#skye bennett
nerds-yearbook · 1 month
In 1899, Captain Jack Harkness was sought out by the Torchwood institute who recognized his healing ability and picked up on him talking about (a time traveling alien known as) the Doctor and recruited him. Having been told by a fortune teller that he wouldn’t catch up with the Doctor for at least a century, Jack decided to join them to fill the time. ("Fragments", Torchwood, TV)
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nathalieskinoblog · 2 years
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zeydaan-isabella · 2 years
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Meeting Mythra - with Skye Bennett
Photo drawover of a truly once in a lifetime meeting! At MCM, while I was slowly transforming into dressed as Nia, I was able to meet Skye Bennett sdsjb, the voice of Pyra and Mythra! Such a cool person and was super glad to meet her! Here we are as one of our respective characters- Funny how we both play characters who are actually 2 in one. 2 nickels and all that.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
Against the Dark (2009)
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Even a die-hard Steven Seagal film with a major brain injury would have difficulty enjoying Against the Dark. Debilitatingly cheap, poorly acted, often directionless and slow, the most interesting thing about this movie is a single, head-scratching entry in the end credits.
A disease has ravaged humanity and turned nearly everyone into blood-thirsty flesh-eaters. Tao (Seagal) is the leader of a group of hunters who prowl the streets looking for the infected, which they take out using their edged weapons. A group of survivors is hiding inside a hospital. Can the hunters rescue them before the military is forced to drop bombs on the building?
The first and most puzzling issue with this film is its monsters. It’s pretty obvious the script originally called for them to be zombies. They mindlessly attack people, often in packs, there are plenty of scenes of them tearing people apart and eating their guts or taking big bites out of human flesh. At some point during the production, someone (probably Seagal, who I hear is difficult to work with) said “I don’t like zombies; make them vampires instead”. This led to some hasty rewrites and reshoots. In some scenes, the creatures are too dumb to open doors. In others, they’re filing their teeth to points and hanging their victims upside down so they can collect their blood. There are further attempts to make them different from the undead ghouls they were clearly meant to be with some references to I Am Legend that make no sense. Someone says something along the lines of “Are they the monsters, or are we?” That line doesn’t work when there are plenty of people and the survivors are being literally torn to pieces by mindless, razor-toothed mobs.
The film is packed full of scenes in which monsters have to be very quiet so they can sneak up on someone. Once they're within range, they suddenly forget their previously displayed “intelligence”. You won’t care about the characters. You certainly won’t be scared. In theory, there is a ticking clock that should add some excitement: Keith David plays Lieutenant Colonel Wyaters, who wants to drop bombs on the zombie/vampire-infested neighborhood as soon as the sun rises - presumably because the monsters will be asleep at that time - but if he does before our survivors can escape/are rescued by Tao and his posse, they’ll all die. The problem is that you never understand the urgency. Can’t they just wait until the civilians and monster hunters leave?
If, for unexplainable reasons, you’re coming into this movie eager to see Seagal, prepare to be even more disappointed than zombie fans. It takes an eternity for the 80's "icon" to show up. I began wondering if all of his footage had been shot separately and was getting spliced in, possibly explaining the obvious rewrites, when finally, he makes his entry. Will you be satisfied with the results? I doubt it. The action scenes are “fine” at best. They certainly aren’t exciting or memorable. Seagal’s acting chops haven’t improved over the years and his reluctance/inability to perform stunts like he used to make Against the Dark scream “I needed the money, ok?!”.
Finally, we come to the point where we talk about the one thing this movie does that’s interesting. I blasted Steven Seagal pretty harshly and you might think he doesn’t deserve it but I disagree. Look closely at the end credits and you’ll see that Tao’s voice wasn’t provided by Seagal at all. It was provided by Alan O’Silva (as Alin Olteanu). How many of his lines? I couldn’t tell you but it seems Seagal either mumbled his lines so badly no one could understand them or he just couldn’t/wouldn’t come back for the post-production recordings. Either way, I’ve never seen such a thing before. It’s not much but in a movie like this, where there’s nothing else to interest you, it's a defining moment.
