wide, and a wet mess peeking out from behind the darkened crotch of your shorts.
“Smell good enough to eat,” he mumbled as he slipped the photo in his pocket and got in your personal space. “Mind if I take some for the road?”
“What?” You asked
He slid his hand up your thigh and nudged the soaked denim aside. Your skin erupted in goosebumps and your loins throbbed with need.
“Your hands are dirty,” you said.
“Shhhh, It’s okay, sugar,” he coaxed you as his fingers met your slick. He lightly ran his digits through your sticky mess, then deep growl left his chest as he slid a finger inside, making you spasm. His mouth fell open as he added another. “God damn,” he whispered.
Headlights approached in the distance, shaking him from his trance.
“Hey, you know my name?” he asked as he withdrew his hand, fingers all shiny. You put your legs back together and hopped down off the truck.
“How would I know your name,” you asked, trying not to look at the bulge in his jeans.
He closed the tailgate.
“Well it’s on my uniform, darlin’.” He looked hurt. “See me all the time, even said hi once.”
“Eh, no hard feelings. Name’s Joel Miller.”
You shared your first name, and he nodded as he added your last name and said, “yeah, I know, sugar.” He turned and walked away, leaving his hat with you.
Your heart raced, and when he got in his truck, you half expected him to return with a shotgun and take you with him. But he drove off into the sunset, dust trailing behind him.
btw you must have seen him on campus before he got this hot new uniform
Thank you for reading! If you say what you liked (or Lbr if you say anything lmao) you'll make my day ❤️
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luveline · 1 year ago
hiyaa girlyy!! so i have a fic request and it's totally fine if you don't want to write / don't feel comfortable reading or doing it: and also, i'm not sure if someone thought of this yet, but how about spencer just being friends with a stripper. like their are murders ongoing abt strippers and spencer sees reader at one of the crime scènes and everybody's shocked since their sooo sweet and comfortable together? (and bonus point if she wears his jacket or something since it's cold)
thank you for your request! if you have more requests for this pairing please send them my way!
"I tried to call you!" 
Hotch looks up from his phone at the shout. He'd been texting Jessica one handed in an attempt to tell her and Jack that he won't be home tonight, and he isn't usually easily startled, but he isn't expecting you to talk to him. Or call him. 
He blinks back his fatigue —you're obviously not talking to him. You're almost nondescript in your hoodie, but Hotch isn't confident you're wearing any pants, or underwear. It was a rush job to bring everyone out from the club, and you and the rest of the dancers stand on the sidewalk in various states of undress. 
"Can we get some jackets, please?" Hotch asks, turning back to the beat cops standing by. "Thermal blankets? Anything?" 
When he turns back, Spencer's not where he was. Hotch casts his gaze back to you near the club doors, your hair messed up from the scuffle but your face intricate and untouched, just as pretty as the rest of your fellow dancers, and doubly so as you throw your arms around Spencer Reid's tall shoulders. 
"I'm so glad you're okay," Spencer says, squeezing you hard, your heels lifting off of the rain-sullied sidewalk. "I told you to stay home!" 
"I can't stay home, Spencer. How would I make money?" 
"I'll pay for the hours you miss, I told you that, too." 
"Baby, you couldn't afford it," you tease lightly, setting back down. Your hand immediately rises to Spencer's cheek, your painted nails scratching delicately at his skin. "I've missed you. Where have you been?" 
"California, then Albuquerque." 
"Killing bad guys?" 
Hotch doesn't consider Spencer a lonely guy, and he doesn't think he'd ever be collected enough to enter a strip club, and yet. There he is, hugging and checking over a stripper with as much care and tenderness as he'd show any member of the team. And judging by your smile, you're enamoured with him. Whether romantically or otherwise is anyone's guess. 
Morgan's, apparently. "Sorry, I'm sorry, does Reid have a girlfriend? Like, a…?" 
"You can say stripper," Emily says, though she's similarly nonplussed. "I mean, there's no way. Right?" 
"They're just friends," JJ says. 
The team turns to her in betrayal. Clearly, JJ knew about this and said nothing, and Hotch has things to do but this is so thoroughly bizarre that he gives himself five minutes of curiosity; he lets the others berate her for answers. 
"Come on, JJ! When did this happen? How did this happen?" Emily asks, her voice dropping to a scandalised whisper. 
In the background, Spencer peels out of his jacket that barely fits around your shoulders. You wear it anyhow, wrapping your arm through his and leaning on his shoulder. "Thanks, Dr. Reid." 
"I really wish you'd stay home when I tell you too." He rubs your arm amicably. 
"Her old boss was a typical heavy-handed sleaze," JJ explains, voice soft with sympathy. "Spence said he used to see her at the grocery store with bruises. She stayed with him for a few days and found a new club… He said she can smile through anything, even a broken wrist." 
Hotch understands. This part of Virginia pretends to be better than it is, and while you seem happy enough now in your profession, he knows it can't be easy. Spencer did for you what he would've done for anyone. You've clearly seen the good in him, treating him with a real and easy affection, adoring through shivers as you look up at him and ask, "Are you eating enough? You look tired." 
