#sith inquisitor x bounty hunter
commander-krios · 1 year
i'm on mobile and can't remember the whole prompt description but i Need "close" with helene and zhilae i NEED it omg
FINALLY. I started this a million times over the last fucking YEAR and finally figured it out. I combined this with another prompt you sent. Here ya go!
[ CLOSE ] : our muses are in a position which leads to the sender stepping intimately closer to the receiver. [ CHIN ]: as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
The Dark Council chambers were quiet. The meeting with her Sith ended nearly an hour before. Helene Zythor sat upon her chair, staring at the empty room, the echo of her Wrath’s footsteps the only sound within.
A zabrak stood before her, face impassive as she gazed up at her Empress, waiting to be acknowledged. It took a brief moment to collect herself, ignoring the familiar presence that stood outside of the large ornate doors that kept the rest of Dromund Kaas from the ruling body of the Empire. 
Vaka was a good and loyal servant, if a brutal one, and her skills were invaluable to Helene’s rule. She was part of the reason that the Sith Inquisitor held as much power as she did. She would relish the day when Vaka, Lord Kallig, would challenge her. 
But that day was not today.
“What is it?” Helene asked, inspecting her fingernails with what she hoped was an air of disinterest. Her heart pounded against her rib cage as she waited for the words that she’d hoped (and dreaded) to hear for the last three years. “You know I don’t like my meditation being interrupted.”
A truth covering a lie. Helene wasn’t meditating, she hadn’t done so for years now, but that didn’t matter. Vaka didn’t question her orders, or ask what Helene did while she carried them out. She cared little for the politics, only for the bloodshed.
“I apologize, Empress. You have a visitor.” Vaka’s crimson eyes were bright, standing out even among her red skin and black tattoos. 
“Is that so?” Helene’s feet slid from the armrest of her chair and settled against the floor, the only sound was the rustle of her gown. “And what makes you think I care about wasting my time with someone who arrives on my doorstep… uninvited?”
Vaka’s sharp teeth flashed in a mockery of a smile. “Oh, Empress. I think you know.”
A flare of anger curled in her stomach, but she pushed it aside. This was not the time nor place to deal with her Wrath. With a tired sigh, Helene leaned against the carved stone she sat on, smoothing the gown against her legs. “Fine. Make it quick.”
Vaka bowed slightly before turning, making a brisk exit to retrieve the guest.
Barely any time passed before another crimson skinned woman stood before her, this time of the Sith Pureblood race. Her dark hair curled around her shoulders, longer than Helene had ever seen it before. She was willing to admit that she was as beautiful as the day she’d left, hunting down Helene’s enemies from the dark.
Her lover had returned to take her place again at her side.
Emotion threatened to undo her careful mask as her gaze trailed from golden eyes to a long exposed throat to the swell of breasts beneath a tight leather top. She stood tall, her power clear despite not being force sensitive. Zhilae Mirai didn’t fear much in life, though others certainly feared her.
It was part of the allure in the beginning. To crave someone as dangerous as her, as beautiful. At how addictive it was to feel Zhilae’s lips at her throat, knowing she could rip it out with her teeth. Even now, staring at the woman that she dared to love, she felt a distinct feeling of fear at how dangerous she truly was.
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any word from you.” Helene was grateful her voice didn’t waver. It wouldn't do any good to look weak in front of anyone. Especially one who’d once shared a bed with her. “I didn’t know if you were coming back.”
The woman glanced away, taking in her surroundings with a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Of course I was going to come home. I just… didn’t expect so much to change.” Zhilae met her gaze, a question in her eyes that wouldn’t voice. Not aloud. “That is, if I am still welcome.”
Neither of them had somewhere to call home in so long, Helene forgot the word even existed.
“You’ve come… to stay?” 
The words fell from her lips before Helene realized she’d spoken. She resisted the urge to take them back, knowing Zhilae heard her by the slight widening of her eyes. Those very golden eyes that had caused all of this. 
Damn her.
Helene dared to feel hope, as awful of a feeling as it was. 
Pushing out of the chair, she walked down the stairs that led to the dais, studying Zhilae, waiting. She halted at the last step, wavering between approaching or running. 
The Sith Pureblood tilted her head, watching with open curiosity. “Is that what you want?”
Months ago, Helene would’ve lashed out in anger at being questioned like a child. As if her choices were fickle things, made on a whim without the smallest amount of forethought. Helene hadn’t been that foolish since she was a babe. Her mother made sure of that.
Pushing the painful memories away, refusing to be baited by her mother even in death, Helene lifted her chin, defiant to a fault. “If you’re going to try to force me to reconsider my offer-”
Zhilae stepped closer, towering over her in a way that always made others feel small, intimidated, but Helene only felt a thrill, longing for those hands to touch her. With a finger hooked beneath Helene’s chin, Zhilae tilted her face so their eyes could meet, refusing to release her. “I know better than to let you think too much. That’s when bad things tend to happen.”
Helene glared at her, but couldn’t stop the flutter in her stomach when Zhilae traced a fingertip over the old scar that covered half her face. A parting gift from Arcann, years ago, when so much of their lives had been uncertain. 
Now, she knew what she wanted. She wanted her throne, her Empire… and the woman standing in front of her.
“You were never funny, Zhilae. I don’t know why you try so hard.” Helene said, desperately needing her to press her lips to her throat, to feel the danger, the desire, the devastation. When her lover said nothing, she gave an impatient huff. “Well? What is it to be? Stay or go?”
“There is only one choice?” Zhilae leaned closer, the ends of her dark curls brushing against Helene’s cheek. “Whatever will I do?”
Impatient to the end, Helene grabbed her by the back of the neck, the closest place she could reach, and forced her closer. Zhilae met her lips with greedy and bruising kisses, lips hot and unyielding, a battle between them as always. When they finally parted for air, Zhilae brushed a hand over Helene’s coiffed hair, noting where the pins were placed… most likely for later.
“I can think of a better welcome home than this. Empress.” She teased, releasing one of those pins and letting Helene’s blonde hair drop around her in a cascading waterfall. “If I’m going to stay, I will need a room.”
“There is only one room you are allowed to sleep in.” Helene reminded her, being vulnerable for a moment and entwining their hands together. “You know that.”
Zhilae chuckled, leaning closer, lips brushing Helene’s ear. “Show me the way.”
