#slash lockscreen
“Am I your lockscreen?” 
“You weren’t supposed to see that.”
"I’m too sober for this.” 
“You don’t even drink.” 
“Maybe I should start.”
(from the sentence starter list!)
Thank you for these prompts! I'm excited to go through them :D
Commander Trouble Kelp dropped his head to his desk. It had been one of those days.
When he was younger, those days mostly meant running around after a particularly crafty criminal, or at most getting hit hard enough to be sent to a warlock for recovery. Now, as Commander of LEP Recon, those days were filled with bureaucratic meetings, enough technobabble from an egocentric centaur to make your ears fall off, and yet another IA review.
He missed the days where he only worried about getting squashed by a Troll.
His personal communicator buzzed beside him. He tried to ignore it. Foaly had, for some reason, decided that it would be a good idea to release his personal number to a whole slew of reporters and paparazzi. Trouble was of half a mind to slash the tech-wizard's budget in half in retaliation.
Then his communicator buzzed again, and he made up his mind.
"What's taking so long?" a bright, cheery voice cut into his introspective complaints. He lifted his head to see Commodore Holly Short, her shock of auburn hair and wide smile poked in through his office door.
In spite of it all, Trouble felt a grin cross his face. Then he dropped back down. "I'm going to kill your friend," he grumbled. "I swear. This time I'm really going to do it."
As Holly laughed and sauntered over to his side, his communicator buzzed again. "What did he do this time?" she asked, casually running a hand through his short brown hair. His comm buzzed three more times in the time it took her to ask the question.
"I'm serious," Trouble said, lifting his head to look at her. "I'm going to-" his voice cut off when he realized that she wasn't looking at him anymore. Her fingers continued to trail idly through his hair, and the grin on her face had only widened, but now she was staring intently at his comm.
"Trouble," she said, picking the device up off the desk, "am I... am I your lockscreen?"
The young commander felt his cheeks turn red. "What?" he snapped immediately, his voice defensive. "No."
Holly turned on him a look that could freeze molten rock. "You may be able to lie to a lot of people, Trubs," she said tersely, "but I was never one of them." Then she turned his communicator so that he could see it. "So I'm going to ask you again, and I expect you to be honest this time. Am I your lockscreen?"
Trouble's cheeks heated further as he stared at the offending evidence - a beautiful picture he had snapped of her on one of their days off. She was wearing something casual and laughing, her head tossed back and her auburn hair had fallen back from her forehead. It was his favorite picture of her.
"You weren't supposed to see that," he finally answered.
Holly just laughed, the ice-cold expression on her face thawing and the smile sliding back into place on her lips. She bent down to kiss his forehead. "It's time for you to come home, Commander," she whispered with a twinkle in her eye. "I'll help you get back at Foaly for whatever he did in the morning."
She then grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair. For once, Trouble didn't mind being told what to do.
Clone Commander Fox was many things. He was a fighter. He was a leader. According to Stone he was a control freak.
Right now, Commander Fox was bored.
"You look like you're ready to kill something," a light voice hummed in his ear.
Fox turned sharply to the side, still unaccustomed to the playful attitude of his companion. She smiled and a quiet giggle escaped her lips as her golden eyes burned into his own.
"I'm fine," Fox said, clearing his throat uncomfortably. "Just... enjoying the party, Ma'am."
The young senator laughed again, leaning close enough to brush deliberately against his arm. Fox felt his skin rise as she drew her lips close enough to his ear to let her warm breath wash over his skin as she said, "First, I already told you to just call me Riyo tonight." Though her tone was somewhat reproachful, her eyes still sparkled with laughter. "And second, you promised you would be honest."
Fox took a deep breath. His instinct was to brush her off and try some other polite excuse... exactly what he did every time one of the Senators decided to descend to the lowly clones' level and speak to him for a moment. But one more look into Senator Chuchi's - Riyo's - bewitching eyes and his usual MO was out the window.
"I think that I'm too sober to be here," he answered more sincerely than he had meant to.
Riyo let out a real laugh this time, and for just a moment Fox allowed himself the luxury of imagining spending his entire life doing whatever it took to hear that sound over and over again. "You don't even drink, Fox," she said, resting a hand on his bicep to help support her as she continued to chuckle.
He turned his attention to the crowd around in order to hide the blush on his cheeks. Immediately he caught the sight of several Senators cavorting about and drunkenly cackling. "If you're going to keep dragging me to these things, I think I should start," he commented dryly.
Realizing what he had accidentally said, Fox couldn't help but shoot her a guilty sideways glance.
She was smiling up at him. Her azure eyebrows delicately arched, her eyes wide with an almost childlike delight. The faintest ghost of a smile graced her lips as she stared up at him.
"So, you plan to let me drag you to more of these?" she asked, her voice barely louder than a whisper.
Fox's cheeks burned. "I didn't say that."
"Yes you did," Riyo countered, her grin only widening. She glanced around quickly to ensure that no one was looking at them, then leaned up on her toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "And I'm going to make you live up to it," she whispered before dropping back to her feet.
Fox shook his head ruefully. He was in trouble with this one, he just knew it.
And the worst part? He was going to love every minute of it.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Congrats on your celebration. I loved LOVED Don't forget to smile so could you do some headcanons for modern Tommy and please write a part two! Thanks boo
modern!Tommy Shelby ~ General Headcanons
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Warning: Mention of violence, drug use
I don't see Tommy going to war., at least not with the army. There was no need to conscript soldiers, and he is not the type of person to choose the army for a career path. I'd see Arthur and maybe even John doing that, but I'm not sure about them either. 
However, I see them getting their 'warfare' experience from UK gang wars 
Even so, they aren't as traumatised as they are in the show, even if they are still struggling because of the life they live and so Tommy would have retained some of his pre!war persona and we would see more of his cheeky side.
