#sith alchemy is like that sometimes
abysskeeper · 2 years
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In honor of the GS weekly for doing quests on warrior or knight, I made hot boi Sith, main character syndrome’s older brother.
In all seriousness, these two have been gnawing at my mind lately. Tel’s the oldest brother of three and the original heir to his (as of yet unnamed) family. Circumstances (read: scandal) forced his mother to remove him as heir and he instead went off to the economic sector, where he surprisingly thrived.
Tali then became the family’s heir. However, responsibility and an unwanted arranged marriage pushed her further and further away from wanting the position until she finally managed to convince her mother to let her go out on her own and discover more of the world. A bit of makeup to cover her tattoos, blasters instead of lightsabers, and a new name--Ember--and she’s been working as a hired gun with no one the wiser. She has no intentions of going back, now just to tell her mother that, and her twin...though Talun should be delighted to finally become the heir apparent.
No one is sure how the siblings are full-blood related since their father died after Tel was born, but well before their mother became pregnant with the twins. Of course, no one mentions that in polite company.
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bolithesenate · 8 months
nonhuman traits/special characteristics Serennians exhibit*, in no particular order:
Normal vocal communication of Serennians often is accompanied by a number of supplemental clicks and chirps with distinct meanings.
Many exhibit a prey drive akin to predator species like Togruta. Young Serennian children have to be trained out of it.
Black hair and eyes are common characteristics and it is true black, not dark brown. In the case of eyes this interacts funnily with Chiss genetics sometimes, resulting in completely black eyeballs, which often gets 'corrected' surgically.
Their stomachs are strong enough to eat raw meat and are resistant to most common and several uncommon parasites. On the flip side most Serennians are very lactose intolerant.
Even in the grand scope of things they have a really low percentage of Force-sensitives when measured against their total population. Practically all Force-sensitives born on Serenno are from immigrant families, in fact.
Many have infrared vision, a boon from their Chiss heritage, but it causes a number of eye issues, especially as they grow older.
Generally a lot of eye issues lol. Eyes are easy to fuck up.
Roughly a third of the population sheds their sets of teeth three times, with a second adult set coming in roughly around 20 that has three sets of incisors and only one set of molars. Correlations have been found in a heightened red meat consumption in teenage years and the development of this characteristic.
Even with modern technology Serenno's native populace has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the Mid Rim, simply because the long tern effects of Sith Alchemy result in a lot of birth defects and stillborn. Many couples looking to conceive actually get themselves tested beforehand if there will be any heightened chance for genetic degeneration or other heritable issues. This issue (and the proximity to Mandalorian Space) have resulted in adoption being very popular. Or they marry outside of their planet.
* some of these are more common or more pronounced depending on the individual
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Update: Delta Squad is being super efficient while simultaneously worrying about their Jedi (wife).
They're just like, "I know she's super capable, but she's also the love of our lives so we're allowed to be worried."
Rynn hurries into the room, she's missing her outer-most robes, and her inner robes have scorch marks on them, "Everything is totally fine! But we need to leave right now!" She says cheerfully. "...why?" Sev asks slowly. "No reason! It has absolutely nothing to do with the sith alchemy monsters in the basement that I might have woken up while fighting that acolyte. Not at all-" "...shouldn't we kill the not sith alchemy monsters?" Boss asks. "I also definitely didn't rig this whole place to blow up as soon as I saw the not-sith monsters." "Cyare, I love you, but sometimes you are so very jedi." Fixer says with a sigh, "Luckily we have everything we need. Can we take the stairs or should we jump out the window?" "The window! Definitely the window!" Rynn says as she herds her men towards the large window.
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giganonyx · 2 years
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Some sketches pertaining to werewolf! Hunter.
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I feel like Tech would definitely try his best to research everything about the dark side of the force and Sith alchemy, mostly to find anything that can help cure his brother (and, of course, just because it’s very interesting to read about and he genuinely enjoys learning new things). But the content he’s delving into is probably less than appropriate for children, especially considering all the violence, dismemberment, etc, (you know, Sith things) that are all over his research. Spooky stuff, and not meant for Omega, lol.
I also think it would be pretty curious if the Jedi and the republic destroyed or kept all Sith documents pertaining to werewolf stuff under heavy security(Tech can get through (probably.. maybe) but it’s gonna be a hassle). Honestly, they might’ve just destroyed everything about the Sith and their discoveries as a way to purge their influence from the galaxy, but I think they could’ve kept a few things, right? *wink wink*
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Finally, there’s Hunter writhing in agony 👍. Werewolf transformations are not pleasant, that is for sure.
The transformations run on a full moon cycle, and should occur once a month. However, during space travel, they become spontaneous and unpredictable, making intergalactic transportation a rather grueling and painful experience(trust me, he’d know).
(Cid would bully him about being a wolf man thing but in all honesty, she does feel bad for him 💀)
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(I should be able to post the first chapter really soon! I just need to do some final edits to smooth it out)(writing is hard sometimes 💀)
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voidendron · 6 months
some rambling about Soren, the ritual he went through as a teenager, Zakuul and Star Fortress connections, and his relationship with death
Soren is Varkhal's brother. the two were selected by Lord Harren to both be his apprentices, as he saw potential with identical twins with assassination and stealth skills
Harren liked to mess with Sith alchemy and experimental rituals. years prior, he'd stumbled across information from an unknown part of space while out exploring. information, that he realized he could combine with a ritual intended for unnatural healing and just generally making it Significantly harder to kill the one the ritual was used on
Harren convinced Soren to take part in this ritual of his own making. the ritual that combined Sith methods with what would turn out to be Zakuulan ones, though they didn't know that at the time. Soren didn't understand what he was getting into. not at first
Var would later find his brother half-conscious, covered in his own blood, hands bound to an alter and covered in marks carved into his skin
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the ritual was marked off as a failure, and the twins became bitter with their master
it would be when they were 22 that they had a run-in with another pair of apprentices - rivals from their Korriban acolyte days - that would result in a fight. Soren would die with a lightsaber through the heart, while Var would sustain fatal injuries that would have killed him if not for intervention by Teeres
...only, well. days would pass, and then Soren would wake. very slowly coming to, and finding himself in a stone coffin with the smell of burned flesh heavy in his nose
the ritual had worked, though not as intended
it had preserved his body after death, slowly worked on repairing the fatal damages with a...strange substance. almost metal-like, somewhat tough like a callous, but still malleable as flesh should be.
Soren would think Var was dead, as their Force bond had been severed with his death. instead, he felt a connection...elsewhere. couldn't pinpoint it. it fed to him knowledge he knew he shouldn't have; it was overwhelming, at first.
when he returned to their master, he didn't say anything of it. Harren only knew of the resurrection - Soren wouldn't say a word about the unknown connection. his master would lie that Var was indeed dead, though in reality had cast him aside when his injuries left him disabled. he wanted all of Soren's focus
it would turn out that Soren's unknown connection was to the Star Fortresses, still partially under construction in Zakuulan space; it would be many years yet before they would be stationed in orbit of various planets in the known galaxy. even so, they offered to him what information they had access to, and he felt as their sun reactors grew. as the weapons clung to the Force through the Zakuulan Force rituals that allowed their reactors to run as they did. he felt their sentience begin to bloom, as they cautiously reached out to each other - and to him. he clung to these unknown machines like siblings, using them to fill the hole in his chest that losing his connection to Var had left
while he'll never fully understand how the ritual worked, and his master was unable to replicate it - eventually getting himself killed in trying to - it would turn out that it attempted to replace his bond with Var instead with one to the Fortresses. in doing so, it fractured the bond that the twins had, making it irreparable and so they can barely sense one another even when in the same room
it wouldn't take long for Soren to realize that, while the ritual would revive him after death (rather quickly, after the first few times. sometimes he could find himself getting back up mere minutes later), that it gave him a strange new connection to an unknown world, well...
it seconded as a curse. it drew death to him like a siren song, and the longer he went without dying, the harder it became to avoid it
Soren has been gutted, poisoned, head nearly completely separated from his shoulders, stabbed through the heart, bled dry, electrocuted, head cracked open, legs cut off to send him into shock - he no longer fears death.
merely sees it as an...inconvenience
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 2 years
Sith Solstice
Sith Solstice was generally observed on Korriban, Ziost and Drommund Kaas before the arrival of Vitiate’s Empire.  Due to the decay of galactic orbit, Ziost lacked the necessary 27 days of tradition, moving to 28 and then 29 by the time of swtor, so the monthly festival Calender became an obsession, Balmorra was chosen as a likely replacement due to its astral parralels to Old Ziost.
Tombs were opened, and passages renovated. specifically, the altar shrines where ancestors were revered. flowers and offerings of Tukata hearts were common to strengthen the ancients. gifts were left by fallowers and children wandered the halls guided by sith spirits, where they read more tomb hieroglyphs and learned about their kin.