"I'm exhausted worrying about you. You're exhausting. Like, where are the sweatpants I got you? You'll get hypothermia." 
"I was trying not to get murdered. You're lucky I grabbed the hoodie." You turn to the team, as though you've known they were watching the entire time. "You wanna introduce me to your friends?" you ask. Hotch detects a hint of insecurity under all your bubbly sweetness. 
Spencer laughs loudly, ushering you forward with a hand on your shoulder. "Don't chicken out this time." 
"Don't embarrass me in front of the special agents!" you whisper. 
"I'm a special agent." 
"No, you're a doctor. He's a special agent." Your gaze narrows in on Hotch. "Hi, you're the boss, huh?" You eye his naked marriage finger briefly, and he knows you're kidding, but he still has to fight to stay expressionless as you continue, "How come handsome guys like you don't ever wanna see me dance?" 
Hotch puts out his hand. "Aaron Hotchner. It's nice to meet you." 
You shake his hand, though you stay as close to Spencer as you can manage without stepping on his shoes. "Right. Too respectful. It's really nice to meet you too, Agent Hotchner. Can you catch the bad guy soon? I'll end up on Spencer's cough again if I don't make rent." 
Morgan opens his mouth and Hotch promptly shuts him down with a raised hand. "We will. You have my word." 
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01zfan · 3 months ago
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presidential suite pt. 2
actor!eunseok x actress!reader | 5.2k words
a commission i got for the second part. the person who commissioned me i got your anon message and i just want to say THANK YOU! i was not aware so thank you for informing me heh.
this fic kind of was inspired by a house in nebraska by ethel cain.
contains: unprotected sex, mentions of online hate, unsaid feelings (but are they really unsaid)
presidential suite: one | two
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Getting inside this place was alarmingly easy. Eunseok had forgotten what it was like to not be greeted by bellboys or a doorman who took his job too seriously. The most alarming difference was that he had to close his own door before his taxi drove off and he had to navigate through the delayed automatic doors to get to the front desk. 
Even if he lived the pampered lifestyle, he was still resourceful. He still had remnants of what it was like to be in places like these, no matter how hard he tried to forget. To find your room all he had to was give the man behind the front desk your description and a shitty excuse the man didn’t care to hear. He didn’t even get to finish his story before he pointed down the hallway.
“Third from the left.” He said without looking up.
Eunseok watched the man turn up the volume of the game to show him the conversation was done. He casted one more look to the bell that had DO NOT RING scribbled on a torn piece of paper tucked under it.The sign-in sheet next to the unused bell was simply a suggestion. The halved pencil attached to the clipboard had a broken piece of lead, all the names on the paper were fake. He only pulled his cap securely to his head before he started walking down the hallway.
His Golden Goose shoes matched the integrity of the carpet. His shoes were scuffed up, the artificial stains were a sign of wealth once you escaped this tax bracket. If this was the Ritz, the bare spots in the carpet would’ve been raved about on Architectural Digest. If this was on the opposite side of town the people rushing down the hallways would’ve been praised for their Indie Sleaze aesthetic. 
His avoidance of this life was on purpose, he didn’t want to even get the chance to muddy the lines. The actors who were Eunseok’s colleagues now had no idea of this life. They didn’t know that disheveled and falling apart wasn’t chic. They didn’t know about flickering lights that weren’t supposed to flicker, or the eery silence that was interrupted by whatever happens on the other side of these thin walls.
If this was a movie set it’d be a horror and the director would have to yell at Eunseok for being too relaxed. He’d be instructed to look scared walking past the night creatures drifting in and out of the place, he’d be told to look weary and hold everything close to him. But he couldn’t help it, no matter how much he hated it. This was home too. He knew the smell of mildew before he learned about notes of the fancy perfume brands that endorsed him. He was more familiar with the lower class etiquette of minding your fucking business before how to conduct himself on red carpets and fancy wrap parties. Eunseok hated that this was familiar, he hated that some part of him actually missed this. 
This was the one place Song Eunseok was just another John, another person walking up and down the hallways looking for a number on a door. The one place left in the world that no one would even bat an eye or turn a curious head wondering if that was really him, because why would a movie star be here? Why would they even care if they knew it was him?
He knocked once and pressed his ear to the door. The number matched from the text you sent him and matched the directions he was given at the front desk, but he wanted to be sure. The hallway was empty now except for him, his goose down jacket was loud when he reached for the doorknob.
“I’m in here.” You said on the other side. 
You didn’t have to come open the door. He remembered that here, nothing automatically locked. All he had to do was twist the knob and push past the rotting doorframe for it to open. 
The sight of you from the hallways made Eunseok’s heart drop. All of this was too familiar. You sitting on the edge of an uncomfortable mattress, the corners of the comforter tucked in tight to hide the fact that the mattress was dirty. A loud game show lighting up the corner of the room. The Price is Right shined on the aged wallpaper and the stained chair perpetually stuck in the corner. The bedside lamp with a pull chain and an ancient wooden bed frame that had seen better days. 
