#zhilae mirai
commander-krios · 1 year
i'm on mobile and can't remember the whole prompt description but i Need "close" with helene and zhilae i NEED it omg
FINALLY. I started this a million times over the last fucking YEAR and finally figured it out. I combined this with another prompt you sent. Here ya go!
[ CLOSE ] : our muses are in a position which leads to the sender stepping intimately closer to the receiver. [ CHIN ]: as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
The Dark Council chambers were quiet. The meeting with her Sith ended nearly an hour before. Helene Zythor sat upon her chair, staring at the empty room, the echo of her Wrath’s footsteps the only sound within.
A zabrak stood before her, face impassive as she gazed up at her Empress, waiting to be acknowledged. It took a brief moment to collect herself, ignoring the familiar presence that stood outside of the large ornate doors that kept the rest of Dromund Kaas from the ruling body of the Empire. 
Vaka was a good and loyal servant, if a brutal one, and her skills were invaluable to Helene’s rule. She was part of the reason that the Sith Inquisitor held as much power as she did. She would relish the day when Vaka, Lord Kallig, would challenge her. 
But that day was not today.
“What is it?” Helene asked, inspecting her fingernails with what she hoped was an air of disinterest. Her heart pounded against her rib cage as she waited for the words that she’d hoped (and dreaded) to hear for the last three years. “You know I don’t like my meditation being interrupted.”
A truth covering a lie. Helene wasn’t meditating, she hadn’t done so for years now, but that didn’t matter. Vaka didn’t question her orders, or ask what Helene did while she carried them out. She cared little for the politics, only for the bloodshed.
“I apologize, Empress. You have a visitor.” Vaka’s crimson eyes were bright, standing out even among her red skin and black tattoos. 
“Is that so?” Helene’s feet slid from the armrest of her chair and settled against the floor, the only sound was the rustle of her gown. “And what makes you think I care about wasting my time with someone who arrives on my doorstep… uninvited?”
Vaka’s sharp teeth flashed in a mockery of a smile. “Oh, Empress. I think you know.”
A flare of anger curled in her stomach, but she pushed it aside. This was not the time nor place to deal with her Wrath. With a tired sigh, Helene leaned against the carved stone she sat on, smoothing the gown against her legs. “Fine. Make it quick.”
Vaka bowed slightly before turning, making a brisk exit to retrieve the guest.
Barely any time passed before another crimson skinned woman stood before her, this time of the Sith Pureblood race. Her dark hair curled around her shoulders, longer than Helene had ever seen it before. She was willing to admit that she was as beautiful as the day she’d left, hunting down Helene’s enemies from the dark.
Her lover had returned to take her place again at her side.
Emotion threatened to undo her careful mask as her gaze trailed from golden eyes to a long exposed throat to the swell of breasts beneath a tight leather top. She stood tall, her power clear despite not being force sensitive. Zhilae Mirai didn’t fear much in life, though others certainly feared her.
It was part of the allure in the beginning. To crave someone as dangerous as her, as beautiful. At how addictive it was to feel Zhilae’s lips at her throat, knowing she could rip it out with her teeth. Even now, staring at the woman that she dared to love, she felt a distinct feeling of fear at how dangerous she truly was.
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any word from you.” Helene was grateful her voice didn’t waver. It wouldn't do any good to look weak in front of anyone. Especially one who’d once shared a bed with her. “I didn’t know if you were coming back.”
The woman glanced away, taking in her surroundings with a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Of course I was going to come home. I just… didn’t expect so much to change.” Zhilae met her gaze, a question in her eyes that wouldn’t voice. Not aloud. “That is, if I am still welcome.”
Neither of them had somewhere to call home in so long, Helene forgot the word even existed.
“You’ve come… to stay?” 
The words fell from her lips before Helene realized she’d spoken. She resisted the urge to take them back, knowing Zhilae heard her by the slight widening of her eyes. Those very golden eyes that had caused all of this. 
Damn her.
Helene dared to feel hope, as awful of a feeling as it was. 
Pushing out of the chair, she walked down the stairs that led to the dais, studying Zhilae, waiting. She halted at the last step, wavering between approaching or running. 
The Sith Pureblood tilted her head, watching with open curiosity. “Is that what you want?”
Months ago, Helene would’ve lashed out in anger at being questioned like a child. As if her choices were fickle things, made on a whim without the smallest amount of forethought. Helene hadn’t been that foolish since she was a babe. Her mother made sure of that.
Pushing the painful memories away, refusing to be baited by her mother even in death, Helene lifted her chin, defiant to a fault. “If you’re going to try to force me to reconsider my offer-”
Zhilae stepped closer, towering over her in a way that always made others feel small, intimidated, but Helene only felt a thrill, longing for those hands to touch her. With a finger hooked beneath Helene’s chin, Zhilae tilted her face so their eyes could meet, refusing to release her. “I know better than to let you think too much. That’s when bad things tend to happen.”
Helene glared at her, but couldn’t stop the flutter in her stomach when Zhilae traced a fingertip over the old scar that covered half her face. A parting gift from Arcann, years ago, when so much of their lives had been uncertain. 
Now, she knew what she wanted. She wanted her throne, her Empire… and the woman standing in front of her.
“You were never funny, Zhilae. I don’t know why you try so hard.” Helene said, desperately needing her to press her lips to her throat, to feel the danger, the desire, the devastation. When her lover said nothing, she gave an impatient huff. “Well? What is it to be? Stay or go?”
“There is only one choice?” Zhilae leaned closer, the ends of her dark curls brushing against Helene’s cheek. “Whatever will I do?”
Impatient to the end, Helene grabbed her by the back of the neck, the closest place she could reach, and forced her closer. Zhilae met her lips with greedy and bruising kisses, lips hot and unyielding, a battle between them as always. When they finally parted for air, Zhilae brushed a hand over Helene’s coiffed hair, noting where the pins were placed… most likely for later.
“I can think of a better welcome home than this. Empress.” She teased, releasing one of those pins and letting Helene’s blonde hair drop around her in a cascading waterfall. “If I’m going to stay, I will need a room.”
“There is only one room you are allowed to sleep in.” Helene reminded her, being vulnerable for a moment and entwining their hands together. “You know that.”
Zhilae chuckled, leaning closer, lips brushing Helene’s ear. “Show me the way.”
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ajoloart · 3 years
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Helene Zythor  and Zhilae Mirai ❤
commission for @commander-krios
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commander-krios · 2 years
"I think I love you." helene/zhilae? 👀
The angst is strong with this one. I hope you like it! Of course, their love is so complicated, but I adore them. <3
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The confession hung heavy in the air between them.
Andronikos Revel, feared pirate and murderer, the man who was not just her best friend in the entire galaxy but the only one she trusted, stared at her with round eyes. Clearing his throat, he glanced away to make sure that they were still alone. She could sense his discomfort. “What did you say?”
“I said-”
Holding up his hands, he stopped her from repeating the words. “I… wasn’t being serious. You don’t need to say it again.”
Helene Zythor sighed, dropping her face into her hands, mortified that she was actually having feelings for someone. And those feelings didn’t include anger. Or fear. Or hatred. All of the things that, as a Sith Lord, she used to gain power, to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies, to keep her allies in line.
And unfortunately, these new feelings involved someone who wasn’t going to be good for her now that she sat on the Dark Council. Attachments, not ones that were for pleasure, but true attachments that would end up making you weak, that became a liability… Those were the types that Helene avoided like the Balmorran Flu.
