#skeletor looking guy-
can-of-pringles · 10 months
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Also I slightly take back what i said in the previous post about Riven
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skeletap · 8 months
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im literally ?? with how this teen titans go parody of he-man is hilarious like ik the muscle jokes are old but the "musclelor" guy is so funny and the teen titans mixed with motu characters look so cute but i really loved the neon gym castle
btw the ep is called "I Used to be A Peoples"
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kayzig · 1 year
I found an incredibly silly-looking cooking anime, and I am going to see if I actually like it because the character designs seem made for me
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sunderwight · 6 months
Imagine how much Shen Yuan and Airplane would hate it if an actual PIDW fan transmigrated in too, though.
Like, one of the guys who genuinely loved the stallion novel harem-building aspects, the weird-yet-vanilla het sex, the willingness to throw the plot out of the door just to have yet another interchangeable woman throw herself at the hero. Someone who only ever had nice things to say in the comment section, who unironically referred to Airplane as a master storyteller, who bought some of the VIP chapters (if he liked the wife Bingge was destined to wed & bed), couldn't name any of the monsters or sex flowers or most of the male side characters, had a Xin Mo keychain and once commissioned fan art of Sha Hualing (favorite wife) looking sexy in a pin-up pose, and told Peerless Cucumber he was a weirdo who took things too seriously on more than one occasion.
I think he'd bother Airplane the most. Shen Yuan would be annoyed and tell him his taste was in his ass, but that's about it.
But Airplane? I think at first he'd be inclined to enjoy having an uncomplicated "fan" of his work turn up. This guy actually praises him! He has nothing but flattering things to say! It's like a dream come true! Except... well, Airplane himself is perfectly aware of the decisions he made in his writing and why (he sold out deliberately, not because he thought it would actually make for a better story -- say what you will about whether or not it's worth it, but the man knows what he's doing), and also I suspect kind of resents his own popular audience whenever he has to interact with them for more than minute.
After all, these were the patrons he had to appease and appeal to, the readers he had to worry about offending or alienating, the ones who were paying the bills but also would have vanished at the drop of a hat if he hadn't given them a steady supply of what they wanted. It's not the audience he actually desired, it's the one he decided not to offend in order to maximize profitability. Peerless Cucumber might be a pain in the ass, but he's a pain in the ass who picked up on the story that Airplane himself originally intended to tell, and wanted PIDW to actually be that. Which has gotta be kind of gratifying, in a roundabout way.
I think it would stress Airplane out to have someone approve of the things he himself didn't even approve of. Like on the one hand this guy seems to have only a good opinion of him, but on the other hand it's based entirely on a false impression and Airplane actually agrees way more with Cucumber's assessment of his writing, because he wrote it badly on purpose. Since the guy has a good opinion, that's something Airplane can potentially lose, and he'd be most likely to lose it by revealing the truth about his own creative intentions and his actual tastes and inclinations. A ticking time bomb of disapproval that could go off at any moment to who-knows-what effect.
He'd hate it. Eventually every time User No.3 came around he'd just be like:
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[ID: A gif of Skeletor from Masters of the Universe gliding through a blue magical barrier and then reaching back to punch and shatter it. End ID]
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Lord Death Man:
Lord Death Man: Hi.
Red Hood: Hello... who are you again?
Lord Death Man: I am Batman's nemesis, Lord Death Man and you-
Red Hood (sighing annoyed): I remembered your voice. The voice is back in my brain.
Orphan: Hi, Death man, good to see you again. All in one piece this time.
Lord Death Man: Good to see you as well. Thanks for sewing me back up after you tricked me into stepping on the land mine.
Orphan: It's the least I can do... even though you're incredibly annoying.
LDM: You are such a kidder. Now where is Batman! I am ready to fight him for he is my-
Red Hood: I fucking can't with this voice!
Red Hood shoots LDM in the chest and walks off. Orphan follows behind him.
Orphan: What do you think he wants?
Red Hood: Don't care, let's hurry before he revives himself.
Lord Death Man standing a few seconds later.
LDM: Hey, hey get back here and take me to Batman!
Red Hood: Run!
Orphan: On it!
The two run away as LDM chases them.
Orphan: Wait, can I borrow your gun?
Red Hood: Uh, sure.
Orphan takes the gun and shoots Lord Death Man in different fatal (but can't kill him) spots while counting: Un, deux, trois, quatre et cinq.
Lord Death Man drops to the ground, twitching.
Orphan: We have five minutes because I shot him in the throat and crotch, which takes longer to bounce back from. You have to shoot him more than once and I used all your bullets.
Orphan tosses Jason his gun back and walks off, humming. Red Hood looks at his gun and then Orphan. He follows behind her half impressed, but confused.
Jason: How did you figure out the crotch thing? Orphan, I need an answer to this.
Hours later
Beast Boy: Don't freak out, but there is a man with a skull watching us from a distance.
Dick Grayson sighs and continues drinking his coffee.
Dick: Not even turning around.
Beast Boy: Hey.. Hey buddy? Grayson pinches the bridge of nose. Dick: Don't wave at him. Beast Boy: Shush, skull guy, who are you?
LDM: Um... Larry.
Beast Boy: Larry?
Dick Grayson's eye twitches and he crushes his coffee cup in his hand.
Beast Boy: Okay your reaction makes me want to ask him more. Hey, Larry... why the heck you spying on us?
Larry: Not you, the other one. He knows Batman and I am his nemsis!
Beast Boy: He's not in disguise, how do you know it's Nightwing?
Larry: ... Cause I have eyes. The eye mask doesn't hide much.
Dick lifts his head, enraged. Larry said his trigger word.
Dick: You're about to find out why he's called Lord Death Man. Larry, let's talk!
He stands and walks over to Lord Death Man and pummels him in the thankfully empty diner.
Beast Boy: Yeah, he doesn't like people insulting the eye mask.
Lord Death Man (barely) remains hidden behind a tree. Stephanie (in Spoiler disguise) spots him while apprehending Kite- Man.
LDM: 'Scuse me, have either of you seen Batman!
Spoiler: Oh Christ not you again.
Kite-Man: Who is he and why does he sound like skeletor? Great show, btw. You should check it out.
LDM: I am LORD DEATH MAN and I am Batman's nemesis!
Kite-Man: Nemesis?
Spoiler: Rival, he means rival.
Kite-Man: Oh like us?
Spoiler: Everyday I know you I regret my life choices. Lord- I can not call you that name, I'll just say Skeletor. Skeletor, Batman is not around... he fell into a portal and won't be around for a while. Long while. Leave Gotham while. The guy you've seen isn't the Batman... he's uh...
Kite-Man: A man bat! Who has no idea who you are. The real Batman won't be back for a week or so. Right, rival?
Kite-Man elbows Spoiler with a smile. She sighs then nods.
Spoiler: Yup, man bat and he doesn't know you. I can call Red Hood, Orphan or Nightwing instead. Nightwing especially wants to deal with you again.
LDM backed away terrified, running off at such a speed it leaves a dust cloud.
Spoiler (regret in her voice): Thank... you.
Kite-Man: No prob, rival. Thanks for saying Skeletor. Does he talk like that all the time?
Spoiler (nodding): His voice is stuck in my head like a mind numbingly catchy song. The skull is his head too. Kite-Man: If his head is nothing by a skull how does he speak clearly? Spoiler: Nobody has figured it out yet. He makes me appreciate the villains I have. Kite-Man (happy): I needed that compliment, Spoiler. Thank you.
Spoiler: The moment I said that I regretted it. Let's get you to jail so I can go home.
Spoiler finishes locking the cuffs and turns Kite-Man around to walk him to a precinct.
