#skins series 1
uncloseted · 4 months
what do you think was going on between Tony and Maxxie
They both explain their points of view:
Maxxie says that, "I only [hooked up with Tony] because I fell out with Anwar when he said he hated gays, so I got upset, and Tony said he'd give me head, to cheer me up, you know, and I didn't mean anything, but I lost my head and then he gave me head, and then we got deported from Russia."
And Tony says that, "Look around.... Fuck all ever happens in this shitty little town. You’ve gotta improvise...So I messed around with Maxxie a bit. So what? He was bored, I was bored, Michelle was bored, and now we’re not. And she’s gonna feel so good when she gets me back."
So really nothing was going on between them, beyond being childhood friends. Maxxie was feeling hurt by Anwar and hooked up with Tony for comfort, and Tony was bored and hooked up with Maxxie to create drama.
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skinsbenji · 2 years
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beccals · 1 year
watching series 1 episode 4 of skins and the acting is so fucking amazing, idk who acts chris but he is incredible.
ive just seen the bit where they step away from the grave and that whole scene is so so so so so so incredible i just had to come on here to ramble about it.
i think the reason i love this show is because whenever ive had a shit day i can watch it and see realistic teenagers, its sort of reassuring.
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garbagi · 2 months
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skins girls <3
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best-series-forever · 6 months
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xoxofromcvm · 28 days
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toastpandadraws · 1 year
new season is here, and I noticed something about Loki and Mobius’s first private conversation that they have when he gets back.
Loki didn’t tell Mobius about the kiss. He only told Mobius that Sylvie pushed him through a time door. So what I want, is for it to slip out when they’re already starting to have one of their Old Married Couple Arguments™ and I want that to be what brings their feelings for each other into complete light. (Im aware how cheesy this is and no I don’t care, and if this is the sort of thing that actually ends up happening than I’m sure it would have way better dialogue but this gives you a general idea)
Mobius: Oh I was right, you really are in love with yourself, that’s *so* narcissistic.
Loki: I didn’t ask for her to kiss me! And I don’t love her because I love-
*Cue really long pause* Mobius: You don’t love her because?
Loki: Because I love you.
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furrysmp · 10 months
... Ok so. In my post I made like 10 minutes ago about Jimmy not dying first I also had, in the notes, the words "and now he's gonna die immediately" and uh. Yeah. I almost punched the concrete wall I'm leaning on over this session. How yall doing?
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leavemeslowly · 4 months
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slvtforhimm · 15 days
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
Is anyone gonna ship these 2 or do I gotta do it myself?
Looks like I gotta do it myself!
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& this scene too
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There's also Rao holding onto Thief off screen at least twice!
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They literally held hands too!
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Look, even the toys on Amazon have them together, like c'mon now!
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skinsbenji · 2 years
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qtkat · 5 months
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✩ welcome to my masterlist! please note that not all works are necessary my level of writing anymore and might be worse than others i put out more recently
✩ please enjoy! reblogs, likes and comments much appreciated!
✩ do not claim my work as your own or re-post it anywhere without my consent
✩ check out who i write for (and who you can send requests in for) right here
✩ qtkat is my name, xreader is my game - and you won’t find anything else here
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✩ more than god loves them — james cook x reader series masterlist
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✩ experiments tainted by valium — sheldon x reader one shot
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✩ being best friends with the main four would include..
✩ being eric cartman’s babysitter would include…
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girl4music · 8 months
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DomKat's physical and emotional chemistry: Chin lifting to get each other's attention to kiss each other
This is Part 1 in a meta series in observing how DomKat portray physical and emotional intimacy as WayHaught
What I mean by physical chemistry is natural and automatic bodily responses to one another in a scene where they perform some kind of physical intimacy. It doesn't have to be physical but, for WayHaught, it is more often physical than emotional. However, I will cover both because they do have both - which is extremely rare for WLW ships. Sometimes the intimacy is choreographed by the director or an intimacy coach, so they may be only following that direction. But even so, to portray intimacy in such a way where it does not seem that way is a talent that can only really be done by actors that do have great physical and emotional chemistry with one another. That know how to use body language to communicate and convey intentions and emotions so that each other knows how to react in response to the other to portray their characters' intimacy.
These physically intimate bodily responses to one another from the episodes 'Shed Your Skin' and 'Whiskey Lullaby' in Season 2 of 'Wynonna Earp' could be choreographed, could be improvised. Either way, they are portrayed by DomKat chin lifting the other to represent WayHaught's desire and need to be physically intimate. Something like this can look so forced without that great physical chemistry that these two actors appear to possess. It looks real and convincing and authentic rather than acted, choreographed and scripted. As if they feel like they're the only two people in the room.
