#slash wc
artaintfartwarriors · 4 months
how about slash from dawn of the clans if yiu haven’t did him
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louspinx · 5 months
Implied Rape / and SA in WC
For fuck sales I'm sorry, but people who think that rape and sexual assault don't exist among warriors are complete morons. Somehow you can fathom the idea of pedophilia and grooming, and genocide and such other topics in the books, but someone's rape is where it's pushing the lines and that it's a stretch. You people are actually weird. So as a sexual abuse victim, I'm going to give my perspective on this because I'm actually sick of it. 
To start, I want to say that rape will not always be outright forced. Coerced consent is rape. Pressured consent is rape. Befriending women for motives beyond an actual relationship and for just sex is rape because you are essentially leading through a process of desensitization, manipulation, and Coercion. And to add on using physically abuse to scare your victim into fulfilling your needs and this applies here considering Tom does just that.. Quite literally, it is a premeditated sexual assault. 
Marital rape is a thing where they pressure or coerce their spouse into doing sexual deeds despite them not wanting to. In this case, Tom played the nice guy and pretended like he loved her until they got into a relationship so he could get sex out of her. Yes. These cats have sex because, quite literally, it is implied every time it says, "I'm expecting kits" or "I'm carrying kits." 
They know what sex is. Though it's not explicit in nature,. He acts lovingly with the intent to desensitize her to the idea of him not being a bad person. His motive is to get kittens out of her because he can control her with them and only reveal his true colors once it happens. Tom had  power over  both turtle tail and Bumble, not only because of how much larger he was than them but also because they were in a marriage where she loved him too much to see him for what he was until after he made his intentions clear. 
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Turtle Tail: "How do you think it happened? I made a mistake. I missed you all so much. Tom seemed strong and friendly, I thought I could move on and make a new life with him. But when I realized I was expecting kits, he... he changed."
Gray Wing: "If he hurt you..."
Turtle Tail: "Oh, no! Tom was still friendly, but he didn't want to make any plans for the kits with me. And Bumble seemed uncomfortable any time I mentioned them. But neither of them would admit that anything was wrong."
 - page 19 of Thunder Rising 
I'm sorry, but this text seems very rapey. Call it a stretch if you'd like, but I could give less of a fuck, honestly. Tom had shown his true colors after he realized Turtle Tail was pregnant because he knew he could use their kits against her to control her. He kidnapped her for the purpose of controlling her and would've abused their kits regardless if Turtle Tail did not come back. Tom threatened not to tell Bumble and stated that he was beating her because Turtle Tail left. 
In chapter two, when Turtle Tail returns, she notes that there is no father of her kits and that she does not want him involved in her life. She acknowledges that he is abusive and a bully who physically assaults her. In chapter two, when Turtle Tail returns, she notes that there is no father of her kits and that she does not want him involved in her life. She acknowledges that he is abusive and a bully who physically assaults her. When Thunder meets her, he speaks of her as if she means little, bashing her for taking away their kittens and claiming that she "stole them." He thinks little of his children as only pawns in possession and control over his wife.
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I’m sorry, but if you still fail to see how a man who befriends a woman, who then goes on to spoon-feed her false facade and then uses the mate title to coerce her into having sex with him as not being rape, you are not very smart and lack genuine analytical skills. Yes, I get that Warriors is very terrible at hinting at the obvious, but this was a very clear message of domestic violence, coercion of rape, and premeditated sexual assault. It’s not a stretch because it is the literal reality.
 To say that rape makes the series “too dark” while at the same time knowing that there are multiple groomers and pedophiles running around in the series is ridiculous. 
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And let’s not forget, slash, he used to be apart of the One Eyes group, and he was promised Star Flower as a wife. He physically restrains her and holds her down, getting on top of her and holding her captive while Clear Sky does absolutely nothing. And directly after that, he gets uncomfortably close despite being told to stop, licks her cheek, and is extremely creepy about it. 
Unwanted touch is sexual assault, guys. Put on your thinking cap, because I know you’re smart enough to think. I have seen some imply that Yarrowleaf’s relationship with Nettle is implied to be a case of rape, and I disagree considering the circumstances in which the Shadowclan cats were living while in the kin. And imposter Bramblestar is hinted at with how much he kept her confide in her den and his overrate affection for her. He’s a canon groomer of Shadowsight and Bristlefrost so I wouldn’t put it past the Erin’s to try this shit.