Modern!Tommy still loves horses and would have wanted to work with them and maybe become a professional equestrian but he sees the mistreatment of horses and becomes an activist in his youth (not necessarily animal rights in general, but horses rights)
And by activist, I mean slashing tyres, spraying graffiti, causing mayhem at the races as a teenager. That's how he met Greta and where he learns a lot of oganizing and sabotating skills
I still think the family would start with illegal gambling but on football games and not horse races
Tommy's expansion would be to start fixing boxing matches and MMA fights to make money while getting legal licences. They also take over strip clubs (and absolutely weed out human trafficking thanks to Polly's and Lizzie's input)
Within years he makes them the UKs gambling monopoly but also runs all those online casinos, betting apps etc (you know- the ones with the annoying ads) which takes them global
I still see him involved with trade and shipping and maybe manufacturing too but more in regards to technology and development. And of course, they are in the drugs business
They are UFC shareholders as well as all other MMA and boxing governing bodies and absolutely keep fixing fights. They also fix football matches and sponsor an F1 team (I want to say RedBull based on the Seb era but who knows?)
He is also hugely involved in real estate and housing
This Tommy would not get involved in active politics, even if he loses his mind over current, especially UK politics (when Brexit hits, he can't fathom the stupidity, the damages to his business and economy, and the general government incompetence)
Instead, he focuses on activism, like funding school lunches for poor children through their foundation 
The 21st century is still classit but not as much as in the 20s, so he has more movement there. There would be far more discrimination in regards to his Irish Traveller background 
The expansion to the US is far earlier. 
Modern!Tommy is just as overworked as canon!Tommy if not more so due to the constant availability of our time so he still smokes, takes drugs and a lot of sleeping pills. 
He does not have any social media and lives completely off the grid, not even a newspaper interview, which makes him a phenomenon, a ghost and an icon for the crypto bros. 
He has a vintage car and motorcycle collection but his biggest treasure is a large horse ranch in the middle of nowhere where he keeps close to a hundred horses, either older horses or former race horses, which he keeps buying up. It's a gigantic facility and is absolutely not profitable (apart for a bit of money laundering) but giving the horses a calm place where they are well taken care of (kind of like a retirement home for horses) is his passion project.
Modern!Tommy has tattoo sleeves, definitely, but he would rather walk on broken glass before he puts on a SmartWatch or drinks a green smoothie
His lockscreen is either a childhood picture of him and Ada on a horse or just a black screen
Bonus fact:
On at least one occasion he has definitely shot his Tablet during a stressful day because the "Sorry- I didn't quite catch that" came at the wrong moment. 
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Thank you so much for participating in my celebration - I hope you like what I've written for you! I'll have to see about that Part 2. I know a lot of people like that story but I have a lot of other WIPs in the works, but it won't be forgotten
If you want to join in, click here to find out everything you need to know!
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@lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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fakesaintess · 1 year
Rose Garden Sekai
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Notes: A scrapped au where Overblot-ees were going to have Sekais populated by characters from that chapter customized to said sekai which would make them differ from canon. I dropped it due to the last fact but if enough people enjoy this I'll rework/revive it. Summary: "Looks like you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!" Riddle jumps at that voice and turns on his heel to face where he heard it come from. There's an orange haired boy there who looks familiar, although Riddle doesn't know where he's seen him before.
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Riddle isn't one to use his cellphone. He has no apps downloaded besides the ones that came preinstalled. There's no games, social media, not even any music downloaded. He uses it to contact his mother and, very rarely, his father.
That's why when his phone displays a paused, unnamed song on his lockscreen curiosity overtakes him and he presses play. The moment he does a bright light fills his vision. When it finally clears he's in an expansive rose garden, the hedges around him in varying twist and turns like a maze. He rubs at his eyes, hoping he's just imagining this place.
When his surroundings fail to change Riddle grows agitated. Whoever is pulling this strange prank will pay for it greatly.
"Looks like you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!" Riddle jumps at that voice and turns on his heel to face where he heard it come from. There's an orange haired boy there who looks familiar, although Riddle doesn't know where he's seen him before.
"Don't tease him, Cater. He's probably still in shock." Another person appears from behind the one Riddle now knows as Cater and rests a hand on his shoulder.
"What is this place? Who are you people?" Riddle asks, unsure if he should run from them or stay in place.
"It's your Sekai. The Rose Garden Sekai." The person besides Cater answers.
"That explains nothing to me. And you failed to tell me your name." Riddle frowns.
"I'm Cater Diamond, but you can call me Cay-Cay. This guy is Trey Clover." Cater says, pointing to the guy next to him.
Riddle recognizes why they seem familiar. A classmate of his had once shown him a video containing characters called "virtual singers." These two share the names of some he had seen, although their appearance suited the rose garden better.
Why he is in a garden with virtual singers makes no sense to him. It's not like he has any interest in those things. He's only ever heard one song created with those, shown to him by the same classmate who introduced him to the concept of virtual singers. They were hoping to get him interested in them by showing him a subgroup of them, a card themed one called Heartslabyul, designed to be mages much like Riddle is. The plan had ultimately failed, but Riddle is thankful he manages to remember what he was shown as it allows him to make some sense of who he's with.
"Isn't there supposed to be two other people with you?" Riddle asks. The subgroup had consisted of four people yet only half that amount is here with him.
"They're around…Somewhere." Trey answers, although his pause before saying somewhere has Riddle believing they're not there at all.
Cater steps in front of Trey, changing the topic from the missing people "We're here to help you find your goal. Slash wish. Slash whatevs you wanna call it. This place, a sekai, is all your's to go to whenever you need something!"