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infin1ty-garden · 1 year
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ೃ⁀➷ summary: headcanons of dating a inquisitor! lance stroll ೃ⁀➷ pairing: inquisitor! lance stroll x bounty hunter! gn! reader ೃ⁀➷ warnings: mention of injury and blood ೃ⁀➷ word count: 546 words ೃ⁀➷ author note: pairing up my love for star wars and f1 but not proud of this
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ೃ⁀➷ The two of you meet on a chance encounter, having been after the same bounty, a rebel spy, which he got to bring in. "I'll let you have the next one." So, it began
ೃ⁀➷ There were instances where you worked together not against each other. These moments felt like you were meant to meet. Your fighting styles complementing one another, everything was in tune
ೃ⁀➷ The time after these missions felt surreal. Sometimes one or both need medical assistance. They were the only time you'd seen Lance worry
ೃ⁀➷ It was one of these moments when Lance admitted. "I can't hide it anymore. I love you." He kissed you, the worst thing he could have done. It was a mistake even saying those words
ೃ⁀➷ The problem being the emperor finding out which he did and ordering Lance to kill you. "There can be no distractions."
ೃ⁀➷ You were captured and brought before him. Once Lance refused to harm you, the emperor tried to stab you. Only for Lance to stand in his way. He received the deadly blow to his chest. The sith lord had little care for one of the inquisitors dying the issue was solved any ways
ೃ⁀➷ You were brought back to your prison cell, soon after alarms started blaring and troopers running. Then the door to your cell was sliced
Walking out you saw Lance, his back against the wall and fully sitting on the ground. The lightsaber was discarded, next to him. "You're alive!" you hugged him. There was a bandage covering his chest and blood was starting to bleed through. "Yeah," was all he could muster.
All he could think about was. "Please don't be too late." Over and over. It was driving him mad. Picturing the worst case scenario but you were fine and he was exhausted. His injuries catching up with him and the adrenaline leaving his body.
"I thought I have to survive this hell hole without you," he smiled slightly as his eyes started to close. The corridor was empty except for the two of you. There were no troopers running. "We might wanna get out of here." You lifted him up. The ship was falling apart but you managed to secure a shuttle off.
"I have to redo your bandages," he nodded, being too tired to even say anything. He let you sit him on the table as you started to unwrap the gauze. His eyes were solely focused on you, standing between his legs. You tried to ignore his wandering eyes. Eyes filled with adoration. He would wince from the pain as you did your best to patch him up.
"I did my best," you went to move away from him. Only to be pulled back. He took your hands, moving them closer to his lips. Kissing them softly. His eyes not even for a second leaving yours then he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you as if all might disappear.
Right now, you were the most important person in his life. Since he'd met you, his thoughts always go back to you. He'd give you the stars. The air from his lungs if you asked for it. He knows it's extreme but... he'd still do it.
"We're okay."
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Thanks for reading!
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hoiist · 1 year
Sith inquisitor x bounty hunter is the good shit
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rinskiroo · 5 months
my squishable star wars friends
Jasati - JK. My main girl. Theron x Jas OTP forever and ever. The reluctant Commander who went through a real depressive out of her mind phase during the whole losing five years and getting possessed (again) by the Emperor time period. Probably retired and living somewhere on Odessen.
Aqilah - Barsen'thor; I go back and forth if she exists in the same universe as Jas. She romanced Arcann, but I really miss Felix. She's a bookish nerd who, if she were Commander, would take the throne because no one else can be trusted to just chill the fuck out and be peaceful. She's got those healy hands so when Arcann wanted to spar with swords for their date she was kind of weirded out tbh.
Ruest - Baby boy Ru-Ru, my love. Poor, sad, little Cipher Nine. He loves Watcher 2, like, probably was a little out of pocket, workplace harassment, slightly stalker in love with Watcher 2. He lives in the same universe as Jas and was recruited into the Alliance by Lana. I think eventually he found Watcher 2 and they got married and had babies, at least that's how he thinks it's going to go.
Te'Jal - TJ is Ruest's sister. She's Pirate Queen of Port Nowhere. She'll help out the Alliance, for a price, though she's quite content to sit on her mountains of credits. TJ and Jas are buddies! Don't know how they met or why they're so close, but they're lovely together.
Sao'la - My sweet little Sith. Precious mouse. She exists in her own universe because she's just occupies too much space in my brain right now to share it with anyone. She's not the Commander. She did her thing in the sith warrior story and then kind of fucked off until Arcann showed up. She never made Darth. She's just too good and everyone kind of realizes she's not really Sith material! But she's a fucking badass and fights for the Empire and her family is super rich so whatever she's the main character. She loved Quinn fiercely, but I dunno, I don't things ever really recovered after The Incident and then after Another Incident. She found Theron (or Theron found her) and they had a thing that wasn't supposed to be serious, but then it kind of was?
Hat Yai - He's a Chiss bounty hunter named after food. There wasn't a whole lot going on but then I bought him a cool Mando outfit and he and Mako are just so adorable together. He tries really hard to be a good guy for her, but man the bounty hunting thing is a rough business. He's still chugging through the main story, but I don't think he's Commander material. Probably like TJ, he just sits on his piles of credits and does jobs for whoever pays.
Pekk - Ok so Pekk is still in the molding phase. She started out as a Cathar named after my cat to romance Jorgen, but then I got so many amazing flirts and conversations with Jonas that now I have this whole Cadet on temporary duty with the SIS and a little summer love affair with Jonas and then they meet again after she's in Havoc story rotating in my brain. I also really love how every conversation with Jorgan about the Deadeyes is "oh, we could ask Jonas!" and he's just like "UUGGGGHHH You and your stupid spy boyfriend." Pekk literally only exists in this very small time frame lol.
Jebamee - Darth Noxxxxx the wretched. Cruel squid head. She's just there to pick the absolute worst option. I skipped as far as I could with her after the main inquisitor story was over so she's not the Commander. She was probably hanging out on DK and Nar Shaddaaa subjugating people and running her little cult. She had the romance with the pirate, but Darth Rivix has piqued her interest now! (Sao'la HATES Rivix. She's so annoyed by him just being around.)
Oscasito - Man slut smuggler. He will always pick the easy way out, especially if it ends up with more dollary doos. Does he love Risha? Maybe? He REALLY loves that she's a Princess. Really doesn't understand why she just doesn't marry the guy that wants to make her Queen, they can still be fuck buddies. Hell, King guy can join in! My man is not picky.
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Two months late lol
tag 9 people you want to get to know better‼️
I was tagged by @certified-anakinfucker and @borealtwilight Thank youuuu! :D
Alright, let's do this!
