#skincare routine 2019
formula-hamilton · 2 years
Workplace Crushes and Life Lessons (Lewis Hamilton x reader)
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Lewis Hamilton x Engineer!Reader
Summary: You having a crush on Lewis and the development of said crush throughout the years working alongside him at Mercedes. 
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: Pining, alcohol, language, awkward reader, maybe age gap? (I imagine reader being a bit younger than Lewis, but don’t think I mention it)
A/N: I love the idea of this fic bc workplace romances are some of my favorite to read. I’m always open to constructive criticism and feedback <3 Also, I don’t know anything about engineering so bear with me haha. 
Imposter syndrome would properly best describe the feeling you had. You felt like the biggest con the world had ever seen and was sure that people would see right through you as soon as you stepped foot at your new job. Surely it could only be a mistake, a misunderstanding. You must have oversold yourself at the numerous interviews and soon the truth would be out. You had to do your breathing exercise in the car to calm yourself down. Fuck, you hoped no one could see you. 
You discreetly wiped your palms in your pleated trousers as you walked across the parking lot, the cold November air making you shiver. You had opted for a nicer coat which of course was not as warm as you could have wished. But first impressions were important and if you were going to disappoint, you might as well do it with style. As you entered the reception, you approached the desk and introduced yourself. 
“Hello sir, I’m meeting with Mr. Thomson. It’s my first day as a simulation and modelling engineer,” you told the receptionist. He politely asked you to take a seat while you waited. 
You sat and waited patiently in the reception trying not to fiddle too much with your clothes. Your fingers itched to pull on a small loose thread on your shirt and you had to put all your focus on one of the overhead lights to not give in. The light was too bright, you thought. It couldn’t be healthy for the eyes.
You were so concentrated on the light that you almost missed the person entering the reception and strolling through. He walked with such confidence that you couldn’t stop yourself envying him. You couldn’t help feeling disappointed when he didn’t walk past where you sat. Not that you would have done anything, you would just have liked to see him up-close. Instead you were left wondering if Lewis would be just as pretty from a closer distance. As he walked up the stairs, he turned around and gave you a small smirk. Your cheeks heated from the feeling of getting caught staring and you quickly looked to the other side, making it all the more obvious. 
It didn’t take long for you to confirm that yes, he was just as beautiful as you could imagine. He had such a glow over him. At the championship celebrations in December, you almost asked him what his skincare routine was. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from an embarrassing situation. 
It was the first time the two of you talked. The conversation couldn’t have lasted for more than two minutes, but you felt absolutely electrified. It wasn’t anything special, just introductions and him thanking you for your contribution. You laughed and told him that you had barely worked there for two months so there wasn’t much to thank you for. He laughed at your honestly and you were sure you looked like a teenage girl talking to her school crush. 
Your co-workers teased you later in the evening. Said they had never seen anyone blush so hard before. Said that you should give it some time, then it would pass, it wasn’t uncommon to be infatuated by Lewis when you first met him. He just had a way of charming people. Yeah, yeah, you said as you brushed them off, playfully rolling your eyes. 
Before you went to sleep that evening, you couldn’t help letting your hands wander and imagining they were Lewis’. 
As months went by you slowly felt more comfortable in your new role. The misunderstanding was not a misunderstanding after all, and there wasn’t any hints of disappointment in your coworkers eyes. If you still struggled with feeling underqualified, you managed to hide it quite well from your coworkers and managers. Word spread in your department about you being a natural talent and a great asset to the team. Your mum always told you that it was women’s greatest flaw; not being able to believe that the work they do is sufficient enough. It was quite tiring with all the pressure you put on yourself and as your mum had told you many times before, you should go easier on yourself. 
In preparation for the 2019 season you had to work closer with Lewis and Valtteri. Setting up the simulator for them and working with their feedback. The first time you and Lewis worked together was in January. He was energetic, hungry for the new season, and you were a little overwhelmed if you were being honest. Being quite nervous working alone with him for the first time while also working just the two of you, you munched too many mini chocolate bars whilst monitoring the simulator. Your mum had stuffed your bag with them after Christmas. 
A little lost in your own thoughts, Lewis spooked you as he cleared his throat indicating he was finished. Your cheeks flushed for what felt like the 100th time that day. You kept scowling yourself for appearing so unprofessional, but you honestly couldn’t help yourself. Every time he talked or looked at you, the blood in your cheeks betrayed you and your lips couldn’t connect properly with your brain. 
“You have a little something there,” Lewis said while pointing above his own lips, indicating where it was. 
Your eyes widened and you quickly tried to brush away what you could only assume was the treacherous chocolate. You fumbled, trying to see your reflection in the computer screen to assure that you had removed it all. 
Lewis stood up and closed the space between you. “You keep missing it, let me help,” he said as he rubbed his thumb on the small space above your upper lip. “There you go,” he grinned at you, clearly noticing the effect his actions had on you. 
“Thank you sir,” you miraculously found yourself able to answer, while trying to ignore your heart beating at an unnatural speed. 
“You don’t have to call me sir, it makes me feel like an old man,” he laughed. “I told you to just call me Lewis.”
“Well, thank you Lewis then,” you nodded, wanting to appear calm and collected. Wanting him to not think of you as a helpless creature. 
He smiled at you, eyes crinkling and gap between his teeth showing. Finally, he thanked you for today and walked out. You had never felt anyone having quite this effect on you. You chose to blame it on his celebrity status. You always had a soft spot for famous people, all the way back to your Backstreet Boys obsession in your adolescence. This was no different and you were sure it would pass with time as you would get used to working with him. Admittedly, you found yourself a bit too old for having a celebrity crush, but that was no one’s business but your own. 
Months went by and Mercedes were continuing their high. It was great to be a part of and you felt pride from being able to contribute. It became a nice tradition that you and some of the other women from work would go the pub and watch the races together. You felt content, happy to be part of a group. It was nice that the women stuck together. 
Over a pub afternoon turned into a pub night, you had a beer too many and confessed how captivated you were with Lewis. They all laughed and then gave you the nickname Mrs. Hamilton. The playful banter continued for the rest of the evening and as you shared a cab home you all moaned about how fucked you were going to be for work the next day. At least you were in it together, you all agreed. 
As you woke the next morning your body was filled with regret. You definitely had three beers too many last night and the pounding headache was living proof. An ounce of shame washed over you as you remembered your drunken confession to crushing on Lewis. However, you were quick to brush it away as you told yourself that they were your friends. They wouldn’t judge you. At least that’s what you hoped. 
Tuesday, Lewis was back at the factory and ready to work in the simulator. As the two of you sat and went over some notes, Anna and Janet from the IT department spotted you and made their way over. Lewis was sitting so he was neatly hidden and it was clear that they hadn’t seen him, else they wouldn’t have disturbed you. 
“Who do we have here, if it isn’t Mrs. Hamilton herself,” Anna snickered as Janet’s eyes widened when she noticed you weren’t sitting alone. She quite noticeable pinched Anna’s arm and your mouth fell open in shock. You didn’t dare look at Lewis and instead tried to signal to Anna and Janet to fix it. Eyes begging them to do something, anything that could save the situation. 
“Sorry! Mr. Hamilton, I meant to say, I don’t know where that came from” Anna promptly corrected herself, giggling nervously. You almost wanted to roll your eyes, but honestly, what else could she say. “Well, we just wanted to congratulate you on your win Sunday. Really great job, well done, good for the team!” She continued, trying to sound cheerful, while Janet nodded, wanting to look convincing. 
Lewis looked taken aback, clearly not used to people interrupting him for small talk while working. “Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you,” he smiled politely at them. You let go of a breath you hadn’t even noticed you were holding in. Realistically you knew Lewis wasn’t stupid, but you still told yourself that you had gotten away unescaped, your secret still hidden. 
As they finally left, scrambling away while quietly giggling, you carefully looked at Lewis who was already looking at you. 