Spoiler: You got a venue you for the wedding yet? Kite-Man: Yes, the church we attend. Well she goes there more than me, but it's a nice set up. You want me to send you the invitation or hand it to you when we meet up again? Spoiler (sarcastically): Oh hand it to me when we meet up I totally won't use it to have Batman track and arrest you.
Kite-Man (missing her tone): Good looking out. Glider says 'hi'.
Spoiler: Fan-tastic.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 3 - Best Friends
Summary: Corroded Coffin...a group of good-looking young guys. But jealousy is not a good look on any of them.
Word Count: 941
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Friendship, jealousy, tiny bit of angst, mentions of FOI, tiny bit of Jeff backstory, Freak #3 is named Dave in my universe, special appearance of the freshman.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Friendship dynamics in groups were always tricky things.
You'd know more about one person in the group than the others, someone might know more about you than you know about them. More often than not, the bonds of friendship were more braided and intricate than a straight connection from Person A to Person B.
This concept had led to many-a-fight between Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will. Petty, puberty-driven, anxiety-riddled fights that Eddie stupidly tried to mediate one afternoon when he got to the lunch table and found them all bickering.
The other, older boys groaned when their leader asked with a snort, "alright, who's fighting over the Skeletor action figure this time?"
Their arguing only got louder, all of them turned to face Eddie now, who realized his mistake as they spoke over one another and shoved elbows into each others sides.
He remedied it by whistling loudly to get them all to shut up.
"One at a time," he demanded, and then waved to Dustin, who sat the closest to him.
And Dustin, desperate for some sort of epiphany or intervention, asked,
"Eddie, who is your best friend?"
"Oh, that's easy," he waved dismissively. "It's Jeff."
It was a record-scratch moment.
Maybe not for everyone at the table, but certainly for the other members of Corroded Coffin.
"What about Ronnie?" Jeff himself questioned.
"Yeah what about Ronnie?"
"Weren't you guys in Kindergarten together?"
"Jeff can't be your best friend, because he's my best friend."
Everyone froze then and turned to Gareth, who shrunk under everyone's stares for a moment and then straightened his shoulders.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Jeff's my best friend, what about it?"
"When do you guys hang out except for Hellfire...or class...or band practice?" Eddie narrowed his eyes at Gareth.
"When do you guys hang out except for those places?" Dave retorted. "If anything, Jeff's my best friend because I've actually been to his house to listen to tapes before."
And from there it just devolved, as all of the boys at the table began to argue about who was whose best friend.
Everyone but Jeff.
Eddie was the first to notice him, sitting there taking immense interest in his lunch. Cutting his meatloaf into the tiniest bites.
"Alright!" he snapped, earning the table's. "Let's hear it from the man of the hour. Jeff, since you seem to be winning the popularity contest and have everyone up in arms about being the Ethel to your Lucy...who is your best friend?"
The thing was...if Eddie was the face of Corroded Coffin--of Hellfire Club--Jeff was the heart. And he knew it. He'd easily slid into the space that Ronnie had left vacant when she graduated, offering guidance and kindness and help to all of his friends.
He enjoyed a laugh, enjoyed being surrounded by everyone, enjoyed getting to see them all smile. Their happiness was his, and they all held a special place in his heart and in his life.
So it shouldn't have been a surprise to him that they all held him in such a high regard as well.
He didn't know how to soften the blow when the answer to this heavy, weighted question was "Richie Stafford."
It was said clearly and confidently, no hesitation whatsoever.
Cue another record scratch for all the boys at the table.
"Wait...Isn't..." Dave's face scrunched for a moment. "Isn't that your cousin?"
"Yeah," Jeff nodded. "It is."
"Wasn't he on the football team?"
"Yeah, but he isn't a bad guy." He shrugged and gestured to Eddie. "He graduated last year. That's why I was surprised you didn't say Ronnie. Because my answer is Richie."
Jeff watched his friends deflate for a second before he continued.
"You guys are all my pals. And I wouldn't give any of you up for the world. But Richie was my first friend, my best friend. I don't know if you remember Ed, but I was just as scared as these guy were to come up and talk to you on my first week of high school. A metal band? At Hawkins High? I thought you guys were the coolest!
"But I wouldn't even be in Corroded Coffin or Hellfire if Richie give me the push to try. I sat with him and his friends at lunch that first week, and he could tell how uncomfortable I was...but...I dunno, you got up on the table one day and played air guitar or something. Got detention, I'm sure. But Richie said it was like the clouds parted, so the next Monday, he sent me over to sit with you guys.
"He always said I was a nerd, but he never gave me shit for being myself," Jeff finished confidently. "So that's why he's my best friend."
Hellfire Club's table was silent for a moment, somber at the news that their favorite person favored someone else.
Eddie, ever the leader, was the first one to speak up.
"Well, thanks for being honest with us all Jeff. You stuck with your guns, and I think it's pretty metal of you, actually."
He and Jeff shared a smile with one another, Jeff happy that his friend and role model wasn't upset with him.
They whole table erupted into chatter, their voices filled with friendship this time, instead of anger or annoyance. They all picked on Jeff, telling him not to let the popularity get to his head.
"I will say," Gareth piped up over the din, "I feel better that at least you picked Richie...and not any of these turds."
The whole table broke down in laughter, and Gareth earned a soft punch to the shoulder from his best friend.
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therobotmonster · 4 months
Gah, I love Turtles of Grayskull!
I'm on record for rambling about how much I love MOTU origins, an action figure line that provides solid value, craftsmanship, and a sense of fun in an era where everything is increasingly none of those things.
And Turtles of Grayskull understands both its contributors spirits intimately in a way many nostalgia projects don't.
Because nostalgia remembers the cool very easily. But it rarely remembers the silly and the stupid-fun.
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You buy a bus ticket to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" or "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" and you have to know that route will be winding almost exclusively through Historical Crazytowne.
And the Turtles of Grayskull/MOTU Origins team gets this. This isn't some Batman/TMNT crossover where they give you a bunch of cool mutant Arkham Villains and deny you toys of them (but a Michaelangelo wearing the bat-cowl is worth a sculpt, eye-roll).
Recent-ish stuff to ramble about:
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Okay, not only is this just an awesome Hordak variant, he's conceptually blended with Lord Draxum. You've got the mutant bat-wings, to go with Hordak's vampire thing, but his shapeshifting weapon arm from the toon is very clearly a mutagen-blaster evoking the mutagen-mosquitos. You've got the shoulder pads evoking Draxum's little gargoyle boys. Fantastique!
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I had wondered who Casey was taking inspiration from for awhile, but apparently the lore got revealed from his packaging, he's combined... with the WEAPON RACK/Pack.
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Well, technically he raided it, but it's a clever option when it would have been easy to just put him in Man-at-Arms gear or give him a Man-E-Faces gimmick. Deep cuts are appreciated, as is that delightful amount of accessory swag.
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Stealth Leo is just a cool Leonardo figure. He's the reason for my hypothesis that Mattel is low-key pitching to be the main TMNT figure company. April gets a sweet power up by being Combined with Zo-ar and the Sorceress, and the amount of new sculpting is impressive there. Nobody would have blinked if she'd been 90% Sorceress parts, so I appreciate it.
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He-Man goes stealth ninja after he's de-mutated. that's cool I guess, but He's probably going to wind up with a different head when I get him. Skeletor, however, is everything you want in a repaint guy. 90s neon? Check, kusari-gama with goat skulls? Check. Tube of mutagen? Check. He's obviously a premold for the 2005 Samurai Skeletor but who cares? He's green!
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Splinter-Skull is mostly OG Playmates Splinter, down to the face design, but he's got just enough King Grayskull in him to keep him a fun hybrid. In fiction, this is is the spirit of Grayskull taking on a form to match both sets of heroes asking for his help. Fun!
