pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Challenging Destiny, chapter 22
While Archie and Jett escape the Skelteg fighting arena, Steve and Vex on Earth attempt to guide Eli back to the others. Aja and Krel, along with Jim, Angor Rot and Douxie, confront Morando to end his dictatorship.
— a little shorter chapter than usual, so I apologise for that, but I think they're going to get longer again after this.
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spectral-nobody · 1 year
Hey hey! If you want to see any of my gallery builds you can find me under Skelteg_Console
My pc id is Skelteg but I don’t think I have anything posted
Unfortunately I don’t have any packs on my computer because I’m originally a console player so they’re all on there instead, but I still build some cool stuff occasionally!
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mxthxbot · 2 years
Solar as Aja Tarron
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"Lively!...You know, 'cool', 'awesome', 'outstanding'. Lively!"
🔹 Solar is the current warrior queen of Akriridion-5.
🔹 A foreign exchange student of Arcadia Oaks High.
🔹 In her Akiridion form, Solar has blue skin, long electric-blue hair, blue eyes, black sclera, and four arms.
🔹 She also has a ridge on her forehead that marks her as queen-in-waiting that she received from her brother.
🔹 Back on her home planet, she had gotten tired of growing up in the life of the princess.
🔹 Solar felt like she didn’t belong in the royal palace, frequently sneaking outside in a dark cloak to experience the lives of the commoners.
🔹 One particular hobby of hers was having Skelteg fights, which apparently makes easy money on her planet.
🔹 Even on her own coronation day, she decided to run away with her pet.
🔹 Not wanting to be queen in waiting either.
🔹 However when their greatest enemy led a coup to overthrow her family, Solar has dealt with the guilt on her shoulders and blames herself for everything.
🔹 She had been on the streets when the invasion began, saving a child from a falling piece of scrap.
🔹 That’s what pushes her to be the best warrior, proving the traditional belief that princesses shouldn’t be warriors wrong.
🔹 Solar is much more extroverted than her introverted younger brother, Kevin.
🔹 She’s a free spirit, independent.
🔹 Unlike Kevin, she’s amazed by Earth’s technology and customs!
🔹 Solar knows her way around of hacking into computers, but doesn’t stand a chance against her brother’s intelligence.
🔹 She’s a great dancer and singer, willing to show off Akiridion customs.
🔹 However, when it comes to battle, Solar is over confident and reckless in her abilities.
"Define 'legal'."
🔹 She fears of getting herself hurt, but is impatient.
🔹 Just like her brother, she’s easily frustrated when things don’t go exactly her way.
🔹 It’s only because of the fear and guilt she bottles from loosing her planet in the takeover.
🔹 Solaris easily distressed and easily provoked into fighting.
🔹 Just like her brother, she has her Akiridion serrartor.
🔹 The energy transformation weapon into what she needs, a nearly impenetrable shield, a blaster or bazooka, a sword like blade, and a two pronged spear.
🔹 Kevin, being the awesome brother he is, modified is for her so he enhanced it.
🔹 But it allows her to change between her human and Akiridion form at will.
🔹 Aja uses her hoverboard more than Kevin, it’s her favorite mode of transportation.
🔹 It only fits two people and can be disguised as a regular skateboard.
🔹 Solar is shown to be a natural leader, much like her parents.
🔹 However, she's not exactly a master tactician and mostly prefers to improvise throughout her battles.
🔹 Solar has great aim with her serrator when in blaster mode, as she was able to destroy to Zeron Brotherhood ship's stabilizer with a single blast.
🔹 As a Royal Akiridion, Solar is much more stronger, faster, durable, agile, intelligent, and has better reflexes.
🔹 Solar is much more agile than most Akiridions.
"'cause I'm tired of hiding. To be normal on Akiridion, I had to hide that I was a royal. To be normal on Earth, I have to hide that I am a royal and an Akiridion. For once, I just want to be me."
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wheretwofacesmeet · 4 years
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nikibogwater · 3 years
Of course Krel is MVP. He is the king after all. *chuckles maniacally* get it?
Technically, he's the King-in-Waiting. Maybe all that time Waiting allowed him to achieve True Inner Calm, and that's why he's the only one who seems to have any sort of control in this situation.🤣
Aja, who spent her youth in the underground Skelteg rings: Little Brother, how are you not cOmPLeTelY FrEaKiNG oUT right now?!
Krel, who spent his youth solving the mysteries of the universe with math purely for the sake of his own entertainment: ¯\_¯\_(ツ)_/¯_/¯
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ssiggss · 2 years
Headcanon: Sako sometimes had to cover for Mavi whenever she snuck out of the palace to go skeltegs gambling. Too bad Sako isn't great at lying.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
Five Delsons
Aja hatched five delsons before Krel did.
Or, in which I take my headcanon that Akiridions lay eggs and then I make it angsty.
CW: Major character death.
“We’re going to go hunting for skeltegs.” Krel looked up from the gravetic plasma disk he was deconstructing to his sister. Her upper hands were on her hips, and her lower arms were crossed. It was like she thought that doing so made her seem intimidating.
Krel went back to working on the disk. “No, we’re not.”
