#skeleton: httyd
sosoawayrpg · 11 months
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𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡.
Em uma terra mística chamada Berk, os vikings têm uma longa história de inimizade com os dragões, considerados criaturas ferozes e perigosas. Por gerações, os vikings lutaram contra os dragões, mas tudo mudou quando um jovem viking chamado Hiccup Horrendous III decidiu desafiar a tradição e aprender a treinar essas criaturas. Apesar das zombarias de seus colegas vikings, Hiccup se esforça para entender os dragões e descobre que eles não são tão assustadores quanto parecem. Ele conhece um dragão ferido, a quem chama de Banguela, e lentamente começa a ganhar sua confiança. Com paciência e determinação, Hiccup descobre que os dragões são seres inteligentes e gentis que só precisam ser compreendidos. Com o tempo, Hiccup desenvolve técnicas para treinar os dragões, ensinando-os a responder a comandos simples e a voar com confiança. Ele compartilha suas descobertas com seus amigos, incluindo Astrid, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut e Fishlegs, que se juntam a ele na busca por um entendimento mais profundo dessas criaturas fascinantes. Mas nem todos os vikings estão dispostos a aceitar essa nova maneira de pensar. O pai de Hiccup, Stoick, chefe da tribo viking, continua a lutar contra os dragões, vendo-os como inimigos perigosos que ameaçam a segurança de sua tribo. Enquanto Hiccup luta para convencer seu pai e outros vikings de que os dragões merecem ser tratados com respeito e compreensão, ele percebe que sua jornada é muito maior do que apenas treinar um dragão.
Hiccup Horrendous (+23) indisponível
Astrid Hofferson(+23)
Snotlout Jorgenson(+23)
Tuffnut LaVerne Thorsto(+21)
Ruffnut Eugene Thorston(+21) indisponível
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thorfishcrusher · 4 months
i hate him
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los er asss
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jadedazemations · 9 months
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Base made by my buddy Bryan (FrozenTomatoes on Discord)
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dragonartist56 · 8 months
The damage
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The culprit
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artinandwritin · 7 months
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Did I ever post about the Siri doll I made last August? Probably not bc I probably forgot haha
Anyway! I did that! I taught myself how to make dolls and believe me it's a hard but super rewarding process. She turned out absolutely amazing and it's always a joy to bring her to things like portfolio reviews or have her around as a little mascot
(one of my teachers was deadly afraid of her too and another one thought it was a great character design lmao)
I'll put some process pics underneath the cut!
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She is my child and I love her so so much
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euphoritooth · 2 years
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I kinda forgot it was October, so here's a little thing. Happy Halloween! 🎃
Timelapse below the cut (⚠: Flashing colors)
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salty-cardiac-lizard · 11 months
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Pics from Halloween 🎃😻
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alan-in-the-outernet · 2 months
AvA/AvM Comics and/or Au's
This is basically a masterpost for my comic's and au's
Alan's Adventures in the Outernet
Tag: #Alan's Adventure AU
Main Comic: Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6 - Page 7 - Page 8 - Page 9
Human Alan in the Outernet
Tag: #HAiTO AU
Summary - Monster School - Chilling - God??? - Rapidly Approaching - Squish
Thank you (Short Comic) - What Have You Done (Short Comic) - First Meeting (Short Comic)
The Beginning: Page 1 - Page 2
Fantasy AU
Tag: #Fantasy AU
Oc Tags: #fantasy au god of destruction | #fantasy au nala | #fantasy au tangerine | #fantasy au azure | #fantasy au sunglow | #fantasy au carmine
Summary - Updated Hollowhead Designs - Color Gang & Doodles - More Fantasy AU Designs - Emma Design - God Forms
Where? - Late Nights - Idiot Sandwich - Death and Rebirth - Connected Two Dots - Hollowhead Sibs Magic - Kill Him - Fading Stardust - Another Life - The End - Tethered - Drawing (Request) - Him - Nicknames - Grief - Battery
Lost Memories (Short Comic) - Sealed (Short Comic) - They Who Create And Destroy (Short Comic) - Illusion Shenanigan's (Short Comic) - Kidnapping (Short Comic) - Skeleton Song (Short Comic)
Cursor Alan AU
Tag: #Cursor Alan AU
Summary - The Beginning
Cursor Dragon AU
Tag: #Cursor Dragon AU
Cursor Dragon Design - HTTYD - Doodle Dump - The Box
Apotheosis Alan AU
Tag: #apotheosis alan au
Oc Tags: #ava emma heart
Patient - Dr. Heart Design - Constellation - Stick Form
Stick Alan
Tag: None Yet
Tag: #vr au
Summary -
Time Travel AU
Tag: #time travel au
Summary - Doodles
What I Need (Short Comic)
Alan in the Underground
Tag: #alan in the underground
Monster Designs - Noogai
Evil Second AU
Tag: #evil second au
Summary - Where do you think you're going? (Request) - Love In Paradise
AU Crossovers/Side Stuff
All of my Alan's! - Three Stick Alan's - He's Coming to Adopt - Fantasy Alan and the Stick!Noogai gang - Kill for Fantasy Alan - Multiverse - God Convention - Ex - Sassy Lost Tiny God - Sassy Lost Tiny God Continues
HAitO + Apotheosis The Light Said "I love you"
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bet-on-me-13 · 11 months
Httyd AU
So! Ghosts are nowhere near an Unknown Threat.