First ship: Alfred Hedgehog x Camille Wallaby from The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog (I was third grade lol)
Three ships:
Lana Beniko x female Sith Inquisitor (swtor)
Torian Cadera x female Bounty Hunter (swtor)
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn x female Warrior of Light (ffxiv)
Last song: Parni Valjak - Ljubavna
Last movie: Teen Wolf: The Movie (I was a huge Teen Wolf fan in like 7th grade and I was curious what they did with the movie)
Currently reading: Anatomy of domestic mammals (I'm preparing for anatomy exam 🥲)
Currently consuming: Nothing, I'm stuck in a boring af lecture at uni 🥲
Currently craving: Food, coffee, ANYTHING
Tags: @space-unicorn-dot @starwers @firecatwashere :)
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tiredassmage · 2 years
7 & 8 for the swtor asks? :)
Saving this for after work was the correct choice (and also I overslept, oops >.>) bc bOY WERE WE BUSY. So thank you, this kept me a bit more sane, lol.
ask list here!
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
To probably no one who has seen an ounce of my content ever, I'd listen (and... have... by playing) to the Male Agent for hours. I think I'm up to 3 male agent ocs and the urge to make more? Constant. Inescapable. More than likely inevitable, tbh. I'm a glutton for the punishment of Imperial Agent story, apparently. Just leave me where I lie, there is no saving to be done.
Female Smuggler gets an honorable mention as well because I adore her. I adore the humor of smuggler. I adore the sass, the take no shit.
Anyway, my least favorite is... probably either of the Jedi Knights, I think. Side by side, they don't feel as distinguishable from one another as some of the other classes. The job is done; I've played both at least through the class story and I wouldn't mind doing it again just looking at voice acting, but I feel like other classes have a bit more pop and variety. Or maybe I've just played my Knights too predictably akdfnlksdnflsdf.
8. Name your top favorite companions.
Oh man. Oh boy. How do I pick??? Y'know what, maybe I'll choose violence. Maybe I'll pick my favorite from every class. I've played them all. I could do that. (It's just as daunting to consider as it may be to read.)
Preface: I think my faves are largely story-based in my reasoning - I like their story, I like how they're engaged in the story, etc. Very rarely do I swap companions because of a felt need in gameplay given everyone's capability to do anything, but I have done so for story reasons.
Okay, I decided I'm insane enough to try to pick one from each, so since that's quite a list, find that beneath the cut:
We'll start with Agent, my beloved, and Vector. The Friend The Agent Needs. No more need be said. I want to hug them. I hope he's having a good day. One day, I'll do his romance, too. Dot stop playing male agents challenge. (I'm such a creature of habit.)
Bounty Hunter's a tough call because I found myself fond of practically the whole damn crew. Real found family vibe. Idk if I love one of them so much over the other as much as I just appreciate the crew's dynamic overall so, so much. The level of interaction and mingling with the crew just felt so much higher or hit so much harder than a lot of the others that I'd rank BH as a class story relatively high on my list solely for companion interactions.
For Sith Warrior, again, to little surprise if you've heard me open my mouth, Malavai Quinn. Ironically and slightly unironically my "he did nothing wrong" bastard. I'm, unfortunately, so incredibly attracted to this smart idiot of a man. The repression of feelings to explosion of passion and dedication in his romance is chef's kiss kind of shit. They're lying if they're trying to convince me that this man isn't a disaster bisexual. He's just. So insanely pretty. I'll forgive him even if I ever make a character that won't.
I think Talos is probably my favorite Inquisitor companion. Whoever said we were robbed because we don't have an Inquisitor x Talos romance in-game? You're so right. Dude has a cool name. Love this history nerd. He's so incredible. I am so pleased he was still being bright and bubbly on Elom. Miss him.
Trooper is hands down Elara. Constantly tip-tapping like a very excited, happy dog when I see I can talk to best girl. I love her story. Her romance is incredibly sweet. She's the single thing that got me through a 2nd Trooper playthrough.
Smuggler's another no competition in favor of Bowdarr. I want to give this Wookie so. many. hugs.
Kira Carsen for Jedi Knight. Again, no competition. The friendship is so, so sweet.
And Jedi Consular is a tough one to round out on. I have a lot of love for basically the whole crew, but I think I'll have to go with Qyzen for being bestie original MVP. I'm so glad we get to build a friendship with him because I don't think we get to see Trandoshans in quite this same light anywhere else in the game.
And also Theron Shan. I can't do this list without him. Sir, I'd die for you. Sometimes you're an idiot and I love you. Insert, after all, why shouldn't I romance Theron again meme here.
Honorable mention to Major Anri. I'm love her. If I have to fuck with her directly in saboteuring of the Empire, I'm going to feel SO many emotions. Keep me in your thoughts kan;fladnkfl;dsf.
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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[ID: Star Wars: The Old Republic screenshots from my Reconstruction Legacy.
The first screenshot shows a blue Twi’lek Jedi Knight, Volya Doneeta, in Tython temple robes and being told “Hmm.  You are... dangerous.  You killed my soldiers.”
The second screenshot shows a Chiss Imperial Agent, Sanewso, with formal clothes and dark blue skin leaning against a computer console.
The third screenshot shows Theron Shan and Brider Surriss, an Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Consular, being addressed by Master Oteg.  He is saying “Before we begin, I’ll ask that you keep an open mind to what you’re about to hear.  The source of my information is... unconventional.”
The fourth screenshot shows Brider Surriss wading in a river on Alderaan, looking through a gap in a rockface at a neebray flying.
The fifth screenshot is a closeup of Sanewso’s face.  The caption says that Watcher X is telling him “It’s breaking your skull. Can you hear it crack?”
The sixth screenshot is of a red Zabrak, Atthilike, a Sith Inquisitor.  She’s asking “Why is the Republic’s involvement a secret?”
The seventh screenshot is of Volya Doneeta wearing casual, action-ready black clothing and standing in front of a Republic flag.  She says “She’s rough around the edges, but I like her.”
The eighth screenshot is Ki Sazen saying “I’m a Jedi.  I don’t want to be a spy.”
The ninth screenshot is of a Sith Pureblood Bounty Hunter in beat-up armour, saying “You’re sorta closed-minded, aren’t you?” End ID]
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mnmovdoom · 2 years
DAY 6 - Proof of life (Boba Fett & Darth Vader)
Vader picked the call pretty fast, his masked head popping up as a blue holo over the control panel of the Slave I.
“I’ve got your Rebel pilot, Lord Vader,” Boba announced, slouched in the pilot’s seat and pointing vaguely towards the cargo hold with his thumb. “Plus his astromech droid, which I’m adding an extra fee for.”
There was a second of silence, filled by Vader’s rhythmical, mechanical breathing. A lesser man might’ve been scared, but Boba simply waited patiently for Vader to speak.