“Yes, we are.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Well, I’m in charge, and I say we are.”
“You’re not in charge; Zadra is.”
“Zadra’s talking to Loth Saborian, so in her stead I’m in charge because I’m older.”
“We’re twins, Aja, you can’t claim you’re in charge due to age!”
“I hatched five delsons before you did, so I have five delsons more experience than you. Thus, I’m in charge!”
“Yeah, and I bet you’ll die five delsons before I do as well!”
Anger flashed in his sister’s eyes, and at first Krel thought she was going to hit him. Which would hurt, but no matter what Aja would get in trouble with Zadra for hitting him (and maybe even being bossy), even if Krel got in trouble as well for being mean to her.
Instead of hitting Krel, Aja’s face screwed up. “Zadra!” she yelled. “Krel’s being mean to me! He said I’m gonna die!”
Oh, no. Now Krel was going to be grounded.
Aja was a regal queen, nine feet tall with an elegant crest.
Krel, on the other hand, still looked very young. He didn’t notice it, most of the time, not when he was with his friends on Earth. He had made upgrades to his transduction so he’d appear to age with them, since Akiridions aged more slowly than humans. Kleb, they aged just a little more slowly than trolls did. But around other Akiridions, like the one who had never been much older than him in a way that mattered? It was impossible to really ignore, not when she towered over him when they were both in their Akiridion forms just like she had when he had changed into his human form as she prepared to take upon the mantle of queen. He had tried to ignore this, of course, just like how he had tried to ignore his fangs before he finally went to Jim for help with adjusting.
At least Jim, despite becoming a taller being with tusks and invulnerable stone skin, still aged like a human did, if perhaps a little slower.
“I’m not aging, am I?” Krel asked, voicing the thought that neither of them had wanted to verbalize.
“It doesn’t look like it,” Aja said. She wrapped one pair of arms around herself before wrapping the other pair around him. He let himself cry into her chest as she unwrapped an arm from around herself and stroked his hair. He was pretty sure she was crying as well.
Eventually, Aja pulled away. “Well, you’ll always be my little brother.”
She’d said something similar to him, years ago, when he told her what he’d done. That he’d merged with Gaylen’s core, because perhaps the only thing that could stop Earth’s demigods once and for all was the power of an Akiridion god. But years ago, she hadn’t sounded so teasing.
“Ha ha, very funny Aja. It’s not like I can go back in time and ensure that I hatch before you.”
“Oh, no. I wasn’t even talking about that. I mean, you’re always going to be short.”
He refused to childishly stick his tongue out at her. That would be letting her win.
Aja had been a warrior queen, but despite all the battles she had fought it was simple old age that had taken her. Her core was too frail to support itself, and she died in her sleep, surrounded by family. Most hadn’t been awake at the time; it had been before dawn. Krel had been awake, holding one of her hands in his own while he softly tinkered using the other three. Her funeral was the delson afterwards, and Krel was proud of himself that he managed to make it three quarters of the way through his speech for his sister before he started crying.
It was selfish, but some of those tears were for himself. His sister had died, older than either of their parents had ever become. And here he was, still looking only four months older than he had been when their parents had died. He will die looking incredibly youthful for a geezer. Or maybe his appearance will catch up to his age in his final moments before his body dissolves and leaves nothing behind but two cores, one old and broken and the other divine and unbreakable. Sure, nothing could kill Gaylen or those who had merged with his core, nothing but Seklos’s canon, but this was fate. It was something that had bound Aja and Krel together since he had hatched.
Aja had died, and it was still technically five delsons after her death. Unlike Aja, Krel would die alone. He had no descendants, and nearly all of his friends had died hundereds of keltons ago. It was fine. He had realized this would happen soon after he learned just how short and fleeting human lives were. He hadn’t been prepared when his human friends started dying of complications of old age, complications that they hadn’t thought they’d live to back in high school. He hadn’t been prepared for Aja’s death. But Krel was prepared for his own. He supposed he had been prepared for it his entire life.
The skyline of Akiridion-V had changed since his childhood. Earth may have been his home, but this planet was where he had been born. It was only fitting that he would die here, five delsons after Aja had died. Well, five delsons and twenty horvaths. Which, if he rounded to the nearest delson, was six delsons, but he refused to round.
The mekrons ticked on. No one had said dying was such a slow process. That was probably why Krel was so afraid - if death was quick, then he wouldn’t be so afraid. He wanted to do more with his hands than sit still and wait for death, but he had finished the project he’d been working on when his sister died. He didn’t need to start something he would never be able to finish, not when he would be dying so soon.
And yet, a new delson dawned on Akiridion-V. A mournful wail broke the quiet as Krel realized that it had been six delsons since his sister had died. He had lived an entire delson longer than she had, and he was likely to live many more.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
A/N: gravetic plasma disks are entirely the invention of Springhole.net’s Technobabble Malfunction Generator; I have no idea what they’re supposed to do and it’s not plot important. If someone were to make a helpful list of Akiridion technology I would much appreciate it for future use in writing.
