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"ummm the global strike was called on such short notice we need more time to plan ahead this just isn't gonna work it feels like slacktivism :///" hmm lets try to figure out why a palestinian journalist in gaza who has been documenting her own genocide for the past hundred fucking days called for a global strike on short notice during a livestream while the hospital she was sheltering in was being attacked and she believed she was going to be killed that night. lets think about it. lets put our thinking caps on. lets sit down in our thinking chair and think think think
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elder-millennial-of-zion · 1 year ago
It occurred to me, I haven’t had Starbucks or McDonald’s since before October 7, and during that “global strike week” in January I didn’t go to work because I hadn’t started my new job yet. So if you think about it, I’m doing just as much to free Palestine as any “anti Zionist” activist.
And work was busy today so I had a late lunch, which is basically like the Harvard hunger strike.
Now all I have to do is yell at some cancer patients.
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months ago
By the way, equating spamming taglines or hashtags to actual activism or shaming people for not doing it because they're "not aiding change" is like standing next to a house on fire and just repeating "water puts out fires" instead of actually getting some fucking water.
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 4 months ago
Well..... if America and the whole world ends up going to Hell. If this is truly the beginning of the end of human rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, women's rights, trans rights, black and brown people's rights, better yet all of humanity as a whole.
I deeply hope ya'll Fuckers that voted third party and willingly refuse to vote for Kamala Harris due to your self-righteous and moral purity bullshit will hopefully die a slow and painful death under Trump with the hell and chaos he'll will unleash on the world.
Because ya'll pieces of shit refuse to vote against Fascism happening in America because Harris wasn't your " Pure and Perfect candidate ".
I pray that Hell will have a special place for all of you bastards and so-called ActiviSts and fake Leftists that choose your pretend moral purity over doing actual real good.
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disease · 1 month ago
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valcaira · 9 months ago
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This is so fucking funny
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verycleverboy · 1 month ago
And the shits just keep on coming...
Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem with Instagram which results in a "results hidden" message when users search for the terms "Democrat" or "Democrats". Some social media users have accused the company of political bias, pointing out the issue has been occurring after President Donald Trump's inauguration on Monday, which was attended by Meta owner Mark Zuckerberg. Meta has insisted that is not the case, saying it is a technical problem which has also affected other hashtags, including a Republican one. However, social media expert Matt Navarra said it was "embarrassing" for Instagram regardless. "In a hyper-partisan environment, even unintentional errors like this can escalate into accusations of partisanship," he said. "If these issues are not resolved quickly they risk fuelling conspiracy theories and damaging Meta's reputation." While users who type "#Democrat" or "#Democrats" see no results, the hashtag "Republican" returns 3.3 million posts on the social media platform. By manually searching Instagram for "Democrats", rather than clicking on a hashtag, users are greeted by a screen reading "we've hidden these results".
(full article)
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"ummmmm yeah that strike bisan called for is really rushed and leaves no time to prepare for it and its during finals season and it's just poorly organized :/" hmmm I. well. I wonder why a palestinian journalist living in palestine is calling for a strike on very short notice. i wonder why a palestinian journalist living in the midst of her own genocide for the past two months where. where disease outbreaks are rising and no one can find food or water and many of these people (including bisan herself a few weeks ago at one point) are not expecting to live more than a few days let alone weeks. I wonder why someone living in this horrific and incredibly bleak and uncertain situation is calling for strikes without planning weeks/months in advance. I wonder why! they are not planning these with weeks/months or even days of prep time in mind! I wonder why! this is quite a conundrum! lets uh. lets put our fucking thinking caps on! so to speak!
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myfandomrealitea · 7 months ago
honestly, I’m really happy that you made that “we need to be allowed to be free from politics in fandom” post. And I’m really happy that it made some people angry.
Because you’re right. I’m a living example- I’m a person who just feels so much guilt if they don’t participate in this ritual of self-sacrifice in the way of helping others. And I feel like tumblr activism has come to a point where it’s not even about helping each other or mutual aid, it’s about guilt-tripping people and saying “well, you wouldn’t want to be Mr evil terrible guy, right? Right? So signal boost this! Or else you’re literally an evil transphobic homophobic racist Zionist fascist bigot”
we all have to be selfish sometimes. We have to. Selfishness is inherently neutral and we need it to survive. I’m a real example of what happens when a person tries to live a life without selfishness- guess what, I’m the worlds biggest doormat and I’m basically miserable because I’m too afraid to tell people that I just can’t do it anymore.
I’m a person who needs help right now. I’m a person who needs assistance right now. But I don’t think any of them really care. They just want someone to make into their strawman. The world isn’t black and white like that, though
The majority of Tumblr activism isn't about helping other people.
Its about giving people an outlet for their own emotions, and showing other people you're not a bad person. I have no doubt a lot of the people falling victim to this actually believe they're helping, and likely have good intentions, but realistically I see so many people just using "activism" to lash out at others and moral grandstand.
Weaponizing activism blatantly defeats the purpose of activism. There's no standard to the people who need help, and just because someone can't necessarily be an extreme activist doesn't void them from being the recipient of it.
I hope you get the help and respite you need and if I can help you or facilitate finding people to help you I'm happy to. I can also gather some resources for self-help and methods to reduce stress if those are beneficial.
And remember:
Fandom is not inherently political.
The point of activism is to make change, not to get notes on a post.
Those with broken legs cannot run. Don't cripple yourself trying to help others.