In fact, Ghosts and Creatures of the Realms have been attacking the Human World, preforming Raids on Amity Park, and stealing valuable objects and human food for just as long as they have been around. And they have been around for a while.
They first came into the Human Realm centuries ago, and so far Humans have been able to adapt.
Ghost Hunters are some of the most respected members of the Community. There are many different groups of them, and of these Groups the Fenton Family has always been one of the most famous and well credited of the lot.
They have been Hunting Ghosts since the days of their Ancestor, Jackson Fenton-Nightingale, who was the first of their lineage to change from Witch Hunting to Ghost Hunting.
In the modern age, Jack Fenton and his wife Maddie Fenton are some of the most respected Hunters in Amity. They have captured and killed more Ghosts and Realms-Beasts than anybody in the History of their Family. They have pioneered the new age of Ecto-Tech, bringing better and more effective weapons to the masses. They have singlehandedly managed to contain the Ghost Threat to the State of Illinois, and Amity Park in general. They are truly some of the Greatest Heroes of the Era.
The same cannot be said for their son.
Daniel Fenton has always been, well, Lacking, when compared to his Family.
He didn't inherit his Father's natural Musculature, nor his Mothers Prowess in Martial Arts, and while he is definitely an extremely intelligent boy, he does not measure up to the Intellect that the other members of his Family often achieve.
Even his sister, Jasmine Fenton, shows more promise than he does, and she isn't even a Ghost Hunter. Instead she devoted her life to becoming a therapist who can help those who have been affected by Ghost Attacks.
But Danny? He has never really showed much promise. He is definitely eager to prove himself to his Parents, but he never manages to help out in the field. Most of the time he even makes it worse.
And for Danny? It's infuriating! He has spent all his life trying to live up to the legend of his Family, trying to become a worthy Son. But he never succeeds.
He has made Tons of Inventions to help defeat Ghosts, but they were all thrown out because they were Non-Lethal. They always said that any Ecto-Weapon worth the materials it's made out of should end the Ghost before it has a chance to escape, so capturing them without killing them would be worthless.
But he wants to prove that his efforts are not in vain, if not to his family, than to himself.
So one night, as a particularly nasty Ghost Attack is going on, he rushes outside with a Weapon of his own Design. It was a Stun Gun, designed to hit the Ghost with a Beam of Pure Paralyzing Energy that would render it Immobile for hours. It was slightly large and bulky, but it still worked. At least, theoretically it did. He hadn't had a chance to test the Stun Gun yet, hence his little adventure.
He ran to the edge of Town, and tried to find a Ghost worth capturing.
Blobs? No, they've been caught before. Catching one wouldn't earn him any praise.
Skeleton? Those are a single tier up from Blobs, and not by much at all. Definitely not.
Ecto-Pus? Maybe, but it wouldn't be too useful for learning anything since it can't speak.
Spirits? They are the manifestations of Human Emotion, stronger than most other types of Ghosts, and they are suspected to be Intelligent. That's a good choice, it would probably be the best choice.
But there was one better. An Ancient.