So, basically, I headcanon that Akiridions hatch from eggs, though they do so by punching/kicking their way out as opposed to having egg teeth. They lay eggs in clutches of usually one to three, though up to five eggs at a time has been recorded (though it did cause strain to the parent and the eggs were small and malnourished). Akiridions hatch anywhere from half a horvath to eleven delsons after the clutch has been laid. It’s common for twins and triplets to be at least a delson or two apart when it comes to hatch time, and the moment of their birth is recorded as when they hatch as opposed to when their own individual egg is laid. Thus, it’s entirely possible that Krel’s egg may or may not have been laid before Aja’s, but she took a lot less time punching/kicking her way out and therefore she would have been considered the older twin, and thus would have lorded over the fact that she was five delsons older than her brother for her entire life.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
Irrational - Chapter 4: Study
Fourth day of the @spacecampweek, here I come! We’re talking ‘Freckles’! 😍
This is a short, fluffy one, with the participation of head over heels Seamus and oblivious Krel! Enjoy!! 💙💙
Summary: It had started as a random subject of a research during his free time. It had turned into a realization science could hardly explain.
Read it on the AO3
Krel was finally ready to put an end to this.
After all, at first, it had been all abound finding a way to pass time while Mrs. Janeth explained her limited understanding of math to the class. In all honesty, it could had been anyone else in that room, every single human might had caught his eyes during his desperate effort to find something interesting to do. It had turned out to be him probably because having another person besides himself appearing this bored – to the point of falling asleep, impressive – had been almost comforting. Giving a look had been normal, staring a natural consequence.
Then, he had noticed them.
Despite what absolute new environment was this planet, he had taken his time to discover a bit about this place. It had turned out that biological bodies possessed quite the variety of features, and those red dots were only a minuscule part of it. They were called ‘freckles’, defined as extra patches of coloring or pigment under the skin: a hereditary trait, typical of humans with clear skin and called ephelides by professional human healers. They apparently emerged as an over product of melanin, and they reacted to ultraviolet radiation – if their morning star was such a problem, how come they had not worked on a planetary shield yet? Ay ay ay, these humans.
Even with this knowledge and the awareness that it was nothing more than a few points, Krel hadn’t been able to look elsewhere. There was something fascinating about seeing theory applied into reality, even for a matter as simple as this – besides, anything was better than this lesson.
It had started like this.
Then, it had become a constant. A regular occurrence to hold on to.
His life was the very opposite of normal, his existence alone would have gained him that infamous ‘weirdo’ nickname even without his own apparently unnatural personality. There had been hardly a time where he had the benefit of having something to hold onto, his sister was his rock but with the arising danger the risk of losing her as well as their parents had made him grown restless. His mind was too much sometimes, highlighting every single thought. He had needed a distraction.
A study.
Of course, it was so simple! There was clearly a reason why that freckled face was so captivating to him, he needed to research, as always! When something other than fixing their ship to go back home had made its way into his mind, life had turned out to be a little less stressful.
Getting a good look at Seamus during lunch was awfully easy, the blonde himself always seemed interested in him – not sure why, perhaps Krel’s way of eating was almost too human like –, and it seemed like every time those red points doubled. He was sure of it, even during the skelteg situation, seeing him run away had been enough to notice the change – that occurrence had been particular, especially since Mary had given him such a smirk, was she aware of his experiment? –, concluding that there was definitely something going on. Between bounty hunters and school, the chances to take a look had been quite numerous, to the point he had noticed Seamus staring back sometimes, a scowl on his face – hard to tell if it was threatening or his natural expression.
Then the math duel had happened, some pleasantries had been exchanged, the subject had turned out to be someone he might had been interested even as a friend – hearing him looking at him in amazement later in Battle of the Bands had definitely helped –, yet somehow Krel had managed to forget to check on his face the entire time. Which was ridiculous, since he had been unable to think of anyone else but him, even after the delson was over.
What was worse, observation had turned out to be extremely difficult from that moment forward.
It was clear, the blonde was now aware of his study and was doing his best to prevent him from doing it. That had involved covering his face, turning away from him when he was around, and most of all activating biological defense mechanisms. Turning his face red in order to hide his pigments, a truly advanced tactic.
Luckily it worked only when Seamus noticed him staring. Seeing his freckles over his nice, relaxed, pink skin was quite the moment. Even a pleasant one.
More delsons had passed… more than they were supposed to.
Krel was still not back to Akiridion-5. They were still not home.
Not only that, but everything in his life was crumbling. Morando was still out there plotting who knew what, the Mothership was grounded with little chance to go back to fly, Varvatos was a traitor and had almost died for them and now had disappeared. It was piling all over, one brick over the other, it was getting hard to deal with everything. Aja had said it was going to be okay and that had been nice at first, but somehow infuriating later. What did she know? What if it wasn’t? what if it wasn’t going to work out, and they were only stalling the inevitable??
At the end, behind all of these problems, all uncertainties about the future, everything came down to this stupid, insignificant thought into his mind, the one that kept making him inevitably interested into that guy. His own most serious issues weren’t going to be solved anytime soon. If he could at least stop stressing over one thing, it was going to be for the best. It had started as a way to spend free time, but now… he was afraid of what it implied.