Leatherhead, on the other hand, is just Mattel auditioning to make normal TMNT toys again. Toss some WWEternia legs with some pants on that guy and he's basically the best and most in-scale Leatherhead to not come out of NECA. I look forward to the use of that tail on many, many snakemen related characters to come.
And yet there's more!
I thought this was going to be a four-wave limited thing. But apparently they're just keeping the train rolling until the wheels fall off, to which I say...
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Wave 5 has been semi-revealed (no pics yet) and it's:
Variant Donatello, Variant Raphael, Mekaneck, and Rattlor!
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Donnie and Raph are going to be costume variants like Stealth Leo, though I'm hoping they're not also stealth versions, because there's tons of other options to pull from.
My druthers would be them with accessory pak themes (cliff climber Raph, Scuba-Attack Donnie (to nod at the wind-up swimming donnie toy), etc). The Dontatello #1 gauntlet could be a fun accessory, and I wouldn't say no to a "slime pit zombie" Raph, but we'll have to wait and see.
The real thing that has me hyped is Mekaneck and Rattlor. I love reptile-people, and the Snake-Men give me a lot of them, so I'm always glad to get more options.
Mekaneck is one of the dorkiest MOTU characters and is thus one of my favorites. He's immensely goofy, and his origin implies that Man-at-Arms decided to fix the guy's broken neck by chopping off his head and giving him an extendable robotic spine. He also has the advantage of just being somebody's dad.
His son is named Philip, by the way.
I can't imagine them not making Mekaneck a wildly mutated weirdo. They had to pack his origins figure in with the road ripper to make him appealing, so I'm pretty sure he's gonna be a mutant. Fingers crossed for a giraffe head. Bonus points if its some kinda blue eternian giraffe or something.
And Rattlor, man, I want him to be a full on character hybrid so bad. Options: Tokka (snappers do have long necks), Snakeweed, Rat King (King Ratsnake?), Hothead & Scaletail.
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spopsalt · 4 months
So I know Nate says he regrets it, which I’m already taking with a grain of salt, but I’m sitting here wondering WHY Nate designed Mara like this in the first place. Why did he give her blonde hair and blue eyes and a white/gold outfit to make her similar to Adora, and then make her poc with brown hair? Like look, I watched DBZ, I get transformations can alter hair and eyes. But why the uniform and same color scheme too? Either Nate should have kept her poc as She-Ra, or just had her be white and blond when normal. It’s that easy!
Also, I know lore can change with reboots, but here’s the thing, IN EVERY ITERATION, BASIC KNOWLEDGE IS HOW THE SWORD WORKS. And never, in the history of MOTU has the sword done that. For reference, I’m going to talk about the Sword of Power, since there’s more lore, and it’s supposed to work pretty much the same as the Sword of Protection. So… He-Man’s sword transforms whoever wields it, provided they are related to the late King Grayskull, the wielder buffs up and changes clothing. It can also have a range of clothing for different needs. Armor, helmets, pants, stuff like that. Point is, it can’t change the color of eyes or hair or skin. In the 80s, when Adam used it, it did make his hair and skin a bit darker, but he still read as a white blond guy, so it’s pretty inconsequential.
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But aside from that hair LENGTH can change, as 80s She-Ra had longer hair, and an alternate Keldor had it shorter. But all colors stayed the same. Also, there has never an assigned color scheme for anyone who used the Sword of Power. Even with different iterations. Hell, even the SWORD ITSELF could change color, allowing each person that was He-Man to be an individual.
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King Grayskull (200X and Classics)
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He-Ro (The First)
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He-Ro (The Second) (Son of He-Man)
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Adam (It was a sequel series to the 80s)
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Keldor (Skeletor in an alternate universe)
Sure some of them were blonde, but that’s a coincidence. Even Keldor, stayed blue with black hair.
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And again, this applies to ALL versions. See how a different version of King Grayskull is black and still allowed to be black when he’s He-Man?
So… Just WHY??? The gold and white outfit was unnecessary. And even more unnecessary was switching Mara’s colors. Either have her have blond/white hair, blue eyes, (and maybe white skin, I heard the S1 flashback was an animation error, but I also heard she may have just BEEN white) when not She-Ra, or let her have her gray eyes, brown hair, and dark skin when she is!!! I honestly don’t know when, where, or how Nate got this idea that all She-Ra had to look the same. He said he watched the old stuff, but clearly, he doesn’t know anything about the history. And I know for a fact the First Ones using Mara as a weapon and having the sword take her individuality was NOT planned from the beginning, because Nate had admitted that he WROTE HIMSELF IN A CORNER AND HIS WIFE JUST THREW THE IDEA OF THE PLANT BEING A WEAPON OUT THERE. Nate literally didn’t plan this, it was all made up or pulled out someone’s ass. And the whole Mara being whitewashed thing could have been avoided.
I honestly don't even know, there was soooo much potential, at least Nate regrets it, but like you said she could've kept her dark hair and eyes, but nope!
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
I know you've got finals right around this time of year, so I hope you're taking care of yourself and stuff!! I'm sure you'll do great!!
Also, and I'm so sorry in advance for this but... Every time I read or look at something related to Mervin, I imagine him to sound exactly like Skeletor.
I don't know why. He's like if Skeletor was sexy and a Dom (not that Skeletor isn't sexy but he's Skeletor)
What do you mean if Skeletor was sexy? That man is the epitome of villainous sensuality. Don't even try to argue otherwise, I'm not accepting any other viewpoints in this blog.
I... Can't see Mervin with that voice. I do sometimes mentally give him a slightly nasal undertone, but it's subtle. He's definitely not a "nyeh" kind of guy. It shines a little bit more when he's excited or angry about something.
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armoredsuperheavy · 1 year
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: An Insufferably Queer Film Review
I rewatched MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (1987) for the first time since it came out last night and WOW I have some thots about this thing. We enjoyed roasting the living shit out of it but there's a few gold nuggets in there despite the brutal budget cuts that impacted the plot and what not.
Contains plenty of spoilers.
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God bless Wardrobe
OK so … the film doesn't bother to set up any real motivations for the characters, and He-Man (an incredible looking Dolph Lundgren rrrowrrrr) has almost no dialogue which is such a fucking waste. But this complete lack of narrative framework means we can apply OUR OWN explanations to events.
From the very beginning Skeletor has this obsession with He-Man, which will simmer and then culminate in a final showdown. But before we get to that hot mess, we have to wade through the middle of the film.
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He gets as much screen time as He-Man.
Meet the utterly repulsive dwarf scientist Gwildor played by Billy Barty, a rinse-and-repeat of his performance as an utterly repulsive magic troll in Legend (1986). This dwarf is the film's Jar Jar. His face is like a deep dish pizza after an acid attack. His real mouth is visible behind the immobile thick prosthetics and it makes for some truly disturbing close-up dialogue shots. Please, pan away from Pizza the Hutt and give us another shot of Lundgren's pecs please I am begging you, DP
We find ourselves in Gwildor's hobbit hole, and he's a magical inventor. So he has this cylindrical object, it's not clear whether it's a weapon or a teleporter but I'm calling it the Butt-Reamer 9000. Inexplicably, there are two of these things and Skeletor has the other one, and wants to collect both of them. So Skeletor has an excuse to go hunting He-Man as he's hunting his missing McGuffin, er I mean sex toy.
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Features rotating ticklers, a big improvement over the Butt Reamer 8000.
The thing about the Butt-Reamer 9000 is its magical power to make even this promising setup devolve into a grind as it whisks the Eternians into the magical, enchanting world of a 1987 New Jersey parking lot. WHO WROTE THIS?