“Are they your friends?” He asked. As you hurriedly looked at your computer, you missed the way his lips formed into a small smirk. 
“What? Those two? No, I’ve barely talked to them before,” you lied, trying to remember where you left off, wanting to get this meeting over with as soon as possible. He hummed and nodded, not wanting to do further damage. 
After Lewis left you almost ran to Anna and Janet’s department to give them a good old scowl, but as you were just getting into it, you all doubled over laughing. Tears streaming down your faces, some from embarrassment and some from the sheer absurdity of the situation. Hopefully Lewis hadn’t given the whole interaction a second thought.  
Once again Mercedes won the Constructor’s and Lewis won the Driver’s Championship, and once again everybody’s spirits were high at the celebrations in December. Lewis and Valtteri made their obligatory rounds, thanking people, showing gratitude, making small talk. You were pouring yourself another glass of champagne, quietly lost in your own thoughts, enjoying the buzz from the alcohol. You were wearing a long dark blue satin dress that hugged just the right places on your body, showing off your cleavage, while not being too flashy for a work event. 
As you were walking through the crowd, wanting to rejoin the group of people you previously talked to, you felt a small pull on your arm. Turning around, Lewis stood grinning at you, handsome as always. 
“I guess I can actually thank you this year. Finally,” he cheekily said to you. You were surprised he even remembered your interaction from the year before, but once again it showed you just what kind of man he was. Always so considerate and thankful to the people he worked with. 
“Well you’re welcome Lewis. And once again, congrats on the championship! It’s been a pleasure working with you,” you smiled at him, feeling the champagne giving you a bit more confidence than usual. “Any exciting plans for the break?”
“You know the usual, Christmas with the family and catching up with friends, relaxing. I’m also going skiing, gotta keep myself active,” he laughed, seemingly very excited for his winter plans. “What are your Christmas plans?”
“I’m going to my parents’ for a few days and then after Christmas I’m actually going on a small vacation to Morocco. Hopefully get a little tan,” you smiled while playfully flicking your hair over your shoulder. “Me and England are not vibing in the winter.”
You didn’t miss Lewis’ gaze dropping to your breasts at your movement and just as quickly looking back at your eyes again. “Ah that sound nice, with your boyfriend or?” He asked, hoping to sound casual. You furrowed your brows a little, surely he was just making small talk. 
“Actually I’m going alone, just trying to de-stress and refuel for next year. Hopefully I’ll find a boyfriend though,” you laughed again. “Maybe that’ll help me relax a little.” Maybe it was a bit inappropriate talking to Lewis like this, but once again the alcohol made you a little more bold and a little more careless. You decided it was fine as Lewis rolled his head back and laughed at your honesty. You felt a small smirk creeping up on your lips, satisfied with yourself for making him laugh. 
“Well I hope you enjoy yourself and good luck on the de-stressing,” he said, giving you a little wink, before continuing his way through the people. 
Morocco had been amazing. No potential suitors, but a whole lot of swimming in the pool and meditation. You had also picked up a small hobby, that being an almost obsessive need to check Lewis’ Instagram several times a day. You told yourself it helped the de-stressing process. The shirtless pictures certainty did their job and you thanked god for Lewis being so active on Instagram. It made your life a bit more fun. 
When you finally had to go back to work in the beginning of January you felt comfortable and most importantly, confident. You had finally grown to feel more at ease in the job and felt like you were contributing with some valuable input. 
A couple of weeks passed and Lewis and you had a day together in the simulator to prepare the car for the 2020 season. For once, you were running a few minutes late and when you entered the room, Lewis was already sat waiting for you. You apologized and Lewis brushed it off, smiling, telling you it was fine. 
“Good vacation?” He asked you. 
“Yeah amazing, much needed,” you replied while setting up your work.
“Did you find a man?” He asked, wiggling his brows, grinning teasingly at you.
“Nah, unfortunately,” you laughed. “But I did meditate a lot, it was quite amazing actually. I feel very de-stressed. Ah let me show you, I feel like this is something you would enjoy.” You pulled up your phone wanting to show him the Instagram of your meditation instructor. Lewis looked over your shoulder and as you went to search for the username, you wanted to hit your head down on the table. Your previous searches were obviously showing and at the top was Lewis’ account. 
You fumbled with your phone and quickly typed to make it disappear but deep down you knew it was too late. He had already seen it. You both chose to pretend it hadn’t happened and Lewis found himself smirking once again, as he had done so many times before in your company. He was quite captivated by your lack of smoothness and found you very charming if he was being honest. He wasn’t blind to your small crush on him, but he chose to just act normal with you, not wanting to initiate anything he couldn’t commit to. Of course he couldn’t stop himself from being flirty every now and again though. He was only human after all and how could he not when talking to a beautiful woman?
You wondered to yourself how it was possible for you to keep having these embarrassing moments in front of him. It felt like a curse. 
That day was the last time you saw Lewis in many months. Covid struck, everyone was in quarantine and everyone did as much work from home as they could. When the F1 season finally began in July, you were extra excited for the first race. This time a guy you were seeing named Peter, was going to join you at your place. Peter was a friend of a friend whom you had met a few times throughout the years and when he asked you if you wanted to go on a date, you couldn’t see a reason not to. One date turned to many and suddenly you found yourself in a loving relationship. He made you incredibly happy and finally your crush on Lewis had seemingly passed.
Peter was quite the McLaren fan and you were obviously a fan of Mercedes, more specifically Lewis, so the two of you had many great discussions and playful fights about who was the better team. He was tired of the Mercedes dominance and you jokingly claimed that the other teams should just find an engineer as great as you and then their problems would be solved. 
More months passed and in the fall you finally saw Lewis again. Facemasks and distance making everything a bit awkward, but you managed. His spirits were high, everything going his way and it was obvious that he needed a big amount of misfortune for him to not win his seventh title. It was quite clear to both you that you probably wouldn’t see each other again until next year so as you said goodbye, you both wished each other well and gave each other way too early Christmas greetings
The warm, fuzzy feeling he always managed to give you was back. And this time it was even stronger than usual. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you thought to yourself. Again, you felt silly for having these thoughts and feelings about him, but you simply couldn’t help yourself.
Christmas and New Year’s had been great with Peter by your side for both. Everything had been just great until Sunday the 3rd of January. As you were staying at Peter’s for the night, his phone rang while you were in bed waiting for him as he got ready for bed. He called for you to just pick it up and as you did, everything fell apart.
Monday you called in sick for work. You weren’t in a mental state where working was possible and instead you spent the day on the sofa sobbing your eyes out. In the evening your mum came with dinner and tried to make you feel better. Telling you Peter was a fool and that she never even liked him anyway.
On that Monday, Lewis visited the factory to get his seat fitted and while he was at it, he thought he would swing by your workstation to say hi. He hadn’t seen you in three months and he couldn’t help missing talking to you. When he found out you were sick, he got a inexplicable feeling. You were never sick and at the end of the day, he left with furrowed brows, feeling worried about you. 
When the next day rolled around, Lewis was back again, this time for a simulator session with you and a meeting with some engineers. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you since yesterday. Truthfully he missed working with you and seeing your flushed cheeks and nervous laughs, but he knew it wasn’t appropriate. He had always been good at separating work and pleasure, but suddenly he felt an urge to blur the lines. He knew he was strong and he was sure he could keep it under wraps and control his feelings. He had to. 
Lewis sat by the simulator waiting for you. He briefly checked his phone to make sure he hadn’t gotten the time wrong and as time went by, he got more and more anxious about you. Finally, the door opened and you hurriedly walked over to him, apologizing profusely for your lateness. You were almost 20 minutes late and Lewis couldn’t help noticing your red rimmed eyes and red nose as you prepared your set-up. He slowly took in your appearance with furrowed eyebrows and observed your make-up free face and seemingly quickly thrown on outfit. If there was one thing Lewis had spotted since seeing you the time in the reception on your first day, it was your sense of fashion. You were always dressed incredibly well and clearly had a great sense of what suited you. Today you looked like a mess. Of course Lewis didn’t mind, but it was just so unlike your normal appearance that he couldn’t help himself putting his hand on your shoulder to interrupt your quick motions. 