"Is there a way for me to leave?" Riddle is beyond frustrated standing in this curious place. He has work he should be tending to, not goofing around with some program. Precious time is ticking away as he stands in this garden.
"You clicked the unnamed song to be brought here. All you need to do is pause it. Likewise, playing the song will bring you here again no matter where you are." Trey replies. He then quickly adds, "But don't you want to know more about this place? Why you were chosen to have this place?" when he sees Riddle move to pause the song.
Riddle hesitates on pausing the song. He does want to know. "Sum up the scenario quickly. I cannot dilly-dally here forever."
"Like, I already told him." Cater says.
"I'm going to explain it more thoroughly." Trey says to Cater then goes on to explain things out to Riddle as promised. "This place is a sekai, a place made to help you forward in, well, something. The people here currently and anyone who arrives in the future are here to help too. At a certain point, after you discover your true goal, the unnamed song you have will get a name."
Riddle says nothing, continuing to look at Trey like he expects him to say more.
Trey takes the hint faster than most people can. "Your sekai is called the Rose Garden sekai. It's themed around you, er, your needs to get your goal, to give you the short version."
"How so?" The more that's explained the more questions Riddle has.
"We'll find out as we all get to know each other! Besties know each other best." Cater must be some sort of extrovert. Riddle doesn't have an interest in being around people like that.
"You don't have to stay here right now, but I want you to come back whenever you need something, no matter how big or small. Even if you only want to share your frustrations, we'll be here to hear you out." Trey says gently, aware that Riddle will not chose to be staying there for much longer.
As Trey thought, Riddle stops playing the unnamed song, returning to where he was beforehand without giving any sort of response.
"How preposterous. Am I truly meant to believe there's a place with virtual singer residents that exists strictly for me? Only a fool would believe that." Riddle thinks.
It has been a week since Riddle first went to the sekai. He'd sworn to never waste time going there again. But, today the teacher of his final class held every member of the class back because a few students misbehaving. The anger Riddle feels at that causes him to remember the sekai. He was promised he could share his woes there. Could that be true?
Without putting much thought into it, Riddle plays the unnamed song. Once again, light fills his vision and he's back in the rose garden.
"You came back." Trey greets him.
"It was a rash decision to do so." Riddle crosses his arms. "Where's the other one?"
"He said he wanted to take some photographs. But I'm still here to lend an ear. Is there something you'd like to talk about?" Trey says.
Riddle bites his lip. He would like to speak about today's incident, but he wonders if that's wise. Seeing how empty the place is Riddle makes up his mind on speaking. There's no one around that can overhear him so fretting would be a waste of time.
"I happen to have something I'd like to speak about." Throwing caution to the wind, albeit only slightly, Riddle decides he will talk. This would be his first and last time.
Trey smiles. "Go on. Unless you'd be more comfortable sitting down."
"I will not be getting my clothes dirty with grass." Riddle states. He does move to stand closer to Trey. "The last teacher I had for the day held my entire class due to a small handful of students creating a ruckus. Even I, a model student, was forced to stay. That caused me to arrive late to my club activities."
"That doesn't seem very fair." Trey says.
"It is not! Only rulebreakers should be punished. As someone who acts accordingly at all times, I had no reason to be grouped in with them. For causing everyone else trouble those rulebreakers deserve harsher consequences." Riddle's voice raises as he goes on.
Trey notices Riddle does not seem to defend any of the other students who were kept behind, thought he does not bring that up. He's here to help Riddle and he believes scolding Riddle for only caring about his own circumstances is a distraction from that.
Riddle goes on. "If I had the ability to I'd dish out the proper punishments to them. In fact, I should gain the ability to."
"How would you do that?" Trey asks.
"I challenge the current leader of my dorm to a duel. If I win, I take over their place. Then I can apply punishment to those who happen to be in my dorm." Riddle explains. The idea of being in charge excites him.
The idea of Riddle being in charge makes Trey somewhat hesitant. The strictness he follows could cause trouble. That idea starts and ends inside his thoughts, Trey ends up encouraging Riddle instead. "You should. You could lend a helping hand to those who are also effected by troubles."
Trey hopes that reminding Riddle of the existence of others will keep him on the right path. But, if it did not, Trey would still side with Riddle. It's what he's here for.
"It was a good thing to speak to you today. It's helped me decide on how to straighten out the behaviors of others. Mother will be proud when she hears that I've become a House Warden." Riddle grins, arrogant and sure of himself. "I'll complete this at once."
He pauses the song and then is gone, leaving Trey to wonder if he's done the right thing.
Riddle had started to come to the sekai often. From complaining to bragging about his accomplishments, Riddle saw Trey often. He spoke to Cater to a lesser extent, as the boy usually took a backseat in the conversations Riddle has with Trey and was never the one to be the first person Riddle sees when he enters the sekai.
Today is different. Riddle arrives, calling out for Trey. The one who answers is Cater, "Trey's a bit busy right now! Why don't you tell ole Cay-cay your woes?"
Speaking to only Cater isn't something Riddle ever sought out to do, but Trey is always on Riddle's side, why would Cater be any different?
"Before that, what is Trey busy with?" Riddle asks. He does want to know what Trey finds so important.
"You know how forever ago you mentioned how there's supposed to be two other boys here? He's seeing if he can find them." Cater says.
Riddle nods. It makes sense that Trey would like to round the troupe out. Satisfied with that answer, he starts telling Cater about the woes he has with his dorm underlings being unable to properly follow the rules.
It's a surprise when Cater speaks up and, unlike Trey, does not assure Riddle that he's in the right. "Ever tried, like, trying to get closer to the people in your dorm? They'll probably listen to you better if you do." Cater says, defying Riddle's expectations.