The entire middle of the movie is pretty much hot garbage and involves police detectives, arson, vandalism, high school prom, and other dumb bullshit. Aside from the distractingly naked He-Man, the good guys are an utter bore and include some Eternians, some regular Earth humans and their quotidian concerns which really brings down the fun of the movie. (No, baby Courtney Cox, I don't care about your imminent breakup with your mediocre boyfriend!)
The film owes a second mortgage to Star Wars and steals a lot of ideas from it, from bad guys in shiny black stormtrooper helmets, to heroes shooting blue lasers, baddies shooting red.
Let's turn from this depressing state of affairs and focus back on our cherished villain blorbos.
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(L-R: Karg, Evil-Lyn our goddess, and Blade.)
Evil-Lyn is beautiful, evil, a cold bitch queen. Gurl you can do so much better than sticking with this loser Skeletor.
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Dump! Him! He's gay anyway!
Skeletor is a shit lazy boss of Greyskull and makes Evil-Lyn run the goddamn place in general. He literally shoots the messenger at one point. Great for morale, there, Skel buddy.
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Look closer. Fierce!
There's a number of budget rate henchmen on the job, including Karg, who used a whole can of aqua net this morning and is running around in a white fur capelet with a massive bouffant. He is just doing his best okay, really it's hard to look fabulous around these other bitches.
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Blade definitely deserved more screen time
Also, Blade, who had a slutty costume of silvery scale maille or something, and was a bit like a sci-fi bondage Riff Raff / space Judas Priest. Best side character costume.
So, there we have it, the queer coded villain roster of the film.
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This homemade collage is for sure taped inside Skeletor's locker at school
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Note the gigantic brown eye.
Finally, thank Satan, we return to Castle Greyskull, though it's more like beige-and-brown-skull. But aside from the questionable use of faux marble finishes, this is a quality villain lair with hard points installed directly in the floor of the living room, convenient death pits, and an excellent throne setup that I'm pretty sure they recycled for The Fifth Element.
He-Man is captured alive and brought before Skeletor. Blade does the honors with a 15 foot glowing red bullwhip to He-Man's naked and oiled back, much to the delight of dyed-in-the-wool sadist Evil-Lyn.
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Movie is getting good now. Was the side quest to Jersey really necessary?
Skeletor, though, watches this action from the throne and has a lot of interesting responses. We had to conclude that Skeletor is a big old bottom but won't admit it. As a dom he is utterly ineffective. He's trying to make He-man kneel and all this shit but He-Man is not submissive at all. Skeletor is … lol. He really just wants to smell He-Man's dick.
The depths (heh) of his bottom nature will become apparent shortly. But first, a costume change.
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Skeletor's glow up --- i'm every woman.
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Honey we know you're just trying to impress He-man.
Werk tho.
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Hole
The gigantic sky-sphincter directly behind the throne has slid open wide… "Begin! The Goatse Ritual! Join me, He-Man, as I become LORD OF THE GAPE" But He-Man's phallic symbol shines bright in defiance. In the end, Skeletor is vanquished symbolically by his own nature and instead of his hole swallowing He-Man, a gaping hole swallows Skeletor instead.
They don't really explain what happened to Evil-Lyn after He-Man's inevitable victory in final man to man combat but she was too smart to get caught sleeping in there and must have survived. What a hot evil competent BABE. After the events of the film end, I vote that Evil-Lyn seduces Teela (the good guy solder lady) and has a hot toxic lesbian affair with her.
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Evil-Lyn serves cunt in hell 4 evar
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Want some more?
Nice fanart
Another breakdown on Buzzfeed if you enjoyed mine this is even more gay headcanon
The movie is free on Tubi if you want to subject yourself to it.
ArmoredSuperHeavy, 19 Aug 2023
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elstercat · 7 months
Okay. I had my problems with Tallulah's design. I fixed her now after my rollercoaster of changing it 4 times. (Please, sweet Tallulah, can she stay this way now I can't take it anymore ;v; )
Awfully, Missa is driving me crazy right now. I know his design is just Skeletor and there are no creative limits to what I can do, but Skeletor...
Isn't he bluntly spoken, just in black underpants... with "roman" -esk armor on?...
If yes, is sweet Missa the blue skinned guy with the most scandalous fashion choice on the server? Bro just turned up with next to nothing on?
If no, is he wearing these full bodysuits that people were memeing in years ago (these green ones that were popping up everywhere) rocking the Superman style underpants over suit esthetic.
I don't like either idea...
And then there is that one post of somebody comparing Missa to Papyrus and that just throws me into a whole different loop. I hear Papyrus music every time I look at Missa now. Send help.
I can't, Missa,
(It's just Minecraf Skins. I'm thinking about this too hard, I'm sorry.)
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duhragonball · 3 months
Who do you prefer? Megatron or Galvatron?
Maybe this is one of those "You had to be there" things, but the meta-narrative behind G1 Galvatron was one of those things that fascinated me when the cartoon was on the air. You can buy the movie, and watch the cartoon on Hasbro's YouTube channel, and maybe even track down the original toy, but I'm not sure that captures the experience of seeing this dude introduced in 1986.
So they were running ads for the new toys in the months leading up to the movie's release, and it was clear that there were a lot of new faces who would be introduced there. Curiously, this ad sets up a pair of new (?) leaders, which is weird because you hear the original leaders in the voice over. Optimus Prime talks up Ultra Magnus, and it's not really clear if he thinks of Magnus like a second-in-command, or his successor, or his replacement. You might watch the ad and think that Ultra Magnus is Optimus Prime's boss from the old days, and he's finally arrived to take over.
And that makes the other guy, Galvatron, even more bizarre, because Megatron wouldn't stand for any of that crap. He already has a second-in-command who's constantly trying to steal his job, so why would he want a guy like Galvatron on his team in any role? It's just another shark in the tank. And yet he's talking up Galvatron like he's a valuable player on his squad.
Just looking at the characters, it seemed clear that these two were the "next" Prime and Megatron. Galvatron's got a big cannon on his arm, and in the commercial he's voiced by Frank Welker, who does the voice of Megatron. Hell, Ultra Magnus' toy literally includes an Optimus Prime with a white paint job. They could have marketed it as "Super Optimus Prime" if they had chosen to do so. In some later continuities, they were established as brothers to explain their resemblance.
Then the movie came out and all was made clear. Magnus was a trusted second-in-command, then he had to take over Optimus Prime's position, and then he ended up back in the second banana role when Rodimus Prime was established. The commercial couldn't explain all of that, of course, because it would spoil the movie.
As for Galvatron, he simply was Megatron, after Unicron restored his body. I still remember watching that scene in the theater, seeing Megatron getting molded into a new form, and thinking "Wait, is that? Oh, so that's what's going on!" And for the rest of the movie, it's basically the same character with a new look, except he's playing under different rules. He kills Starscream first thing, something he seemed almost reluctant to do in the past. Maybe he just finally had enough of Screamer's bullshit, or maybe he had a new outlook on things.
Then Season 3 of the cartoon started up, and one of the big questions was "What happened to Galvatron after the end of the movie?" And Cyclonus and Scourge tracked him down and discovered he was now insane. I think I knew Leonard Nimoy wasn't going to do the voice in Season 3, but I kind of expected Frank Welker to just do the same voice he did in the commercial, but instead he does this nasally high-pitched thing, and Galvatron chews scenery for the entire rest of the series. Sometimes he's a little more lucid, but usually he's just a deranged maniac, and the Decepticons just sort of put up with him because they can't get anything done without a leader, and no one else wants the job.