“Are you alright?” he softly asked, hoping he wasn’t overstepping. He felt like the two of you had a great working relationship and hoped you felt comfortable enough with him to open up. It was obvious that you had been crying quite recently, maybe even within the last 30 minutes. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I’ve just not been feeling so great these days, must’ve caught a stomach bug or something. Just been a little out of myself, you know,” you assured, not wanting to burden Lewis. You already felt bad for making him wait, but the tears would simply not stop as you sat in the parking lot trying to pull yourself together. 
“I don’t wanna intrude, but I feel like there’s something going on?” Lewis didn’t believe you. Your coworkers had said you were sick with a migraine and now you were contradicting them. “You know you can talk to me right? I’m always here to listen.” 
Tears welled in your eyes once again, the gentleness of Lewis’ voice making you bottom lip wobble. You looked at the ceiling, blinking, trying to stop the tears from escaping. You took a deep breath, looking down, avoiding Lewis’ searching eyes. 
“I- I just. Me and my boyfriend broke up Sunday, so it’s just been some rough days for me. But don’t worry it won’t affect my work,” you told Lewis, wanting to make sure he knew that you wouldn’t waste his time. It took everything in you hold the dam together. 
Lewis reached out once again, rubbing your arm, trying to soothe you. He clearly saw your glossy eyes and he felt awful for you, wishing he could take your pain away. He was surprised to hear that you had had a boyfriend, but then again, he had barely talked to you for a year, so it shouldn’t have been a big shock. He did everything he could to brush the nagging feeling in his stomach away. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear,” Lewis said, giving you a tight lipped smile. His mind was running even faster than his car and he was at a loss of words. He always knew what to say, media training doing wonders, but now he couldn’t think of anything to comfort you. He felt like an asshole, making you confess what was wrong and then not having anything to say.
“Don’t be,” you quickly interrupted his thought process. “He clearly had other priorities. More specifically named Olivia,” you somberly laughed, discreetly brushing away a stray tear. Lewis’ body filled with anger, asking himself how anyone could cheat on a person like you. Suddenly he was able to find the words. 
“What an asshole! I guarantee you’re much better off without him. I’m so sorry you had to start the year like this. You know, we don’t have to do this today if it’s too much for you? Maybe you should take another day off?” He suggested, wanting to wrap his arms around you, make you feel better. You smiled kindly at him, touched by his sympathy.
“Thank you, but it’s okay Lewis. I think it’s good for me to keep my mind occupied, keep myself busy,” you told him, looking him in the eyes, being met with his compassionate gaze. You instantly felt more at ease. 
“Yeah okay. Just say the word if you need a break or anything. Or if you wanna talk. I’m a great listener, at least my sisters always tells me,” he smiled at you. You returned his smile and thanked him, but hastily continued setting up the computer, not wanting to talk more about your feelings. You already felt like you had acted inappropriately telling Lewis about Peter’s infidelity. Fortunately, Lewis caught on to your intentions, and he quickly switched over to talk about work, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 
For the next couple of months, before the first race, you and Lewis saw a lot of each other. It was great working together again and you both really came to appreciate your working relationship even more. Admittedly, his company also helped you get over Peter a lot faster than you thought possible. You began to feel like it was getting a little out of hand how much Lewis consumed your mind. 
After a long day of back and forth, trying to find ways to improve the aerodynamics, you and Lewis found yourself sat in comfortable silence. Lewis sat scrolling Instagram when suddenly he felt your eyes drill holes into the side of his head. He glanced at you, wondering what was going through your mind. You didn’t notice you’d gotten caught, completely lost in thoughts about the handsome man sitting in front of you. Suddenly you snapped out of it and before you stop yourself, words left your mouth. 
“What skincare do you use?” Your face instantly grimaced for letting your intrusive thoughts take over. 
“What?” Lewis laughed nervously, looking at your flushed face. 
“Err, I’ve just been wondering what skincare you use? Your face always looks so glowy and I feel like you age backwards,” you tried to explain yourself, internally rolling your eyes at your own words. 
Now, Lewis laughed loudly, finding your nervous look extremely endearing. “Why, thank you,” he said while smiling. “Honestly, I think my vegan diet is the reason. My skin really cleared up after I made the switch. I don’t really have a miracle product.”
“Ah that makes sense. That’s a nice bonus effect,” you replied, nodding. You were quick to find something to busy yourself with, not wanting to inflict further damage by letting more words leave your mouth. While you weren’t looking, Lewis shook his head and smirked to himself. He wanted to tell you to not worry about what you said in front of him, but he bit his tongue. 
Abu Dhabi was awful. You and the girls had of course been out drinking in a pub while watching the race. Everything looked so promising, people cheering for Lewis, being sure that he would get his 8th title. Then everything turned, it felt like a bad joke, none of you were able to understand what the hell was going on. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Your heart hurt from seeing Lewis hug his dad, you couldn’t begin to imagine what he must be feeling. 
This year Lewis was absent from the December celebrations. Truthfully, you hadn’t expected to see him there, but a part of you still hoped he would show up. You wanted to see if he was okay, tell him that he was the rightful champion in your eyes. The celebrations were not as fun as usual. Of course people were happy for the Constructor’s Championship, but it didn’t feel right celebrating when Lewis lost. You felt bad for Valtteri, his goodbyes being overshadowed by the foul play.
You finally saw Lewis again the third week of January. You had religiously checked his Instagram since Abu Dhabi, but he had been completely off the grid. You hadn’t been able to get him out of your head since, almost scared to never see him again. There had been so much talk about him retiring and you wouldn’t have blamed him if he did. For completely selfish reasons, you hoped he wouldn’t, you wanted to keep seeing him, missing the butterflies you felt every time you had the pleasure of enjoying his company.  
You almost felt like it was your first time meeting him, nervousness filling your body, scared to say or do something wrong. Scared to upset him. He made his rounds, greeting people, thanking them for their work last year. When Lewis finally got to you, he felt a sense of calmness wash over him. He believed you when you told him how sorry you were for last year and how much you thought he deserved to win. When everyone else uttered the same words, he was thankful, but had also grown tired of them. He realized he could never grow tired of your words, your sincereness touching him deeply. 
This year, Lewis spend more hours in the simulator than ever before. Eager to get on top of the god awful car. You thought it was so unfair how shitty the season was going, he didn’t deserve this. You almost wanted to apologize personally for having a part in the engineering process. 
On a sunny day in September, you and Anna found yourself partaking in the daily dose of gossip in the bathrooms.
“Have you seen your husband’s latest thirst trap?” Anna asked, wiggling her eyebrows. The girls never let up on the whole Mrs. Hamilton thing, although they were always more careful now. 
“Shut up, no! When did he post it?” You asked a little too excitedly, quickly grabbing your phone and finding his Instagram. 
“Oh. My. God,” you exclaimed, mouth dropping open for dramatic effect. “It should be illegal being so hot, look at those tattoos!” Anna laughed at your actions.
“I’m surprised you hadn’t already seen it, I know how much of a stalker you are,” she teased you. You playfully rolled your eyes, smiling because you knew she was right. 
“Yeah, yeah, some of us have work to do you know?” You answered her, laughing. As you were brushing your fingers through your hair, a toilet flushed in one of the stalls. You and Anna glanced fearfully at each other through the mirror, you swore you were alone, always careful to check if there were other people in the stalls before your gossip sessions. 
Out of the stall emerged a content looking Lewis. You on the other hand were at a loss of words, wanting the ground to swallow you up wholly. 
