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skvaderarts · 2 months ago
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I made a blue sky account!
Come hang out with me! Come bother me! Send me requests for fanfiction! I'd love some of those! I'm breaking into Jayvik currently, but those of you who have been around for a while know that I'm primarily in the Devil May Cry community. Still, come chat with me, pitch me ideas, and just generally hang out! I'd love to have you! The link is above.
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nathornart · 2 months ago
Inspired by @skvaderarts's comment! They are very cute🥺🥺
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Previous part
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wuekka · 1 month ago
Yay, tag game~ tagged by @vampiricfruitcake, thanks, sorry this took a while and will have same answers than my previous one but I still want to do this 😅
Last song: Epic the musical's My goodbye
Favourite colour: red (very clearly not orange) and different shades of purple.
Last book I finished: Book of Bill or Wendy, Darling by A.C.Wise.
Last movie: The wild robot? Maybe?
Last TV show: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld, although I haven't watched it for a good while.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Savoury
Last thing I searched for online: ..Does good read link count? I had to check what savoury meant, just say salty, people. ;o;
Current obsession: jayvik, my book covers being extremely pretty and playing dragon age veilguard.
Something I'm looking forward to: Jayvik card I impulse bought arriving~ and games I would like get realised in February (Date everything, assassin's creed shadows and pirate Yakuza in hawaii :D)
Tagging @skvaderarts @dirt-nerd @avelera @420technoblazeit and do if you want.
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wuekka · 8 days ago
My friend my buddy, I'm sorry I forgot about this! ..desk can also be nightstand.
Tagging @skvaderarts @avelera @liddlebirdnerd @dirt-nerd but no pressure to do this and sorry this is so long!
Tagged by @starberry-cupcake!
Okay, okay, the last one is actually a cheap replica that used to be on a bookmark. I keep it around to fidget with. :D
Tagging... @all-peristeronic, @greencheekconure27, @moonlightredfern, @fullmoondelinquent, @pilferingapples, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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gaaebolg · 4 years ago
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Shakespearean V done for @skvaderarts thank you so much!! 🥰🥰
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phantom-of-an-outlaw · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday, @skvaderarts !!! I don't know about you but it's already the 5th of May here so I thought I would sketch a lil gift for you~ Hope you have a great day!
Click on the image for a better quality because tumblr loves ruining it
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criimsoncloud · 6 years ago
If Anti- Honesty hour is still a thing, I have one please: Are you ever going to babysit Nero and Kyries children? I think they could use a night out together. After all, I'm sure you would be great with kids.
ask a question, get a blatant lie || accepting !!
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“Never. I may know how to interact with children, but I absolutely refuse to take one in my care for even a second. Even if Kyrie asks me with tears in her eyes, I am unmovable and something like that cannot make me waver.“
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caffvarro · 2 months ago
Maybe the stress spilled out on me or just from the surprise that this happened to me for the first time, maybe both together. Fortunately, my friend was there and she supported me. Afterwards I called my grandmother and she also supported me, telling me not to worry about it and that it was nonsense (subconsciously I understood this but could not accept it). I calmed down but for two more days I could not hide from anxiety. But it was funny to watch my acceptance. Anger was in last place, since I realized what actually happened. (by the way, my friend also failed, but she was allowed to finish her work the next day, she already had my notebooks, and the others had the exam versions.) They passed (albeit with a stretch) and I'm happy for them, although inside everything gnaws. I think it clearly affected me. At school, I was a complete C student, but not that bad. Plus, back then, I had problems accepting myself and realizing my importance. I went through this when I entered college and those two years were wonderful for me. The team did not reject me and I felt important, because everyone needed my help and it seemed to me that I was really not bad. Afterwards, I found out that the one whom I considered a good person was speaking unflatteringly about me. It's a shame. But not fatal, although that same feeling of fear and what they think about you was present. The exam and this somehow undermined my desire to study at all. For what? Full of useless subjects and not a single one that is really important for the profession. I hope there won't be any problems with this. Well, let's end here. I haven't visited Tumblr for a long time, I wanted to find out what's new with those I subscribe to and follow. Hey @skvaderarts I'm glad you're okay. I've read a few posts and I see how you're literally on fire with what you do, particularly Arcane. Alas, I haven't watched it and don't know anything about it, but seeing your posts where you write about what you like brings a smile to my face. I hope you had a good holiday. Keep creating, it's really wonderful!