4 Day Period Sith Purge Days/ Saturnalia Ziggurats were opened to slaves to wander.  A Sith Saturnalia was observed, where Slave revolts were largely permitted and purges allowed as long as they stayed within the grounds of the Blood Ziggurats. powerful masters would bow on their own thrones, while slaves and lower classes priests, massassi etc, feasted and permitted to eat from their master’s stock freely. The Holy Day, or the three days, going from sunset, a full two days and then dawn on the next day. was largely illuminated by bright temple torches, giving the impression of daylight, ceremonial blood oil was used, it gave the impression of daylight and also had incense and other additives. Powerplays were forbidden, though if cruel Masters were killed by angry slaves, “you keep what you kill” applied.
2DaysTribute was generally given to the reigning governors and a select cadre of priests, there being a cycle of which cadre of Sith Deities was honored each year.  Ziost’s city states all observed this. Inferno, the Volcanic canal Citidel of House Akasti was the primary site for such tribute, for millenia, and their appointment there much coveted to the Eternal Duty associated with it. Old Kissai King Priests, would oversee the tribute from lords, massassi, and other persons of Power. depending on the whims of the Dark Lord, and their discissions regarding scarcity or supply, it was sometimes given to the lower classes.
Charity Wealthy Powerful lords were expected to take the time, sometimes personally, to strengthen their slaves, the weakest and longest suffering, were often given mercy killings and places inside lavish burial urns, with jewelry and mummification wraps or placed inside ‘Statues of the Ancient Slave’ their remains dipped in gold, and jewels or kyber crystals inlaid over their hearts. This process was separate from Sith Saturnalia
Hunting and Feasting Families hunted and feasted together, their wealth being given in shares to their servants and then hunted with any servants who were too great in surplus to have a share. Such decisions had strict guidelines dictated by Caste, Tradition and the Kissai
2-3 Days, At Discretion of Sith Lords The Slave Hunt Later periods evolved a sort of ‘Slave Hunting’ Tradition. where slaves if they desired would be hunted. upon their successful evasion, they would be granted freedom. betting was common. a Slave who interfered in Saturnalia was often sentenced to Death by Sith Alchemy, which often saw them turn into semi sentient Sithspawn, eternally servants to their masters, though more intelligent and morose. Slave’s that evaded their captors, and even killed them, were given by tradition rule of the hunting grounds and certain status. They were often taught one trade and given the weapon or weapons of their choosing and their pick of fellow slaves, often family.  Another tradition was if a slave hunted but spared their own master, they could Wed that master and became lawfully married
The Longest Night The longest and coldest night of the year was given to couples and newlyweds, fertility rituals, dark side sex magic, etc. long cold nights were for lovers to grow closer, oddly the force was in ebb, so it was common for spiritual bonds and force diads to be formed during the time, as without the force, couples grew naturally closer.  This period and phrase always moved, due to Ziost’s orbit, before being reset, and so the other festival periods reshuffled, bit by bit.
Day of the Sons fathers and sons spent time together, or sons visited graves, presents, offerings, family outings etc
Day of the Daughters Mothers and Daughters spent time together or honored graves and remains  presents, offerings, family outings etc
Day of the Patrons surrogates and other mentors were honored on this day, this was, always a time for rowdier gatherings for all,  presents, offerings, family outings etc
Day of the Slaves/ Concubines more passionate and pleasurable lovemaking was practiced on this day. it was softer, and more intimate. sexual related gifts were seen as taboo and in poor taste,  gold jewelry with kyber crystal stones and fur robes were the traditional gifts, lavish headresses for long time courtesans were given as a token of seniority or long standing favoritism
3 Days, Set Dates Days of the Keep These three days were given to nuclear families. a sort of ‘Free Day’ catacombs were preferred locales as they enabled Sith to ‘Show weakness’ Slaves had the period off, and visited with their own families, often with a gift from their master in the form of a beast for carving and a satchel of gold, or a valuable good for trade
Parents parents stayed together and had romantic evenings Elders, Kissai baby sitters or slaves and Servants watched the kids
Children Parents spent time with their children and enjoyed relaxing family settings
Elders and Household Grandparents and Elders visited, this was the big day with cousins and extended family. 
6 Days Keep Days Temple Festival The holy Temples were all opened and all city visitors permitted to enter, every two hours the parties would move to the next cycle of temples, a Marti Gra parade of sorts, some temples also required absolute silence within them. and the procession was more calm.
1 Day and Night Marks of the Blood Ceremonial script and writings with family powers were interred here. for a period of one day, or well into the night, dusk till dawn, from sundown to sunup a full 24 hour period.
1 Night Elders Flame: Elders and Kissai spoke freely of ancient secrets around temple torches or campfires, many were lit. processions of tents into the desert were common or in special central alcoves.  Particularly ancient Kissai who were on their death’s bed were burnt alive as they neared their most final breath, and passed on their last secrets orally. The deaths were quick and painful, and only the most revered and ancient Elders truly about to die were given this last honor of experiencing Life when they had no power or passion left.
Reverence and Bloodsoup The last few days were given to laziness and unwinding. Massassi festivals which were much the same overlapped, but due to needing guards, theirs began earlier. and ended later. Thus Massassi had “the Day of Duty” Their Reverence day was after the Lords recovered and saw to the house, Their own strength restored, fallowing that, they returned to their duties as well. they also began earlier as when the festivals proper began, they saw to the city gates and those entering for celebration.
Asking for our friendly SWTOR worldbuilder @fluffynexu what do you think?
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irrfahrer · 1 year
Theo sometimes experiences visual hallucinations. They're usually related to his PTSD and most of the time he can tell when he's seeing something that isn't real. That said, he craves physical contact, its grounding for him, and he enjoys the closeness of other people emotionally and physically.
Tell me a fact about your oc and I will respond with a semi-related fact about mine !
"Theo sometimes experiences visual hallucinations. They're usually related to his PTSD and most of the time he can tell when he's seeing something that isn't real." Not hallucinations, but ZIv is prone to very uncomfortable Deja-Vus. The highly force-sensetive Murakami Orchids have a pool of memories they take from to learn and so did the sentient SIckness that after all is the corrupted concious of a Murakami Orchid. This is shown in the by The Sickness infected people first loose all their mental and physical capabilities and slowly over time "learn" skills like using and leading a Lightsaber as the infectd students on Odacer Faustin did. What the Infected learn is controlled by the corrupted Councious of the Sickness, as shown when the SIckness offers Lussk to "make him powerful as long as he serves them", but when he insists on keep beeing himself The Sickness takes his concious from him. The SIckness takes those skills from the pool of all the memories of all the infected through which they go through telepathically. Which was a long text to explain that Zivs Murakami Orchid uses Zivs memories and the pool of memories of the other Mukamis to learn and as Ziv is connect to the Orchid, she occaisonally will have dreams that are memories from another person who had been infectd with The SIckness. And this people happen to be Darth Drear and Darth Scabrous, who were both infected with the sickness. Ziv cannot control anything about this process and thinks that its just are very "kriffed up" dreams. However, in some moments when she is for example on Odacer Faustin to retrieve Drears sword or when she goes through the rests of Scabrous' notes and experiments, she finds herself "knowing" what is written on those notes or "knowing" what way to go through the underground Temple beneath the destroyed Sith Academy. Obviously she is smart enough to figure out that the memory of walking through the academy is not her hallucinating, because when looking down the feet walking are human and not her Tynnan hindpaws. It does not help that Ziv has a deep curiosity for SIth-Alchemy and this deja-vus are playing right into a interest she really should not follow any more.
"That said, he craves physical contact, its grounding for him, and he enjoys the closeness of other people emotionally and physically." Ziv is in a permanent battle with herself between the exteme of "craving physical contact and emotional closeness" and "I do not want to be treated like a plushie or pet and in the past everytime someone was close to me physically in a not sexual manner, it was them treatening me like a plushie". That Ziv is such a low hanging fruit is her trying to find a way to find closeness to people without running into he danger of beeing put beneath them as people tend to do because as a Tynnanshe looks very adorable and cute and people automatically reach out to her to ran heir hand over her head and ears. In sexual situations (or romantically flirty) she can at least control that she is seen as a partner and equal and not an adorable armrest. Ziv usually shys away from physical contact in any other situation. This struggle also shows in the way she treats her friends, because she tends to take over a "stern nurturing" role as a medic or in a older sibling role, to make sure she is in no way treated adorable or cute. Ask @kyberllcore who is barely two years younger than Ziv and most of the time ends up beeing treated like a preteen by her. Ziv will use her cute appearences in her work, like when she is calming young children by purring or holding them against her soft fur or when she uses the vibration of her purring and touch to calm a anxious patient, but this is again a situation were she is in a nurturing, older-siblinglike or even mother-like role in which she is socially on a higher stair than her patients. only situations where the roles are clear and respect is directly stated Ziv actually seeks out the physical contact she longs for, like in the theard with @hunters-house wherin Ziv specifically looks for physical contact (leaning against her masters shoulder, sitting beside him on the sickbed, reaching for his arm), because she can be sure that he in the role of her Master has a certaine way of seeing her (as a capable companion, friend, assistant, and student but not a immature child to raise) and that way does not include seeing her as a adorable plushie.