Until now, apparently.
“How did this happen?” 
She wasn’t expecting an answer. Helene had never wanted this, so how could Andronikos even have any idea how her fickle heart worked.
“Do you want to know?” Andronikos asked, relaxing into the cushions of the sofa he sat on, concentrating on the drink in his hands. “Because I’ve been watching from the sidelines and I saw it coming-” The look she shot at him stopped his words cold.
“What would you say if I told you that I loved you?”
“Well, considering you never would-”
“I love you, Andronikos.” Helene teased, meeting his glare with a grin. The reaction was so worth it. “Humor me, please.”
“I hate you, crazy Sith.” He grumbled before taking a long swig of his drink.
“So is that your final answer?” Feeling a little lighter at the teasing, Helene rested against the cushions as well. The tension left her body at the sound of Andronikos’ gruff laughter. “I lay my heart bare and you tell me that you hate me. If I truly did love you, you would’ve broken my heart.”
Silence met her words. When she glanced at the pirate beside her, she was astonished to find him watching her seriously.
“If the bounty hunter doesn’t feel the same for you, it’s her loss.”
Helene leaned forward, a smile curling her lips. “You’re not going soft on me, are you, Revel?”
“You’re trying to bait me, Sith, and I’m not going to fall for it.” Andronikos stood, and taking his drink with him, left her alone in the lounge. 
Helene rolled her eyes, but the smile didn’t fade. As much as she liked antagonizing Andronikos, he was probably the only true friend she had in this galaxy. Now, she didn’t have an excuse to not find Zhilae, to reveal her true feelings… and to see what intentions the Mandalorian might have.
Nothing about this situation with them was what they’d expected. Zhilae had stolen her ship, taken off with it to complete the Great Hunt. When Helene had caught up to her, with all of her thoughts focused on killing the person who stole her property, she found someone she could hire instead. She was already on Zash’s kill list, she knew that, and having a bounty hunter for protection would only benefit her. 
In the end, they had ended up so much more.
She found Zhilae in the room where they’d set up a meditation room. It was in the furthest corner of the ship where the only sounds that broke the silence was the hum of the engines. It was the perfect place to set up cushions and focus on the Force. Little foot traffic, the engines a lull that could help her focus. Ashara spent most of her days there, hidden away from the rest of the crew.
Helene watched from the doorway as Zhilae paced the room, datapad in one hand while her other hand was busy stuffing items into a small bag on the floor. This was not what she wanted to see after the last few hours agonizing over what she would say to the woman she was falling in love with.
“I’m leaving.” Zhilae wouldn’t meet her gaze, but had obviously sensed her presence. Her eyes were focused on the datapad. “I have to finish my mission for Mandalore. I’ve been distracted for too long.”
“Is that what this is?” Helene couldn’t hide the way her voice shook. It was a weakness she couldn’t afford, to be this wrapped up in another person, but with Zhilae it had been easy. And all too pleasant. In the end, perhaps this would be for the best if the bounty hunter left, but she didn’t want to see her go. Not like this. “Am I just a distraction?”
Zhilae’s shoulders tensed at the question. And yet, she still wouldn’t face her. 
“Go then.” She snapped, tilting her chin up stubbornly. “I’ll have Andronikos drop you off wherever you wish.”
“There’s no need. Torian has my ship and will meet us on Vaiken Spacedock.”
Helene was going to leave it at that, let Zhilae walk away without another word about their relationship, but as she turned to leave the room, her steps faltered. 
The hum of the engines should’ve been soothing, but Helene’s entire world was crashing down around her. She could feel the power beneath her skin building, sparks tickling her fingertips, begging to find a release. 
“I didn’t take you for a coward.” 
Helene didn’t have to look to know that the words had struck the way she intended. She heard the sharp intake of breath. “Don’t you dare-”
Spinning around, she felt her anger reach its apex and burst from her. Lightning arced from her fingers, hitting the walls of the room with nothing more than a sputter of sparks. If she pleased, she could easily kill Zhilae where she stood. “I do dare. You’re the one who wanted this. A place on my ship. And in my bed.”
Zhilae finally met her gaze. Her face was devoid of any emotion, but those golden eyes said more than anything words could. “I… can’t, Helene. I thought you’d understand.”
Helene laughed without humor, the sound foreign to her ears. She was happy for the first time in her life, or at least she had been. “The cruelest part of all of this is that I… I think that I love you. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but you make me feel things that I never thought I was capable of. Good to know it was a lie.”
Zhilae flinched at her words, but Helene cared little for her feelings. 
“I should kill you right now. I know Xalek or Khem would gladly tear you limb from limb. But I’m capable of restraint.” 
“I’m sorry, Helene. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Zhilae sounded as if she meant it and maybe she did, but this was a turning point for Darth Nox. She wouldn’t trust her heart to another person again.
She should’ve listened to her head instead of her heart all of those months ago when she invited Zhilae into her bed.
“Hurt me? You don’t have that sort of power. No one can hurt me.”
Helene managed to hold herself together long enough to get to her quarters, leaving the bounty hunter to her packing… and her lies. Once the doors of her bedroom closed with a hiss, she collapsed into a heap on the floor, unable to pick up the pieces of her broken heart.
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commander-krios · 2 years
tracing your lover's features as they sleep, helene/zhilae?
Have some Sith lovin', my friend! Not as long as I wanted, but I have some inspiration recently so I'm thinking of tackling their love story soon <3
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Helene Zythor couldn’t remember the last time she had dreamed.
She was certain it was before the Sith Academy, perhaps even before the force had manifested in her. The only thing she saw when she closed her eyes now was darkness. It was everywhere within her and around her. It touched her mind, her heart, burrowed down into her very soul. She was Darth Nox, formerly Lord Kallig, and a powerful Sith. 
But those things didn’t matter when she was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom on Dromund Kaas. Not when she was alone with her ghosts.
Turning on her side, Helene’s eyes roamed the figure that slept soundly beside her. The Pureblood that was tucked up snug alongside her had her own ghosts and her own regrets to dwell on during the waking hours. Once night fell, however, Zhilae looked at peace, eyes closed to the chaos of their daily lives. Helene envied the quiet breaths that escaped her mouth, golden eyes hidden behind crimson eyelids.
At least she had an excellent view.
Her hand reached out of its own accord and she paused, hovering over the still form of Zhilae. She wanted so badly to touch her, to touch the only person whose affection she could count on, despite everything she’d done. Hesitantly, the tips of her fingers brushed gently over the bone spurs of her cheeks, still amazed at how solid, yet soft they felt to the touch. She had known many Sith Purebloods at the Academy, and when her mother had been on the Dark Council, they had come in and out of their home so often that it was second nature. But she was never intimate with one, platonic or otherwise.
This was a whole new world for Helene Zythor. Tender touches, brush of lips, affection that didn’t have an ulterior motive… nothing her life had thrown at her had prepared her for this.
No one had ever loved her before.
Zhilae stirred slightly, but her eyes remained closed. With a relieved breath, Helene continued her exploration. The curve of her nose was strong, the skin of her lips soft. The piercings she usually wore were tucked safely in a box on the nightstand. Helene had almost made the path to her chin when a large hand stopped hers.
Golden eyes broke the darkness of the room.
“Hey you.” Helene whispered, leaning closer, her blonde curls brushing gently against Zhilae’s naked shoulder. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah.” She responded, voice rough from sleep. “But I like waking up to your face.”
