Izumio usa
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Izumio contains up to 2.6 ppm hydrogenated water. A natural way to help people with diabetes and reduce insulin intake. Scientific study data have posted on credible government site. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/19083400/. . . . . . . . . #diabetes #diabetestype2 #diabetesawareness #diabetesproblems #diabetesnaturaltreatment #diabetesnaturalremedy #diabetesdiet #Hydorgenwater #izumio #naturally plus #insulinresistance #treatdiabetesnaturally #treatdiabeteswithfood #treatsdiabetes #treatdiabeteswithfood #diabeteshealth #diabetesproblems #diabetescare #diabetessupport #diabetescontrol #diabeteswarrior
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Naturally Plus flagship product IZUMIO was featured in a research report on the health benefits of hydrogenated water at the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M) Conference, December 14-16, in Las Vegas, where IZUMIO also had a booth. This global conference, which targets medical practitioners looking for the latest anti-aging knowledge, technologies and products, attracts experts from all over the world. Nearly 140 practitioners and researchers participated in the seminar on hydrogenated water at which Nobel Prize candidate Professor Garth Nicholson appeared. The booth, created in cooperation with SPR Inc., IZUMIO’s American research partner attracted more than 450 enthusiastic visitors during the three days when it was open. . . . . . . . #naturallyplus#izumiowater #izumio#hydrogenwater#naturalpath #miraclewater #antioxidant #hydrogenrich #parkinsonsdisease #alzheimers #gout#kidneystones #kidneydisease #energyhealing #cancer#chemotherapy #chemo
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Izumio was featured in one of the gifts in the 2017 Emmys award for the celebrity gift bag. A successful penetration of Hollywood actors & actress of NPUSA products of IZumio and Super Lutein, the products no longer simply deal with persons with medical issues but now it also called the attention of the people who wish to remain young, beautiful and successful! Join us with this success , try the products for yourselves and feel the good health & well being of the people, who enjoyed the health that NPUSA brings to the world. . . . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #lupus #autoimmune #cancer #skindisease #skindiseases #skindisorder #skincancer #psoriasis #eczema #healthandbeauty #naturalbeauty #youngliving #beautytips #beautyproducts #naturalbeautyproducts
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Doctors endorsed and used Izumio in their practice , click the YouTube link to understand about hydrogen water from a doctors point of view! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FupVizQKLts&feature=youtu.be . . . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #lupus #autoimmune #cancer #skindisease #skindiseases #skindisorder #skincancer #psoriasis #eczema #diabetes #lungcancer #autoimmunedisease #heartdisease #parkinsonsdisease #alzheimers
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Testimony from Ben Khoo from California, he has Malenoma Skin cancer stage 3 , it was 3-4 years ago, doctor announced he has only 6months- he was introduced to Super Lutein and Izumio hydrogen water , he was taking 9 Super Lutein and 2 izumio for several months and his skin cancer has healed. And until now he healthy and is cancer free! .please share if you have any loved ones or family members who has chronic illness and need to find a natural alternative! Go to our site to learn more about Naturally plus products! www.izumiohydrogenwater.com . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #lupus #autoimmune #cancer #skindisease #skindiseases #skindisorder #skincancer #psoriasis #Melanoma #melanomaawareness #eczema #melanomacancer
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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The power of Super Lutein + Izumio. Diabetic Patient Leg was scheduled to be amputated if the wound continued to deteriorate. After taking Super Lutein and Izumio, not only was amputation averted but her sore healed! If your friends or loved ones has diabetes and need help please contact us at. Izumiousa@gmail.com . . . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #diabetes #diabetesproblems #diabetic #bloodsugars #diabetesawareness #diabeteshealth #diabetesmedicine #diabetestype2 #sugarlevelhigh #diabeteshelp #diabetesproblems #diabeteskids
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Izumio Water which has a high concentration of Hydrogen and Super Lutein with ingredients of 5 carotenoids can help those who have Psoriasis, eczema , Melanoma and any type of skin disease. If you suffer from skin disease and nothing seems to work, please try out Izumio and Super Lutein from Naturally plus, with both product is more effective to healing! Any questions about the products or health information. please PM me or visit www.izumiohydrogenwater.com . . . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #lupus #autoimmune #cancer #skindisease #skindiseases #skindisorder #skincancer #psoriasis #Melanoma #melanomaawareness #eczema #melanomacancer
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izumiousa-blog · 7 years ago
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Real testimony from a young girl who has an autoimmune disease called Lupus. She tried Izumio-Hydrogen water and Super Lutein and within 4 days her face and symptoms improved, look at her before and after picture. Hydrogen water has a strong antioxidant effects and it is selective, which One of the most interesting findings concerning hydrogen as an antioxidant is the discovery that it is a novel antioxidant because it scavenges the toxic hydroxyl radical . . . . . . . . #izumio#naturallyplus#hydrogenwater #hydrogen #antiaging #antioxidant #healthyeating #healthywater #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #healthylifestyle #superlutein #lutein #lupus #autoimmune #cancer
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