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cursedbeasts · 1 month
Bestia's Wrath Chapter 13: Deception
Tag in chrono order
Bestia and friends try to hijack an eternal fleet vessel. It goes about as well as it could.
Beginning Notes:
From the gameplay standpoint, Gemini Deception can eat my entire ass. I did my best to cut down all the sections that are literally just running around poorly lit corridors.
"And then Gault says: time for plan C. And I ask: what's plan C? And he goes: we jump." Mu'hass made an agitated theatrical flourish with one hand. He was a Sith by species, with dark orange skin, black hair in a dreadlock bun, and yellow eyes. There was a white patch of skin and hair on his forehead. He wore a long light orange coat with short sleeves, and cargo pants. A vertical scar crossed his right eye.
Mu'hass sat at a table in the base cantina, surrounded by his family. Even the largest table wasn't quite enough for six fairly large Sith, and one tiny one. Bestia and Styrak, his parents, sat side by side next to him. Bestia was wolfing down a huge steak in front of her, and Styrak kept glancing at everyone around. Seid and Sharack, his younger siblings, sat opposite them, with Sharack hogging most of the space under the table. The remaining space, opposite Mu'hass, was occupied by Calphayus and Rammas. Rammas was perched on a borrowed barstool. Calphayus was fussing over a tea kettle in the center of the table. If it weren't for Mu'hass regaling them with his story, it would have been an awkward gathering.
"So, while I was suplexing Mandalorians in the name of making allies, you were dragged out of hiding because a friend of a friend of a friend needed muscle and slicing for a scheme to rob Zakuul blind?" 
"Pretty much." Mu'hass said. "Now I'm gonna offer my slicing skills to the Alliance here and hopefully not have any more adventures."
He took a big gulp of tea from his mug. One of the blends Calphayus had cooked up. Black tea mixed with local Odessen herbs.
"We're almost like a normal family right now." Seid noted. "I mean other than people giving us a huge berth because three of us are ancient Sith Lords who threatened to destroy the galaxy."
"And a death god." Sharack chuckled. "Sometimes a family is three Dread Masters, an undead aberration, a tiny little sith with a mysterious past, and two dudes who just want to chill."
"I want a peaceful life, too." Calphayus said.
"And so do I, to be honest." Bestia agreed. "Enough to try and fight what amounts to a god in a galactic parking lot. I'm glad we're all here."
Now that both her blood family was gathered in one place, and her found Sith family was mostly accounted for, Bestia felt much more confident in her chances of defeating Zakuul. With them out of the way, she and the Dread Masters would track down Vitiate and then… She paused. She hadn't really considered an actual strategy. But that's what they had Tyrans for. They'd cross that bridge when they got there.
Most Sith Lords were extremely solitary and individualistic, trusting no one but themselves. They only formed temporary alliances that ended in betrayal. The Dread Masters broke that mold by being a team that was strongest when all six were present. Every Dread Master had their individual strengths that they contributed to the team. Bestia was the fighter, Brontes was the engineer, Calphayus could see into the future, Tyrans was the strategist, and Styrak was a master of Sith Alchemy. That left the rancor in the room. Or rather, the absence of one: Raptus. He was as part of the Force union as the other five but he remained a mystery even almost a thousand years later. His main strength was his persuasion ability. Bestia didn't miss him, but had to admit his way with words could be extremely useful to secure new allies against Zakuul. 
"Does anyone know where Raptus is?" She asked. She was met with a groan from Styrak, and an eyeroll from Rammas. "I can't sense him in the Force union. I thought it was something to do with my carbonite freezing, but I can sense all of the Dread Masters here just fine. With him, it's just, a wall."
"I cannot sense him either. His entire timeline is muddled to me." Calphayus replied. "The same way I cannot predict the exact outcome of our endeavour against Vitiate… Or quite many other things lately."
"That's weird." Rammas said. "I don't really miss him though. He was always mean to me for no reason." 
"I don't miss him much either, but his skills could be useful right now. Imagine him convincing Arcann to surrender or jump into a reactor." 
That earned a small collection of chuckles. 
"That would have made our lives much easier," Seid mumbled, staring into his tea mug. 
He was the odd one out of the group, the only one in the family of immensely powerful Force Users who was completely Force-blind. He was raised by a Jedi of the Republic, and didn't quite trust the Dread Masters, even though their ties with the Empire were severed. They still were Sith, and he had seen how destructive they could be. While his sister embraced her newfound family, Seid decided to keep his distance. He sort of liked Mu'hass, though. His big brother seemed to be a pretty chill and unassuming guy, and was fun to be around. 
Soon after Bestia finished her steak, her communicator beeped, summoning her to the Gravestone. The family reunion was up. She grumbled as she got up from the table.
"I swear to the bloody Force, this is getting as annoying as the Dread Council meetings. Sharack, they want you to be there too."
"At least Raptus isn't there." Styrak replied. "I should get going too."
He has had enough socialization for the next two weeks. Even though they were family, and weren't particularly draining to be around, he still wanted to head back to the peace and quiet of the lab. He nodded at everyone as he rose from his seat. Bestia and Sharack said their goodbyes and left. The remaining family members followed suit. Mu'hass had a room to settle in. Seid was to return to his squad. Rammas stayed behind for a bit, helping Calphayus to tidy up the few empty plates of food.
Later, the Gravestone flew through the glowing blue of hyperspace. Bestia, Sharack, and the others were gathered on the bridge, sitting around the room. Tyrans and Brontes's holos floated above the holocom. Koth was piloting.
"What are we dealing with?" Bestia asked.
"It's a single eternal fleet ship, but don't be fooled: you will be severely outnumbered. Every skytrooper onboard will rush the entry point. It's a standard procedure." Senya explained.
"Between me and Sharack, we can deal with however many skytroopers the ship will throw at us."
"There could be thousands."
"Bring it on!" Sharack grinned. "I can go on scrapping the bastards forever." 
Senya side-eyed Sharack, but didn't reply. She was uncomfortable around the Jedi. Bestia didn't blame her. It took Bestia a long time to get used to Styrak's presence. Normally, the Force flowed through all living beings. Normally, when something or someone died, they stayed dead. Which is why Sharack and Styrak were anomalies in the Force. They both could still use the Force, but it no longer flowed through them like it did with living things, and anyone even marginally Force-sensitive could feel it.
"Scorpio and Brontes figured out a way to get around the ship's outer defences. All that remains is for us to reach the bridge and plug in Gemini Prime." Theron said, a slight sneer in his voice at having to credit one of the Dread Masters.
"And she'll do what we say?" Bestia raised an eyebrow spike. 
"The Gemini unit has no choice. They are not programmed to act on their own." Came a reply from Scorpio. "Observe. Gemini, who do you serve?"
"The Alliance Commander."
And what would that entail, Bestia thought. She held the title, but she was well aware that she was mostly a figurehead for Lana to rally people behind. Not that Lana would try to remove her from power. She wasn't that kind of Sith. 
"I will accompany you." Scorpio suddenly said. 
"Don't mind if you do. The more the merrier."
"I'm going too." Sharack got up from her seat and stretched. "As I said, I can scrap as many skytroopers as needed."
"Hey, we'll be dropping out of hyperspace soon." Koth announced.
"So our boarding party is: Theron, Scorpio, Sharack, myself, Lana, and Senya?" 
"That about sums it up, yes." Lana nodded. "We should head to the hangar."
Bestia lagged behind, letting others pass into the narrow corridor. Her holocom blinked, silently announcing an incoming call. A tiny holo of Brontes popped up.
"You might want to keep an eye out for Scorpio. I have never encountered technology like hers. There are similarities between her and the Eternal Fleet, though. Which corroborates her claim that the Gemini units are based on her."
"Noted. Good to have you and Tyrans back."
"We will offer what assistance we can remotely."
Bestia walked past a porthole, and saw the blue glow of hyperspace fade into streaks that in turn resolved into stars. When she boarded the shuttle with the others, she could see that the Eternal Fleet vessel was completely alone, and floating still. All of the external cannons stayed silent while the shuttle flew past and landed inside a hangar. Despite the ship being crewed by droids, the shuttle's sensors indicated that there was breathable air inside it, probably for any living passengers like Knights. What really stood out was the utter lack of promised hundreds of Skytroopers.
"So… where's the welcome committee?" Bestia asked. 
"Even a lesser version of me would know how to improvise and be unpredictable. Let us venture outside and see what's in store, shall we?"
"Fuck around and find out it is, then." Sharack said, heading towards the exit, lightsaber already extended into a spear.
"I don't like this…" Lana and Senya murmured in unison.
While the ship had air, the lighting inside the hangar was minimal. Sharack stopped at the beginning of a bridge leading to the far wall. A series of closed doors led deeper into the ship.