Eunseok had never been in this room before, but everything was familiar. This room was three years ago, before he hit his big break and back when he didn’t know if he’d make it in this world. This room was home when he couldn’t afford rent and where he found out one other person understood him. 
You were comfortable. Leaned back on your hands, looking up to Eunseok like you were telling him he was home. Your unwavering confidence confirmed that you weren’t putting on an act three days ago. You didn’t know how to navigate the space of wealth and fame like you did anonymity and privation of riches. Eunseok waited for you to hurriedly shut the door or hide your face or use a fake name. But you didn’t care, someone else passed by your open door you didn’t looked scared. You knew they would continue about their business, not worried about anyone else’s life but their own.
Eunseok tried to act like he had the upper hand. He acted like he shut the door quickly simply because he wanted to, not because he didn’t want anyone else to see you wearing the lingerie set he bought for you in Milan. He stayed in front of the door and crossed his arms, trying to ignore his heart hammering in his chest.
“You called me.” He said simply.
That was the truth. You called him about twenty minutes ago, breathing heavy into the receiver asking about his schedule for the next day. Eunseok lied and said that he was free, despite him having a redeye flight that was going to ship him to the other side of the world in a couple hours. Eunseok was well aware knew he didn’t have any time to waste, but he was still frozen in your entryway looking at you.
“You came.” The commercial break on the box set was louder than your voice, but you cut through it clearly. “Really quick.” You added.
This was also the truth.
You shifted on the bed and Eunseok swallowed his nerves, fake coughing to himself. Maybe he wasn’t home. This felt more like a trap he walked right into. He didn’t realize how quickly you stripped him of his wealth and the arrogance that came with it. Your text and quiet phone call made him think that he was in charge, but with you in front of him he was humiliated. He was reminded of the times he came to you like this in the beginning stages of your careers. Back when these were the only places you two could afford while booking odd jobs, back when the cost of travel and staying here almost took all your earnings. His past he spent so long trying to bury was unearthed and he felt compelled to fall to his knees and crawl to you. 
He knows you can see through him. Even if he can barely see you in the dark room he knows the elusive Eunseok-Before-The-Fame stands before you.
“I won’t talk about it if you won’t.” You say.
He has to think hard about what you’re referencing. When you let your hands slip out from under you to lay fully on the bed the only thing in his mind is you’re still the You-From-Before and how you’re waiting for him just a few lengthy strides away. 
He first thinks you’re talking about the fact that you two still most likely very much have feelings for eachother, but he messed it up by listening to his agents and you messed it up by telling him you hate him every chance you get. 
He then thinks you’re talking about the fact that he came running faster than you came running to him despite the fact that his schedule right now is currently busier than yours. 
Then, finally, Eunseok remembers what you’re actually talking about. The reviews for your movie came in from the film critics and they were less than shining. You were talking about the fact that your phone had to be shut off due to the panic of your team and you being flooded with people’s unprompted opinion of you. The fallout was so bad that Eunseok stepped in to defend you. 
(Although framing his tweet saying see it for yourself as defense was pretty egregious, it was the most his team would allow and as far as he could go before you’d skin him alive. But now your searches were filled with speculation of you two still being together. Eunseok knew that you being connected to him in any way was arguably worse for you than being talked about negatively. He assumed the situation was too complex to even address, which is why you referred to it as it and why avoided eye contact by sinking further to the bed).
So Eunseok didn’t push the situation any further. He just shed his jacket and hung it on the leaning coat rack, then his hat and shoes. He took off his shirt and then worked his pants down his legs, stepping out of it the closer he got to you. You moved closer to the center of the bed as Eunseok closed in, only looking to him once he was the one looking down on you. 
He leaned onto the bed, one hand pressed into the mattress beside your head and the other next to your ribcage as he leaned closer. He could see through the mask. Something he would’ve teased you for in his presidential suite he ignored per your request.
“How do you want it?” He asked.
Eunseok was too careful. He could tell you saw through his mask too. His hands stayed on the mattress for too long waiting for your guidance, his overconfidence was nowhere to be found. He was navigating you like he was that same threatened young actor again, before he learned to hide how scared he was of you and ending up in places like these again. 
“You’re in charge.” You said simply. 
Eunseok admittedly felt nervous hearing you give him all the authority. He hasn’t explicitly been in charge since you two were fake-together. Ever since he broke your heart and this arrangement started everything was a battle. If it wasn’t you stubbornly refusing to submit it was Eunseok refusing to give you what you wanted. You two had built up a relationship of being mutually unpleasant he forgot what it was like to be willing. 
As soon as your instructions fell from your lips you started touching his arms in anticipation of what he was going to do. He hesitated again. He wasn’t this nervous since his first award show. He didn’t even feel like this when he was announced to be in the running for that Emmy, but then he was so certain he’d lose. He also felt like he was losing in some sense here too. The window to let you know he wanted to talk about it was closing the more you touched him. He was at risk of being thrown out on his ass and in just his boxers if he told you how uncharacteristically tender and sentimental this moment felt to him, or if he said he genuinely enjoyed your performance in your recent project. 
