Some Whispers
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nevermind-justme · 4 years ago
I have cats and dogs, take them on walks, cuddle with them, and breathe in dog-cat-fur-infested air, you hateful B
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nevermind-justme · 4 years ago
They said to be patient, it would take time.
Too bad patience is not one of my virtues
Even if i know this situation would require some major adjutements
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
I don t waste my energy for chasing someone who does not know for sure what he wants in a relationship with me
He has to be supportive understanding willing to know all of me and learn from me because that s how i am in my relationships and i ask for the same if not i m not taking a step
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
Love plays an important role in my life, and I engage myself with fervor, wisdom and gratitude. I do a lot to deserve my happiness, and I hope that my significant other is willing to pay me back in kind. I just want to see desire and passion in the face of my loved one, and I want to be the only person to benefit.
My sense of possession is up to the person I want to be with if it s not the same i prefer to keep going without
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
 They said what make up the particularities of my character completely exceptional are those traits
Sense of beauty, love of life, simplicity, intelligence, grounded, ambitious, tenacious, loyal, energetic, warm hearted... and I should also mention Lucky, since luck smiles down on me naturally
And that s what make me who I am that s a part of my profil but thir is more than what we show t
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
Love and dating i love to read about it and its fun to write about and to think about in my head making some fantasme story but when it s real it s just not scary but in real life it s freaking me out cause the more you let people into your life the more they can just walk right out and they are always failing you in a way
And being attached and dependable on someone is suffocating and make you feel more insecure in a lot of ways and that s inberable more than beeing allone or invisible to people aroud you
I m more scared in relationship and commitement than friendship cause now i m used to lost friends in my journey that it doesn t matter anymore even the friend thing is just momentanuous until it s expire it s just it doesn t hurt anymore like before and lover matters will break me and hurt me but what make me refuse is it is just i don t think i m strong enough and have the courage to step in my my life rebuilding my pieces after a tragedy
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
it's important to have responsability. It helps to manage ourselves and knows our own limits.
Also Challenging ourselves it's thrilling but fun. We shouldn't be pessimistic without trying to know thingd
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
When Things get hard I run to be alone it may be coward i know but i distance myself from people in order to not get hurt. When i by myself i feel secure i can escape from reality and i need my space. it's sometimes suffocating to not be relatable but its bearable
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
Everyone is going trought something and only God know how it s hard to keep going to believe to breath to have faith and how many times we just want to listen to this little voice and stop make a pause take a break from life sometimes is tenting
You re not the only one having a hard time stop playing the victim once and assume stop judging people and be considerate you don t know what hell they are living inside their brain be kind or just pass without leaving a trace
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nevermind-justme · 5 years ago
Amour paternel
Il est difficil de dire adieu lorsqu'il y a toujours des mots à dire, compliqué de rire lorsqu'on veut pleurer, mais le plus terrible et de devoir oublier lorsqu'on veut se mémorer
Je veux te parler tous les jours, te pleurer chaques minutes et me rappeler chaques secondes, dans mes jours et nuits mes réveils et mes sommeils
Coeur et âme je t aimerai jusqu'à mes fins
Tu es dans le meilleur des lieux, mais tu resteras toujours dans les miens aussi proche que jamais
Dure de sourire dans mes meilleurs jours lorsque tu n'est plus parmi nous
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
I attend to go alone in this journey called life. Don t ask, don t argue just let me be
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
I have a lot to say or what I wanted to say but I didn't, I never do, in reality I keep the most important things to be said, to myself
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
Ce que vous êtes résonne tellement fort à mes oreilles que je n'entends pas ce que vous dites
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
I am me and you are you stop trying to compare with what I do or I have. You are disrespecting yourself.
Be what you want not what others expect from you, being like them is a wast of time and energy. By looking twice at my life you are destroying yours
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much
Jane Austin
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nevermind-justme · 6 years ago
Ils ont dit que le temps guerira que la douleur va passer laissant place à l oublie je te pleure tous les jours je ne veux pas oublier et la douleur est toujours présente dans mon coeur je refuse d oublier que se soit les bons moments joyeux qui réunissaient la famille au tour d une table ou la maldie qui t as pris Des fois je me dis que c est mieux comme ça sachant que tu as moins souffert mais des fois je préfère te voir la devant moi meme si dans un lit ouvrant à peine les yeux et chuchutant des mots criants mon prénom mes surnom tenant ma main t aidant à te relever te demander ce que tu veux entendre ta voix sentir ta présence je te veux près de moi devant moi Huit mois ça peut être rapide mais torture dans un autre sens pour les personnes les plus touchés Que Dieux te donnes mesericord et me donne patience car mes yeux ne cesseront de te pleurer
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