#slave of dracula
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fangirl-saya · 1 year ago
I read Renfield: Slave of Dracula... and you might want to, too?
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I'll be honest, I had a lot of trouble getting through the first half of the book, but after that it got a lot better. Some highlights and a brief spoliery overview below.
Things of note:
Renfield's first name: Ryland (M is not elaborated)
Renfield's family: wife Catherine and daughter, Vivien (Vixie)
Special powers: Dracula can possess him??
New and exciting things: Dracula's brides come to England!!!
They turn Renfield into a vampire!!!
By the time I finished the book, I kinda forgot the beginning. Most of it was about Seward being rejected and whiny. Renfield made a fortune being a trader in India. That's where he got into some evil deity, Wotan? For a while he thinks Dracula is Wotan, but later realizes that they are different things. Throughout his stay he writes long letters to his wife, who is being hunted by her evil family. The brides follow Dracula to England and decide to enlist Renfield with all his money and property to help them get established. They are pissed that Dracula is making himself a new harem. Renfield realizes Dracula will kill him for hooking up with his brides, so they decide to make him a vampire! They bite him, and all three give him their blood, so he'll be subservient to all three of them. The youngest bride, Nomie, is very nice to Renfield and they become friends. When Dracula kills him, Renfield later returns as a vampire. When he becomes a vampire, his insanity lifts, and he realizes that the reason he's insane is because he killed his beloved wife and daughter O_O. To save them from a fate worse than death - being found by Catherine's evil family. He goes to hang out with their corpses, and that's where all four vampires get together and Dracula is like "If you're slave to them, you're slave to me too." They all go back to Romania. Renfield decides to commit suicide via the anti-Dracula squad, but first he wants to make sure Nomie is safe and provided for. He continues to write letters to Catherine, saying he'll get back to her soon, he just gotta take care of his new friend. When Van Helsing goes to kill Dracula's brides, he kills the older two, but Nomie is just too pretty, so he just stares at her until she wakes up, kisses him, and runs away. He lies to the others that he killed all three of them. After Dracula and the two brides are dead, Nomie is free, and she has all of Renfield's money and properties. She asks Renfield to not commit suicide, and he's like "Sure!" And they live happily ever after in India.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year ago
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I wanted to draw the national Bastard, but I also wanted to draw Joachim for @xemnas178 (surprise!!) :< So I drew both. ❤️ (and because i decided to cover him with the cape you can't tell, but Joachim is sitting on Walter's lap. Not of his own free will of course. :3)
First attempt at drawing Walter, his nose and eyes gave me a hard time lol
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porlovistoeinmasochist · 2 years ago
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disneyweirdness · 1 year ago
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beepfuckingbeeprichie · 10 months ago
This is actually really important! Our media reflects societal values and collective cultural fears, and is a way of CHALLENGING our implicit biases (not all the time; sometimes torture porn is just torture porn). The horror especially!! Horror movies are so viscerally upsetting ON PURPOSE bc THAT’S THE POINT! TO! TEACH! A LESSON!!
Midsommar? The eventual willingness to participate in atrocities if it means acceptance!!
NOPE? The exploitation of black bodies in Hollywood!!
It?? The harmful narrative of “kids will be kids” and the depersonalization of children!!!
The Fear Street trilogy? Systemic class divide perpetrated by white men in positions of power!!!!
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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vintage1981 · 2 years ago
Blacula Returns in New Graphic Novel | KCAL News
With the 50th anniversary of the classic vampire movie Blacula, there's a new graphic novel out called Blacula: Return of the King. Author Rodney Barnes sits down with Amy Johnson to talk about the revival.
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justaqueerlad · 1 month ago
I will not shut up about the characterisation of Renfield throughout the novel. The characters overlook him constantly. Seward views him as a fascinating specimen to observe, the others treat him with pity because they think he's out of his mind and not really important enough to be treated as anything else. Sure, they have some interest in him, but it's only to further their own understanding of Dracula and his motives. It baffles me how they take the most insane precautions over Lucy (the garlic flowers round her neck, the crucifix, the constant guarding) but fail to do the same for Mina and Renfield, though they are more than aware and believing of the threat that Dracula poses to them both.
You can attribute it to the Suitor Squad being motivated by their love for Lucy, but you cannot ignore how neither Mina nor Renfield had this going for them!! They really believed that they could shelter and put aside an independent woman like Mina! They really thought that Renfield wasn't consequential and less of a threat because he was a madman who acted "subservient" to Seward and Dracula!
And in the end they have Renfield's human blood and Mina's vampirically-tainted blood on their hands to show for it.
*kicks down your door* It might seem like a plot hole that no one thought about the possibility of Dracula being invited into the asylum by Renfield (or any other patient) but actually it speaks to the way Renfield’s personhood is being denied mainly by Jack Seward, but also the rest of the crew in part through their reliance on Seward’s expertise. Which also ties into the way they have decided to shut out Mina at the very same time. It literally just did not occur to them that the patients living in the same building as them would have any claim to the residency that allows someone to grant the permission a vampire needs to enter a home. But of course the asylum is the patients’ home just as much as it is Jack’s! They live there! In short this fatal blow dealt to the heroes at this crucial juncture comes about through both their sexism and their ableism. Good night. *puts your door back on its hinges again and leaves*
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 5 months ago
Hey so like many of you, I saw that article about how people are going into college having read no classic books. And believe it or not, I've been pissed about this for years. Like the article revealed, a good chunk of American Schools don't require students to actually read books, rather they just give them an excerpt and tell them how to feel about it. Which is bullshit.