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bonebabbles · 7 months
Nearly everything that Slash does is just something Clear Sky did. The only difference is that the narrative is arbitrarily concluding that Clear Sky's behavior was all totally excusable and understandable because of good intentions (which he does not actually have anyway) whereas Slash is pure evil.
Steals prey and land
Brutalizes anyone who gets in his way (Clear Sky has a higher body count and Slash never directly murders anyone though)
Rules group through fear and intense control
Orders gladiator-style public "training" sessions where they all fight with claws out
Smacking children (Alder, Fern Leaf)
Hand-feeds subordinates so they can control exactly what they eat
Allows big piles of food to start rotting in camp
Throws a subordinate in front of a predator (Thunder with a fox, Beech with a dog)
Threats of violence and general assault (Clear Sky is CONSTANTLY hitting women who offend him)
Didn't give proper burials to victims (Clear Sky was going to leave all the dead bodies of his cats behind at the First Battle and left Misty's corpse to rot after taking her children, Slash had his dead underlings brought to the dump)
Clear Sky's fridged wife comes out of the sky to coo that his behavior "never drove anyone away" while Slash is here DOING THE BEHAVIOR that apparently "never drove anyone away."
They tried so hard to make a villain worse than Clear Sky to make him look better in comparison but physically couldn't. He was that bad.
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booksofstars · 3 months
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clanslist · 9 months
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luv-9-making-designs · 2 months
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skuffypaw · 2 years
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gougarpaw · 1 year
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“Don’t think we haven’t noticed you mountain cats recruiting all the strays you can find. Why are you building such big groups? Everywhere we go now, we smell scent markers and see where you’ve been hunting. […] This territory used to be ours. The strays caught prey and shared it with us. So we left them alone. Now they are part of your groups. They think they’re safe. They think they don’t need to share their catch with us anymore. We’re getting hungry, aren’t we?”
Slash is a brown tabby tom with his front legs marked with a slash of white fur.
-ummm idk but I made him look like Thunder kind of
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frostconebitez · 2 years
Fern Leaf PMV desgins
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rosemist50 · 2 years
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Slash's group, we have Slash himself, Willow Tail and Red Claw, Willow Tail's brother Frog, and their mother Tansy. Then Ember, Stone, Beetle, Bee, Swallow, and Snake. Rain was Violet Dawn's mate, Fern Leaf and Beech are sisters, and Dart and Shine (old designs) were not part of Slash's group, but the Cats of the Park, where Arc, Flutter, and Ripple (River Ripple/Riverstar) lived. And also here are Cloud Spots and Dappled Pelt, the first medicine cats of Thunderclan and Riverclan, respectively.
Originally posted on IG December 2021
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marmosetpaw · 8 months
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cheecats · 2 months
Could you design Fern Leaf and/or Bumble from dawn of the clans ? Poor girlies deserve some love
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[ Bumble can be found here! ]
Slash: do what i say! Fern Leaf: ok Slash: or else i'll hurt you Fern Leaf: ok Slash: so you better do what I told you! Fern Leaf: yep Slash: or else i'll kill you! Fern Leaf: ….. yep Slash: so do as i-! Fern Leaf: I GOT IT DOG.