The Ancients were the Ghosts that had been around for Centuries, possibly Millenia. They are Ghosts that are so Old, they have developed true Intelligence. Nobody had ever managed to kill an Ancient, they were too strong. The Ancients are the most Deadly, most Powerful, most Dangerous of all Ghosts.
If Danny managed to Capture one? He would skyrocket to Fame! He would be able to sit at the Lunch Table with the A-Listers, the town would stop seeing him as a disappointment, and his Parents would be so Proud of him! They might even come out of the Lab outside of Ghost Attacks to spend time with him!
So, he sat at the edge of town, watching the Portal that had opened up about a Mile outside of the City. He needed to be ready, in case an Ancient showed up.
Hours passed, and he was getting sleepy, when it happened.
The scream of warning came from his Radio, tapped into the Ghost Watch Channel used to keep track of Ghost Movements during attacks.
He looked at the Invasion Portal, and saw it. It was Humanoid, about 7 ft Tall, wearing Dark Plated Armor, with a Flaming Green Sword at its hip. Trying to stare into it's Face felt like staring into an Abyssal Void, with 2 pinpricks of Red denoting where its Eyes would be. The same Red Eyes all Ghosts had.
"Retreat! Retreat! The Fright Knight has emerged from the Invasion Portal!" Came the warning from his Radio. In the distance to his right, he could see the few Hunters who had been keeping watch on the Portal run to the safety of the Town.
Shaking off his fear, Danny rushed to his Target.
The Fright Knight was the most Feared of the Ancients, nobody had ever survived an encounter with it. There were even Rumors that it was the Leader of the Ghost Attacks, the coordinator.
And Danny knew that his Stun Gun wouldn't be enough to beat it. Not yet anyways.
So, instead of running directly to the Fright Knight, he ran to the small Open-Air Worksite that held his Parents' most Ambitious Creation. An Artificial Ghost Portal.
Years ago, his Parents had realized something. They couldn't stop the Invasion, because the Ghosts could never be cut off at the source. The Portal they used to enter the Human Realm was always a Natural One, it always closed after a few hours, so they had no chance of entering the "Ghost Zone" without immediately getting cut off from the Human World. Thus, they couldn't exterminate the Ghosts at the Source.
But what if they had a Stable Portal?
Then, the Humans could invade the Ghost Zone instead of the Ghosts invading the Human Realm. They would get an Edge in the Centuries old War.
But the Portal didn't work yet. They had been working on it for years at this point, but they had had absolutely no luck in making it functional. As an unintended consequence however, they realized that the Portal Frame was capable of generating Large Amounts of Energy, and it soon became the towns most Powerful Power Plant. It basically powered every home in the City, and powered the Shields that were put up above the Civilain Shelters during Ghost Attacks.
And Danny needed it.
His Stun Gun wasn't powerful enough to defeat the Fright Knight yet, but if he retrofitted it to draw on the immense power of the Portal Frame, it might be enough.
He rushed into the Open-Air Pavillion thay housed his Parents Portal Frame. It was an Immense Creation, semi-circular in shape but large enough that an entire Army could be comfortably Marxhed through.
He ran right to the center of the Device, pulling open a Panel in the middle of the Floor and fiddling around with the Wires for a minute.
It only took a short while before he had the Energy of the Portal Frame retrofitted to power his Stun Gun.
He raised the Weapon, and carefully aimed at the Fright Knight, still walking towards the Town.
He pulled the Trigger. And Everything went wrong.
The Gun didn't fire. Instead, he felt a rumble come from the Machine he was standing on, as lights began to light up on the edges of the Portal Frame. Somehow, he had accidentally rigged the Portal to attempt its activation Sequence when he tried to fire his Weapon.
Obviously, the Ring of activating lights had attracted the attention of the Fright Knight, and it had begun to move in bis direction.
In a panic he tried to fix his mistake. He moved around a few more wires, and tried again, and more lights turned on. He tried again, and suddenly a high pitched sound began to play around him.
He tried one more time, and help his heart leap with joy as his gun finally began to power up. He looked up to see where the Fright Knight was, and felt his elation drop in an instant when he noticed that it had already entered the Outdoor Lab Space.
The next few seconds felt like they took hours. He felt his heart stop as the Fright Knight began to rush forward. It was about to reach him.