“Are you sure that is the pilot, Fett?” Vader asked, the lenses of his mask fixed on Boba’s visor. Boba tilted his head at that:
“You said this pilot was strong with the Force,” Boba recalls. “When I found him, he had a lightsaber and kept talking to himself about feeling the Force and how the eyes can be deceiving. He was putting up a fight even though I threw a stun detonator at him.”
“That could be another Forceful that escaped the Inquisitors,” Vader argued, crossing his arms. He was one of those paranoid clients that Boba would feel offended by if he were a mediocre bounty hunter.
Which he was not.
“The plans for the Death Star are in the droid’s databank. I checked,” Boba crossed his arms over his chest, mimicking Vader. “That was an impressive shot, even you have to admit that.”
“The presence of the droid means nothing if the Rebellion is willing to sacrifice a meaningless fool to keep their prized pilot safe,” Vader almost spat. Boba knew that, and while riling up the Dark Lord of the Sith wasn’t a good idea, Boba knew Vader well enough to allow himself to poke him around for his own amusement.
Besides, he was saving the best for the end.
“This boy arrived at the place where I found him flying an X-wing, the standard for Rebel pilots. I sliced through the ships’ memory after capturing him, and I’m adding an extra fee for this,” Boba raised a hand, showing Vader a datachip that he then stored in one of the pouches of his belt. “And this boy’s name… is Luke Skywalker.”
Boba paused, watching Vader’s reaction. He was good at reading Vader, given that they both never showed their faces and Vader’s tells were quite similar to Boba’s. For instance, Vader squared his shoulders just a little.
That meant Boba’s news had gotten through to him. Which was excellent, because once Boba delivered this bounty, he’d be cashing in a lot.
“There was a Jedi General named Skywalker, back in the Clone Wars. But you probably know that, since you  have a reputation for killing Jedi,” Boba went on, his eyes on Vader’s lenses. “They say the Force works in mysterious ways, but if the father was a Jedi, then there’s a better chance of hitting the Force lottery, no?”
For a couple of minutes, Vader was silent, static. Only his chest moved minutely as he breathed, and his head tipped almost imperceptibly to the side, like he was listening to something being whispered to him. Boba watched, waiting patiently, and then Vader was raising a hand and pointing a finger at him.
“The pilot better be alive, or there will be no deal,” Something in Vader’s modulated voice had changed. There was an edge of aggressiveness there, a veiled threat that told Boba that this pilot might be worth more than the value of the bounty.
But as much as Boba liked to poke at the beast, he wasn’t stupid.
“He’s alive, Lord Vader,” he said, and wasn’t surprised by what Vader said next:
“I demand proof of life.”
That could be arranged, and Boba leaned onto the control panel:
“Stand by, Lord Vader. I’ll put your call through my wrist-comm,” Boba said, and before Vader could say anything, he cut the transmission and hurried down to the cargo hold. Once he had climbed down the ladder, he put Vader’s call through and once again the Sith’s masked head popped up in an eerie blue. He said nothing, merely looked when Boba pointed at the first cell to the right.
There, curled in the corner and restrained with Force-suppressing binders, was Boba’s best paycheck. This kid had been a nice challenge, too.
“Hey, show some life,” Boba called out. The kid was probably very stupid, because he stirred and raised his head to look at Boba and to Vader’s holo with wide eyes. He had gotten a nasty beating, and the dried blood all over him - from the cuts he got from the hidden blades in Boba’s vambraces - made him look a lot worse than what he actually was, but he was breathing just fine.
“He is damaged,” Vader pointed, audibly displeased. The bounty just said ‘alive only’, it didn’t specify the condition!
“He tried to resist,” Boba replied simply, then turned around, to show Vader the droid with a restraining bolt in the other cell. Except, Vader’s holo was still focused in the cell with the pilot. Uh, Vader didn’t usually show that much. A more dishonest - and very stupid - bounty hunter would’ve tried to get more credits for Skywalker’s bounty, but Boba was willing to respect the agreed value - and then haggle the extra credits for the droid and for the datachip. “And this is the droid. Skywalker called it Artoo and it tried to shock me with an electroprobe. Let me remind you I’m charging extra for the droid.”
Another moment of prolonged silence followed as Lord Vader observed the droid, until his holo turned to face Boba again:
“You will deliver Skywalker and this R2 unit to my fortress in Mustafar,” Vader commanded, then pointed threateningly at Boba. "I will send you the coordinates, and you will tell no one about this, Fett," And before Boba could complain because he was already on his way to meet the Executor, Vader cut the call. Not even five seconds later, the comm in Boba's helmet was beeping as his ship warned him that a new message had been received. Those coordinates, probably.
“Ugh, you better pay my fuel expenses, Vader…” Boba grunted, climbing back to the cockpit to make the jump out of hyperspace and then jump again, following the new coordinates.
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autisticdindjarin · 6 years
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...when u mix a bounty hunter with a sith apprentice
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commander-krios · 1 year
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SWTOR Text Posts feat the Sith Inquisitor & Bounty Hunter
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cinnabon-sith · 3 years
Theron and Lana Fake Engagement
So I made a joking post a while back that Lana and Theron would 100% get fake engaged just to piss off Theron’s parents, (which I still stand by) I imagine it going something like this:
- There’s a party held on a neutral planet for peace talks and everyone notable from The Alliance, The Empire, and The Republic are there. Nox is being a little shit but what else is new, Imperius is being the sweetest Sith Lord alive and is just trying to talk about artifacts. So overall the party is going better than anyone expected.
- Theron’s drinking with Lana when they spot Malcom. They see Malcom visibly uncomfortable with the relationships between Empire and Republic civilians and they get a horrible idea.
Theron: “Malcolm! wonderful party isn’t it?”
Malcolm: “Theron! Well this is certainly a surprise, and Lana is it? The one who got Theron tortured?”
Theron: “Dad I would appreciate if you would refrain from antagonizing my girlfriend too much.”
- With the silence that followed you could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on them in a mix of curiosity and disbelief, well all eyes except for the two cypher agents who one seemed to be giving the other credits for a bet. With a soft “I told you so...” (Nothing could probably phase them anymore.)
- Theron of course can absolutely not, not take the chance to be more extra so he gets down on one knee. Lana knows what he’s doing one second before the rest of the room does and almost bursts out laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. However, the estranged son of the Grandmaster of the Jedi order doesn’t fake propose to you every day so when in Rome and all that.
Theron: “What do you say Beniko? It’s been 7 kriffing years wanna make this official?”