Eunseok had to push himself off the bed to clear his mind. He didn’t need to tell you about yourself, it was clear you called him here to make you forget about everything, that’s the only reason you two ever called eachother. So Eunseok paid attention instead to the way you raised your body on the bed to follow him, eyes wide and waiting for instructions.
“Tell me what to do.” You said.
Eunseok swallowed thickly. The television is so loud, cheers from the audience interrupted his train of thought.
“Flip over.” He said.
You listened so fast it made his head spin. Before Eunseok knew it you were face down and ass up simply because he said so. If he had asked you to do this any other time you would’ve scowled at him, or you’d say make me if you were really feeling like being an asshole. But you were pliant, you even took the extra step to look back at him waiting for approval.
“Is this good?” You asked.
You really were an actress. Your whiny tone was perfect. The bed creaking as you wiggled your ass in the air was incredible set design. The television illuminating your pathetic pout was perfect. Eunseok didn’t feel worthy to see such a production. 
“Perfect.” Eunseok answered.
You even whimpered at his compliment instead of rolling your eyes. He almost dropped dead before he remembered he had his own role to play.
Eunseok tried to manually flip the switch before he went towards you again. His hands went to your back, grazing the silk fabric of your camisole. He took in the sight of your camisole folding further up your body, the silky fabric bunching at the beginning of your arch. He saw you in this position more than he saw your face during sex, but this was different. He saw the way you were reacting to him and how you bit at your lip in between each one of his touches. He couldn’t control himself from grabbing the back of your thigh roughly, causing you to jolt from the force. He looks to your face pressed into the mattress when he pinches your skin. Instead of chiding him you only let out a shaky breath.
“Feels good.” You say.
This was so unlike you. He can’t remember the last time a compliment fell from your lips in this setting. Any praise was always backhanded, followed by a way he could improve. You’re delivery is good BUT, your fingers feel nice BUT, your dick is big BUT. Eunseok was so use to it he was waiting for you to tack on an insult to your sentence, but you only waited for the next thing he’d do to you.
Eunseok nodded to himself and wasted no time pushing down his boxers. The thin sheet on the mattress rubbed uncomfortably against his knees as he got behind you. Being here should’ve disgusted him. If he was consistent, he would be making fun of the peeling wallpaper and the fact that you were acting like a pornstar instead of a high-brow actress in this cheap room. He should’ve teased you for needing his support online and in real life, maybe even throwing in something about how desperate you sounded over the phone. But Eunseok unfortunately felt unlike himself. He just blames it on the fact that you’re too distracting when he’s behind you and when you’re making sounds you both knew would leak through the walls into the hallway and neighboring rooms. 
“Isn’t this place disgusting?” You sighed.
The way you were thinking out loud was too obvious. You never had to do that before. Eunseok had more than enough ammunition when it came to you. Sometimes it was a competition of who could make a snide remark the fastest. He always won, he was quick-witted and delivered everything with a smirk that had you scowling and left you with clenched fists. But when you were practically inviting him to comment on the state of this place he couldn’t think of anything. For some reason this felt self-depreciating instead of separating himself from his old life.
When he guided your hips to press against his dick he already felt weak. Eunseok was silent behind you, his mind blank even if he knew exactly what you wanted him to say. But this place wasn’t all that bad. The smell was inviting, no one judged him and he was granted the anonymity he hadn’t felt in ages.
“Seok.” You push your hips back to grind against his. “Please.” You whine.
The desperation in your voice made Eunseok tilt his head back. You stopped moving your hips and completely swayed in Eunseok’s hold. He was slow dragging your hips against his. He could feel his precum staining your silk bottoms, he saw the small splotches he was leaving behind. 
“What do you need?” He asked.
The irony of the situation is not lost on him. When you two were together like this, being mean came like second nature. Sometimes it seemed like being abrasive was what got you two off. Denying pleasure and insulting eachother during sex was easy. The emotional labor of getting with someone who broke your heart was easily masked behind mutual hatred. Now, with you begging Eunseok to be mean to you he couldn’t think of anything. He knew your movie wasn’t going to tank once the public saw it. He knew you were good at acting, he knew that you were truly uncomfortable with the life of fame he thought you were suited perfectly for. 
Everything was suddenly off limits, he was suddenly no better than you. He was just like you, comfortable in these dingy rooms instead of penthouse suites. He wanted to tell you that he tossed and turned all night, counting threads of linen instead of sheep. The big windows terrified him and he always felt like he was being watched. He was just better than you at ignoring that voice in the back of his head that told him he didn’t deserve it.
Your hand that was pressed into the mattress reached for your waistband. Eunseok watched you pull your shorts down as far as you could reach. Eunseok quickly pulled your shorts down the rest of the way, and he watched you desperately kick them off your legs. Your hand wasn’t even floating for a second before Eunseok grabbed it. He had the answer to his question when he pinned your hand to your lower back and you moaned loudly. He knew exactly what you wanted when he leaned closer to your body to clasp his other hand around the back of your neck. 
You gasped at the sudden movement, the complete change in Eunseok’s demeanor. Your legs spread further on the mattress and Eunseok moved his knees to slot in the space. 