“Afternoon, ladies,” he greeted, smiling at the two of you as he stood by the sinks washing his hands. Anna smiled at him, as you stood locked in place, staring at your shoes. When Lewis was finished he walked out, a big smirk on his face, almost wanting to laugh at your words. 
“I didn’t know he was even here today? Did you know?” You whisper shouted when you were finally alone again.
“No, I had no idea,” Anna answered, sympathetically rubbing your arm, trying to soothe your clear anxiousness. “Don’t worry, he probably didn’t hear us.”
As you stood there with a face more flushed than ever before, you swore you could cry. There was no coming back from this, you thought. 
You didn’t see Lewis for the rest of that day, or for the next two months for that matter. The longer you didn’t see him, the more the anxiousness consumed you. You wanted to clear the air, apologize for being so inappropriate. It was not right to talk about him like you had that day, especially not at work. 
In November, just before Brazil, you finally saw him again. You had practiced for months what you wanted to say to him. You had even promised yourself that you would find another job if it didn’t go well, not thinking you were able to handle seeing him again if he was offended. 
What you hadn’t expected was Lewis’ thoughts being consumed by you as well for these past months. This difficult year had taught him many things, most importantly it had taught him that there were things in life more important than winning a trophy or a championship. He always told himself that he didn’t want anything serious until his retirement, but as the months had passed, he realized how stupid that idea was. Why shouldn’t he be able do both? Many before him had been able to do both love and racing and just because it hadn’t worked out with Nicole, didn’t mean it couldn’t ever work. 
That’s why he had clear intentions when he visited the factory in November. He had a meeting with you later in the day and he had practiced what he wanted to say to you. He felt like a teenager, sweaty hands and everything.
The thing about plans is that they rarely go how you have anticipated. As you were walking back from the kitchenette, having fetched yourself some snacks, you suddenly bumped into something hard. That being Lewis’ chest. His hands grabbed you before you stumbled back and fell. You were fumbling with your words, wanting to apologize for walking into him and also wanting to apologize for the day in the bathroom months prior. As you struggled with what to say, your cheeks heated and Lewis took the word, ditching his own practiced speech.
“When are you gonna do something about this crush?” Lewis asked, grinning big, gap between his teeth more visible than ever. You looked like a deer caught in headlights, mouth open and big eyes. 
“I-“ you began, trying to think of what to say. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I asked, when are you gonna do something about the crush you have on me?” Lewis continued, looking at you with teasing eyes. “I mean, it has been going on for quite some time now, don’t you think you should do something about it?”  
Your eyes narrowed, trying to figure out if this was a joke or what the fuck was going on. As your eyes met Lewis’ your saw nothing but kindness and quickly decided which path you should chose.
“Well, do you want me to something about it Lewis?” You asked, smirking, tilting your head to the side. “Because I can arrange something if that’s what you’d like?”
Lewis smiled at your words, happy you caught on to his idea. “Yeah, I think I’d quite like you to do something about it. I can tell you more about my ideas over dinner if you’d like that?” He asked you, feeling a little scared of being rejected even though he had been quite sure you would accept his invitation. 
You beamed at him, eyes shining and teeth showing, nodding your head. “I would love that Lewis,” you smiled, unable to believe this was truly happening. Lewis beamed as well, truly happy about this. He hastily looked around and assured you were alone in the hallway, before he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest. Now standing chest to chest, he cupped your cheeks and looked you in the eyes, searching for any signs of discomfort. When he didn’t find any, he closed his eyes and closed the gap between the two of you, your lips fitting his perfectly. Your hands found his hair, gently massaging his scalp as the kiss deepened. Both aware of your surroundings, you pulled back at the same time before things escalated, eyes locking and cheeks warm.  
Fuck a championship when he had a beautiful woman looking at him like you did, Lewis thought to himself. 
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thelibraryghost · 7 months
A Young Person's Introduction to Early 20th-Century Western Fashion
am i hip with the kids yet
General information Dotschkal, Janna. "1920's." FOUND. October 21, 2016. English Heritage. "Fashion Through History: Episode 3 – 1930s." YouTube. April 16, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Standardized Sizes in Womens Fashion and Why They FAILED." YouTube. May 16, 2021. Vintagebursche. "100 Years of Classic Menswear - and what we can learn from each decade." YouTube. February 29, 2020. Zebrowska, Karolina. "1920s Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is." YouTube. May 20, 2018.
Accessories Cox, Abby. "Flappers, Y2K, & Capitalism are Why Women "Don't" Have Pockets." YouTube. January 12, 2023. Cox, Abby. "The Disappointing Truth On Why We Don't Wear Hats Anymore..." YouTube. December 18, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of the Iconic Cloche Hat: Making 1920s Fashion." YouTube. September 18, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "When Hats were Illegal: Sewing a Goth Edwardian Hat." YouTube. February 21, 2021. Sheehan, Sarah. "Neo-Egyptomania." PatternVault. December 31, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Why Did We Stop Wearing Hats?" YouTube. April 28, 2020.
Cosmetics Banner, Bernadette. "Making and Testing a Victorian Skincare Routine." YouTube. April 8, 2023. English Heritage. "1930s Makeup Tutorial | History Inspired | Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth." YouTube. December 18, 2018. Holland, Evangeline. "On How to Be Lovely." Edwardian Promenade. April 15, 2010. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Controversial History of Color Season Analysis." YouTube. November 4, 2023.
Fabrics Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Elastic." YouTube. July 4, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "Wearing Overalls to Boycott Fashion Greedflation? Weird History of 1920." YouTube. March 16, 2024.
Gowns and formal wear Banner, Bernadette. "I Redesigned Mary Poppins' Jolly Holiday Dress Based on REAL Edwardian Lingerie Gowns." YouTube. February 20, 2021. Banner, Bernadette. "I Remade Mary Poppins’ Dress to be Actually Edwardian." YouTube. July 9, 2022. Cox, Abby. "Alexander McQueen & the Patriarchy Problem in Modern Fashion." YouTube. October 20, 2023. Cox, Abby. "What Makes a Gown Haute Couture (like House of Worth) in Victorian and Edwardian Eras?" YouTube. September 19, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "An Edwardian Woman's Fashion Evolution." YouTube. June 4, 2022. Oakes, Leimomi. "Terminology: what is a lingerie dress or lingerie frock? (and blouse, and skirt)." The Dreamstress. July 21, 2018. Rudolph, Nicole. "Stop Idolizing Coco Chanel: a shocking history of theft." YouTube. January 13, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Truth about the Fringed Flapper: Making 1920s Evening Dresses." YouTube. November 6, 2022. Vintagebursche. "1920s Theme Party - How to dress." YouTube. December 9, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "1920s Fashion Encyclopedia, Pt 1: Daywear." YouTube. November 27, 2019.
Hair care and styling Banner, Bernadette. "I Tried Following a Real Edwardian Hair Care Routine." YouTube. May 12, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in the Edwardian Era / Gibson Girl Hairstyle Tutorial." YouTube. June 12, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Titanic-era Hair Tutorial // Getting Dressed in the 1910's." YouTube.September 4, 2020. SnappyDragon. "Historical hair myths debunked : How often should you wash your hair—daily shampoo or no shampoo?" YouTube. August 12, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Weird Edwardian Beauty Tips." YouTube. February 11, 2017.
Laundry and starching Banner, Bernadette. "Ok but how did the Edwardians WASH these dresses?" YouTube. August 3, 2022.
Outerwear Cox, Abby. "Athleisure: Destroying Fashion & the Environment." YouTube. January 18, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "150 years of Masc Women causing a Moral Panic." YouTube. June 17, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Jeans, T-shirts, and Hoodies: Time Travel 101." YouTube. March 20, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "SPRING/SUMMER FASHION TRENDS REVIEW but it's 1936 (ft. original fabric samples!)." YouTube. April 22, 2022.
