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sublimeobservationarcade · 21 days ago
You Cannot Trust Right Wing Media
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The recent popularity of right wing media in Australia and the United States has seen the emergence of new platforms and networks. Unfortunately, these are not being staffed and fronted by actual journalists in the main. Op/eds have become the product of choice in the media over the last couple of decades. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp publications and shows have led the way in this populist approach to current affairs and the news. Sky News Australia and Fox News are chock full of former right wing political hacks and staffers. Objectivity has become an arcane idea laughed about at editorial and production meetings in search of eyeballs and ratings. Therefore, you cannot trust the right wing media.
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Facts & Right Wing Media Rarely Aligned
Many of the presenters and op/ed writers working in right wing media are hell bent on appealing to anti-woke prejudices within their viewers. They do not let facts get in the way of telling an inflammatory story. Fact checking is oh so woke. The culture wars fuel their passions for sensationalism and bogus allegations about anyone on the left of Donald Trump or Peter Dutton. Fox News has been successfully sued for libel over the fake claim that Trump won the 2020 US presidential election and rigged voting machines were to blame. It cost News Corp nearly a billion dollars and there are more court actions sub judice right now.
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The Right Wing Media Bubble The truth is that many right wing viewers in Australia and America are not college educated. This means that they have not been trained in critical thinking. The right wing media and populist MAGA movement appeals to their prejudices against LGBTQI, Wokeness, immigrants, and liberal elites. Many of these folk do not wait around for actual evidence but rather gleefully embrace every claim presented by those at Fox and Sky News. The Elon Musk DOGE purges have been accompanied by allegations of fraud and corruption – however, no actual proof is ever provided for these claims. Still, the MAGA faithful eat it up, as it confirms their existing prejudices about government wastage. This is a con. Musk is sacking Inspector Generals in government agencies, removing the guardrails from the system. This will allow unfettered corruption to thrive largely unseen by the public because the monitors have been sacked. False accusations about fraud are made to clear the way for real crimes to be committed by Trump’s billionaire mates. Fox News is not checking or demanding to see actual evidence for these allegations about USAID but behaving like cheer leaders. You cannot trust right wing media to perform the role that the fourth estate is supposed to. How many investigative journalists work in the right wing media? Bugger all! “The findings add to a growing list of issues that have been found with DOGE’s claims of cutting government waste. The agency has struggled to back up lofty claims of fraud and appeared to have misinterpreted data from the Social Security Administration and a Department of Homeland Security contract. An Associated Press analysis found 40% of contracts cut by DOGE aren’t expected to save the government any money. The New York Times reported Tuesday that DOGE had quietly removed five of its biggest listed savings from its website.” - (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/doge/dozens-doge-receipts-saved-no-money-killed-contracts-meant-boost-effic-rcna193682) Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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Love the Queers For Palestine movement or, I like how this anchor puts it, “chickens for KFC”
Love the Queers For Palestine movement or, I like how this anchor puts it, “chickens for KFC”. Read the Hamas charter. An individual in this video makes a case about why they should distance or “have no contact” with family members. That can’t be healthy, most humans desire community with others. Should we give our love ones a chance to figure things out?
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outer-space-youtube · 5 months ago
Elon Musk’s Politics?
The Angry Astronaut is upset that the good news about space isn’t being reported. Who is going to tell him that good news is not as exciting as bad news, or at least harder to find the story to get someone’s attention. The California Coastal Commission officials cited Elon’s politics as the reason for rejecting SpaceX’s request for more frequent launches. ‘Is that legal? Or is it just…
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Chinese-Australian Journalist
Cheng Lei is a Chinese-born Australian who worked as a news anchor on television. She worked as a prominent news anchor for Chinese-English news channel China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Beijing 2012-2020. She worked for 9-years as CNBC’s China correspondent and then went to work as a presenter and columnist for Sky News Australia.
            In September 2020, she was detained by communist Chinese authorities. In August a Chinese government official stated that she was ‘suspected of carrying out criminal activities endangering China’s national security’ - no details or evidence were provided. Her detention was ‘without cause or reason’ and there were concerns for her fate.
            On February 2021, the Chinese government accused Lei of ‘suspicion of illegally supplying state secrets overseas’. She was imprisoned for almost three years for publishing the nation’s GDP and job targets. Australia fought for the return of Lei and had to deal with continual delays which were frustrating for all involved.
            On 11 October 2023, Lei was released from Beijing detention and returned to Melbourne, Australia. She was reunited with her two children, 12 and 14 .