Zhilae reached out and brushed a curl behind her ear, tickling the sensitive spot on her neck with her fingertips. Helene took in a sharp breath at the touch.
“Why are you awake?” 
Helene closed her eyes as Zhilae’s hands teased the strands of her hair, the reciprocated touch even better. “I wanted to memorize every line of your face.”
Zhilae breathed out a laugh. “You don’t have to. I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
The Sith laid her head on Zhilae’s chest, comforted by the calm rise and fall. “I know. Sometimes I remember before and it… I have to make sure.”
Zhilae was silent for a moment. When she finally spoke, it was with the voice of a woman at peace with her decisions. “I will never leave you again.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Helene lifted her head again to meet the liquid gold of Zhilae’s eyes. “I remembered a time when I didn’t know what love was and I never want to go back to that.”
Zhilae’s expression softened. Pulling Helene closer, their lips nearly touching, she whispered, “And you never will.”
Helene Zythor didn’t hesitate to close the distance between their lips. Zhilae had taught her so many things over the years, but being loved was the greatest gift she’d given her.
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commander-krios · 3 years
"12. …discreetly" from the 50 reasons to touch someone list? for helene and zhilae?
I forgot how easy it is to write for these two! Thank you for this. I hope it's good!
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Sadness was not an emotion that Helene Zythor felt often, if at all. She was a hardened woman, moulded by her mother into an unyielding force of destruction. She was the first born, the strongest of her siblings in the Force. She could channel lightning, fight with a lightsaber, and even knew how to use her wiles to her best advantage if all else failed.
But this was new terrain for her.
When her father died, she mourned him like a daughter would, but to say she felt any real sadness would be a lie. Her father was a distant figure in her life. He was a soldier, a Moff… he didn’t have an affinity for the Force so she never spent more than a few brief moments with him during childhood. That was her mother’s decision more than her own. But she’d never missed his affections.
When her mother was killed only a year past, Helene could’ve celebrated. Acantha was never a loving or doting mother, always more interested in power and control than her children’s wellbeing. Perhaps that’s why Keshani had cut ties with the family once she’d abandoned Sith Intelligence. Not that Helene blamed her. If not for her mother’s connections, she might’ve done the same.
But Kieran…
A tear fell from her eyes and slid down her cheek, wet and warm against her cold skin.
The loss of her brother was like a knife to her chest. Growing up, they leaned on each other through the worst of their mother’s teachings. When they went to Korriban to the Sith Academy, they could only trust each other. They’d had each other’s backs, kept the other safe. Helene could always rely on her younger brother to be there in her direst of times, as she would be with his.
But this… she didn’t know how to handle this.
Lana had never found a body. She wasn’t even entirely sure a body would be found with the way the cruiser had exploded after the attack. But she had to find out.
As she stared at the destruction from the helm of her starship, she reached out with the force, trying to find any trace of his power left in the remnants of ship and space. Nothing tugged at her mind so she pushed farther out, searching as best as she could. Echoes of his power brushed against her consciousness, but nothing concrete enough to give her any answers. Kieran was a powerful Sith. His strength would leave marks upon the galaxy upon his death.
With a frustrated growl, Helene conjured a ball of lightning, throwing it into the durasteel wall to her left. The electricity sparked brightly, sending arcs across the cockpit. It shocked her skin, but she ignored the brief pain in favor of her internal turmoil. She hated being useless, but especially when it should’ve been easy for her to confirm his death.
Covering her face with her hands, Helene closed her eyes, feeling her heart pound furiously at the sudden burst of power. She finally let the tears flow free, unable to hold them back any longer. Sorrow and rage warred within, neither coming out on top as victor. She was angry: at herself for failing to find answers, at her brother for stupidly trying to fight the new threat with only Marr as backup, for his crew for not boarding the ship with him…
Footsteps broke the silence. A light touch on her arm was enough to alert her to the only presence that she’d allow to see her in such a state.
Wiping her eyes, she stared out at the blackness of space once more, not seeing the debris any longer. Not seeing much of anything at all. “I don’t sense him.”
Zhilae didn’t speak which Helene was grateful for. She doubted there was anything her girlfriend could say that would ease her pain at that moment.
“I- I can’t tell if he’s dead or not. I can’t sense anything.” Her frustration grew again, beating down the sadness into the darkest depths of her soul. Clenching her fists, Helene wiped the last of the stray tears from her eyes roughly. “He can’t be dead. He can’t-”
Zhilae caught her by the wrist, stopping Helene from pulling at her hair. Emerald eyes met gold, the women staring at one another in the tense silence that followed. Zhilae was calm, reserved as she towered over Helene, her crimson skin bright against the gray walls of the ship.
Zhilae pulled Helene slightly closer, refusing to let the Sith drop her gaze. “If I know anything about the Zythor family, and if your tenacity is any indication, there is no way that your brother is dead.”
“You can’t possibly believe that.” Helene snapped, tugging her arm away.
Zhilae released her grip, but didn’t back away from the Sith Lord. “I do. If your brother is even half of the Sith you are, he is biding his time so he can come back at the worst time imaginable.”
Helene snorted a laugh. It was the best she could do with her tumultuous emotions, but the quip certainly deserved something because if she admitted it to herself… Zhilae had a point. None of the Zythor children would die without taking everyone with them. There was no proof of that in the wreck.
Kieran was alive.
“You’re right.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
Helene finally smiled. With one final glance at the destruction, she came to a decision. “Take the helm. We have a Wrath to find.”
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commander-krios · 3 years
"I promised I would protect you. And I intend to keep that damn promise." helene/zhilae omg
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Her quarters were quiet… eerily so. Usually Helene enjoyed the silence, but there was something haunting about it tonight.
She didn’t want to admit it, didn’t want to believe that she was capable of such weakness, but the fact remained the same. Her body was dying. The ghosts that possessed her were draining her of life. She didn’t know how to stop it. Ashara assured her that they would find a solution, but for the first time in her life, she was legitimately afraid.
She was dressed for bed, nothing but a soft nightgown brushing her skin. Her hair tumbled across her shoulders, wavy from the tight braid she usually kept it in. She hadn’t cleaned the makeup from her face, but she was exhausted. She could barely get her legs off the floor and onto her bed. She might’ve cried if she had the energy, but she felt nothing.
The door to her room opened with a hiss. She didn’t need to look to know who it was.
“Go away, Zhilae.”
Silence met her words, but she knew the bounty hunter… she wouldn’t listen. She never did. It was part of the reason Helene had fallen in love with her. Her tenacity, her fierceness… and her loyalty.
A few tense seconds passed before Zhilae appeared in her line of sight. The Sith Pureblood stared at her with an unwavering gaze, a fire behind those golden eyes that stole Helene’s breath. Suddenly, Zhilae collapsed at her feet, taking Helene’s hands into hers gently. More gently than she ever had before.
“Tell me what to do.” Zhilae whispered, pressing the palm of one of Helene’s hands against her lips. “Please, I can’t lose you.”
Helene felt her throat constrict with all of the emotions she had tried to suppress. There was too much that she wanted to say, but nothing would come forth.
“I promised that I would protect you.” Zhilae continued. “And I intend to keep that damn promise. You better not make me break it, Helene.”
The tears came before Helene could stop them. She turned her face away from Zhilae to hide them, but the bounty hunter wouldn’t let her.
“Look at me.” She demanded. When Helene complied, Zhilae met her gaze once more, but this time, there was anger there. “Don’t give in to this. That isn’t the Sith I follow. The Sith I follow would take those ghosts by the balls and beat them into submission.”
