#skylar im the danger
kingdoms-and-empires · 3 months
They say grandparents love their grandchildren more than their own kids, and from what I saw from Remmy and Otto, I think that's true. Hey, can you give us some clue on how Uriel and Adelina will treat their grandkids with MC? And how will they react if MC became the combination of Otto and Remiel as a parent?
You know the grandparents that give you money everytime you visit?
That's them.
The ones who always bring junk food when visiting you?
That's them.
The ones that giggle when sneaking you gift cards so your parents dont see?
That's them.
"And how will they react if MC became the combination of Otto and Remiel as a parent?"
Who said they'll live long eno-
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Damn, chill! I was kiddin-
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Gah! Oof! I'll stop I'll stop!
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Okay okay I get it...I get it...
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chickentunasalad566 · 2 years
one of the most frustrating parts of the brba fandom is that it's nearly impossible to have a nuanced discussion on skylar's character without some man on reddit weighing in just to call her a stupid bitch and a bad wife to walt and everything he did to her was justified and provide no insight to the conversation whatsoever
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
i swear to god if u die before www is finished and turn into a ghost, i will ouija board u hateful things and resurrect u just to beat u up and kill u again
I won't be dying because I am more stubborn than death itself, but also if you did bring me back you'd regret it so hard because I'd spend the entire time monologuing about themes and prose and other bullshit
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My meds are 100% out of my body now and I am not having a good timE. It’s been like 2 weeks and I’m still having withdrawal symptoms. Especially like brain shivers or whatever the fuck they’re called like it’s so unpleasant . Like these little jolts of energy that start in my brain and face and move down through my arms to my fingers. Sometimes it’s just like a weird vibrating feeling or a pulsation in my skull but it’s pretty constant. And also regular shivers like I’m always cold I’m always shaking . I’m wearing a jacket and nder 3 blankets and I’m FREEZING!!! I’ve been having tummy aches and digestive issues. Im lightheaded and nauseous and dizzy constantly and have to sit down or I feel like I’m going to die. Not to mention the expected feelings of dread and sadness and suicidal thoughts and general sense of disconnectedness. It was a fucking struggle to make it through fan x . But I did it and I surpassed quota and it’s done and I did it ugh it was miserable . But uli rlly helped me thru it god bless him idk how he puts up with me . I am no joy to be around in the first place especially when I am like . This. I made my appointment for refills but the soonest they could get me in was October 5th like are u joking I need those meds. But whatever. I might as well make the best of a bad situation tho like I’ve been thinking I want to try molly or shrooms or something while the meds are out of my system. Uli literally didn’t believe me about the ssri thing like he made me waste 4 big ass mushrooms bc he thought for sure I’d feel something but not shit. He and Felipe were out of their fucking marbles and I was just sitting there like 😶 … I want to know what it feels like. I’m try one or the other when I get back tomorrow. Felipe usually has shrooms so ig that’d be easiest. somethin 2 look forward to
#screaming crying throwing myself against a wall#I can’t wait to go home tomorrow I need my uli 😞😞😞😞#I need 2 be held asap …#also I literally can’t believe I met anna gunn today that was fucking crazy#I did not know she was a panelist at fan x today she just suddenly appeared at the booth with her daughter#I was like omg. I just finished breaking bad . and she was like oh hahaha yeah#skylar…I am the danger skylar…… I am the one who knocKS SkYLaR#apparently Giancarlo Esposito was also there#I think I would have shit myself if I saw him .#anyway. I’m going to try to get some sleep even tho I am a fucking popsicle rn .#tomorrow I see my love and Nessy and things will be fine#I also get to meet our new temporary foster child that uli found while I was gone.#he’s a mangy lil black cat who like came to the door and was meowing and trying to get in lmao#the best part abt this cat. he has. thumbs… THUMBS#IM OBSESSED#I keep asking uli to send thumb videos I love it so much it’s so cute#I want to name him mittens…#he’s just staying with us until we can find who he belongs to or if he even has an owner#he’s very very friendly and docile but he looks like he’s been outside for quite a while.#we gonna see if he’s microchipped and if not I think Hannah is just going to take him#I would say we should keep him but Nessy is mad as fuck about another cat being in HER house.#she does not like him . they have to stay separated while he’s there.#hopefully he is chipped and had an owner and was just lost or something#poor lil guy. he seems so sweet. I can’t wait to play with his lil thumbs tomorrow#tess talks
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f4y3w00d5 · 1 month
looked thru my old characters again and now im wondering whod wanna rp with them, so im gonna pick a few out and give brief backstories
YOUNG INDUSTRIES (A former rp I did)
Description: Evil guy Seth kidnaps innocents and experiments on them, no one could ever escape.
Lets start with the characters from the Abyss, the Abyss was where the inmates who angered Seth/were dangerous were. there was the upper and lower parts of the Abyss, ill specify what each character was.
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Oliver (Green eyed) and Alvirum (demonic). Oliver was to be a sacrifice, but ended up possessed by a young demon, and their souls were bonded. Oliver is mostly in control, although when threatened Alvirun takes over. Olivers mostly sweet but Alviruns mocking. They count as 11. Upper levels of the abyss.
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Annie. hahaha fucking shit was she hot- Shes some sort of angelic type being, crossed with a siren. Shes a fucking jerk. I love her. Upper levels.
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I loved Rax but he didnt go well with the industries. Condescending but flirty vampiric asshole. he has minor hypnotic powers, too. He got put into the upper abyss for pissing Seth off
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Skylar!!! The darling was so sweet, I love him. Some sort of siren, but he was cursed by a cousin to only be able to speak the truth and the whole truth. hes also a sorcerer and knows quite a bit of magic. He probably insulted Seth and got sent down
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Zayne. Psychopathic yet human serial killer. Potentially made a deal with the devil. Highly dangerous and his drive for blood outways nearly everything else. Lower abyss, one of the most dangerous.
Ive already got one for Jacob, one of the others in the lower abyss, and Zanthia would be hard to roleplay....
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(thats him, hes 19)
Upper Levels This is the main part of the industries and where the safe inmates are
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Abby. I didnt get much done for her, but shes some sort of wood elf and utterly adorable. easily scared and very quiet.
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Alyce. Early version of Faye, part demon part human, hangs out with some other dude i forgot the name of... wait nevermind its Haydyn!! she was a killer before being captured and shes rlly bright and bubbly
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bored dead inside ghost, friends with Alyce, murdered, sorta goth. tired constantly but hes nice
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Celestia. Some kind of human mixed with an eldritch abomination. she cries constantly. shes grey and black and white. tragedy. her voice sounds like multiple people talking on top of each other.
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Tethys. Already got an account for her. Sweet little cow girl with abandonment issues. Shes currently staying at @monsterfucker-research-wizards place.
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Xander (red) and Shane (blue). Pair of brothers, Xanders the responsible one, Shane is the eternally horny masochist one, twin vampires looking for their baby sister, Evelyn.
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Evelyn, 16. Technically from the abyss, but that was just to keep her secret. Been locked in a room all by herself for 10 years. Shes sweet.
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Anya, some sort of deer-elf thing. Shes sweet. very shy and helpful, i love her....