It's fascinating stuff, because when you get down to it, most bad guy leaders in cartoons are probably suffering from some kind of mental illness. I mean, look at Cobra Commander or Skeletor and tell me those guys aren't struggling with something. Hell, when you look back at Megatron in Seasons 1 and 2, you realize a lot of his plans are just completely absurd, and he carried himself with just the bare minimum amount of composure to seem like a stable commander. But Galvatron's madness was made into a plot point. They even did an episode where Cyclonus checked him into an asylum. The elephant in the room could not be ignored, partly because Galvatron wouldn't stop screaming at it.
But like I said, it's the meta-narrative that makes it even more fascinating. Galvatron is just a new incarnation of Megatron, and they probably made him insane just to distinguish him from his original self, but there's still that unused concept of a "new leader", a separate character who serves under Megatron, or maybe replaces Megatron in the future. I sometimes wonder how that version would have played out. Sometimes I think about what would have happened if the Leonard Nimoy version of the character had continued on into Season 3.
Also, it bugs me how the final scene of the cartoon teases this rivalry between Galvatron and Lord Zarak, the leader of the evil Nebulon characters. It's clear that if the cartoon had continued, it would have featured the two of them in some sort of power struggle. Zarak's a shrewd operator, and he sees Galvatron's instability as a weakness he can exploit. It would have been very cool to see them butt heads in another season of the cartoon, but I guess that Tommy kid needed to talk to Optimus Prime about his homework or whatever.
Oh, one other thing: We had a Megatron toy when I was a kid, but his chest broke off, so he looked pretty pathetic when you had to kind of stuff it into place to play with him. But the Galvatron toy was a lot sturdier, and more poseable. So that probably affects my judgement.
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latveriansnailmail · 3 months
Accepting @noirandchocolate's open invitation.
The game is to poll the people on five of my favorite Blorbos.
I'ma go propaganda first and poll at the bottom. In no particular order:
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Trap Jaw from Masters of the Universe. Dodging the old cartoon in which he was mostly just another incompetent flunky, in the wider lore he was once Kronis, possible evil astronaut(?) and lieutenant to Keldor. When Keldor became Skeletor and went nuts in the process, Kronis was the one to challenge him to his face. It didn't go well and Tri-Klops was told to "do something" with the resulting carcass. Frankensteined back into action with interchangeable weapons and a mouth that can break swords, Trap Jaw bides his time until he can dispose of Skeletor once and for all. Story over; now just look at him. What a wonderful mess of a man-monster. Note how the mechanical arm is coupled deep into the chest meats. I've loved this guy since I was like four.
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Captain America (Steve Rogers). Damn right that's America's ass. I grew up on Spider-man who has been an important hero to me, always a step or two ahead of me in life. But who is my hero's hero? Across all media again and again Spider-man and his friends have turned to Captain America for guidance and inspiration. Cap's most remarkable trait to me is his intuition as to what the morally correct stance is in any situation and his conviction to stick to it. If you're reading a Cap comic where Cap is not in the right, that is a bad comic! Throw it away.
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Green Arrow (Oliver Queen). He's not powerful. He does one thing perfectly but otherwise he's just a man, flawed at that. But he has his spot on the Justice League (Batman's insistence) because he will get in the face of anyone, no matter how powerful, and speak the hard truth in defense of the people who would otherwise be hurt. He is the designated much-needed conscience of some of the multiverse's most powerful heroes. He can be outdated. He can be sexist. But he puts his privilege to work, talks shit, and shoots arrows.
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Zechs Merquise/Milliardo Peacecraft. I do enjoy some Gundams. So murky. So packed with military action that serves to strip war of its grandeur. Zechs here is usually one of the main antagonists in Gundam Wing (my introduction to Gundam) but turns on his heel so much it's clear he thinks he's the only character that matters. Plus I crush on him pretty hard.
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Equius Zahhak. I don't bring it up much now but I was big into Homestuck from close to the beginning. Equius is STRONG and focused on self-improvement. He has little patience for your bullshit unless you are Nepetta. He guzzles centaur milk if memory serves and seeks to master the art of archery, except he's so STRONG he keeps breaking every bow he tries to use. As such his weapon of choice is a broken bow used as a whip.
Special Note: I'm sure you all thought I would be bringing Doctor Doom and Thundarr the Barbarian into this thing but you were wrong this time. Also I couldn't settle on one Discworld character. Honorable mention to Kurt Russell who is in fact an actor and not a character. I will watch pretty much anything with Kurt Russell in it.
I'm going to force some hands here. Tagging my last five interactions:
@into-the-merry-wood @piefish @mythosidhe @mi-contra-fa @cattailtales
Please tag me so I'm sure to see yours!
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haonote · 2 years
november to december - xu minghao x reader
warnings reader celebrates christmas. also all characters (excluding parents ofc) are 17 genre highschool au!strangers to tutor/student to friends to lovers, slow burn (not really.) mutual pining notes this is my longest fic ever (nearly 3k words!) so PLS SUPPORT🙏 ive been thinking abt high school romance w hao it'd be soo cute come on.. he just screams first love/hs bf lets be fr! and then those dream concept teasers dropped and i couldn't stop myself anymore i had to write hs bf minghao! big thx to lee/@skeletor-ify for proofreading 🥹🫶
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you first saw him when you were waiting for dawon in front of her locker. you and him didn't have any classes together, not this semester, at least. you asked dawon who he was once she finally came to her locker. "oh, i don't know his name. he's in my dance class, though- he's, like, really good. why, do you like him or something?" she asked excitedly. you didn't answer. you didn't see him much, but when you did you would almost freeze. sometimes, he'd look back at you and smile. other times he wouldn't notice you.
it was at the library, when he took a seat at the table across from you, that you really made up your mind to ask him out. or at least ask him for his number. or just try to talk to him? but when dawon started up a conversation with him and his friend, you didn't do anything. you just stood beside her awkwardly, laughing at the jokes the three of them (mostly his friend, dokyeom) made. at one point, you started leaving, thinking the conversation was over, only stopped by dawon asking you why you were leaving. by the time you and dawon really left, your cheeks were red and you were holding back tears. at least you had learned his name- minghao.
when you got home, you went to your room and screamed into your pillow. god, you must have looked so fucking dumb and weird not saying anything. he probably hated you and thought you were ugly, your smile was ugly, anyways. fuck! you wished you could turn back time and talk to him more, add to the conversation, at least introduce yourself. you couldn't stop thinking about how much you messed up- it kept you up all night, which only made you feel worse about your appearance in the morning. you walked to your friend's locker again once the bell rang, your brain and heart torn between hoping minghao wouldn't be at his locker and hoping he would be. but your brain won, for better or for worse. he wasn't at his locker, and he wasn't there the next day, or the day after that. in fact, he wasn't there for the rest of the week. you didn't see him in the halls, either, even though your friend told you he was at her photography class. was he avoiding you? you couldn't help but think so. maybe it was for the better, you were losing sleep over him and had your finals coming up soon. and it was better if he didn't speak to you. you'd probably embarrass yourself again if he did. it was stupid of you to end up liking a guy that you barely even knew in the first place- a guy who didn't even know your name.
when you walked down the stairs, through the basement doors and to your friend's locker once more, you were hoping he would be there. just so you would know he wasn't trying to avoid you. he was there, putting on his winter coat, and you felt your stomach flip inside out when he looked at you and smiled. against your better judgement, you walked up to him and asked, "oh my god, where were you?" "sorry, i've been going to after school classes. my parents want me to do well on the finals this year." "are they at the school?" "yeah, in room 301- ms. chen's class." "oh, okay."