Lana: “Theron I-”
Theron: “I mean you don’t HAVE to if you don’t want to. I mean it’s really not a mandatory thing-”
Lana: “Will you shut up and let me accept your idiotic proposal Shan?”
- The two hugged and Lana whispered in his ear, “The ring is positively atrocious.” And that was the Lana he knew and loved. A little later they managed some time alone considering that they were “newly engaged”
Lana: “Out of curiosity do you carry a fake engagement ring with you everywhere?”
Theron: “Hey! I’ll have you know that I carry a REAL engagement ring everywhere for FAKE proposals.”
P.S: You know I didn’t expect this to be this long I’m so sorry! And on the off chance that anyone wants to make a fanfic go for it. (Yes I ship Theron and Lana if they aren’t paired with the outlander, but their friendship is just as cute so read it how you want, the world is your metaphorical oyster)
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voidendron · 4 years
V’ehsz Legacy Starships
I...realize I literally never refer to the ships by their models when I’m writing, so. Here’s a key!
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Star Hopper
Jen (my Voidhound) inherited his XS Freighter from his late parents. It’s been his home for as long as he can remember and he keeps it in tip-top shape. He knows every square inch, every scratch, every chip of paint, like the back of his hand.
She’s old and temperamental, but he wouldn’t want her any other way. Piloting her is a learning curve - she’s extremely touchy. 
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Rust Bucket
Terrin’s (Grand Champion) D5-Mantis was lovingly named the Rust Bucket. She calls it a hunk of junk but she adores it and thought stealing it was a total blast. 
She’s not good with ships, so leaves it to her crew and engineers she’ll hire on occasion to keep Rusty running right, and when they get into space battles Terrin typically runs weapons instead of piloting. 
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Varrich’s (Meteor) BT-7 Thunderclap. It gets careful attention at spaceports to make sure everything’s running smoothly so Havoc can properly do its job. 
It doesn’t get the same sort of love that Jen and Terrin’s ships do, as Stormcloud is a tool that just happens to have sleeping quarters rather than a home, but Varrich still ensures it gets properly tended to on the regular.
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Synnda’s (Barsen’thor) Defender-class Corvette. (which I totally didn’t name that because he’s a Serenity Shadow and it seemed like a good ship name. nope. not at all). She has extra space in the crew quarters compared to Leo’s Defender, while HK-51 stands guard with Qyzen when there are diplomats aboard so Synnda can focus on them.
She’s kept tidy and looking brand new as much as possible due to Synnda meeting with senators and such so often. Don’t let it fool you: While Synnda prefers to end things peacefully, Serenity’s well-fitted for battle and can take & deal quite a hit.
Leo’s (Hero of Tython) Defender usually tends to be in a bit rougher shape than Synnda’s since she’s the one thrown headfirst into battle. Also, while she does want it running well, she’s not as concerned with how it looks since she’s not dealing with diplomats as often as Synnda does - she’s mostly dealing with military.
Striker’s paint is scratched and chipped, there’s blaster burns scored into her hide, and when the two Defenders are docked together it’s pretty obvious which one belongs to the Jedi Battlemaster.
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The Executor
Azan’s (Lord Wrath) Fury wasn’t named by her and she likes to make that clear. She thinks it’s a little too on-the-nose for her position of Wrath (though ironically, it was named long before she had the title) and frankly finds it ridiculous.
She still cares for the ship, though, and when not at her apartment on Dromund Kaas, then she can almost certainly be found near The Executor. It’s her second home and the care put into it shows that.
Qizulth’s (Darth Nox) Fury was named for his love of exploring ancient temples. It’s his most prized possession and offered to him his first real taste of freedom, so he takes exceptional care of it. Fresh out of battle is about the only time anyone will find a scratch on it - he always wants it looking fresh off the assembly line.
He has no experience with piloting, however, nor the patience to learn much more than the basics, so Andronikos and Ashara are the ones he leaves that part to.
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Xaerez’s (Cipher Nine) X-70B Phantom. Looking like a top-of-the-line luxury ship, it tends to get exceptional care at spaceports. Xaerez does very thorough background checks of any engineers he hires for repairs, and does a thorough sweep once they’re done for bugs. 
Wraith may look like she’s solely for luxury, but her low stealth capabilities, high-end shield, and hidden guns make her a force to be reckoned with and Xaerez has gone through detailed training to run her to highest efficiency. 
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Max & Veir (bounty hunters) are part of Clan Tro. Couldn’t find any better images, but the Huntress is similar to a Shaadlar-type troopship, which was used by the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Clan Tro’s is heavily modified and doesn’t have the legs. She’s gone down generations within the clan, passed from one leader to another, getting modified all the while.
She’s not very stealthy, but can take quite a beating. She’s the clan’s home and is well cared for.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Two Sides of the Coin (17)
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Chapter 17: Deliverance | Jidné Sheedra x Cal Kestis
Summary: Hell-bent on exacting revenge and retrieving the Holocron, the dreaded Darth Vader is now on the hunt for the young Jedi Knight, Cal Kestis. Under the assumption that he still possessed the artifact, while fueled by the intrigue of the boy’s strength and skill with the Force, the dark lord hires the bounty hunter, Jidné Sheedra, to track him down and have him delivered alive. However, the task becomes a trial for young Jidné, as she faces a conflict that tests her beliefs of a scarred past she had hidden for so long.
Also in AO3
Tags: Fem OC, Jidné Sheedra, Force-Sensitive! Fem OC, Bounty Hunter! Fem OC, Jedi! Fem OC | Special tags: Sixth Sister! Fem OC, Inquisitor! Fem OC, Twi’lek Inquisitor, OC Twi’lek
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 | Previous: Part 16 | Next: Part 18 | Masterlist
17 of ?
Jidné strolled to the meadow and settled herself by the bank of the waterfall’s pool, something about that spot calmed her and so she chose it as a meditation spot. She unclipped her saber from her belt, nestling it in the curve of her palm and then her other hand cradled the three strands of beads. The smooth, dainty baubles ran between her forefinger and thumb as her hand followed its length.
She clutched onto the longer strand, the chipping of the color at the edges were more visible when brought closer, the dust that never washed away reminded her of the Purge; the Jedi holds her saber with both hands with great care and devoutness.
“Master…” the air answered her call, a gust of cold wind blew the wisps of her fringe, it’s as though the wind cradled her face in its hands.
She urged herself to open her eyes, and slowly, she did just so.
Standing in front of her again is a vision of her late master, but this one is very much different than the last. A venerable air loomed around the figure of the vision, compared to the last one that felt stale, heavy, and hostile.