Next we have the ones that were guards at the Young Industries
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She doesnt have a name, or a personality yet
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also unnamed and personality-less but she looks cool
then theres the ones from the library, they get their own account
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The mother, Cecilia, her 9 year old daughter, May, and the first (and only one ive thought of) resident of the library, Alora. Cecilia and May are... god knows what. some kind of immortal being, teleporting around with a sanctuary for the broken, known as the library. Alora was the first one who escaped from the Young Industries and is VERY traumatised, also shy.
Then lastly just random ones
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Adonis, human murderer, hes badass. not much on him yet
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Erika, also badass... maybe her and Adonis are siblings
@akronus-the-redeemed @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-cherryblossom-system @ibuildblasters @good-wizard @annotated-catastrophe @drew-bard-for-hire @wasteland-wooferbaby @blooper-malte @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @slymewitch
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spacedykez · 2 years
A List Of Branzy and/or Clown Songs
Courtesy Call By Thousand Foot Krutch (take over the server and have fun doing it vibes)
Die In A Fire By The Living Tombstone (breakup angst and feral!branzy vibes)
Everybody Wants To Rule The World By LORDE
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy ft. Demi Lovato (branzypierce vibes!!!!)
Ghosts By Jacob Tillberg (one of them is dead, the other is pinning/grieving. which is which? NO CLUE!)
Hide And Seek By Lizz Robinett (someone's getting hunted down! is it one of them being hunted by the other or are they hunting an enemy together, either way is fun!)
Hit and Run By LOLO (MURDER VIBES!!!)
In Love With A Monster By Fifth Harmony (absolutely from Branzy's POV)
Impossible By Shontelle (angstangstangstangst)
Immortals By Fall Out Boys (the absolute vibes)
Gambling Man By The Overtones (absolutely fits them, also one of my favorite songs)
Love The Way You Lie By Skylar Grey (more angsty vibes)
Love Me Back By Mondays feat. Lucy (pre-relationship worries)
Monster By Skillet (gives me slight villain!branzy vibes. either that or a branzy on the verge of going feral)
Not Another Song About Love By Hollywood Ending (enemies to lovers au energy)
Pomegranate Seeds by Julian Moon (hades and Persephone au vibes, also just a very good song)
Sorry if I have songs that have already been sent in. Also don't feel like you have to listen to all of these. Can you tell I listen to music a lot?
-Glass anon
fuck yeah taking over the server vibes. trying to decide if its more villain!branzy or clowny. its kinda both but also not totally either but also it's DEFINITELY branzy taking over the server. if you get me. fuck it up gayboy <3 vibes
ooh another fnaf song i feel like a lot of those would probably fit well with clownzy, just from what i know about them. anyways into the song. okay okay defo an angsty breakup song + feral branzy.
dont even need to go listen to this again. 100% a lifesteal song.
*nods* branzypierce vibes. "and i love the way you hurt me" is very them. certified, adding to the playlist.
*nods* again, you're absolutely right. one is dead and the other is grieving. bonus points if the dead is actually in spectator and they're so painfully close to their living lover seeing them but they just can't quite break through.
villain!branzy vibes. villain!branzy song. hes the kind of guy to play with his victim like this.
branzypierce song. this is a they-are-in-evil-gay-love song. its got villain!branzy vibes too.
branzypierce song, branzy pov, zero question. this is him.
vibes. angst. this song is strangely happy despite its lyrics. like the lyrics are totally sad but im vibing to the beat its nice.
hell yeah. this is totally branzy's hype song. this is what he wishes he was. this is them fucking it up /pos
ow. angst. but like that's so very them? this is totally branzy betraying clown and clown being sad over it. i need to save this for if i end up writing a fic where clown is chasing/pining over branzy because this is perfect.
okay this may seem vague but it seems strangely them. i don't know how to explain it beyond that but its them. source: trust me dude
this is genuinely canon branzy post funhouse.
superhero au vibes. oh villainAU!clown how deep in denial you are. pathetic man /affectionate.
ooh another hades/persephone song! looks fun. huh you know hades/persephone is actually oddly fitting for branzypierce. anyways them yes.
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costanzian · 2 years
i will kill all skylar white haters with my cool weapon #im a dangerous criminal
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spaceboysbrainspace · 6 years
tryin to balance feelin worried w, letting them not respond if they don’t want to talk rn,
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cryptidkoretmblr · 2 years
late night and can't sleep but isn't it kind of interesting how the power, dominance and danger, intellectual superiority, he can't have without jesse? sure walt has his moments, he can run over saul bc he usually folds, but men like gus, mike, were very much equals in their own right. gale, even when walter tried, and gale let him, it still didn't sit right bc gale is as smart, and walter doesn't actually believe it. he runs over skylar a far amount too, and constantly gets to lie to hank and marie. the only character, the only reliable source, that walter gets to let all of that out on, his power, control, intellectual ability, lying because he can, it all gets taken out on jesse. almost every episode. now read into that how you want, but i feel like it could be a very interesting analysis of toxic masculinity & internal homophobia. anyways im just rambling, i find their characters so interesting
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vampireghostlawyer · 3 years
WALTER WHITE.... versus... RICK GRIMES..... begin !!
Rick: Carl stay back! This is bout to get bad while i show this lab rat how to be a real dad
cooking up blue sky and bigger lies for skylar
hatchin little schemes like a dying macguyver
you tore your family apart sin by sin
where im from it happens literally limb from limb
so write this down in yuor pancakes so you wont gorget
i kill walkers who are better man than you before breakfast
Walter: I don’t. know WHAT you think i’ve done, but if we were to battle...
i’ve already won >: )
ask gus ! you don’t wanna face off against me!
i’ll stuff yuo in a barrel, and make a dude smoothie.
your sense of duty gets your group into some deep doody
always egttin saved by some samurai booty.
I’m a KINGPIN cookin crystal in tha middle of tha day
havin dinner by tha pool with the D E A
run u over with my aztek, G T A if you ever tryta stop heisenberg gettin paid
Here’s a HOT DOSE let me watch you CHOKE on the truth... you look up to ME like I’m a PIZZA on the ROOF.
you’re a loser, a failure to your whole entire crew, i’ve seen walter junior handle walkers better than you.
Rick: Carl i said stay back with the others, while i finish this bitch like you finish your mother
you ain’t a danger to me walt so knock all ya want
i’ll watch you get eaten in my fuckin front lawn
Walter: YOU don’t frigthen me and YOU can bite me, i’ll be standing right ehre in my tighty walter whities
i’ll bury you faster than your partner stole your whole life.. no one saw shane cumming except for your WIFE !!!
Who won !!! who ‘s next !! you decide
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gh0stiegirlie · 4 years
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synopsis: all it took was one glance at the hotheaded boy at the U.A. exam, and you were smitten. for deku, it was a single act of kindness that instigated his immediate attraction to uraraka. several months into school, best friends Skylar and deku are left heartbroken when. uraraka and bakugou start a relationship. when you and deku find yourselves confiding in each other, a question arises; is this love, or loneliness? are you two better just as friends?
a/n: lmao hey im not dead whats gud
word count: 2.8k
<- pt. 2                                                          pt.4 (expect monday, sept 7th) ->
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Moments later, the sound Bakugous boots stomping across the linoleum floor echos throughout the hall. He remains quiet as he follows you, not risking the punishment of disturbing other hero classes by spewing his typical demeaning insults or using his quirk  But a glance behind your shoulder reveals how threatening he is, even in silence. His grin is sadistic, and there’s fierce passion in his eyes.