So like. As a positivity post, let's use this time to recommend actually good classic books that you've actually enjoyed reading! I know that Dracula Daily and Epic the Musical have wonderfully tricked y'all into reading Dracula and The Odyssey, and I've seen a resurgence of Picture of Dorian Gray readership out of spite for N-tflix, so let's keep the ball rolling!
My absolute favorite books of all time are The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. Classic psychological horror books about unhinged women.
I adore The Bad Seed by William March. It's widely considered to be the first "creepy child" book in American literature, so reading it now you're like "wow that's kinda cliche- oh my god this is what started it. This was ground zero."
I remember the feelings of validation I got when people realized Dracula wasn't actually a love story. For further feelings of validation, please read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. There's a lot the more popular adaptations missed out on.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is an absolute gem of a book. It's a slow-build psychological study so it may not be for everyone, but damn do the plot twists hit. It's a really good book to go into blind, but I will say that its handling of abuse victims is actually insanely good for the time period it was written in.
Moving on from horror, you know people who say "I loved this book so much I couldn't put it down"? That was me as a kid reading A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Picked it up while bored at the library and was glued to it until I finished it.
Peter Pan and Wendy by JM Barrie was also a childhood favorite of mine. Next time someone bitches about Woke Casting, tell them that the original 1911 Peter Pan novel had canon nonbinary fairies.
Watership Down by Richard Adams is my sister Cori's favorite book period. If you were a Warrior Cats, Guardians of Ga'Hoole or Wings of Fire kid, you owe a metric fuckton to Watership Down and its "little animals on a big adventure" setup.
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry was a play and not a book first, but damn if it isn't a good fucking read. It was also named after a Langston Hughes poem, who's also an absolutely incredible author.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book I absolutely adore and will defend until the day I die. It's so friggin good, y'all, I love it more than anything. You like people breaking out of fascist brainwashing? You like reading and value knowledge? You wanna see a guy basically predict the future of television back in 1953? Read Fahrenheit.
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee are considered required reading for a reason: they're both really good books about young white children unlearning the racial biases of their time. Huck Finn specifically has the main character being told that he will go to hell if he frees a slave, and deciding eternal damnation would be worth it.
As a sidenote, another Mark Twain book I was obsessed with as a kid was A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Exactly what it says on the tin, incredibly insane read.
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin is a heartbreaking but powerful book and a look at the racism of the time while still centering the love the two black protagonists feel for each other. Giovanni's Room by the same author is one that focuses on a MLM man struggling with his sexuality, and it's really important to see from the perspective of a queer man living in the 50s– as well as Baldwin's autobiographical novel, Go Tell it on the Mountain.
Agatha Christie mysteries are all still absolutely iconic, but Murder on the Orient Express is such a good read whether or not you know the end twist.
Maybe-controversial-maybe-not take: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is a good book if you have reading comprehension. No, you're not supposed to like the main character. He pretty much spells that out for you at the end ffs.
Animal Farm by George Orwell was another favorite of mine; it was written as an obvious metaphor for the rise of fascism in Russia at the time and boy does it hit even now.
And finally, please read Shakespeare plays. As soon as you get used to their way of talking, they're not as hard to understand as people will lead you to believe. My absolute favorite is Twelfth Night- crossdressing, bisexual love triangles, yellow stockings... it's all a joy.
and those are just the ones i thought of off the top of my head! What're your guys' favorite classic books? Let's make everyone a reading list!
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yallemagne · 2 years ago
Jonathan: "I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough, for I had all sorts of queer dreams. There was a dog howling all night under my window, which may have had something to do with it--"
Wolf Dracula: *posted outside the window, screaming*
Other wolves: "What the fuck are you doing??"
Wolf Dracula: "Singing my incoming guest a soothing lullaby, slaves."
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forthegothicheroine · 3 months ago
I sometimes get a little worried when I see media I love being recommended so hyperbolically that newcomers may end up feeling betrayed when they experience it.
"Black Sails is the ultimate leftist pirate show!" Sure, but the heroes do kill a lot of innocent people and some are stated to have traded slaves, it's a grimy crime show.
"Secretary is the healthy BDSM movie alternative to 50 Shades of Grey!" It's certainly a more interesting character study than 50 Shades of Grey, but the Secretary leads are the ultimate in "Please stay together forever so you never rope anyone else into your fucked up dynamic."
"Dracula is all about love and healthy polyamory!" I overall agree with that, but it's still a book of its time written by a very weird guy and there's a lot of benevolent sexism amid the love of Mina and Lucy and casual anti-Romani racism in the scenes at the castle.
I like all these works of fiction, to be clear! I do recommend them! But they should be recommended for what they are.
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scarlet-came-back-wrong · 3 months ago
So, Jonathan/Dracula novels:
A Delicious Descent by Amanda Meuwissen, a part of Monsters & Mayhem series that are m/m retellings of classic Gothic novels. From what I've seen, much uwu and takes a "deconstructive" approach to the Stoker's heroes at first (but they get better later? As I said, much uwu)
Dracula's Sex Slave by Grant Holiday. I don't know anything about this one except the name, but probably not much uwu
El otro Dracula by Tony Mark, pretty much a gay porn retelling that exists in Spanish and French languages but may not even exist in English. A lot of stuff is going on besides Dracula/Jonathan but features it prominently
Child of the Night by Scribe Mozell. The published book is a part of the longer online fic based on the 1992 movie and written by the author that apparently was a big name in many fandoms. Very much a slashfic from the 2000s with glaring 2000s slashfic problems, but at least easy to read.