“You’re right, I’m may not be the Padawan you trained and hoped to be… but I’m the Padawan you left behind—along with the teachings you’ve given me all my life.”
The walking memory spoke nothing, instead, she smiled and walked closer. Nomara’s Force Ghost was just two paces shy from the line between water and land. She knelt in the same manner as her broken apprentice, now grown into a young woman and no longer a child, in Jidné’s eyes the appearance of Nomara’s ghost was so opaque that she almost seemed real.
“Master… If that was your way of testing me, then whatever the result I will accept—it just means I have a long way to go, but I know you’ll always be there to guide me… like you always have.”
Jidné wondered if her hand would feel soft, warm flesh. She was startled by the answer of her unspoken question when the Force Ghost’s hand nestled under her jaw. From that touch, her heart leaped wildly, skipping a beat one after the other; she couldn’t pinpoint if this was grief or joy—whichever it was, she perfectly knows that she’s been yearning this comforting touch from Master Anesh.
Tears streamed ceaselessly from her eyes, her breath shuddered as she tried to regain the rhythm of her breathing while savoring the feeling of Anesh’s touch—albeit only a vision. The Force Ghost never spoke a word, but the genuine, affirming smile didn’t disappear. The Jedi girl’s eyelids drooped, savoring the surreal yet warm caress of her master, she dared to hoist her own hand up to clutch back the hand… only to touch her own jaw.
Her eyes shot up and found the waterfall’s pool absent of any Force Ghost standing on the water as if it was the floor. Although, it felt like she’s had some kind of closure, and that was enough. Jidné mounted a Q’aval and she spurred the steed, galloping to an area of the forest where she and Cal have agreed to meet.
“Did I make you wait too long?” the girl beamed, dismounting the animal.
“Not really,”
The pair hiked through the forest, finding eroded structures such as a bridge over the river in the deeper part of the woods, hinting that this location must have connected to Diitana and its other villages before the overgrowth set in.
Jidné scaled the thick railing of the bridge and walked on its length like a tightrope as they walked. She slightly bobbed left and right, Cal held her one hand that’s closest to him as she continued to gently tread the bridge’s fence.
“Be careful or you’ll fall,”
“Would you catch me if I did?”
“Sure I will!”
Cal caught Jidné, holding her by the waist as she hopped down once she’s reached the end; her bead tassels faintly rattled and swung wildly after landing on the balls of her feet back onto the soil. The two were faced with a wide section of the woods, shaded by the great trees forming a large canopy over their heads—shielding them from the sun—and framed by the river snaking along the edge where the bridge stood.
At first glance, there was an eerie emptiness to it, which Cal found oddly serene and calming. He felt Jidné’s grip loosening around his fingers, he took it as a sign of caution; he takes notice of her irises carefully rolling from one side to the other, examining the breadth.
“Something wrong?”
“No, I…” she trailed off. “I thought I heard something. Probably an animal.”
The girl’s feet hesitated another step forward. Cal gently dragged her along and her legs were finally coaxed into moving. Jidné dismisses whatever it is that she felt as nothing—though her senses were still keen from earlier, the feeling that was left behind in her after that last encounter with Nomara’s Force Ghost is still fresh in her.
“What do you think was in here before?” the redhead wondered out loud.
Looking around, it seemed to be an open base until it was eventually abandoned for reasons unknown. Small structures and machines still stood, however, they’re already riddled with signs of negligence and weathering over time.
“Could’ve been a town outpost,” guessed Jidné. “Looks like one anyway.”
The two explored the desolate checkpoint, as well as ID-3 and BD-1 who filled their databanks with tons of scans around the place. Cal did more investigating rather than exploring it: picking up objects and using his Psychometry on them. He takes a small, tattered leather satchel leaning against one of the vapor towers and detects its Force Echo.
“This was place was an outpost all right, this was also a hotspot for wandering traders,”
“Until no one came here anymore,” Jidné finished.
“Wooo…” the probe droid lowed a sad yet spooked tone at Jidné’s sentence, to which she immediately consoled him that nothing’s going to hurt them in there.
On the northernmost point of the outpost was a path that may lead to the badlands, but the view comprised mostly path that connects the transitioning from desert to forest—and vice versa—as well as a view of the trenches that framed the road.
“Travelers who came from the direction of the badlands surely stopped here for rest and restocking supplies, until they reached Diitana,” the girl hypothesized.
“Well, that does explain some of the cluttered stuff. Do you think they were in a hurry to leave?”
“More like in a hurry to run,”
Cal shot her a look with a raised eyebrow, “From what?”
Both heads jerked to the empty space in front of them, their attention drawn by an incoherent roar in the distance followed by the rustling of the treetops and startled birds.
“Probably that,” blurted the girl.
“Come on, let’s mosey on other places where that thing won’t find us,”
It was most unusual for a pair of Jedi to take a stroll into the heart of the forest, though the fresh air that filled their lungs and the tranquility put their worries at bay. They came across another bank and rested there, refreshing their parched throats with the sweet, clear water.
“You know, you fit right in the crew,” Cal blurted out of nowhere.
The girl turned around and sat beside the redheaded Jedi, curious to know more with what he said.
“Oh?” she drew her legs up so she can rest her chin atop her knees. “You’d want me to tag along?”
“Why not? We can travel as a pair with our ships, I didn’t say we’d leave your freighter behind,”
Jidné smiled at the idea. She felt warm and fuzzy all of a sudden, then her mind began imagining what misadventures she, Cal, and the crew would bump into. The Mantis crew had a different flavor of fun in their mishaps, Jidné almost missed that feeling—it would’ve been nice to experience it all over again, this time, she won’t be alone in doing so.
“You’ll have more time to think about it later,” Cal leaned closer and planted a kiss on her forehead, the quick peck took her by surprise—the same way his kiss on her cheek did—and scrambled up to his feet, offering her his hand in the next second.
They decided to take on the path where the road connects the forest and badlands—a canyon pass, which they learned its moniker from the locals: the Red Wall. They stepped out of the green and yonder into the blood-orange trench. The roof of the trench was a gaping space where the sun managed to peek its rays through, as the two walls of rock split open to produce a wide, winding path.
As one would expect, the desert was barren and almost devoid of anything organic. The canyon was no stranger to that setting. The wind was beginning to pick up and dust was pricking the two youngsters’ faces so they shield themselves with the flaps of their cowl and poncho until the gust dies down. When it did, ID-3’s rather sensitive scanners were picking a signal, his tiny satellite dish spinning erratically on his head.
“What is it, ID?”