"oh, okay"? what kind of answer was that?" your head was in your hands. "come on, don't dwell on that. he probably told you the room number because he wants you to come. you two don't have any classes together, maybe he wants to get to know you better." dawon had dragged you to a starbucks once you told her that you talked to minghao, begging you to tell her everything. "and he wants to get to know me better through a finals prep class? seriously?" you took a sip of your iced coffee. "he was probably just being nice." "he said he was doing it for his parents- maybe he doesn't really care about the class, or it's boring so he wanted you to join so he'd have someone to talk to." "he barely knows me, let's be for real. also, if he's doing it for his parents then he probably cares." she sighed. "just go to the class. even if it's just one time, kay? if he talks to you, i'm right and he likes you. if he ignores you, you're right and he doesn't like you." you opened your mouth to argue against her idea, but stopped yourself. "fine."
the next day you didn't go to her locker. you went straight to room 301, where you immediately made eye contact with minghao. he smiled and waved, patting the empty seat beside him, which you took a seat in. "i didn't think you'd actually come," what did he mean by that? was he upset you came? probably. you just laughed awkwardly. "well, i could definitely use some practice for the finals." "what subject do you need to practice most?" "um," you would say all of them, but you didn't want him to think you were dumb. "probably science. i don't understand a thing mr. k says." "i can help you," he smiled. "show me your homework." wasn't minghao there to learn, not to tutor people? whatever. you took out your binder and flipped to the science section. "here, i got this one today."
you spent the rest of the class getting tutored by minghao. you weren't sure what that meant, and it took everything in you to not reject minghao's invitation to study in the library the next day. sure, you liked him, but you didn't want to be tutored by him. at least he asked you for your phone number when the class ended.
you spent your afternoons with minghao for the rest of the week. the two of you would meet in the library, go over your homework, and leave. you were convinced he didn't like you, and your friend wasn't sure about his opinions on you, either. until he invited you over to his house on week two. "the library's gonna be closed, anyway, because of the open house. you can stay for dinner if you'd like." he told you while you were packing your bag. "sure, just text me your address." "just meet me at my locker tomorrow. we can go together."
you knew you had to make a move, do something when you were at his house. but you'd known him for barely two weeks. you were terrified of moving too fast. "come on, if he invites you to your house he at least thinks of you as a friend." you facetimed your friend as soon as you got home. "but that's the problem, if he thinks of me as a friend and nothing more then what? then i've just ruined my friendship and embarrassed myself." "stop spiraling for once. look, you don't need to fucking make out with him. at least just try to get to know him. or just hint that you're interested in him. something! you guys have the weirdest dynamic ever. you need to fix it."
you couldn’t help but get a bit delusional as you sat beside minghao on the bus the next day. “so, you don’t have your drivers license yet?” you asked him. “i do, my parents just won’t let me drive their car.” “ah.” “you don’t have yours?” now he was the one asking the questions. this was progress, right…? “no, i don’t have the time to take driver’s ed right now- it’s almost my last year of high school, i need to focus on school more than anything.” “you should’ve got your license when you were sixteen. it’s gonna be hard juggling college and driver’s ed at the same time, you know.” “well, if i have a boyfriend who can drive, i’ll be fine.” you regretted saying that the moment the words came out of your mouth. “you should aim to be more independent.” at that moment, you wanted nothing more than to run and jump out of the doors of the bus, and get run over by a car. why had you ever even considered to take dawon’s advice?
the rest of your afternoon with minghao went well. if it wasn't for your attempt at flirting falling flat, it would have gone better. sometimes you wondered if you were just subconsciously trying to hold on to the last hope you had of minghao liking you. were you imagining the feeling of him looking at you while you went over your homework, and the time you looked up at him just to see he was already looking at you? did he always sit so close to you, to the point where your shoulders were almost touching? you hoped you weren't imagining things. but even if it was real, what if he acted like that with everyone? why did he have to be so confusing. why did you have to doubt yourself so much? you wished you could be sure of yourself just one time. just be sure if he liked you or not.
on the sunday before your science exam, minghao called you. that was a first. "hey, what's up?" you asked. "your science exam is tomorrow. what's your address? i'm gonna come pick you up so we can study at my place." "are you sure? don't you have to study, too?" "i've already studied, don't worry. text me your address, 'kay? bye." "bye?" you hung up. 'pick you up'? was he gonna drive?' you felt dizzy. the whole conversation made your heart flutter. you quickly texted minghao your address. "mom, is it okay if i go to minghao's house? it's to study for the science exam tomorrow." you asked, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "minghao? is that the guy?" "yeah, the one who's been helping me study for the past two weeks." "you can go, but focus on your studies. i'm trusting you to spend this time studying and not doing something else." "thanks, mom."
you waited on your living room couch, scrolling on your phone until you finally heard a knock at the door. you jumped up and opened the door. "hey!!" you smiled. "we're going to your house, right?" "yeah, let's go." "okay," you said bye to your mom before closing the door. "we're driving there?" you asked as you got closer to the grey toyota parked on the street. "yeah, i managed to convince my parents to let me drive." he opened the passenger seat door for you and you got in. he quickly got in the driver's seat beside you. "since you don't have your driver's license, and you live far from my place, i might as well drive you." "thanks." you blushed. the two of you spent the car ride in comfortable silence. you didn't want to bother him while he was driving, so you just looked out the window. after a little over ten minutes, you had arrived. why did minghao tell you that you lived far from him? when you got inside, you went to his room as per usual, taking out your notebook and binder and going over your notes. around four pm, the two of you decided to take a break and grab something to drink. you walked together to the cafe down the street, and when you ordered minghao paid for your drink without a word. "thank you so much for paying for my drink, by the way. you didn't have to." "it's no problem." you smiled before hugging him, just short enough that it wasn't weird but long enough to remember the smell of his perfume. you took a sip of your drink, avoiding looking at him because you were afraid of the expression that would be on his face. curiosity got the best of you at the end, and you glanced over at him. his ears were red, but he had a normal expression on his face otherwise. you hoped that was good. it probably was.
minghao drove you home. he got out and this time, he hugged you before you left. "let me know how the exam goes." he smiled. "of course!"
"no fucking way he invited you to his house." dawon took a sip of her iced coffee. "i know, right? and he drove me there, too. and paid for my coffee…" "he likes you. it's so obvious." "are you sure?" "yeah, do you see the way he looks at you?" dawon sighed. "he better ask you out soon. before new years." "i really hope you're right." you were so afraid you were imagining everything. you wanted to believe dawon and you wanted to believe yourself.
you got the results back the next monday, before lunch. you found minghao waiting at your locker when you came down the stairs. "how did you do?" he asked. "i got a 94!" you were beaming and practically jumped into his arms. "thank you so much minghao. seriously, it's all 'cause of you." you said, your head resting in the crook of his neck. "you worked hard, too. i just helped you." he pulled away from you. "wanna get something to celebrate? we can go to starbucks or something. or get a slice of cake from somewhere." "cake sounds good." "then let's go, come on."
your high school was practically in the middle of nowhere, so the walk to the bakery took a while. it gave you time to talk- you learned that minghao's photography class was having an exhibit on the 20th, the day before winter break. he invited you to come, which you happily accepted. minghao opened the bakery door for you and led you to the checkout, where rows upon rows of cakes were displayed. “which one do you want?” you looked at them all, before choosing one of the cheaper options- a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. “you like red velvet, right?” you asked. “sure,” he replied. “i don’t really mind.” “okay, then can we get that one?” you pointed to the cake, careful not to touch the glass. he nodded, walking closer to the cashier and ordering the cake, along with the drink you ordered before, when you went to a cafe with him. you sat down together, at the table beside the window. “you remembered my order.” you said, looking down to hide the blush on your cheeks. “of course i did.”
