skvaderarts · 4 years
Visions of V is back, and so am I!
Expect a new fic by the end of the week! That’s the only thing good about this isolation: I can get work done when I’m not procrastinating.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
V is a living emotional and mental paradox...
And it's kinda adorable. Like, he's so bad at just existing.
V: Is a socially awkward goth noodle that has never had a relatable topic of conversation in his life, but has a voice that is hypnotic to listen to and is occasionally good at normal conversation.
Also V: Would probably like a hug or just some affection in general, but if you touched him without his permission, he would probably peel off his own skin just to get out of your grip.
Again, V: Tells you to meet him somewhere, but is late because he lives and breathes literature and would 100% prefer to reread one of his books over dealing with whatever bullshit Vergil has cooked up this time.
Once Again, V: Would have to think about saving orphans in a burning building vs books in an old burning library, if only because the old books are quiet, don't ask a ton of questions, and are important to history.
Probably V: Would invite Nero over to "hang out" and just sit in silence in the same room with him until Nero had a nervous breakdown form trying to figure out what the absolute fuck is going on.
Definitely V: Is that person you would piss off and he would insult you in a way so succinct and eloquent that the would-be telling you that he is insulting you while he is doing it and you still won't understand it until later after he leaves.
Occasionally V: Is the one that Kyrie trusts the kids with and only agrees to watch them because she's the one who asked and because he has to admit that he has nothing else going on.
Guarantee V: Is the kind of person who will "nope" out of a party after showing up just so he can say "well, I showed up like you asked" but he sill do it in such a sneaky way that no one will remember seeing him leave and sware he didn't.
I don't know what kind of canon this is, but it's going in my AU.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Nightmares and "Nightmare"
Nightmares play an amazing roll in the Devil May Cry narrative.
I find it in interesting that in the original Devil May Cry, Dante had a hell of a time against Nightmare. Not to mention the fact that when he was consumed by that creepy pile of bones and slime that he would have to fight Nelo Angelo. I feel like this is some kind of internal fear that is mostly overlooked, especially considering the circumstances of the fight, Dante's history of nightmares and flashbacks to his youth, and how the events on Mallet Island went on there structured Dante's life after that.
And then when V fights "Nightmare" it's an even greater ordeal than it was the second time around. Dante went in with weapons and the physical powers needed to stand a chance against Nightmare, and he managed to defeat it after several grueling battles. V was the complete opposite. He went in unarmed, taken off guard, and tired with only a vague idea of what he was going up against in that wrecked church. And he didn't just defeat Nightmare... He conquered him.
I feel like this difference 1) cannot be stressed enough in the context of these two fights 2) have much more to do with the willpower, mindset, and strength of V and Dante as individuals. They are both incredibly strong people, but V's true strength comes in the form of his resolve and problem loving skills where Dante's comes in his combat and willingness to make very hard choices for the betterment of the world around him regardless of the negative impact that it has on him personally.
It's a difference of selflessness vs acceptance between Dante and V respectively.
Let me explain.
By the point in Visions of V's story that V encounters Nightmare, he already has Griffon and Shadow. Although powerful, they do not stand a chance against Nightmare and it is stated that although Mundus is Nightmare's creator, he himself could never bend the immensely powerful creature to his will. When V encounters Nightmare, he looks his greatest fears and criticisms in the face and acknowledges them, using this moment to take his opponent's core. But instead of destroying it, he gives it back to Nightmare and at the cost of great physical damage to himself, he forces Nightmare to bend to his will. He could have killed Nightmare, but he chose to command him. In his own words he says he did not gift the demon back its power, he "bestowed it" to show that he was in control.
When Dante fights Nightmare, he does so with the hope of destroying it like any other demon he encounters. But Nightmare's mind games are worse than any of its physical attacks. What better hell than the one we create for ourselves inside of our own minds? Why break down an enemy if they can do it to themselves. There is no wrong approach to dealing with Nightmare, only the simple understanding that much like their own issues, they must overcome him. Nightmare is a physical manifestation of everything that eats away at them. He preys on their self-image, vulnerability, and relationships with those close to them because that's more important and harmful to them than anything else.