Shoes Rudolph, Nicole. "I Made Witchy Edwardian Shoes by Hand!" YouTube. March 14, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "Making 100 year old Comfy Slippers: Free Pattern!" YouTube. December 30, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Myth of Tiny Feet "Back Then"." YouTube. September 26, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The True History of Stiletto Heels : the battle between Ferragamo and Dior." YouTube. August 26, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Why Is No One Talking About 1930s Shoes?" YouTube. September 15, 2020.
Undergarments Banner, Bernadette. "1903 Patented Bustle Pad Reconstruction." YouTube. June 8, 2019. Banner, Bernadette. "Achieving That Classic Edwardian Shape: Reconstructing a 1902 Bust Bodice." YouTube. April 16, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "So What are Guimpes Anyway? // Examining Antique Edwardian Guimpes." YouTube. August 21, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "They Wore Corsets in the 1920's?!" YouTube. January 29, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "Did Brassieres End the Corset?" YouTube. February 28, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "Dressing in Edwardian Clothing: Undergarments and Layers of 1907." YouTube. November 1, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "How Flappers got their Figure: the 1920s Silhouette." YouTube. July 10, 2022. SnappyDragon. "How pin-up photos fooled dress history : the making and marketing of lingerie pictures." YouTube. April 1, 2023.
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deedala · 2 months
☀️ weekly 🌴 tag 🌴 wednesday 🌊
hello it is thursday!! not wednesday, alas, we persist. big thanks to a one lil miss ✨🌟🌙 @celestialmickey ✨🌟🌙 !!!! for writing this weeks game and for tagging me!! + @gallapiech @blue-disco-lights @heymrspatel @jrooc @mmmichyyy @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @crossmydna @energievie @palepinkgoat 💖💖💖
name: deanna 🌱
pronouns: she/her
what year did you graduate high school? lets play a game actually, what do you think? did i graduate in 1998, 2002, or 2006?
tell me where you live without *telling* me where you live: woody harrelson and i know the same amusement park like the back of our respective hands
tell me what you do for work: digital coloring book
caffeine source of choice: brew my own hot coffee in which i pour oatmilk and french vanilla dairy-free creamer
do you have a skincare routine? super sensitive skin, had to do accutane in my 20s *and* back in 2019. dermatologist has me on a very strict routine of gentle salicylic acid facewash and oil-free fragrance-free sensitive-skin formulated facial moisturizer. nothing else allowed!!
how often do you do laundry? every single fucking day of life and if i dont i will be overcome and i will suffer
favorite flower: poppies!! (iykyk) but dandelions are a close second
your go-to karaoke song: i've never gotten to do karaoake for reals but i think it would be an absolute blast (and hysterically cringey) to sing wuthering heights by kate bush!!
what kind of phone do you have? mint green iphone 12
do you wear contacts/glasses? i wear a single contact lens because i had to have a bunch of surgery in my left eye in my 20s and one of them involved replacing my lens with an implant (hi im bionic, i have a serial number) that is a corrective lens giving me 20/20 vision (apart from the blind spots where my retina is destroyed) SOOOO i literally can only wear that one contact lens in my right eye to fix my (extremely bad) vision on that side. glasses dont work when you've got 20/20 in one eyeball and -7.25 in the other.
what color is your hair right now? its a 10
you’ve just been handed $10,000 cash, what are you spending it on? theres a lot of shit in my house that needs to be fixed. or maybe we can use it as a down payment for buying a new house? (probably not the market is so insane in my city because of the university and the landlords) but i guess...in fantasy world where this happens...yeah we use it to help ourselves buy a new house lol.
how many pets do you have? none
have you ever been on a train? many many trains! some in america, most of them in europe
and finally, tell me something about yourself people might be surprised to know: god im so uninteresting... i love olives and pickles and cilantro and mint but not garlic and i cannot taste spicy things (i deeply wish i could, ive tried so many times and all i get is like bitter charcoal numb tongue)
and now i'll tag some folks under the cut who maybe?? havent played yet?? maybe want to play????? if not consider this me handing you a dandelion + poppy 💐 under the cut!!
@darlingian @spookygingerr @mybrainismelted @creepkinginc @suzy-queued
@sleepyheadgallavich @thepupperino @iansw0rld @gardenerian @ardent-fox
@catgrassplantdad @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @wehangout @captainjowl
@the-rat-wins @loftec @spoonfulstar @callivich @sam-loves-seb
@howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @softmick @burninface @sickness-health-all-that-shit
@sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lee-ow @themarchg1rl @vintagelacerosette
@xninetiestrendx @michellemisfit @steorie @samantitheos
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lesserafim-eden · 10 months
╰► ⌕ 𓆩 𓆪  ʾ ִֶָ%˓ ᵎ ҂ ࣪˖﹫𓂃⌁. ࣪˖ EDEN NOELIA LEE (LE SSERAFIM) Profile
Eden Noelia Lee (LE SSERAFIM) Profile and Facts:
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EDEN NOELIA LEE ( Hangul; 에덴 노엘리아 자오, Mandarin; 赵伊登 born November 11, 2001 ) better known by the mononym EDEN is a Chinese/Korean English model, singer, rapper, Global ambassador, and dancer is a current member of South Korean girl group LE SSERAFIM under HYBE and Source Music. She is a former member of the South Korean-Japanese girl group IZ*ONE.
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⌕ ‣     BASIC INFO ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
𖥻★! ︿︿STAGE NAME: Eden
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTH NAME: Eden Noelia Lee
𖥻★! ︿︿KOREAN NAME: Lee Binna
𖥻★! ︿︿CHINESE NAME: Zhao Meixing
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHDAY: August 1, 2003
𖥻★! ︿︿AGE: 21 years old ( Korean age ) 20 years old (int.)
𖥻★! ︿︿ZODIAC SIGN: Leo
𖥻★! ︿︿BIRTHPLACE: London, Uk
𖥻★! ︿︿NATIONALITY: English
𖥻★! ︿︿ETHNICITY: Chinese/Korean
𖥻★! ︿︿HEIGHT: 5'8" (173 cm)
𖥻★! ︿︿WEIGHT: 49kg (100lbs)
𖥻★! ︿︿REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI: 🐨 ( koala  )
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⌕ ‣     EDEN FACTS...!?
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She was born in London, Uk so her British accent is so strong. Her family includes four grandparents, mom, dad, four older brothers. She was raised in Los Angeles, California, United States.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She's the global ambassador of vivienne westwood, Alexander Wang, Chanel, HARRY WINSTON, l'Oreal, Fay, CoverGirl U.S, Maybelline, Mikimoto, Panerai, Revlon, Lancôme international, Versace, Puma, Miu Miu, Liu Jo, Prada, Maxim Mooncakes, Comme des Garçons, Clarins, CHOPARD, VAN CLEEF & ARPELS, BUCCELLATI, & GRAFF.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is often called "Man-heart's destroyer" or "Boy crush" as many male idols and actors have a crush on her or have said that she's their ideal type
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is currently in college and majoring in Business (Management ) and minoring literature at Seoul National University online.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She writes all of her parts. She also produced and wrote a number of songs including WayV 'Love talk', TxT 'cat & dog', 'Anti-Romantic', 'loser=Lover', 'OX1=LOVESONG' Stray Kids 'Back door', Pristin V 'Get it', Twice 'Cry for me', Weekly 'After school' Enhypen  'Drunk-Dazed', 'Polaroid love' Aespa 'Next Level', 'Girls' 'Illusion' IVE 'LOVE DIVE' StayC 'SO BAD', 'ASAP' Itzy 'WANNABE','LOCO', '#Twenty', 'SWIPE' Chungha 'Gotta Go', 'Bicycle' Red Velvet 'Feel My Rhythm' Jeon Somi 'XOXO' BLACKPINK 'Typa Girl' & more. Eden has solidified herself as a genius musician with 155 KOMCA credits.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is extremely loved by the public which is why she earned the titles of princess of K-pop, SM/HYBE's Ace, Idol's idol, The Nation's Treasure, The Genius Composer, and The It girl of Asia.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a former IZ*ONE member.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She trained for 3 years in SM Entertainment before joining Produce 48.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In Gallup Korea's annual music poll for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Eden was voted the most popular idol in South Korea, making her the highest-ranked individual in that poll.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is know for endorsements, various photo-shoots, and covers as they sell out in a minute.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2020, She was featured in Harper Bazaar's 'Go To Bed With Me' and went rival for her nighttime skincare routine. It was mostly because of how simply yet in depth it was.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden is really good at math as once she did over 20 fans math problems for fun during her Vlive in 2021.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In January 2022, Eden purchased a building in Gangnam district's affluent Samseong-dong area, otherwise known as the Samsung neighbourhood. Purchased for approximately US$6.3 million, the mixed-use building has both residential and commercial spaces and spans a total of seven floors. Eden reportedly makes US$830,4000 monthly from rent. 
