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frotea · 1 month ago
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muanpurr · 7 months ago
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Sketchhhhh Optimus prime
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giiihoroco · 11 months ago
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It's been a LONG time since I drew anything, yesterday I was excited to do this sketch of Billy, I still intend to finish it 🤭🤭
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afanofthegiantxd · 5 months ago
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My pretty ones😊❤️💥
The sketch is better than the result as usual:P
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fghniki · 21 days ago
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siblingifies your killerbunnies
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cesarlobotomy13 · 1 month ago
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Pyro-bro's (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)
(its sketch art idk)
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gl1zedc4rd · 6 months ago
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Cyn is surprised
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lilartistboi · 28 days ago
How I used to imagine TwT
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vs what TwT is
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aethismantis · 2 months ago
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Tradic commission from VK!
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yourclown4107 · 7 months ago
If I suddenly become a furry, it's Bradley Uppercrust's fault!!!! I'm fixated on this cartoon, I can't think of anything else, please help me, or only lobotomy will be able to help me soon
Если я резко стану фурри, это вина Брэдли Апперкраста!!!! У меня фиксация на этот мультик, я уже думать не могу ни о чём другом, помогите пжлста, а то мне скоро только лоботомия поможет
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vaehbae · 1 year ago
Sabine Still Has Nightmares...
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(MY ART! Please credit if reposted) THIS STORY ISN'T MINE! ( This is from someone who anonymously posted in the question thing. I really liked it and decided to make a little sketch based off of it~ Thank you to whoever wrote this <3 ) “It’s also quite possible that your friend is dead…”
Sabine woke with a start, her heart racing and her body drenched in sweat. She frantically looked around the room as the all too familiar sensation of a panic attack threatened to consume her.
Her eyes fell on Ezra sleeping peacefully a few feet away and her body and mind started to relax. He wasn’t dead like Thrawn had assumed. He was alive and well and here with her.
She sighed and put her head in her hands, taking a couple deep breaths, before getting up and taking a seat at the foot of Ezra’s bed.
As she looked him over, there was so much she wanted to tell him. So much she wanted to hear from him too. But it could wait until the morning.
Despite the time that had passed, Ezra was still the same person Sabine had apprehended and later come to love. He had grown quite handsome and the beard suited him she thought, though she’d never admit it to him.
She recognized the scar on his cheek from a fight he and Kanan had had with some inquisitors, but his body was littered with new scars as well as a few bumps and bruises here and there. She gently traced the scar on his cheek with her fingers as well as a particularly bad scar on one of his muscular arms, causing him to awake to her touch.
“Morning already?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.
“No,” Sabine replied, shaking her head, “I had a nightmare.”
“What about?”
“It’s not important.”
Sabine could tell Ezra didn’t believe her, but he refrained from asking anything else.
There was a small pause with the two of them just taking the other in.
“Come here” Ezra said, pulling back the covers.
“A-are you sure?”
Sabine climbed into bed beside him and he instinctively moved closer and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her cheek, speaking sweet nothings to her until she dozed off and the nightmare was a thing of the past.
Sabine smiled in her sleep that night because for the first time in ten years she felt truly safe. -
Again! I absolutely love this! I would love to read story like these in the future ^^
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frotea · 15 days ago
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"Love is... To take all the blows of fate"
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muanpurr · 5 months ago
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Орион гетераст
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sanfearee · 6 months ago
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afanofthegiantxd · 5 months ago
Please show Robert this drawing hes so cool i wanna be friends with Robert T∆T
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IT'S SO COOL!!! I like the way his eyes react to each other/to something else. :D
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*after a while*
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I hope the last one wasn't rude, it's just that this dude (His name is Albert) He's like that by himself, and he doesn't get along very well with Robert :_
I hope I don't have any mistakes, again, ehehe
Attention, the announcement: The comic with Robert and everyone else will be called "Amber Eyes of the Ocean"
Perhaps this is too pretentious a name, but at least I did not find a comic book with that name on the webtoon.