What Manner of Man by St John Starlink. Not a fic but an original vampire book based on the pairing that was first published online in a Substack format similar to Dracula Daily. Read only a half so far but liked it
Lucy Westenra series by J.R. Rain and H.P. Mallory. Vampire Lucy lives to the modern day and works both as a teacher in a magic school and a monster hunter. Crossover with many other classics like Sherlock Holmes and Carmilla. From what little I read, a charming and perky book but also quite gory and horny. Lucy is both attracted and repulsed by Dracula, and also feels a lot of resentment because of him turning her. There will also be Lucy/Hyde further on??
Now Comes the Mist and So Blooms the Dawn dilogy by Julie C. Dao. I had high hopes for these and so far the first book is delivering! If I try to narrow down what it is like, it appears to deconstruct Dracula-the-liberator narrative, but it also a bit more complex than that, exploring Lucy's relationships with death, freedom, society and people around her, and Dracula is also given more depth than in most books and fics. It has complex characterizations and relationships, though Lucy at least at the beginning of the book reminded me more of her portrayals in later adaptations: worldly, flirty and quite jaded about the society (the book doesn't treat these as bad things.) Lucy and some other characters are made POC, but so far I'm not getting certain Vibes from this decision that I often get in the fandom, and the ways in which it influences the lives of the characters is explored more in depth.
Tbf Dacre's book is not the only Dracmina book around. There are also at least three retellings that are straight out bodice rippers (Dracula in Love, Dracula, My Love and the Italian book Our Secret Story) and a couple of sequels that have it (Freda Warrington's and Mina: the Dracula Story Continues.) On the other hand, there are at least 200 Dracula-based books in existence and most of them are even more obscure than Dracula musicals, so. There are also at least four Dracula/Jonathan books and two (very good) Dracula/Lucy ones.
Oh, absolutely, which was why I tried to be. Light on the books mentioned and to try to keep to books that I thought had gotten a bit of press/"legitimacy" over the years, aka being big enough names to be indicative of anything beyond "people really like to reinterpret Dracula." (It's also the problem with categorizing film adaptations because it VERY QUICKLY becomes "Is this Bram Stoker's Dracula or Is This Pop Culture Dracula, And Where Do We Draw the Line?") I also considered putting Anno Dracula and Dowery of Blood for relatively prominent novel adaptations/spin-offs that feature an unromantic/ abusive Dracula (the latter of which, IIRC, Mina doesn't even appear in.) I had forgotten Dracula, My Love, though! (...also, Anon...the Jonathan/Dracula and Dracula/Lucy novels? The villainfuckers of the world want to know!)
I mentioned Dacre's because. I hate this novel with every fibre of my being (...honestly if it'd just been Dracmina, it would have been salvageable, as opposed to the homophobic, sexist mess we were left with...) BUT it has the name "Stoker" attached to it so (I repeat: Dacre when I see you...) With The Dracula Tape, I mentioned it because I think it has a lot of stereotypes people think of when they think of a deconstructive approach of Dracula even though it is. A parody. And is part of this movement in the 1970s that is seriously interrogating Dracula as a text and trying to grapple with it, which includes grappling with Mina as a character and her dynamic with Dracula.
But the point is, thank you, yes!
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 months ago
is there a book series or other piece of fiction you’d recommend for someone who really enjoys the way Eureka specifically does its vampires (and werewolves and other monsters)? both when it comes to themes and when it comes to specific powers/mechanics
I’ll tell ya, pickings are going to be really really slim on that front. You’re likely to find stories that have one of those elements, but not all of them. That’s one of the reasons I write what I do, because it’s what I want to see and I gotta do it myself.
The original Dracula is my favorite novel, and it features vampires that have about a 90% overlap in the way that Eureka's folkloric vampires work. It’s also just a really good novel. I recommend reading it in chronological order through Daily Dracula, they have a novel version for that if you don’t want to follow the emails for like 6 months.
If I was good at being a consistent writer on the side, maybe you’d have the novel which inspired Eureka’s lore, but right now that just sits in a rough outline form.
You can, however, read some short stories from this same canon by subscribing to our patreon. All together, they’re about 130 pages cumulatively. I’ll warn you though, they haven’t been copy-edited, so they’re a bit rough, but I think they’re really good regardless.
I can provide a condensed summary of the outline of the larger novel here under the cut.
The story takes place in the late 1800s and is told from the perspective of two vampires, Annie Mayfield and Yvette Preux, switching between their PoVs each chapter, though after starting to write out this summary, I’m questioning if that PoV-switching actually adds anything to the story, so I may scrap that. I didn’t incorporate the PoV switching in this outline.
>Comtesse Yvette Preux, who has been a vampire since her original death in Brittany in the 1200s, resides in New Orleans.
>Becoming a vampire wasn’t a conscious decision on her part, and no other vampire was involved(she hasn’t even ever met another vampire), it just sort of happened after her slow gradual death from wasting sickness. She considers the possibility that a return to the life she so desperately wanted to live may be a miracle from God.
>She comes from a prestigious noble family that she has been a regular part of for centuries, but they’re gone now. None of them were vampires, just her descendants from the children she had when she was alive.
>She has always tried to minimize her harm on the living, mostly taking blood by needle from paid subjects. Her money, however, is running out after decades spent in the Louisiana Territory. She was in a state of dormancy for decades and learned of the French Revolution decades after it happened, and since has spend most of her time paying people to travel to France and make any possible contact with her family. There has been no word.
>With no income from her family, her fortune gradually dwindles until she is essentially homeless, and has to lower herself to attempting to take a job. She is hired as a governess(caretaker of the children, not a political position), by a rich plantation family.