The passion to rip your fucking guts out, that is.
Bakugou's animalistic instincts kick in the longer the chase persists, his mind dismissing everything but you, his prey.
A few twists and turns later, you Bakugous fingers grasp the back of your shirt collar. You gasp as he violently pulls you back into his chest, only letting go once he's thrown you on the ground. He looms over you with a crazed look on his face, his smile crooked and his eyes ablaze. He looks batshit crazy, yet you think it’s insanely attractive.
“You’re going to pay for that, you cowardly bastard,” he growls, his vermillion eyes pouring liquid rage into yours.
You hold his gaze and activate your quirk.
Suddenly, wordless cries reverberate throughout the chasms of his mind. Wails and shrieks pound against his head, desperate to escape. He cowers into a fetal position with his hands covering his ears, a fruitless attempt to keep the howls out. All Bakugou can see before the world goes dark is the glow of your e/c eyes. 
You push yourself off the floor as Bakugou begins to rub his eyes, a feeble attempt to regain sight. Your attack will keep him at bay for a while, giving you the perfect opportunity to escape to the training grounds. 
At the time you arrive on the grounds, Bakugou wearily rises to his feet. The world spins around him while three words spin around his mind.
What the fuck?!
Granted, Bakugou knew you were powerful.
Well, the better word is he was aware you were powerful.
He considered you were a slimy wannabe hero when he caught you knocking out other contestants to steal their wins during the entrance exam, but decided you were just another extra when you practically failed Aizawa’s physical tests on the first day. His feelings only changed when you almost fought in him at the sports festival. He heard your battle was intense, but half ‘n half managed to blow you off the court before you could incapacitate him. Even though you lost that third round, you made it pretty damn far.
But, he didn’t know you were capable of disabling him with a single glance. 
You’ve impressed him. 
But the cost of impressing and temporarily impairing Bakugou is your strength.  Using your special move always takes a physical toll on you. Bakugous throbbing brain keeps him grounded in reality, while your piercing pain keeps you awake enough to make it to the training grounds.
When Bakugou arrives you’ve collected your bearings, your headache subdued by a few Advils.
“Took you long enough,” you jeer, crossing your arms and standing your ground.
Bakugou is heaving, his vermillion eyes communicating what his mouth can’t.
And they say he’s going to fry you like dead meat.
A low, guttural noise builds up in Bakugous chest. It builds and rises in his body like hot air, until finally he releases it with a battle cry, “I’m going to kill you!” 
He charges at you with explosions from both hands, baring his teeth like a rabid dog. 
The rapid firing of his explosions leave you no time to think of a strategy, so you focus on dodging while getting in close. From this length, you can momentarily harvest some of his thoughts. But honestly, it seems like he’s blind with rage and firing recklessly. 
You should know Bakugou better than that.
He’s aware that after the stunt you pulled earlier, your quirk works best at a short distance. The fact you need direct eye contact to activate your quirk effectively is a clear sign proximity is a limitation of yours. He also knows that powerful move must have exhausted you. Not only will his long-range blasts and constant movement make it nearly impossible for you to make eye contact with him, but your attempts to dodge them and get closer will wear you out even more. Then, depending on if you make an attack from this long-distance and how strong that attack is, he’ll know more about the restrictions of your quirk. He grins to himself, thinking how he’s too amazing for his own good.
You also take a moment to smile to yourself. Little does he know you have the ability to briefly manifest the thoughts of others, and heard his entire plan. You have to admit, that clever strategy would’ve totally defeated you. 
Too bad it’s completely useless.
If he plans to keep you at a distance until you're worn out, that means you have to get in close as soon as possible. Meaning you have to rush in and run the risk of being hit with one of his blasts. 
You know Bakugou isn’t dumb. You notice he never fires from the same position or with the same type of explosion. He’s always moving, constantly searching for your blind spot, and changing how he attacks. One second he’s on your left, using both hands to shoot you with one ginormous fire-ball. The next, he’s behind you and sending a million tiny blasts your way. Finding a way to slip past his advanced combat skills is nearly impossible. 
You’ve been playing this game of cat and mouse for a few minutes now. You’re falling into a rhythm; he shoots, you dodge, and he shoots again. He’s falling into a pattern; shoot, move, shoot again, move again. Knowing where he’ll land next is a matter of understanding the when and where of his reactions. When you dodge an attack, when does he decide to change up his behavior, and where does he go to deliver the next blast?
Bakugou is convinced that your sluggish reaction times are proof of his oncoming victory. While, yes, the heaviness of physical exhaustion is starting to weigh you down, the real reason is focusing on formulating a plan. And for someone with a mental quirk like you, thinking is the most dangerous thing you can do.
When it appears that your body is about to give up, Bakugou runs and aims an explosion in the exact place you expected. You manage to meet his eyes and send hundreds of whispered messages into his brain. He falters on his shot, dazed and confused. You surprise him by sprinting straight to his strategically plotted spot, and therefore, face-planting into his chest. The sudden force of his chest mixed with your momentum sends you both flying back. 
You planned to land on top of Bakugou, which would not only pin him to the ground and secure your victory, but also gave you an excuse to straddle his hips in the way you’ve spent so many math classes dreaming about. But instead, you both end up rolling across the ground. You land on your stomach, and after taking a few moments to recover, you catch Bakugou sprawled out on his back. 
This is my chance.
You clumsily push yourself off the ground and stumble over to Bakugou. You practically fall on top of him, and the sudden weight ontop of his sore core forces a groan to escape his lips. He weakly tries to push you off him, but his failed attempts leave him flailing his arms and legs to try and squirm out from under you. He’s acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"How does it feel to lose, Bakugou?" you smirk. “It’s embarrassing enough that you always lose to Deku, and now you’re losing to his girlfriend too! It’s so pathetic I almost feel bad for you!”
A moment ago, every limb in Bakugous body was screaming at him to sleep. Now, his it burns alive with rage. He uses the rage surging through his veins to generate one last explosion that shoots you into the sky. After a few seconds of soaring upwards, Bakugou launches himself in your direction with the last explosions his tired body can summon. He wraps his arms around your back and pulls you into his chest, one of his hands holding your head in the nape of his neck for extra protection. The two of you spiral in the air like a torpedo.
The sky expels you into the ground like a bullet, and the concrete cracking beneath you.
When you open your eyes, Bakugou is swaying above you. His eyes are half-lided, and blood drips from his nose onto your face.
“Lets… Call it even…” you mumble as he collapses beside you. 
You both spend a few minutes slipping in and out of consciousness, desperately searching at the barriers of your mind for an escape through. Eventually, Bakugou gains enough strength to slip his way through a crack. He picks you up bridle style and carries you to the outskirts of U.A. High. Unable to go any further, he slides against one of the buildings walls into a sitting position, resting your head on the side of his thigh once he’s comfortable. 
Only now does he see how beautiful you are. 
Your resting face is so peaceful, his racing heart calms the longer he stares. Your skin glistens underneath the sun, every bead of sweat rolling down your cheeks looking like a shooting star gliding across the beautiful night sky. Your e/c hair wreathes around Bakugou’s legs like a corkscrew, and he delicately untangles your soft locks. Sometimes your nose twitches as he pulls at your hair, but only when he brushes a stray flyaway out of your face do your eyes finally flutter open.