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reworldeverlight · 10 months ago
WARNING! 18+ [blood, mutilation, injury]
I was very sad and bored. And as a result, I wanted to write a short excerpt on the bad ending of my story. I'm sorry, I don't speak English, so I used a translator to translate, as always. I am not sure that I have managed to correctly convey what I have written in my own language. Besides that, please don't beat me up for my poor writing skills. It's been a long time since I've tried to write my own stories. 👉👈
Lying behind the concrete floor, surrounded by the rubble of the building, his trembling gaze was directed somewhere through the walls. Pain gripped his entire body, and a piece of rebar in his chest prevented the much-desired scream from escaping. He tried to make at least some movements, but his body treacherously refused to respond to the signals of his fading mind. Looking down, in the murky purple flicker of his broken mechanisms, he could see the large fragments of the ceiling, which, having collapsed, crushed his legs. His senses were racing in a frenzy of chaos. Fear and pain mixed together and forcefully squeezed his chest, instantly bringing him out of a state of shock. Through the tears that made everything swim in his eyes, he could only see the wreckage of a building with fittings dangerously sticking out of them. What was left of his staff lay nearby, slightly sparkling. Long moans of pain mixed with wheezing echoed hollowly through the small space. Right now, he would rather be unconscious than feel all this pain. He could not attempt to send a distress signal... Not only because he could barely move his limbs by a couple of centimeters, but also because only fragments of his mechanisms remained.
The battle shell was torn to shreds, and from under it, one could see its bleeding, cut soft shell. A large sticky pool of blood spread rapidly, staining the concrete in a dirty burgundy color. His strength was leaving his body with a parallel growing pain consuming his entire body. It hurt to breathe, all the wounds ached with pain, and my back felt like it was on fire. As soon as he took a breath, he immediately coughed up blood, which once again caused him terrible pain.
He could always find a variety of ways out of any critical situations, but alas, this time was not one of those. The hope of being saved by one of the family members faded along with the blurred vision from rapid blood loss. The groan was replaced by a cough with blood again and he was even more twisted from pain.
"And where is this life of yours flying before your eyes?" He thought mockingly, feeling himself sinking into darkness.
This pathetic attempt to keep his mind in his body, and himself in consciousness, was useless and tears began to flow in large streams to the floor, mixing with the pool of blood under his head.
"It hurts so much... Don't close your eyes, Don! Don't you dare sleep!"
He hoped to the last that someone would show up at the last moment and save him. But still... He couldn't keep his heavy eyelids open and his eyes closed.
"My son..."
"Hey, Dad! Da-ad!"
"Donnie..." He felt a light touch and opened his eyes.
Everything was so bright that he winced for a moment. But when his eyes got used to the bright light, he immediately met her gaze. She was sitting over him, holding his hand with a sad smile and tears in her eyes. Behind her, he could see the silhouettes of some of his family members. His chest tightened with sadness, he got up from the ground and immediately hugged the girl sitting in front of him.
"I failed..." His voice faltered.
"It's okay, Donnie." She pulled away from him and put her hand on his cheek.
"You handled yourself well, brother." A heavy big hand landed on his shoulder.
With tears in his eyes and a lost smile, he looked at everyone who stood in front of him. It took him a little while to put all his thoughts together and realize everything that had happened.
"Dad! They are already waiting for us!" The voice of the young boy standing next to him was as perky as he remembered it, and for a moment it brought back pleasant memories.
"Let's go. We have to go." The soft voice seemed to echo in his head, making his heart in his chest shudder.
Big Brother helped him up, and he, without letting go of her hand, followed them. The bright, pleasant, warm light ahead grew brighter, smoothly dissolving the echoes of his pain, and with the pain, fear also dissolved.
And soon their silhouettes disappeared in a bright pleasant light.
"You're home again.."
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