Against the Dark is instantly forgettable, which actually works in its favor. This has all the markings of a zero-star movie. The special effects are terrible, the performances come from people who know how bad the script is, the story can’t make up its mind and the film is cheap (pay attention to the ceiling tiles in those corridors and you’ll notice how frequently the production is dressing up the same location to look like a completely different place). Even if all those had been executed professionally, there isn’t anything here you haven’t seen before. Despite this, this film by Richard Crudo and written by Matthew Klickstein never becomes worthy of hatred. It’s too pathetic for any strong emotions - for better, and for worse. (February 17, 2023)
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vriska-martell · 26 days
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ASOIAF Next Gen Oldest Children OCs / Scenario Two
• Dalla Stark, oldest child of King in the North Jon Stark (Snow) and Consort Val of the Free Folk, named for her maternal aunt.
• Doreah Targaryen-Stark, oldest child of Queen Daenerys I Targaryen and Consort Sansa Stark, named for Daenerys’ handmaiden.
• Mara Stark-Dayne, oldest child of Lady Arya Stark and Lord Edric Dayne of Starfall, although not specifically named after anyone, she shares a name with Princess Mara Martell who was the ruling princess of Dorne during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Mara Manderly who served as a companion to Queen Alysanne at Dragonstone during her pregnancy with Prince Aemon.
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jackaycola · 6 months
⚠️ CW /// quick movement? ⚠️
Happy 5th birthday to KOllOK 1991!
art cred: @elidove & Monica M Morgana !
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natabatts · 3 months
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Silly little headshots of my silly little ocs
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entiish · 2 years
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𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐗𝐔𝐒  𝐚𝐧𝐝  𝐍𝐀𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐀,  i  will  find  you. 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐬:  𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝  𝐚𝐧𝐝  𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐝.  S02E12 ,  “Revelations.”
  ( my spartacus series. )
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mgrace-art · 8 months
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back on my Kollok bs
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Karen Page Week 2022 Day 4: MCU Females 
One thing we would all love to see would be Karen interacting with more of the MCU ladies and have more girl friends. So for today’s theme we picked some of our favorite female Marvel ladies who are as awesome and as badass as Karen: Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Yelina Belova, Daisy “Skye” Johnson ( Quake), Maria Hill and Illyana Rasputin ( Magik) 
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grace4867 · 8 months
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Hihi super messy sketch that i quickly thru some color on, I'm working on actual art I swear
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heartsoulrocknroll · 5 months
AEW Dynamite 3/27/24
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Will Ospreay -- Shibata lands a big running boot to Ospreay outside! Ospreay comes back with a forearm off the barricade, then another springboard forearm into the ring. Shibata no-sells a series of elbows from Ospreay, then drops Ospreay to the mat with one hard elbow shot!!!! Damn!! Shibata with a running boot in the corner, repeated elbows to the face, alternating chops to the throat and jabs to the face, then a running dropkick!! Ospreay turns it around with a boot of his own! They trade abdominal stretch attempts, until Shibata catches Ospreay in the Flying Octopus, but Ospreay grabs the rope! Shibata slaps the arm to break his grip on the rope and goes for a German suplex, but Ospreay lands on his feet!! Ospreay lands a German suplex of his own! Shibata rolls to his feet and lands a German suplex!!! Ospreay ducks a boot and lands a back kick to the face! Ospreay springboards off the ropes for a flipping kick, but Shibata catches his foot and locks in an STF!! Ospreay gets to the rope. Shibata with closed fist shots, and while he is being admonished by the ref, Ospreay lands a big open right hand to the face!! Shibata with a big overhand palm strike to the face, then a kick to take Ospreay down! Shibata runs for the PK to the chest, Ospreay ducks, Shibata comes back with a PK to the back!!! Shibata goes for another, but Ospreay blocks it and grabs the foot!!! They trade elbows!!! Shibata takes multiple shots from Ospreay, then staggers Ospreay with just one elbow!!! Shibata with a big round kick to the chest! Ospreay falls back, but kips back up with an enziguri!!!! Shibata ducks a Hidden Blade attempt and locks in a sleeper!!! Shibata dumps Ospreay on his head with a sleeper suplex!! Geez!! Shibata locks the sleeper back in! Ospreay runs toward the ropes and sends Shibata to the apron!! Shibata hangs over the second rope, and Ospreay lands a stomp to the head, then a springboard dropkick!!!! Ospreay lands an OsCutter and covers, but Shibata kicks out at one!!!! Shibata with a huge lariat!!! Cover, but Ospreay kicks out at one!!! They collide with lariats at the same time!! Ospreay lands a hook kick to the face!! Ospreay calls for another OsCutter, but Shibata stops it with a sleeper! But Ospreay drops Shibata with a back suplex to escape!! Ospreay nails Shibata with the Hidden Blade!!! Cover, but Shibata kicks out at two!!! Ospreay lands the Tiger Driver 91, and Shibata just sits right back up!!!!! Aaaahhh!!!! Ospreay lands another vicious Hidden Blade!! Cover!! 1, 2, 3!!