Your body is bruised and bloodied, and the worst of your injuries are the concrete chunks penetrating deep cuts in your back. Although Bakugou finds every girl looks beautiful after a fight. And you, even with your injuries, are no exception.
It’s not because he’s some kinky pervert, but he sees these injuries as markings of a true hero. A true hero is someone who endures pain but always keeps fighting. He thought since you were dating that nerd you were a pussy, but you’ve proven to him you’re a total badass.
Bakugou’s eyes are inches away from yours. You immediately notice his glare isn’t as… Spiteful, as usual. It’s serene. And it’s making you blush.
“How long have you been staring at me like that for, perv?” You yawn with a stretch. Your forearms rub against Bakugous thighs as you pop your elbows. His face turns a shade of pink, not the angry intense red he’s is accustomed to.
“Hey! I saved your life, idiot. You should be thanking me!” Bakugou fumes, the color of his face slowly deepening to his typical red.
“Yeah, and you’re also the person who tried to fucking explode me! So it cancels out, you asshole!” You yell as you dart up, only to fall back down. You struggle once more to your feet only to collapse in a heap. “Fuck, I can’t---” you mumble, the world around you fading to black. You scream for your mouth to move and demand your legs to stand, but your body refuses to cooperate. Eventually, you succumb to the darkness.
Bakugou’s battered body is only capable of shuffling with you in his arms to Recovery Girls’ office before he passes out too.
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You wake up hours later to the feeling of a cold, wet kiss on your back. You “eugh!” in disgust as you flinch away from Recovery Girl’s lips.
“Ah, glad to see you’re finally awake,” she chirps before turning to treat Bakugou. “You two had quite the battle! Hurt eachother pretty bad for a couple of first years.” She fiercely spins around to wag her wrinkly finger in your face. “Mr. Aizawa will be sure to hear about this!”
“No!” you exclaim, before clearing your throat to lower your voice. “Please don’t tell him Recovery Girl!” you plead more rationally, “Bakugou and I were just having a... tactical battle to find out more about eachothers quirks for an assignment, that’s all! I think we just both got a little carried away…” You rub your injured arm awkwardly. 
“Get off me, you old hag!” A now conscious Bakugou commands Recovery Girl. She backs away to her desk to take some notes, but not before calling him an “ungrateful and rude young man”. Bakugou turns to face you, and scans his handiwork (aka, your injuries). “You really got your ass handed to you, huh?” he congratulates himself. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t forget, Recovery Girl is smoochin’ you too. Meaning I did some serious damage.” you point out, fighting a smile. You want to keep your face as smug as Bakugou’s.
“Whatever, loser. We’ll call it a tie,” he smirks at you. “Until I get the chance to beat the shit out of you.”
“Trust me. Next time we fight, there won’t be a tie. Only me standing victorious over your dumb corpse.” you challenge with crossed arms. You can’t help but notice the excitement in Bakugous eyes, and how a genuine grin paves its way across his face. Though when there’s a knock at the door, his smile falls so fast you question if you imagined it.
“Oh! Looks you two have some visitors,” Recovery Girl announces, wobbling towards the door.
Neither you nor Bakugou are in the mood to deal with your significant others. You shake your head and cry, “Please don’t let them in!” But Izuku Texas smashes the door wide open and runs to you, Uraraka following close behind. 
“Y/n! Are you okay?!” he cups your cheeks, and you nod. He ignores your affirmation and scans your entire body for any sign of harm. “O-oh, you have scratches everywhere!” He gingerly pokes a healing cut on your knee, causing a hiss of pain to escape you. 
“Bakugou, where are you hurt?” Uraraka runs her hands down Bakugous biceps, feeling for any bumps or bruises.
“Get off of me,” he growls under his breath, not wanting to draw your attention to them. “I said, get your hands off of me!” Bakugou raises his voice when Uraraka doesn’t listen to him.
“You,” Izuku glowers at Bakugou, “You did this to her,” 
“Izuku, leave him alone,” you plea. He ignores you.
“You hurt her again.” Izuku mumbles, Bakugou quirking his head at the word “again”.
“Zuzu, Bakugou didn’t do shit.” you grab Izukus shoulder to spin him towards you, but he uses his quirk to brush you off. But Izuku ‘brushing you off’ with his quirk means with a single finger flick, he propels you into the wall at the other side of the room. 
“Oh dear,” Recovery Girl gasps through a hand over her mouth
“What the hell?!” Bakugou barks, darting over to you. Uraraka catches his arm and holds him back. 
You struggle to rise. Your legs shake under your weight, but you force them to support you. You glare at the ground, absolutely mortified. Even though you’re disgusted with Midorya, you manage to look him in his eyes.
“We’re done,” you mumble. At this point your whole body trembles, but you can’t tell if it’s from rage or exhaustion.
“Wuh-what?” Izuku’s puppy dog eyes pout in disbelief. He takes a step towards you but you step away. 
“Sorry, was I not loud enough? Allow me to be more clear,” 
You shut your eyes. When you open them, they’re neon e/c.
You’re using your second, and final special move to announce to the whole school Izuku can go to hell.
Your sonic blast. 
“Izuku Midoriya, you and I are done!” You scream into the minds of the hundreds of students attending U.A. You specifically aim your eyes at Izuku, so he receives the worst of it.
Izuku falls to his knees, his green eyes welling up with tears. You might’ve burst his eardrums with that emission. Good.
With that, you run out of Recovery Girls' office and straight to the gym.
All the emotions you've kept bottled up for this entire year suddenly spill out of you. With every punch, your forbidden feelings for Bakugou wiggle back into your heart. Your pent-up rage for Izuku turns into a feeling you've repressed ever since you started dating.
You regret twisting your frustration with Bakugou's and Urarakas relationship into feelings for your best friend. 
You slam your fists against the bag, more hot tears streaming down your face with every punch.
You regret ever kissing him that night.
You wish you would've stayed just friends.
omg i have taglist now🥺: @soa1eater
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lambroseforlife · 4 years
Storm and Silence Playlist Part 2.
This is a collab post that I did with @blog-a-la-ambrose a few years ago. She posted Part 1 a while back. Since it was well received, Part 2 of the playlist is quite longer. Songs that go with certain characters/chapters are specified. Other people who suggested other songs are credited, my apologies to those who feel randomly tagged. 