The roll nightmare plays is as symbolic as it is interesting. Both Dante and V are literally fighting their worst fears in many respects and being forced to deal with them. V has to deal with the duality of not wanting to experience his nightmares any longer, but having to physically make them a part of himself in order to become strong enough to overcome greater challenges. Dante fights Nightmare on Mallet Island before and after defeating Vergil, and he is the last fight before facing Mundus. He does this after receiving Vergil's half of the amulet and unlocking the Sparda's true power. There is some interesting symbolism there.
Their differences do not make one of them objectively better than the other, but they highlight the fact that much like their coping methods and fighting styles, they handle things differently due to different viewpoints and experiences. Regardless of the situation they find themselves in, they are willing to make hard decisions and sacrifices in order to achieve their goals. Even though they are totally different as individuals, they have a lot in common. The major differences come down to personality and approach. They just have different ways of dealing with their demons. No pun intended.
I need to stop replaying DMC1 on the Switch at 3am.
But I have nothing better to do since my laptop hates me atm and I've been trying to fix it for almost a week so and I can't effectively work on my 150 prompts so...
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!
Sorry, I’m two days late. I’m admittedly not a Valentine’s Day kind of person, but I decided better late than never so I answerd this dabble someone requested forever ago and turn it into a holiday fic! Enjoy this Sparda X Eva Valentines Day fluff while I lose my mind over fic theft.
Seriously people, stop stealing our shit. This app has to go.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
The history of DMC, more or less part 1/8
About 200 Years ago:
Mundus: I am the most powerful demon in the underworld and every human and demon in existence will obey me or face my wrath!
Sparda: Chortles I'm about to ruin this man's whole career. Come catcheth these hands, Mundus. I do not have all day.
About 1980 or so years after putting Mundus under house arrest:
Sparda: Okay, I've been in the human world longer than Atlantis has been underwater, and I am incredibly lonely. Even my loyal apprentices are nowhere to be found. I suppose that I will just have to settle for dying a lonely hero then. What a shame...
Eva: Crawls out of the monster fucker closet Um, hello? Very attractive demon fellow? I couldn't help but notice that you seem very lonely sitting here alone. Would you possibly be looking for some company, even if only for a moment? I absolutely adore your completely out of date way of dressing.
Sparda: ... I am absolutely having children with her.
Eva: Did you say something? I'm sorry, I did not hear you.
Sparda: No. Absolutely nothing at all. I do not need words.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
The history of DMC, more or less part 3/8
One year prior to DMC3 in the book Code 2: Vergil:
Vergil: I have not seen Dante in several years. Perhaps this battle will be worth the wait. Time to procure Dante's half of our mother's amulet and unlock the portal to the underworld.
Dante gets his ass handed to him by Vergil.
Vergil: ... Take the amulet, Dante. I will come back for this soon. Put up a better fight next time. This is unacceptable.
One year later in DMC3:
Vergil: I have come for my rematch, brother! Levels the whole town with a giant demon tower that functions as a Hellgate.
Dante: Ok, this shouldn't be a problem. Time to beat his ass!
Dante gets his ass handed to him by Vergil... again.
Vergil: ... Am I a joke to you? You had a year to prepare for this battle, and this is it? Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness! Stabs Dante with Rebellion, activating his dormant DT
Dante: See, now you've fucked up. I'm going to kill you.
Vergil: Okay, now I'm motivated! Finally, a real threat!
Another fight happens a few hours later, it's a tie, Vergil falls in a pit and takes his sweet time getting out of it, the Hellgate gets opened by a demon clown, the twins and Lady wreck the clown in two back to back battles, and Dante and Vergil are fighting on a waterfall that is magically at the front entrance to hell, which is in the sky btw. Look, I don't know either lol.
