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danjpetock · 3 years ago
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Don't lose your heads but I'm starting something new. Her sleeves may be green but her lipstick's red 💋 #six #sixthemusical #sixonbroadway #sixmusical #sixwestend #andreamacasaet #anneboleyn #dontloseyourhead #musical #broadway #westend #divorcedbeheadedlive #tobymarlow #lucymoss @sixbroadway @sixthemusical @thetobymarlow @mucyloss @andrea.cesyl https://www.instagram.com/p/CgsOwVPpRCW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've sewn some horse hair braid into the bottom of the skirt (by hand!). It definitely is giving it some more structure, tho the back is still isn't quite right 😅 I don't understand how they got her skirt so stiff 😅 slowly getting ready for @factsconvention 2021 i🙌 #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #costumedesign #anneboleynsixthemusical #anneboleyncosplay #anneboleynsix #handmadedress #diy #belgiumcosplay #westend #broadway #millieoconnell #andreamascatt #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixwestend #musicaltheatre #musicalcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CUanVluFv3y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sixcostume · 5 years ago
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UK tour black alternate - Cassandra Lee (Anne of Cleves)
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nikostakosbb · 6 years ago
Six Audios?
Wondering if anyone was gifting any six audios with any of the understudies? Thanks :)
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beyondtheblonde · 3 years ago
Six The Musical - West End (Audio)
April 2, 2019 | pastelbootlegs’ master Format: WAV Cast: Jarneia Richard-Noel (Catherine of Aragon), Millie O’Connell (Anne Boleyn), Natalie May Paris (Jane Seymour), Alexia McIntosh (Anna of Cleves), Aimie Atkinson (Katherine Howard), Maiya Quansah-Breed (Catherine Parr) Notes: Natalie’s “Heart of Stone” was very emotional because her parents were in the audience. Energetic audience, lots of clapping. Includes curtain call MP4.
Six The Musical - West End (Audio)
August 15, 2019 | marina-trading’s master Format: mp3, untracked Cast: Grace Mouat (alt Catherine of Aragon), Millie O’Connell (Anne Boleyn), Courtney Stapleton (Jane Seymour), Alexia McIntosh (Anna of Cleves), Vicki Manser (Katherine Howard), Maiya Quansah-Breed (Catherine Parr) Notes: Cuts out just as Megasix is beginning.
Six The Musical - West End
March 1, 2020 | Hitmewithyourbethshot’s master Format: MTS, M4A, MOV
Cast: Jarneia Richard-Noel (Catherine of Aragon), Courtney Bowman (Anne Boleyn), Collette Guitart (u/s Jane Seymour), Alexia McIntosh (Anna of Cleves), Sophie Isaacs (Katherine Howard), Hana Stewart (alt Catherine Parr) Notes: MTS, shot around heads, up to All You Wanna Do. Includes full audio (M4A) and finale Megasix (MOV).
Six The Musical - West End
December, 2020 | queenofthedead’s master Format: MP4 (HD) Cast: Jarneia Richard-Noel (Catherine of Aragon), Courtney Bowman (Anne Boleyn), Hana Stewart (alt Jane Seymour), Alexia McIntosh (Anna of Cleves), Sophie Isaacs (Katherine Howard), Danielle Steers (Catherine Parr) Notes: Second performance at the Lyric theatre and Hana’s first show back! The picture starts 2 mins into Ex-Wives. There’s obstruction from heads throughout, especially in IDNYL, but some good shots too.