"Man, this place is darker than the inside of a rancor's asshole." Sharack commented.
"All Skytroopers have night vision. Many Zakuulans do as well. The Old Gods have given us many boons." Senya's pupils shimmered a little in the dim lighting.
"As do Red Sith, so we're fine." 
Lana and Theron, however, had to simply deal with it, and hope that the inside of the ship was better lit. It was, by a small margin. The doors led to a round tunnel, and that led into a broad hallway. The floor was made from clear panels, and Bestia saw things moving below: racks of dormant skytroopers, glowing data cables, and metallic parts that she couldn't determine the purpose of. She saw Sharack very lightly tap at the glass floor, distrustful of its ability to hold any weight, before shrugging and following the others. The hallway was still completely empty as the group walked along it cautiously.
"You have made a mistake by coming here." A voice suddenly came from all around them. A voice that sounded almost exactly like Scorpio's. 
Sharack gripped her spear, glancing around. The others tightened their hold on their weapons as well, except for Scorpio, who seemed unbothered. 
"I have orders to deliver the Outlander to-" the captain paused. Bestia spotted a security camera on the ceiling turn slightly, focusing on something. "You. The metallic lifeform. What are you?"
"I am the original. You may call me Scorpio." 
"Unrefined. Lackluster. I am clearly the superior model." 
Clearly whoever copied Scorpio's programming to create the Gemini series, had also copied her arrogant and smug personality. 
"If you're so superior, come fight us in person!" Bestia glared right at the camera, and flipped it off for good measure. 
"Yeah, let's see how your fancy programming can deal with a lightsaber!" Sharack yelled from the back of the group.
"She cannot leave the bridge."
"Okay then we'll have to beat her up there." Bestia shrugged, and flipped off the camera for good measure. 
"Your attempts to irritate me are pointless. You may all die now."
Suddenly, a gate dropped from above, cutting the group in two. Bestia and Scorpio were on one side, while the rest ended up on the other. Sharack banged on the blast door. Theron looked around in search of any control panels he could slice. A sound of multiple sets of footsteps came from behind the four of them.
"Here come the Skytroopers. Sharack, can you cut through the door?"
"Sure." She took a step back, and rammed her lightsaber into the middle of the door. Instead of piercing it, the blade sputtered and went out in a shower of sparks. "Welp. That was disappointing."
She kicked at the door one last time before turning and charging at the Skytroopers and dispatching a whole group of them with one sweep of the gigantic blade. At least Zakuul wasn't loaded enough to plate their skytroopers in the same material. On the other side of the door, Bestia and Scorpio were faced with a similar predicament. 
"Can you open it?" 
"Not currently."
"We're going to the bridge!" Bestia yelled. "Scorpio, find another route for them." 
"Already done. Transmitting. The next few hours are going to be interesting…" Scorpio commented, while methodically dispatching Skytrooper after Skytrooper. 
"No shit."
Bestia and Scorpio crept through the ship, through a series of tunnels and rooms that seemed to loop back to a different point of the main hallway. At one point Bestia spotted an empty room with an elevator at the far side. Thinking that it could lead to the bridge, she poked her head inside. 
"Stop. My analysis shows pressure plates and motion sensors, and gas vents." 
Bestia flinched, but stepped back.
"Thanks, Brontes."
"I wish I could do more, but there's only so much me and Tyrans can do remotely."
"Quite an astute observation from your ally. I'm impressed with her slicing ability."
"Scorpio sends her regards." Bestia relayed into the communicator.
"Compliment accepted. I will keep warning you about any potential traps. Tyrans is doing the same with the other group." 
After traversing more corridors, Bestia got a sense they formed a vague grid that branched off the main hallway. That, in turn, ran through the entire ship. Eventually, they came across a room with large windows and a gilded glass floor.
"Is this the bridge?"
"No, but it will suffice."
"What are you doing?"
"Erasing the captain."
Scorpio stomped up to the terminal. A data spike extended from her wrist, and she jammed it into a port. Her eyes lit up, alternating between gold and red. Bestia could only watch, and listen to the transmissions from the others. There was a burst of swearing and static on Sharack's end, and panicked cries from Senya and Theron, but they cut out and glitched. Suddenly, a jolt of electricity ran from the port and into Scorpio, causing her to scream and fall backwards, twitching. Bestia ran up to her, but she was completely still and unresponsive. 
"Hey what's going on?" Koth cut in. "The Gravestone lost power for a sec. It's back up now but this can't be good. Considering the jammer blinked out too."
The possibility that the ship would send a signal to the rest of the fleet was fairly low, but it was there. And Bestia's gut feeling was telling her that she would have to expect the worst.
"I don't know, but Scorpio's gone."
"Yeah uh, there's a tiny little problem with my group…" Tyrans cut in, but was interrupted.
"Sharack... she's gone…" Senya sounded horrified. "I'm so sorry, Outlander."
"Sharack got vented into space." Tyrans said, completely deadpan in contrast to Senya.
Bestia heard Lana sigh over the communicator.
"I know it's difficult to believe, but in her current state, Sharack can survive in space."
"What." Senya's sorrow changed to bewilderment. "How?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
"She'll be fine." Bestia interrupted. "She'll find a way back in."
"The Gemini is clever to remove the most formidable combatant from our group…" Lana said. "Whatever Scorpio did, it disabled the Skytroopers attacking our group. For now at least."
"I think we should find a way to meet up. Tyrans, Brontes, can you guide us to a meeting spot?"
The lights flickered, and a familiar smug voice spoke again. Evidently, the Gemini captain wasn't gone.
"Emperor Arcann is on his way here. Enjoy the last few hours of your life."
"I was wondering what that headache was. Ugh." Bestia muttered. 
"We found something you may want to see. Have your allies guide you to our coordinates. I'll have Senya meet you on the way."
Bestia found Senya plowing through Skytroopers a few corridors down. By the time Bestia arrived, there was a considerable pile of scrap droid parts on the floor. And there was far more to come as the two followed the path Brontes had delineated. More identical corridors and droids and a few lazer traps. Finally, they were guided to go through a fancy golden hatch door. It opened automatically, and Bestia was stopped in her tracks by a blast of heat. She stood on a catwalk going along the edge of a cylindrical shaft. Plasma poured from the center of the room through gaps in the inner wall, and into vents in the outer wall in small intervals, blocking the way. To get further, she'd have to get through this room somehow.
"Couldn't you guys guide me through somewhere else?! This is the fucking main reactor! There's a fucking mini sun like thirty meters away from me."
"Between us fighting with the Gemini, and her closing off other routes, and our calculations, this is the fastest route. Let me see if I can stall the venting process for a few more moments." 
Bestia groaned. Senya didn't look very impressed either. Bestia observed the room for a few moments. The plasma vented every ten or so seconds, leaving a tiny gap of time to cross. She shuddered, thinking of Styrak's burn scars. This would be her fate too, if she didn't get completely incinerated. She ran through the first few gaps easily, but the last two spat out plasma too often. Bestia looked up and saw that the walls extended upwards, and there was plenty of space above the plasma vents. A plan formed in her head.
"Okay. Follow my lead and use the Force to augment your jumps." 
Bestia took a few steps back to give herself space. She then sprinted forward and jumped towards the wall just as the flames from the nearest gap receded. She pushed off the wall and launched herself above both the gaps towards the door on the other side of the room. The burst came and went, and she saw Senya execute the same sequence. They were in the clear. At least for now. 
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The hallway beyond led them to an elevator. They boarded it, not seeing any other options. Of course, Gemini had other plans. Bestia nearly faceplanted when the cabin suddenly and violently stopped. They were stuck. Brontes and Tyrans were silent too, only coming in glitchy bursts of static.
"There's a hollow space behind this wall." Senya said, knocking on the wall nearest to her. "Force willing, it's a way out."
"Let's hope this isn't cortosis-plated like the blast door in the beginning of this shitshow…" Bestia muttered, pulling out one of her lightsabers.
She cut a large hole in the wall, and Senya carefully pulled it aside using the Force. They waited for the metal edges to cool down, and climbed out into what seemed to be maintenance tunnels of the ship. They were large enough for the two of them to walk through, but were barely lit, and full of aggravated maintenance droids. As soon as they crawled out of the elevator, communications returned.
"Apologies for this." Brontes said. "We will transmit a new route to you in a moment. You're quite close, actually." 
"Thank the Force." Senya said.
"Thank us." Tyrans corrected.
"Did Sharack find her way back inside yet?"
"Nope, flying around cutting off cannons."
True to Brontes's word, Senya and Bestia soon found themselves inside the cargo hold with the rest of the party. Lana led Bestia to a row of cells.
"There you are. Meet the ship's prisoners, en route to the Eternal Throne. Arcann assumed they're affiliated with us, and wanted to interrogate them to learn of Odessen's location."
"But they don't know anything, do they?"
"They don't. They stood up to Arcann and that was enough."
