khiita · 3 years
what if we kissed the first night at body count's villa........ and we were both girls......... 😳😳 @kitteria
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missdandelion · 4 years
Halsin? ♥♥♥
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writer-ish · 3 years
23 with grace and mason? 👀
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
He looks over at her without even understanding why, at first.
But the second he turns his head, their gazes collide. She’d already been looking at him, though the minute his eyes meet hers, she looks away.
He feels his gaze narrow as he watches her, her eyes now trained on a spot just over his shoulder. The town square is busy that day and his nerves are already jangled with the onslaught of sights and sounds assaulting his senses. The last thing he needs is—
He focuses on her face. Her lips have gone thin and there’s a deep notch between her brows. She flicks her gaze back over to his. With a near-imperceptible chin lift, she gestures at the spot she’d been staring at before.
He turns. There, in the middle of the square, is that walking pestilence that tries to pass off as a journalist. Grace clearly doesn’t want to be near him. Her eyes have met his again, an unspoken plea in their hazel depths.
He nods briefly and stalks over to her, wrapping his arm over her shoulders and ushering her along the street in one swift motion. They walk side-by-side their strides in tandem, despite her legs being much shorter than his.
She lets out a soft exhale, relief evident in the dip of her shoulders under his arm. He feels her lean into him slightly, wrapping her arm around his waist.
He lets a small smile tilt the corner of his mouth.
>> otp asks
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wardenjulicousland · 6 years
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A commission by the lovely @kitteria Thanks for the amazing art, Love it. :)
Here is our favorite Commander Cullen with my Adorable Lyn Trevelyan with her crossbow arm, Such gorgeous art, Incredible work :)
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Get yourself a fine, fashionable, and loving Sith who can kill your enemies and then later perform an exotic dance for your earthly pleasures. XD
Before he was discovered to be Force Sensitive, Kavi was training to become a cantina dancer after his father and he still knows how to dance despite spending now most of his time with his Sith training. So he wanted to throw a special surprise for his lover Seth ( @highjustices‘s lovely imperial agent), who is partly embarrassed as well as delighted by the show she is about to get. 
And thank you a million to @kitteria/ @kitteria-art for bringing this commission to life! This art is so incredible and divine and I love how fresh and vivid all the colors in this look! Your coloring skills and style are quite distinct and awe-inspiring! <3 <3
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commander-krios · 7 years
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Some beautiful art done by the fabulous @kitteria of my Sith Inquisitor (and future Empress of the Sith), Helene, and her bounty hunter wife, @queenzabrak’s Zhilae. Thank you so much for your hard work. I love them so much.
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
“I’m going to protect you.” for ryder and kandros? ♥
[I’M SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER. Also, the bit about Kandros and stasis pod is canon, taken from the Uprising novel.
Parts of the Nexus were still unsafe for human habitation, though Kesh’s team of krogan had done admirable work on repairing the station so far. With the re-discovery of the three missing arks, however, space was at a premium, and Wren Ryder could only make new outposts so quickly. If she wanted to be a true Pathfinder, she would have to find paths even in the most unconventional of spaces- within the twisted wreckage of the Nexus, areas hit by the Scourge and depressurized ever since.
Kandros followed close on her heels, the security of the station his primary interest. “I don’t need a babysitter,” she told him, not exactly gently.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Ryder. I’m here to make sure you don’t make any holes in the station any bigger than they need to be and collect whatever caches the Exiles left.” In reality, there were probably weren’t any left, but whatever excuse Kandros made. It wasn’t as if Ryder was going to argue against spending more time with him.
Thankfully, there were no bodies. Just twisted wreckage that she had to shove aside, Kandros stepping in to help when her flimsy human arms failed her. They pushed deeper and deeper into the Nexus, towards the heart of the damage. “Shit.” Over comms, Ryder’s voice sounded crackly and indistinct, like it belonged to someone else.