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rachaeldickzen-blog · 5 years ago
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I got up at 4:30 AM ET today for a dance workshop and q&a session (from @theatrefanparties) with former Six alternate (west end) @vicki_manser ! She taught us some of the dance moves for “Don’t Lose Your Head” and it was SO fun and such a workout. I took a ton of notes during her q&a and asked a lot of questions and will post them on my blog later today! #sixthemusical #queendom #sixalternates #divorcedbeheadedlive #sixwives #vickimanser #sixwestend https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9slM8nTdr/?igshid=1q8bly085c817
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And tonight we are 🎶LIIIiiiffEEE 🎶! More pictures from Anne Boleyn at Elftopia 2021. This green monster almost made me lose my brain, but damn she is cute! Merci @jean-pierre fouss (FB) for the glam shots! #anneboleynsixthemusical #anneboleyncosplay #anneboleyn #anneboleynsix #anneb #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixwestend #sixmusical #sixanneboleyn #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #cosplayaccessories #cosplaybelgium #belgiumcosplay #elftopia2021 #elftopia #cosplaymakeup #musicalcosplay #musicaltheatre #greensleeves #green #holographic https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNbiFAFgE3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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She's finally here y'all! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm hoping to get some pictures very soon, will probably wear her to elftopia now that castlefest is cancelled. Hope to see you there! #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #costumedesign #cosplayaccessories #cosplaytiktok #cosplaybelgium #cosplayersofinstagram #anneboleynsixthemusical #anneboleyncosplay #anneboleyn #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixwestend #sixmusical #greensleeves #greenholo #holographic #fabric #henry8 #henryeight #millieoconnell #broadway #westend https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXFkFOjBTU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Finally we have something that resembles a skirt! 😅😤 This fabric has been hell to work with. I gotta add in an extra panel and add studs too. We aren't even close to being done with this green miss #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #costumedesign #cosplayroom #cosplaytiktok #cosplaybelgium #anneboleyn #anneb #sixcosplay #sixanneboleyn #sixwestend #sixbroadway #sixmusical #anneboleyncosplay #holographic #greensleeves #millieoconnell #diy #handmade https://www.instagram.com/p/CPG1pLwDKR3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sixcostume · 5 years ago
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UK Tour orange alternate - Harriet Watson (Catherine Parr / Jane Seymour)
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sixcostume · 5 years ago
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UK tour teal alternate - Jennifer Caldwell (Katherine Howard)
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danjpetock · 3 years ago
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POLITICS not her thing. #six #sixthemusical #sixonbroadway #sixmusical #sixwestend #andreamacasaet #anneboleyn #dontloseyourhead #musical #broadway #westend #divorcedbeheadedlive #tobymarlow #lucymoss @sixbroadway @sixthemusical @thetobymarlow @mucyloss @andrea.cesyl #megasix https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwoOj5u_d-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Got quite the memento from my dance recital this year 😍 seeing this poster honestly made me feel like a celebrity. Anne Boleyn has definitely been a lucky cosplay for me this year ❤️ #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #costumedesign #anneboleynsixthemusical #anneboleyncosplay #anneboleyn #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixmusicaltour #sixwestend #danceshow #dancerecital #dancer #cosplayroom #holo #greenholo #vinyl #millieoconnell #andreamascatt https://www.instagram.com/p/CelZdUsD3tq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Divorced, beheaded, dried, ... 😅 After a six show weekend these ones definitely needed a washing. I've found some minor wears and tears that I will fix while adapting these to my own body. If anyone ever wants to do a six cosplay group hmu 😉 unfortunately Anne B didn't quite survive. As suspected the vinyl holo is prone to heat and movement damage 😅 #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixmusicaltour #sixwestend #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #danceshow #dancerecital #dancer #dancefever #dancefeverlede #musicalcosplay #musical #musicaltheatre #handwash #handmadedress #handmade https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJSLPGjK8p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ya girl did it! After 12yrs and 5 cosplay competitions I finally made the stage. Very very grateful for this second place 🥰 #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixmusicaltour #sixwestend #anneboleynsixthemusical #anneboleyn #anneboleynsix #costuming #cosplaycostume #cosplayers #cosplayers #belgiumcosplay #belgium #factsconvention #factsgent #cosplaycontest https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb9t-QQjWui/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I'm working on six costumes for our dance recital and unfortunately my measuring tape did not survive 😅 these still need to be fitted, fingers crossed 🤞🙏 #costuming #cosplaycostume #costumedesign #cosplayroom #sixcosplay #sixbroadway #sixmusicaltour #sixwestend #sixmusical #anneofclevescosplay #annaofclevescosplay #janeseymourcosplay #janeseymoursix #natalieparis https://www.instagram.com/p/CavKNQuDW6d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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