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In 2014, she performed as one of the upcoming members of SM Entertainment's pre-debut training group SM Rookies on SM Town Live World Tour IV.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She is a big food lover. She can eat most types of food but likes spicy foods the most.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her way of relaxing: A can of pringles and either Netflix, or watching Law & Order: SVU on Hulu.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: She thinks she's pretty talkative especially if the vibes between her and another person match up (Instagram Q&A 2022.08.10).
https://Eden-Facts.Com: When she was younger, Eden frequently performed and sang for house guests and eventually began taking acting/singing classes.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Her airport fashions always goes viral on Twitter, and fans say that the airport is her runaway.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: Eden once said if she wasn't an singer, she would have been a vet because she really loves working with animals.
https://Eden-Facts.Com: In November 2018, she revealed that she has three citizenships: Chinese, British, and South Korean.
⌕ ‣     EDEN'S IDEAL TYPE: I really don't have an ideal type because if I like you, then I like you as simple as that."
⌕ ‣     Show more Aria fun facts
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burninface · 2 months
🍧Weekly Tag Wednesday🍹
Thank you for tagging me! @lingy910y @sgtmickeyslaughter @mmmichyyy @gallapiech @deedala <3
name: face
pronouns: haven't decided it yet so u can call me whatever you want
what year did you graduate high school? 2019
tell me where you live without *telling* me where you live: I finished a bag of cucumber flavored lay's and a tin of osmanthus flavored pepsi yesterday. this morning my colleague let me had a taste of her camellia and green tea flavored latte, and now I'm drinking this roselle berry iced drink from McDonald's
tell me what you do for work: evaluate and help making training plans for people who has trouble completing ADLs, also help awakening people in long-lasting coma and reducing their muscle stiffness
caffeine source of choice: ☕🍵🍫
do you have a skincare routine? yes, erm… ye...s?
how often do you do laundry? depends on weathers, every 2~3 days for now
favorite flower:
to eat: rose
to smell: jasmine
to look: sunflower
your go-to karaoke song: I don't think I have one
what kind of phone do you have? smart phone
do you wear contacts/glasses? not always but yes, glasses more, contacts make my eyes dry
what color is your hair right now? the blackest black
you’ve just been handed $10,000 cash, what are you spending it on? updating my gaming device… and getting myself a bigger oven
how many pets do you have? none🥹
have you ever been on a train? yes a lot! I love traveling by train, I can stare out of the window for the whole day
and finally, tell me something about yourself people might be surprised to know: I've said this before… I have visual snow syndrome so my world is full of image noise. even when I close my eyes I can't see pure black, the noise dots are still there
since I'm late and kinda busy so no tagging this week, just go ahead if you want to do this!
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additiva · 1 month
oh god. i’ve read frechheit since it was only the first chapter out and i remember thinking: fuck i hope i survive long enough to read until the end of this fic because it’s just THAT good. for a little unnecessary background, i was a freshman going through my second semester and struggling with a lot of things but i’d always drop everything whenever i saw frechheit update.
i saw how the chapter count gradually went up as you kept updating, and i loved the progression of each chapter. your characterizations are by far some of the best i’ve ever read in any fandom. you nailed their mannerisms and speaking styles! and i love the way you write charles and max. it hits the spot so well. because very often you will find people saying that “oh charles is a golden retriever and max is the black cat” or “oh charles is the sunshine and max is the midnight rain” when the facts are that charles literally pushed max off as a kid and since then he’s been on a revenge spree to make sure max regrets it. max literally apologizes to charles even when he doesn’t do it to anybody else because he knows charles can hold a grudge. this is the same charles who max pushed off in austria 2019 and then got back at him in silverstone going “oh so that was racing? i’ll show you racing *insert angry hissy cat noises*”
i just love how max slowly goes from absolutely loathing charles’s little schemes to then understanding them and then finally getting roped into them. at the final few chapters it was so cute seeing max excited to be involved in charles’s manipulation tactics like that’s HIS baby with HIS evil schemes…
there’s so many things to love about this fic but ultimately it boils down to how well you write them. how, even in an alternate universe where charles is younger than max, they both start out hating each other, before falling absolutely, indeniably, irrevocably in love with each other. i love the way they grow individually and as partners—the way charles goes from angry hissy cat who has to do everything himself, to an angry hissy cat with his boyfriend who would give up the world for him. i love the way they love—charles learning to open up to max, max learning how to be patient with charles; charles always being there for max, and max slowly coping and coming to terms with losing at the end. the last one especially—those paragraphs of max detailing how it had been hard to stomach his slow defeat, but then when charles won he’d just been. Happy. he was willing to give everything up realizing winning wasn’t everything because he’d already found his everything.
and that’s just it, isn’t it? throughout the fic, charles and max learn to accept having to lose themselves before they reap the sweet sweet taste of victory at the end. winning isn’t everything anymore because now they’ve found each other and the best part is that they can win by each other’s side.
thank you for this amazing fic. like. honestly. i will love this forever. one of the best fanfics i’ve ever read in years.
P.S. i also found it very amusing when the fic mentioned a year where both charles and max suffered issues and the wdc ended up going to oscar and they both were cheerful but also. Yeah. Let’s never let that happen again. i bet they terrorized the grid for so long hogging the podium places, the wdc standings, and the wdc trophies that eventually the cooldown room gets called the lestappen podcast and each week the drivers get roped into becoming either 1) their unwilling third wheel, 2) their unwilling couples’ therapist for when they’re angry about trivial things like max accidentally making charles fall asleep without making him do his skincare routine, or 3) their unwilling child (ollie bearman).
Omg amazing.
This is the kind of message I save so I can reread it many times 🤍
It's so nice hearing from people who went through the whole journey with me since the earliest chapters. You truly saw the whole evolution.
I'm so glad it could bring you some joy when you were going through things. I hope things have improved for you, you deserve only the best. You're clearly a person who goes out of their way to brighten someone else's day and I hope you get the same energy back.
Also *angry hissy cat* is the perfect description for Frech-Charles at so many points in the fic I picture him this way exactly.
I hope you didn't mind me increasing the chapter count so many times 😅 I was truly winging the fic, based on vibes and a few key plot elements. You could probably tell lol.