Book 3: Silence is Golden
Confident- Demi Lovato
Ocean Eyes- Billy Eilish
Breathe- Télépopmusic
Starving- Hailie Steinfeld ft. Zedd (Lilly)
Into You- Ariana Grande (Lilly)
Hard to Love- MIAMIGO (Rick)
Too Much is Never Enough- Florence and the Machine (Lilly)
Mend This Love- Vaults
Fall- Chloe x Halle (Lilly)
A Little Death- The Neighborhood
Caffeine- Foreign Air (Rick)
Hold- Vera Blue (Lilly)
Jungle Lady- Lion Babe (Lilly)
Uncover- Zara Larson
I Know You- Skylar Grey
Comatose- Skillet
fOol fOr YoU- ZAYN
Dangerous Woman- Ariana Grande
Hands to Myself- Selena Gomez
Sparks- Hilary Duff
I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)- Susan Egan; Hercules OST
Kiss It Better- Rihanna
Greedy- Ariana Grande
Believer- Imagine Dragons (Rick)
Love So Soft- Kelly Clarkson
The Sound of Reverie- The Maine
Capital Letters- Hailee Steinfeld, Bloodpop®
Power- Little Mix (@incorrectstormandsilencequotes) (Chapter 24)
There’s Nothing Holding Me Back- Shawn Mendes (Chapter 31)
Tightrope- Michelle Williams; The Greatest Showman OST (@silentlambrose​) (Chapter 46)
Book 4: Silence Breaking
Woman- Harry Styles (Rick)
Love on the Brain- Rihanna (Lilly)
Lowlife- That Poppy (Lilly)
You Dont Own Me- Grace ft. G-Eazy (Lilly)
Im in Love With a Monster- Fifth Harmony (Lilly)
Bad Things- Machine Gun Kelly, Camila Cabello (Lilly and Rick)
Sweetest Taboo- Denton Thrift (Lilly)
I Can Fly- Lana del Rey
Love the Way You Lie (Part II)- Rihanna ft. Eminem
Follow- Tom Misch ft. Laura Misch (Adaira)
People- Kye Kye
Misery- Maroon 5
Complicated- Rihanna
Issues- Julia Michaels
Stitches- Shawn Mendes
All of Me- John Legend
Romance- Ambrose (@luci-moonwalker12)
Dusk Till Dawn- Zayn ft. Sia (@safetyandsilence)
Sweet Creature- Harry Styles
Something’s Gotta Give- Camila Cabello
A Twist in My Story-Secondhand Serenade (@ramencupstm)
Be Prepared- Jeremy Irons; The Lion King OST (Dalgliesh)
Tell Me You Love Me- Demi Lovato
Jealous- Nick Jonas
Treat You Better- Shawn Mendes (Carter)
I Cant Make You Love Me- Bonnie Raitt (Carter)
I Run to You- Missio (Chapter 5)
Brand New Moves- Hey Violet (Chapter 7) (Lilly)
If I could fly- One Direction (@greeneyesivashkov) (Chapters 36-37)
What Lovers Do- Maroon 5 ft. SZA (Chapter 45)
Fall For You- Secondhand Serenade (@ramencupstm) (Chapters 45-46)
The Chain- Fleetwood Mac (Chapter 49)
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justthatamount · 4 years
Hey its me again! I need to vent but I can’t do it anywhere else!
tw; Fighting, talk about mental illness in a bad light, threatening, panic attacks, talk of mental hospitals, talk of dead naming and misgendering. cursing
Ok so I don’t remember everything about last night because someone else probably had to take over. Anyway so last night a friend of mine who we’ll call Joe cus why not? Anyway he was reaching out for support through crisis lines and stuff and our other friend Mist was helping him build up the confidence before to text someone. I joined the call and started helping as well. We then started trying to find a way to get him to a crisis center. My first thought was “Oh! my brother can probably help!” So I went and asked my brother after telling him how long it would take he turned it down. So while they where on call with a crisis line I went and asked my mom if she could help us get Joe there. She got really pissed at me and told me it was illegal and there was nothing she could do. Which was a lie because we originally told the lady on the crisis line I would be getting him there and she knew about the home situation. Beyond that in the state I live in you have to be 12 to consent to your own mental health treatment. He is older than 12 so his parents didn’t need to know. I spent roughly 5 minutes trying to convince my mom ignoring the building panic attack because of how they where talking to me. This was for a really good friend of mine I wasn’t about to back down. She told me I needed to call 911 which I refused he was on a crisis line I wasn’t about to make him do something until he was ready we where working with him not against him. 
Anyway my mom told me to go downstairs and try and convince my dad so I did. Still ignoring the building panic attack at being yelled at. I couldn’t convince my dad and now I had two people very pissed at me. They equated it to kidnapping (it was not) and that if anything happened to him while he was in our car we’d be blamed. Which makes sense but he may be a danger to himself but we weren’t calling a safe to tell on him either. He was a part of this he wouldn’t do that. Eventually I accepted they weren’t going to help and headed upstairs to sort this out and let myself have a panic attack. Then they decided to follow me (breaking all the things the mental hospital told them not to do along the way) saw me having a panic attack and blamed it on him. They started interrogating me on how I knew Joe and so I told them he was introduced to me by my friend Mist and we are all really close. 
My parents though took that as. Someone you barely know asked you to drive him to a crisis center even though hes really far away. Plus a friend from the mental hospital introduced me to someone mentally unstable? Then she insinuated mentally unstable people shouldn’t have friends. Telling me I was having this panic attack not because of them screaming at me but because my friend was being to taxing. Which was wrong I told them so but they refused to believe me because I wasn’t scared at all I was proud. I understand how terrifying getting help can be and I was happy to help him through it. Anyway I told them to leave me alone because they clearly wouldn’t help and they didn’t understand at all. My friend never asked me he needed help getting there and Mist and their family was all sick so they couldn’t do it so I offered to see what I could do. This wasn’t emotionally taxing at all until they started yelling at me.
Anyway sometime into my panic attack I was explaining what was going on to my friend. So he knew I wouldn’t be able to help as much. He understood and was really worried (because they knew we’re a system and this was my parents I could be in danger) anyway they then forced me to hang up. While I was trying to convince them my friends wheren’t bad people. Skylar was close to front and really pissed because these where his friends too. So we where getting really upset and then my mom looks at us and goes “do we need to send you back to the mental hospital?” I was like NO! I don’t need to go back! Skylar was baffled too. See I’ve been clean for 2 days which doesn’t sound like much but for us because we’re a system it’s hard to get everyone to stay clean. Our goal is 4 days right now and we’re proud of being halfway there. We don’t need to go back because we’re not at our worst point which is when you need to be there!
Anyway they forced us to hang up and go to sleep. I did as was told and they took my phone (Im on my computer right now) So then still having a panic attack I started trying to get to sleep. Venting into the air to help calm myself down. Skylar managed to take over for a few minutes and halt the panic attack before I took back over. Then my mom opened the door hearing me calm down and said “give me his adress I’m going to call the police because I feel like you aren’t telling me everything you’re still panicking therfore youre lying.” Yeah no shit sherlock it takes a bit to calm down from a panic attack what did you think? I was being completely honest because I wanted my friend to get help. Anyway Skylar started yelling at her and she told us we obviously don’t care about him if we won’t let her do this. My dad came upstairs again and asked what was going on (my mom played the victim card) and I was pissed. They both left and I spent the next hour trying not to relapse because they took all my healthy coping skills (which where on my phone like, reading fanfic, talking to my friends, music) with them so I was only left with the unhealthy ones. The only reason I didn’t is because my friends are so supportive and do so much and are healing I took that as encouragement to keep safe. By the way they misgendered and deadnamed me that entire time.
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seizethecarpe · 4 years
Seal Vibes || Skylar and Dave
Timing: Current Parties: @theskyeandsea @seizethecarpe Summary: After Skylar ghosts him when Dave confirms he’s a selkie, the pair run into each other 
Skylar had never replied to his message about being a selkie, which had made Dave all kinds of nervous, but he wasn’t about to go chasing her like some goose. There were a whole number’a reasons why people didn’t want to talk about themselves, not all of them that nefarious. Not to mention, he couldn’t help but think of her as a nervous lost pup, from how she’d flailed in the waters, and looked all kinds of young when soaked wet. So he didn’t think too much about it, until he spotted her one day, walking in the shopping area. “Hey, SKylar,” he called, waving to catch her attention, considering how little she’d been able to hear before. 