It's easy to just assume when we watch physical and emotional intimate scenes between characters that it's because it is the actors' real feelings for each other or even their real desires for one another. And it may be so that that is the case sometimes because many actors that have portrayed romantic couples have fallen in love from it and even gotten together. But in the interest of appreciating and praising an actor's acting talent and respecting them as real people I do not like to think that way myself. Not only can it come across as disrespectful to them as real people if that assumption is pushed on them, as some fans love to do, but it also can disrespect them as actors because it puts their acting talent down to real thoughts and feelings. Meaning it's less acting and more genuine behaviour and action. I never like that assumption and I never like assuming that way myself because being able to portray any kind of intimacy with someone you have absolutely no real life intimate connection with is a talent. It's very true that close friendship and love between actors can translate as romance between their respective characters but to say it's entirely down to that disrespects their talent as actors and it can disrespect them as real people to say it's more than friendship when they'll likely be very uncomfortable with that assumption. Fandoms love to see their ships performing intimacy and it is genuinely down to the real chemistry between the actors most of the time why they do. But it goes too far for me when it is assumed that it's not acting or there's very little talent needed to perform that intimacy because they think that the intimacy is the real deal. I'm not ever denying that it can't or won't be when this assumption is made for any ship, I'm just saying I don't like what that implies when it is.
With DomKat portraying intimacy as WayHaught it's difficult to deny and denounce this assumption because both actors have come out as queer during the period of filming their scenes together, so at the least it confirms that they felt attraction to one another - which is fine, of course, if they're fine with it. In addition to that is that they have been really good and close friends all the while - and therefore much of their friendship and love translates as romance on-screen. And even though the assumption is strong in the fandom that there's more between them, the Earpers are a respectful fandom and do not push the assumption on to them. There might be a few that have overstepped their boundaries and tried to coerce DomKat to confess if there is, but the majority of the fandom have refrained from doing so while still supporting them coming out as queer because of their individual experiences in portraying Waverly and Nicole and the fact that the physical and emotional intimacy between WayHaught has contributed to the choice to address and announce their queerness.
I feel very at home in this fandom. I've been apart of fandoms for other queer ships where the fans were not mature and have tried to push their assumptions and agendas on to the actors because they were so desperate for that representation from them. And while I absolutely understand that desperation and those feelings as a queer person myself, I won't stand for that kind of behaviour in a fandom and will instead choose to separate and exclude myself from it if boundaries are crossed and any kind of violation is committed.
My objective for doing this meta series in observing DomKat's physical and emotional chemistry is to appreciate and praise the acting talent it takes to portray physical and emotional intimacy as their respective characters on-screen and I'm hoping the amazing Earper fandom will see this series and follow suit in doing the same because the more we express and discuss about how physical and emotional intimacy requires physical and emotional chemistry without just putting it down to the assumption of real thoughts and feelings and behaviours and actions, and rather how honestly hard working this specific acting duo works as a unit in their scenes together, the more we can help to encourage other actors to portray this level and intensity of physical and emotional intimacy with each other without being scared that they'll be exposed for being queer if they are closeted at the time, or if they're not and just want to provide queer representation in solidarity with their queer audience. I think it's very important that we are able to show that we respect them as actors and as people because it's a very difficult thing to do to put yourself out there like that whether you're queer or not queer.
Part of the reason I had the idea to do this is because Dom PC confessed in their coming out announcement with Advocate that they felt like they were a hypocrite in portraying a queer character and representing a queer on-screen relationship with Kat Barrell when they couldn't come out as queer themselves. It made me feel upset and sorry for them that they felt that way when everybody - be it an actor or not - are on their own journeys with experiencing their queerness and I think that the courage and strength that they had to portray Waverly Earp and represent a significant and deep on-screen intimate relationship with another same-sex actor even though they had not yet come out as queer themselves is fucking incredible. Not to mention that they were also closeted in gender identity at the time too. They had no idea they were non-binary and not female which must have just made that coming out journey all the more difficult to do while still in the spotlight and representing WLW. They probably felt they were even more of a hypocrite because they weren't being honest about either their sexuality or gender identity when that's just not how it works. If you don't know, you don't know.
So, you know? I just feel like something like this is necessary to do and I guess I've decided to "start the wave" - as Dom likes to put it. So as I talk about and post this meta series, I would like to see other Earpers or other creators in other queer ship fandoms follow suit and show appreciation and praise and respect for what these incredibly amazing and talented actors do for all kinds of queer representation. How they do it and what it takes. The effort and dedication and talent. I think we owe it to them for what they do for us all the time in sincerely representing who and what we are as queer individuals even if not queer themselves or haven't yet come out as queer. Maybe something like this will help them begin their own journey because it really is a two-way street how this whole thing all works.
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yonelmrx · 14 days
Song: You are nothing - Yonel Mrx
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sxfver · 2 years
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