>She is beloved by the family and vice versa, raising and tutoring their children diligently. She is essentially part of the family, accompanying them everywhere and living in a smaller house on their grounds. They teach her to shoot, which she really takes a liking to. She loves loud noises, complex machinery, and learning difficult skills, but older guns were always a bit too much for her sensitive nose and eyes. Smokeless power has since been invented, fixing that issue.
>She spends most of her free time practicing shooting.
>The plantation family is not aware she is a vampire, and she is careful about hiding this fact, even though vampires are not really a common knowledge thing, just like in the Eureka setting. She sneaks out at night to take blood by needle from whoever she can pay.
>Living on a plantation, this rich family were formerly slave owners, and are now scalawags and run their plantation as a sharecrop. Even having grown up a feudal noblewoman, Yvette has a personal and religious opposition to slavery, as was the zeitgeist of her time. (They considered serfdom to be completely different, obviously.) Residing on this plantation, Yvette slowly comes to see that the lives of former slaves under the sharecropping system are not much better than under slavery. In some cases, the conditions can be even worse. She keeps her objections about this to herself, not wanting to rock the boat or seem ungrateful for the generosity the family has given her. She’s never had the social skills to broach complaints without angering those around her, and really never had much in the way of social skills of friends at all, never having more than a small handful of people truly close to her in any given lifetime.
>Eventually, some of the family meet over something important, they have a shocking secret to reveal. They tell her that vampires are real, and for generations this family has made it their duty to identify and eliminate them. They are so rare of course that they find one only about once in a generation, but they are certain that there is one active in the region. Someone has been paying for blood from the poor and desperate. They tell her to be extraordinarily careful, and present her with a gift: a small two-barrel derringer, and two silver bullets.
>I’m skipping ahead a bit because exactly how the family find out she is a vampire is something I haven’t figured out yet, but of course they find out she’s the vampire. The fact that she doesn’t seem to have aged at all in ten years probably helps.
>Because she has been a friend of the family for so long, and demonstrated the capacity to care for human life, they decide she does not necessarily need to be killed. She’s one of the good ones. Conditionally.
>She has to stop buying blood from the poor and desperate, further minimize her blood consumption to only a small drawing from one of the family members every month or so, never leave the family’s sight, never touch a weapon again, and she is to have no contact with the children she raised for the family.
>Even as one of the good ones, she is still a selfish monster, unnatural and anathema to the will of God, whose existence is prolonged only by the suffering of the living, and the family’s mercy.
>Under the family’s constant scrutiny, and wasting away into depression and delirium from a bare minimum intake of blood, she loses her ability to argue, and gradually comes to understand this herself.
>She stares into an empty mirror, desperate to see herself in it, trying to be normal instead of a selfish parasite. All she can get the mirror to reflect of herself is her sense of self worth and what she contributes to the world. That is, nothing.
>In the prose, the absence of a reflection is always written as a failure by Yvette to be reflected in the mirror.
>Her undeath can’t be a miracle, God would not allow something like her into the world for her own sake. The only logical conclusion is that it is a punishment from God for refusing to be satisfied with the short life He did give her or accept its natural conclusion, that she would have to take that life from the rest of the world that she loves and never reunite with her closest friend, her husband, who has been dead for centuries. Each century that passes brings her farther from the life she had with him and so selfishly coveted, and now, after the French Revolution, there are not even descendants of him in her life. Her selfish insatiable desire for experience, relationships, and the world is an anchor weighing her soul to the earth, and it’s everyone’s problem.
>She can hardly bear to take even what little blood the family offers her from themselves. They housed her, and she continues to just take and take and take.
>They’re afraid of her, even. No matter how nonthreatening she tries to make herself, she can’t be allowed out of their sight. No matter how good she is, it’ll never be good enough for them, and it’s callous of her to expect otherwise, considering their situation, mortality, and how they’ve suffered at the hands of vampires like her.
>One evening in the sitting room, Yvette is present while the family discusses their finances, and their plan to legally back out of paying the sharecrop workers their promised yearly payment. That is too cruel for Yvette, and she stands up, raising her voice and interrupting, only for those closest to flinch back and several to draw pistols from their pockets. Stuttering an apology, she retires to her room, and sits in front of the empty mirror. How can she, being what she is, take issue with them?
>She considers setting things right by ending her own existence, but she isn’t sure how, and a part of her is still too afraid to find out. She couldn’t accept death before, and she still can’t now. She’s still just as wretched as she was then, even after over six-hundred years. She’s really unworthy of God’s light, a spot of black mold eating through the canvas of His Creation, because even knowing this, she can’t help herself.
>Ironically, her name, Preux, means “courage.” It isn’t something she’s ever really thought much about before, but now that it comes time to overcome her fear and do what has to be done for the greater good, she doesn’t feel like she lives up to the name. Even the name “Yvette���, after the long-lived yew tree, feels like a hole in her chest. For some time now, whenever anyone has said Yvette, it has only been with disgust, rightfully, at her undeservedly long life. She renounces the name Yvette Preux.
>There’s no good way to really portray this in a summarized outline format, but this whole time, a fringe religious movement has been slowly taking the stage in the background. It doesn’t have any kind of mass following, but what few there are are devoted. The family is suspicious of them, and concludes that they are worshipers of demons. (If I get fully into it here then this post will become a whole different thing but “biblically accurate” demons are a whole different thing from pop culture demons like from Doom and stuff. The most “biblically accurate” pop culture portrayal is probably The Exorcist(1973), and maybe the game Faith: The Unholy Trinity, where the point isn’t really to go rawr rawr rawr and kill everyone, the point is to make humans suffer, despair, and abandon the belief that God could possibly love us. You can't really shoot them with a shotgun, the only way to repel them is to have faith that things can get better.)