Steve had been useful for once, explaining to him where to find Seamus – “Good luck lovebird!”, he did not need that name after the birdie encounter. The theatre was not very crowded for now, he had been able to lean against the wall to wait without being bothered by humans. Today it felt like he could had lost his patience very easily.
At some point a group of guys exited the building, blues eyes crossed his.
There they were, those freckles. They were more than ever. He truly didn’t understand what was happening, why couldn’t he give it a rest and- ah, there it was again, that defense ability of his. Biological beings were such a mystery.
“Tarron?” Seamus blinked at him, confused. “Huh, uhm, hi, what are you doing here?” His friends waved at him with little grins, leaving them alone.
Krel breathed out, feeling the weight of everything ease a little from his shoulders. Huh.
“I am here for an experiment. I have been conducting it for some time now, I am sure you have noticed.” Judging from his confusion it seemed not, which made no sense considering his responding attention to his movements. “I have a certain fascination towards an aspect on you, and I would like to conduct one last test before leaving out the question once and for all. I am dealing with a difficult situation, I do not want any other problems getting in the way.”
“Problems…? Wait, f-fascination?” Oh, apparently there was no limit on how red this human could get. If only he wasn’t there to end his research he would have gladly tried to pick on this new topic. “F-for me? Huh, I mean… what experiment?”
“I will need you to stay still for me. I promise I will not harm you.”
“Whatever you wa- I mean, uhm, s-sure no problem!” Seamus was still staring, a little red, nodding his head. He looked in a way Krel couldn’t described. Not bad. Very nod bad.
“Very good. With your permission.”
It was only a study. He had weirder stuff in the past, especially during his skelteg interest phase – he had enough of those bugs for now –, this was nothing. Observation had brought him nothing, there was a chance tact was going to be useful and lips were the most sensible part of the human body. It only made sense, so he held Seamus’ cheeks and pressed his mouth over his freckles, between his eyes and his nose. Nothing. No difference in texture, nothing he could reasonably conclude. There really was no point into his tests. Despite the feeling of failure, there was something pleasant into touching warm human skin like this.
When he pulled away, a wave of shame hit him, as this problem wasn’t going to be solved and was going to be add to all the others. Then he looked up, seeing the freckles disappear once again, and the largest grin he had ever seen appear.
Seamus was giggling, eyes glimmering.
“That… that was… eheh.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “… nice.”
“Nice? Really?” Krel was confused. Was his failure a joy for others? This human couldn’t be that cruel. “It is good to know I guess, because my study was a complete failure.”
“Your what now?”
“It does not matter… I should go.”
“What?! No, wait!” Humans could be quite swift. Even strong, at least judging from the way Seamus had clawed his shoulders. “You didn’t! I mean, I have no idea what this is about, but it wasn’t a failure, I promise!” There was still no trace of the freckles. It felt like this entire experience was place outside his comfort zone, Krel was starting to shake. Curiously… he didn’t hate it. “I liked that, I swear, I’ve been thinking about doing stuff like that with you for a while now!”
Krel widened his eyes. Stuff like that? Stuff like what? Checking the subject of his study? Allowing others to perform tests on him? Why was this confusing, he was never confused!
“I don’t understand…”
“You kissed me, you do understand! And it felt good, and I would like to do it more!”
Kissed?… wait.
“It felt good? Really?” Seamus nodded vividly, looking like he was dying to be understood. But… but that was ridiculous, it was only a brush between human skins. How could it be something pleasant to experience? “Does it truly feel this nice?
Seamus widened his eyes. He swallowed, stepping closer.
The prince felt a sudden wave of tension hit him.
“Yeah, it does. It’s like, well…” The blonde swallowed again, slowly holding up his chin. “It’s… it’s probably clearer through practice than theory.” His finger was shaking. Krel was also shaking. His blue eyes were getting closer and closer, bigger and deeper, something he had always known from the very beginning. Huh. Perhaps he didn’t notice his freckles alone. A sekton later they were closed, and the prince felt a pressure over his cheek. His entire body was enveloped by flames. His mind was emptied, finally free from pressure and pain. “… s-so?” Seamus was looking again, still with those enormous eyes, expecting a conclusion.
Krel was frozen. Oh. Huh. That was new. Feeling stupid. That was very new.
Those freckles were never multiplying, nor they were particularly engaging on a scientific level. They were Seamus’, he was getting closer. That had always made the difference.
A little smile arrived, because at last, he did have one answer.
“You’re right, it does feel nice.”
Seamus breathed out, looking relieved and so, so happy. So very endearing.
“Good. Great, awesome, I mean…” He reached out for him again, embracing him, close to his chest. Krel could hear his human heart. It was beating. What a very fascinating topic again. “D-does this mean the experiment is still on? Are you still gonna watch me during math class and all those times?” He did notice. He really was smart. Perhaps he wasn’t completely accurate at determining exactly the topic of the research, but he was close enough. Krel really liked that aspect of him. “Because, well, in case you want to go beyond observation and deepening the study, we could, I don’t know…” He laughed nervously, his hold tightening. “Uhm, deepening the research? Maybe d-during lunch or something?”