Dante: Bro, why are we even fighting? We're twins! We're supposed to get along! What's your endgame, anyway? Like, what do you want? What are you even gonna do with all this power?
Vergil: Look, either I'm taking the amulet and our father's sword, or I'm taking your life. I don't have all day.
Dante: Oh yea? What else do you have planned?
Vergil: Anything but this. Mostly Murder. Lets fight already.
Vergil finally loses a fight to Dante.
Vergil: Well, time to Yeet off of this waterfall into hell and ruin both of our lives for years to come! Bye Dante! Have fun trying to figure out how to get this magical demon tower to go back into hell and killing all the lesser demons! Also, I need you to basically adopt my unwanted orphan son. Mkay later! Yeets into hell after damn near cutting Dante's hand off with Yamato.
Dante: ... I have so many questions...
Lady: Hey... sorry about you brother. Are you crying?
Dante: Sorry about your dad turning out to be a mom murdering demon clown. Oh, and it's fine. Vergil is dead all the time. Basically, all I do is mourn his loss constantly. And I am not crying! It's just raining, but only on my face. Devil's don't cry. Epiphany moment Oh! I just figured out a name for my demon hunting shop! Thanks, bro! Vergil? Oh, yea... he's dead again.
Part Two is here.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
The history of DMC, more or less part 2/8
Fortuna, a decade or so after Eva's death:
Vergil: I have heard that my father's history in this accursed town runs very deep. They seem to worship him. As much as it loathes me, perhaps I should get the point of view of a local.
Nero's Mother: Crawls out of Eva's monster fucker closet in Sir, I may be able to help you... in more ways than one. You seem to be in need of company and local knowledge. I would like to assist you. I could guide you around the area if you'd like.
Vergil: Foolish girl... You do not know who I-
Nero's Mother: No, but I would like to. I am also single and you are very attractive. I presume you are single?
Vergil: Yes, and not entirely human for that matter. But I did not come here to find a date. This is for business not pleasure. That is not to say that I do not find you quite pretty.
Nero's Mother: Oh, that's a shame. I was completely fine with you not being fully human, but I suppose that doesn't meret...
Vergil: Crooks head to the side Ah, if I may stop you there... Are you then fine with having a child with me that do not find out about until much later and leaving said child in an awful orphanage so that he may grow up feeling deeply unloved and abandoned with authority issues, just as I did? Also, you must not, under any circumstances allow my twin brother Dante to know about the boy. He would most certainly adopt him and we cannot risk the child feeling wanted and having a normal childhood.
Nero's Mother: ... Where have you been all my life you, handsome not entirely human, stranger?! What a wonderful idea!
Vergil:... Perfection.
Nero's Mother: Also, you said something about a twin-
Vergil: No. You want me. Forget that I even mentioned him.
And that is how we got Nero... Hopefully this is obvious satire by now lol.
Part one is here.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Primrose Litwick
Primrose is one of three OCs that I’ve created for my DMC AU. You generally won’t see more than one of them in any given fic at a time (if they make an appearance at all), but still. Out of the three of them, Primrose is probably the most unique.
Tumblr media
Primrose is a bookworm, philosopher, and botanist with a keen intellect and a kind but fierce personality. She is nothing if not a determined intellectual with a kind heart. She spends most of her days using her very limited eyesight to study plants and work towards making alchemical breakthroughs in the hope of curing some of the most deadly ailments, supernatural or otherwise. She and V have an adorable friendship that may or may not slowly progress towards an actual relationship. It depends. What never changes, however, is that she is blind and uses her purple and black Owl familiar named Haze to see for her. She has powers of her own, but she mostly uses practical alchemy and grimoires if she needs to protect herself because her actual powers are unstable, to say the least.
You will come to know more about her as time passes, but I'm more than happy to answer any questions anyone has about her, hear your opinions and feedback about her, and include her in any content you ask me to. So feel free to voice your opinions about Primrose to me. I'd be happy to hear from you.