"If they would like to be my friends they should have a shred of decency. And people need not be my friend in order to do what's expected of them." Riddle responds. Really, he can't see why Cater is urging him to interact with those hooligans. He's here to help Riddle and telling him to make friends isn't helping.
"You sure? Wouldn't it be totes real nice to have some buddies irl?" Cater asks.
"I have you and Trey, do I not? I don't need more." Riddle answers, rather matter of factly. He truly believes he's sated in the friendship category, even if his friends only existed in a place no one else can get to.
"If you ever change your mind, I've got all sorts of friend making tips for you." Cater grins, although something seems off about that grin.
Riddle scoffs.
Riddle has moved up a grade when something new happens in his sekai. He still visits the place regularly, today being one of those days.
He's sitting on a picnic blanket he had left there, enjoying a conversation with Trey and Cater when Trey asks a rather odd question.
"Riddle." He starts, in an almost hesitant way, "Don't you want to find out what your goal is?"
"We've spoken about this. My goal is to surpass the expectations my mother has set for me." Riddle says.
Trey knows all about Riddle's situation with his mother, her controlling nature, helicopter parenting, and how everything has lead to the Riddle that's sitting beside him now. Trey's aware he should've been pushing Riddle to find his goal instead of indulging his skewed views. But he finds himself unable to. He doesn't give Riddle that push forward.
"Is this really the guy you're wasting time on?" A boy strolls into view, Riddle recognizing him as Ace Trappola. Or, more accurately, a version made for Riddle's world.
"Ace…" Trey starts as if he was going to scold Ace but fails to do so, finishing with, "Be nice."
"Waited forever to show up here and nothing's gotten done. What have you guys even been doing?" Ace continues on.
Ace would've gone on further but something slinks out of the shadows and moves towards Riddle rather quickly towards Riddle. It isn't until whatever it is comes to stop that Riddle can tell what, or more specifically, who it is. The final member of the Heartslabyul subgroup, Deuce Spade. He stands in front of Riddle, gazing down at Riddle and holding some sort of case that can't be seen into with strings protruding from a gap in the case that are bound to his arm.
"Do you need something?" Riddle asks, desiring to move away from the boy looming over him.
Wordlessly he leans down and bumps his forehead against Riddle's before straightening back up and walking back to Ace.
"What was that?!" Riddle is shocked at the absurd happening.
"He's saying hello. Deuce over here is a man of few words and fewer brain cells." Ace answers in place of Deuce who shoots him a glare.
"Why?" Riddle refuses to accept an answer so vague.
"What part of a man of few words doesn't click for you? How the heck do you want me to find out?" Ace says, a mix of mockery and slight agitation.
"Ask him. A few words does not mean no words. Surely he can manage to say something." Riddle glares at Ace with an expression far more intense than the one Deuce gave him earlier.
"Let's calm down. If Deuce doesn't want to say anything we shouldn't force him into it." Trey steps in before it can turn into a full blown argument.
"How is he meant to help me if he says nothing?" Riddle turns his head to face Trey. This question is less rude than his earlier ones, coming strictly from confusion instead of agitation.
"Body language." Cater pipes up. "That's what he did earlier."
"I don't want that." Riddle replies.
"Why are you so ungrateful? He's made an effort to communicate with you." It's up in the air if Ace is defending his friend or doing this to get on Riddle's nerves.
"He can find another way." Riddle crosses his arm.
"No." Ace replies.
Riddle wishes he brought his wand. It may be unfair to use magic on someone who was designed to be a newbie mage, but Ace has it coming. "What do you mean no? Are you defying me?"
"Yes." Ace's blunt one word answers frustrate Riddle more than most people manage to.
Before Ace says something else, Trey puts both his hands up in a motion meant to pacify. "We should at least try to get along."
"We can get along when he learns to behave." Riddle snaps.
"I'll behave when he puts some effort into trying to find out his goal instead of wasting our time. He's progressed as much as Deuce talks." Ace says and Deuce adjusts the case he's holding.
"I've already figured out what I want! I don't need the help of someone so defiant." Riddle replies.
Deuce grabs Ace's shoulder to draw his attention to him. He then shakes his head.
Riddle raises an eyebrow. "What's he trying to say?"
"He agrees with me." Ace fills in for Deuce.
"Maybe he's trying to tell you to calm down. It's awfully tense here." Trey says.
"Maybe we should separate for a bit. Would so help everyone calm down." Cater joins the conversation once again.
"If you guys never stop babying him he's never going to change." With that said Ace heads off into the rose maze.
Deuce lingers behind, staring at Riddle with disappointment, or perhaps pity, in his eyes before following Ace.
"Who do those two think they are, showing up so delayed and then doing nothing but try to frustrate me? They need to learn how to behave." Riddle says to Trey.
Hesitantly, Trey smiles. "Maybe they just need to settle in. Once they get comfortable they'll see things your way." Trey says, but he doesn't believe his own words. Ace is right when he says Riddle has made no progress. Since he became housewarden of his dorm Riddle's behavior has only worsened. But Trey hasn't and will not speak up about it. Riddle needs someone on his side and Trey will be that person.
It's not like Cater has mentioned Riddle's behavior, at least not to Riddle's face. The two have spoken about their concerns many times but have never done anything to address it besides Cater's light pushes to try and get Riddle to make friends.
"They better. This place is meant to be my sanctuary. If they won't listen to me they don't belong here." Riddle huffs and, once again, Trey wonders if he's doing the right thing.
Neither Ace or Deuce approach Riddle in the following days. Occasionally Riddle will catch glimpses of the two walking through the maze. He never calls out for them, still bitter over their first meeting. If they want to speak to him they need to apologize first.
The next time Riddle is forced to see them, their meeting is still unpleasant.