It felt like reaching a very high point in science. It felt like at least one thing was going right into his life. He was right, the research was still very much open and able to develop, it only had a wider subject now: the entirety of the Seamus Johnson.
The prince slowly smiled, welcoming the feeling of warmth over his face.
“I’d like that.”
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krelitobxby · 4 years
So I've come to the conclusion that Krel actually didn't lose a fight to a couch. He lost the fight to a Skelteg, BEFORE tripping on absolutely nothing and flying backwards over the couch.
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hoodie-2 · 4 years
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"M-my lord," Loth Salvorian stammered after the Taylon's personal broadcast of the prayer altar ended. "Should we really be agitating the people? They, they may consider joining the Rebellion."
"And that is why we must stifle any hope they have of their precious royals returning." Morando chuckled at the blank monitor. "Even as small as their prayers."
"The people think that you are afraid then." Another voice to the side grabbed attention of the court. The prince sat at the viewing window that overlooked the city, his back to them, his shoulders shuddered and twitched with movement as he tinkered with a new project. "Afraid of even them thinking of my family's safety that they would risk their own to secure it. And you continue to prove it as you act out."
Morando frowned at the child. He has been mostly silent since he agreed to their boon, watching as Morando ordered the guards to squash any sign of rebellion and for the engineers to produce more OMENs. Sitting there at the window, he seemed so small hunched over whatever it was in his four hands, but the city stretching before him gave a sad little vision of the princeling's reason to side with Morando.
"How would you suggest then? For them to realize that the Tarrons are not returning to save them?"
Krel's form paused, slowly sitting up, look out through the window. "Let them pray," he said. "Let them pray and let them realize themselves that those prayers will go unanswered. Just as I had." His voice didn't hide the mourning he felt some delsons ago nor the seething he feels now. "Crush the Rebellion of course but leave the innocent be. They do not deserve cruelty for prayers. Let Gaylon create his children smart enough to make the right choice and may Seklos protect them." He hunched back down to tinker again at his project.
Morando rose from his throne, ignoring the startled whimper from Loth, and approached the smaller Akiridion at the window. Whatever it was in his hands took up his attention more often than not, the king found himself curious finally. "What are you working on, princeling?"
"A gift," Krel answered without looking up. "For if and when my family does return." He held up a small orb roughly the size of a skelteg, a dark smile on his face.
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peachcitt · 3 years
on the list of my favorite scenes ever: steve playing the cutest music and dancin with the skeltegs
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depreshroom · 4 years
Analyzing Krel: Episode 4
I’m back, this took a lot longer than I wanted it to. It may be short but I feel like this was significant! So, here it is I guess.
At the beginning of the episode, they are interrogating Stuart when skeltegs fly into the ship. Krel immediately blames Aja by telling her that she was the one obsessed with sketleg fighting on akiridion-5. Granted, it was her fault but it still took him only all of two seconds to blame her. He was eager to say it, and to point out that she did something wrong. 
Side note: Aja said skelteg fighting was easy money...Aja gambled. Aja, you’re a royal, why did you need that money? More relevant question: Did you ever get in trouble for gambling ma’am?
Later, at school after leaving Stuart’s shop, Mary and Darci inform Aja that she is popular now for kicking Steve in the face. Poor Krel is simply ignored and left behind with his boombox which he had brought to school. During the day, the skeltegs invade the school and as they are running, this scene happens between Krel, Aja, Darci, and at the end Shannon.
Krel: “Just remember sister, you were the one who brought them here.”
Darci: “Aja, you really did this?”
Krel: “Finally, you made a mistake!” ~~Senor Uhl cancels school over the announcements~~
Darci: “Yes! Aja you just saved my butt, I was gonna fail that quiz!”
Shannon: “Oh man! She even makes infestations look cool.”
Krel: “You literally cannot lose.”
 “Just remember sister, you were the one who brought them here.”
First of all, it seems significant that Krel once again reminds Aja that this is her fault. She did this, everything going wrong right now (within the school) is because of her. He says that as if to prove a point, to put the spotlight on her.
This would simply seem like he’s just blaming her for fun, but then he says “Finally, you made a mistake!” 
So yes, he’s happy his sister made a mistake, but the thing about this line is not only that he’s happy but he said finally. He says it as if his sister is perfect all the time--he has been waiting for this, for the moment that his “perfect” sister showed a taste of imperfection. Nothing serious has happened yet, there haven’t been any big mistakes for any of them, so this conclusion that his sister is perfect would have to come from akiridion-5 where we once again talk about their parents. He has been set to a lower bar and belittled in comparison to Aja. He also sees himself that way as in his mind without Aja, he’s doomed. Or as he puts it, back in episode 2, “That’s why I’m not afraid. Because I have you.”  Another thing is that in the episode before this, Aja was able to use the mind reader and Krel wasn’t. He didn’t necessarily make a mistake, but he didn’t succeed like Aja and that was his field of expertise so it did leave him upset. 
What can be assumed by not only the line itself, but his excitement is that being taught to think, and thinking that his sister is better than him did take its toll on him. Seeing his happiness about this break into Aja’s nonexistent facade gives insight into his insecurities. It’s probably the more selfish side of him, but wanting Aja to mess up lets Krel believe that he isn’t a failure. 