Now, back to finishing the outline for my mega fanfic.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
V thoughts P1/?
V: Laying naked on the floor at the Sparda Estate post creation I have limited time on this Earth. Vergil is at it again and I have to put that idiot back in his place. Alpha and Omega my poetry tramp stamp. I'll show him who's the beginning and the end... as soon I find some sandals. And also some clothes. Also, my hair must be perfect.
Also V: You know what I should do? I should adopt a cat and a bird. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can't take care of myself. I fall in a hole every time I think about walking, but it would be so much better if I had something to lick my wounds for me and maybe insult every breath that I take just as I do inwardly in silence.
Griffon: Bursts through the window being chased by Shadow Your feathered Jesus has arrived you sickly beanpole. Now wrap yourself in one of these dusty old drapes and let's get going! I got no idea where we're going, but your crippled ass is probably late! Also, I think the giant cat is trying to eat me. HELP!
Shadow goes over and drops V's cane in front of him -which she is carrying in her mouth- and licks him while pouting with giant puss in boots eyes
V: ... Cries in poetry perfection.
Bird boy has his priorities in order, it seems.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
How V probably got Dante to fight Urizen.
Dante: Looks at V So why do you want me to take on this job? What makes you think I'm qualified?
V:... Closes his eyes in frustration and tries to speak calmly Because I have the demon equivalent of cancer, I'm basically crippled, and he's your twin brother which means he is now your problem! And, I just paid all your utility bills. The only moisture this place has seen in a long time is your sweat and tears, Dante!
Dante: Smirks Well, I wouldn't say that's the only moisture...
V: Deeply disgusted... Why would you tell me that?! We just met!
Dante: Well I'm sure no one visits you so all you have is tears at your place, V.
V: Deeply sad Well... You don't have to bring it up... It's not like I... I just don't get out much... And I'm basically homeless right now so...
Award silence settles across the room
Dante:... Feeling bad about himself Yea, um wow. That was harsh. Sorry. This whole situation with Nero has me on edge and I-
V: Points firmly towards the door with his head down in silence
Dante:... Shakes his head as he walks towards the door... Tell you what, you wanna pick the music in the car on the way? Will that make you feel better?
V: Under his breath... I would also like a hug...
Dante: Come again?
V:... Yes, that will work.
Dante: Pats V's shoulder Ok good. Let's go before the girls show up.
V: I would very much like to meet-
Dante: Stone dead headshake No. No, you wouldn't.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Happy Holidays everyone! For once in my life, I’m actually geting a holiday post out on the day of the actual holiday! Can you believe that because I know I can’t! Anyways, I stayed up until 7 am on Christmas morning to get this done, so I hope you like it!
It’s about time Vergil got some love, damn it!
READ BELOW (Hiden to save long post scrolling sanity)
P1: To Reciprocate What Was Given
Note: In an attempt to get something DMC related prepared on time for once to celebrate a major holiday, I stayed up until 6 am on Christmas Eve night to get this done. This is just a short introspective dabble to celebrate the festivities. It takes place in my AU, but that honestly has very little bearing on what's going on overall, but you can think of it as a follow up to my one-shot "The Rest is Silence" as having read that first will make this more enjoyable since it references an event in that fic. You can find it on my Ao3 page. There will be a part two for New Years that will hopefully be a little longer, but for now, happy holidays and enjoy the short.
If anyone had told him that one day he and Dante would be sitting in the living room of the Devil May Cry office surrounded by friends and family who were eager to celebrate the holidays with them, he would have thought them insane. He and Dante had not fostered a healthy relationship with one another their entire adult lives. Why would the holidays change this? If anything, the occasion seemed, at first glance, to be a perfect opportunity to drudge through the bottomless lake of bad memories and regrets that the twins shared collectively between them; a perfect opportunity for misery and suffering. And yet the only thing at this party that could pass for true misery was V trying to get into a festive mood and not grow like moss on the wall in the far corner. Parties just were not his thing, regardless of how comfortable he was with the people involved.