the week came and went. even though finals week had ended, you found yourself spending your afternoons with minghao just as often. you would even eat lunch together, though most of the time it was with his friends. you learned more about him, and more about his friends, dokyeom and mingyu. you felt like the two of you were friends. sometimes, it felt like you were more. you knew dawon felt the same way- once you told her about minghao taking you out to the bakery for lunch, it was all she talked about. she would ask you if he had asked you out almost every day.
the snow crunched beneath your feet as you made your way to the photography exhibit minghao invited you to. you entered the building- it was much, much more busy than you had expected. you looked at the photos that lined the walls, only partly paying attention. more than anything, you wanted to see minghao’s photos. you’d seen some of his work on his instagram, but you were curious what he’d chosen to display. at the end of the hall, you found them. three black and white photos, side by side. they all were similar to what you’d seen on his instagram- photos of him, put over eachother to achieve a sort of dreamlike effect. you didn’t care too much about photography, but the photos were gorgeous. you stood there for a while, looking at the photos, not noticing minghao coming up beside you. “do you like them?” “yeah. i really do,”
the houses in your neighborhood started putting up more and more christmas lights- it was only three days until christmas eve. you had already made plans with dawon to go to the mall on boxing day, but minghao had yet to invite you to do anything together for christmas. it didn’t help that you had to go to the mall to pick up a gift for someone, and everywhere you looked there were happy couples shopping together, walking in the snow together, taking selfies in front of all the winter decorations. half of you felt bitter, seeing all these people in love when you didn’t have anyone who loved you like that, but the other half of you kept imagining you and minghao together, holding hands as you walked through the mall and kissing under the giant christmas tree. december 24th grew closer and closer, but minghao hadn’t invited you to anything. in fact, he hadn’t contacted you at all. you knew he was alive- he was posting on all his socials like normal, so why wasn’t he talking to you? you knew the right move would be to invite him to something yourself, or just talk to him. but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself if he didn’t like you, or if he was avoiding you. you just wanted him to text you on his own accord. what if he met someone else?
you heard a knock at the door and rushed down the stairs, careful not to fall in your new slippers. oh, jesus christ. it was minghao. you were still in your pyjamas, fuck! “hey,” you laughed awkwardly. “hi, i know you’re… not dressed right now, but i wanted to know if you wanted to go ice skating with me later today, or on the 28th if that works for you.” minghao looked around a bit- you weren’t used to seeing him shy. usually it was the other way around. “like, as friends?” you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself and end up embarrassing yourself. there was no way xu minghao was actually asking you out on a date. “no, not as friends.” “oh,” you couldn’t process anything, but you knew if you didn’t answer soon minghao would think you didn’t like him in that way. was he joking? there was no way he was really asking you out. “if you’re being serious, then yeah, i’m free on the 28th. you’re serious, right?” “dead serious. i thought it was obvious.” “oh my god,” you just stood there for a second, before wrapping your arms around him. “i can’t fucking believe this. yes, yes i’ll go ice skating with you. oh my god.” “so, it’s a date then?” “yes, of course.”
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scaryspears · 5 months
Havik Rant + Wasted Plotential and Theory
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Warning: This is a long post, so read if you have the time.
I love Havik in the 3d era, and I guess it's because there's so little of him that sets him up for mystery, but I mainly love his face. The way half his face is ridden of flesh and his eyes glow as if he's some kind of Skeletor adjacent creature. I always look at him and go "How did it get to this point?", but in a way where I'm laughing about it, 'cause what did bro do to his face?
I hope Titan Havik will be a great break from the cartoonish evil that is Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and the others. (Don't get me wrong with Shang Tsung, I love him, but his belief system is equivalent to a power ranger villain. He's basically Valtor if he was successful. I'm not talking about MK1 Shang btw.)
I also can't picture Havik working with or for villains like Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok. Havik wants to spread chaos, yes, but I don't think he views this as enslavement and feeding off misery. Another thing I'd like to note is his voice and delivery, courtesy of George C. Cole. Havik is calm, patient and almost kind. Shao Kahn actively sounds dominant, Shang Tsung is calm but cruel and impatient, with Quan Chi being condescending.
In the small glimpses that I've seen Havik through the later games (before MK1) he seems like a pretty chill guy. Now get this, Chaos is his way of life because that's the world he comes from. Chaos is basically the equivalent of freedom, so Havik wants to share that freedom. In Deceptions Konquest mode he describes water in a way you only expect from a scholar with a love and sense for nature, and I interpreted this as him believing everything should go naturally. In a Christian perspective, humans are naturally evil, and it's in our nature to be attracted to wicked things. Havik wants us to embrace who we are, and our deep desires.
In Noob Saibot's MK9 ending he meets Havik and shares an 'understanding' with him. Havik helps him with taking over the Netherealm before saying goodbye and returning to the Chaosrealm, no back stabbing or anything. Next there's Joker's ending in MK11, and we all know how Joker is. But there's also Mileena (before NRS let fans bully them into making her dlc), whose bloodlust is fuelled by her Tarkatan blood, a trait she cannot help because it's instinctual. Finally, in MK: Deception's Konquest mode he agrees to train Shujinko if Shujinko helps him in return, and he does but in his own way. Experience instead of practice. Havik doesn't come off as evil but chaotic neutral.
Wasted Plotential
I try not to complain about anything these days because I know NRS are gonna disappoint us anyways, but if I was to really complain about things then I'll start with the storymode, and with the previous games.
MKX could've just been about Sub Zero and Scorpion finding out about Quan Chi and stopping Shinnok. How? Idk, Johnny uses the amulet to trap Shinnok, the Special Forces find Sektor's files and reveal them to Scorpion, who gets his revenge and yada yada. Helps them free Sub Zero and Jax, blah blah.
Scorpion defeating Shinnok is more believable since he's stronger and cooler (sorry Johnny), and has more familiarity with the Neatherealm. (What was the point of building up Johnny just to nerf him in MK11?)
Johnny and Sonya get divorced earlier on because of their differing views on the world (and parenting), so Cassie becomes a UFC fighter or a pro wrestler (as a reference to Johnny's quote in his MK9 chapter about possibly winning a belt in the tournament). I remember coming up with an idea where Jacqui leaves the Special Forces and gets trained by the Shirai-Ryu, but saw an AU fanart design where she was trained by the Lin Kuei, which sounds so much better since it separates her from Takeda. Jacqui shares strong ideals with her father but his overbearing reluctance caused her to be more rebellious and find another way to defend Earthrealm without him possibly intercepting. Instead of being a Jax variant she shares more similarity to Human Cyrax (technology + ninjutsu assassination), and that can introduce a little beef with Frost and have them both deliver lines that feel more personal since they have the same teacher, but have different morals that make them butt heads. Johnny ends up leading the Kombat kids with the Wu Shi instead of the Special Forces, edging Sonya to check on Cassie more often by trying to be involved with their missions. (During MK9 Johnny was glued to Raiden's side and his focus was more on the tournament than on Sonya. After Cyrax defeats him it's Raiden that checks on him.) Instead of Cassie saving the day, have Scorpion save the day because Shinnok is Quan Chi's master, and Scorpion needs to fix his mess. Also because Scorpion would have better control with his powers and has more experience.
The next game can introduce Havik, with the chaos happening in small ways at first, like trees slowly decaying and technology acting against them. Havik is a lesser evil than Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok, but he's nothing Scorpion or Sub Zero have handled before since he's less predictable and isn't paranoid about someone threatening his power. Bro just wants to spread some joy and laughter (sarcasm). I'm pretty sure Havik wouldn't even have an army, and I doubt his minions will be anything like the aggressive jobbers that are seen in Outworld. With Shao Kahn it's power and being served, but with Havik it would be everyone serves each other, meaning they will inflict pain on each other and themselves = This game can be about the heroes and villains turning on themselves, by being more honest and less co-operative.