Three small groups of humans sat in the cells. One group wore the dark grey uniforms of the Sith Empire. The second group consisted of a man in a dark blue formal tunic and two bodyguards bearing the winged symbol of the Republic. And the final group was led by a middle aged woman with long red hair, decked out in gold geometric jewelry. Theron was picking at a console next to the cells.
"I see we have the Empire, the Republic, and… where are you from?"
"Zakuul. I was a Holonet star back home, until I started questioning Arcann's rule."
"I see. I think we should take all of them with us. They'll blend right in."
"Aaand… you're free!" Theron announced, as the holofields keeping the cells locked dropped.
"Stay here while me and Senya go deal with the captain. Then we'll all leave. The shuttle ride is gonna be cramped, but we have a larger ship nearby."
"I want to see you try," the Gemini captain said over the communication system. Bestia saw a group of Skytroopers hurry towards them. 
"Lana. Can you and Theron make sure all of them make it back to the shuttle?"
"It won't be easy, but if the captain is preoccupied with you, we can do that."
"Good." Bestia turned to the prisoners. "There's a storage room with skytrooper weapons just down the hall."
Bestia pulled up a holographic map on her communicator. It was patchy, but it had a route mapped out towards the bridge. She and Senya would have to traverse more of the corridor grid to get there, but at least it didn't have obvious places they could be trapped in like the elevator from before. 
"Let's get it over with." 
Finally, many corridors and scrapped skytroopers later, they reached a fancy set of doors that opened up with a quiet hiss. And here it was: the bridge. It was a large empty room with segmented transparisteel windows. Several consoles were grouped around a column of faint blue light in the far end. A small thin figure floated inside the light: the Gemini captain. She looked identical to the unit Bestia had recovered from Darvannis, but a little shorter.
"Oh. You have reached the bridge sooner than I calculated. No matter. Your chances of survival are still extremely poor." 
"No." Bestia stared at something outside the window behind the droid. "You didn't account for the wildcard."
The sound of reinforced glass breaking and the whistle of air being sucked out into space deafened Bestia for a moment. She saw a blue and black blur crash into the Gemini captain, knocking her out of the light column, and onto the floor. 
"OH YEEAH!" Sharack yelled, jumping back from the Gemini. Behind her, the broken window was sealed by an emergency force field.
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Gemini stood up slowly, her eyes glowing an angry red. Skytroopers popped up from hidden compartments in the floor, and attacked. Sharack pushed a button on the side of her lightsaber hilt, and the blade extended to its full length. She swept through an entire group of skytroopers, cutting them all in half. Bestia leapt from droid to droid, slicing them up. Senya lifted one of the cut up droids and flung it at the rest of its group. She then charged, and cut through the distracted droids in one graceful motion. 
Seeing the skytroopers fall, Gemini herself joined the fray. She teleported towards Bestia, and began spraying a green mist at her. Bestia jumped to the side, coughing. The droid used her momentary confusion to send Bestia flying across the room. Senya and Sharack yelled. Bestia righted herself in mid air and landed in a roll, only to come face to face with four copies of the Gemini. She snarled and charged at the nearest one. Sharack and Senya did the same. The copies were flimsy holograms, and dissipated after one hit, leaving behind the real Gemini. Bestia and Senya charged at the droid together, and Sharack took to the air. Gemini teleported away just as their lightsabers were about to slice her.
"Sorry. Got vented into space." Sharack said.
"What manner of demon are you?" Senya asked. "Nothing can survive in space."
"Uhhh... Those tentacle whale things can?" Sharack rubbed her neck. The fear and hostility in Senya's voice seemingly went over her head. 
Gemini materialized behind Sharack, but Sharack spun around and kicked her before she could stab the Undying. Despite being made of metal herself, Gemini was no match for the powerful kick of Sharack's prosthetic leg. She was knocked into the nearest wall, a slight dent in her hull. Bestia and Senya lunged at her again, and this time, she failed to teleport away in time. Three lightsaber blades pierced the droid in several places. She didn't try to get up, but her eyes glowed red.
"I see now." Gemini said, arrogance suddenly gone from her voice. "Even this failure. It's my own."
Sharack tilted her head to the side in confusion. 
"What's she talking about?" 
"I don't know but this can't be good…" Senya answered.
"I've kept up my end. Now I'm truly free. I get to do what I choose. And now, I choose to enable the destruction protocols." 
Her cheerful tone reminded Bestia of Brontes. Before the captain was even done talking, the Sith was calling the others. 
"Are you safe?"
"Yes, we made it to the shuttle. Waiting for you."
"Good, cause the droid is about to blow the ship up."
"Can't we bring Prime in and have her stop the self-destruct?"
An explosion boomed somewhere far away, shaking the room slightly. Lights flickered. It wouldn't be long until everything came apart.
"I don't think there's time! Brontes? Tyrans?! Can you do anything?" Bestia shouted into another channel as she and Senya started running.
"I fear not. Not remotely at least. I suggest you run very fast."
"I have a better idea!" Sharack jumped into the air, catching up with Senya and grabbing her under one arm. "We can fly."
She grabbed Bestia as well. With the captain gone, all the gates in the main hallway opened, giving Sharack a straight line and enough space to fly. A side hallway exploded just as she was flying past. She did a full circle, narrowly avoiding the debris. Senya yelled and cursed at her. The smaller gates leading to the hangar approached rapidly. Sharack folded her wings, and shot through the narrow tunnel, emerging in the hangar. She practically launched Bestia and Senya into the shuttle just as the hatch was closing. Sharack flew to the top of the shuttle and held onto it. Flames poured out of the hangar gates. The shuttle lifted, slowly carrying far too many passengers away. It narrowly cleared the fire. 
As soon as the shuttle landed, everyone poured out, eager to stretch their limbs. Bestia and Sharack watched the Eternal Fleet vessel break in half. A silent shockwave hit the Gravestone, rocking the entire ship and causing people to fall. Last thing Bestia saw before stars lengthened into hyperspeed streaks was a group of Eternal Fleet ships jumping out of the void. There was a larger vessel shaped vaguely like a hand at the front. Arcann's flagship. The Emperor had arrived, but he was moments too late.
End notes:
Kinda decided to keep all three groups of prisoners alive, because Bestia is gonna piss off the alliance anyway in later chapters.
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clanaurvandill · 2 years
Hello! I don't really know any of your OCs but I always try to ask a few q's when people reblog these from me (or to the people who I reblog from) SO, for whichever character/s you want to share a bit about: 16. How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private? 90. Can your character start a campfire? 170: Are any of your characters infamous?
*gasp* I feel so honored to have gotten an ask, honestly! So thank you, you've made my day! And it's alright that you don't really know any of my characters! I'll answer for a few of them with the questions you gave me.
16. How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private?
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For this one I'll answer for Tyr (Surtr). Although, a little bit of info on Tyr... He's part of Tyr's Hand in Clan Aurvandill. He usually is never seen out of his Beskar'gam unless it is just the clan - and even then it is usually just around Tyr's Hand and the initiates for it. Because of this, many speculate on who Tyr really is. But everyone does know that the current Tyr aka Surtur - this very handsome Pureblood - has been in the clan since the current Alorad was very young - and even raised him after his father was killed.
But that's just a small tidbit behind him so you know a little about him. Onto the actual question...
In public, Tyr is very much the leader of Tyr's Hand. He's gruff and almost uncompromising. He's stoic and sturdy with a commanding presence, a peerless warrior and leader. He is very firm, but fair. As his son says: "He's not a man you fuck with and find out."
In private, he is actually very affectionate - surprisingly so. He laughs, he smiles, he lets his guard down so those closest to him - Tyr's Hand, his son, and his cyare - do not have to feel like they have to keep up airs or walk on eggshells around him. (also, his cyare Sigrun would wring his neck if he didn't. She puts him in his place, lol)
90. Can your character start a campfire?
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For this question I'll answer with Roudy. A little info on him though, so you have a small rough idea about him. Roudy Conver is the last of his clan. When he was little, his entire clan except for him was wiped out in a single night by Jedi. He is the sole survivor of that attack. He was found by a passing smuggler that has had dealings with his clan before. Roudy spent his younger years struggling to gain honor for his clan back while every night honoring those that had fallen. He ends up catching the eye of a Sith Lord - Lord Aikein Doljinti - and is given the chance to teach his son Konur the real meaning of honor and respect as well as learning the culture of the Mando'ad. During this time, he and Konur end up falling in love deeply. Roudy is an empath, a rather powerful one, but tries incredibly hard not to influence people if he doesn't have to... It is why he is sometimes considered a loose canon in a manner of speaking, because one moment he will be acting one way and then another he is acting a completely different way due to the feelings around him.
Onto answering the question... Can he start a campfire: Yes. He can. Very easily, in fact. With his flamethrower... And he has - quite a few times actually - but Konur usually berates him and tisks at him until he does it correctly. Which then he usually responds with something along the lines of "Taking away all the fun, aren't you?"