He leaned his body close to your back, causing the side of your head to go deeper into the mattress while you whimpered from the slight pain of your pinned hand. He had you trapped, fixed in the position he decided to put you in. 
Eunseok should make fun of you in your ear. You’re too damn proud for your own good, you’re too hard on yourself, you’re too closed off. But you also take up too much of his mind and Eunseok feels a wave of nostalgia pull at his chest.
“Fuck. Flip over.” Eunseok breathes.
He lets go of you and you’re on your back in seconds. He watches your nipples peak through the thin silk fabric. You’re bewildered, from both the eye contact and the way you listened to him so quickly. When he pulls your bottoms off the rest of the way you wordlessly work your camisole off. Eunseok puts both of the garments gently on the bed, completely opposite from his clothes that are spread across the floor. 
Eunseok has to hide the intimacy behind gathering both of your wrists in one hand and pinning it to the mattress.
He grabs his dick with his other hand, looking down between your two bodies as he gets closer to your cunt. Eunseok looks up just to see you preening your neck to get a view of it, too.
“I’ll take care of you, alright?” Eunseok assures into your ear. 
He has to hide his sincerity behind squeezing your wrist together until your lips part in pain. 
You stopped letting him into any other part of your life a long time ago. You stopped calling him about your roles or running lines by him. The last connection he has to you is fucking you on the rare occasion you’re not stubborn enough to let him know you need him. It’s already terrible that Eunseok is about to get shipped off to Japan and not have access to you for the better half of a year. He absolutely can’t afford to make this too tender despite everything in him wanting to do so, because the last thing Eunseok needs is for you to stop because he’s being too nice. So he tries to add the know-it-all tone to his voice, even though the need to take care of you only makes him want to live with you in this disgusting room for the rest of his life.
He’s relieved you buy his act. Immediately your head nods against the warm puffs of air fanning your ear and preened your hips forward to the best of your ability. Eunseok feels you uselessly trying to prop yourself up on your leg, just for it to slip out from underneath you again. He laughs because he can’t believe how obsessed he is with the way you move, you whine because you think he’s making fun of you.  
When he finally pushes inside of you with his chest flush against yours, he fully believes the nostalgia is going to kill him. Like you were plucked right from his memory, your hair tickles his face the same way as it did back then. The obnoxious commercial break projects the same way. If he wasn’t pressed to your ear he would’ve never heard the sound of relief that left your lips as he sunk further into you. You squeeze around him the same way you always have, so tight and warm.
When Eunseok pulls away from the side of your face, he is a breath away from your lips. Your eyes break from the water stains on the ceiling to look directly into Eunseok’s eyes. He can see the shock, in any other instance you’d mock him for looking so sorrowful. Kicked puppy is what you’d always call him when he looked at you like this, and mimic his pulled in eyebrows and mock the longing look in his eyes. But now you’re silent, and you mirror his expression with no malice.
“I’m going to Japan in a couple of hours.” Eunseok says.
He pulls out, despite your walls clinging to him desperately. He pushes back in and your back arches off the creaky bed. Your hands go to his shoulders, a desperate grip keeping him close.
“Congratulations.” You say.
You have to bite your lip when Eunseok repeats his slow thrust.
“I won’t be back for nearly a year.” He continues.
He purposefully lies about the amount of time he’ll be gone just to see your reaction. Your hand moves from his shoulder to wrap around his back. Eunseok feels you pull him in tighter as you attempt to hike your leg up.
“Once again, congratulations.” The break in commercials and the show starting again makes the room completely dark. You whine with parted lips when Eunseok flicks his hips upwards. “I don’t care if you fuck your costar, by the way.” 
You give him the opportunity to be mad on a silver platter. The option to squeeze your neck is right there, maybe even pulling at your hair until you whine from the pain. But he’s got you like this, it’s hard to add venom to your words. He just wants to caress your sweaty cheeks and tilt his head at the bothered tone of your voice. Also, Eunseok knows that if you didn’t care about the possibility of him fucking his costar you both wouldn’t be here. 
He moves to your neck to avoid you seeing his expressions. He pulls out until his tip prods your entrance and pushes in roughly. He feels your nails press into his back and he grips he sheets beside your head. He repeats the motion again wordlessly, and you moan right in his ear.
“God forbid.” Eunseok mutters against your skin.
He just now realizes that the air conditioning unit hasn’t kicked on once this entire time, and that it’s so late in the night the game show turned into a televangelists. The sweaty man on his television preaches about forgiveness. He preaches about the bible while the bed creaks underneath the movement. The two of you are drowning in irony and Eunseok can’t believe he’s the only one who notices.
“I didn’t fuck her you know.” He continues.
Her is alot of people. You have name dropped his costar he was with at Maria Hernandez when you were feeling particularly spiteful, but Eunseok uses her in an all encompassing way. Being a sex symbol is good for press and his career, but not so much for every other facet of his life. So Eunseok uses her as swipes his thumb against your jawline, then glides up to your cheekbone to let you know he hasn’t thought about anyone since he’s started thinking about you. 
“I don’t care.” You say.