Unfortunately, school gets canceled so the others instead cheer Aja on. In disappointment, frustration, and annoyance, Krel says “You literally cannot lose.”
So Krel is finally able to catch Aja in the act of making a mistake which leaves him ecstatic because it broke her---once again nonexistent--facade. That was only for him to quickly be slapped in the face when her mistake is actually praised. 
I feel like it might be important to acknowledge the fact that Aja never does act like she’s perfect, Krel built this illusion for himself and while it was likely that it was influenced by his parents the idea that she’s flawless is something that he has come to truly believe. If he believes that she’s faultless, and also views his parents on a higher level than him, then that leaves him at the bottom. 
Skipping all the way to the end, after they find out the boombox brought the skeltegs to the school, and they have fixed the infestations, Krel comes to apologize to Aja, and they reconcile. Then she asks about building a daxial array.
Aja: “Hey, how many akiridions does it take to build a daxial array?”
Krel: “It’s impossible.”
Aja: We exploded skeltegs with a music machine little brother. Nothing is impossible on this planet.”
Krel: “In that case, it will take two akiridions.”
There’s not much to point out about this, but I did want to talk about the fact that while I’m sure Aja’s optimism is somewhat helpful, Krel is the only one who’s really that good at technology. So when he says that “it’s impossible”, he’s simply referencing himself, and saying that he’s the one who can’t do it. In turn, Aja does an uno reverse by saying that it’s entirely possible and encourages him. She’s a good sister, and it’s likely that they both knew Aja would be more helpful in terms of blending keeping in mind her newfound popularity rather than technology. In a sense, she is simply letting Krel know she believes in him. After that he does admit that he does need help by saying that it will take “two akiridions”.
To sum it up, considering the idea that Krel’s family are the closest people to him in his life, and he has always seen himself as lesser in comparison, I would argue that has led him to have always felt like he’s the “flaw” in his family for lack of a better explanation. Aja is also a good older sister, and is willing to encourage her brother despite whatever argument they had before which is nice and brings out how good their relationship is! Finally, this took long and thank you for reading it! Have a nice day, night, or afternoon!
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thecasperanfamily · 4 years
I know the blog is mostly about the Lin and his family (and I love it!), but we've heard about the Lake-Nuñez family, could we hear about Toby and about Steve, Aja and Eli? 💖💖💖
So I touched on this a bit in this ask, but I’m assuming you guys probably want a little more detail, soooo let’s see if I can figure something out on the spot here. (Yes this is how professionals do AUs, we just dive in headfirst with only a vague idea and figure stuff out as we go. Probably. I don’t actually know many Professional AU creators...)
Toby is, as I said, a sort of ambassador between the Human and Troll worlds. With Jim being a stay-at-home dad and Claire a combination Super Mom and movie actress, Toby’s the only one of the OG Trollhunting gang who can really be on call at all times (along with his wingman Aaarrrgh). Thankfully since Gunmar was taken care of, there isn’t too much he needs to worry about. Mostly he just gives informative lectures on trolls as a species and teaches Arcadians proper troll etiquette. I went back and forth for a long time on whether he and Darci were still together--it feels like a bit of a stretch to have every high school relationship in the series turn out Perfect like that--but I think I’m gonna say Screw It. Darci is the inestimable and outlandishly beautiful Mrs. Domzalski and she is at the forefront of every diplomatic event, using her natural charm and charisma to build bridges between individuals that will one day span the gap between the species as a whole. She and Toby were unable to have children of their own, but they hope to one day found an organization that helps provide resources to both needy troll younglings and human children. 
By the time of the AU, Steve has joined Aja and Eli on Akiridion V. While Eli is mostly charged with teaching the Akiridions about Earth, Steve works with Aja to maintain the alliance between the two planets with his newly formed Round Table of “knights,” which consists of both humans and Akiridions joined together to defend both worlds from intergalactic threats. Or at least they would if there were any major intergalactic threats, but honestly, things have been pretty quiet since Morando got blown to smithereens. Krel regularly gets voicemails from Eli that are more or less just him going “KREL, SAVE ME, YOUR SISTER IS MAKING OUT WITH STEVE AGAIN AND WE STILL HAVE 13 INTERPLANETARY PEACE TREATIES TO LOOK OVER.” Speaking of whom, Krel is still just doing his thing on Earth, developing tech (mostly of the video game variety) and disk-jockeying on free nights. He goes to visit Aja most weekends. Aja is doing well as Queen. She’s open to the council of her peers and elders, but also knows when to follow her own moral compass. She also occasionally sneaks out for a bit of underground Skelteg fighting--Aja’s still going to be Aja, Queen or no. She and Steve are definitely still together because Staja is OTP and I will throw a hissy fit if canon ever breaks them up. Their dynamic hasn’t really changed much since their high school days--they are still Very Stupidly in Love. 💙
Thanks for the ask, Non! Now watch Rise of the Titans completely dismantle every single one of those ideas in just a few short months. 😂✨
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wheretwofacesmeet · 4 years
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atesan · 4 years
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We seem to have developed a skelteg infestation.