“That Sith is dying, Zhilae. What part of that don’t you understand?”
Helene had stood too quickly in her anger. Dizziness took her and she wavered, her balance compromised. Before she could fall to the fall, Zhilae caught her by the waist, supporting Helene against her. Helene buried her face in her girlfriend’s chest, unable to stop the flow of tears not that they’d started.
Zhilae pressed her lips against Helene’s hair, holding her close in the silence. There was nothing she could say, but her presence, her strength, was more than enough for the Sith. They would face this problem when they landed on the next planet, but for now, Helene could be vulnerable. She didn’t have enough of those moments, she realized, but with Zhilae, she felt safe.
With Zhilae, she’ll always be safe.
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commander-krios · 5 years
5. “I didn’t want it to end, I just thought you’d be better off without me..”
Something that should have been angsty ended up being sort of lighthearted in the end? I don’t know how that happened, but I hope it’s alright.
Included @highexarchs‘s Zhilae
The clouds over Dromund Kaas had parted slightly, but the sun’s light still couldn’t reach the surface, leaving the planet in an oppressive darkness that it was known for. Rain had ceased pounding against the windows, giving Helene a chance to step out onto one of the Sith Sanctum’s many balconies. Running a hand along the rail, her eyes spied Kaas City across the gap, now bustling with merchants and shoppers. From her height, they all looked like ants taking advantage of the slightly fairer weather.
Lifting her hand from the rail, she watched as tiny water droplets dripped from her outstretched fingers and into the abyss below. She had to leave the planet soon. A mission on Ilum waited for her and her crew. Another battle in this pointless war against the Republic. 
She would’ve travelled straight to the war zone, but this stop on Dromund Kaas was supposed to be important. The Sith Emperor had disappeared. He was presumed dead by the members of the Dark Council, but no one was willing to reveal that to the citizens of the Empire. They claimed they didn’t want to cause a panic, but Helene knew the real reason. The Sith were too busy with their infighting, all trying to outmaneuver their enemies so that once Vitiate’s demise was confirmed, one of them could take his vacated throne.
None of them were worthy of it. She and Marr had watched the arguing and backstabbing with disgust, knowing that in the end, those who sat on the Council were worthless. None were fit to lead. They could barely hold together their own power bases let alone an entire Empire. No one would willingly follow them.
Helene felt a bitter smile slide onto her face at the realization that it would likely be she and Marr facing off for the throne. They were the most powerful and most capable. If they didn’t join forces and rule together, they would have to kill each other. 
And that would truly be a shame. She actually enjoyed Marr’s company.
Lightning arched across the sky, illuminating the planet in its purple glow. With a glance upward, Helene sighed, knowing the rain would fall again soon. The breaks in the rainstorms didn’t last long on Dromund Kaas and she wondered if she would miss the dreariness while trapped on the ice world of Ilum.
Turning away from a view she’d seen dozens of times, Helene headed for the office where Marr spent most of his time when he wasn’t fighting wars. Her heels echoed with each step she took, the halls almost eerie in their emptiness. She didn’t get to spend as much time as she wanted in the Sanctum. She had fought too many battles on the frontlines lately and it made her weary. She almost missed spending time locked in an archive with Talos, researching the next artifact that they would hunt down.
Marr was standing with his back to the door, watching as the lightning danced across the dark sky. Helene knew that he’d sensed her power the moment she’d entered the building, perhaps even when she’d landed on the planet.
After she made herself comfortable in the empty chair at front of his desk, he finally spoke. “Did you feel it?”
Helene raised her eyebrows at the question. Even if he couldn’t see her expression, she knew that he’d discern it from her tone.  “You’ll have to be more specific.”
Marr sighed, facing her as he did so. “The Emperor’s death. Did you feel it?”
“Oh.” Helene crossed her legs, smoothing out the navy fabric of her gown. Talking of Vitiate bored her, even with his vast history and power. She wished to move past his rule and look towards the future. “Yes, although it wasn’t as devastating as I’d expected it to be. I thought he was a world devourer… the ripple at his death was barely a nuisance.”
“Yes and it concerns me.” Marr continued to stand, his presence intimidating yet comforting in a strange way. “Something else is going on. I don’t believe he died… maybe not completely. Our Emperor is in the galaxy somewhere, biding his time… preparing for his return. I need to find out why.”
Helene’s interest was piqued. “Do you think he’s in hiding? Perhaps trying to rebuild his power?”
Before Marr could answer, the sound of approaching boots interrupted the conversation. Helene glanced over her shoulder, freezing in place at the sight of who stood in the doorway. A pair of golden eyes met hers, golden eyes set against crimson skin that she knew every inch of. The color was harsh against the gray metal walls of Marr’s office, but to Helene, it was the most beautiful sight. It was color in the dark world she lived and she would give anything to have that brightness back.
“Darth Marr.” Zhilae Mirai’s voice sounded hollow as her eyes moved from Helene to the man she addressed. “You summoned me?”
Marr nodded, crossing his arms over his strong chest. “I have need of your services, if you’re willing.”
Zhilae tilted her head slightly toward him in respect. “Of course, if the pay is right.”
“You will be well compensated, I assure you.” Marr’s tone was clipped. It gave Zhilae enough of a warning that the conversation about credits was over and that she shouldn’t pursue it further. The bounty hunter was Pureblood Sith, many in her family being powerful in the Force. She knew when to take a warning as the threat it was. 
Helene turned away from Zhilae, unable to look at her any longer. If she did, she might explode , all of the emotions that warred in silence coming out in a force that she wouldn’t be able to control. 
If Marr could sense her unease, he ignored it, his focus solely on the bounty hunter. “Do you know anything about the planet Makeb?”
“It’s in Hutt Space, but it was never important before. I’m assuming it is now.”
“The Republic has a sudden interest in the planet and I need to know why. You will travel with Darth Nox there and find out what the Republic is doing.”
Helene’s head snapped up, eyes narrowing at Marr’s words. “Excuse me? She will- what?” She risked a glance at Zhilae and saw that the Sith was watching her with a blank expression. Helene glanced away quickly, hating how her heart jumped with joy at the sight of Zhilae. “I already have a mission. On Ilum.”
She was sure that Marr was glaring back at her from behind his mask and any other day, she might have been worried for her life, but the Darth needed her help. He couldn’t trust any other Sith on the Council. “Your brother is already on Ilum. He can handle the situation there. She will be traveling with you, Zythor. I don’t care if it’s a problem. Your comfort is not my concern. Figure it out. And we will finish discussing our Emperor at length another time.” He met Zhilae’s gaze once again. “You leave within the hour. There will be mission specifications waiting on the ship. I expect both of you to do your jobs.”
He didn’t give either woman a chance to respond before he swept from the room, the oppressive force of his power leaving with him. Silence descended upon the room as Helene sat in the chair near the desk, unable to look at Zhilae. Even with all of the awfulness in their past, seeing the Sith was almost welcome. She hadn’t realized how much she missed Zhilae until seeing her in the flesh.
Helene would have let the silence stretch the entire hour they had to wait, but the bounty hunter had other plans. She moved closer, the heavy armor she wore creaking loudly as she did so. “Helene-”
The Inquisitor stood quickly, the skirts of her gown almost getting caught beneath her feet as she walked away from the bounty hunter. “Marr said we had to work together, but this isn’t forgiveness. I- you can’t ask that of me.”