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 6 months ago
I swear some of the people on this hellsite, especially from these so-called supposed "Leftists " or so-called " Activists," who want to act like they are allies for the oppressed and marginalized seems to be so super fine with literally letting an racist bigoted unhinged and highly unsabtle convicted criminal rapist take back the White House again.
Some of ya'll on this site truly be showcasing just how fake-ass and full of complete bullshit some of ya'll are in terms of " Activism " if you are fine and okay with America losing full Democracy in this upcoming election and as well as throwing many vulnerable groups and minorities within the country under the bus because it's convenient for you to do so.
Then please don't fucking call yourself a ally or activists of any kind if you're fine with letting democracy die and Fucking over so many people within this country due to some stupid moral purity shit or wanting everything to go to hell because ya'll idiots think it will bring about your so-called " GlorioUs RevoluTion ."
Seriously, as I said before, some of the people on this site really be showcasing just how much they seem to want the world to actually go to hell instead of taking real effort and effect to work to get shit done and take steps to make real changes within the Government possible.
These morons just show how unserious they are when it comes to politics and matters that affect actual people lives, but still wanna act like they are " GOOD ActiviSTS " and still be going on their usual anti-voting rhetoric bullshit, while still pretending to give a shit about minorities rights all while showing how alright they are with the growing could be possibility of America turning into a Christto-Fascist authoritarian nation by a unsabtle convicted rapist and his VP pick who are still out here spreading awful racist rhetoric against Haitians immigrants.
As said before, seriously Fuck these phony performative fake-ass bastards.
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dchan87 · 10 months ago
Advocating for the destruction of a country, the only Jewish one at that, is a non-starter for most so-called "normies".
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ceasarslegion · 9 months ago
Walking into a charity bake sale for gaza and telling them that theyre zionists for not putting up pictures of dead children on the walls or pickpocketing people for everything they have. Before telling them that their method of fundraising is cringe and stupid and doesnt do anything real while i, on the other hand, post on tumblr about it
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valcaira · 1 year ago
"Don't let Palestine become a trend!"
I'm seeing statements like these a lot. And I agree and sympathize. After all, I've seen leftists pretend to care about Belarus in 2021 for a few months and then suddenly switch causes, never uttering a word about my home again while I still fear for my relatives back in Minsk. It hurts.
But you are naive. Terribly so. Because Palestine - like all "causes" of so called slacktivists already has become a trend. You've seen people who used to be so very vocal about BLM, StopAsianHate, Hong Kong, Belarus, Ukraine and many more suddenly switch their focus, abandoning those causes entirely because they're not "trendy" anymore.
This is performative activism. And leftists are horribly susceptible to it - hell I myself have been guilty of that.
That switching of causes like one might switch fandoms (because this is *the* fandom blogging site) is one thing. Even worse I have seen people say things like "Ukraine is low priority. What's going on in Palestine is worse" which is harrowing and a mortifying thing to say by itself. Some of you who haven't said it aloud might subconsciously think that. This mindset is performative, disrespectful and morally bankrupt.
Because you - yes YOU treat global conflicts like fandom. Jumping from one to another. No longer caring about what used to be your sole focus. It's not activism, this is a cowardly performance. And the same will happen with Palestine. Give it a few more months - or even years. But it will happen eventually. Those of you who right now care so much and loudly will gleefully abandon your "cause" to jump to another, more trendy one.
I'm not saying this to attack anyone. I'm saying this as a wake up call to people who think blogging is activism, to those who treat global conflicts like fandom or football matches. It's many of you to whom this post is directed at.
"Don't let Palestine become a trend" is a dream of naivety. A lie. A fruitless attempt.
"Stop treating Palestine and other global conflicts like trends" is what you instead should say. YOU, yes YOU can change that.
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testure-1988 · 6 months ago
People on this website: FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉🍉🍉🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Palesinians: Since you support our cause, can you please help us escape the current genocide by donating. It doesn't have to be a lot. Pretty please?
People on this website:
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snarkleharkle · 10 months ago
Creators for Palestine...
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It's not a complete list, The Try Guys, Smosh and Drew Gooden should be added to the list.
Please do not harass them; but please ask them to watch Screams Before Silence. And ask them to support an end to the conflict by demanding the hostages be released.
Except Wait in the Wings who came out as Pro-Hamas.
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a-very-tired-jew · 1 year ago
Maintaining the illusion of being a good person
Since 10/7 there has been a consistent thread that the UN is an arbiter of truth, or something, regarding the conflict because it was reprimanding Israel (and has consistently done so in the past). As such, I often heard from activists that because the UN said something it must be accepted as truth. Now with the publishing of the UN’s report of sexual violence on 10/7 and its findings, I am currently seeing various activists backtrack. Suddenly the UN is no longer trustworthy. Suddenly it’s a corrupt entity run by the Jews Zionists and the report needs to be dismissed as Jewish Zionist propaganda.
It’s almost like their endorsement and justification of violent resistance through any means necessary was a fantasy. Any means necessary doesn’t actually mean that. No “good” resistance fighter against a the colonial oppressor would actually commit atrocities against civilians, right? At least, not in their fantasy uprising.
But it happened, and it has been independently confirmed by one of the organizations they’ve routinely turned to. Now many of these have to deal with the cognitive dissonance that they’re actually not the “good” person they believed they were. Their past comments about believing all victims, supporting victims, that sexual assault is a horrific and people who commit it are monsters, etc… all of that is contradicted by this report.
It’s almost like they either didn’t understand what they were actually endorsing and justifying or they’re realizing that they’re hypocrites masquerading as good people for morality points.
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