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guannimadepishi · 1 year ago
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Chinese-style breakfast
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toytiny · 2 years ago
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Siu Mai (shrimp dumpling) from @temu 🦐 . . . . #toyinfluencer #toytiny #toytinyblog #siumai #dimsum #foodtoys #temu #miniaturetoy #miniaturefood https://www.instagram.com/p/CptflkoJ3S8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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queenofyumcha · 1 year ago
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more than ten tavs and I ONLY JUST FOUND OUT YOU CAN DO THIS??
You can combine the broken spear half from the dying cultist dude and the spear tip from the owl bear mother???
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suusoh · 6 months ago
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queenofyumcha · 1 year ago
CW// brief mentions of incestuous + underage ships
Defining blorbo as a character I obsessed over and daydreamed excessively about, listing in chronological order as far as my failing memory can assure me, from the age of 10/11 to mid-twenties:
Artemis Fowl (Artemis/Domovoi Butler, Artemis Fowl novels, my love of master/servant trope started early)
Ciel Phantomhive/Sebastian (I cannot believe we're getting an S4 of black butler)
Harry Potter (Tom Riddle/Harry)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach, was a huge Byakuya/Ichigo shipper, Kenpachi/Ichigo and Grimmjoww/Ichigo also)
Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight, yes I am cringe, what of it, Aidou/Kaname changed my brain chemistry, i thought about writing Kaname/Rido fanfic the other week in the year of our lord 2023)
Clint Barton (Phil Coulson/Clint, did they ever get my boy out of the vents)
Dean Winchester (Dean/Death because i am serious when i say I goddamn love rarepairs, i love co-dependent destructive wincest)
Spock (Spirk of course, but mostly loved the Vulcan culture/worldbuilding and how Spock fit or didn't fit into it, Spock and Sarek hurt comfort was ahhhhh)
Oliver Queen (Oliver/Slade)
Tsunayoshi Sawada (Tsuna/Reborn, Tsuna/Xanxus, from the Katekyo Hitman Reborn series)
Napoleon Solo (Solo/Ilya Kuryakin, from 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E')
Chuck Bartowski (Chuck/John Casey, Chuck TV show)
Daenerys Targaryen (Dany/Khal Drogo)
Geralt (G/Jaskier, G/Emhyr)
(┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻ EMHYR VAR EMREIS, DEITHWEN ADDAN YN CARN AEP MORVUDD, who has dominated my every waking thought since 2021 and WE'RE STILL GOING STRONG INTO 2024!!! (I can be convinced to ship this man with just about anyone but I particularly like Geralt, Impera Brigade Guards, Vattier and Ardal.)
Paul Atreides (Paul/Duncan, Paul/Feyd, Paul/Chani)
This is like watching a time-lapse of my brain over about a decade lmao, a time capsule of 2010's fandoms and brain rot.
who was your original blorbo? Like the first ever blorbo that you felt Blorbo Induced Emotions for
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crimsondragonleader · 3 months ago
SaGa Prefecture Items
// Noelmun here, sharing some info on the (2024) 10th Anniversary SaGa Prefecture Collaboration festivities that started yesterday.
So about a decade ago Ishikawa-san started collabing with Saga prefecture to boost sales/marketing for both the series and the prefecture's tourism. To that end, they do various collabs with local businesses and you'll see them around SaGa events. Seriously, they even have SaGa print on the trains.
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So because of Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven being released this year, they're collaborating with the local government to have some of their residential taxes (ふるさと納税, furisato nouzei) be dedicated toward different initiatives. Each group gives a thank you gift and a card and I just wanted to point out two in particular.
The other five before those two are:
Noel - JA Foods glutinous rice, notable for its sweet flavor
Rocbouquet - Marubun ramen bowl set
Subier - Squid Siumai & Toppings Set (Crab, Squid, Shrimp)
Bokhohn - Shirokawa Tea Garden's Yoshino Tea
Kzinssie - Ariake Seaweed
But then come Dantarg's and Wagnas' items...
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Dantarg's item is Sirloin Steak from Saga Central Ranch. I find it funny that the item, if you're from the UK, is a "rump steak". Even the devs know it!
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with Munemasa Brewery DRAFT BEER. (RIP that poor butterfly during Dantarg's New Year's exchange with Wagnas...)
... Do the devs know???
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tempura-mayo · 5 months ago
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One of my favorite activities - dim sum! 😋 its always difficult to order though with all the variety. I want to eat everything ya know?!
Heres an ode to some of my favorites; aside from 燒賣 (siumai) which I forgot to draw 🤡😂
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fobias-inevitables · 3 months ago
El protagonista. "SIUMAI"
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Siumai fue mi primer hámster, me lo regaló la jefa de mi madre debido a que su hijo se fue a estudiar a otro país y no podían cuidarlo. Aprendí que son animales delicados y merecen un espacio habitable y comida balanceada, son animales pequeños y delicados. Duró un año y ocho meses a mi lado, tristemente le salió un tumor inoperable y solo quedó esperar hasta su último día. Se fue el 28 de octubre y se siente su ausencia.