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blackbirdswillsing · 9 months
tiktok needs to end
gone are the days of 2019/2020 tiktok when it was all just dancing and silly jokes
now tiktok is infested with extremists that should not have internet access.
wtf is lookmaxxing, seems like absolute brain rot. just say you’ve finally picked up a skincare routine, no need to tell people that their life is over just because of the position of their eye???
and i have never seen so many ultra nationalist far right religious extremists grow such a cult following so quickly, this was an app for dancing and comedy but now it’s a platform for malicious creators
tiktok needs to fall into the pit of shamed apps, there is a space reserved for it right between reddit and discord
completely ignorant individuals thinking they have a right to be horrible people just because they have a private account.
youre 32 years old phillip. stop asking girls to be your “thick thigh goth mommy 🥺” and get a fucking job.
also, 13 years old boys just discovered freud and nietzsche and think they’re the best thing since sliced bread. pseudo intellects will waffle their way through and argument and end up just insulting your family because they couldn’t win it
tiktok is brain rot of the highest degree
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getluckylana · 6 months
Seriously what was your skincare routine from 2019-2022? You can tell u were on skincare gamee. skin flawless glowy n all. if u have any pictures of the products. ✨
I believe I was on Accutane then. Used a gentle face wash, sometimes Paula’s Choice, and Cerave pm moisturizer. Super simple.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 10 months
Love what's your skin care routine omg? you dont look a day past 22 im so jelly
omg 🥺 thankyou....ill share wat i know.. But tbh i dont rly have a skincare routine i wash my face once every few days w african black soap. then use cerave sunscreen/night cream, & eye cream. sometimes i use aloe rosewater toner. products r mostly irrelevant less is more, when i used to try expensive sephora skincare brands it always made my skin sooooo much worse, didnt get better til i switched to this simplified lineup which i been using since 2019.
Rly skincare is all about making sure ur drinking enough water (w electrolytes), eating enough healthy fats, and eliminating stuff that dries u out... PUT THE VAPE DOWN😭 s2g vaping is the number one way i see ppl sabotaging their skin, We as a species were never meant to b inhaling constant streams of nicotine🫣 it never shldve been this convenient. like at least switch to cigs to break up the day + give urself sexy cig allure. Also alcohol very dehydrating. i mean i still partake in things that weaken ur skin such as weed and adderall and cofee but ya know. just gotta choose which vices r worth it to u. And compensate w lots of water when u partake in these activities.
tbh a lot of ppl i kno who r 30 still look like they cld b in their early 20s, unless they partied RLY hard but idk. Its all in how u carry yourself, no one is looking at u under a microscope except urself x3 beauty companies want u to believe u will look ran thru by age 25 so u keep buying their shit. its very insidious just focus on your health & stress reduction 👍Ganbatte anon.💟
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
Hi xenosaga episode 1 der wille zur macht can you post your whole skincare routine im curios
okay uh
wash face with skinfix barrier+ foaming oil hydrating cleanser
apply cosrx propolis synergy toner to damp skin (<- i don't normally use toners, but i wanted to try propolis because of its antiseptic and anti inflammatory qualities. it's not bad.)
apply cosrx snail mucin (<- in 2018/2019 when I started getting weird cyst-like hormonal (??) acne in response to epic trauma that was only made worse by salicylic acid, this helped calm things down SO much. i will never remove this from my routine)
apply cosrx advanced snail 92 all in one cream (<- i'm not actually committed to a particular day moisturizer! i like to try a new one every now and again. i like this one, but i might look for something with a stronger formulation for barrier protection since july is right around the corner. other creams I like are iunik centella calming gel, the ordinary natural moisturizing factors + ha and cerave AM moisturizer (of course...).)
wash face with skinfix barrier+ foaming oil hydrating cleanser
apply cosrx snail mucin to damp face (<- cosrx should be sponsoring me -_-)
apply cerave pm moisturizer
every other night I apply the ordinary 0.5% retinal squalane before my snail mucin. i was hesitant in putting retinoids into my routine because of how it makes your skin more susceptible to sun damage, but it's been cleaning up the left over dark spots from 2018/2019 very well. i find that the peptides in my face wash are strengthening it's skin turnover effects ^_^
also because I feel this contributes a bit: I don't wear makeup because. i'm scared.
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Ikuto Kimijima
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Birthday: March 7th (Pisces)
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Beverly Hills
Relatives: Father, Mother
High School: Unknown
Grade: Third Year
Committee: School Festival Committee
Strong Subjects: French
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U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: First String | No.7
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Hobbies: Reading, looking at himself in the mirror
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Book: Sky photo collections
Favorite Food: Paella
Preferred Type: His fans
Ideal Date Spot: “Where would you like to go?”
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His Gift for a Special Person: “Myself.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Nice, France (in private)
What He Wants Most Right Now: “Everyone’s love♡” ➜ A devil-may-care attitude [TP]
Dislikes: Wriggling things, people who are blunt about everything
Skills Outside of Tennis: Skincare
Routine During the World Cup: Updating his fanclub blog
Height: 179cm
Weight: 63kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: (Unaided) 0.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Kimijima Lyrics
“One… Like the Water’s Surface”
“One… Like a Spider’s Web”
“One… Like a Fortress’ Wall”
+13 others
Favorite Brands:
Racket: Prince EXO3 THUNDER 105
Shoes: FILA Alfa II Men’s Tennis Shoes
Overall Rating: Speed: 5 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 7 / Technique: 5 / Total: 25
Kurobe Memo: “He sips the taste of victory as he sells out his friends. His tactics aren’t exactly fair, but some may say they are necessary in order to survive this training camp. If he could improve his all-around abilities to complement his natural talent of negotiation, he may find himself without competition.”
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He has been performing in media since he was a child and has been in commercials for five different companies. He has even done commercials for sports brands
He has had his belongings stolen at the training camp
He has been involved in the entertainment industry since he was very young. He was also a child actor
The song he sings in Golden Age 84 is “Colors of Summer”
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
What’s in His Travel Bag: A script for a TV drama // A drama he’ll be starring in called “The Negotiator Whispers Into the Night”
He is a fan of French tea (directly imported) and changes the flavor he drinks each day depending on his mood
At the end of Golden Age 129, there is a Valentine’s Day ranking held by the “Kimijima Konzern Group.” It is his family’s company that is almost on the same level as the Atobe Corporation
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is one he can do in secret due to his celebrity status
He has recently been offered to star in a morning drama series
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kirua9 · 2 years
Forgot ur skin care routine so drop here
To begin with I have an oily-combinated skin => I have acne 🤤, so I use azelain acid (azelic) 15%, baziron AC to decrease some problems here.
For general skincare I use la Roche posay cleanaser for sensitive skin. It's a treasure because this cleanaser doesn't dry the skin 💀
Even though my skin is mostly oily, it completely dies if I don't use any moisturizers. My dermatologist (the last time I was there – 2019💀) told me not to use much salicylic lotions, because it literally corrodes too much of my skin's fat and leads to new problems. Instead, the doctor prescribed me citric acid, but I don't use it now.
I used the whole medical cosmetics line "delex acne" (local medicine) with cleaning gel/cleaniser, citric acid lotion, gel for acne treatment and azelain acid gel (which is not from delex line)... for now now times only azelain acid hasn't exincted from my skincare routine 💀 tho im thinking about citric acid again 🧐.
Also some serums (Roche posay again) are just fine (hyaluronic acid and B5)
I don't use any spf. Only spf 50+ in summer, but not now, idk I just ignore this shit
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aigoo-uk · 1 year
10-Step Korean Skincare Routine: A Deep Dive
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Korean skincare, known for its comprehensive and often transformative effects, has been the buzzword in the global beauty sphere. Boasting a 10-step regimen, K-beauty is more than just a ritual; it's a testament to the meticulous care Koreans give to their skin. With each step crafted to cater to a specific need, this routine aims to provide thorough care, yielding coveted glass skin. Let's venture into this regime, offering not just explanations but also statistical validations.
1. Oil-Based Cleanser
Initiating the process is the oil-based cleanser, a hero in removing stubborn, oil-based residues. Makeup, SPF, and even the relentless sebum produced by your skin is no match for these cleansers. According to Statista, oil cleansers saw a 30% surge in sales in 2020, indicating their popularity.
Suggestion: Explore Some Popular Cleansers on Aigoo to find your ideal match. Gentle circular motions will ensure makeup and grime melt away.
2. Water-Based Cleanser
The follow-up with a water-based cleanser ensures every trace of dirt and sweat is gone. Did you know? A survey by the Dermatology Research and Practice indicated that 70% of skin issues arise due to improper cleansing. This step guarantees a pristine base.
Suggestion: Choose sulfate-free cleansers to maintain your skin's natural moisture.