The Special Forces start being wary of the Wu Shi, Sonya interrogates Dark Raiden on information he could be withholding about the realms, Raiden counters back with how she is trying to enlist the Kombat kids behind his back when they are already content with their current positions.
Frost has stolen Sektor's body parts from the Special Forces, and plans to cyberise herself with them. Jacqui and Cassie are sent to stop Frost's cyber initiation plans. Cassie defeats Frost, but Jacqui has the need to rehabilitate her, which sets her at odds with Cassie who doesn't believe Frost is worthy of it, and that they must follow Raiden's orders.
Noob Saibot is working under revenant Liu Kang, but just like his MK9 ending, he starts plotting against him and the other revenants. Noob confronts Hanzo about his loyalty to Quan Chi, and how Hanzo worked with him even after Noob was killed. Noob's revenge is forcing Hanzo to shift between himself and Scorpion, ensuring that the Lin Kuei and Shirai-Ryu will never have peace with Hanzo continuously reliving the past and trying to kill Sub Zero.
Kung Lao reports that the head of Shinnok is missing, and Liu Kang accuses Kung Lao of having something to do with it, and so the revenants turn on themselves. A civil war begins in Neatherealm.
Hotaru meets up with the heroes and tells them that Havik is behind their plight, and offers Seidos help if Earthrealm helps them with the resistance in Seido. Kung Jin and Takeda are sent to aid and they witness the injustice and lunacy of Seidos rules. Kung Jin being Kung Jin speaks against this, and Hotaru has a problem with it, Takeda tries his best to keep the peace. Kung Jin defeats Darrius, Dairou and whatever. Although Hotaru keeps his word about the help thing, he is overbearing when it comes to the rules and their strategy, even getting in the way of the Special Forces.
Skarlet teams up with Tanya to find Mileena's soul (Because why not?They're sisters). Ermac doesn't have it, so they must find it through the Neatherealm. They meet Noob, who admits that he consumed it, but points out the location of the Flesh Pits for a calling of clues. Skarlet combines her power with Noob's to give life to the clones encased in glass (blood + shadow). The clones unleash chaos throughout Outworld, but Skarlet is not finished in her revenge.
Johnny reveals to Dairou that Darrius is behind his family's murder, and sets him free to let him get revenge. Sonya argues that he's made a terrible mistake, but Johnny says that she let Kano live and how that keeps screwing everyone over.
Johnny decides to get a drink at a bar, and Havik will show up, calm and collected. Johnny compliments his costume, and Havik expresses that his fake-ness is an interesting weapon.
I don't know what else.
I think Havik's hero equivalent would be Johnny Cage, which is where he would come in as the hero instead of defeating a former elder god. Havik isn't Godlike, I'd say his power level is identical to Edenian/Outworld, and if Sonya can handle defeating Kitana and Jade at the same time, then Johnny can handle his own against Havik. Just like Havik, Johnny has a separation from the other heroes concerning his traits and/or beliefs, even sometimes clashing with Cassie, who is always noted to be much like him in personality. Johnny has an easy going attitude that pisses off just about everyone around him, to the point . I think he would be the first to pick up on the odd energy surrounding everyone.
First off he likes to give everyone a nickname, much to their displeasure. Very adamant on giving them those names, but Havik would arguably (probably) be more accepting. I'm quite certain that Havik's name is a title given to him or a name he's made up himself. There are some fans who speculate that he doesn't even have a name given at birth and made up 'Havik' to be his name, suggesting that the name is somewhat earned through experience.
Chaosrealm doesn't have a real name, like Edenia and Seido, it's simply called Chaosrealm. They don't have a name for themselves, simply a representation of what they embody.
"Grandmaster Blueberry Ice, eh?"
"Only Johnny Cage may use that name and live."
Johnny's humour is fuelled by his insensitivity, even while fighting on the side of good he is self-serving, superficial and has a self confidence that almost everyone is eager to stomp on (he's basically a normal person). Even when he clearly doesn't mean to be insensitive (speaking the truth or what's on his mind), people still get offended by what he's said and express some form of aggression. Hell, Bi Han kicked the hell out of him just for touching his arm in MK1.
Now I'm going to get really technical here: In MK11 Skarlet was present and you could tell she was a stand-in for Mileena, which is shown in her sibling rivalry with Kitana. Now let's say Joker was a stand-in for Havik, and in his ending he voices his displeasure about the roster "But these nincompoops? They didn't really get me. Not even that pretty boy, Ninja Mine. Goodnight, sweet Prince!" meaning Joker saw some potential in Johnny Cage. Saw something that suggested that they are similar.
Johnny Cage's humour aside, there has to be something else.
Now let's get into Johnny's MK9 ending: Johnny starts to have spasms where a burst of energy would escape him and destroy everything around him, so he is sent to Seido to learn how to better control it.
Next, to Havik and Johnny's Armageddon endings: Johnny becomes enlightened, freed from vanity and leaves the acting business. What seemed like the joys of life before became meaningless to him, and wanted no part in the shallow lifestyle. Then there's Havik, whose dream for chaos becomes absolute.
(As a bonus let's compare Johnny's ending to Hotaru's, where everyone was forced to bow to Hotaru or be changed into someone they're not. Havik gets the worst end of it by being turned into Hotaru's 2nd in command. What's even funnier is that in the Armageddon intro I can spot Hotaru as the one who impaled Li Mei, but Li Mei is on the side of good while Hotaru is suspiciously on the opposite, despite being against the forces of evil. Why would he be on the same side as Havik when they are enemies? I would also like to point out that Johnny was fighting Darrius, a man resisting the Order of Seido.)
I already wrote something similar to this in another post I made like a year ago, but I'm gonna say this anyway. Johnny found out by himself that all the luxuries and fame that he sought in life weren't worth it. In his MK11 ending he ends up going on adventures with Cassie after coming to this realisation, choosing a life where he can always spend time with those he loves, not ruling over the world or being a dictator. There's chaos within Johnny, but there is a want or need for peace and stability.
Johnny should've been the one that was super pissed about being in a death tournament. Up until that point Johnny has never killed anyone, yet suddenly is expected to in exchange for his own life. How does he, a Hollyweird actor, fit into all this? He got tricked into this yet was able to adapt. He's fine with it, or pretends to be, handling it better than everyone else around. The "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." quote from MK9 always runs through my head when I think about his dedication to defending Earthrealm and trusting Raiden.
When the tournament took place Johnny didn't really know Raiden personally, but Johnny trusted him. Johnny had no reason to be loyal to Raiden, yet he was, unlike Liu Kang who ended up losing faith and rebelling. Johnny has all the recipes to let his ego get to him and potentially betray Raiden, but he never does so.
If Havik and Johnny were to have anything in common, I would say it's a strong sense of faith in what they believe in. Johnny fights for the betterment of Earthrealm, Havik fights for havoc.
I'm very certain that even though Johnny changed over the years, the people around him still hold a dislike towards him to some degree. My first candidates for this are Sonya and Jax.
Read this if you can be bothered: [No matter what, Jax cannot stand Johnny, even at an age where they're more familiar with each other.]
Sonya and Jax are basically the order to Johnny's chaos. Being around them has also influenced (turned) him into someone he wasn't, which was a self hating Special Forces aid (What are is credentials?). It was Hotaru's Armageddon ending but slower.
The reason I haven't listed Kuai Liang is because... I think Kuai Liang has a bit of a friendship with Johnny. He's fond of him, but he won't admit it. He even helps Johnny in sending the Kombat kids into a fake mission with the Lin Kuei.
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