Trey had excused himself to go complete a some task during one of Riddle's vent session. When Trey's footsteps can no longer be heard Ace enters the part of maze Riddle has been lingering in, Deuce trailing behind him like last time.
"Still making no progress? Have you given up on even trying to do anything besides tyrannically ruling your dorm?" Ace asks, once again getting under Riddle's skin.
"Have you come to waste my time again? I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to." Riddle replies.
"You're wasting everyone here's time." Ace scoffs.
Deuce brushes by Ace and walks to stand directly in front of Riddle. The case he's normally holding gone, now replaced by some sort of doll resting on the crook of his arm the way one would hold a small child. Not, not a doll, some sort of marionette judging by the strings that are still wrapped around his arm. He leans down, brushing his cheek against Riddle's and lightly kissing Riddle's cheek twice.
Riddle jumps back. "That greeting is not appropriate for this scenario! La bise is not to be used for people who have a relationship as distant as our's!"
Deuce cocks his head to the side, his confusion clear. This was his effort to show respect towards Riddle but it seems he has failed to properly portray his feelings.
"Are you going to reject every attempt he does for saying hello?" Ace says.
Ignoring him, Riddle scolds Deuce. "We are far too distant from one another to greet each other with that. Nor are we equals."
Deuce blinks slowly at Riddle, trying another form of greeting. It's lost on Riddle as he knows little about cat behavior. He takes it as expressing confusion again.
Riddle lets that pass since Deuce's heart is in the right place, or it seems to be compared to the other half of the duo. "What has made you bring that marionette out of its case? And what's the purpose of it ?"
Deuce looks flattered that Riddle is interested in his marionette. But that only lasts a moment as Ace uses Deuce's silence to speak for him. "Ain't it obvious? It's meant to be you."
Observing the marionette, Riddle can see that it has a similar hair and eye color to him, but it's clearly modeled to be a mature woman. Riddle has no time to protest what Ace had said before he begins talking again.
"A puppet like this suits you real well. You're your mommy's puppet, too self-righteous to live life different from how you were ordered to." Ace is awfully smug as he taunts Riddle.
It is brought into question if Deuce's marionette is for that reason by the scowl he directs at Ace but Riddle is too consumed with rage to even think about anything except Ace's insults.
"Who do you think you are to insult me?! I am not self-righteous, I am right!" Riddle shouts, chest heaving with raw emotion.
Deuce puts his free hand on Riddle's chest, holding him in place so he couldn't turn the fight to something above a shouting match, knowing this will only worsen Riddle's view of him. But even with that sacrifice he can do nothing to stop the two from yelling at one another.
Trey and Cater appear as the verbal fight slowly worsens, looking as if they had run there. "What's going on?" Trey asks.
"These two cause nothing nothing but trouble! Rid them from my sight at once! I want them gone!" Riddle orders the older two. At first they don't react, but that's only for one moment before each one of them drags the duo from Riddle's sight.
Cater returns, but Trey does not. "Where's Trey?" Riddle looks around, scanning for the person he's closest to.
"He's giving the Adeuce duo a talking to. But don't worry, I'm here to keep you company." Cater forces up cheer as he talks. He's not pleased with what he's just done, but that won't erase the fact he did it. He should at least attempt to calm Riddle down.
Riddle frowns. He would prefer both of them be there, but he can wait for Trey's inevitable return. "What's the point of having those two here if they intend to do nothing but bother me? This place is here to help me pursue my goal, how am I meant to do so if they're standing in my way?!" The intensity from the earlier situation still pumping through Riddle, causing him to lack control of his volume.
"They are trying to help. They just got different ways than me and Trey. They're here 'cause you need them." Cater gently tries to explain the scenario out to Riddle. It's his sekai, they're meant to be there for him. "Maybe you should get to know them. The way you guys interact will def change if you guys get closer. Deuce-y over there is pretty affectionate with you."
"How am I meant to get to know a person who refuses to utter a word?" Riddle's disscontempt with the situation obvious.
"Ask yes or no questions and he can nod or shake his head to answer. Unless you'd rather start by getting to know Ace." Cater adds Ace as the only other option as he's aware it'll force him into talking to at least one of them.
"I will attempt to have a discussion with Deuce. I cannot promise it'll help us bond." From the way Riddle is speaking it sounds like he's being forced into solving a hostage situation, not trying to make friends.
"Atta boy! Trey's probably all done scolding them by now, why don't you go snag Deuce for some alone time." Cater gives Riddle a slight nudge, pushing him into heading off whether he wants to or not.
Riddle mutters an array of words to express his frustration under his breath. Cater can only hope some progress is made between those three.
Riddle heads through the rose maze, heading in the direction he can heard voices. Although he cannot hear Trey, Ace's shouting is enough to help Riddle find where they are. Riddle is almost rounding a corner before he can hear the conversation clearly.
"You know Riddle's situation, you can't be too upset with how he acts." Riddle hears Trey say.
"Course I know it! But just because he's been hurt doesn't mean he gets to swing around and hurt other people! Have you even thought about how the people in his dorm must feel? Have you even done anything to try and help him?" As Ace yells this, Riddle stays as still as he can so he can eavesdrop.
"I don't want to push him into something he's not ready for." Trey says.
"So you're going to coddle him forever? Are you going to pretend everything's okay so you don't make him upset? Are you even actually on his side?" Ace continues on.
"I…" Trey starts but ultimately never finishes his sentence.
"He doesn't have any friends and you're one of the causes of it! You can't even manage to count yourself as his friend, just his defender!" If Trey has a response to what Ace had just said Riddle wouldn't hear it. He'd stormed off.
Trey, who he had put his utmost faith in, has stabbed him in the back. It is not just Ace who is intent on causing him problems, all of them must be. He's digging his phone out of his pocket when he can hear footsteps heading his way.