Utilicé sus colores como referencia para el patrón del hámster del dibujo, realmente fue una inspiración inesperada y quise ponerlo de protagonista.
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dijon-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
soaking siumai in spicy garlic oil like theyre having a little spa day
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crazybluepanda · 1 year ago
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Today's school cafeteria daily lunch special set : siumai and kara'age set.
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revintansokeplay777 · 2 years ago
Hongkong Kota judi? coba kita cari tau tips dan trik jalan jalan ke hongkong versi Okeplay777
Kapan lagi si kamu bisa jalan jalan ke luar negri? apa lagi ke hongkong. nih tips and trick buat jalan jalan ke hongkong versi Okeplay777!!. Jalan-jalan ke Hong Kong bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menarik dan tak terlupakan. Berikut ini beberapa tips dan trik yang dapat membantu Anda dalam perjalanan tersebut:
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Pilih waktu yang tepat: Hong Kong memiliki cuaca yang beragam sepanjang tahun. Suhu paling nyaman biasanya terjadi antara Oktober hingga Desember, ketika udara lebih sejuk dan cerah. Jika Anda ingin menghindari keramaian, hindari kunjungan selama liburan nasional atau festival populer.
Pilih akomodasi yang sesuai: Pilihlah hotel atau penginapan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda. Hong Kong menawarkan berbagai macam opsi akomodasi, mulai dari hotel mewah hingga hostel budget. Pastikan lokasinya strategis agar lebih mudah untuk menjelajahi kota ini.
Siapkan visa dan paspor: Pastikan Anda telah memeriksa persyaratan visa dan paspor sebelum perjalanan. Beberapa negara mungkin memerlukan visa sebelum masuk ke Hong Kong. Pastikan paspor Anda masih berlaku setidaknya enam bulan sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa.
Rencanakan rute perjalanan: Buatlah rencana perjalanan yang rinci untuk mengoptimalkan waktu Anda. Hong Kong memiliki banyak tempat wisata menarik, seperti Victoria Peak, Kowloon Walled City Park, Pulau Lantau, dan berbagai pasar malam. Periksa peta dan jadwal transportasi umum untuk membantu Anda merencanakan rute dengan baik.
Gunakan transportasi umum: Transportasi umum di Hong Kong sangat efisien dan andal. Anda dapat menggunakan MTR (Mass Transit Railway) untuk berpindah antar-daerah dengan cepat. Opsi lainnya adalah bus, trem, dan kapal feri. Pertimbangkan untuk membeli kartu Octopus, yang dapat digunakan untuk membayar berbagai moda transportasi.
Cicipi makanan lokal: Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mencoba makanan lokal Hong Kong yang terkenal. Nikmati hidangan seperti dim sum, pangsit won ton, siumai, dan pai daging. Jangan lupa mencicipi kue tradisional Hong Kong, seperti egg waffle atau pineapple bun.
Simpan nomor darurat penting: Simpan nomor darurat penting, termasuk nomor telepon darurat lokal dan kontak konsulat negara Anda. Juga, pastikan Anda memiliki salinan dokumen penting seperti paspor dan kartu identitas di tempat yang aman.
Bawa peta dan aplikasi pemandu wisata: Bawa peta fisik Hong Kong atau gunakan aplikasi pemandu wisata untuk membantu navigasi Anda. Aplikasi seperti Google Maps atau Citymapper dapat membantu Anda mencari rute terbaik, memeriksa jadwal transportasi, dan menemukan tempat-tempat menarik.
Persiapkan mata uang lokal: Pastikan Anda memiliki mata uang lokal, yaitu dollar Hong Kong (HKD). Banyak tempat menerima kartu kredit, tetapi sebaiknya juga memiliki uang tunai untuk transaksi kecil atau di tempat yang lebih tradisional.
Patuhi peraturan lokal: Pastikan Anda memahami dan mematuhi peraturan dan budaya lokal Hong Kong. Hormati tempat-tempat suci dan pantangan budaya yang berlaku. Selalu periksa aturan dan peringatan di tempat-tempat wisata yang Anda kunjungi.
Semoga tips dan trik ini membantu Anda dalam perjalanan ke Hong Kong. tapi ada lagi nih tips yang menarik untuk anda mengumpulkan modal untuk jalan jalan ke hongkong!. dengan bermain di okeplay777 anda sudah dapat mendapatkan kesempatan menang hingga ratusan juta rupiah dengan situs judi slot dan sportsbook Real money terbesar se Indonesia!!.. tunggu apa lagi segera daftarkan diri anda di okeplay77 untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menang yang besar!!!
