#slapped when it aired
helaenatrgaryen · 4 months
chrissy and eddie stranger things is so funny to me because it's like... wow these are two dead side characters who didn't show up until season 4 and who we will probably never see again. they are the only reason i watched the show.
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violaobanion · 6 months
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Guys I just got to the chapter where valerian shoves faerie apple on Jude and Nicasia makes Jude undress herself, don't get me started on cardan almost making her kiss his toes. I think I need to reconnect with nature for a while, might hug a tree or two while I'm at it.
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chaiichait · 9 months
It's canon that Cardan wears EYELINER
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
Love Sea Ep 1 Thoughts
Okay. I know I said my next liveblog would be She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat because it won my poll BUT I decided I’m gonna be liveblogging Love Sea as it airs each week. And I will be liveblogging She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat later today. Or at least starting the liveblog. But liveblogging Love is the only way I think I make it through this series. I got my snacks I my got a diet coke. Pray for me watching a MAME show. Keep in mind that I am not a fan of MAME generally (and I have now finished this episode and this show is no exception. Don't get mad at me if you click the read more and don't like what I say). Under the cut as per usual:
I do like water so the water effect and sheer amount of water at the very beginning makes me extremely happy. I want more water forever.
“Dive and go get it” is not an appropriate response to dropping a pen in the water. Accept your loss.
A nice, tranquil place being called heaven on earth makes sense. Our protagonist showing up and immediately calling it hell on earth because ???? does not make sense. Maybe see more than two feet of it before declaring it to be hell?
Calling someone that speaks a different dialect an idiot when you are on their island…bold. Dumb. And bold.
Do not steal his phone. You’re just an asshole. You’re both assholes. But you pushed a man off of a boat so I hate you more. All the other guy has done is been uppity and snobbish. He hasn’t actively endangered anyone’s life for a laugh.
And now purposefully speaking a dialect he doesn’t understand. Yes, he was an ass about it, but you knew he didn’t understand and did it anyway. And now he has explicitly said he doesn’t understand and you’re rubbing it in his face. You can speak a dialect he knows and understands and you both know you can and yet…
Oh I got it. He behaves like a teenager. But like the kind of teenager that needs a good life resorting. He’s a bully but no one really calls him out for it because he disguises it behind class clown behavior. He needs a swift kick in the pants considering he’s an adult that’s behaving this way.
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I dislike how these shows always portray women as incapable of talking about the hotness of these guys. It’s not just BL. Other dramas are just as guilty if not more so. But c’mon. Having women characters does not excuse your portrayal of the other women in the story as only caring about some random dude’s hotness. Mut is hot? Not my taste but I can see why people consider him hot. But I guarantee most women on vacation, while they talk about hot guys, are also doing other things and talking about other things. Like the books they are reading on the beach. And how hot they themselves are. And the next activity they’re doing. They aren’t laser focusing on Mut. Except that the show says they are. Because they have no identities outside of a weak plot device to convince the audience of how hot Mut is. If he was really that hot, this tactic would not be needed. It would be conveyed in the rest of the show.
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See how differently it’s framed for the men? Women are the ones interest in Mut, but when it’s for the men, it’s that Mut is open to them. The attraction is his. This is definitely setting the tone for the relationship that’s being built. Cause our other lowkey asshole (I’ll learn his name eventually maybe) is a man. He is not interested in Mut. But he is apparently Mut’s type so Mut will be attracted to him. It’s a different way of taking away agency but here it is on a character level and not removing agency from an entire gender.
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They better be delivering this to me I have a feeling I’m gonna need it.
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This montage of people interacting with Mut trying to tell us what a good person and community member he is feels like such lazy writing. Incredibly lazy writing. Like makes me angry because despite her faults, I know MAME is capable of better than…that.
Romance *gags* aside, this is incredibly poor customer service. He didn’t knock. He didn’t announce he was coming in. I’m hoping it’s not early in the morning and that our lowkey asshole is just sleeping in. He’s cleaning the room and going through not-his-things. HE TOOK PICTURES. Someone call the police. Or call the me. I’ll go kick his ass.
Also also also the fact that he had that key that he was supposed to give to lowkey asshole means that HE SHOULD NOT HAVE USED IT TO ENTER THE ROOM. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD IT.
Okay I need a break. This scene has gone on entirely too long with just the two of them standing on talking. There needs to be some movement on the screen and the tiny amount of body movement is not cutting it. Lowkey asshole should be walking away during this conversation. That would be in character and provide the necessary movement. But as it is…this whole scene feels stale and stagnant. So I’m gonna go make some food. Maybe I’ll be less pissy about this whole scene when I come back.
Okay. I am back but I am not less pissy. Tell me, how did I manage to mess up pasta? Truly is a skill I must say. And I’m not that bad of a cook. I swear but…I digress. Let’s just get back into it *grumbles*
That was the weakest punch I’ve ever seen. And I have weak little noodle arms.