“It’s still bad,” Kandros agreed, shoving aside twisted metal and sweeping a hand in front of him in a sarcastic ‘after you’ gesture to Ryder. “But at least it’s not on fire anymore.” The char marks were everywhere though, staining pristine white walls. Every now and then, a burnt out console would stand, testament to the damage done. Room by room, inch by inch, they would take the Nexus back, but it could take years to undo just a few minutes of collision with the Scourge.
They entered a small side room together, the door whirring back and forth, half-closing and then opening again. “I thought this part of the Nexus was powered down.”
“It should be.” Kandros frowned, crossing the small space to examine a wall mounted computer, trying to flick the screen to life but getting nothing other than a blue blur. At one point, this was probably meant to be a small apartment, a studio big enough for one but bare-bones and utilitarian without an occupant to lend it personal touches. Five steps to cross the room completely; Ryder poked her head into what would have been the bathroom, but there was nothing there except the lines for plumbing.
“Shit!” Kandros’ curse drew her back out into the main room in time to see a spark escape from the console, a surge of power that echoed through conduits in the wall with a lurch, causing the door to slam shut all the way with enough force to make the room lurch; not entirely difficult, given that everything in this part of the Nexus seemed to hang together with nothing more than hope and bare metal struts.
Part of the ceiling collapsed, the metal superstructure holding it together crashing down. Kandros pushed Ryder back and she fell, which was preferable over being impaled. “You okay?” she asked as she stood, dusting herself off. The already small space had been cut in half, debris floating in the air and looking dubiously heavy.
“Fine.” Even through the static of comms, Kandros sounded strained; he had retreated to the wall, looking outwardly and twisting his head left and right, left and right.
Knowing a lie when she saw one, Ryder placed her hand on his arm. “You sure? You don’t look fine, Kandros.” It was difficult to prove any further tactile comfort in full armor, though she tried to squeeze his hand through the gloves.
“I don’t like small spaces, Ryder,” he said, taking a deep breath.
Shit. That Kandros might be claustrophobic was something Ryder had never considered, though she’d heard how he was trapped in his stasis pod when the Nexus has first arrived, and how Sloane literally had to pry him out with a modified crowbar while he could only pound on the lid, helpless. “Ryder to Kesh. Kesh, we need extraction and a team of krogan at the coordinates I’m sending immediately. We should have cleared the way enough, but we’re trapped and we can’t lift the beams on her own.”
“Sending them Ryder. ETA fifteen minutes. Stay put.” Kesh sounded calm, capable, but it did nothing for Kandros, whose ragged breathing filled her ears.
“Kandros, stick with me. It’s okay. I’m going to protect you. Sit down.” He listened to her only reluctantly, sliding along the wall to fold his lanky body up in that way so particular to turians, and she sat down next to him, arm around his shoulder. “Kesh is sending some krogan to pull us out. Just stay with me. Deep breaths, with me. In, out.” She mimicked the rhythmic cycle, putting his hand to her chest to feel the way it rose and fell even through the suit.
Slowly, Kandros took on her own breathing, one hand reaching for hers and clutching it tightly. “You won’t tell anyone, right Ryder?” He sounded better now, though he wasn’t trying to stand yet.
“Five more minutes and we’re free. Your dignity is safe with me.”
“At least I still have more thank you.” Though Kandros’ joke was a choked, forced affair, it was still there, and behind her faceplate Ryder smiled. Kandros turned his head to look at hers, and they touched helmets, resting the faceplates together and closing their eyes. Five minutes more, and they would be out of here. For now, they had each other, and she would protect him from his own demons for as long as it took.
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skullinacowboyhat · 7 years
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@kitteria‘s Ionesa for my part of the art trade with them! Thanks a bunch for doing this with me; I had a TON of fun! :DDDDD
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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a million thanks to @kitteria for drawing my Ryder, Temperance, and Vetra :DDD (commission info is here~)
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andauril · 7 years
17 and 18!
17. Did Ryder fall in love? If so, with whom? What drew them to that person? Would their sibling approve?
Sara fell for Vetra. Slowly, but there was no escape. That tall turian was just ... she was always there. She had no reason to believe an untrained pathfinder would change anything but still joined the mission, no questions asked, happy to help. Especially in the beginning, that was very reassuring for Sara, who felt kinda overwhelmed by the entire situation. 