>This group argues that the world is an evil place, and that humans are its evil denizens which can only suffer and beget more suffering, as is evidenced all around them. They advocate for the end of humanity, and are suspected of several violent crimes, as well as election interference.
>The family disrupts one of their gatherings by shooting up the place. They don’t spare anyone, because dangerous people ought to be killed before they can do any more harm.
>Some time later, late at night, the family’s plantation house comes under attack by a gang of armed men, and it’s a slaughter. Yvette goes to hide in the back with the other women.
>A stick of dynamite crashes through the window.
>Yvette opens her eyes an indeterminate amount of time later, in the smoldering remains of the plantation house, still strewn in the remains of everyone else who was in the room. There’s no one left alive.
>Her family is gone again, but she doesn’t really feel anything. It’s obvious what she has to do now, now that the family is gone, she has to set things right by discontinuing her own existence. There’s no one else to keep her in check, and she’ll just cause more suffering to more innocent people if she stays alive.
>There’s just one thing she wants to do first, and that is avenge the deaths of her new family. If she can do anything for them now, it’s that, and then to properly die as is natural.
>When she can walk, she rounds up the hired gunmen formerly employed by the family, and sets out to hunt down every last man responsible for the attack. Few of them are willing to trust a vampire, but they go along with her. (Her actual relationship to these men, why they decide to go along with her, and what this adds to the story is another thing I haven’t really fully worked out yet. It may make for a better story for her to just do it alone, though her reaction to some of their deaths later on does serve to highlight a few things about her that may be a hint as to why she is the type of person to come back as a vampire in the first place.)
>She deliberately doesn’t answer to Yvette anymore, instead randomly coming up with the name Annie Mayfield when asked her name soon after. It doesn’t mean anything to her, she doesn’t really think about it, it just needs to be a placeholder until she can finish this and then end her life.
>(So yeah the twist is that all the stuff you’re about to read beyond this point from the PoV of Annie Mayfield would be interspersed throughout the Yvette Preux chapters until it turns out they’re the same person.)
>The remainder of the story is a blur of violence and shame as the shock wears off and she starts to feel things again. Obviously, the men who attacked the plantation house are from the cult, and after tracking down and killing the first one she instantly regrets trying to go through with this, and laments that it represents her still not having learned her lesson, and going on to extend her life through the suffering of others even though she had resolved to end it. One of her own is also killed in the shootout, and tangled up in the regret is the desire to have known the man longer.
>After grounding herself, she resolves to not let the family down, and continues the manhunt.
>A lot of these scenes are portrayed primarily through dialogue between Annie and the cult members she is confronting, either before, during, or after some kind of shootout. The cult members argue that the material world only exists for humanity to suffer and harm each other in, as is human nature, as is self-evident from the state of the mid-late-1800s world. Also, there’s a vampire. Would a loving God actually allow a vampire to exist? The only way to end this suffering is the extinction of humanity itself. And Annie arguing back from her perspective all the kind people she’s met, beautiful things she’s seen, and enjoyable things she’s done in centuries of consciousness. And once she’s gone, there will be one less source of suffering in the world. (she really always has to have the last word, it’s a really abrasive thing about her.) Both parties are well versed in Abrahamic scripture and use it to support their arguments.
>Annie is an incredible shot after around a decade of practicing every day, but she isn’t exactly a great gunfighter, and it’s only due to the fact that she’s literally immortal that she survives most of these early confrontations. She’s getting holes blown in her a lot, and expending a lot of energy to keep going and regenerating. It’s too much for a vampire that has been limiting her blood consumption since her original death, and recently surviving on a bare minimum amount of blood. She comes to realize she can’t keep up this pace, and it’ll all be for nothing, if she doesn’t drink some blood. She doesn’t have any money, she has to take it at gunpoint, and it takes a lot of it to keep her going at this pace. She drinks a lot of it.
>The shame, falling back on what a depraved, selfish wretch she is, it’s a knot in her throat. But she’s recovering from gunshots faster, moving faster, her vision is clearer. She’s not sure if she’s ever felt this good before. After centuries minimizing how much she takes, she wasn’t really aware one could feel this good.
>All of the gunmen she brought with her have either died or abandoned the cause at this point(if they were there in the first place, like I said I haven’t figured that out), the law is after her, and she’s killed more people than the cult can ignore. They figure out who she is and her relationship to the family, and retaliate both physically and intellectually.
>Their arguments get more personal. The family, the societal forces that put them in power over so many suffering destitute laborers, and how they treated her, are the perfect example. They’re not worth her avenging, if she wants to actually accomplish something, she could join their cause.
>This cause involves attaining political power through intimidation, blackmail, and just plain electorialism, following a precise set of instructions passed down by the demons they consort with to worsen condition of daily life and the world overall. (The exact details of this I won’t get into, this post is already so long.)
>Not only will this just overall reduce the population, but the plan is to advocate for suicide as an answer to this despair, and use worsening conditions as evidence for their message that it would be better for humanity to end.
>The shootouts are becoming more disproportionate, with her targets hiding out together, always armed, hiring bodyguards, assembling militias. Annie is getting better at this, though. She’s moving in ways she didn’t know she could, and doing things she felt she might be able to do but felt it would be shameful and unnatural to try. Vampire things. There would be no other way she could overcome 5:1, 10:1, 20:1 odds. She’s learning to cycle a lever-action with one hand so she can keep shooting in the relatively frequent event that one of her arms gets shot off.
>Annie has come to agree, largely through her own scriptural arguments, that the suspicion, scrutiny, judgement, and deprivation she experienced from the family was unjustifiable both morally and spiritually. She had a right to exist, no matter what that means.
