#But now I have!
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scribbles-of-pastel-sunsets · 7 months ago
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jvnart · 10 months ago
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I've been possessed @ludwigplayingthetrombone kakashi mom is 👊👊👊👊 I love her & she is absolutely a menace kks gets it from her. Assigned menance at birth.
Km: If she doesn't like you, she'll bite!
sakumo: oh.. great..
Sakumo: oh thank god
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lynnical · 1 year ago
Timings a bit off but... eh
Too fitting to not be done.
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what-if-angels · 19 days ago
Finally, I have finished my first book of the year!
I have a goal to read a book per month this year, but honestly just 12 total works fine enough for me.
January’s read was “Giften” by Leyla Susan!
Overall pretty quick read, the text was bigger than I was used to, so I read like 60% of it in one day, but it was really cool! I liked the concept, but it was kind of hard to get my bearings at first. I like that it’s also the kind of story that doesn’t explain itself.
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its-a-beautful-day · 2 years ago
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This post gave me such vivid imagery of a whale enjoying a Big Gulp of krill I just had to draw it!
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amtrak12 · 1 year ago
Crying because I just watched the final episode of Pushing Daisies and now I have no more to watch and because the show actually managed to throw together a really suitable series finale on super short notice that not only confirmed Ned and Chuck tell her aunts that she's still alive but also framed the reveal (and final) scene like Ned and Chuck were getting married. <333 #soulmates
But also crying because Pushing Daisies said 'himbo' twice back in 2008 aka over a decade before Tumblr discovered the word and I'm losing my mind about it
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sezja · 1 year ago
one word prompt:
41. — insanity
One Word Writing Prompts
"But that's..."
"The gods' own truth," Bekwyl gasps out, dropping heavily to sit on the stairs, winded - he'd all but sprinted all the way from Garik, by the look of him; Thaffe offers him some water, which he gladly accepts. Anyone born and raised in Amh Araeng ought to know better than to run during the hottest part of the day; even he and Jeryk had retreated from their work on the tracks into the old offices to pore over the same old books and papers left behind by the Stoneworks.
Nothing new to be found there, but at least it passed the time.
At least until they'd heard Bekwyl shouting outside; that got them back outside in a hurry. Their friend had all but collapsed halfway into the railyard, and together they'd hauled him toward the offices.
"The Warrior of Darkness is just a faerie tale," Thaffe hears himself say, wondering if the man might not have a touch of heatstroke. "There's no-"
Bekwyl wipes his mouth on his sleeve, handing Thaffe's canteen back. "I'm telling you what I heard. Night's come to Lakeland."
Overhead, the sky shimmers with unrelenting Light - just as it has for a hundred years, ever since the Warriors of Light had slain the Shadowkeeper and brought doom to the world. And the Flood of Light, frozen in its tracks over the ruins of Nabaath Areng and Amh Malik, stands as a testament to the ironclad hold Light has on Norvrandt. If night has returned to the skies over Lakeland, then surely... surely something would have changed; something would seem different...
"It sounds like madness," Jeryk says, with his usual cheer, taking his own seat on the stairs. "Just run-of-the-mill insanity-"
"If it'd been just one person, mayhap." Bekwyl's caught his breath now, but his face remains flushed with excitement. "But it wasn't just one - it's every merchant out of Lakeland these past few days, according to Zhun Zun, and he's got no reason to lie."
Thaffe finally takes a seat on the man's other side, satisfied that he won't need to sprint back to Twine to fetch a doctor.
"Did anyone say how the night had returned?" And don't say the Warrior of Darkness.
"Oh, for sure. They say the Lightwarden was killed during an attack on Holminster Switch."
A Lightwarden was- "But killing Lightwardens only-"
"Makes another Lightwarden, right." Bekwyl smiles, lopsided; the scar on his cheek tugging at it - he rarely smiles. This has got him excited. "It seems the Crystarium's found a way around that little problem."
"Or maybe," Jeryk pipes up, green eyes sparkling. "Maybe they've found the Warrior of Darkness!"
Thaffe eyes Bekwyl. "Now you've done it."
But Jeryk bounces back to his feet, sweltering heat be damned. "What else could it be, Thaffe? Someone who can slay Lightwardens and restore darkness to the world? That's got to be the Warrior of Darkness!"
The Warrior of Darkness is just a faerie tale, Thaffe knows; just a bedtime story mothers tell their children... and a comfort to the dying, when they meet their end beneath that blazing sky. But if it's true that night's returned to Lakeland, then... then is it possible it could return to the rest of Norvrandt, too? The rest of the world?
"It could be anything," he replies, struggling to stay level-headed against the onslaught of Jeryk's enthusiasm. "The Crystarium's always coming up with new things - who's to say they didn't find a way to neutralize the Lightwarden's aether, and who's to say it'll work anywhere else?"
But this does little to quell Jeryk. "And who's to say it won't? What if the Warrior of Darkness - or whatever - comes here, and..." He beams. "And they need the trolley to defeat the Lightwarden of Amh Araeng? Magnus would have to see the logic in that-"
"That's patently absurd."
Bekwyl, having thoroughly stirred Jeryk into a frenzy, rises and brushes sand from his clothing. "Best I go share the news with everyone else."
"And leave me to deal with-" Thaffe gestures, amused, toward Jeryk, who has already hurried off to continue working, doubtless dreaming about the Warrior of Darkness striding into Twine insisting upon taking a trolley - of all things - into battle.
"He's your problem," Bekwyl replies, grinning. "Good luck."
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bitchfitch · 4 months ago
writing advice for characters with a missing eye: dear God does losing an eyes function fuck up your neck. Ever since mine crapped out I've been slowly and unconsciously shifting towards holding my head at an angle to put the good eye closer to the center. and human necks. are not meant to accommodate that sorta thing.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months ago
well 🧍‍♀️ as a reminder this blog is NOT a safe space for trump supporters but it IS a safe place for women, queers, trans ppl, people of color, undocumented people, and any marginalized group.
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months ago
I was rambling on the issue of museums and human remains and how certain populations are more likely to have their bodies put on display to be gawked at and then went "well I guess the Pompeii casts were of Europeans. there are bones in there right?" and Googled it to make sure, at which point I confirmed that yes there are bones in there, but more interestingly DNA testing revealed that a cast of an adult holding a child everyone assumed was a mother and child were, in fact, a man and a kid entirely unrelated to him. Honestly that's more moving to me. Maybe they were connected in a way other than blood, but maybe a stranger saw a child when the world was ending and thought the one thing he could do was hold them.
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tawnysoup · 2 months ago
Found my fav Slay the Princess route recently. Dragon my beloved. Your horrifying beak mouth was an impossible-to-refuse lip syncing challenge 💖
Shoutouts to @blacktabbygames for making such a cool game!
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genderfluid-druid · 1 year ago
hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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fettiowi · 1 month ago
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Sonadow artist canon event is drawing sonic reacting to shadow laughing. Happens to the best of us
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bubobubosibericus · 1 month ago
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the guys at r/fuckcars doing the lord's work
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