Zhilae was silent and it was almost too much to bear. She wanted the Sith to yell at her, to tell her that she was being a fool, to just get over her heartache… anything that would make Helene feel justified in the rage that coursed through her. But she wouldn’t. Helene knew her well enough that Zhilae accepted this distance as what it was: her fault.
When the bounty hunter did finally speak, her voice was so quiet that Helene almost didn’t hear her. “I wasn’t prepared for it to end this way, Helene. I just… I thought you deserved better.”
Helene turned, her arms crossed and eyes slanted in suspicion. She was so used to being manipulated by those that were supposed to love her that any affection had to be fake. “I do deserve better.”
Zhilae blinked in surprise, the answer clearly being unexpected. 
Helene felt a stirring of laughter in her chest at the expression, but refused to give her the satisfaction of a smile. “Meet me at the spaceport. I’d rather not become an enemy of Marr prematurely.”
Her statement further confused Zhilae. Instead of explaining, Helene exited the office, intending to put as much distance between her and her old flame before the laugh could escape her mouth. If she had to spend time with the bounty hunter, at least she could have some fun with her before it was over.
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commander-krios · 4 years
alexithymia -- helene/zhilae?
Thank you so much for this! It took me a little while to figure out how to weave this into a fic, but I’ve managed. Not only do we get to see Helene destroy Thanaton, but there is some extra background information about my favorite Sith.
Alexithymia – inability to describe emotions verbally
Korriban loomed ahead, the red dust planet bright against the blackness of space. Soon, she would take a shuttle to the planet’s surface. Then she would make her way to the Sith Academy and the Dark Council. It would be there that she would make her last stand against Thanaton. The confrontation was months in the making, ever since he tried to have her killed. 
Helene Zythor didn’t like it when people tried to kill her.
Clipping her lightsaber to her belt, she tried to clear her mind, knowing that doubt and fear would not help her in this situation. In order to defeat Thanaton, she had to feed her anger, make it a buffer against whatever he threw at her. He was a powerful Sith, that was well known. He wouldn’t be on the Dark Council if he wasn’t. However, Helene believed herself stronger. And she would prove it.
Exiting her quarters, she found Talos Drellik reading in the common area, his eyes on the datapad in his hands. She watched him for a moment, intrigued by how focused his attention was on whatever he’d discovered. Mostly likely it was some fascinating relic that would undoubtedly make a great contribution to the Sith.
Walking by Talos without a word, she entered the cockpit, not surprised to find Andronikos at the helm. He was finishing the docking sequence, completely engrossed in the process. He hadn’t noticed the Sith Lord standing beside him at first. When he realized he wasn’t alone, the pirate glanced up with wide eyes.
“How long have you been standing there, Sith?” He snapped, turning back to the control panel in front of him. “I’m trying to keep the ship in position so we won’t be splattered against the docking bay. Do you mind?”
Helene bit back the smile that hovered on her lips. She’d never let Andronikos know how amusing she found him. “This is my ship, unless you forgot. Don’t make me regret not killing you.”
He rolled his eyes, knowing the threat for what it was. Nothing but smoke. “I might have believed that months ago, but you’d never do it now. You like me too much.”
“Don’t let it go to your head, Revel.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Go away so I can do my job.” The pirate turned away from her, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.
If he’d done that earlier in their journey, she might have shocked him until he begged for mercy. Now, she just laughed under her breath and walked away. Her mother might’ve said she was weak for letting others treat her so familiarly. Helene knew weakness came from many places, but having allies, having friends, didn’t make one weak. It made them infinitely stronger. It gave a person something to fight for.
Barely any time had passed before Helene was stepping on the dusty planet. She’d started her training on Korriban and now here she was, intending to challenge a Darth to battle for their lives. How the times had changed…
Flanked by two of her most trusted allies, Helene walked with purpose towards their destination: The Sith Academy. The foreboding building loomed ahead, dark towers and crimson banners austere against the orange tone of its surroundings. She hesitated only a moment, memories of the awful trials she’d faced flashing through her mind at the sight of the academy. There was once a time, when she was a small child, that the sight of the Sith Academy had excited her. She had dreams of attending, of becoming a formidable Sith like her mother…
But dreams die when reality sets in.
A movement at her side drew her gaze from the building. Golden eyes met hers and Helene immediately felt calm, all worries and terrible memories gone from her mind in less than a second. The bounty hunter anchored the emotions that warred within, helping her find focus and bringing some much needed happiness to her tumultuous life. While it scared the shit out of her to need someone so desperately, Zhilae’s affections made it almost welcome.
“I better not be seeing you doubt yourself, Helene. Not now.” Zhilae said, reaching forward to brush a finger lightly over the Inquisitor’s scrunched brow. “Not ever.”
Xalek, one of Helene’s apprentices, stood resolute beside the Pureblood, silent as he usually was, but the fierce look in his eyes was just as loud as if he’d spoken his agreement.
Unable to help herself, Helene smiled at Zhilae’s words. “I couldn’t doubt myself even if I wanted to. Not with you around. It’s part of the reason I hired you.”
Zhilae chuckled, leading the way to the Sith Academy. “I thought it was because of my good looks.”
Helene rolled her eyes and followed, knowing that the woman was partially right. There was nothing unattractive about the kind of woman Zhilae Mirai was.
The tall doors of the Dark Council chamber may have stood closed before them, but Helene could clearly hear the echoes of conversation. It didn’t take more than a single guess to figure out who was addressing the Council. With a nod toward her companions, Helene pushed the large double doors open, entering the room as Thanaton finished his speech.
Many of the Council’s members were Sith Lords she did not know. Old, wise, and powerful Sith that had been there for decades, maybe longer. 
“Order must be preserved. Punishment meted out.” Thanaton’s strange eyes glanced quickly in her direction before returning to those he addressed. These men and women were his colleagues and yet, he seemed small and insignificant when held up against them. “If we are to conquer our enemies, Zash’s former apprentice must die.”
Helene laughed, unable to help herself. The sound drew the attention of everyone in the room. “Should I be flattered that you talk about me to all of your friends, Darth Thanaton?”
“This discussion concerns the future of the Sith Empire… a future that you are not part of.” 
One of the Council leaned forward, sneering as he spoke. “Then why haven’t you killed her yet, Thanaton?” 
Helene could see the anger beneath the calm mask he wore. She knew if she prodded in just the right place, it would slip and he would go on the offensive. With both the power of the Force ghosts and the aid of her friends, she would be unbeatable. She knew this as she met her enemy’s gaze. Thanaton was worried. It was almost too easy.
“There are traditions that must be met. Preparations-”
“Traditions aside, you still haven’t answered the question. Why do you find it difficult to kill this child?” Darth Marr was the former master of Helene’s mother. Acantha Zythor and Darth Marr had worked together so often that Marr had become a constant in Helene’s life. Seeing him as he was to the rest of the Empire was strange indeed.
Helene stepped forward to address the Council, her eyes focused on Marr. He obviously possessed the most power  “Thanaton is weak. He’s had every opportunity to kill me and has failed. He doesn’t deserve to sit on the Council with Lords such as yourselves.”
“Enough!” Thanaton bellowed, turning his rage on Helene. “I will destroy her and then the rest of you will answer for your betrayal.”
Everything moved fast after that. Their battle, Thanaton’s death, her ascension to the Dark Council, her title… She hadn’t expected anything after she claimed her revenge. But now she was Darth Nox, keeper of Sith artifacts and history. 