Eunseok brings you forward by the back of your neck to kiss you. You immediately press against him harder than he kissed you and you stick your tongue into his mouth before he can pull away. Eunseok feels you grab at his arms and you pull him down until your back is on the bed. 
You try to wrap your legs around his waist again but Eunseok stops you by pressing his hand to the back of one of your thighs. He pushes more and more, until it’s close to resting on his shoulder and you moan from the stretch. With more of you open he goes deeper, pressing your body into the mattress.
“I really didn’t fuck her.” He repeats into your neck.
As if the way he was fucking you was supposed to prove his loyalty. Every movement is slow and deliberate, the way he sighs into your ear before pulling back to look down at you.
“Was she better than me or something?” You ask.
He is almost stunned to silence at how badly you want to fight. He knows that the two of you carefully fostered this type of vitriol, but he is shocked that you have doubled down to prevent anything sweet from happening. 
Still, even through your persistent on starting something Eunseok suddenly finds it in himself to be calmer. He shakes his head and moves back until your legs rest on his shoulders. He straightens them with his arm across your knee, and you curse from the stretch.
“I wouldn’t know.” He says truthfully.
Anything else he tries to say is interjected by the televangelist and the way your calves rest on his shoulders. Eunseok goes back and pulls you across the sheets to follow him. His long thrusts turn into ruts that makes your body jolt. Eunseok eyes the way your skin and chest moves from his thrusts, and he smirks when your hands go to your chest to hold them still.
“You should come visit me.” When you look up from where he’s fucking into you confused he pulls you towards him again. “In Okinawa.” He clarifies.
“Now why would I do that?” Your eyebrows knit together even more when his legs slap against yours. “Right there.” You whimper.
Eunseok makes sure to hit that stop again as he reaches for your hand. You refuse to give it to him, making him overlap yours on his chest as he comes closer. The stretch is too much, but if it’s not painfully obvious at this point you like the pain. 
You writhe on the mattress underneath him and it just makes him want you to visit him even more. His hand that was holding your legs straight goes to his mouth, and instantly one of your legs falls from his shoulders. You’re determined to keep the other one up there, even when Eunseok laves his fingers before dipping it between your legs. Your eyes are wide as you watch him, and like his touch is electric your back arches off the bed again when he touches your sensitive clit.
“Maybe I’ll go there and never come back.” Eunseok purposefully adds extra pressure to his finger and he feels your foot press into the side of his face. Your lips part but the only thing that comes out is a high-pitched moan. “Wouldn’t you miss me?” He asks.
“You’d come back.” You avoid a direct answer but you nod your head.
“If you asked.” He says quickly. 
The sounds you two make together is louder than anything else. Eunseok can still see the projection of light, but the only sound he can pick up is your voice.
“If you got another job here.” You stutter. 
You move your hand from Your chest and Eunseok takes your place. Now it’s your hand over Eunseok’s gripping tight.
“Or if you asked.” He repeats.
“I’m close.” You say. 
Eunseok nods and focuses on circling his fingers on your clit. He can feel it becoming more swollen underneath his touch, he can feel your walls sporadically seizing around his dick. Eunseok’s ruts became slow, drawing out pleasure as he tried to get your back to arch off the bed. When you do it again he lets your leg fall from his shoulder. He pressed his chest to yours, pressing kisses to the perimeter of your parted lips before kissing you directly. 
“I really would come back if you asked.” He says.
Your eyes are closed, when Eunseok separates from your lips you immediately catch them between your teeth. He sees your desperate nod clearly, and your hand wraps in his hair to push his face right back in the crook of your neck. Eunseok’s hand is stuck between your two bodies, flicking across your clit as you shiver underneath him. He can’t see your face as you moan pathetically, barely letting him know that you’re cumming before it’s too late. When he tries to pull out your leg hooks around his waist, keeping him inside of you. He pants against your flushed skin and burrows deeper into you as relief washes over him. 
He is collapsed on top of you when he hears the television again. The sound of you groaning underneath him pulls Eunseok back to reality, and his phone going off in his jacket pocket makes him look at the broken clock on the wall. He wishes your hands were still pressed into his back to keep him unbelievably close to you. They fell to your side at some point, and when Eunseok looks down at you, your eyes are open. He sees glassy surface and the tears dotting your water line so clearly. 
“You have to go to Japan.” You say it clearly, but Eunseok feels like it’s a question. Like he could just say nevermind and stay here with you.
“I’ll be back.” He says, still resting on top of you.
“In a year.” 
“Okinawa is a tourist destination.” 
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folfar · 2 years ago
“Forgive me, Exalted,” he said, in the tones of a penitent.
The smile bloomed wide on Kastor’s handsome face. He was so forthright in what he liked, when it was the two of them. He liked titles, and playing the thief, and being desired.
And Nik had always, always, desired him.
“Forgiven,” Kastor crooned, and chucked Nik under the chin.
The sickness went away. A different feeling - in a different place - took hold in its stead.