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I hope you spent it with your family and friends and had a good time. I came to visit relatives in another city and I am spending my New Year holidays quite well. If it weren't for one big minus in the person of my not very pleasant relative (although, to be honest, he is disgusting to me), everything else is fine. I got some money (just in time ha-ha) and I spent some of it on gifts for my friends. Of course, there were some difficulties with my studies (I failed the exam), but now I am fine. To tell the truth, I was extremely stressed then and just fell into silent hysteria. I cried and stared into space. I am an extremely emotional person (not exactly to extremes, but it is easy to evoke emotions like joy or tears). And damn it was an exam on the same day as the trip, my train was supposed to leave at night. I thought it would be easy, because this subject, although with a stretch, was not bad. Unfortunately, she didn't tell us what the problems would be, she just said that they would be and that's it. I grabbed all the notebooks on this subject that I had (I was looking for everything that was there, and I'm good at writing notes) and went with the idea of ​​getting the highest grade. Ironically, it turned out exactly the opposite. I came with the others and it was just a consultation before the exam (actually it is needed for preparation, but as if someone did it, in fact we were just handing in what we hadn't done before), but I initially decided to take the exam that day. My friend and classmate decided to take the exam with me (I didn't tell you about her, we resumed communication during a joint practice.) And then another classmate joined in, but then she left because half of the problems were missing from her HUGE PILE OF PAPER. My friend and I were sitting and decided to help each other solve the problems. My problem is that I write in a draft and then in a fair copy and this is a VERY BIG MISTAKE. The tasks were disgusting. Yes, we solved them, but consider for the whole year plus a month or two. Those months were exactly at the beginning of the school year. After that, we had a tedious pursuit of the coursework (we still couldn’t do it and they extended it until the end of the school year. She literally redid every step of ours because something didn’t fit in the manual and told us to do exactly what was said in the manual (some points didn’t fit for some of us because the topics were different.)). And then a great practice (I’m still delighted) for a month. Naturally, we forgot everything. I spent most of the time trying to find a similar task in the notebook because SURPRISE!! The tasks are solved in different ways. ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT AND THEY ARE WRITTEN IN A DISGUSTINGLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE WAY. For a teacher it is really easy, she always says so, like there is nothing difficult about it. I managed to rewrite only a couple of tasks and she was rushing me so much that I had no choice but to take a draft written by a friend. Yes. I screwed up. I screwed up big time.
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violentmouths · 6 years ago
Happy Birthday
Oh snap, its someone's bday and it's my buddy @skvaderarts! Hope your day is going well my friend!
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Whenever I think of birthday songs, I think of Happy Birthday by The Birthday Massacre, give 'em a listen!!! Once again Happy Birthday! You are the best!
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sevi007 · 6 years ago
Happy late birthday! Sorry, I just realized I was late. I missed all your wonderful birthday wishes somehow!
Thank you very much! There’s no need to apologize at all - well wishes are always nice and never late. =D
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skvaderarts · 4 months ago
I'm going to need a while. I don't know how long that while is going to be but I'm not okay right now and there is nothing in me right now. I have no ideas, no joy, no creativity. Nothing right now. And I can't think about anything else right now except how much I would like to just give up.
The only thing I have is my writing and the people who read it and I just can't write right now. There is no joy in me and I need that to be able to create things.
I'm sure I'm not unique in what I feel right now. I'll let you know when it's time again. But right now I'm too busy focusing on not giving up on being here at all.
I'm wishing you all the best. I got out there and voted. I tried. I really did. I care. Now I just feel... I don't even know.
Normally I'd be the one to tell you I'm there for you but right now I can't even be there for myself. I'm sorry.
EDIT: Sorry if I scared anyone. I'm scared, too. I'm still here, though. That's not changing. I'm not okay but I'm less not okay than I was yesterday. Just a little. But thank you for your kindness. I appreciate you.
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wuekka · 1 month ago
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
Rules: Answer the questions tag nine (not tagging 9) people you want to know better!
Was tagged by @arcaneheraldslawyer, thanks! (I forgot about this)
Three ships: Jayvik, clerith and..Arren/Elogast from Godkiller/Sunbringer books?
Last song: Epic the musical's troy saga.
Last movie: I can't remember... probably Muppets Christmas carol with my friends or The wild robot?
Currently reading: I have 22 books I'm planning to read, but Sunbringer (sequel to Godkiller, both books are amazing, god of white lies is a horned bunny with wings and protects people by convincing them "it's going to be alright" also has awesome female characters.) There's also Heir to thorn and flame (it hasn't been porny like I feared it could be, yay~) and re-reading iron widow. :D
Currently consuming: books and jayvik fan-art
Currently craving: Sleep. And shower-chair actually.
Tagging @dirt-nerd, @avelera, @vampiricfruitcake, @skvaderarts but no pressure doing these.
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gaaebolg · 5 years ago
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commissioned work done for the amazing @skvaderarts ,thank you so much!!
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gardeninghub · 3 years ago
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I was at home Depot yesterday and I saw this adorable little cutie! It was only $4, so I couldn't leave him! What is he? It's so cute! I love his semi-transparent little nubs! How do I take care of him? by SkvaderArts
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sailordiavolo · 3 years ago
“ Choose one picture from ur camera roll without downloading to sum your personality and then tag 5 ppl “
tagged by @bumblingbee1
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tagging; @spoiler1001 @redhotarsenic @skvaderarts @zemsie @he-really-said-red & whoever else wants to join in; no pressure to join in or tag if you do or don’t want to do it 💖
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beanswithbones · 5 years ago
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@nico-drives-badly ‘s Life Re-written and @skvaderarts ‘s Soliloquy  fanfictions are the only thing tying me to this baren mortal plane that is Devil May Cry FanFiction
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