That was great!! It was obvious that Shibata was going to lose this match, with Ospreay facing Danielson in a few weeks and Shibata being the most selfless man in pro wrestling, but that doesn't make me hate watching Ospreay pin Shibata any less. It was an excellent match with a great contrast of styles though. And it did take a hell of a lot to put Shibata away, which is good. This match really shows how much Ospreay has improved since they last wrestled each other. Rating: 4
The Bucks are with Renee. Matt says they had three goals: to retire Sting's old ass, to reinvent the Elite with Okada, and to win back their AEW tag titles. They have just one of those goals left to accomplish.
The Young Bucks vs. Private Party (AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament Match) -- Nick lands a German suplex on Marq on the apron! The Bucks set up for a Meltzer Driver variation from the top on Marq, but Marq reverses into a victory roll on Matt for two, while Isiah holds Nick's foot on the top! Private Party land the jumping rana off the ropes into the neckbreaker combo on Nick, then More Bang for Your Buck on Matt, but Nick breaks up the pin! Matt low blows Isiah, but Marq comes back with a belt to Matt's face and covers! Nick puts Matt's foot on the rope to break the count! Marq misses a 630 attempt off the top! The Bucks land the most awkward BTE trigger ever on Marq, as Nick slips and lands the knee two seconds after Matt. Lmaooooo. This gets the pinfall for the Bucks.
This was a good, solid match without a whole lot of suspense to it. It was entertaining though. I liked the cheating spots, and I loved Nick almost falling on the BTE trigger. Hilarious stuff. Rating: 3.25
Jericho and Hook with Renee. Jericho says Hook far exceeded his expectations in their match last week. He says he is proud of Hook for beating him. He says if Hook wants any advice, he is there for him. Hook says of course, he will take Jericho's advice, he's Chris Jericho. But also, he's Chris Jericho. Hook knows who he is. Jericho: "I know who you are. But more importantly, I know who you can be."
Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue (Number One Contender Match for the TBS Championship) -- Jay lands a superplex on Statlander. Willow with a nice missile dropkick off the top. Willow lands a DVD on Blue on the apron! Willow gets the pinfall on Jay with a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb. Solid match, but nothing special. Rating: 2.75
Mercedes is on commentary. There is a staredown between Julia and Mercedes after the match. Julia holds up her title.
Dustin is with Renee backstage. Butcher challenges him to a match on Rampage.
Toni Storm interview. The interviewer congratulates her on her title reign. She congratulates him on "whatever it is he does around here." She tells him to "crispen his enunciation," and repeat after her. Chin up. Tits out. And watch for the shoe. Lmao, ridiculous but great.
Swerve video promo. He talks about facing Takeshita tonight to determine who is ranked number one. He says their motivations are vastly different. His are for something bigger than him, and that's history. When he finally gets Joe one on one for the world championship, Joe will never forget what he does to him.
Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy vs. The Kingdom (AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Match) -- Bennett piledrives Trent on the apron while Taven distracts the ref! Good double teams by the Kingdom. Spinebuster by Bennett, then Taven goes for the springboard moonsault, but Trent gets his knees up. Taven wipes out Orange with a running knee, and the Kingdom land Proton Pack on Orange for two! Top rope double stomp-assisted Beach Break by Trent and Orange on Bennett for two! Kingdom go for the assisted piledriver, but Cassidy takes Taven off the ropes, and Trent gets a jacknife on Bennett for the pinfall.
Really enjoyed this match. Great tag team offense by both teams. Rating: 3.25
Best Friends go for the hug after the match, but the Bucks interrupt it to stare at them from the top of the ramp for a moment.