Before Jidné could understand what ID-3 meant by “a lot of Imperial signals” the collective clicking sound of blaster rifles being cocked came from all directions, white-clad figures started materializing through the setting sand, but what alarmed the two young Jedi the most was the sound of a third saber being activated—followed by a throaty yet feminine chuckle.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Cal moaned.
The sand had finally cleared, and just like in Jidné’s memory, they were surrounded by Stormtroopers, led by a red female Twi’lek clad in a black ensemble with the bright white insignia of the Empire stamped on her gauntlets.
The Sixth Sister carried herself in a menacing yet graceful stride, emphasizing her height over the pair whom she perceived as mere children; her lightsaber—as crimson as her skin-glowed in her hand, while a smirk plays along the edge of her lips.
Cal ignited her saber upon sight of the new Inquisitor, readying himself in a defensive starting stance as he usually does, the smirk in the enemy’s lips grew. Due to his spiked alertness, he didn’t realize that Jidné hasn’t activated hers, instead, she stuck close against his back—quite reminiscent of her final scenario with Master Anesh against their clone troopers.
“Well, well,” the Inquisitor uttered in a singsong tune. Her eyes examined the boy from head to toe, her mouth finally stretched across her face to reveal a pearly white, fanged grin. “Look what we have here.”
“You’re new,” Cal blurted.
“And you must be Cal Kestis,” the Sixth Sister cooed. “Do me a favor and stand still while we cuff you up. Unless, you wanna do this the hard way.”
She peeked over Cal to find Jidné taking a sideways glance over her own shoulder.
“Well done, Jidné, just like Lord Vader asked—though a little overdue, if I may say so,”
Jidné’s eyebrows furrowed together until her forehead creased. Her heart raced so ceaselessly that her breathing couldn’t possibly keep up. Her brain sent out a string of sentences—almost causing a haywire—that when spoken, it’d be so fast-paced to comprehend, but the only thing that stuck in her head is Vader.
Cal’s mind as well ran endlessly and yet couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that the Sixth Sister had just said. His grip around the hilt shook and loosened, eyes wide with bewilderment and confusion as he slowly turns to the girl he thought was an ally.
“Ji-Jidné…? You?”
The Inquisitor read the room and chortled once.
“You never told him?” she then turned to Cal. “She was sent out to get you—because apparently you have something of great importance to Lord Vader.”
Cal heard the Twi’lek but didn’t listen, he kept his eyes on Jidné, desperately searching for the truth to come out of her mouth or see it in her eyes.
“You’re a bounty hunter? And you never told me?”
“I was going to hand you over…” she murmured only within his earshot, the pressure’s taking its toll on her that she doesn’t have the strength to make her voice louder. “Until I decided not to anymore.”
Before Cal could even process what she meant, the Twi’lek signaled the Stormtoopers—one of them produced binders for Cal, another shoved Jidné away for her to watch him be apprehended right in front of her, whilst the rest of them close in around with caution around the Jedi boy. By instinct, Cal fought back—particular the Stormtrooper who held the cuffs and the other who pushed Jidné away.
A single swing of his saber and the Sixth Sister brandished hers in the speed of lightning. The boy could feel the glow pulsing out of the red beam hovering at mere inches away from his only flawless cheek.
“I wouldn’t go for it if I were you, ginger,” the Twi’lek blurted.
Cal lowered his saber and switched it off, prompting the Stormtroopers to continue what they should be doing to him. The trooper confiscated the Jedi’s weapon and took his hands to his back and secured the metal binders around his wrists. Deep inside Jidné, she wanted to whip out her saber and take them all on—she even dared in her mind to face the Sixth Sister—but it would be doubly difficult for herself and Cal, should he ever choose to back her up.
“Take him away,” Sixth Sister aloofly waved her hand, gesturing at the troopers to put Cal into the transport shuttle at the end of the trench.
“No…!” Jidné exclaimed out of the blue.
The Inquisitor immediately reacted to it, “No?”
She made a back-and-forth glance between the cuffed boy and the girl standing there frozen, another sardonic laugh came out of her throat and she felt the need to tilt her head back for emphasis.
“Oooh, dear gods!” she sighed. “Honey, you can’t be serious?”
The two Jedi stood there in silence, eyes shifting between one another and then to the Sixth Sister, this urged her to elaborate. She strode towards Jidné and cupped her jaw, taking the Jedi girl by surprise; she tried to fight it, slightly thrashing her head to shake off the Inquisitor’s grasp but to no avail.
“Don’t tell me, sweetie, you’ve fallen for the boy?”
Upon asking the question, Cal skidded his boots against the soil, halting his pace to anticipate Jidné’s response.
The Inquisitor’s reply was a low growl rumbling within Jidné’s throat—it did very little to intimidate her, it rather amused her, and she took it as a yes. A pink line appeared on the girl’s jaw underneath the older humanoid’s long, polished fingernails. She licked her lips and grinned.
“That’s cute…” she clicked her tongue. “But sad.”
The Sixth Sister shoved Jidné’s face away from her hand, finally letting her go. Her suggestive, coy tone transformed into a firm and demanding one. She turned aroud as she followed behind the Stormtoopers pushing Cal into their vessel.
“Chart a course to Mustafar,” the Twi’lek stopped and turned around to find Jidné standing as still as a rock pillar. “Oh, you’re coming too, Jidné, sweetie. Can’t collect your bounty without getting it from the source, hmm?”
The whole time as they walked through the rest of the canyon pass, Jidné can’t find the strength to look at Cal in the eye and face him as this revelation unfurls at this very moment. Having no other choice, she pressed a button on her right-hand gauntlet which remotely activated and controlled the Scarab—even from afar. A distant rumble thundered, followed by the whirring of an engine’s throttle until the sound got closer and louder.
The Scarab zoomed past above their heads and—using her gauntlet remote—landed right beside the deep gray transport shuttle waiting for them at the end of the path. The exit ramp unfolded as soon as its landing gears touched the drought-plagued soil. She entered the safety of the Scarab, but she wasn’t exactly relieved—not the slightest bit.
“Beee, chirp trill?”
“I know, ID, and it’s all my fault!” she retorted, her anger mixing with her stress heavily affected her speaking tone. She marched to the cockpit and settled herself on the captain’s seat.
From where she sat, she watched the bevy of Stormtroopers herd Cal into the transport while the Twi’lek Inqusiitor was the last board the shuttle—before she did, she gave Jidné a passing glance when she turned in the direction of the Scarab’s windshield. Jidné watched steadily until the entry ramp sealed off the hole where all of the passengers of the transport went through.
“I should’ve told him earlier on,” she snarled, regretting the moment of telling the truth too late. She slapped her forehead. “Fucking idiot!”
