#skeptical witch
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glamourous-world · 1 year ago
I sit on my little skeptic throne of witchcraft and enjoy it all because either magic is real and I’m very in tune with myself and the world around me, or it’s not and I become a master of meditation and good mental attitude and I get a fuck ton of shiny little trinkets and nicknacks that bring me immense joy there is no losing here
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spiralhouseshop · 1 year ago
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It's the season of the witch and until the end of October I'm offering Brainscan issues 33 & 34 by Alex Wrekk at a price where it will be about $10 including postage anywhere in the US! In these two zines Alex explores over a decade of building a secular witchcraft practice.
Brainscan #33 - DIY Witchery invites you into a deeply personal journey through the world of witchcraft. Over the course of a decade, the author has explored and practiced witchcraft, and this zine shares their unique experiences. It's not a how-to guide, but rather an insightful personal narrative. The author delves into their journey into witchcraft, the development of their secular and non-pagan practice, and the distinctions between their approach and contemporary witchcraft. They also tackle critical issues within the modern pagan and witchcraft communities, including discussions on racism, cultural appropriation, colonialism, and capitalism, reflecting their intersectional politics. For those interested in venturing on their own path, the zine offers tips and resources.
"Brainscan #34 - A Dabbler's Week of DIY Witchery is a zine born out of a challenge sparked by a cntroversial witchcraft book review in January 2020. The review suggested that modern witches were anti-vaccine and climate change deniers, leading a witch to question what it really takes to explore witchcraft for a week. The author, an experienced witch, takes up the challenge and presents their response in this zine.
Within these pages, daily activities are proposed, designed to shift your perspective and introduce you to their personal world of witchcraft. Activities include space cleansing, simple energy exercises, correspondences, animism, and basic spells. All of this is presented in a friendly, non-authoritative tone, making it perfect for those curious about witchcraft.
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god-blog · 8 months ago
This is a side blog I made dedicated to my adventures in witchcraft and Hellenic Polytheism. My main blog is @little-cereal-draws
I'm still figuring things out so this will probably be a mix of personal posts and devotional/general Greek mythology stuff. I am a baby witch and a baby Hellenist so pls be patient w me.
My current witchcraft situation: somewhere between green witch and secular witch
My current godly situation: I'm working with Artemis but I would also like to work with Hermes, Apollo, and Athena (I know that's a lot but I love them all ok)
(Also, shameless self-promotion, if you want to read a very queer original comic about ancient Rome and Egypt that I'm making with @the-voice-i-was-given, go check out @ancientcivilizationnonsense!)
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beththeskepticalwitch · 2 years ago
On skeptical witchcraft:
"I realized that most of what I was doing already could be explained through science/psychology, with the placebo effect being the main aspect of it. If I was doing the spells and the rituals in the same way that others do and they were having the intended outcome, how could I not call it magic? Even if the belief behind the way it works differs from most’s. It is about why I do what I do, and what I do to achieve my desired outcome; it is not about how it is achieved."
Quote from @beorhtsgrimoire (reposted with permission)
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thewitchofcedarandbone · 7 months ago
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I'm Theo [they/them]. <- Follows/interacts from @earthenremains
A thirty one year-old non-binary witch.
I've been loosely practicing for seven-ish years.
My path is solitary, and I can be quite skeptical and realistic, which as I'm sure you can imagine, can make practicing witchcraft and believing in the occult a challenge at times.
My current areas of interest are:
Death work - My path started in earnest in 2017 while dealing with the grief accompanying a very sudden and unexpected close familial death. But my interest in death work precedes this, as I have been a member of the Vulture Culture community for over ten years, working with animal remains in all their forms.
Tarot/Cartomancy - Despite owning a handful of decks, I am still very much learning to read the cards. And before you ask, no I do not offer readings nor do I ever plan to.
Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) - I have been a patron of the trees since I was a child, always content to sit beneath their branches and focus solely on nature. Well before I knew its name or origins, forest bathing was my way of meditating and finding calm.
The personalized path - I've spent far too long trying to follow the 'trending' paths of others. Forcing myself into a mold that has never felt quite right. So I am learning how to carve my own path and do what feels right for me.
Welsh witchcraft - It may or may not become part of my craft, but after some recent family tree delving, I'd like to learn more about Welsh witchcraft, folklore, and general history. So if you've got some resource recommendations, send them my way.
Freyja/Freya/Freja - I'm still unsure of my belief in any form of deity/God/goddess/etc, but as of late, I've developed an interest in the Norse goddess Freyja/Freya/Freja and am enjoying researching her history.
My intentions for this blog are to collect and curate posts I resonate with, and to eventually create some posts of my own to better define my path.
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Personal Tags:
#theo bell -> My posts
#for the tome -> Things to add to my journal
Other blogs:
Main/Vulture Culture blog - @earthenremains
Mundane/personal blog - @thicketry
Other socials:
Witchy Instagram - @thewitchofcedarandbone
Vulture Culture Instagram - @earthenremains @curiotheo
Personal Instagram - @thicketry
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Tags for Organization {WIP}:
#death witch
#spirit work
#skeptical witch
#witchy reminders
#mundane before magic
#witchy crafts/things to try
#deity work
#spellcraft/#spell work
#grimoire/book of shadows/witch's journal
#journal prompts
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crazycatsiren · 2 years ago
Call me a skeptic, but astrology doesn't predict or decide shit.