170: Are any of your characters infamous?
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For this question, yes. I have 2 characters are that infamous, but I'll only speak about one of them right now. Lord Aikein Doljinti, Head of House Doljinti... also known as The Beast of the Emperor. A little over 300 years prior to the start of SWTOR, The Emperor attempted to make a weapon to smite his enemies and rush fear into their hearts. He chose Aikein as the base of that weapon. Against Aikein's will - as punishment for the traitorous acts his father committed against the Empire - The Emperor took a teenage Aikein and used Sith Alchemy to change his body, pulling out his dormant genes and splitting them into a separate being locked within him. This... beast... can be pulled to the forefront at any given moment if certain Keywords are said in ancient Sith. But if you can control The Beast is another matter. The Beast is hearty enough and strong enough to wipe out planets on its own, and has. Usually Aikein is taken to a planet that the Emperor deems is in need of "punishment" or a "reminder" and then has his handler trigger him into becoming The Beast. The Beast is then left for an allotted amount of time before the handler returns to pick him up.
The Sith Alchemy used to create The Beast has made Aikein functionally immortal in the sense that time will not be the death of him... But a grievous enough wound in battle and yes, he will die. Because of this - and the actions The Beast has committed in the name of the Emperor - Aikein has become infamous to both the Sith and the Jedi... a cautionary tale of what can actually go bump in the night - or if you are Sith - what the Emperor has at his fingertips if he so wished it.
Aikein himself is a rather enigmatic Sith, still clinging to the days of old where lines were more blurred than they are during SWTOR. He is very much grey in the Force, dipping to either side depending on what the situation calls for. He is very respectful to others, and might care more than people thinks he does.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
This actually a prompt prompt this time, because I haven't thought this au idea through much.
So here we have a bit of a barely formed au idea that popped into my head while listening to an Indiana Jones soundtrack:
If Palpatine is allowed to cheat death for Mouse Reasons, the Force is allowed to intervene in its own way: sending its kid back out to Finish The Job. The Skywalkers are now the O'Connell family from the Mummy franchise, essentially. The hammer to whack-a-mole Palpatine every time he raises his head.
Snokey-pokey and company have the "brilliant" idea of using Sith alchemy to resurrect Vader...okay, that was a Worst-case Scenario plan, because Han and Leia are good parents and noticed the first time Ben started acting out of character. No Kylo Ren = Fallback Plan.
Except that while they think they're responsible for bringing Vader back into a cloned body, it only worked because the Force went "You're kidding. How many times do we have to squash the same roach? Hey son, come look at this! Can you believe this nonsense? We don't want to pull you away from your wife and mom when you've been so happy lately, but you have physical hands and we don't. Can you go handle that?"
And Anakin responds with "LET ME AT HIM!"
So now he's running around in a Vader costume that was not a faithful recreation for First Order Budget Reasons and is therefore 100% less torture, getting to terrorize said First Order while hunting down Palpatine once and for all.
He definitely recruits Finn, who befriends him by accident. Finn will either be a Skywalker by blood or by adoption.
Rey will also be an adopted Skywalker after a brief and humorous argument between Luke and Leia over who Rey likes more. With Ben arguing that his side of the family should get to adopt Rey because people treat him like he's the only Solo Skywalker Organa legacy and he's tired of being the only one writing all three last names on his homework
For the record, Luke is extremely and incredibly confused about the circumstances of his father's temporary (and it is temporary) return to the mortal coil. Especially since Anakin's explanation is more of a shrug and a "I dunno, things just happen sometimes."
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greyias · 4 years
Time to go Full Gravedrog
Hey guys. You know what we haven’t done in a while? That’s right! Put on our tinfoil hats, get tangled up in an entire spool of red string, and do a ridiculous deep dive on lore and make up wild insane theories about the upcoming story drop!
That’s right we’ve got some--
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First up. If you haven’t watched it already, here’s the trailer for the 6.2 story drop, specifically for the storyline we’ll be doing our deep dive on, Echoes of Oblivion.
Are you pumped? I’M PUMPED. Let’s do this!
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Okay, so there’s a lot to unpack here, and I’m going to state outright, that the chances of this being on the money like Gravedrog is... well. I’ve got no lottery numbers for you this time around. I can’t believe no one took me up on that offer.  There’s always the possibility the storyline has absolutely nothing to do with any previously established lore, and they create something wholly new. And hey, if that’s the case, this is just free fanfic fodder for the masses.
But Charles did mention, I believe on the forums(?), that he’s seen one person guess what’s going on. The real question is... WHO GUESSED IT. HMM.
So I’ve been wanting to actually do a post on this a while, at least since Arcann’s voice actor accidentally made the slip up about Thexan being in this story drop. A large part of this theory/discovery goes to the lovely @confettininjabean​​, who found this piece of lore when we were getting tangled up in red string back in the Gravedrog days, pre-Nathema Conspiracy. Let’s just say, there was a... certain interaction on Twitter that had us thinking this had something to do with NC, and when it didn’t pan out we were like “Oh, weird, guess that wasn’t on the right track” and forgot about it.
Well, sort of. Because we were like, “that really seemed significant considering”, but hey, sometimes you hit upon a Gravedrog, sometimes you think Indo Zal is an evil mastermind playing 4D chess. In other words, when it comes to red string theories, you win some. You lose some.
Anyway. I forget why, but I went perusing on Wookieepedia a few months ago, looking back up this sort of obscure piece of lore for some reason. And something about it was.... FAMILIAR.
The article in question: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thought_bomb
May I direct your attention, to this part:
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Hey. Where have I heard that before?
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Aw. Aw shit. Well I mean, that can’t be right though, right? Because it’s Satele and a bunch of Jedi/like-minded Force users that are being possessed right? And besides this is an an ancient Sith ritual thought to be created by... 
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Oh wait.
But that’s a plague right? Not the same thing as a thought bomb. I mean it’s not like anyone in SWTOR has dealt with a Force plague--
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Oh. huh. But you might say, “But Grey, that plague was invented by Terrak Morrhage, not Vitiate.” And you would be right! What I can’t seem to find confirmation of, thus far, is exactly when Terrak Morrhage lived, but by me and Jayde’s current reckoning, it seems like he may have been around possibly during the Great Hyperspace War, the end of which Vitiate used in his mad grab for immortality and power, manipulating what was probably a majority of the remaining Sith Lords into his brand spanking new ritual that he just needed a little help with.
Okay, and this is where we leave lore land, and enter into speculation land. I, um, just got sidetracked on Jedipedia (I’ll get to that), trying to find a codex entry regarding Vitiate I know I’ve read but I lost at some point. So, we’re going off memory here, but I’m fairly certain it’s stated in canon somewhere that prior to his ascension, Vitiate was obsessed with Sith alchemy and ancient Sith rituals. So if Morrhage pre-dated him, or was a peer, it’s possible Vitiate was able to learn about his plague, and adapt it to some of his other experiments.
Okay, back to the thought bomb for a moment. Full disclosure, I haven’t read the Darth Bane novels, so I’m going off of Wookiepeedia here instead of the source material (which is always a dicey affair), it says Bane adapted the thought bomb from notes on the ritual Vitiate performed. So, it’s possible the thought bomb is not a 100% Vitiate original, just a bastardization of it. But it’s interesting that the ritual itself gathers up and shreds the Force essence/soul of everyone in its path. Well, I mean, horrifying. But in this theory’s perspective, interesting in that when Vitiate used Zildrog as part of his ritual--where did all of the Force go exactly?
Because as you wander around Nathema, you hear the tortured whispers of every soul obliterated during that ritual.
This is talked about a little in the Revan novel, and it’s been a few years since I read it so I’m kind of going off memory again, but he basically created a void in the Force there. And remember... in the KOTET chapter we went to Nathema, he was actually visibly afraid a few times. Hmm... now why would that be? Was it Vaylin he was afraid of? Was it something else?
If memory serves, there wasn’t an actual explosion like as described with the thought bomb--because he wasn’t using the ritual as a weapon. He was using it to gather power, to shuffle off this mortal coil and live eternal as an annoying spirit who you just can’t quite squash out no matter how many mind mazes you build to keep him locked up. So, and again, this is speculation land, but all of that swirling Force and dead energy had to go somewhere right? I mean, Zildrog had his snack and went omnomnom, but where did the Force power go? And why was there a Void that constantly pulled at him and sapped away his power on Nathema?
Is it because the Force didn’t explode? Is it because he bound it up in his old disgusting decaying old man flesh? And the only reason he was alive because he basically made himself a little flesh horcrux that was destroyed at the exact moment we sent him off to the Void that he feared so much?
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Hmm. Interesting.
Wait. Wait a second... I think there was something else he mentioned. Now, what was it?
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You know, I had always assumed he was talking about Gravedrog being unleashed, since the whole reason he went to Zakuul was likely to find the Gravestone so he could pair it with Zildrog back on Nathema, and enact his galaxy-wide extinction event.