Then, his Gun pinged to tell him they it was ready, and he pulled the trigger.
The world around him erupted in green Light as the beam from his Stun Gun fired out with much more force than it was ever intended to handle. The Beam of Light was so wide that it completely encompassed the Towering Fright Knight's form.
But at the same time as the Gun fired, the Portal finished it's attempted activation sequence. And the World turned green for a different reason.
Danny felt billions of volts run through his Body as the Portal activated, his screams being drowned out by the sound of Reality fraying at the seams as the Portal attempted to push through it.
But ultimately the Portal failed. It turned off, just as it was about to break through to the other side. The sudden burst of energy also seemed to affect the Stun Gun, as it blew up at the same moment the Portal turned off.
Danny was launched out of the Portal Frame, landing in the center of his Parents Outdoors Lab, unconscious.
It took nearly an hour before his Parents arrived, looking to investigate the sudden Portal Activation and Explosion. Whatever had happened caused a blackout throughout the entire Town, shutting off Ghost Shields and inciting panic throughout the City, meaning they had to wait hours before they could investigate.
They found Danny laying unconscious in their Lab, and called for someone to help him as they worked on getting Power back to the Town.
When he woke up, Danny was Reprimanded for his actions that night. Nobody believed him when he said that he had beaten the Fright Knight, and since communication went down with the Power, Nobody could confirm that the Fright Knight had actually been pushed back. It was far more likely that nobody had seen it after it entered the town, and it had left with the others when the Portal began to close.
But Danny knew what had happened, so the first chance he got, he escaped out into the woods surrounding Amity Park and began searching for his Target.
It took hours of searching, but eventually he found the Fright Knight, laying on it's side in the dirt.
Danny was elated at first, he had captured am Ancient! But then he took a closer look. He didn't know why, but for some reason he felt odd about the Ghost. He felt confusion, but not his own. Relief, but coming from somewhere else. Hope, but coming from Him. The Fright Knight.
In that moment, he didn't know why, but instead of dragging him back to the City or further restraining him, Danny pulled the Knight up into a sitting position, feeling it would be more comfortable like that.
He turned around for a moment to see if anybody was around, but when he turned back he was met with a terrifying sight. The Fright Knight was standing up, towering over Danny. He looked up to see it's face, and saw that it was glaring at him with an unrestrained rage.
Danny cried out when he was pushed to the ground, landing against a Rock, looking up in terror. The Knight took out his Sword, and before Danny could cry out in fear, it plunged the Sword down.
Into the Boulder next to Danny's head.
When he finally opened his eyes, the Knight was gone, leaving only the cracked rock next to his head and a sense of lingering terror.
In that moment, Danny only felt on things register in his Mind.
Where it's eyes always Green?
This got a little out of hand, but I hope you liked it.
The idea is that Ghosts have been attacking the Human Realm for Centuries, raiding the Villages to steal valuables and Human Food, terrorizing the world for years.
Hunters like the Fentons managed to contain them in Illinois, more specifically Amity Park.
Danny is Hiccup in this. He is the wimpy weak little kid that nobody respects because he doesn't live up to his Family Legend.
Fright Knight is Toothless, but instead of helping Danny learn how to ride Dragon, he helps him learn to use his newly found Ghost Powers. (Because I included the Portal scene for a reason, he became a Halfa and seeks out Frighty when he realizes hat he had Ghost Powers. He's kind of the only option after all)
If you didn't guess it, Pariah Dark is the Queen Dragon. He used his power as Ghost King to control every Ghost in the Zone, forcing them to raid the Human World and bring him offerings. He isn't obsessed with taking over the world, he is obsessed with being seen as a God, and Gods need to get Offerings.
When Danny hit Frighty with the Stun Gun, he knocked the Mind Control out of him and Frighty was freed.
From then on it would follow some similar story beats to Httyd, but also different.
Maybe the other Movie's could introduce other Characters? Maybe Freakshow is Viggo from the 2nd Movie?, or Vlad is Grimmle from the 3rd Movie? The Plots could fit as well.
If you want it to be DpxDc, you could say that the JLA thought the situation in Amity was handled and didn't think they needed to assist.
When they learn how bad it actually was they are freaked out. Especially since this was a Centuries Old Conflict that has been happening since before America was even founded.