            She revealed when she was behind bars she was forced to watch the Chinese state news each day, which gave her little to no insight of what was taking place around the world. She said, ‘You wouldn’t call that news, it’s just political propaganda.’ She missed her partner, Nick Coyle and her two children (who she wasn’t permitted to talk to or see). During her imprisonment she only saw sunlight for 10 hours each year and didn’t see a tree in three years.
            She returned to her role as a news presenter for Sky News Australia two months after her release. She stated her hunger for ‘news and information’ never subsided when she was behind bars and wanted to rediscover her voice.
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#chenglei #skynewsaustralia #china #beijing
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veritywarner90 · 27 days ago
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So here we go again. We are almost in election mode and labor, true to form, are starting to shovel personal dirt out on opposition members again. I guess this just goes to show that they have no firm policies for the future and no answer to their abysmal actions up until now that has seen us in recession with cost of living through the roof, mortgages that are killing people and businesses going to the wall. They have completely stuffed our economy.  All under their watch but amazingly they all blame PETER DUTTON.
Peter at the moment is the leader of the opposition and not in a position to change any of their mistakes, but keep watching because when he has the job, he will certainly get amongst all the thing labor have done to cripple us. First of all he will fix the flags as he has promised. This is something that this lying little man introduced without any prior warning to us all and he says we didn’t object! Of course we didn’t because we were unaware of him sneaking it in like the treaty and truth telling he is secretly putting into each state parliament. All against our referendum vote. See it all here:
Anthony Albanese boasts about putting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags behind him at his official events – and then claims 'we didn't make a fuss' about it
This is all a part of his revenge call on all of us because we didn’t vote for his voice.
Remember how he cried when he wanted this? A weak little man who now spites the whole country because we rejected his voice that cost us all around 450 million dollars that could have been better spent on fixing the economy he has devastated.
Keep watching as there will be a lot more of labor bringing up dirt on opposition members. That’s all they can do as they don’t know how to fix the mess they have got the country in, however they keep mentioning Peter Dutton and of course he will fix the mess they have caused. Dutton needs to start to open up and tell us all of his policies. He is one who says nothing until he is absolutely sure it is full of truth and fact, but we need to know it all as the election is looming.
Now watch this clip and you will see the liberal bloke blow away the labor tool who concentrates again on putting down Peter Dutton. We certainly don’t need these fools who are full of personal dirt when we need the country fixed from all the problems labor have caused over their term.
Save the attached memes and use them too. They are new ones. They look good on labor pages.
Also start going to the how to vote pages and learn how to vote below the line. This way all of your votes will count as you want them to be counted and cant be used as preferences for those you don’t want to vote for. This was how labor got in with only 31% of the vote. They used green and teal preferences and of course none of us vote for these communists. Use the how to vote below the line pages and then look at the politicians in your area so you know the ones you need to vote for. More on this closer to voting time.
#broddersblast #PeterDutton #davidlittleproud #PaulineHanson #LiberalParty
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deblala · 5 months ago
Sky News Australia
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cstewart8 · 11 months ago
Funding of a major sports venue
In the previous months there has been a debate of funding for a stadium in both the AFL and the NRL. 12 months ago, the AFL announced the 19th team to be placed in Tasmania, however, there has been one talking point when it comes to the new team is who is paying for the stadium and how much will it cost the government and public in Tasmania. (Siegfried & Zimbalist, 2000) stated “local sport venue will give benefits to local fans and residents and give them a worth to their own community.” The media turned the new Tasmania stadium into a massive debate between the labour and liberal government and also the community of Tasmania and the AFL in general and lead to a premier election in which Labor did win.
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ABC News
Jacqui Lambie in a media press conference stated, “Small business are just as important, however with this $715 million dollar stadium we risk losing the small business.” The media interpreted that the reason for all of the debate was because of how much the state and government would have to put into the stadium by the AFL. This is where it got messy because the governments were arguing each other on the issue it lost backing of the 19th AFL team in Tasmania not going forward, however now liberal and about government and the AFL have come to an agreement on how much the cost for the stadium and how much the government will need to put in.
(Jacqui Lambie Blasts Proposed AFL Stadium as a “Slap in the Face to Tasmanians,” n.d.)
Leichhardt oval has been part of the NRL since 1934 and moved from north of Sydney to west of Sydney to be the West Tigers home ground from 1980. This year however could be bittersweet for the Tigers fans because they want to upgrade the ground, but in order to get the ground redeveloped the tigers will need to fund it all of it without any backing from the New South Wales government. Swindell, D., & Rosentraub, M. S. (1998). Stated “Funding a stadium for upgrades will give joy to the fans and the club, however it effects everyone else because there is not enough funding for other important assets.”
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ABC News.