>She has fangs now. She doesn’t know when they came in, because it isn’t like mirrors can reflect her. (Roughly from this point on, when reflections are brought up in prose, it is written that the surface fails to reflect her, not that she fails to be reflected in the surface.)
>The family didn’t love her like she loved them, and she, like the other monsters they hunted, was just another vessel for them to justify themselves and their own harmful lifestyle by comparison, and embolden their own egos, rather than any genuine desire to protect anyone. She doesn’t owe them this violence, but she’s doing it anyway, not for revenge, not because they’re “evil,” but because she’s set her mind to it, and she’s having fun.
>Really embracing her vampirism and what it can allow her to do is a whole new world to her, one she wants to keep exploring and experiencing, even if it’s at cost to other people, and they’re not going to ruin that for her.
>You can see where this is going. The movement is crippled beyond recovery, if any of them survive at all. The world is saved because someone selfishly wanted to go on living even if at the expense of others, and that that life is richer for it.
>Despite embracing her vampirism and finally drinking a healthy amount of blood, Annie has really over-exerted herself, and fades away into another dormant period. A little less than one-hundred years later, she comes back to consciousness. It’s the year 1992, and the first thing she sees is something like this.
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[picture of cellphone towers against the night sky with glowing red lights]
>She can barely comprehend what she’s seeing, it’s terrifying and amazing. She doesn’t know what they are, but the radio towers, enormous glowing steel monoliths to human connection and communication, being the first thing she sees represent that she really is in a new world, one that is going to love her back this time.
>How she actually manages to integrate into this new world is its own whole story, one that is a lot funnier and more light-hearted. She doesn’t even speak English.
>She isn’t ready to go back to the name Yvette Preux, when she eventually has to give a name, she picks it out deliberately this time. Alys Cessna. Though comtesse_yvette does become her screen name on Quake 1 deathmatch by 1998.
>picture of Yvette Preux circa 2024 by team artist @chaospyromancy
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[Yvette Preux, a petite white woman with long orange hair, dressed in kind of a 90s skater style. She has a skateboard with a picture of bats silhouetted against the moon on the underside, mirrored sunglasses on her forehead, and a handgun in a front hip holster. She is smiling and has very prominent fangs.]
And there it is. I left out a few subplots and other themes but this was already long as fuck.
Support A.N.I.M. and maybe in the future I’ll be financially stable enough to work on this novel even though it won’t make a lot of money.
Also in case it didn’t come across fully in the summary, the suicide cult and Yvette are the same, and through fighting them, intellectually and literally, she also ends up fighting her own overwhelming guilt and shame she feels for existing as a harmful person, and makes an argument of all the reasons she wants to keep living. She’s saving herself.
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talesofpassingtime · 5 months ago
He can do all these things, yet he is not free. Nay, he is even more prisoner than the slave of the galley, than the madman in his cell. He cannot go where he lists, he who is not of nature has yet to obey some of nature’s laws, why we know not. He may not enter anywhere at the first, unless there be some one of the household who bid him to come, though afterwards he can come as he please. His power ceases, as does that of all evil things, at the coming of the day. — Bram Stoker, Dracula  
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nathscalet · 1 year ago
I think it’s time to show you guys my ability to write smut
A chapter from my unfinished fanfic
Dracula x reader 🔞
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Minors do not interact
Warning: pegging, cursing, age gap, explicit sex, use of lube, shibari, drinking blood,top!reader.
I think that’s it’s.
Dracula tenderly kissed your neck insistently, while his arms were wrapped around your waist.
"What's the matter, honey? Are you okay? - he checked your temperature
"A little. You were a little too happy to drill your cock into my pussy." Jesus would exorcise you by listening you speak
"Um. Are you still sore? He was clearly worried that he had hurt you, even with the joking tone you used
"A little."
"But it's been 2 weeks."
"10 days, darling."
"It seems longer."
"Unfortunately I'm not in the mood for that right now. Sorry."
"Have I done something?"
"Not really, I just don't feel like riding you."
He raised his eyebrow judging you. "And why can I know?"
You grabbed the vampire's chin bringing him close "I'm not feeling passive today, if you want to take my place you can."
You caught Dracula by surprise when you lifted him by his legs. Dracula's eyes widened before he began to laugh, putting his arms around your neck and his legs around your hips.
"No one has ever caught me like this... I can't say I don't like it ~ he looked at you with a look of lust ~ a strong woman in my life was what I needed ~
You smiled hearing him praise your strength, feeding your ego
"Let me show you what you've missed so far~" you pressed Dracula against the wall.
"Oh? That's definitely new." Dracula's eyes sparkled like crystals waiting for what else you would do, his breathing also quickened in anticipation
You slowly brought your face closer to the brunette, kissing his lips sweetly, moving down and trailing a kiss on the brunette's neck. Dracula was blushing, clenching his legs tighter, and shaking with excitement. When you bit his neck, Dracula's eyes darkened,
You watched the brunette's reactions like a conductor watched the orchestra. He reacted instantly to your touch without even hiding it, cute. You pulled away from his neck, looking into Dracula's eyes that were thirsty for you. You took the air out of him, when you kissed him aggressively, exploring the brunette's mouth, Dracula managed to free himself from your hands and they hugged your neck, trying to bring you as close as possible.
You broke apart, both of you panting from the kiss, Dracula was definitely in the other world. He whispered in her ear "you're so aggressive today baby~ it turns me on~"
"Do you like it?"
"I love everything that comes from you."
"So~ I can take control today?"