Eyes trained on the chairs that dominated the room, Helene quietly stood in the center of the empty Council circle, Thanaton’s body left forgotten on the floor. Now that he was dead, he was an afterthought. There was still the problem of his loyal followers and how they’d be dealt with, but that was a worry for later, once the shock wore off.
Xalek had returned to the ship to inform their companions of the situation, leaving Helene to admire the Council chambers. Zhilae stood a few feet from her, arms crossed over her chest and a grin on her face. The Sith turned to the bounty hunter, unable to stop her responding smile. 
“So… a Darth?” Zhilae mused, eyes taking in the sight around them. “And the Dark Council? Does that mean I get a pay raise?”
Helene chuckled quietly, crossing the small distance that separated them. Laying a hand on Zhilae’s arm, the Sith smiled with a mischievousness that only promised much more fun for them. “Would a promotion suffice?”
Zhilae dropped her hands to Helene’s waist, taking her tiny yet insanely powerful human lover into her arms. “Promotion, huh? The perks would need to be tempting.”
Helene stood on her toes, running her lips along strong cheekbones. She wanted to say so many things to Zhilae, but no words would be able to describe the things she felt. Instead, she kept it simple. “Oh, believe me. You won’t find a better offer.”
Zhilae pressed an affectionate kiss to Helene’s forehead, lingering briefly at the shock of electricity that still pulsed through the Sith Lord’s skin. It was intoxicating to feel the power in that small package. “I know.”
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commander-krios · 5 years
“I don’t know why I care about you–but I do.”
I have some Zhilae/Helene angst for you!
It’d taken most of the day for Helene Zythor to calm her anger enough to approach the medbay without screaming. Even as she stood outside of the room, a closed door the only barrier keeping her out, the Sith couldn’t understand why she was there. Why was she worried about what happened to the bounty hunter? They hadn’t known each other long, only a few months, but there she was, fearful for someone else’s wellbeing for once in her life.
With eyes closed, Helene pressed her forehead against the cold metal door, attempting to still the whirlwind of emotion within. It did little to help, but it did give her a chance to think without distraction.
The Sith Pureblood was a fascinating creature, that much was true. Like most of her kind, the hunter was tenacious and deadly, working hard to further the Empire’s cause. As long as she profited in some way, that is. There wasn’t anything unusual about her that would normally draw Helene’s attention. Most Imperials she knew were dead set on furthering whatever desires they craved, caring little whom it may affect in the end. Helene didn’t understand what it was about the Pureblood that made her act unlike herself.
“Are you just going to stand there, Sith?” 
Helene might have jumped in surprise if she hadn’t already sensed Andronikos approach. Eyes still closed, it kept her from rolling them in his direction. “I will stand here for as long as I please.”
“You’re blocking the door and some of us would like to visit.”
She would have shocked him dead if she didn’t need his piloting skills to finish her mission. She lifted her head from the door and aimed a deadly look in his direction. It did little to intimidate him.
“Besides, why are you blocking the door and not going to visit? You’re the one who wanted Zhilae to stay in the first place.” The pirate raised an eyebrow when Helene’s expression darkened even further. “Did you want some time alone with her? Maybe then you could confess your undying love-”
An arc of lightning engulfed Andronikos for a brief moment, not enough to kill him, but to send him sprawling to the ground. Helene would have watched him struggle to recover with a smile on her face, knowing he had it coming, but she took the chance to slip into the medbay without him. 
The room was bright, cold, sterile… all the things you would expect from a hospital facility. Helene never enjoyed these places. It reminded her too much of the day her father died: Alone on a cold metal slab, barely able to speak from the wounds he sustained, Helene and the twins watching him take his last breaths while their mother was off doing more important things for the Council-
Pushing the memories away, Helene’s emerald gaze found a pair of golden eyes ringed in crimson watching her curiously. Her voice was lost somewhere in her throat so she stood there awkwardly, unable to speak or even look away from Zhilae’s strange eyes. 
“Hello, my lord.” Zhilae bowed her head slightly at the Sith in respect as she usually did. The small movement was enough to almost break through Helene’s wall to the swirling emotions she tried so hard to deny. 
Helene’s gaze roamed Zhilae’s body and face, not seeing a sign of any of the wounds she’d sustained the day before. As if the battle hadn’t happened, that it had all been a nightmare that disappeared with the sunrise. 
“Is- everything alright, my lord?” Zhilae asked, concerned at Helene’s lack of communication. She shifted her position in bed and winced, clearly not fully healed. It was enough to snap Helene of her trance.
Helene crossed the room to the edge of the bed, wrapping her fingers around the metal bed frame to keep from doing anything she would later regret. Leaning closer to the bounty hunter, Helene dropped her voice to dangerously lethal levels. “Why did you do it?”
Zhilae raised her eyebrows. “I don’t understand-”
“Why did you throw yourself in front of me? Why did you risk your life for mine?” Helene hissed her words, emotions bleeding through cracks in the walls she’d built. “The power of a Sith could kill you and you did it anyway. Why?”
Zhilae glanced away from Helene’s eyes, overcome with some emotion that the Sith Lord wasn’t used to seeing. “I had to protect you.”
“You didn’t answer me: Why?” Helene could have used the Force to make Zhilae tell her, but she couldn’t find the will to do it, not to the bounty hunter. It bothered her that people were willing to put themselves stupidly into danger just to protect her, as if she couldn’t protect herself. She was a Sith Lord, nearly a Darth at this point in her journey, and she wasn’t weak.
She would never be weak.
With a sigh and a shake of her head, Zhilae finally responded to the question. “I care about you.” She looked as if she couldn’t believe the words she spoke. “I don’t know why I care about you, but I do.”
Helene was stunned into silence, unable to find a response that would be acceptable. People didn’t care for her, they didn’t. She couldn’t even guarantee that her own family cared about her life. But this woman had risked death to protect her.
It didn’t make sense.
“I- have to leave.” Helene managed to say as she turned to flee. She caught a glimpse of Zhilae’s hurt expression, but ignored it as she hurried from the room. The Sith ignored the stabbing pain that erupted in her chest as she put as much distance between herself and the bounty hunter as she could.
It was a lie.
No one could care about her.
Because if they did, she would have to admit that she cared too.
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commander-krios · 6 years
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helene zythor & zhilae mirai | for @highjustices
“i have ended wars singlehandedly, brought gods broken to their knees, dragged the very lights of heaven down to the sand, but my greatest victory was always that i was what sparked your smiles.”
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commander-krios · 6 years
40. “I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.” Helene/Zhilae omg
I hope the wait was worth it because HERE IT IS.
The universe stretched endlessly before her, stars and asteroids just some of things she could see out the window of the cockpit. Andronikos had left the room to her, her desire to be alone obvious the moment she walked in. The ship was quiet as it floated through the darkness. It was eerie yet beautiful. If Helene Zythor was thankful for anything, it was the opportunity to explore the outer edges of space, free to pilot her ship wherever she wished with no one making demands of her. She would never be subdued again. Her power was limitless.
Closing her eyes, Helene attempted to get her emotions under control. She didn’t need that limitless power to destroy the ship she was in. Helene did have one hell of temper when provoked. She could level entire city blocks without much effort. That would be counterproductive, but as Zhilae would say, predictable.