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booksandwitchery · 1 year ago
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Wish me luck because I’m desperately going to need it
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nyktomancer · 16 days ago
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Thank you for understanding!
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quasi-normalcy · 10 months ago
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sanyfrika · 17 days ago
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A little dance for Valentine's ♥
Gosh did this take so long to draw (and I also got sick in the middle of making it so yeah good double whammy)
And I'm starting to come up with designs for the voices too ! I'm still trying to understand how the bird works so there are some inconsistencies here and there between the drawings- I'm not even sure if I'll keep drawing them in this style
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dr-awkkward · 27 days ago
Slay the Princess text posts, part 30!
[part 29] [part 31]
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unluckyprime · 3 months ago
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drawing the wicked fanart my 13 year old self could only dream of 💕💚
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samwisethewitch · 22 days ago
Secular Magic for Valentine's Day
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Many witches choose to work with pagan holidays or seasonal markers in their practice, but you can also work powerful magic with secular holidays. And one major secular holiday is right around the corner: Valentine’s Day.
Valentine's Day is all about love. It's true that this holiday is most often associated with romance, but it can also be a day to celebrate everyone we love, whether they are family, friends, lovers, or queerplatonic partners. For example, when I was a kid, my mom would give me and my siblings each a box of chocolate on Valentine's Day as a way of reminding us that she loved us.
If you are in a romantic or sexual relationship, you can use Valentine's Day to work magic to strengthen, deepen, or spice up your relationship. (With the consent of everyone involved, please!) If you are seeking a new romantic or sexual partner, you can use this holiday to work magic to attract the right person to you.
If you aren't in a romantic or sexual relationship and don't want to be, Valentine's Day can be a time to reaffirm that we don't need romance or sex to be happy. Celebrate the loving platonic relationships in your life, or focus on celebrating your independence by treating yourself and being your own Valentine.
This is a great time for magic to attract more love into our lives, no matter what kind. Spells to strengthen self-love or attract new friends are just as aligned with the energy of Valentine's Day as spells to attract a new lover.
Valentine's Day Correspondences
Colors: red, pink
Symbols: hearts, cupid
Flowers: Roses, especially pink and red
Foods: chocolate, red wine, heart-shaped foods
You can also include any love herbs you feel might be appropriate.
Valentine's Day Ritual Suggestions
Self-love bath ritual: Mix up your own bath salt by combining epsom salt with your favorite self-love herbs or oils. (I like lavender essential oil.) Add the bath salt to a hot bath along with one bottle of rosewater. As you soak, focus on feeling love, compassion, and friendliness towards yourself.
Candle spell to attract new love: On a piece of paper (or a Valentine card!), write a description of the love you want to attract into your life, whether that's a new romantic partner, new friends, or just loving energy in general. Spray the paper with your favorite perfume or cologne and place it under a pink or red candle. As you light the candle, focus on bringing this new love to you.
Kitchen witchery with chocolate: Bake some chocolate goodies to bring in loving, healing energy. Chocolate is especially well-suited to healing after a heartbreak.
Make a sugar jar spell: If there's an area of your life where you'd like to feel more love and sweetness, use this spell to sweeten it up. Write a description of the situation you'd like to sweeten and place it in the bottom of a mason jar. Fill the jar with sugar. (To bring in Valentine's Energy, you could use rose-infused sugar or mix dried rose petals in with the sugar.) Seal the jar and place it somewhere you'll see it often, like on your altar or next to your bed.
Write yourself a love letter: In case you can't tell, I really like using Valentine's Day to work on self-love. Set some time aside to light some candles, have a sweet treat, and write yourself a long letter about all the things you love about yourself.
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beththeskepticalwitch · 2 years ago
Saved posts
Here are links to resources/information I like or want to refer back to:
Skeptical witchcraft:
What is skeptical witchcraft? by Sarah Lisbeth
This post by @beorhtsgrimoire
Psychological witchcraft:
Q&A by Rachael Stephen - the video that first introduced me to psychological witchcraft
The psychological model of magic by Áine Órga
Educational blogs:
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miyuka1709 · 29 days ago
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Sike. I know I said I will put the princess stickers on hold because I have exams, but that doesn't mean I can't doodle while doing exams!
Physics and Indonesian Language were a breeze, but I got punched and beaten up by History. I didn't realize there were 15 questions and only did 10, I'm SO doomed.
Anyway I drew some Colds and disassociated for a bit cause Idk what else to do :p
And also don't mind the tiny doodle of itsonlypolite's Oppy up there, I drew him without reference and messed up (sob) I'm sorry I failed you, handsome little fella..
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salty-an-disco · 1 month ago
been coloring these pixies sketches a few at a time for a while now, and finally did them all
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(none of these were drawn to scale; saying this mainly cuz it's very important to me that you know Oppy isn't as tall as he looks next to Smitten)
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