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akozuheiwa · 5 years
Professors Tarron and Johnson
A post-canon not-yet-AU-technically by myself, @lizzylucky, and @brising. See the long post beneath the cut.
After grad school and everything, Seamus goes on to become a professor at the same college he and Krel and everyone went to. Krel drops into class on such a regular basis that the students pretty much regard them as co-professors. At some point, the deans or whatever realise this and sort of offer Krel a position because students seem to like him. Seamus thinks it’s a great idea and that’s how Krel gets coerced into being Professor Tarron.
Krel is the cool professor who doesn’t ever want to be called professor (because Aja made fun of him for it) and tries for a solid three semesters to get his students to exclusively call him DJ Kleb. Seamus is fine being called by first name, but he’ll introduce himself and Krel as “Professors Johnson and Tarron” at the beginning of the semester. Almost always, the two co-teach lecture and then split up lab, except the one not in charge of lab always shows up anyway.
Their students love them, even if tests can occasionally be murder. Class and lab are full of super awesome experiments. Krel shows up some days with something random he invented the night before with the help of either alcohol or caffeine. He’ll take over the class and throw the syllabus to the wind to get his students to help him figure out what, exactly, he invented and how, exactly, he invented it. Some love it. Some hate it because they did the reading which is now out the window. Usually Seamus is very frustrated at first because he “had a plan for today’s lesson, we only have six weeks left in the semester”, but then he just gets super into it too and makes sure it becomes a teaching moment and nothing blows up. Students learn quickly that if you like explosions, you take lab with Krel, and if you’d rather play it safe, you take lab with Seamus.
Sometimes students also bring in things like this, although they usually try not to mention exactly what substance they were on when they created it, except for one student who walks in and shamelessly declares that that weekend she was “super fuckin’ high” and she thinks she mad something awesome but has no idea what it is, and the class spends the entire period reverse-engineering whatever it is only to find out it’s actually just a really, really weird hair-dryer. She gets extra credit just because Krel and Seamus are nostalgic and have, obviously, done the same thing multiple times in school. Unfortunately, this triggers a wave of students trying to replicate it by sleep deprivation or drugs or alcohol, which turns out some really cool class projects, but is banned after one kid passes out in the middle of class. Krel and Seamus either take back all the extra credit or just give everyone equal extra credit.
Students always find out about the Akiridion sci-fi site where all the theories about Krel and Seamus ended up, and they use it both as a forum to keep up with each other and also to speculate about their professors. Graduated seniors and anyone in the know help to make sure there’s no way to prove their favourite professors are (both?) aliens, and Krel and Seamus go through to check as well.
They give all their graduating seniors gifts, whether they were in one of their classes this year or freshman year or never but got stuck with one of them as a major advisor. If the kids were good, trustworthy kids, which most of them are, they get sworn to secrecy and get to find out that, yes, Krel’s actually from space. It’s impossible to convince them Seamus isn’t, but it amuses the two professors enough that they let it go.
They do teach a special senior seminar course that focuses on Akiridion technology, but it’s permission only and you pretty much can only get in if you’re a dedicated student of the Tarron-Johnson duo. Not to mention that the course description is misleading enough that only those students want to take it. The first day of this class is largely introducing the students to the fact that extra-terrestrials are real and that their tech is way better than Earth’s. They usually take a vote to see which of them the students think is the Akiridion, and usually the winning vote is both of them. Krel doesn’t reveal himself until the end of class so they can get through the syllabus and everything, because otherwise the class would never calm down.
The Akiridion Tech class takes two annual fields trips. One is to Akiridion-5, of course, where they get a special tour and the chance to work in what was Krel’s lab when he lived there. Aja begins looking forward to these trips because, ironically, it's one of her easiest days as Akiridion-5 Ruler. The students are always excited to meet her and the citizens are respectful and peaceful on those days. The other trip is to a planet of their choosing, which is disguised as an assignment where the class as a whole is given a bunch of data and has to determine which planets are habitable and pick one to visit. They almost always go, even if it’s not particularly habitable, just because Krel and Seamus can usually rig up safety suits. They also have a day where they study transduction technology. It’s Krel’s least favourite lesson because the students get to experiment with it on the only Akiridion available, AKA him, and so he ends up looking all sorts of crazy. Yes. Pictures get taken.
One year, after the field trip, one kid doesn’t listen and ends up accidentally bringing a skelteg back to Earth, which of course goes nuts in class. Professor Tarron goes around blasting music until they all explode. When the students find out he made the music, they go nuts. Someone finds all of his demos and shares them in the class group chat. There’s a petition for Professor Tarron’s music to be broadcasted in the dining hall. Krel signed the petition, of course. A few students form a DJ/music club and ask him to be the faculty contact for it, and of course he's thrilled and gets super into it. Really, he and Seamus go to as many of their students’ events as possible.
Some of the more internet savvy students compare them to vines on YouTube and through brief discussion decide that these trips are very Magic School Bus esque. Someone makes the mistake of bringing this up in class and introducing Krel to Magic School Bus, which is something Seamus was very specifically avoiding. All of the classes start having a lot more fun field trips after that, much to Seamus’s frustration and secret amusement. The trips very much cater to and play on the Magic School Bus jokes. One student gets them a pet lizard. It becomes the class pet. Krel takes to it immediately. Seamus gives up.