"You can do whatever you want with me. I'm your only, your slave, your everything. Make me yours~" you felt shivers run down your spine before smiling and throwing Dracula onto the bed
"Then I'm going to do what they've never done to you today~" Dracula continued to lie stretched out on the bed, watching you remove piece by piece of your clothes and accessories.
You lifted the brunette's foot to your lips, kissing it.
"Oh? Do you have a foot fetish? How unusual. I don't care, I still love you the same."
You let out a sarcastic laugh before answering "Jesus washed the disciples' feet as a form of love and devotion, showing how far he would go for the love he felt." This made Dracula smile watching you kiss from his foot to his thighs. He sighed feeling you adore him.(🛐🛐)
You nibbled on the brunette's thigh and he jumped slightly in fright. "Tease" you smiled and continued your work, kissing and caressing the brunette's entire torso.
"Your breasts are huge" you felt them hard and carefully, feeling the texture and softness of them "soft  ~ and all mine" you kissed the breast, specifically the nipple.
"A-ah! That's a sensitive area honey."
You gave a mischievous smile, before licking Dracula's nipple, and giving it a light bite. This made Dracula struggle, not knowing what to do if he wanted more, if he would leave, if he would ask for more
"You're so cute Drac ~" you kissed the brunette's mouth, who returned your kiss with all the passion he had
Dracula pov
You devilish woman.
I feel the rope slowly tie itself around my neck, keeping a strong grip, like a collar against my throat, the next thing is my chest being slowly tightened by the rope, making it snap a little, the burning on my back gives me goosebumps , following the pattern of the nodes.
"You tied me up like a gift"
"Why, you are one indeed. My little gift. Carefully packaged."
You push me onto the bed again, I fall onto the soft mattress. I looked at you waiting, longing for your touch
Your smaller hands followed the rope, checking if it was tight enough. So you gave me a dangerous smile
Sliding those hands up to touch my exposed member, sliding up and down.
"Breathe, honey." You whispered in my pointy ears
You ran your fingers over my nipples, biting them gently.
My hair was pulled back tightly. Making me look up holding back a pained groan. You kissed my neck, tickling me, feeling the wetness spreading.
Dracula didn't expect you to have a rubber dick. Much less that he would ever have to get down on all fours in his life.
Dracula felt something cold, wet and viscous running down his buttocks and being pushed with your finger. Chilling him He just took a deep breath, relaxing to make the work easier.
I bit into the pillow, feeling the tension in my lower back increasing with the stimulation of the burning.
You wore that bloody headdress, with the red stick. You lubed that up, before spreading my ass, pressing my back
When in my life have I ever knelt? When did I expose my back to someone like that? Even at my human age, I don't think I'd ever-
"Are you ready, Drac?"
"I think you prepared me well." I said this, but I was silently questioning everything that was happening at that moment, when I, dark lord, fell so hard from grace
That head entered agonizingly slowly, filling me with dread and chills. My thighs started to shake, along with my arms. My head felt heavy as I groaned
"Ah! Argh! Hummm!
"Inside~ see it wasn't that bad right?" Dracula trembled a little with the new sensation, there was discomfort in his bottom.
I dragged my fingernails across the bed sheets, tearing them. The rope burning my back and chest. That strange object was poking my prostate,
Weird. All I could think was that it was a strange feeling
Her hands massaged my shoulders and neck, kneeling the area, a strange relief settling in.
I felt my face turn red, the embarrassment made me blush like a little girl. I never considered anything feminine about myself until you mentioned how round and firm my butt was.
Lisa, what in God's name am I doing? Let a young girl fuck me? What Adrian-
My eyes widened when you started messing with me. Shoving that thing deeper in my ass
"You're so cute like that Drac" you praised me
My stomach dropped when I heard the compliment. Shit this is dangerous
Dracula's eyes widened when you began to move your hips more intensely. Lowering its head and letting out grunts and growls. Leaving your nails on the mattress
When you found his G-spot, Dracula began to release thicker, shorter moans.
"Here? Do you like me hitting here?"
"nnh! N-no! I mean Y-yes! It's g-good! Argh!"
You held Dracula against the pillow by his neck, increasing your speed. Dracula trashed again his bidding, his body trembling, heating up as you pushed past new frontiers never explored
(I made a fanart of this scene lmao… help... oh I need help from Christ
Dracula felt that familiar euphoria course through his body, in a more electric and violent way. His cock was hard, begging for attention. He clenched involuntary around the dildo in frustration.
Cock was swollen, pre-cum leaking from the tip onto the sheets, unfocused eyes, open mouth, cold sweat adoring his body
"You're breathtaking like this, Mr. Dracula. I love it. You make me feel so good~" you sang
The eroticism of me succumbing to this human, for a vampire, a king, a man of my size... how embarrassing... How a man is nothing compared to his woman
His woman? It had such a nice ring to it. My woman. Warm goosebumps passed through my brain.
She suddenly slapped me, making me press against the vibrator
Her breasts pressed against my back
"Aww! Can't you cum baby? Let me help you!" You began to beat Dracula's member without stopping. He felt his body begin to give in, his vision begin to blur, and his strength fail before his dick shot milk everywhere, his chest expanded, and his legs convulsed.
Dracula lay on his stomach breathing deeply, reflecting on what happened. You ate his ass. He was going through that reminder of My God, I let someone eat me. What did I do.
Dracula felt you hugging him from behind, kissing the back of his neck and back. "Thank you love. That was the best I could ask for. You were perfect~"
Dracula turned his back, hugging you. "That was... strange... at the same time as it was good. I've never felt such strong and inexplicable pleasure like that."