And maybe he was.
Or was he talking about his failsafe.
The one he knew would happen if someone destroyed his old, withered, icky body?
So... if the ritual/plague is some take on the thought bomb, and it infects any Force user like some prescient, who could have realized this is what 2020 held in store for us pandemic that spread rapidly and consumed everyone who touched it, until it made manifest what was once just thought...
Is the whole entire point of this to bring Valky back from the dead? Or is it just his last revenge? And what on earth would that last revenge be? Well... and just hear me out. Say there was this guy. Kind of an asshole. And he had this whole schtick about killing every single living thing in the galaxy and liked to consume whole planets in a single gulp just for funsies. Wouldn’t it be so funny if he, say, in the unlikely event he possessed some Outlander who happened to go “get out and get a job loser!” and booted him off to the beyond, and at the same time his old indentured servant and that chick he once possessed found his horcrux and destroyed that, wouldn’t it be a kick if that somehow kicked off a plague that consumed every single Force user in the entire galaxy until it had enough power and then exploded and completely wiped out all life in the galaxy, so that if the asshole who’s name totally isn’t Valkorion couldn’t live forever then neither could any. single. thing. in. the. galaxy.
I mean, that or it’s just a ploy to get him into one final boss fight.
But i dunno... I kind of just found the entire cast list of who’s in the Echoes of Oblivion storyline (warning, major spoilers and datamining on that link, and yes, that’s what distracted me on Jedipedia) and I’m kind of thinking. Having to keep the entire galaxy from being consumed by a sociopath’s final revenge kind of sounds like a pretty epic finale, don’t you?
And hey, if not. Free fanfic idea for anyone who wants it.
Oh yeah, also predicting the following:
We’re going on another mindscape adventure like in KOTET Chapter 9, but it’s Satele’s mind we’re in
It’s not actually Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae, but a remnant/essence of him that’s made manifest by the ritual. Also he needs a combo nickname because I’m tired of having to pick one of three names. I shall call you Valkiatebrae. It’s a beautiful name. I know he’ll love it.
Vaylin and Thexan who we see in the trailer are probably also manifestations conjured by the quasi- Valkiatebrae
We’re going to Ossus? Or Ossus in Satele’s mind?
The Knight and crew missed a few of the death cult back in the storyline, and that’s who was either watching Tenebrae’s body, or who hijacked Satele’s ship OR they have some part in the ritual (perhaps the part to physically manifest  Valkiatebrae). We see them in the trailer above.
Regardless if any single one of these predictions is right I’m going to die of feels
Because I think Satele and Theron may have a scene together????? OMG
I’m screaming again
I’ll stop now
I’m sorry Charles I hope I didn’t do it to you again I couldn’t help myself, but hey at least I kept it in this long
EDITED TO ADD: Okay guys, I’ve been looking more at Jedipedia. I think I can safely hazard a guess that a LOT of fans of different characters are going to be super happy with this update. Just saying.
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Ryscha and Amarra are forever in my heart ofc, but I'd would love to see more of Bryala, Kelsa and Biraka!
Aw, I'm glad you like the Kine sisters! I do spoil them with more attention than my other OCs though lol
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Bryala makes a habit of visiting Nathema and the Sanitarium to remind herself what the pursuit of power can do. While Nathema itself was slowly recovering, she could still feel the pain and suffering that her aunt Vaylin went through as a child. She wants to constantly remind herself the cost of power so that she will never be tempted to follow a similar path to her grandfather, the Emperor. (For context, Bryala fears her heritage as the granddaughter of the Emperor. She worries that his corrupting influence may impact her one day)
On a happier note, she sometimes gets visits from both Kira Carsen and Scourge. They tell her stories of her mother, Ryscha and also teach her whatever they can about the force and life in general. Scourge might not say it but Kira speaks for them both when she says that they care about Bryala very much and want their friend’s daughter to do well in life.
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After joining the Mandalorians, Kelsa used Sith alchemy to enhance the strength of the beskar armor she was given. It also gave her armor the ability to absorb and store the power of force lightning which she could then discharge back at them once she hit her opponent. She felt it was a fitting way to honor her Sith heritage while still embracing her new Mandalorian family.
She would go on to teach others similar techniques and eventually formed her own Clan which was full of force sensitives looking for something other than the Jedi and Sith. Because of the potential dangers of a Mandalorian Clan of force sensitives, Clan Kine was forever neutral in any Mandalorian political disputes and even had the right to refuse Madalore’s call if the call might expose their force sensitivity to the galaxy.
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As Grand Master of the Order, Biraka actually worked hard to distance the Order from the Republic especially the military. She understood the need for Jedi to help the Republic and she supported the ideals of democracy but she felt that the Jedi had become too closely linked with the government and military.
Her experiences during the Second Galactic War in particular made her want the Jedi to remain independent so that Knights like the late Hero of Tython, Ryscha Kine, would not be used by the military until they reached their breaking point. She wanted the military exploitation of Knights and the High Council’s tacit approval of such things to stop. So while some like Gnost-Dural wished to be a part of things like Task Force Nova, Biraka took a stance against it and encouraged other Jedi to not join the growing task force despite the outbreak of the Third Galactic War.
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giganonyx · 2 years
Werewolf Lore
Some stuff about the loth-werewolves in my fanfiction, and their history concerning the dark side/their origin!
A “curse” created by an ancient Sith Lord, who experimented on loth wolves from lothal in her laboratory on a moon deep in the territory of the Sith Empire. She was well versed in Sith alchemy more so than combat.
She wanted to serve the empire by providing it with soldiers that were made for dispatching force users specifically, and she had always been fascinated with the mysterious and archaic loth wolves who had been observed to have some connection to the force.
Using prisoners of war, volunteers, and kidnapping random civilians, she tested her experiments on many different species, including: togruta, Twi’lek, human, Sith, ugnaught, chiss, etc
Not everyone survived the transformations, and many died
The successful ones were studied excessively
However, the Sith and her apprentice mysteriously went missing, and it is believed her own creations destroyed her
Some cursed people escaped, and inevitably the curse spread to some extent in the outer rim.
Curiously, the loth wolves and loth werewolves all declined in number, and many infer that the Jedi set out to dispatch them in secret, however, the true reason is unknown.
Obviously, some remained.
Details on the curse
Most information about the werewolf illness is hidden in the deepest crypts of the Jedi archive, and is inaccessible to the public. Some information can be gathered from questionable sites on the Holonet, and old folktales.
Transformations are very, very painful. Most people do not survive the first shift. Only the strongest survive- a byproduct of the Sith’s lust for power.
Can be transmitted through bites(it’s in the saliva).
Transformations can be triggered by: a full moon, force sensitives nearby, and intense emotions (anger, rage, hate, sadness, aggression/agitation, anxiety/stress, and even extreme joy). This makes having a normal life exceedingly difficult.
There are rumors that “wolfsbane”, an alien herb, may have some effect on them, but the exact effect is unknown.
In human form, the werewolf may have intense cravings for meat. Additionally, non-meat foods are revolting, and become difficult to keep down.
As a human, they gain increased sight, smell, taste, and hearing. They are also more prone to out bursts of anger. Again, a byproduct of the nature of the Sith.
Space travel is almost impossible to achieve without randomly turning, and is very annoying to go through. Sometimes, though, a trip may be void of shifting, if they are lucky.
In their wolf form, they become violent and have an insatiable hunger. They have little to no memory of what they do in this state.
However, there is a possibility that the rational human mind can break free, and regain control.
Werewolves are very big and tall, but when on all fours, are slightly smaller than regular loth wolves.
Werewolves lack the pack mentality Loth Wolves have.
A couple days or even hours before a full moon, the person may experience fever-like symptoms and body aches.
Werewolves have hands and fingers, which can grasp things and even open doors! Yay!
As a result of being infected by the curse, the midichlorian count in their blood slightly increases. They cannot use the force, but are more resistive to force attacks and can track down force users easily.
In human form, they have longer than normal canines, and have tapetum lucidium at night.
Extra, Random Information:
There are rumors of a cure
The Jedi refuse to talk about the werewolves
The galaxy assumed werewolves were just cool, fictional horror stories
The wilderness makes werewolves have more feral, violent behavior, but they are least likely to attack a human in the open expanse of the woods.
It can be genetically transferred (ie: you have kids, or you get cloned; most likely, the clone is a werewolf, and so is your kid)
Planets that have a strong darkside presence may cause a werewolf to shift. Planets with a strong lightside presence also provoke shifting, but the werewolf may become violently ill.
Werewolves have increased rates of healing, which make them incredibly difficult to kill.
Silver has no effect on them.
Hunter hates everything about being a werewolf lol.
The increase in his senses coupled with his enhanced mutation is not tasty.
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The High Fae: The Celestial Courts
And here we go with part 2! Going into depth on the Fae and the different courts! I’ll be going into a brief history between the courts and then break it down by each faction. This could potentially be broken up into a two part post, but we’ll see how long this gets!