What do you think?
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Legend of the Boneknapper is crazy dude. It centers around Gobber and the gang going around and getting into trouble, like, I’m not sure any of the gang’s dragons are even in the short.
And the core of most HTTYD content is Hiccup and Toothless but Legend of the Boneknapper said fuck it, let’s focus on these six kids and their crazy uncle hunting a giant skeleton dragon and telling stories about hammer head whales jumping out of volcanoes and fighting said giant skeleton dragon, and dude I love it so much like
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toothlespoggers · 5 months
here’s some concept art for an Idea I’ve started to plot out!
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I had an idea recently that Papyrus and Sans moved to deltarune because sans didn’t wanna be stuck in the loop and papyrus had to come with him. But when they get there papyrus hates not having his friends or the magic and familiarity that he’s used to so he discovers how to create dark fountains as a way to bring control and fun back to his life. The first dark fountain he made was in his room and so I was coming up with dark world and darkner ideas for like the room.
I’m thinking the pirate flag is its own like pirate kingdom and there’s like a pirate skeleton king and a baby pirate skeleton that’s like the prince, and they have like their own cyber city sorta thing because of the computer- and the squiggly carpet is water, there’s some kind of fire land on the carpet, the bed is its own like city maybe? Stuff like that.
I was also thinking about how Ralsei serves as like a comfort to be like asriel to Kris. And stuff like that. So I was thinking about what the person Papyrus would miss would be, and I thought it’d be his relationship with Undyne. So I wanted to make a darkner in sort of Ralseis role but different. For papyrus. I’m thinking a Undyne-like darkner named Kamikaze. My inspiration for the name and character is that one httyd character from the books by the same name. I think that sort of personality would fit pretty well.
I was going to put a whole new au name to this and what not, but when I was brain storming all my ideas kinda fit with something I had already worked on in the past. And so I think I’m just going to combine it and workshop that.
so this is going to fall under DESPERATION!Tale
I think the core element of papyrus’s desperation will validate the au name choice pretty well.
I didn’t exactly have anything massive planned to showcase or whatever yet, I just had these ideas that I wanted to share since I’m probably not going to have anything come from it in a while.
I have changed a lot of the initial concept art and work for DesperationTale compared to my old art in the tag.
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mikimakiboo · 4 months
I need to get this out of my head
I have two ideas for crossover aus with How To Train Your Dragon and the Dreamtale twins-
More under the cut cause it's gonna be long
Also it's mostly about Driller and Errormare cause I love these ships but you can imagine it with anyone else really
The first one isn't that related to httyd, it's just that Dream and Nightmare are ancient guardians and by the time they were born guardians needed to be powerful to protect their things, in this case the tree, and so they were dragon shape-shifters, with a dragon form and an anthropomorphic form
Aaannnnd so Nightmare is a nightfury (male but with blue eyes) and Dream is a lightfury (male with golden eyes) because obviously
And then here come Killer and Error, dragon hunters trying to protect their village from the two furies roaming around, and so they track them and find them and,,, did they just turn into skeletons ? And why are the skeletons so attractive ?? They are supposed to kill them not fall in love !
But anyway they get to know each other and they teach the twins about basic things in life because the boys live outside, they don't even know how to hold a fork, they need to learn how to blend in with people around especially since everyone is wondering where they come from and why do they have wings that look a little too much like dragon wings because the wings stay when they tranform
Also they keep mistaking Nightmare for a female because of his blue eyes, he's pissed
Killer and Error live with Dust and Horror as an independent group, they learnt how to train dragons on their own and are basically thiefs, they go from village to village to steal food, clothes and any resources they need
They often need to fight since they aren't very welcome everywhere because of their reputation so they are very cautious about stangers
And one day two furies land near their campment and there are two people riding them: Dream on the lightfury and Nightmare on the nightfury (I like this parallel okay ?)