- My exact memory of how they interacted. (Did you know Slash is evil? Hey did you know Slash is a villain? Hey did you forget that Sla-)
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months
Have you made Star flower :o
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I have not!!! Here u are :]
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justapigeonn · 1 year
Ok so I know I said I'd never do an actual rewrite for DOTC but after some thinking I honestly couldn't help myself so here;s a megadump of some of the changes I'd make:
Turtle Tail and Bumble would escape the twoleg house together after she becomes pregnant and Tom shows his ugly side
2. Gray Wing actually realises he was the reason Turtle Tail left in the first place and apologises for being a twat
3. With Turtle tail's help, Bumble convinces the moor cats to let her stay, but she soon discovers that she's not cut out for their way of life so Turtle Tail takes her to River Ripple to live with him and his colony and she becomes a seasoned river dwelling cat. She ends up living a long, peaceful, happy life and she and Turtle tail visit each other regularly
4. Tom eventually shows up to demand Turtle Tail's kits. He ends up finding the hollow by actually scenting them out as opposed to Gray Wing doxing them out of sheer stupidity and attempts to sneak into camp and take them, but Turtle Tail intercepts him and kills him where he stands
5. This is a big one that may spark controversy but SkyClan does not exist and Clear Sky never gets to be leader. He proves time and time again even after the battle that he is not worthy of being one, let alone a FOUNDER by any stretch of the imagination. He continuously demonstrates irresponsibility, is unnecessarily controlling and cruel, even to the cats he's supposed to care about and only seems to get his shit together in the very last book, long after he should have 'learned his lesson'. He never changed and should never have been given the countless chances to redeem himself. Instead, after the battle he is stripped of his leadership role by StarClan and the other founders and the forest cats fall under Thunder's authority instead, who leaves the moor after the battle to be where he truly wants to be. Clear Sky is allowed to join his ranks but he does so with the utmost resentment and bitterness. When One Eye and Star Flower enter the scene, One Eye takes advantage of his hatred and convinces Clear Sky to spy on and betray Thunder's group with the promise of him joining his rogue group and earning a position of power by his side and Clear Sky accepts (you have full permission to interpret this as gay) while Star Flower grows close to Thunder as she does in canon, manipulating him from the side line. At some point along the line Clear Sky outs himself and Star Flower and he joins One Eye's group before having a change of heart while Star Flower has her own redemption and blah blah blah still working on it). Clear Sky realises that being a meanie head ain't it, turns against One Eye and his rogues and supports his son wholeheartedly etc. At some stage during the final battle Clear Sky is killed by one of One Eye's close supporters as a final sacrifice/attempt to redeem himself, though I'm not keen on giving him a particularly heroic death considering how angry Tom's canon death made me so I figured it would be funny of the other settlers were like 'ohh noooo, anyways' with a couple of solemn words as opposed to a whole grievingfest. As for my reasoning for omitting SkyClan completely, half of it is due to the fact that it's basically just defacto ThunderClan except for the fact that they can jump high and hunt in trees, which are easily things ThunderClan can adopt. Firestar's quest and the latter half of AVOS can just not happen which I'm sure not many people will complain about
6. Gray Wing is not a Clear Sky apologist loser and actually resents him for all the grief he has caused
7. Rather than his own big bad, Slash is rather one of One Eye's devoted followers. One ruthless manipulative rogue leader would have been quite enough to serve as the arc's main antagonist for the latter half of it's duration, with better writing they could've spread it out and and left a true impact. Considering have him kill Clear Sky in the heat of the final battle maybe as opposed to giving his slaughter to One Eye
8. Fern and and a few of the other various mistreated rogues still exist, but this time under One Eye's command. She still ends up working with Gray Wing and joining the moor cats along with some of her friends after betraying One Eye
9. Star Flower never becomes Clear Sky's third mate or is reduced to a stock sweet baby mama where her getting kidnapped, abused then giving birth in an inconvenient place is introduced as a form of conflict, but rather reconciles with Thunder and builds on the previous connection they had already established (which would be stronger in my au). He eventually forgives her and they bond over the fact that they have manic shitty bloodthirsty fathers plotting against them and team up to be their foil, eventually becoming mates at the end of the arc.
10. Slate and Violet Dawn do not exist. This isn't because I don't like them as characters but imo never existing in the first place is a far better fate than being last minute underdeveloped love interests for the male protagonists with no other function in the story whatsoever
11. Quiet Rain is not guilted into forgiving Clear Sky for the atrocities he committed on her deathbed by Shaded Moss (who had no business doing so considering the fact that he wasn't a victim of his and she was particularly angry at the fact that he has killed Rainswept Flower who seemingly didn't get a say in the matter)
This was super lengthy and I ended up adding way more than I expected but I do hope to expand on them in the future. There are other things I have issues with such as the way Gray Wing treats Jagged Peak in numerous scenes as well as the overall ableism of the arc but this is all for now :3
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eggfeather · 9 months
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clanslist · 1 year
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