"You must be tired let me clean-" Dracula pinned you against the bed
"..." you looked surprised
"No. I want more." You felt the brunette's fangs on your neck.
"More!...Can I?" You nodded, feeling the spikes passing through your skin layer.
You're not usually the one who gets tired in this type of sex, but the vampire's energy + disposition +breath was too much.
Dracula had sat on your lap now, riding the toy while drinking your blood. He had an expression of pure ecstasy, reaching the heavens there.
Dracula let you taste your blood, playing fighting with tongue. Passing this metallic taste to your tongue
You moved my body with incredible ease, spreading my legs, placing them on your shoulders.
As you continued moving, my brain was electrocuted, my mouth couldn't hold back my own drool and your divine blood, feeling our hips connect in this position making me moan, cover my face like a blushing nun, you pulled back by my hips.
"Let me see you." Your hands couldn't cover my wrist, but you managed to pin my hands to the bed
"You're really feeling it, aren't you?" You stole my breath, fighting my tongue so fearlessly, with the burning desire to conquer me... which you did. You stole the remaining shards of my heart, repaired it, and put it to use.
Oh no.
You started to speed up, drilling that damn toy as deep as you could. I closed my eyes, not trusting my expression, as deep grunts and the sound of sex filled the room. The stretching, the firm grip, the possessiveness, his adorable face full of euphoria, that hunter's look... preying on my very existence... too much... I love it.
"What would Adrian think seeing his father in this position?" You provoked me
You broke me, you succubus in human form. I couldn't bear to think what Alucard and my generals would think if they saw me like this. The chills, mixed with the pleasure and the risk of being found, ripped through my second orgasm. The rope continued to dig into my skin, leaving a delicious burn.
I rested the back of my hand on my forehead, breathless. My hair stuck to my sweaty back. My lower limbs twitched uncontrollably as I came.
You were breathing heavily, with a busty being on top of you, sleeping hugging a stuffed animal, in this case you, peacefully.
"I think I lost my vision." Did you feel the lack of blood affect your brain after the orgasm?
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months ago
nosferatu (2024) is a lovely and often interesting film, but it does have a number of flaws, not least that i do not feel it truly is a nosferatu film. as is expected of robert eggers, it has lovely period-accurate sets captured in gorgeous lineal framing reminiscent of silent film and shot through with numerous references to classic film from faust (1924) to beauty and the beast (1946), and the presence of the supernatural is wonderfully visceral. and yet eggers, who usually puts so much energy into the realism of dialogue and period in his film, falls flat in this one—between the actors’ strained british accents and a narrative that does not engage at all with the culture and fears of its ostensibly german setting, the film seemed to be just another dracula story set in london. of course, what eggers really wants in the nosferatu conceit that he cannot get in a more typical story is the grand conclusion where a maiden willingly offers herself to the beast, thereby defeating him. the engine of fear in this film is the fear of losing control over your mind, losing control over your sexuality, and being compelled to obey; although i felt that the theme of sex, like the german setting, fell somewhat flat through extensive telling and not showing, i cannot deny that the revamped bride of dracula mina harkness plot gave admirable weight to the conclusion, the ultimate act of taking control over one’s sexuality. another victim of telling and not showing was the supposed modernity and enlightenment of europe, which was referenced ad nauseum but never shown in its medieval-looking town—putting strain on the emotional delivery of its clear and unavoidably orientalist narrative of the East as a nightmare den of pagan practices, disease, and unrestrained sexuality that cannot help but desire to spread its unholy influence over the enlightened West through the vector of greedy men and sexual women. at least it did make an effort to reframe the roma as vampire hunters rather than orlok’s unthinking slaves, and at least there were some cool shadow-based visuals that we got out of it. all things told, nosferatu (2024) has some very good visuals and very interesting concepts that it seeks to work with, but unfortunately, through excessive seeking and little accomplishing it falls flat
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xxghost-bloodxx · 6 months ago
Black Vampire Movies/Media:
an incomprehensive watch/reading list
(part 1/?)
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Blacula (1972)
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William Marshall (The Boston Strangler) plays Prince Mamuwalde, an African royal whom Count Dracula takes everything from when he turns him into a vampire. (after Dracula refuses to help Mamuwalde suppress the slave trade.) Renamed Blacula, Mamuwalde grapples with losing his humanity, similar to other gothic tales.
Scream Blacula Scream (1973)
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Marshall returns as Blacula in the 1973 sequel, where he creates a horde of vampires. Pam Grier (Jackie Brown) plays Lisa Fortier, an inexperienced voodoo practitioner trying to remove Blacula’s curse. Scream Blacula Scream was the acting debut of Richard Lawson (Sugar Hill), and it strayed away from the typical portrayals of voodoo as dark magic.
Ganja & Hess (1973)
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After being stabbed with an ancient, germ-infested knife, a doctor's assistant finds himself with an insatiable desire for blood.
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Two college buddies go to a strange city late one night and find themselves in the clutches of evil.(source)
Fledgling (2005)
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Octavia E Butler’s Fledgling follows Shori, a girl who appears to be an African-American child but is actually a 53-year-old Ina – a vampire species that have seemingly always coexisted with humans.
In typical vampire fashion, the Ina need to feed on human blood to survive, but instead of killing their victims, the venom they produce hugely extends the human lifespan. So the relationship between vampires and humans is symbiotic rather than parasitic.
Shori can’t remember her life before the story begins. This means she also doesn’t remember why she is different. As the story progresses, she gradually and violently becomes aware that society is hostile to her. The Ina are a species of vampire with white skin. Shori learns that she is black because she was experimented upon and mutated in the quest to help the Ina survive the sun – vampires are killed by sunlight. (source)
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