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catatonic-indifference · 2 years ago
the one who grips the siumai into the correct shape
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queenofyumcha · 8 months ago
The Witcher Netflix's Emhyr Shrine
Recently finished watching season 3 of the TWN and I took about twenty psychic damage upon seeing what looked like a statue of Emhyr. (S3E8)
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one. He looks like a random philosopher. (kinda feels like the statue is mid-shrug saying 'yeah i just invaded the northern realms. what are you going to do about it?')
two. If his men/Impera Brigade have a fan club/gossip sessions, this is the club hangout
three. Uh. my brain immediately went 'hey what if his men fucked him kneeling in front of his own statue? wouldn't that be fun?'
the thought of Emhyr being fucked (desecrated because it’s a SHRINE??) at the base of his own statue is… 🤭 a desperate mess at the foot of the idealised version of him…
And so, like any fanfic writer, I fired up the episode to scour for, ah, details and -
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(it really irks me that this room looks so low budget because if you were going to imply that the white flame thing is a cult, which fine, I can get behind that for smut reasons, why would they treat their shrine this poorly? surely, it would be richly decorated? this is giving community hall with trestle tables hastily set up for a bake sale!)
no wonder this was the only shot of the whole room!!! it looks so bad!!! it really ruins the immersion!!!
they can't fuck their emperor on that, one thrust and the entire thing collapses!!! think of the health and safety regulations!
(yes, the amount of candles is also an issue but reduce the number of candles and they can have some fun with wax play. what? you're telling me the white flame is afraid of a little hot wax? surely not?
And now I can’t stop thinking about Emhyr having ritual sex in front of his shrine. His men fucking him before they depart to battle like a good luck ritual, Emhyr over sensitised, fucked nearly senseless at the base of his statue, his men kneeling to worship him 🥰🫶
maybe they’re only allowed to fuck their emperor when they win.
maybe Emhyr’s not allowed to get himself off outside of marital sex to create an heir or being fucked senseless on his own altar. (insert flimsy religious reasoning here- orgasms allowed for duty only?)
OH and the flags here look like an afterthought, nilfs, get your shit together and iron those flags!!! during pride month of all things??? why are they propped up on the walls like that? hang em properly! at least emhyr can use them to help clean up i guess, they're not getting more rumpled.
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also, the half-arsed stained glass here pisses me off. you can't even see it because there's a little bit at the top of the window and that's it! but that's just me loving the aesthetics of stained glass.
(also, since stained glass in private residences was a way of showing wealth, it would have been really cool to see a depiction of the sun/emhyr/the var emreis lineage/ the empire in stained glass or as a mural!)
and yes, I was trying to get a clear shot of the guards standing behind Emhyr's throne because I'm fully accepting them as Impera Brigade guards.
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I do love that Netflix gave the guards stationed near Emhyr unique fancier armour than the other guards in the palace though!
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I did like the roman columns and architecture here though, that was a nice touch but i felt like it didn't quite fit with the rest of the nilfgaardian theme... It just feels like it doesn't belong in this city:
I just... was not a fan. reminded me of brutalist architecture (i can see why they might have been going for that but just didn't like it for nilfgaard) and of mayan temples?? giving house Harkonnen from dune
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OH AND THIS THING. This goddamn carriage...
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I RECOGNISE THAT THIS IS SUCH A SILLY GRIPE OKAY, such a silly gripe, but I absolutely HATED the carriage Francesca and Fringilla were in. It looked like it was decorated by an amateur drama production. The metal beads, the shoddy paintwork, it looks so CHEAP.
WHY ARE THERE NO WINDOWS? IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD GLASS, JUST MAKE IT SO THERE ARE NO WINDOWS, which would make sense safety-wise for a carriage transporting the queen of the elves and sorceress???
Mimi looked amazing as ever though. Francesca/Fringilla toxic yuri :))) I loved seeing her pop up through the season and I can't wait to see her in S4.
Anyway. All that said, I do genuinely enjoy watching TWN, I appreciate them for making Emhyr so very fuckable even though he looks nothing like what I expected, (why is he so young. and pretty. I like it but. can we take the beard off. please?) and I will be tuning in for the new season.
I'm quite excited for Liam as Geralt, rooting for him.
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foodiedigest · 2 years ago
Old Time Hong Kong Cuisine at Sydney Chinatown is a late night fave after enjoying drinks with friends.
The Aunty is usually supper nice 😊
We ordered the Glutinous Fried Rice, siu mai, prawn dumplings, pan fried dumplings and chili oil wontons.
#sydneyfood #sydneyeats #chinesefood #hongkongfood #chinatownsydney #chinatown #dumpling #dumplings #yumcha #siumai #friedrice #stickyrice #glutonousrice #twice
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julieterbang · 2 years ago
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #chasiubao } || source: purvieats
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