Krel won’t always focus in lecture, and he has a habit of stopping mid-sentence and leaving the room, at which Seamus just sighs and picks up where Krel left off until the Akiridion comes back with some bizarre piece of tech. He’ll wait for Seamus to finish before explaining the jump in his thought process and how it relates to his tech. Seamus has done it once or twice himself, but he usually finishes talking before adding. They’ll also completely baffle the students by stopping mid-lesson to discuss how, “Wait, didn’t we disprove this once?” or “According to Akiridion science, isn’t this wrong?” or “Well, if we did this instead I bet we could prove this wrong.” No one ever understands what they’re talking about in those instances.
Professor Johnson is the only one to have office hours (and grade stuff, usually), but if you can’t make it, you can probably find Krel somewhere on campus and ask questions. He can always answer, even if it’s about a comment Seamus made on an essay Krel didn’t grade. Half the students are convinced they have some sort of telepathy device because they can pick up each other’s thoughts mid-sentence, sometimes even when they weren’t in the room. Sometimes one of them just moves to go sit down and starts researching something on the computer while the other takes up the rest of the lesson, knowing full well that they'd had the same idea at the same time.
They tell new students the first day to “forget everything you’ve learned in any physics class not taught by one of us.” They, in fact, have a class (PHYS 351 with Lab) called “Physics is a Social Construct”. All their classes always start with a syllabus, but by the second week, Krel (and it’s always Krel) is like, “Alright, so due to unexpected circumstances, and by that I mean Seamus and I disproved three of these theories last night, we’re throwing away the syllabus!” There are days when the students are so stuffed up with questions and confusion as to what their Professors are doing that an entire class will be spent just answering their questions. Some of the students already understand some things thanks to Akiridion Science Fiction and just laugh at the younger students' questions, but then find themselves asking questions too. Questions range from “Why did Professor Tarron vanish for a week?” to “What the hell is that thing on the desk?” to “What about the syllabus?” and finally, the most common one, “But that’s not possible!” PHYS 351’s final project is to break one of the laws of physics. The Tarron-Johnson duo’s motto is that everything is possible.
Krel, surprisingly, is really bad at lab safety, in that he doesn’t do it at all. He’ll get sucked in and forget things. Seamus has to remind them all the time, things like, “Krel, please put your hair up, you’re going to catch it on fire again” or “Krel, please wear goggles, we don’t want a repeat of the junior year fiasco.” If Seamus shows up alone and starts class with, “Let’s go over lab safety”, then you know Krel did something stupid. Some days Krel will have to tell Seamus, “Do not tell them why I’m not there”, and Seamus tells them because it’s usually something really stupid, including the time he fell off a ladder.
Sometimes they bring guest speakers to class. Akiridion Tech gets the best guests, scientists from across the galaxy and usually the Queen of Akiridion-5 at least once, but even other classes get cool Earth scientists and occasionally extra-terrestrials in disguise. Apparently, Professor Tarron is good friends with a high-up military general that runs the mysterious Area 49b, so he usually visits too, and sometimes Akiridion Tech even gets a tour of the military base. Students who don’t get a tour beg for one, and Krel, certified disaster even as an adult, tells them that “it’s not that hard to break into there anyways” and that he knows someone who did it at least twice. Professor Johnson is not pleased to hear about this when he discovers students plotting to break in. General Costas is even less happy, and every semester he drags anywhere from two students to the entire class to Krel and Seamus’s house in the middle of the night after they tried to break into Area 49b. Yes, this fuels the debate about whether they’re married. No, no one is sure. Krel secretly gives them extra credit by claiming it tests their capacity to plan and also, it helps test the security of the base. Neither Costas nor Seamus like this answer.
Seamus pretty much stays in the physics and engineering departments, but Krel actually ends up branching out. He stays involved in theatre, of course, and ends up teaching a class about sci-fi theatre in which he only teaches one play from Earth, if that many, and at least two are from Akiridion-5. The others come from random planets with plays Krel likes.
Krel is also in the habit of just… walking into other classes whenever he feels like it to see what’s happening or if it’s interesting. Students not aware of Professors Tarron and Johnson assume he’s maybe an older student or a grad student or something. He almost always goes to classes that talk about space and sci-fi. The special creative writing class about writing sci-fi is something he has to see, and the professor actually thinks he’s a student who isn’t on the list because of add/drop/swap and Krel, while finding it hilarious, has to explain that, no, he’s from the physics department, he specialises in astroengineering and cool stuff like that.
They also get super into things like holidays and spirit week, and will always go all out for any costumes. They’ll set up holiday-themed projects for extra credit. Students are challenged to relate their Halloween costumes to class (so they get a lot of superheroes) and they usually reserve the unit on holograms for February to allow the students to make hologram Valentine’s cards. They try to be as inclusive as possible, and research different holidays and make sure they know what their students celebrate, especially come winter time when so many holidays come up.
TL;DR: Seamus and Krel are the best professors for so many reasons and nobody knows if they’re married or not. That’s up to you and what you ship.
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