"It must be Trey, here to explain that Ace was simply being harsh and that he is on my side." Riddle thinks. When he looks up he's greeted by Deuce with that stupid marionette still tied to him.
"Is there a reason you chose to follow me?" Riddle snaps. "Have you come to rub salt in my wounds?"
Deuce shakes his head. He hasn't stepped into Riddle's personal space as he tends to, but Riddle still has no want to see his face.
"Do you intend to comfort me to make up for the earlier trouble you've caused? How do you plan to do that if you're too stubborn to break your goal of staying silent?" The only person Riddle wants to see less than Deuce is Ace.
Even after Riddle has tutted him for his silence Deuce stays quiet. He's another thorn in Riddle's side.
"Is there a reason you've chosen to never utter a word to me? Is there some deeper meaning to your silence or are you just being spiteful?" Riddle peppers Deuce with questions he knew the other would fail to be able to properly answer.
As Deuce thinks of a way to answer Riddle can almost see the cogs turning in his head. Deuce steps closer to Riddle, close enough that he's able to brush his fingertips against Riddle's throat.
"You chose not to talk to me because I talk?" Riddle asks. Deuce shakes his head.
"Because I haven't given you permission?" Deuce shakes his head at the answer again.
He drags his fingertips up Riddle's throat to his lips. "Stop that." Riddle says, "If you intend to help me at least tell me why you won't speak to me."
Still Deuce doesn't respond. This time he points at Riddle's throat and then the marionette he's holding with his other arm.
"You're back to mocking me?!" Riddle is absolutely sick of this behavior.
Deuce shakes his head again. He must've come to some sort of realization as he writes letters out in the air.
"Mom?" Riddle repeats what Deuce has written. Deuce grins and nods enthusiastically upon finally getting his message understood.
Deuce smoothes the hair of the marionette and the pieces of the puzzle fit together in Riddle's head.
The marionette is not a representation of Riddle, it's a stand in for his mother. It is not bound to Deuce, Deuce, the true marionette in this situation, is bound to it. He doesn't speak as a reflection of how Riddle lets his mother speak for him. But Deuce's version of Riddle's mother is inanimate, leaving Deuce unable to say a word.
Riddle is nauseous at confronting a representation of him and his mother on another person. Ace's insults are preferable to the good natured Deuce being a humanization of something he's refused fo acknowledge.
He reaches for Deuce's throat, unsure if he's going to squeeze the life out of it or attempt to provide some comfort. Deuce must assume the best of Riddle, letting him wrap his hand around his throat. Riddle lets his hand linger there before he realizes something is horribly wrong and pulls his hand away like he's been burned.
Deuce is not a representation of Riddle's life now, but what it would become if things do not change. A point past where Riddle let his mother speak for him, he's the point where Riddle would lose his ability to ever speak for himself. A time where he could never express what he truly wants because the problem has deepened to such a degree that he couldn't escape.
Deuce's vocal chords were severed. Even if he wants to, he can never speak for himself. Deuce exists in Riddle's sekai to show him the unfortunate future he may stumble into, the lack of free will.
It's no surprise why Ace lashes out at Riddle. He idolizes the person who, deep down Riddle has known for a while, is an abuser. He's lived in such deep denial of the situation that in order to force him to acknowledge it his sekai created a version of Ace's friend who has had his vocal chords mutilated. And Ace constantly heard Riddle praise such a woman.
But if his mother is not right, what is Riddle? He's been raised by his mother's view of the world and has since pushed that world view on others. Is Riddle in the wrong? He couldn't be.
Shoving his doubts deep down, he willing chooses to drown himself in denial. He does not want to find himself guilty so he'll find everyone else guilty. Riddle lets out an ear piercing scream.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Ace appears at the scene, running up to where Riddle and Deuce are standing.
"You are! You're all against me! You've brought me here to ruin my life! This entire place was created to lure me into feeling safe so you could break me down!" Riddle's frantic, chest heaving not with anger but this time despair. He's aware Trey and Cater arrived soon after Ace and declares them equally as guilty as the rest.
"Riddle…" Trey tries to head towards Riddle, to comfort him.
Riddle rejects this. "Don't you come near me! You've turned against me just as they have!" What Riddle thinks is bile rises in his throat, bubbling in his throat.
Although Trey is not able to approach Riddle, Ace is close enough to grab Riddle by the collar. "Stop it with your hissy fit! Everything that happens here is cause of you and your inability to take responsibility for your own actions!"
"I don't need to take responsibility! My actions are just!" Riddle shouts back equally as loud as Ace had shouted at him.
Ace slams his fist into Riddle's jaw, sending him careening to the ground. Riddle's head spins. He can hear the voices of everyone else, but can't make out their shouts and gasps. He's pulled into sitting position, coming face to face with a concerned looking Trey.
Riddle feels the bile rise higher in his throat, coughing it up in Trey's face. It's not bile he coughs up, but a inky black goo. Riddle is aware what that is. He's heard about it in classes.
It's blot. But Riddle can't overblot. He's not at fault so why must he feel bad? Why must it hurt?
It's a swirling blaze of emotions as he blots, all far more intense than anything he's felt before.
"You!" He howls at Ace. "You'll regret the day you ever crossed paths with me! All of you will!"
"I think," Ace says pensively, "We're in danger." Deuce nods solemnly in agreement.
"I'm not going down until this brat finds out what his goal is." Ace says. "And you two better take responsibility and step in."
Without mentioning names it's clear Ace is speaking to the residents who had been in the sekai far longer than he had. The regret the two had been facing, the questioning of all their actions, the wondering if what they had been doing is right, they're given a chance to make it all wash away. To show they actually do want to help Riddle.
Steeling himself Trey answers Ace's call to action by stepping forward and readying himself.