After her encounter with Jared at the lake a week ago, Skylar was feeling… better. Not about the situation-- she was decidedly not okay with someone else finding out about her selkie nature, much less seeing her like that. But, at least her symptoms had disappeared for the time being. The vials of Bliss remained hidden in her desk and after what she’d seen in the mirror at the carnival, she was hesitant to reach for them again. But, for the time being, she didn’t need them. The days immediately after shifting, she always felt better. Which is why she was out and about, enjoying the warm summer breeze as she walked around the downtown shopping area. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just window shopping, really. As she looked at one of the stranger knicknack shops, she heard her name called out and glanced up. The color drained from her face as she saw that it was the man who’d rescued her from the sudden flood-- Dave. The selkie. Letting out a squeak of shock, Skylar froze in panic. Oh no. Mmmmmmmm, Nope, no, no, no. This wasn’t good.
Dave didn’t realise until he got up close why she wasn’t moving, Instead of waiting for him to meet up with her, her eyes were wide with shock, and he didn’t need to be able to see well to know that she was trembling. He slowed his gait and came to a stop a few feet away from her. Maybe she thought he was some kinda threat to her. Maybe she’d had a bad run in with a selkie in the past, maybe she didn’t know as much as it’d seemed. All bad options, and he didn’t want to frighten her further. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, looking all friendly like, as much as a six foot guy with deep scars all over him could.  “You alright?” He signed. “Look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Skylar’s hands twitched at her sides, nervously fingerspelling letters too quickly for anyone to catch. As he walked up, she was able to get a better look at the man-- she had been too startled and shaken by nearly drowning to notice just how… scarred he looked. His face was a spider web of scars and it only made her wonder just what had happened to him. Had some monster gotten a hold of him? Reminded of the scar that stretched across the back of her calf, she wondered if a hunter had done that. Barely catching his sign, Skylar shifted uneasily from foot to foot. “I’m okay, I didn’t expect to see you here.” She signed back at him, unsure of what else to say. She’d left him on read weeks ago, too stunned and shaken by his revelation to say anything more. “You-- Are-- Is everything--” Her fingers stutter started through the words, her mind too taken off guard to form a solid sentence. There was so much she wanted to ask. But on the other hand, did she really want to hear the answers? Did she really want to open up that particular can of worms? Swallowing, she nodded. “Thank you, for saving me the other week. I know I said that already, but really. Thank you.”
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Dave signed back, stepping to the side so they weren’t clogging the middle of the street quite so badly. He couldn’t stand when people did that. All the while, he watched the pallor of her face, as she stopped and started mid signs, unable to pick a thought to go with. Like a damn deer in the headlights. “Like I said, it wasn’t no thing. You don’t gotta keep thanking me.” With a deep sigh, Dave looked around, spotting a small cafe with a cute icecream mascot standing by the window. “Can I get ya a coffee, or something?” Dave signed eventually. He wanted to talk, and understand what she was. Not to mention, he wanted to know why she was so damn frightened of him.
Noticing the way he shifted out of the way, Skylar did the same, moving so that they weren’t just standing in the path of others. Again, Dave brushed off her thanks and she couldn’t help but compare him to Nic. Wasn’t that how they’d met? With Nic saving her life, pulling her out of the way of danger? And a wonderful friendship had formed from that initial encounter. But… Dave was different. He was a selkie, like Ricky, like her. And as reassuring as it was to know that there were others, she couldn’t help the fear that came with it. If he found out what she was, what would he do? Glancing over at the cafe he pointed at, Skylar blinked. Coffee. Mmmmm. She really didn’t want anything to do with him, but she couldn’t really see a way out of this. “I-- sure. Coffee would be great. But, please, I’ll buy.” She signed with a nod.
Dave had no idea she didn’t want to sit down with him, wary as she looked. He wouldn’t have pressed had she said no. He nodded at her offer to buy, and walked with her to the cafe, hands in his pockets until the moment they sat down. “I’ll actually do a green tea. Not a caffeine kinda guy.” He told her with his hands, setting them on the table and clasping them as the waiter came to take their order. He bit down on his teeth covers in the meantime, trying to put them more properly into place. It was a losing battle, but he did it all the time. “Why’re you nervous around me?” He asked, after a long moment.
“Um, black coffee for me, thanks.” Skylar said to the waiter, with a polite smile before waiting for him to walk away. Unlike other places in White Crest, the small cafe wasn’t too busy right now. A few other people were seated in the booths and tables around them, but most were too busy listening to music or working on their laptops to pay them any attention. For a while, they sat in silence, with Skylar squirming slightly in her seat, fingers anxiously drumming against her leg. But then, Dave broke the silence. At his words, Skylar winced. It was that obvious? Swallowing, Skylar offered an off-hand shrug. “I just… I don’t--” She tried to bluster, but the lies wouldn’t come. She wasn’t very good at this sort of thing, of outrightly lying and hiding the truth. “I haven’t met many other people like me before. Only one other and that didn’t really work out.” She said, staring down at her hands as she spoke. 
She was a squirmer. Just like Dave’s youngest. Never comfortable in the absence of conversation, whether it was spoken or signed. So nervous it could spread through the room like a virus, making others uncomfortable too. Not him, though, Dave had lived enough decades that not much rattled him. Finally, she answered, and he raised his eyes. “Sorry to heart it. What do you mean, like you. How do you-” Dave spat out his tea, coughing so hard he needed to his his own chest to get all the tea that had gone down the wrong way out. She was yanking his chain, she had to be. “You gotta be kidding me. You’re a seal that can’t swim?” 
Playing with the mug in front of her, Skylar forced herself to raise her eyes, to watch him speak. She knew that it was a pet peeve of hers when people didn’t look at her when they spoke, it wasn’t fair for her to do the same to him. But, when she saw him sputter and cough in shock, she immediately wished she hadn’t. Shrinking slightly in her seat, Skylar felt her cheeks burn a bright red. “I-- I can kind of swim. Just not well.” She said, defensively. Shiloh had taught her a lot, had helped her get better at it. But, the flood had come out of nowhere and her waterlogged clothes had made keeping her head above water difficult. “I never learned how to when I was younger.” She admitted.
Dave stared at her for a long second, disbelievingly. His hands were on the table so he could feel through the wood the nervous race to her pulse. She was frightened. If she was lyin, she was better at it than he was. “Sorry. I just-” She should have been strong and fast enough that the waterlogged clothes weren’t a problem, that the current wasn’t too  tiring. They were made for the riptides and the rough storms. “Never seen anything like it. Guessing you weren’t raised by other selkies then.”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.” Skylar said with a shrug before taking a sip from her coffee mug. The bitter taste was a nice distraction from the conversation, even if she knew that it had to continue. There wasn’t any real way that she could get out of this now, not when she’d told him what she was. Setting down the mug, she shook her head. “No, I wasn’t.” She fidgeted with the ceramic handle for a moment, not wanting to say anything about her family. He didn’t need to know about her parents, what they’d done to her… how they’d raised her. “I only figured out what I was earlier this year.”