The name flashed into her mind so easily, but the pain it brought was almost too much to bear. She hadn’t seen Zhilae in six months. The bounty hunter had claimed that she needed to finish up her mission for the Mandalorians and report in. Helene knew better than that. Especially after what had happened between them…
Helene sank into the chair at the helm, running her fingers over the worn cushions. Pulling at a specific thread that had come loose, the Sith lord tried to ignore the tug at her heart that Zhilae’s name always produced. She’d never needed anyone before and she’d enjoyed her independence. Now, as she sat alone on her ship, she missed the one person in the universe that had captured her heart.
She didn’t even realize she’d dozed off until Andronikos’s deep voice woke her. “Sith.”
Blinking sleepily, she glanced up at her closest friend, startled to see that he wasn’t alone. A tall Pureblood Sith stood behind him, her golden eyes filled with sadness. Her dark hair curled over her shoulders, messy like Helene remembered. She longed to run her fingers through it.
Andronikos appeared uncomfortable as they stared at one another in silence. “Zhilae requested to see you, but I can make her leave if you-”
Helene raised a hand, stopping the pirate from finishing his sentence. “It’s fine, Andronikos. Leave us.”
He nodded and left in a hurry, not bothering to stick around in case Helene wanted support. She would never ask it of him and he knew that.
The bounty hunter dropped her gaze to the chair that Helene was still sitting on, a small smile playing on her lips despite the strange situation. “I hear that you’ve petitioned the Council to crown you Empress of the Sith.”
“What do you want, Zhilae?” Helene snapped, already sick of the conversation and wanting to skip past any pleasantries that might pass between them. “You left six months ago and haven’t made a single holocall.”
Zhilae rubbed her neck nervously. If she knew Helene at all, Zhilae should’ve known how she would react. “Sorry about that. It’s just… after everything that happened, I thought it was better for a clean break. I realize how wrong that was.”
Helene rolled her eyes at the excuse. “I wasn’t lying when I said I loved you. You’re the one who ran away.”
Zhilae sighed, closing her eyes as if she couldn’t stand the sight of Helene’s disappointment. Maybe she couldn’t, but the Sith was past forgiveness. “I was scared.”
“You? Ruthless bounty hunter that has never run in fear of anything?” Helene scoffed, standing suddenly. She was still heads shorter than Zhilae, but her presence and power more than made up for her small stature. “I hardly believe that.”
“You’ve made me feel things that I never thought I could feel. It’s not easy for me, Helene. I know it’s not easy for you. After everything you’ve been through… that we’ve been through… can’t you at least try to understand?”
Zhilae was pleading with her. Helene could hear the change in her tone and it nearly shocked her. She had always seen her girlfriend as bigger than the universe, a woman who charged forward despite adversity and threats. Nothing could shake the bounty hunter… until a simple three words sent her running for freedom.
“I understand, but it doesn’t excuse what you did.” Helene clutched her hands between her body, praying that Zhilae did not see them shaking. “You hurt me, more than I’ve ever been hurt before. I will not let anyone ever hurt me again.”
Zhilae nodded, opening her eyes so that she could finally see Helene’s face. Whatever she saw there relaxed her somewhat. “You won’t be hurt from me ever again, Helene. I swear on everything I hold dear.”
“You hold nothing dear.”
Zhilae smiled again, yet this was more relaxed, almost happy. “While you have a point, there is one thing more important to me than my own life.”
“If you say it’s me, I’ll punch you.”
Zhilae laughed. The sound drew a tiny smile from Helene. “Fair enough, even if it’s true.”
Helene crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at her girlfriend. “This doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
Serious once more, the bounty hunter nodded as if she’d expected it. She probably had. “I’ll do everything in my power to prove myself. You’ll never have to doubt me again.”
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commander-krios · 7 years
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Some beautiful art done by the fabulous @kitteria of my Sith Inquisitor (and future Empress of the Sith), Helene, and her bounty hunter wife, @queenzabrak’s Zhilae. Thank you so much for your hard work. I love them so much.
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commander-krios · 7 years
22 for whoever you like!
I had a bunch of prompts that worked well for this little fic so I used all three lol #37 was sent by @continuousspec amd #35 was sent by @brewess
22. Leaning head on shoulder tiredly
37. Rubbing circles on muse’s back
35. Back massage
The datapad fell from Helene’s hand and slipped off of the couch. It clattered against the metal floor loudly, shocking the Sith from her sudden sleep. With an angry sigh, she leaned her head back and sat there for a moment, eyes throbbing beneath her eyelids. She hadn’t slept well in weeks, not since her near-death experience at the hands of Darth Thanaton. Now she could barely get a few minutes of sleep in at a time.
A pair of strong hands gripped her shoulders and began to massage the strained muscles there. It felt like heaven in the hell she’d been suffering and she took a brief moment to enjoy the feeling of her muscles loosening beneath the careful ministrations of the woman whose company had become more than professional.
A low moan left Helene’s lips without warning at the touch. The massage paused, hands lingering on her shoulders in hesitation.
Realizing what she’d done, Helene’s amber eyes opened wide. A chuckle came from the woman standing behind her and the Sith relaxed, the sound calming her tumultuous emotions. Zhilae’s dark hair brushed her cheek when the bounty hunter moved closer, wrapping her arms around Helene from behind, her head resting on the Sith’s shoulder.
“I didn’t know I could get that kind of reaction so easily.” Zhilae mumbled, pressing her lips to Helene’s exposed neck. “If I’d known…”
A smirk curled Helene’s lips. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Hunter.”
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commander-krios · 7 years
"You're distracting me and it's very irritating." whoever you like!
I combined this with your other prompt about the Imperial gfs. XD
“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t figure it out?”
The cantina on Dromund Kaas was busy as usual. Gault was sitting at the head of the table, a glass of whiskey in his hand and a witty line coming from his mouth. Mako was hanging on every word while Andronikos, who apparently knew Gault, was embellishing parts of the stories to make them more interesting. Skadge and Xalek were unsurprisingly absent from their gathering, both having more pressing matters to attend to. Ashara had decided to help Talos with some research so it left the rest at the cantina, drinking and enjoying the single day they had to rest before heading out on some new adventure.
Zhilae and Torian were sitting at the bar, the two Mandalorians discussing business that had nothing to do with her. Torian wouldn’t offer answers when she asked and Helene knew better than to ask Zhilae. She always dodged any inquiries.
Grumbling under her breath, Helene down another glass of vodka. The stuff choked her most nights, but she’d drank so much of it that she barely tasted a thing.
“Slow down, Sith.” Andronikos said, concerned for the first since Helene had met the pirate. “You’re going to have a rough night otherwise.”
“Fuck it.” She spat, standing up to get another drink. She’d had enough of Dromund Kaas and it’s neverending dark skies and storms. Everything was so damn serious with the Dark Council. She wanted just one night of some stupid fun.
Slamming the glass on the bartop, Helene stared at the small man who tended it.
“What can I get ya, my lord?”
Helene motioned towards the rum that Andronikos usually drank, knowing the hard stuff would wipe her out faster than the beer Mako liked. The bartender began to pour the liquor when someone moved beside her. Glancing to her right, her golden eyes met the stern gaze of Zhilae, the bounty hunter who had been traveling with her for the last year. The bounty hunter that she had fallen in love with. “May I help you?
“Do you think you should be drinking so much?” Zhilae raised an eyebrow at the glass that was placed in front of her.
A smirk crossed the Sith’s face at the tone. “Aw, Zhilae. Are you worried about me?”
“I’m more worried about everyone else’s limbs when you’re drunk, Helene.”