Cal was relieved of the handcuffs when he was thrown into the holding area guarded by a pair of Stormtroopers on the other side of the door. During occasional peeks through the small rectangle on the door that served as a window, the soldiers found him surprisingly still and calm, one guessed that he was trying to sleep through the trip.
In truth, Cal has spaced out for he can’t pinpoint the emotions that’s gathered in his very being and all of them revolved around Jidné. He starts with his infatuation for her until, it would be violently interrupted by the loud confusion that birthed from the moment the Sixth Sister opened her mouth and exposed Jidné’s agenda.
“I was going to hand you over… until I decided not to.”
Her words had burned its way into his head. He afforded the luxury of meditating through the rest of the journey. When he closed his eyes, he felt a faint pang of Jidné’s energy mingling with his—as if in an attempt to resonate, but slowly dying down like candlelight on the verge of being extinguished. In the middle of his trance, he could sense a sheer amount of regret, a soul that was once loud with laughter and stories has become languid and dispirited—although, buried within those inhibitions was a tiny spark that seemed to be holding up. He followed that spark, but it kept eluding him; just when he thought his subconscious self has gained on that little speck of light, he was cut short of his meditation when the turbulence from the atmosphere rattled the vessel.
They have arrived.
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drthrvn · 4 years
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the starcrusher legacy + text posts, pt. 1/?
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keldae · 6 years
Wordless "I love you" prompts - No 29: Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
The sound of the front door opening, then sliding closed again made Sorand quirk an eyebrow toward the noise. He relaxed when he recognized the sounds of Mandalorian armour and felt Shara’s familiar Force-presence against his senses. “How was your hunt, cyar’ika?” he called.
“Have I mentioned how much I love bonus pay? Because I love bonus pay.” Shara meandered into the library and deposited her helmet on a chair that only had a few datapads stacked on it. “One less pirate captain and a few less lieutenants roamin’ the hyperlanes now... an’ half a million more credits to my name, which I ain’t sayin’ no to.”
Sorand looked up from the ancient text long enough to lowly whistle in appreciation. “That’s a hell of a bonus,” he agreed with a grin as he brushed a stray lock of dark hair that had escaped the nerftail out of his eyes. “Nicely done, love.”
“I thought so.” Shara beamed as she came around to Sorand’s side of the desk and kissed his cheek, then frowned down at the relic on the desk. “Talos find somethin’ else new an’... okay, not really new, but you know.”
“I may never get Talos to leave Voss at this rate,” Sorand grinned. “I think this text predates Naga Sadow by at least two hundred years. As far as I can tell, it’s one of the earliest inscriptions of the Sith philosophy, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s still trace elements of this mindset in the current Voss culture. Some of the phrasing here looks very similar to other texts found in the Shrine of Healing and...” He paused at Shara’s blank stare. “... I’m not making any sense to you, am I?”
“Uhhh... it’s old and Sithy?” Shara laughed as Sorand shook his head. “This is your forte, Sor’ika. Mine’s shootin’ things an’ beating honour into miscreant newbie Mandos.”
“And you do that well,” Sorand agreed with a smile. He looked back down at the text, gingerly tracing the fragile parchment. “Hells, the fact that this predates paper! This might be as old as the Dark Temple itself.” The wayward lock of hair dangled in front of his eyes again, despite his annoyed huff of air to blow it away.
Gloved fingers caught the offending hair and gently pulled it back behind his ear. “You and your hella ancient relics, dar’jetii,” Shara affectionately teased as she left another kiss on his temple. “Cutest Sith I’ve ever met.” She laughed as Sorand blushed brightly, mumbling something incoherent under his breath, and stepped back. “I’m gonna kit down and get a real shower before dinner. You feel like orderin’ in from that little takeout joint near the enclave--?”
She yelped and jumped at the feel of a light swat from an invisible hand to her backside. When she whirled around, Sorand was smiling entirely too innocently at her, fighting a laugh. “That sounds good,” he mildly said. “Let me finish translating this line of text and I’ll send Twovee to pick it up.”
“You’re a dick, m’lord Imperius,” Shara tossed over her shoulder as she left the library, earning a laugh from Sorand. The Sith shook his head with a grin and looked back down at the text. One more line of the ancient scroll shouldn’t take too long to translate...
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Why I Can’t Play A Dark-Side Jedi In SWTOR
Let me start off by saying I totally respect the right of any player to play their SWTOR character however they like.
You want to declare Skadge your favorite companion? Knock yourself out. You want to kill [X] ? That is your choice.
Having said all that… there’s a reason I can’t play a Dark-Sided Jedi. Either Knight or Consular.
I can play a dark-sided Smuggler. I can play a … mostly neutral-ish Trooper. I can play a light-Sith Warriors, Sith Inquisitors, Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters… and I’ve enjoyed most of all that.
But I simply can’t do that kind of ‘switch’ with the Jedi OCs.
“Is it because you’re a Jedi Apologist Fanboy, SWTORpadawan???”
… No. 😠
Its because of their companions, and what their companions need from them.
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Felix Iresso is dealing with legitimate psychological and professional trauma. His brief time as an Imperial prisoner and his memory loss have ruined his career. Is it technically possible to be kind and appreciative of him as a dark side Consular? Yes. Is it realistic? Probably not. A DS JC should be drooling to make use of the Holocron in Felix’s head.
Felix deserves better than that.
Kira Carsen has had a rough life. She was a child on Korriban, and that was rough. The Sith Emperor extended his consciousness into her mind, and that was rough. She fled the planet – something only two acolytes on record have accomplished – and that was rough. Then she spent her teenage years growing up on Nar Shaddaa, where she was constantly surrounded by criminals. That was really rough.
Bela Kiwiiks has been good for her. Kira says as much and shows it in her actions as well. But Kiwiiks is also fairly orthodox, and someone like Kira can find that suffocating. Nevertheless, for most of the game, her moral code is pretty damn close to ideal.
Kira will pick up pretty quick on a dark-side Jedi Knight. She’s not afraid to call them out, even if the DS JK isn’t inherently unkind to her.
She doesn’t deserve to deal with a dark-side Knight who will compromise her own ethics.
At the time Nadia Grell becomes an actual companion, she is reeling from the death of her father.
That state of mind – in a Padawan – requires an abundance of compassion and patience.
Most Dark-Siders are not known for those qualities.
Nadia needs better.
T7-O1 is best boy. He is the most precious little paragon in the game. Don’t rain on him.
That’s why I can’t quite bring myself to play a Dark-Side Jedi in SWTOR.
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