Whenever Kastor touched him, Nik was thirteen again and breathless, seeing Prince Kastor spar in the gymnasium. He could still remember how his hands had trembled, sprinting to the privacy of his best hiding place, giddy with wanting - sticky with the aftermath of that wanting. He’d been sick of babysitting the crown prince - it had always been the elder he’d admired, heard tales of his exploits, longed to meet him. And then when they had finally, finally, come to Ios, age had rendered him Damen’s companion, not Kastor’s.
He hadn’t known then, of course, that Damen was the best man in the world. The most deserving of friendship. But the passions of youth died hard. Had yet to die, in this case.
Of course, Kastor had only noticed him when he’d returned from the Kingsmeet, filled out and favoured by the white robes.
guess who got phone signal for the first time in 4 days! WE MOVE
“No,” Nik said. He moved his arm away brusquely, as if that would say what he couldn’t.
Kastor scoffed. He reached out and dragged Nik’s arm back across the warm marble of the bench, pulled his hand into his lap. The strength of the movement wrenched at Nik’s shoulder. Just a little. Kastor had never known his own strength.
“Don’t be coy, Nikandros. She wants you.”
Sweat prickled at the back of his neck. He didn’t want to hear this. But Kastor had cornered him— no. He had been waiting, like the dog he was, for Kastor, where he always waited for Kastor in the drowsy afternoons of late summer, when Damianos had his usual standing appointment with whichever Kyrina had entranced him that week. Of course, this summer it wasn’t a Kyrina at all.
It was a Jokaste. She - splendid, glowing - was Jokaste.
“She is Damianos’ lady—“
“Who?” Kastor said incredulously. “You forget yourself, Kyros.”
But there was a smile hiding in the corner of his mouth. He liked it when Nikandros forgot honorifics for Damen. He did not see it for the affection that it was meant - he saw it as a deliberate insult. And it pleased him. It made Nikandros sick to think of. And then he went and lifted his skirts for Kastor anyway, which made him feel sicker.
anyway!!! paging tumblr user @hennike
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bitterrfruit · 6 months ago
he wakes you up
waking up hungover after letting a cocky scottish stranger spend the night. indie sleaze!Soap x reader, no cw. 1.4k words, mdni an: never posted a part 2 to my old fic trainspotting, but i wrote a good chunk of it. sleazy brow ring johnny is still close to my heart so i thought i'd share a bit of it <3
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You wake up slowly, sweatily, mouth dry and fuzzy like you had swallowed a lump of cotton – so delirious, for a moment, that you expect to hear your mother calling for you to hurry up or you’ll miss the bus.  
No, instead, you hear the sparkling white noise of running water. Can’t be rain, because the sun beams brightly through your open window – directly onto your face, blinding you, sending you spinning as you tug your thin pillow and hold it over your head to shield yourself.  
Groaning, your brain throbs swollen and heavy, your skull an iron vice. You force yourself to sit upright, hoping your feet on the ground will calm the swelling nausea, turbulent in the pit of your stomach. It doesn’t.  
Bathroom. Bathroom.  
You leap out of bed, sprinting to the door of the Jack-and-Jill bathroom that separates your and Katie’s bedrooms. Throwing it open, you tumble to the toilet, hair unfortunately coating the toilet seat as your abdomen lurches noisily – tossing a pitiful spoonful of pink, cherry-flavoured vomit into the clear water with a foul splash. Ew.  
The shower is running, you realise, in the subsequent post-puke calm. You would have expected Katie to say something to your intrusion, but after a year of living together you have very few boundaries left. You wonder what time she might’ve come home during the night – suppose the bloke she went home with must have been a disappointment if she didn’t even stay till morning. No surprises there.  
You hear the thud of the shower lever and the water shuts off. After a few deep breaths, you build up the strength to apologise for barging in, sitting on your knees on the tiled floor.  
“Sorry – hic – couldn’t hold it in,” you burp, rubbing your forehead, tearing off a piece of loo paper to wipe your nose. “How was–” 
“Mornin’, hen,” comes the low voice of a man, tired and gravelly. “How ye feelin’?”  
Not fucking Katie.  
You cock your head back in shock, swiping your matted hair from your face, as your eyes shoot to the polyester shower curtain being tugged open with a screech.  
Hairy legs jut out from the cubicle, big feet land on the shaggy bathmat. Your eyes follow them upward, thick thighs, rippling muscle under a layer of flesh and furry skin. Until your stare hitches on the cock hanging brazenly from a fine carpet of brown curls – thick from base to tip, uncircumcised but its meaty pink head exposed, a hefty vein running down the length of it. Looks heavy even soft.  
You choke on any words you might be able to utter – jumping from shock, to fear, to awe, back to confusion. Who… 
“Eyes up here, bunny.” He teases you, that gruff voice barely familiar.  
A response suddenly comes to you, remembering it vaguely, and your lips form the words as if it were a realisation.  
“They’re just as pretty,” you croak, staring into the void of space before you finally glance at the man’s face.  
The shaven head, the brow ring, the glint of that golden tooth sparkling from the cocky smile that puckers dimples into his cheeks – now, yes, you somewhat remember him.  
“Ah, good. Y’do remember.”  