Renee with O'Reilly. She asks him about his return to the ring on Collision and about the Undisputed Kingdom celebrating with him afterward. He says there is no way to prepare for getting back in the ring in front of the live crowd, and it felt good to rip the bandaid off. He loves the Undisputed Kingdom, but he isn't having second thoughts about doing this on his own.
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Swerve Strickland -- Takeshita with a beautiful flying elbow. Swerve lands a hanging neckbreaker over the middle rope and covers Takeshita with a knee for two. Swerve lands a backbreaker on the knee and holds on for a suplex, but Takeshita reverses into a beautiful brainbuster! Swerve with a nice snap German suplex. Takeshita lands a huge elbow thag drops Swerve!!!!!! Hot damn!!!!! Takeshita lands a boot in the corner, a senton off the second rope, and neck crank with the legs! Huge elbow again by Takeshita!!!! Swerve handsprings over the ropes, off the apron, and into a rana on floor!! Swerve lands a cross body off the top for only one! Swerve swings, but stops and holds his neck. Takeshita lands a DISGUSTING ELBOW STRIKE!!!! Swerve goes for a rolling flatliner, but Takeshita catches him in a fireman's carry and drops him into facebuster! Takeshita lands a sliding dropkick to send Swerve outside, then a topé con giro! Takeshita goes for the top turnbucke brainbuster, but Swerve lands a headbutt and plants Takeshita off the top with a DDT!!!! Swerve lands a corkscrew senton off the top for two! Takeshita lands a jumping poison rana and Blue Thunder bomb for two! Takeshita with a huge elbow! Swerve lands a big right hand that drops Takeshita! Swerve goes for the rolling flatliner again, but Takeshita stops it with a jumping knee!! But then Swerve finally lands the rolling flatliner for two! Swerve with a double stomp off the top on the apron!!! Swerve comes off the top again, but Takeshita catches him with a powerbomb!! Swerve goes for something, but Takeshita reverses and lands that beautiful wheelbarrow German, then the running knee from hell!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Takeshita covers, and Swerve kicks out at two! Ugh. Swerve reverses a Blue Thunder bomb attempt and sends Takeshita into the turnbuckle! Swerve lands the House Call and a double stomp off the top and covers, but Takeshita kicks out at 2.5!!! Wow!!! Takeshita swings, Swerve ducks, Swerve lands a headbutt, Takeshita lands nice jumping knee!!!! Swerve reverses a pop-up powerbomb attempt into a double stomp!!!!!!! Swerve lands a nasty looking JML Driver for the pinfall!!!
Oh my god, that was excellent!!! Takeshita was a complete rockstar, what's new!!!! Would have loved to see him get the win here. At least, would have loved to NOT see Swerve kick out of that nasty knee strike. But the result was obvious, and Takeshita did come out looking fine, kicking out of that House Call/Swerve Stomp combo. Fantastic match. Rating: 4.25
Renee interviews Joe backstage after the match. Joe says he will make sure that when Swerve signs on the dotted line for their title match, he understands what he is asking for. Swerve thinks he is ready? Joe says no, he's not that man. Heck yeah!!!!!
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Girlies when “How could I?” “Jin never wanted to die! He just wanted to connect with you!” “AND HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF IT” “Thank you for giving us all life” “There was only one driver for me” “You’ll be fine without me now” “But that man, he’d lost everything” “Thank you for that gift of light” “So tell me, how was it, being alive?” “Do you really wanna know? Well...”
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redemptivexheroics · 11 months
A Hero In Disguise [Closed Starter]
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Jake was in town, it was the weekend and well he needed a break from his schoolwork, from football practice and well everything, the big game was not until next weekend giving him plenty of time to be well...him, he was walking toward his favorite pizza place and was on his phone texting his sister well adoptive sister and was just putting his phone in his pocket and nearly bumped into a girl who was walking out of his favorite pizza place but before he could apologize he heard his name and looked up to see a football come hurtling toward him but it veered off a little and was about to hit the girl he almost colided with but quick reflexes had him catch the ball before it had a chance to slam into her face, close call, death by football didn't seem ideal on either end. "That was close one" Jake said as he lowered his arm and then tossed the ball back to who threw it, nearly knocking them off their feet, guess he forgot to slip on his Blue K ring.
"Sorry for nearly running into you, and sorry for my idiotic friend almost clocking you in the face with a football" he added.
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imvgeswrestling · 1 year
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jackaycola · 1 year
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I still post.
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