Former West Tigers player Dene Halatau said on the ABC Sport’s Broadcast said, “It's not modern, it doesn't have all the trimmings, but when a fan comes to Leichhardt, they overlook a lot of the rest of that stuff." The West Tigers wanted $100 Million Dollar upgrade, however, was declined by the New South Wales government because of the government being $180 million dollars in debt. NSW premier Chris Minns stated, “We got to consider the hospital, education and public transport system before any redevelopment on sporting stadiums.” This is making the West Tigers more annoyed because their rivals Penrith Panthers are getting a $309 Million dollar stadium built and this is now making it a double standard.
Jacqui Lambie blasts proposed AFL stadium as a “slap in the face to Tasmanians.” (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved May 15, 2024, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SgkGXwgB18&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia
Lambie demands integrity measures, rethink on Tassie AFL stadium. (2024, March 24). Australian Financial Review. https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/lambie-demands-integrity-measures-rethink-on-tassie-afl-stadium-20240325-p5fexe
Leichhardt Oval – Inner West Council. (n.d.). Www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au. Retrieved May 14, 2024, from https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/parks-sport-and-recreation/sporting-grounds/leichhardt-oval
Liberals give big Hobart stadium idea from ex-Labor premier the boot. (2023, October 18). ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news / 2023-10-18/tas-new-afl-stadium-proposal-rejected-by-state-government/102989688   
‌NSW Premier rules out government funding upgrade to Wests Tigers’ Leichhardt Oval. (2024, March 26). ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-26/leichhardt-oval-upgrade-ruled-out-by-nsw-premier/103634124
Siegfried, J., & Zimbalist, A. (2000). The Economics of Sports Facilities and Their Communities. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), 95–114. https://doi.org/10.1257/jep.14.3.95
Swindell, D., & Rosentraub, M. S. (1998). Who benefits from the presence of professional sports teams? The implications for public funding of stadiums and arenas. Public Administration Review, 58(1), 11-20. https://login.ezproxy.holmesglen.edu.au/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/who-benefits-presence-professional-sports-teams/docview/197169158/se-2
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 years ago
She applied to be an Emmy judge? by u/Seachange1000
She applied to be an Emmy judge? Angela Levin plus a lot of YouTubers are claiming the mendacious and mediocre one actually had the audacity to apply to be an Emmy judge.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJmqGKER8xs&ab_channel=HGTudor-KnowingTheNarcissist%3AUltrahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkUsdeUV8Eo&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia​ post link: https://ift.tt/GRpmT2z author: Seachange1000 submitted: July 14, 2023 at 06:16PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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tripurabusiness · 5 years ago
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#BreakingLead #BeijingCollapse: Huge financial and reputational damage to #RahulGandhi and #Communist #Socialist #Naxal brigade as the politburo capital is facing war-time emergency shutting down several key markets and region around the capital of #China. It is right time for ann uprising or revolution in China as World nears to #DissolveCCP policies. #ChineseCommunistParty #CCPTerror #NTD #TheEpochTimes #SkyNewsAustralia #LutyensGang #CommunistSalaam #RedTerror #UrbanNaxals #BollywoodFinance #PakistanChina https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYA7ZQDSKZ/?igshid=1oqxgop3yri2w
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kenhoward · 4 years ago
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YouTube banned Australia’s largest conservative news channel for a week for speaking the truth! It is foreign interference in free speech! #freespeechbanned #skynewsaustralia @skynews.com.au https://www.instagram.com/p/CSScWNzhv0k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-empress-7 · 3 years ago
Australians are savage when it comes to them and I love it!!!!! He even says they were kicked out of a "friend's" (Tyler Perry?) house. Take with a bucket of salt tho.
Yeah, pretty sure it’s Tyler Perry house they were kicked out of.
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jayhawkfire · 3 years ago
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marie1773056 · 3 years ago
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worldnewsinpictures · 4 years ago
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NSW Health will provide the latest COVID-19 update from 11am. Join Sky News Australia live for more updates. Hu Gong Bang Yuki Quan Dong Te Xun Yin Ji Hui Gong Xun Chan Subashiri Xun Yu koBo Guo Zhuan .... Do you have an opinion on this? Share it! HERE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/nsw-health-provide-latest-covid-19-update #NSWHealth #NSWHealthCOVID19 #SkyNews #SkyNewsAustralia #BangYuki #BangYukiQuan #XunYin #XunYinHui #XunChan #XunChanSubashiri #GuoZhuan #GuoZhuanShare #Health #provide #latest #COVID19 #update
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newenglander444 · 4 years ago
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simple-vida · 4 years ago
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