At first, when Sara flirted with Vetra, it wasn’t actually meant to go anywhere serious. Until it was. Sara noticed her change in tone and intention pretty quick, and it was already too late by the time. She’s not oblivious to her feelings. 
She just found herself admiring Vetra - her strength, her loyalty, the way she always gives 100% for the people she cares about, her kindness that shows in so many ways, from a few reassuring words to making sure everyone has good snacks for the movie night. That Vetra, despite having lived such a hard life, still managed to stay kind and caring. How much Vetra loved her sister. The way her mandibles flare when she smiles. The way she laughs, on a broken moon with low gravity. How she’s indignant about the rules of Snakes and Ladders. The stories she can tell about her life before the Initiative, some of them serious, others just hilarious. 
And Scott would approve, he wants his sister to be happy. It might surprise him for a moment that here girlfriend is a turian, but as long as Vetra’s good to his twin, he’s happy for her. That wouldn’t save either of them from stupid jokes and puns, of course. 
18. What does Ryder do in their spare time? What are their hobbies and interests? Do they share these with their friends, or are they more private?
Sara’s a tech geek, which means that she will tinker with and take apart everything she gets her hands on. It helps her think, and she believes that she can improve everything. Gil has to drive her off the engine room, because even with his attitude, two tinkerers are one to many. She’s modded all her equipment, and would mod other people’s equipment as well if they’d let her. Sometimes she sits together with Jaal and Vetra, and they talk about mods and tech while upgrading their equipment. They both showed her some new tricks. 
Aside from that, when she needs something a bit more relaxing, she enjoys video games. She couldn’t take her favourite ones with her, but managed to find some on the Black Market on Kadara (with some help from Vetra), and will play in her down team, sometimes dragging Liam and later Vetra and her brother along with her. 
She’ll also nerd endlessly with Peebee and Suvi about science, because it’s one of her greatest passions and the thing she loves most about her job. She’s learned so much since arriving in Andromeda, it almost makes all the struggles worthwhile. 
Also the movie night with the entire team is definitely becoming a regular thing. 
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sosolenoo · 3 years
Wip Wednesday
Thank you @night-triumphantt for the tag! 💕💕
I also made too many sketches for my new ocs these days, so I will share 2 (really rough sketch) of my new Commanders!
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Left: Elyn, my gorgon commander
Right: Sterenn, my phoenix commander (this is more a color test, because I want them to be a kind of albino/blue phoenix and that's what I've been thinking so far haha)
I'll tag @homeformyheart @javallsyfyn @tireddemigod @kitteria @lilas @losingface and anyone who read this if you want to share something ❤
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awkwardalpha · 4 years
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Another of the art nouveau pieces! This time it’s @kitteria ‘s drow sorcerer for Baldur’s Gate 3, Elsa!
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commander-krios · 7 years
Thanks for the prompt, hun! Sorry it took so long to finish. I wasn’t sure who to use until now. I hope you like it. @calllebasi‘s Jedi Knight Alicia.
9. “Whatever happens, don’t make fun of me.”
Tyris Nayru loved that he was still such a mystery to the cute Jedi who had saved his life nearly a year ago. Since the moment they’d met, the pair had stuck together and watched each other’s back. Keeping the Jedi out of trouble seemed like an impossible task some days, but it was the small moments that made him realize how lucky he was.
His hands were fixed firmly on Alicia’s hips, the fabric of her robes soft against his skin.
A pair of pale blue eyes glanced up at him. “Whatever happens in the next few minutes, please don’t make fun of me.”
Moving her closer, Tyris leaned down and pressed a kiss against her light hair. “I would never do such a thing.”
Her freckled cheeks flushed and the smuggler felt a small thrill of excitement. The Jedi in his arms was a big hero in the Republic, but to him, she was just Alicia. No special titles, no fancy medals. Tyris respected and adored how amazing she was, but when they were alone, they didn’t have to be heroes. They could be themselves.