No, Vergil was almost having a good time tonight. Not quite of course. Joy was utterly beyond him at this point. But he was, daresay, content with the way things were going at present. Nero and Kyrie had hauled Kyle, Carlo, and Julio with them from Fortuna, Lady showed up to show off her new outfit, Trish had just about physically dragged V to the house from his comfortable perch on his couch at home, Patty had stopped in to drench the house in awful neon pink adorned gifts, and Morrison had stopped by to wish everyone a pleasant holiday and drop off a purposefully ironic fruit cake that absolutely no one was going to eat. Ok, V was going to eat it because he was peculiar, but he didn't count for that very reason. But that was beside the point.
For the first time in what had to be the better part of his life, Vergil had nothing notable to concern himself with. Kyrie had made dinner, the children were keeping Nero busy, the girls were fulfilling their new roles as pseudo wine aunts, and V was... well to everyone's shock, he was helping Kyrie cook dinner. No word yet on his capabilities. Vergil had survived in the underworld for nearly two decades. V's aforementioned cooking skills (or possible lack thereof) wouldn't be the end of him. Maybe he was content with the presence of his children, or just so tired of pizza that anything would suffice at this point. At this moment, he honestly didn't care. This was the first time he had a reason to acknowledge the holidays since he was the age of Nero's oldest child, and that was quite literally a lifetime ago.
At that moment, something stirred him from his idle thoughts. He glanced over at Dante who was sitting reasonably close to him on the couch. And by reasonably close that meant sitting on the same couch to start with. His younger twin had slumped over on the arm of the sofa, sleeping as if to actively defy the ambiance in the large, festivity filled room. He was not the source of this sudden change in the space's atmosphere. Vergil pivoted his gaze back around to the floor in front of him and mentally chastised himself for somehow managing to overlook someone standing so close to him.
It was V.
The slender young man stood before him with his back to the rest of the guests in the room, a look somewhere between anxiety and anticipation on his face. For someone so akin to a wordsmith, he was clearly searching for the right words. His change in demeanor wasn't so much obvious as his mannerisms were easy for Vergil to pick up on. It took the perceptive eye of a nonverbal recluse to read another with any degree of ease, and he had always had a knack for this sort of thing. He couldn't be sure if it was the number of people crammed into the building, the lack of private places to retreat to, of the awful sweater that Trish had somehow blackmailed V into wearing, but the younger descendant of Sparda was noticeably crawling in his skin.
Just as Vergil was going to ask the white-haired poet what he wanted, he retracted his arm from behind his back and produced an overly wrapped gift. The box was clad in shiny metallic navy blue and gold wrapping paper, bound with gold and silver weapon, and topped with a black bow, a set of color choices that did not go unnoticed by the eldest son of Sparda. Vergil cocked his neck to the side thoughtfully as he took in the sight of the box. What on Earth...
"... May I join you...?" V gestured towards the plethora of open space between Dante and Vergil as the couch was longer than the most.
Vergil gestured towards the space with a silent tilt of his head, still taking in the fact that this situation was actually happening. After taking a seat and managing to retreat even further into himself than he already had up until this point, V handed Vergil the neatly wrapped box and leaned forward, clasping his hands together in his lap. Vergil accepted the gift and turned it over in his hands a few times as if he were trying to memorize every fold of the paper and centimeter of ribbon. It was almost a shame to take apart something so flawless.
Vergil dismantled the wrapping paper at the seams, deliberately taking it apart with the same precision and care that had gone into wrapping it. This somehow flattered and terrified V in equal measure, and he was starting to get the impression that Vergil was trying to elicit this very reaction from him. When he finished unwrapping the box, he opened the box and stared.