Dave nodded, watching her intently to show he was listening. He’d already shown his surprise, and it had only made her shrivel up. As concerned as he was, and he was concerned as hell, he didn’t want to make her feel worse. Even though, hell, he couldn’t even begin to wrap his head around it. Land stranded seal. How the hell wasn’t she dead? Someone must’a known something, or she’d have to be dead. Which made him think of the kinda shit he didn’t want to. Dave set his tea down, pushing away those particular grieving thoughts, to focus on her. “Sounds rough, kid.”
“It’s okay.” Skylar said quickly, even though there wasn’t anything okay about her situation. She’d grown up in the dark about what she was, had learned that her parents had… had kept the truth from her for her entire life, and had been completely cut off from her family as a result of it all. None of this was okay. But, Dave really didn’t need to know about that. Clearing her throat, she looked at the man carefully, “Do you-- Um… I’m guessing you’ve lived around other selkies?” She asked. Did he have a clan like Ricky did? A family who’d moved here with him?
“Is it?” Dave asked simply, cocking his head back slightly, looking back at her with hooded eyes. His shoulder were slack, his hands clasped in front of him. It didn’t sound too alright for him, and all he wanted was to ask where her pelt was in all this. It just wasn’t his business, same as his wasn’t her business. But god, did his heart fucking ache in a familiar way when he looked at her there. “Yeah. Been alone for a while, though.” 
“I...” Skylar faltered, caught off guard by his blunt words and level gaze. “Maybe it wasn’t okay. But-- but there’s not really anything that can be done now.” She swallowed, shaking her head. What her parents had done to her, it hadn’t been good. But she didn’t want to think about that, didn’t want to think about what it meant. “Oh? Um, I’m sorry.” She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man. She didn’t know the circumstances of why he was alone, but a part of her wondered if it had anything to do with the scars that stretched across his face. She wondered if he felt lonely in the same way she did, kept apart from anyone who could understand what she was going through. “Well, I’m not exactly… good at being a selkie. But, you don’t need to be alone-- if you don’t want to be.” Skylar said offering a timid smile. 
“No, guess not,” Dave agreed, humming to himself. “Don’t be sorry. Not your problem.” The corner of his lip turned up at her offer, and he turned his gaze to the table for a moment, his calloused fingers tracing over the rough grain. Divet, rise, divet, swirl. A dent where someone had dropped a fork or something. She wasn’t the first one to have made the offer, not in the last twenty years. Selkies were like that - family was important as hell, and everyone had space in their pod. Especially for someone like him. Thing was, as Dave had learned over and over, every time someone had made that offer, was that he didn’t have space in him for a new pod. He didn’t have space in him for any kinda family. There were nights he was still angry in went into the water just to slaughter whatever creatures he could find. Not to sound like a goddamn cliche, but there was a darkness in him, and it weren’t fair to let anyone near it. “You’re sweet, kid. Skylar. You don’t gotta worry about some old codger like me.” He huffed around his smile, finishing his tea. 
“Mm, maybe not. But… being alone is awful. It’s not easy.” Skylar said quietly as she looked down at her mug of coffee, staring into the dark liquid. She’d been alone her entire life, she’d only realized it recently, but, maybe she’d always known that. On some level, she’d always felt as though she was on the outside looking in. Even if she didn’t know the specifics behind it. But, even among her family, she’d still never been quite the same. Her mother, her brother, neither one of them treated her quite the same as they did her sister. Taking a long sip from her coffee, Skylar matched his smile. “I know, but still. I don’t think being alone is something that gets easier with age.” She shrugged.
“Hey, I ain’t that alone. Did just move here, but I ain’t hard of company,” Dave replied, leaning back and crossing his arms. Despite all that, his grouchiness carried a smile, playing at the corner of his lips. Without his tooth glamorous, he’d be snagging his lips on his canines. Maybe she was looking for some sorta family of her own, or something to hold on to. Dave didn’t know he had that to offer her. But then maybe she wasn’t looking for that at all. Just someone to talk with. “Sides, sometimes the better company by far are the local harbour seals, you know.”
“That’s good, at least. It took me awhile before I started to actually meet people, but the people here, they’re really kind.” Skylar nodded, thinking back to all the people she’d met. Remmy, Morgan, Winston, Nic… And even the new people she’d met, who’d stumbled upon her secret, they were still good people, who understood why she needed to keep what she was underwraps. Looking up at him, she saw his lip catch on his teeth, saw the flash of sharpness. Skylar averted her eyes immediately, knowing how much she hated when people stared at her own teeth. Not for the first time, she was grateful for her veneers and the security they provided her. “The local seals? I’ve never actually met any.” She said, not wanting to admit that she’d never willingly swam in the ocean. Just the one night when she’d been forced to flee down the river, leaving a trail of blood behind her. 
“I’ve been seeing that. Strong sense o’ community here, which isn’t true for all small towns, however much they try. Guessin’ it’s to do with all the-” Dave signed the rest of his sentence. “Supernatural folks around town.” He cocked his head with an easy smile, keeping up signing if only because it was habit, and it was real nice to talk to someone with the signing. “Harbour seals are not conversational types, but they make good company in a haul out. Besides, at the moment they got lotsa young ones. You should try it some time. Only problem is the stink.” He guffawed amicably, finishing off his tea. “So, Skylar, what do you do for a living?”
As the man switched over to sign, Skylar nodded contemplatively. She hadn’t really thought of that, but… he had a point. Maybe it was because of all the different people who lived here. She’d met witches, someone who could see ghosts, a werewolf, zombies, a girl covered in scales who lived in the lake and a boy with horns who spoke for the wild creatures of the woods. Maybe they were all drawn to each other because of their differences, because they were all trying to figure things out. “Wait… Can you talk to seals?” She signed, confused. Ricky hadn’t mentioned that they could do that. The idea of little seal pups was interesting, though. She wondered how she had looked as a child, if she had looked anything like them in her seal form. “Oh-- I’m a sign language interpreter with the school. I work kids who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.” She replied, “What about you?” 
“Oh, nah!” Dave signed back with a laugh, “Well, yeah, but it ain’t like they understand me, and I don’t understand them. It’s more like a sorta kinship. Jus’ seals vibing. Besides, my sort of seal doesn’t normally live in these parts and so they don’t know to be afraid of me.” Naturally, normal leopard seals would eat seal pups, but that just didn’t sit right with Dave. He had plenty to eat in the waters here, so why would he need to? “Neat! Bet that’s real fulfilling work. Me? I take up contracts for monsters in the local waters, find people’s treasure or lost iphone’s, that sorta thing.”
Seals vibing. That was a sentence Skylar had never expected to hear in her life, but she supposed that was just White Crest for you. Nothing ever went as she expected, nothing was ever easy or normal. So, vibing with seals? Sure. That might as well be a thing that happened. “Your kind of seal? I didn’t realize people could be different kinds.” She said, not sure how to voice her confusion. She’d never really done much research into what kind of seal she turned into-- she hated looking at herself in her form. Seeing her soul in the body of an animal, it made her incredibly uncomfortable. She wasn’t like that. She couldn’t be like that. Tilting her head at him in surprise, Skylar’s eyebrows raised. “That’s cool.” He really couldn’t be more different from her, could he? He was so imbedded in life as a selkie and she just… wasn’t. 