Dragon riders yey ! But do they want to kill them and take their dragons ? Take their resources ? None of that, turns out they are just traveling on their own and didn't know there were people on this little island they just landed on
At first Killer wanted to fight them to be sure they wouldn't do anything but damn, this lightfury rider is actually pretty sexy, might as well seduce him instead
And Nightmare just watches his brother being flirted with, not realizing that he too has caught the eye of the second stranger: Error
Their dragons are the first to see they like each other and they help them by pushing them towards the other, or flying to an isolated location with them and refusing to leave
Anywayyyyyyy dragon romance yey
Also just for fun:
Error has a Deadly Nadder
Killer has a Hobblegrunt
Dust has a Deathgripper
Horror has a Crimson Goregutter
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thatonerobot · 11 months
>> my httyd special interest is back in full swing and now it's all i think about ever so here's a deep dive on a very minute detail in School of Dragons (+ httyd1) i did
>> School of Dragons singlehandedly revealed that the Red Death did survive the actual crash at the end of httyd1, the pose of her skeleton is laying down rather than being crushed and all wonky from ramming face first into the ground. There is little to no damage to her bone structure as well, meaning she was barely injured from the crash itself at all and was even able to attempt at moving— it was the fact she burned up from the inside out that caused her death
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>> ok that's all i wanted to say for now
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
The httyd franchise has had numerous deaths and numerous dragon skeletons on screen, (yes I’m looking at you Vanaheim) so is it too much to ask that the red death’s skeleton was left on dragon island? Charred and broken, but nevertheless there, I feel like that would have kept some of the eerie feeling that dragon island gave off in the first movie
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 months
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OOOOH YEAH. That's the name of Snotlouts' dragon! But still nah.
His name is actually based off the fact that he has snake-like teeth behind his frame, ie "Hooked Fangs".
The frontal parts you see in the image are "fang guards". His actual fangs are hidden in his mouth!
When he attacks, they emerge…and one is solid gold and metallic because he lost a tooth after he bit down on the camera mimic that was attacking his brother and he eventually got it replaced.
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The picture above is that of a snake skeleton, of an anaconda variety. Don's fangs are like this and his jaw has these large fangs inside of it that are in the typical "hooked" fashion, as how he and his brother got their names. They are concealed until he is on the attack. The fangs have no venom, as they have no venomous attributes in their mimic family, but they are deadly for another reason. These fangs can pierce...and DEEP. They can rip through another mimic's pseudo-flesh clothes and nail arteries or vital organs if they manage to nail a perfect punch deep into their opponent. If you think Don has to be close to you to deal such a deadly blow...don't forget. Camera Mimics have a lunge attack...AND he can make you hallucinate during a fight. You may turn around thinking you're taking on a real foe, and before you even realize it, two large fangs are already deep into your back and impaling you. Don has two faces. His polite and diplomatic face...and his feral fanged manic face. I'm currently running beta designs for him and his brother. But this will be incorporated heavily into their lore and backstories.
The HTTYD reference is just a nice little bonus! XD
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Ortega "Ore" Brantley (Last) Romance Chart
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Tagging @carlosoliveiraa @cassietrn @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @titiagls @wrathfulrook @adelaidedrubman @josephseedismyfather @shallow-gravy and @thewanderer-000 + anyone else interested in giving this a look.
Translation below if it's hard to follow (plus the template):
Name: Ortega "Ore" Brantley
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Human-Displacement Hybrid ("Displacements" refer to unknown interdimensional creatures originating from unregistered dimensions).
Age: 179 (physically looks to be in his early to mid-40s).
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Class/Job: Mercenary-For-Hire, Follower of the Apocalypse "Sorcerer".
Alignment: Lawful Good
Star Sign: Virgo
Green Flags: Sweet & Thoughtful, #1 biggest supporter, and he has a DOPE FIRE SWORD!
Red Flags: Obsessed with patricide (even if it's kind of justified and his father deserves it), does hide his feelings and deathly afraid to outlive (his companions) or lose (his sister) all of his loved ones (hence why he wants to kill Urias and destroy his Occult as quick and efficiently as possible).
The pictures include the following (from top to bottom, left to right): A picture of a Veteran NCR Ranger (because that's what he wears, and to elaborate, he's not the Courier), a flaming sword I messily cut off from HTTYD's Hiccup hand, a badge of the Responders "Firebreathers" (a memento of his mother, Tiffany Brantley, a character from Fallout 76), and a picture of "Ore" overlooking New Vegas (he may not be the courier, but he falls in love with mine). There's also his aura which is a beach, his love song "Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow" by Nat King Cole and lastly a desert rose.
Template right here:
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