Inside of the box was an ornate metal covered book with Sparda's sigil inlaid into the cover. slotted into a label window was a rectangular piece of parchment paper with the words "family photo album" scrawled into it. He could tell by the weight that Vergil moved to open the book and then hesitated, unsure if this was the correct time before electing to simply open the cover. The first page contained a photograph of an all too familiar family painting and superimposed into the inside cover was a quote in what could only be Sparda's handwriting.
"Amor vincit omnia.
Improvidus, apto, quod, Victum.
Citius, altius, forties."
Vergil sighed and closed the book, placing it down onto his lap. "... Where did you get this?"
V gestured across the room towards Nero. "We were delving into the ruins of Redgrave, and Nero managed to find your childhood home. This was in the remnants of what I think was a Library. I can only assume it has otherworldly properties, considering the number of fires it has survived. I suppose we both found, though it was never truly lost. Consider it a gift from us both, though I am not sure it was ever ours to give."
He considered V's words for a moment before looking back down at the book again as if to make sure it was real. He would have to reminisce over this with Dante when he woke up. "Thank you. This is..."
Kyrie cut in from the kitchen, shouting something about whatever dubious project the two of them had been concocting together under the guise of cuisine. V nodded thoughtfully and stood, politely excusing himself to go attend to his prior engagement. "You don't have to tell me. I understand." He gestured towards Nero and then towards Dante. "Tell them."
As V exited to room, Vergil made eye contact with Nero from across the room. He gave a simple, appreciative nod towards his son, thoroughly perplexing him before turning towards Dante. His hand lingered over him for a moment before he elected to wake him. The younger twin sat up groggily and stretched, clearly unamused. "Vergil, what's your pr-"
Vergil extended the hand that held the book out towards him, stopping Dante dead in his tracks. "A gift. It might be worth your time, brother."
Dante stared at it and shook his head in disbelief. "You know what? It just might, Vergil. Maybe there's some pictures of you looking like a dumbass in there that I can laugh at."
Vergil rolled his eyes and smirked ever so slightly. Of course he would say that.
End Note: I guess this turned out to be longer than I originally figured it would be. I wrote all of this in a grammar checker, but I'll do a second edit run when I've actually slept. I'm sure I've missed something. And as for that Latin bit, each line is a quote. I won't ruin the surprise for you. Go check it out! Happy Holidays and thank you for an amazing year of support for an amazing franchise! I can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for us!
And yes, Nico was at the party. She was just hiding in the kitchen with Kyrie!
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skvaderarts · 6 years
V on his first day as a therapist
V hangs an open sign on the door to his new office with a fond smile on his face. Just then, someone walks up to him, taking him slightly by surprise. That was quicker than he expected. He invites the disheveled looking young man in out of the rain, ushering him towards a couch. Clearly, he had some things that he needed to get off his chest.
V: Ah, Goodmorning. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You can call me V. We can start with your name an what brings you in today.
Nero: Nero. Look, I gotta talk to somebody about my family before I explode.
V: Very well. Are you having relationship problems?
Nero: What? No, my home life is fine... looks around uncomfortably while playing with the bridge of his nose It’s my uncle and my... father.
V: Okay, that is very understandable. Many people have disagreements with their immediate family. Tell me about them so I can try and understand the root of what’s troubling you.
Nero: Well... they’ve been fighting since they were kids. Like, their mom died in a demon attack when they were little and then they got separated and didn’t see each other for years. My father got enslaved by his worst enemy and was trapped in hell for like two decades and then my uncle killed him and now he’s back from the dead. I don’t know where to even start with him. Like, he destroyed a whole city by opening a huge portal to hell twice and cut my right arm off. Luckily it grew back, but still! Did I mention my grandfather is the Dark Knight Sparda and that we are all part demon? I feel like that’s kinda important.
V: Rendered totally speechless and in an ice cold sweat Ahhh... I see... give me just a moment. He takes out and writes into a planner for several minutes before letting out a long sigh. His facial expression is unreadable.
Nero: ... You think I’m totally full of shit, don’t you?