“Yeah. There’s many sorts you can be,” Dave replied, pulling out his phone to google leopard seals, and showed her the first page of search results. “Ain’t too sure how fate decides what you’ll be, but I’m a leopard seal, even though no one in my family’s been to the Antarctic. Fast and muscled, see?” Did she really not know? He pursed his lips in displeasure, although it wasn’t at her. “Yeah, it’s pretty neat. Truth be told, I’m getting kinda old for it.”
Blinking at the image he showed her, Skylar stared at his phone. He looked nothing like how she did in her seal form. She was rounder, less sleek, more squish to her. And more spots. Almost like freckles, her pelt was dotted with dark spots. Was that why she was so freckly? Because of her pelt? Or was her skin spotted because of her freckles? Either way, the concept bothered her. “That’s cool.” She said before nodding. “That makes sense. It sounds like it would be a hard job. If, um, if you’re ever interested in interpreting work, you should let me know. It’s just me and another woman with the school district and I know Eileen is hoping to retire in the next few years.” Skylar offered. 
“I got a criminal record. ‘Sides, I ain’t all that great with kids, they find me scary,” Dave smiled in a mild-mannered way, gesturing to his face. “Thanks all the same,” No school’d look at him once they knew all that. Assault, theft, burglary. Evidence of a violent disposition, and when he was younger (but still not all that young) a propensity for taking what he wanted when he thought he needed it. As for working with kids… well, he hadn’t done much’a that since he’d lost his own. No thanks.
Skylar did her best to hide her shock at his easy admission to his criminal record. She didn’t want to make any kind of assumption, not based off how he looked. Maybe he’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? Found himself on the wrong side of the law? She nodded instead of speaking, lifting her mug to her lips to sip from her now lukewarm coffee. Just as she was about to ask Dave another question, one of the many swirling around in her mind, her phone buzzed in her pocket. “Sorry--” She glanced down at the screen and blanched. Oh no, she’d completely forgotten she had a tutoring appointment scheduled-- she had to get all the way over to the library. “I’m so sorry, I have a tutoring lesson I need to get to. But, um… I’ll be in touch?” She asked tentatively as she rose from the table.
Skylar did not succeed in hiding her shock. Dave huffed out a small laugh, letting her sip at her tea until she regained her composure. She looked like she was about to say something when she glanced down to her pocket. He didn’t see her phone, but he recognised that panicked look when someone’d forgotten something. “No worries. Kinda caught you by surprise. You got my number, so looking forward to hearin’ from you.” He dipped his head in goodbye, ad watched her leave. Jesus. A selkie that could barely swim. That was a new one.
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In general:
Real name: Danielle! Nicknames: Dani, Danibelle, Molly Age: 22 Sexuality: Bi-romantic asexual Preferred pronouns: she/her Are you a morning person?: I go to bed in the morning :D When swimming, do you prefer to do it in the ocean, or in a lake?: Honestly hard to say. I live right next to Lake Erie and god it’s. It’s bad LOL. It’s so gross, there’s no sand it’s just all rocks, you have danger of being cut on rusted metal on the beach and in the water. And the Ocean just. Salty. I’m afraid of things touching me and open water spooky. But I have to say ocean for my mermaid kin rights :’/ On Tumblr:
Anyone you would like to meet in real life?: Everyone I’ve known this whole year tbh KJDF. Ilicit, Kiwi, Kali, Skylar, Tord etc etc... If we’ve talked on discord a lot you know I wanna see uuuu Anyone you have met in real life?: A handful, actually! I frequent cons so I get to meet people who’ve followed me on my personal blog a lot. One of my friends I’ve known through a Facebook group I’ve got to see and meet up with the last 2 years at con and it’s fantastic! When did you first join? How old is your current account?: If you want to count my personal blog, then I’ve been here around since 2013. But my first RP blog was I believe 2018! Any peeves?: Constant DMing, and by this I mean just. Constant pinging. When I don’t reply right away the person sends me another DM as to garner my attention. My spoons for convo is very low and I tend to be slow to reply or sometimes drop convo if Im too tired and see a good stopping point through small talk. Unpopular opinion: Alastor is too overhyped and thirsted for I guess is the first thing that comes to mind. Feelings: Do you easily get jealous?: Yeah :’/. I’m trying to work on it, though!! Blah blah trauma excuse blah blah but I do never try and act and outwardly show it!! I just try and stifle it and try and talk myself outta it! Do you easily get angry?: I’m an Italian woman. I absolutely have a temper. If you’ve known me then you know how easily I can get set off -- and trust me I don’t think anyone except Vienna has actually seen me REALLY angry and not just mad. Are you easy to cheer up?: Usually!! I tend to laugh a lot and try and swing my mood back. I tend to break down and go in a dark place but then I’d go cheer up laughing at like a Dorime meme or something. What’s the most hurtful thing someone could do to you?: Talk behind my back, fake their friendship with me. Like... If you don’t like me don’t try and pretend to be my friend please;; Don’t talk about me behind your back. Don’t drop my name from your mouth if you hate me. What’s the most hurtful thing someone has done to you?:  I don’t want to talk about this. Are you good at hiding your emotions?: Eh? I mean. Not entirely. I wear my heart on my sleeve a lot, but, truthfully I can hide a lot more than I think people realize. What’s the very best way to cheer you up?: Jokes, memes, humor. Also validation. Relationships: Are you currently in a relationship?: Nope Do you currently have a crush on someone?: I don’t think so? My emotions with this are and always have been hard to discern :’/ If yes, might that someone be reading this?: Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy. Do you kiss on the first date?: I never been on a date let alone have my first kiss so like. I can’t really say I think. Do you prefer going out, or staying home, when it comes to dates?: Again, never been, but I suppose I’d have to say going out. I don’t want to be limited to a small space. Things: Favorite drink: Wendy’s Strawberry Lemonade Favorite food: Italian subs or Chicken Parm Most calming place?: By the lake!! I used to ride my bike to Erie a lot since it’s literally like. Right next to me, but the beach area is like a 5 minute bike ride over so I like to go there and just. Chill. Most stressful place?: My house. Most prized possession?: I have two plush prairie girl dolls my Grandmother from Florida gave me, one when I was like.. 4 and one when I was around 8. I’ve had them and sleep with them every night since I got them. They’re very special and mean a lot. I put a lot of love and care into them to the point I feel them as real, as crazy as it sounds. They look after me as I do them.
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the-rooke-system · 4 years
Ok so some trigger warnings first: running away, screaming, threatening, physical aggression
Alright I need to scream into the void this morning. So for the past day and a half we weren't able to front. This morning host was pulled out of bed by a screaming father. Turns out host forgot to sign into school. He panicked and started to try and protest because he's been working on fixing everything. The father didn't listen though and forced him down stairs to scream at him. Sending both him (with RSD) and one of our more sensitive littles into a panic attack. I finally managed to get ahold of front and calm the body down while a caregiver handles the little. So I started fighting with him (verbally) until he started getting physically aggressive. Like screaming up in our face blocking us from leaving etc. Which made our poor kid panic more because she thought we were in physical danger again. Anyway he threatened to remove us from our current school and into a school that's legitimately dangerous for us. As someone who as harmed us in the past goes there. So now Im hiding in the bathroom ready to leave this house forever. But I dont have enough proof that its dangerous for us. Even more Im afraid of leaving through the front door and being chased and pulled back. Plus I feel like itd be bad of me to contact our EC so that's the problem today
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