As Tyris moved her into a slow spin, he smirked at the way the curls near her cheeks bounced. “I can’t believe it took you this long to let me teach you how to dance.”
Once her hands were settled on his shoulders, she gave him a grin. “Well, I was busy.”
Pressing his forehead against hers, he closed his eyes and laughed. It was one of the happiest sounds that Tyris had ever heard come from his lips. “Excuses, excuses.”
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
21 i 23 :D
21. How do they feel about their connection with SAM? What’s their views on AI in general? Knowing Milky Way history and the attack on Eden Prime and the Citadel a recent memory, did the Geth influence this view? Does their view on SAM change?
SAM is useful, but Wren never expected to actually /like/ him. His sense of humor has grown on her, however, and though she has an inherent mistrust of AI that so many humans have, she’s also been shaped by Alec and his own beliefs. SAM was built to help, and help he has- he holds the key not only to Wren’s mother’s potential cure, but her own (as will be revealllled.) 
23. How do they feel about the Remnant? Are they worried? Curious? Simply accepting of what they can do with it?
Exceedingly curious. Wren always wanted to go to school, maybe study ancient civilizations. Back in the Milky Way, her work on Protheans was fueled by that curiosity and that quest for more knowledge. There has to be something more to the Remnant, and Wren wants to be there to discover it. 
Ryder Questions 
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homeformyheart · 3 years
masterlist - twc detectives
this is a masterlist of content / art created for my twc detectives. you can click on the tagged links (#detective ___) to see all posts tagged as such, including tag games, oc asks, etc.
did i lean hard into the chess-themed names? yes i did.
this list does not include art that features my detectives with their RO or other characters. for that masterlist, click here.
*please do not copy / rip-off any art, templates, aesthetics, etc. featured below as your own. do not just copy or repost these and pass them off as your own and do not claim any info, art, or design for your own oc.
headcanons (#my twc headcanons)
edits & commissioned art - all detectives (#my detective)
personas - art by @kimchi-toast oc lineup by @peonylon
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detective lyra kingston (#detective lyra kingston) - A/N LT
social media header full character profile - version 1.0 (end of book 2) persona - the sweetheart portrait by @lxdy-starfury​ headshot - commissioned from @sssamsondraws​​
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detective regina bishop (#detective regina bishop) - A
persona - the thinker portrait - commissioned from @silverletters​ steampunk/victorian AU by @sosolenoo​
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detective cassiopeia “cassie” knight (#detective cassie knight) - N
persona - the empath headshot - commissioned from @/reidyn-art portrait - commissioned from @porcelean-art​
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detective ria “riri” knight (#detective ria knight) - M (bold)
persona - the rebel portrait - commissioned from @choicesraccoon​ portrait - commissioned from @redreart​ warehouse patrol - commissioned from @silverletters​ mutual oc drawing by @kitteria-art​​
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detective brooklyn “brooks” kingston (#detective brooklyn kingston) - M (shy/naive)
persona - the scientist portrait - commissioned from @acryptidcreates portrait - commissioned from @redreart​
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detective harley bishop (#detective harley bishop) - F
social media header full character profile - version 1.1 (end of book 2) persona - the fighter portrait - commissioned from @redreart​​
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lahellacute · 3 years
rules: tag people you want to get to know better
Thank you for the tag @ariondevereux 💕
Favorite color: blue, red, black, purple. 
Currently reading: Welp, I'm not reading any actual book currently. The last one i read (and didn’t finish) is “The Duke & I”.
Last song: Doja Cat - Rules.
Last movie: Corpse Bride. 
Last series: Bridgerton.
Sweet, savoury or spicy? Depends, but i think i’m a lot more in the mood for smth sweet.
Craving: A KFC burger and ice cream lol
Tea or coffee: Tea !
Currently working on: Some edits and also moodboards. 
Tagging: @somin-yin @chocopeppermintcake @keikilahela @kitteria Sorry if you’ve already done this, and no pressure to do it if you haven’t !
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