V: Looks up casually from his note taking Oh, not at all. I come from a... troubled past as well. I was adjusting my schedule for the foreseeable future. I am going to need to ask you to come in Monday through Thursday every week for at least the next few months, if not more. Maybe a year.
Nero: Does a double take A YEAR?! I’m not that rich! Besides I-
V: Holds up his hand up slowly to calm him you misunderstand, Nero. I do not plan to charge you a thing. No one could afford that much therapy. We will work that out when we come to it, yes? Let's take this slowly. No need to get upset. That can be taken care of easily.
Nero: Looks confused but visibly calms down a little Ok then... but why Monday through Thursday specifically?
V: Sits up slowly and leans in close to Nero, a dead serious look on his face because I will be seeing my trauma counselor Friday, my therapist on Saturday, and I will be spending Sunday trying to relax and sleep through the nightmares your sessions will inevitably give me. It’s a vicious cycle, you see?
Nero: ... Yea... that seems about right. When do we start?
V: Smirks devilishly Right now, of course. "Great things are done when men and mountains meet." All that need be done is to start. I am glad that you decided to seek my help.
Because we all know that V is the best person to confide in. He's gonna be there for you, rain or shine. You don't have a choice. Thanks for encouraging me, Anon. You know who you are. This V fic is for you, friend!
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Ahh... so that's how we got Nero...
Vergil: Sees Nero's mother undress looks down at pants This is... curious.
Nero's Mom: Shakes head and hands him a box.
Vergil: Picks up box of condoms What form of power is this? Certanly, you don't think these shall tame this devil's power.
Nero's Mom: They better. Don't play these games, Vergil. This is how we got the first child! And if you Devil Trigger while were doing this like 20 years ago I sware I'll-
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skvaderarts · 5 years
I noticed that there are now over 400 of you amazing people who follow my content and I can’t thank you enough for that. You are all awesome and I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You're the reason that I have this Tumblr! Thank you!
To celebrate, I’ve made this questionnaire because I want your feedback on everything having to do with this Tumblr. It only takes about five minutes, can be done anonymously, and I won’t be collecting any of your emails or anything like that. You can even edit your answers at a later date. It will just ask you general questions about my blog and what I can do to make it better. I’d love it if you could please each take a few moments out of your day to help me give you better content in the future because that’s what I’m here for. If you like what I do, then please do me this quick little favor so that I can continue to grow and give you more of the content you love. Thank you in advance and I hope to see all of your responses! Everything from my upcoming V mega fic to my discord is being discussed in this quick survey, so please give it a quick look because I’d really love to get your opinion. Sharing the questionnaire is also a great idea, so feel free to repost it if you’d like.
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skvaderarts · 5 years
For your enjoyment
And because I love you
I'll be gifting short V fics (between 500-1500 words) to the first 15 people who drop a plot in my ask box. The only requirement is that you're following my blog. What few prompt exceptions I have are listed below.
Really deviant stuff. No need to bring the monster fuckers out of hiding.
Self-harm. I don't want to upset anyone. (Note that angst is fine)
Extreme kinks. I'm not kink shaming you, I'm just not... Knowledgeable.
Crossovers. I don't know enough about 99% of other series to do it.
MPreg. Not because it's gross or something, but because I'm squeamish.
Everything else is permitted. If you have questions or think your ask is an exception to the rule, you can just ask me when you leave the prompt... or you can drop into my email, messenger, or Discord (the username is the same and you can always contact me on there. I might use it for something in the future).
Thank you and I look forward to your prompts 😆
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Another PSA.
I have an 8 part comedy retelling of all of DMC planned while I finish my fics and asks (I am unbelievably slow but I didn't forget and I am working on them) the first one comes out today. Hopefully, it gives everyone a good laugh. Just bare with me. I have 24 promots I'm working on most of them are multi-fics.
Feel free to send me more prompts from the 150 list
Anon is fine. Just don't be a jerk 🤤
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