Even the GL part of this is toxic. Miss secretary ma’am. I have an idea. Send her all of the shit on your plate. Email her all of the shit you have to do. In the email tell her what hours you are actually available and if she cannot work with that, then that’s unfortunate but that is her only option.
You don’t call the owner’s secretary to fix a light bulb. You call maintenance. Girl if you don’t grow a spine and tell her no….
I had to mute this damn show because the music is trying to convince me this is romantic and I am not a fool. I have eyes. Also stop using flashbacks of things that happened earlier this episode. This is the first episode. We know what Mut is thinking about when staring at his hand. We were there for that scene five minutes ago.
If someone started reading what I was writing over my shoulder without being explicitly invited to, I would pour hot sauce in their eyes.
This hug makes me mad. I’ll leave it at that.
Okay. It’s time for something I can’t believe I’ve never done before! Rae’s hatred scale. Where I rank the characters on how much I hate them:
Vi - 2/10. Honestly give this girl a raise. She isn’t paid enough to deal with this. I do need her to get a backbone though. C’mon my girl you can do it. You can learn to stand up for yourself. I believe in you.
Rak - 5/10. Look I learned his name! I think. He’s lowkey an asshole but honestly he just wants to be left alone but was sent on this trip that he didn’t ask for and is now being harassed by this guy that he doesn’t like because his “friend” paid for it.
Mook - 10/10. Girl what’s wrong with you? I hope someone slaps you in your face. Learn how to treat people.
Mut - 1000000000/10. DO NOT PUSH PEOPLE OFF OF BOATS.
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podcast-official · 4 months
podcasts i think are underrated:
-nowhere, on air
-death by dying
-the wrong station
-moonbase theta, out
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cipher-the-sidhe · 1 year
@naffeclipse all I can think of with orca!Eclipse is one of our local transient orcas (seal-hunters) Ooxjaa. He’s a big boy with a reputation for being very uhhh familiar lol. I got to see him, his mom Artemis, and his little brother hunt a seal for a snack over the summer. It was the laziest hunting I’ve ever seen, they were all so casual!
(The term “mugging” in this refers to when whales nudge boats with their faces. He isn’t threatening them or anything.)
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outerspacedunce · 6 months
starting DS9!!!
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gaywatch · 1 year
you're not reacting to our flag means death right? i feel like i remember you saying somewhere that you didn't like it, but i can't remember where
I didn't react to it at the time it landed because I generally dislike Taika Waititi projects--whether he's acting/directing/both. However, because of the continued hype + the apparently huge overlap of OFMD/Good Omens fans, I do plan on giving OFMD a very lowkey shot ahead of season two.
I'll film the reaction to season one in case I wind up enjoying it, but if I don't then I doubt I'll post the reaction (or even finish the season on camera). That way if I do enjoy it then I'll have the reactions to post. A win/win approach, I feel.
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fruitless-vain · 8 months
I find it really amusing when comments on a SD post are all accusing the handler of faking it bc “how could you possibly be recording when an alert is happening that’s so unlikely 🙄 “
Like for one alerts happen so many times throughout a day that you get a lot by accident if you frequently record your dog for fun
And second have you ever seen a dog prep to alert? Their whole demeanour shifts prior to it ever happening it’s so damn obvious when they’re gonna boop ya they aren’t exactly sly about it you have ample time to hit record while they’re very obviously scenting you up n down
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thelegendofmrrager · 2 months
I can't really complain cuz I'm getting paid to sit on my ass most days but like... the burnout from not having expectations for each work day is insane. Waking up like "hmm... am I gonna get two clients back to back at the tail end of my shift and have to work them thru the process simultaneously or am I going to sit and stare at a screen doing nothing for damn near 9 hours?"
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impossible-rat-babies · 8 months
obssessed with the suite eyrie has in radz-at/han that I’m building in my mind
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mayra-quijotescx · 6 months
Meli and I decided to start watching Dragon Ball in honor of Toriyama's work and legacy, and I had wondered why Dragon Ball Z got localized before Dragon Ball even though the latter was released first, and four episodes later I no longer wonder that
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amtrak12 · 1 year
Crying because I just watched the final episode of Pushing Daisies and now I have no more to watch and because the show actually managed to throw together a really suitable series finale on super short notice that not only confirmed Ned and Chuck tell her aunts that she's still alive but also framed the reveal (and final) scene like Ned and Chuck were getting married. <333 #soulmates
But also crying because Pushing Daisies said 'himbo' twice back in 2008 aka over a decade before Tumblr discovered the word and I'm losing my mind about it
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starsstillshine · 3 months
i, who has never seen hannibal, and my roommate, who watched hannibal while airing, are watching hannibal together. having the time of our lives tbf.
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milkfake · 5 months
∞ ∞ ∞
I hope I become a ghost And watch all my grandchildren growing old Some they will remember me And others through the stories they've been told
I watch you fall Hollow and depleted A city razed Oh, to bury you beneath it
And who are they? And where are they? And how can they possibly know all this?
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