Trademark Attorney by Day, Fiction Author and History/Theater/Mental Health Blogger by Night. So Basically I'm Batman. I don't understand Tumblr yet but I'm trying. <3 Cats, Unicorns, Sparkly Shoes.
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When you do a dance workshop (through @theatrefanworkshops ) with a brilliant broadway actress (@sampauly ) and your light fixture ends up in her insta story because you didn’t realize your cats had knocked your webcam over. 😂😂😂
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Snapshots from the brilliant @colletteguitart ‘s virtual dance workshop and q&a session this morning through @theatrefanworkshops ! Guitart taught us a bit of “No Way,” which is DANG HARD, y’all. I got to ask her several questions and took a ton of notes, so I’ll have a full blog post up in a bit with all her answers! (Link in profile) i just need to shower and recuperate first because good lord, I’m tired after a 4:30 AM EST wake up time and an intense dance session. 😛
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#sixthemusical previews on broadway started tonight so of course I’ve already watched the #megasix videos from it. I tried to grab some screen caps of a few key costume differences. Did y’all notice that Cleves has magnificent knee high boots that I’m 95% we’ve never seen any other queen wear in any other version of the show? It also looks like Howard has the new updated skirt that was seen in Australia and is now in the west end production. Screen grabs are from @zoennis ‘s Instagram; thank you so much! :) #queendom #sixthemusicalcostumes
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My in depth broadway costume changes blog post for #sixthemusical has been updated with new production photos! I’m sad Broadway is closed down, but it’s still fun to look at pics from my favorite show. :) Link is in my profile! #sixcostumes #sixbroadway
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Okay so I got a little bored today and made a video reenactment of Henry VIII’s six marriages using paper dolls. Self isolation!!! This extrovert is struggling a little. 😂 The full video will be up on my blog shortly! (Link in profile- This is just a standard history version, but i totally want to do a Six tribute with music from the musical here soon All paper dolls are by @tom_tierney_studios ! #henryviii #sixthemusical #sixbroadway #englishhistory #tudors #paperdolls #sixwives #divorcedbeheadeddied #divorcedbeheadedsurvived #divorcedbeheadedlive
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The brilliant Six costume designer @sladegabriella is doing an instagram takeover of the @sixthemusical account today and is answering a ton of questions! I'm taking notes on them all and tracking them all on my blog if you’d like a nice summary! Link in profile! Reminder that if you want to learn more about the Tudor elements of the costumes of six, i have IN DEPTH blog posts on each costume on my blog! #sixcostumes #sixcosplay #sixalternates #broadwaycosplay
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I drew renaissance versions of all the costumes from @sixthemusical @sixbroadway #fanfriday
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I went back and compiled photos from all the original student and professional productions of Six! It's amazing to see how much the costumes have changed over the last few years. Link is in profile!#sixthemusical #queendom #divorcedbeheadedlive #sixcostumes #sixbroadway
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I'm doing 5 virtual dance workshops with different Six alternates over the next month. Even though I don't dance and I'll have to get up super early. #Committed . What questions do y'all want me to ask them? #sixthemusical #queendom #divorcedbeheadedlive #sixalternates #vickimanser #colletteguitart #jencaldwell #cherellejay #gracemouat #musicals #sixbroadway
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I got up before 7 AM today for a dance workshop and q&a session (from @theatrefanparties ) with Six UK tour alternate Harriet Watson (@harrietwatson92 )! She taught us dance moves for Get Down (which I was SO terrible at, i have like no dance training and you could seriously tell) and Six (much easier and SO FUN) and I had a total blast! I was really expecting it to be a zoom call of like 100 people but it was really small, like only 20 people, and it was so worth it! Harriet was hilarious and so kind and lovely. Friend Hannah did it as well and we both loved it. I took notes during her q&a and will post them on my blog later! #sixthemusical #queendom #sixalternates #divorcedbeheadedlive #sixwives
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I got up at 4:30 AM ET today for a dance workshop and q&a session (from @theatrefanparties) with former Six alternate (west end) @vicki_manser ! She taught us some of the dance moves for “Don’t Lose Your Head” and it was SO fun and such a workout. I took a ton of notes during her q&a and asked a lot of questions and will post them on my blog later today! #sixthemusical #queendom #sixalternates #divorcedbeheadedlive #sixwives #vickimanser #sixwestend
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This is so well done.
Love Me, Love Me - An Overly Obsessive Analysis of All You Wanna Do

Here it is. I’m finally writing a far too long and overly analytic essay that no body asked for (well one person did) about All You Wanna Do from Six the Musical. More realistically, I’m going to discussing Katherine Howard throughout the musical and specifically how she manipulates the audience throughout the show to make All You Wanna Do all the more effective. I use the word manipulate and will probably do so again, which has a negative connotation, but I don’t mean it in a negative way. It’s just the most effective word to use. I should also note that I’ve never seen Six…live. I may have happened upon some less than legal video, and all of the knowledge I’ll be pulling from beyond the cast recording and some audios will be from that. I know it was an earlier show and that there have been some changes since then, and I don’t have any way of knowing what those changes are so please bear with me if some details aren’t completely correct or still accurate. I do have every intention to see a production of Six eventually, but I live in the very, very Deep American South, so getting to a city where its playing is gonna take some time. Also, due to the nature of this song, I’m putting a heavy content warning for sexual assault, child grooming, pedophilia, etc. If you’ve listened to the song, you know what its about, so you know I’m going to be discussing all that.
Now that the preliminary disclaimers are out of the way, let’s begin.
From the beginning of the show, Katherine Howard is trying to win the audience over more than any other Queen. They’re trying in various ways, yes, but Howard is the one putting the most work in beyond just trying to make herself look better or justify herself to them. From her introduction in Ex-Wives she’s doing this. She interrupts Cleves’s dick joke with “Prick up your ears,” turning Cleves’s joke that probably would have landed somewhat, and making it her joke that definitely lands with the audience. After Ex-Wives, she looks directly at the audience when she delivers the line “The Thomas Cromwell Amongst the Royal Ministers, between 1532 and 1540” which is a line that only works because it goes on too long and is weirdly detailed and specific enough to be funny. She looks and points at people in the front row when she says “between 1532 and 1540” as an acknowledgement that she’s breaking from her stage persona for a moment to give them this line, and that sells it to the crowd. They know that she’s purposely being overly detailed and they’re with her. It’s not expected, especially not from her, and so its funny. The entire goal of K Howard throughout this show is the make sure that the audience stays with her and to use what people expect from her to her own advantage and, at some points, against them.
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#sixthemusical#six the musical#queendom#sixthemusicalcostumes#sixthemusicalcosplay#sixthemusicalalternates#anneboleyn
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#sixthemusical#six the musical#queendom#sixthemusicalcostumes#six the musical costumes#katherinehoward
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#divorcedbeheadeddied#divorcedbeheadedsurvived#divorcedbeheadedlive#sixthemusical#six the musical#ladiesinwaiting#queendom#mariaonthedrums
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