"Really? We're just going to join in and go for it?" Cater looks around but moves to join Trey.
Deuce nudges Cater as if to reassure or convince him. Deuce doesn't seem particularly nervous. One could say he looking antsy to get into the fight. This doesn't reassure Cater.
Not that there is any choice to not fight. Even if Ace and Deuce are unexperienced they have Trey and Cater backing them up. All four of them have a chance at stopping Riddle.
Riddle lunges forward and Ace dodges out of the way. But it's not Ace Riddle was reaching for, it's the marionette. Riddle had grabbed the imitation of his mother, wanting an answer for her. He wails and shouts to his mother, the strong emotions Riddle feels prevalent in his expression as he attempts to pull the marionette into his arms, uncaring if Deuce's arm comes with it.
With Riddle trying to wrestle the marionette away from Deuce, Ace takes this as a chance to strike the finishing blow. "Hey! Make sure to duck at the right time!" He yells over to Deuce. Ace has enough faith in Deuce to believe he'll be able to time it right.
Ace's belief is in the right place as Deuce manages to duck, the connecting strings tearing as Riddle is thrown backwards onto the ground. Trey sprints to where Riddle is, holding him tightly in his arms.
"Mother," Riddle thinks with his eyes shut tight, "What am I meant to believe about you?" He clutches the marionette as bits and pieces fall off it.
"Riddle!" Trey calls out. Riddle opens his eyes and Trey brings him into a tight hug causing the what remains of the marionette to crumble away. Riddle leans into Trey's hug as the lingering blot fades away.
"You better have learned your lesson or else we nearly died so you could have a good time." Ace says, looking down at Riddle from a standing position. "You even broke Deuce's toy."
Riddle looks at Deuce standing besides Ace, unraveling the strings that hadn't been pulled away. Riddle opens his arms up, letting the parts of the marionette that had landed in his arms land on the ground. Before what had just happened Riddle would've frantically tried to stick the pieces together. But now his idolization of his mother's teaching has fallen apart like the marionette.
"I don't think I ever truly idolized her. I think I clung to what I had been taught because it was the only thing I had. I didn't want to let go because I would've had to acknowledge what she had done and what I have done to others." Riddle begins tearing up. His phone lights up as the formerly unnamed song gains a title.
"That's not good enough." Ace says.
"Take it easy." Cater nudges Ace. "We've made totes good progress."
"We haven't made any progress if he hasn't figured out what he wants." Ace looks from Cater to Riddle. "So, what is it?"
Riddle dissects all that happened in his mind, what each member of the sekai had given him advice on. "I want to be my own person. I don't want to live my entire life the way my mother wants me to."
Ace gives a satisfied, and slightly smug smile. "That's good enough for now."
Trey helps Riddle stand, bringing him up to be included where everyone else stood. It feels nice to not be distant from everyone else.
"Now," Ace continues, "Next time you come bring apology gifts for everyone. It's the least you can do to make up for what we just went through. And it's weird to see Deuce's arm in full view. Cover it again."
Deuce shrugs. He doesn't seem to be demanding anything, but he does shift his arm some in order to show he isn't thrilled to have nothing there.
Riddle relents to Ace's wishes. He feels he needs to take steps forward when it comes to understanding other people and seeking forgiveness is one step he can take.
He hands out each box, looking everyone over to see if they enjoyed the items he got them. Deuce is the final one to open his box, revealing a marionette that is not a recreation of his old one, but a brand new design. Something that meant as much to Riddle as it does to Deuce. It's a sign Riddle is becoming his own person.
Deuce grins then presses a quick kiss to Riddle's lips.
"What was that?" Riddle is reeling by how easily Deuce shares physical affection. He wishes Deuce would put some thought into any of his actions.
"A thank you, duh." Ace replies. "You grow used to his way of showing how he's feeling."
"He does this to everyone?" Riddle asks.
"You can't prove he doesn't. 'Sides did you think he just never communicated with us? You haven't even seen half of how he does things." Ace says. "Wait, don't tell me, was that your first kiss?"
"So what if it was?" Riddle answers and Ace resists the urge.
"Congrats man! This sekai is really moving you forward in life already!" Ace mockingly congratulates.
Riddle huffs at him. "Preach to me from your corner of no relationships!"
"Let's not fight. Aren't we all friends now?" Trey says.
"Let's take a selfie to remember this by! Everyone say cheese!" Cater gets everyone together for a photo. A photo Riddle fondly sets as his phone background.
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kentuckycaverats · 1 year
For Del! 6.) What is their phone background/lockscreen? 18.) What was their worst injury? 40? Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
6. this photo of her and tara's cat, hex:
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18. she's gotten by pretty unscathed in game thus far - i think she got shot once (?), choked out once, and she's taken some hits in melee combat, but nothing crazy (this immortal lesbian sponsored by: celerity - blink! get away fast).
40. she's not a believer in "true love" in the sense of soulmates or like, people being destined to be together, but she does believe in romantic love. it isn't something she was actively looking for--her first and only relationship up until now was sabina, her gf slash domitor slash sire slash serial abuser, and del will never know whether her feelings for sabina were really her own, or just fabricated by sab to control her.
but tara!!!! ohh boy oh boy oh boy oh BOY oh boy oh boy. she's really in it now, that girl's done such a number on her. she brings out a softness in del that not even the coterie can elicit. they both believe that the other hung the moon, and tara is the anti-sabina in every conceivable way: she's kind, silly, unconditionally supportive, principled, gentle, protective, respectful of del's autonomy, and never tires of reminding del how special she is to her. it's the kind of love del has seen before--most noticeably between her adoptive parents--but believed for a long time that she wasn't built for or deserving of. she still doesn't know how she got so lucky. del would do literally anything tara asked of her without hesitation, and they both know that tara won't abuse that dedication.