Suddenly humiliated, realising how much of a fucking mess you must be – you look down at yourself, seeing your vastly oversized Strokes band tee that you do not remember putting on. Nor do you remember getting out of the miniscule body suit you had worn to the party, nor peeling off the fishnets that had been flossing you from front to back for the duration of the blurry evening.  
There’s probably makeup smudged into racoon-like circles around your eyes, there must be smears of your pink lip-gloss in the corners of your mouth. If you weren't so ill, you'd run and hide from him.
“Did I-” you stammer aloud, attempting to connect the dots. “Were you at the party?”  
He tuts, huffing disappointedly, as he reaches for the yellow floral towel hanging on the rail. Katie’s towel.  
“Och, dear,” he grunts facetiously, as he rubs it vigorously over his head, patting under his chin, chest, arms. Doesn’t seem to bother asking as he uses it to dry his balls, mammoth dick flopping around shamelessly as he does so. Your cheeks burn pink.  
“You weren’t?”  
“If I’m honest, hen,” he remarks, as he ties the towel nonchalantly around his hips, tucks it in just above his mound. Still brandishes that happy trail, and the sharp angled creases below his abs that carve from his hips to his cock. “Ye got me feelin’ a bit guilty.”  
“Why?” You swallow, doing your best to stop ogling him like a little animal.  “Did we…”  
He snorts. “You wish.”  
You frown, suddenly failing to suppress the admonishing smirk that curls in your lips. “We didn’t do anything?”  
He shrugs, rubbing the top of his buzzed head with his palm. “We had a wee bit o’fun,” he admits, a twinge of shame in his rumbling throat, “but no, nothing too regrettable.”  
You find yourself weirdly disappointed. “Why not?”  
And your slightly dissatisfied query seems to lift some weight from his shoulders, he returns with a grin. “You were a bit steamed, hen,” he says. “would’ve been dodgy of me to stick it in ye while y’were like that, eh?”  
“Mm,” you nod, concealing your chagrin, the memory of running into him on the road suddenly flies back to you, colliding with you like a slap.  
A complete stranger. Naked (mostly) in your bathroom.  
“Didn’t expect you’d be such a gentleman,” you gripe, a tad facetious. 
He smiles. “Disappointed, are ye?” He jibes, tilting his head. “Y’were definitely disappointed last night. Poor wee thing. Got all whiney.”  
You flush hot as that memory slithers back to you, too. Cheeks aren’t the only thing that burn at the thought. You suddenly harken back to the weight of his palm on your cunt, the mocking pressure of the heel of his palm grinding against your clit. Your stomach drops at the memory. 
“Did not,” you murmur.  
“Uh-huh,” he chuckles at you, sauntering in your direction, he holds out a hand for you. You smile bashfully as you take it, and he lifts you to your feet so deftly you’re almost lifted into the air. “Feelin’ alright?” 
You’re a little dizzy after standing so quick, you blink heavily as you swallow. “Mm. Been better,” you huff, “I probably look like shit.”  
He frowns at that, tutting in disapproval as his raffish eyes linger on your lips – you lick them, worried there might be a speck of residual puke in the corner of your mouth.  
“Ye’re havin’ me on,” he chides, disapproval in his tone.  
“Am I?” You groan, wiping under your eyes with your fingertips in the hopes of swiping away some running makeup.  
He shakes his head. “Far too pretty to be talkin’ like that, bunny.” 
With a grimace, then a snicker, you glance downward at the chipped pink glitter on your toenails. “That’s nice, but–” 
“Psh,” he immediately cuts you off. “Don’t y’believe me?”  
Reeling in awkward embarrassment, you cross your arms, digging nails into your biceps as you look everywhere but him. Through a strained chuckle, you answer, “Not really.” 
His attention is almost intimidating; an unwavering, low-lidded glare as a smirk tugs in his lips. Tucks a hooked finger under your chin, coaxing your head to lift just slightly enough to look along your nose at him.  
From his throat, he rumbles, 
“Need me to show ye how pretty y’are, hen?” 
Your skin turns molten, glowing and pliant, eyes glossy and eager as you stare up at him through clumped lashes. He simply wears that snide little grin, proud of himself, only growing prouder as he notices how flustered he’s made you. Fuck! 
Lips part to let words free but they turn sticky on your tongue, and he brushes your chin with his thumb.  
“Look at’cha,” he sneers, letting go of your face; using the tip of his thick finger to sweep a rogue hair from your forehead with a gentleness that you’re earnestly surprised he’s capable of. His tenderness is fleeting, though, because he chuckles; “Too easy.”  
Jaw agape, you only laugh as you cover your eyes with your palms. “God, you’re such a dickhead.”  
He hums, a giggle, swaggering around you before swinging a quick smack on your ass, making you yip – casual and in passing, such a brash show of lude badinage that you can only gawk at him as he wanders into your room.  
“S’why you invited me in, in’t it?”  
Crossing your arms, you follow him sheepishly, squinting as you step into morning sunlight. “I don’t think I can remember why I invited you in, to be honest.”  
“Mm, well,” he grumbles, “I’ll have t’remind ye, won’t I?”
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