The woman had a point, but Helene shrugged and grabbed the drink before lifting it to her lips. She gulped down the burning liquid before her head finally caught up with it all. Dizziness had her swaying on her feet. She dropped the cup, the glass shattering and the rest of the alcohol spilling onto the floor. She would have fallen if Zhilae hadn’t caught her.
Helene gripped the bounty hunter’s shoulders, afraid that she’d fall if she let go. Her eyes glanced down at Zhilae’s lips. She didn’t notice that she had began to lean in towards Zhilae until they’d locked lips. Zhilae wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her close. Her free hand tangled into Helene’s hair, gripping the soft strands between her fingers.
With a contented sigh, Helene pulled away before affectionately patting Zhilae’s cheek. “That was fun and all. Thanks, I guess. I should be going.”
Zhilae expressed confusion when Helene moved away from her arms, intending to saunter out of the cantina before passing out at her home. She didn’t get far before her legs gave out. Zhilae caught her again, this time from behind.
With a disgruntled look on her face, Helene glanced up at the woman who was practically carrying her. “Um, you’re distracting me and it’s kind of irritating.”
“Is that your way of asking me to help you home?” Zhilae held back the laugh she wanted so badly to release.
“Are you trying to get another kiss from me?” Helene asked, wrapping an arm around Zhilae’s neck so that she could attempt to walk. “All you had to do was ask.”
“You’re the one dreaming about it, my lord.” Zhilae said as she helped Helene out of the cantina. “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t figure it out?”
Helene leaned against the bounty hunter and sighed happily. “I always did like you, Zhilae.”
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commander-krios · 2 years
For SWTOR Mutuals Only
Alrighty folks. Any mutual of mine that wants me to write a fic between your SWTOR oc and mine, send me a DM. These are the OCs of mine that I’m willing to write for and a bit about their background and attitudes. I also listed if I’m willing to do a romance fic or just strictly platonic. If you have ideas or a prompt you’d like me to work in, just let me know!
Jocasta Sloane:
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Jedi Knight, Light Side, Sentinel, Dual sabers, Personality: kind, compassionate, willing to sacrifice for the greater good, even if it is harder she attempts to spare those she can, Best friend: Kira, LI: Doc. Platonic fics only.
Despina Sloane:
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Trooper, Light Side, Assault Cannon, Personality: playful, troublemaker, likes to test patience, big on drinking and partying, sexually adventurous, loyal. Best friend: Aric Jorgan, LI: Theron Shan. Platonic or Romantic fics. Bisexual.
Casper Sloane: 
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Smuggler, Neutral with a DS leaning, Scoundrel, Scattergun/blaster, Personality: selfish, can be cruel at times, loves money and sex (he isn’t picky), takes lots of risks that pay off. Best friend: Bowdaar, LI: OC, Meifin Fyr. Platonic or Romantic fics. Pansexual.
Veskasa Niobe: 
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Jedi Consular, Light Side, Sage, Healer, Single saber, Personality: noble, compassionate, believes in justice, serene but struggles with her passions. Best friend: Nadia, LI: OC, Caline Satki. Platonic or Romantic fics. Bisexual.
Kieran Zythor: 
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Sith Warrior, Dark Side, Marauder, Dual sabers, Personality: Teeters on the edge of light and dark but prefers to take a more direct (and sometimes violent) approach to things, can be kind in certain situations, despises slavery, trying his best to make the Empire better, Worships his wife. Best friend: Vette, LI: OC, Jaina Highwind. Platonic or Romantic fics. Bisexual.
Helene Zythor: 
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Sith Inquisitor, Dark Side, Sorcerer, Lightning, Single saber, Personality: Cruel, Enjoys power and the pursuit of power, full on dark side Sith tbh. Best friend: Andronikos/Khem, LI: OC, Zhilae Mirai. Romantic or Platonic fics. Bisexual but prefers women.
Keshani Zythor: 
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Imperial Agent, Light Side, Sniper, Sniper Rifle, Vibroblade, Personality: aloof, doesn’t easily open up to people, tries to keep bystanders from getting hurt if possible, trust in the Empire slowly degrades over time, eventually defects to the Republic. Best Friend: Kaliyo, LI: Jonas Balkar. Platonic or romantic fics. Bisexual.
Cora Evnairis: 
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Bounty Hunter, Neutral, Mercenary, Dual blasters, Personality: she’s young so she doesn’t take too much seriously at times, but she protects her own. Friends and family mean everything to her. She likes revenge and considers her own brand of justice enough. She stays away from things like spice and slavery, and she won’t dabble in supplying weapons to terrorists. Best Friend: Mako, LI: Torian Cadera. Platonic fics only. Bisexual.
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Sith Warrior, Light Side, Juggernaut, Single saber, Personality: fun loving, compassionate, trying to help the Sith become better, trains Jaesa to be a better Sith/Jedi and to use compassionate and kindness where she can, abhors slavery and does what she can to help those in slave collars. Best friend: Jaesa, LI: Vette. Romantic or platonic fics. Lesbian.
Dak Lozan:
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Bounty Hunter, Light Side, Pyro, Blaster, Personality: the definition of a teddy bear, he helps everyone he sees, treats Mako and Torian likes his children, does his best by other Mandalorians, willing to lose money when a bounty was wrong. Best friend: Braden, LI: None. Romantic or Platonic fics. Gay.
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Helene Zythor
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Full name: Helene Acantha Zythor
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Philipp Zythor (father),  Acantha Zythor (mother), Kieran Zythor (brother), Keshani Zythor (sister) 
Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
Job: Sith Lord, Member of the Dark Council, Archivist, Future Empress of the Sith
Phobias: Losing her power, Boredom, Lack of freedom
Guilty pleasures: Helene enjoys things without guilt. Guilt is a useless feeling.
morality alignment?: Lawful Evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: A weird combination of both. While Helene doesn’t go out of her way to make friends, she has this ability to convince people to 
organized/disorganized: Extremely organized. It’s one of the things that she insists on. She demands it of anyone who works for her.
close minded/open-minded: She’s not into changing who she is as a person or what she believes. She refuses to acknowledge that she might be wrong. It takes a lot of time and affection from her friends to help her to even consider anything other than her own thoughts.
calm/anxious: She always had unreasonable expectations forced upon her so this made her overly anxious.
disagreeable/agreeable: She hates being told what to do.
cautious/reckless: Extremely reckless. Helene loves throwing herself into a fight and doesn’t care about collateral damage.
patient/impatient: She has no patience for stupidity, ineptitude and laziness.
outspoken/reserved: Helene doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut tbh.
leader/follower: She’s a leader not because of what she does, but who she is. She is the oldest child to a Dark Council member so she expects to lead. She might not always deserve it, but she does it.
empathetic/unemphatic: Depends on the situation. She’s known for her ruthless ability to get a mission done, but some things do bring out her empathy.
optimistic/pessimistic: This is part of the anxiety that she feels on a constant basis. It has made her pessimistic even with the simplest things.
traditional/modern: Her family is very traditional, but she prefers a more modern approach to how she does things.
hard-working/lazy: Helene might have more opportunities than another Sith might, but she works hard to maintain the things she has.
Otp: Helene x Zhilae Mirai
Ot3: none
Brotp: Helene &Talos Drellik, Helene & Andronikos Revel, Helene & Ashara Zavros, Helene & Khem Val, Helene & Xalek, Helene & Darth Marr
Notp: Helene x Thanaton
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