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nyapologies · 6 months
📷: What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
These two images of my oc from @apotheoseity and @justabunchofpineapples respectively :]
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 💛: Do you have any piercings?
I got my ears pierced when I was like, 12, and its long since closed by now. I desperately want to get them repierced though because I have a whole earring collection. I don't think I really want any other piercings though. Maybe a nose ring but probably not.
🌿: Describe your favorite outfit.
HMMM. I don't own a lot of cool clothes unfortunately. I can say my favorite article of clothing is my lobster pants but unfortunately they don't fit me anymore :[
💌: Do you talk to yourself?
-ominous violin screech as i turn and look at the inside of my own brain- you could say that yeah /silly
in a serious answer though yes, i have a constant internal monologue slash....conversation that never ends.
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missnobodymadness · 11 months
My turn :D 📷✨✏️🍪🐶💎
AAAA, thank you so much for sending some, I needed some distraction today. xD
Let's do thiss!
"📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?"
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It's mah very very bad girl, Sahamara! I confess I rarely change my wallpapers, I've been using this art for over a year now. xD
This sick art was a commission I ordered from Sickrogue! And it is just one side of it, the other side has Dakarai, her father. :)
"✨ Do you have any nicknames?"
I usually go by Chris, that's the only nickname I've ever used during my life. :P
"✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?"
Yesss, however, I am shy and have no confidence in my abilities (especially because english is not my first language and I really struggle to express myself and what is happening), so I've never shared them with the world, I also confess that I never finished a single one because of that same low self-esteem. D: Basically all my humanoid characters are fan characters so I do that a lot.
"🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?"
This question is so specific and funny at the same time. LMAO First thing I thought about after reading this question is that I probably wouldn't have any kind of chocolate in me, as I don't really appreciate chocolate too much, I also don't appreciate overly sweet foods, so I was going more towards a salty type but then I realized I've never seen a salty cookie before, are these even a thing? LOL I'm a very quiet and introvert person, with very few friends, so I think I'd probably be a cookie that is not very appealing to most people but also really tasty to a selected few...maybe an oatmeal cookie? Sounds accurate. LOL
"🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?"
Totally a cat person, dogs are okay, I just don't vibe much with them, mostly because I could never give a dog what they need. I had a beautiful cat that was my life, he was everything to me...his name was Slash, a beautiful black cat with medium hair, a gentle giant for his species, unfortunately I lost him very recently and I'm still going through the grief, I don't think it will ever go away and I wish people could understand that it felt like losing a kid, he was not just a cat for me... :(
"💎 What’s your most prized possession?"
Unfortunately I don't think I have anything of great value? At least not that I can remind of. I'm disabled so every penny I get goes towards food (and very rarely when I get some extra, art), I rarely buy something for myself (this is ironic because I just got an amazing collar that I must post later, sure it was only 1,75€, but still xD). I think my gaming Asus notebook is probably the most expensive possession I have.
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honey-im-hotdog · 3 years
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He could step on me any day 👁👁
Click for better quality. Please don’t steal or repost, though you’re free to use.
@supposedtobean80sgroupie bby I hope this is what you wanted!!! Requests are open :)
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archiveguns · 3 years
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Slash at UCLA Frat party, 1985.
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saintsnoir · 5 years
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saul hudson
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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🌼 In Bloom 🌼
#yeah i'll say it again: i am just positively infatuated with kendall in this shirt <3#god his fits this tour have been pure serving. the tucked shirts and pop punk waist plaid + ripped jeans (even literally ajajaja) and round#sunglasses and miami sunnies and twinning with carlos and even beige fisherman schmidt with the hat drip....stg i could go on forever#also the tank tops with red & black pattern/starry pyjama pants!!! and the shiny pink jackets they wore for madison square garden!!!#and we can't ever forget the pride slash trans flags that he was vv gentle with bc we stan an iconic supportive king!!! [loot dropped: 👑]#DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON KEN WITH THE ELECTRIC GUITAR BC EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT IT I FEEL LIKE JUMPING RIGHT INTO A RUSSIAN SINKHOLE#AND PSA BUT COWBOY HAT KENDALL CROONING COUNTRY SONGS I WAMNA KISS HIS CHEEK COUNTRY BOY I LOVE YOUUU#i'll forgive my mild gripe with the dad hat that's welded to his head (freethefloof2k22!!!) bc this man is gorgeously glowing onstage 😍#btr#big time rush#kendall schmidt#forever tour#btr forever tour#photoset#edit#mine#lockscreen#wallpaper#rusher#btredit#kendork#stop it forever#a perfect original#big time concerts#had a little too much fun with this comfort edit but i rlly like the way it turned out??? the colours are just mwah c'est magnifique :'>#i'd love to do concert edits of the other boys but i'm mad lazy and looking at tour photos makes me too emotionally unstable :/#also every time i see 'in bloom' my mind immediately goes to both the nirvana and the neck deep song so um. ✨ the more you know ✨#and i think there's something else written on this shirt just below the flowers but i can't be bothered to rectify the caption anymore >_>#in conclusion: i love kendall francis schmidt with everything that i've got and i'd risk it all for him. if you even care btw
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maracllea · 2 years
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+ SLASH B SLASH x CL wallpapers ver. 2 +
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vampire-gothic · 2 years
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Not packs, not icons, not headers but lockscreens. Something new and I hope you like it. Again Guns N' Roses, but I'm in love with Axl and boys and I like make edit with them. Sorry! 
by me (@/drunkrosex on twitter) 
please like if you save/use
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undoedits · 4 years
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guns n roses.
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slashxrose · 4 years
the rock n roll was something different in the 80s
(and I'm in love with that)
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