3. Exfoliation
Shedding away the dead skin cells to reveal a brighter complexion is the mission here. Allure magazine stated in a 2019 report that regular exfoliation can enhance skin luminosity by 20%. Dive into Some Popular Exfoliators from Aigoo to unveil a refreshed skin.
Suggestion: Limit to 2-3 times weekly. Excessive exfoliation can be counterproductive.
4. Toner
A toner's task is two-fold: re-balance skin pH and enhance hydration. A report by the Korean Dermatological Association linked balanced skin pH with reduced acne occurrence.
Suggestion: Dive into Aigoo's curated list of Some Popular Toners and find the perfect fit for your skin.
5. Essence
Essences, the lightweight serums, infuse your skin with hydration and active ingredients. A Pew Research study highlighted the booming essence market in Asia, underscoring its significance.
Suggestion: Explore Some Popular Essence from Aigoo and embrace the hydration magic.
6. Treatments (Serums & Ampoules)
Targeting specific issues from dark spots to fine lines, these potent solutions are crucial. Serums generally offer higher active ingredient concentrations. Ampoules, on the other hand, are like supercharged serums with even more potency. Statista recorded a 25% increase in serum and ampoule sales last year, marking their soaring demand.
Suggestion: Discover the vast range of Some Popular Serums and Ampoules on Aigoo.
7. Sheet Masks
The heart of K-beauty, sheet masks, saturated in nurturing serums, are a spa in a packet. As per the Korean Journal of Aesthetic Cosmetology, regular masking can amplify skin hydration levels by up to 40%.
Suggestion: Aigoo's collection of Some Popular Sheet Masks offers a plethora of choices to suit various skin needs.
8. Eye Cream
Addressing the fragile skin around the eyes, eye creams tackle dark circles, wrinkles, and puffiness. An article by Harper's Bazaar claimed that the right eye cream could cut down the appearance of fine lines by nearly 25%.
Suggestion: Apply using your ring finger for gentle care.
9. Moisturizer
Sealing all the nutrients and hydration, moisturizers are quintessential. According to the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, regular moisturizing can prevent early signs of aging.
Suggestion: Browse Aigoo's Some Popular Moisturizer range to find your holy grail.
10. Sunscreen
Guarding against UV rays is the sunscreen's primary role. Sunscreen use not only prevents sunburn but also combats premature aging. The Skin Cancer Foundation reported that daily sunscreen application can reduce skin-aging effects by 24%.
Suggestion: Reapply every two hours, especially if outdoors.
In Summary
The 10-step Korean skincare routine stands as a testament to holistic skincare, targeting every conceivable skin need. While its intricacy might seem daunting, the results, as vouched for by millions, are undeniably exceptional. With the curated product lists from Aigoo, your initiation into the K-beauty world becomes seamless. Remember, consistency is the key. Embrace the routine and watch your skin thank you in radiance.
#AIGOO #K-Beauty #K-BeautyProducts #KoreanSkincare #KoreanMakeup #KoreanSheetMask #BeautyOfJoseonSunscreen #BeautyOfJoseonSerum Beyond K Beauty, explore our delightful collections:  #KoreanJewellery #StudEarrings and #WeeklyPlanner Dive into a world of charm and elegance with Aigoo.
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eraserheadadult · 2 years
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please elaborate on princess blind!Y/n!
okay so she’s just such a girly girl
Dresses- always, skirts- yes, baby pink cardigans- they go with everything, don’t they?
She’s just such a princess I love it
Like the only colors in her wardrobe is pink, more pink, pink, a darker pink, white, more pink, then lavender
Silk nightgowns are a must for every night, and if not a nightgown then a pretty matching set because even when she’s sleeping she wants to feel pretty
Nails always done, her and Harry definitely go out every two weeks and get mani pedi’s together, and she does a usually baby pink on both fingers and toes but sometimes she gets fancy and does pressed flowers or some glitter (Harry loves the long nails because he gets good back scratches)
Silky legs and dresses are her favorite thing ever
A fresh wax with a new dress is her idea of heaven on earth
Pearl earrings and her gold heart locket with her babies faces in it is a staple and she wears them every day without fail
Along with her wedding ring ofc
She definitely had a signature scent that she gets compliments for 24/7, I think a mix between black cherries and vanilla
She’s so that girl that has a 73992 step skincare routine and takes forever to get ready
Like before bed once she’s done with her shower and done lotioning up her whole entire body and doing all her skincare she walks out and puts on her silky pajamas and Harry’s like “that took you almost two hours.”
But she can’t help it
And she’s just so that girl who’s hair is always so perfect looking, not a single hair out of place, always so pretty and shiny weather she has it natural or in a pretty braid or something
And she’s definitely a reader, into the female rage/feminist books and sometimes she will read to Harry before they go to bed
And she’s big on the whole “wellness” stuff
And I can see Harry getting so annoyed because she’s always getting some new skincare stuff or something new in the kitchen and she’s like “it’s good for you, it’s like that healing your gut stuff. Do you want to try it?”
And when she does get up early enough to see Harry before he’s out of the house she’s packing him a healthy lunch and making him a green juice to drink instead of the coffee he usually drinks
She lowkey feels like one of those “crunchy” moms BUT NOT WHAT YOURE PROBABLY THINKING HDDN
Everything organic and doesn’t let any suspicious chemicals around, all natural skincare and all her clothes and the babies clothes are from small businesses and stuff like that
Speaking of clothes i need to talk about her just overall style and aesthetic even tho that’s what this whole think is about
She wears pink everyday without fail
Most days it’s a dress but once it gets to the winter she’s going to be wearing layers bc there is no way she’s going to stop wearing her pretty skirts and dresses
Heart shaped mirrors with matching brushes is so her thing
When she has the time to do makeup blush is her favorite thing along with a pinky lip stain
Fluffy pink towels are the only thing she can use after the a shower
Lighting pink sugar cookie scented candles 24/7
She definitely has one of those pink Christmas trees and does the whole pink cute candy theme when they decorate
Matching bra and panties sets on 24/7 because it makes her feel put together and pretty
Especially when she gets to wear one of her really nice ones for Harry and he gets to feel the silky material covering her or the thin lace material slipping off of her
Podcast kind of girl
She definitely has her favorite podcasts she listens to while she’s cleaning and the babies are sleeping, those feminist podcasts, wellness and sexual wellness podscasts
And she falls for any of those skincare products that are just pretty
Like that one “açaí your boobies” thing every influencer was screaming about in like 2019 or whatever
And she always convinced Harry to do the stuff with her
He’s sitting on the seats they have in their bathroom bc that’s apparently what stupid rich people have in their bathrooms 😭 and she’s on his lap in her silky pajamas with a face mask on her face and she’s cradling his face with one hand and the other is smearing a mask over his face.
“Your nail poked my eye again.”
“M’sorry, baby. Keep them shut while I do this mask, okay? I don’t want it to get in there.”
Her nails are definitely constantly poking him
But he loves how girly she is mainly because one, she’s always been like that and that’s just her but two- he gets pampered all the time.
Okay this was an absolute mess but that’s all I have for you unless you want me to talk abt anything specific 😢
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s-brant · 2 years
What face wash are you using magic dust???? I’m trying to get like YOU mai boiiiii
okay haha i’ll link my skincare routine here for u
so i use this face cleanser to clean off makeup and stuff, then this one for acne bc it has salicylic acid. then toner, essence (literally amazing i love), serum, and moisturizer. i also do a pore strip like once a week and use drying lotion for any pimples that come up. i also like doing face masks, my faves are caudalie and lancôme. i don’t really buy new makeup cause i don’t use it on a daily basis, i just use old shit from like 2019 and spend my money on skincare lol. disclaimer tho, i have pretty good skin just genetically and i’ve never had persistent acne, just a few breakouts here or there, so go to a dermatologist if you really need to cause they know way better than me!
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