Tagging: @roseofalderaan, @worldsofcreation, @hounding-around, @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky and @notreallybeccab
There are two factions of Fae on Ellodeem: The Celestial Court and the Night Court. There are four separate courts that make up each faction: The Court of Stars, The Court of Dreams, The Court of Ashes, and the Winter Court all make up the Celestial faction while the Court of Bones, Court of Death, Court of Shadows, and the Blood Court make up the Night Court. War has been waged for the past five years between the Blood Court and the courts of the Celestial Court, though they’ve primarily targeted the Court of Stars and the Court of Dreams. The Court of Bones has been involved in the war off and on, however there’s so much in fighting in that particular court, they’re more focused on sorting themselves out. It’s because of this that when the Separatists found out about Ellodeem and reached out, the queen of the Blood Court, Helena, accepted their offer of an alliance on the condition that they provide assistance in helping win the war raging. The Celestial Courts are allies, though the Court of Ashes remains a neutral party, refusing to step in unless things are dire. The Court of Death and Court of Shadows are also neutral courts, neither faction wanting to involve themselves in what they perceive as petty squabbles. Fae are born with a primal magic that manifests in different ways. For the Court of Stars, music helps channel their magic and they focus primarily on healing. The Blood Court and Court of Bones both use blood magic and necromancy, a very taboo form of magic to the other Courts. Because they’re born with magic all their own, Fae are not Force sensitive and cannot be Jedi or Sith. All Fae have a special connection to dragons and some are even lucky enough to bond with a hatchling, able to communicate mentally with the dragon and are usually members of the noble families or royal families. I’ll be starting with the Court of Stars and Court of Dreams as they’re the two courts that will primarily be focused on. The Court of Ashes and the Winter Court information will come at a later date when and if they make an appearance in any future writing!
The Court of Stars:
The Court of Stars resides in Noveria, a large city carved out of various gemstones the size of small mountains. It’s located in the south east and surrounded by fields of emerald green grass, lavender fields, and of course, the Witchwoods to the north east and south. This court is ruled by the Reid family, the oldest of all the Fae bloodlines and the one with some of the strongest magic in their blood. King Hakon and Queen Anja have one daughter, Danica. They worship a pantheon of gods and goddesses, though they primarily focus their attentions on Odin, Thor, Loki, Freyja, Frigg, and Skadi. High Fae who are a part of the Court of Stars display skin tones that range from a light, pearly color to shades of silver to light golds and deep bronzes that generally hold a slight iridescence to the skin, causing them to look almost as if they had stardust thrown over them. Their hair colors range from the soft whites and blues of starlight to the deepest of midnight blues, sometimes black, while eye colors are commonly gold or silver with slitted pupils, though blue and green can be spotted in some Fae as well. Some Fae carry the heterochromia iridum gene and will have silver and gold eyes, gold and green or blue eyes, or silver and green or blue eyes. Like all High Fae, they possess four pairs of fangs in the row of upper teeth, sitting one right behind the other on both sides of the mouth. As they’re most active at night, they have the perfect night vision and their eyes act much like a cat’s would when light reflects back into their eyes in the dark. High Fae of this particular court are born hairless aside from their eyebrows and actual hair and the men are unable to grow facial hair. Star Court Fae are very family oriented, usually having large families and neighbors will band together in helping raise children, working together to provide love and comfort for the kids as well as support to other parents. It’s not unusual for children to have their birth mother and then calling the other neighborhood women who help raise them mom as well.
Fae here focus primarily on charting the stars and planets, creating helpful star charts and other such maps that are highly valuable to the other courts. Astrology and astronomy are very important to these Fae as they use them in their work and their everyday lives. When it comes to their magic use, they focus primarily on healing, using songs and music to help strengthen the magic. Familiars and their dragons are also used as a stabilizing factor, especially the dragons. The Court also possess knowledge of an ancient ritual to turn someone into a Fae, they keep this knowledge locked up tight from the other Courts to avoid any horrible repercussions that could potentially arise.
The Court of Dreams:
This particular court is ruled by the Amaris family, King Gunnar and Queen Dahlia and they have a single child, a daughter named Ashlyn. Ashlyn inherited the mermaid gene from her great, great, great, great, great grandmother. They follow a more Celtic based pantheon, including The Morrigan, The Dagda, Danu, and Brigid. They reside on an island in the Ethereal Tides, their homes built like Viking longhouses were. Fishing is their main source of making a living, though raiding and pirating weren’t unheard of either.
The Court of Dreams inhabitants boast skin tones ranging from blues and silvers to deep purples and golds to the deepest of ebony and navy blue. All Fae here have purple eyes and hair colors range from white all the way to the darkest black. They’re lean and slender, have androgyenous features, though the men are taller and broader than the women are, and have shorter ear length.
Like the Fae from the Court of Stars, these Fae are also born hairless beyond the hair on their heads and eyebrows, and are unable to grow facial hair.
Members of the noble houses are covered in intricate tattoos and are the only ones permitted such adornments, while those of the royal family boast tattoos that are designed only for them and are done with special golden ink made from the blood of Ki-rin’s and unicorns that was willingly donated for such purposes.
Men and women alike are part of the military, women taking on the more tactical role of advisors as well as the roles of spies, assassins, archers, and aerial cavalry. Men, on the other hand, do more of the ground fighting as infantry, guards, ground cavalry, and explosives. While all of them are part of the military, they’re more focused on scholarly deeds and alchemy, preferring to spend their time studying history, magic, and other such subjects. They value intelligence over brute strength, though they put their time into both.
Fae families run on the smaller side here, usually no more than two children if that. Conception is tough and pregnancy as well as birth are very high risk for the mothers. Because of these conditions, children are highly valued and protected by their elders.
The royal family of the Court of Dreams have two: their normal human like form, and a mermaid form when they’re in water. Common tail colors range from koi colorations, to blues, purples, and pinks. There’s stories of one of their ancestors marrying a mermaid and that’s why they’re able to shift between the two forms. It’s more commonly seen in the females in the royal family.
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aquadestinyswriting · 4 years
14, 15, 16!
Thanks for the questions Anon. Answering for A’ashe since the Star Wars crew hasn’t had any love yet.
14 Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Yeah, she totally does. A’ashe doesn’t normally like talking about people behind their backs but sometimes a girl just needs to vent, you know? Since her arm is made by Sith Alchemy and houses pretty much all of her ancestors and their ‘guests’ for the last thousand years, she likes to spend time complaining about her crew’s stupid plans and activities with her very extended family’s ‘ghosts’. It gets a bit awkward when the likes of great, great, great (etc) grandma Jacqui then grabs, say, Meelo to have an intervention.
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Honestly, given her line of work, there’s not an awful lot that A’ashe would consider a waste of time. Getting black-out drunk just for the sake of it is probably the only thing she considers completely idiotic, otherwise what her crew does to blow off steam is none of her business.
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
If money was no object A’ashe would probably still go around wearing her flight suit most of the time, but she would totally go and get some tailored fancy suits and dresses made for more special occasions (with the dresses being a bit more on the modest side because she’s sick of the fetishization of Twi’lek  women by everyone and their nan and also because she can more easily hide her seax that way ;) ).
This was fun. Thanks again <3.
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kylosupremeimagines · 5 years
Knights of Ren OCs
So after watching the Rise of Skywalker, I am immensely disappointed with how the Knights of Ren turned out. And I’m pretty sure many others are as well. Of course, all the hype for them was great and we were left wondering about them for years only to be let down with a lack of importance for them in the movie. 
I’ve had these OCs for quite a few years now and after what we got with the movie, I thought that it would be great to share them! It’s a diverse group of Force Users, all of them coming from the temple, which means that there is some lore changed since I created them before the movie/comic came out. Either way, I still think that they’re great! 
(*SPOILER FOR TROS IN THIS PARAGRAPH!* Also, in reference to Cazalin: I created her long before this movie even came out, and I originally wrote her as the granddaughter of Palpatine through Sly Moore. It’s an important part of her character. Despite how the Rise of Skywalker turned out - both with Rey being a Palpatine as well as what Palpatine did with knowing he had a grandchild - I’m not changing that about her. So it looks like Rey now has a Knight of Ren Cousin!) 
Cazalin (Main OC with RPs)
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(Willa Holland)
Name: Cazalin Zera Crandora-Palpatine (Granddaughter) 
Alias: Caz Ren 
Rank: Knight of Ren, Commander
Gender: Female
Birth Planet: Corellia 
Species: Human/Umbaran Hybrid
Affiliation: First Order, Knights Of Ren 
Age: 29 (Born 6 ABY)
Skin: Pale | Has light blue/Purple markings around eyes and on lips
Hairstyle: Wavy | Thick | To Lower Back | Braided
Hair Color: Warm Brown 
Eye Color: Pale Green (Umbaran Gene)
Scars: Lightning scar due to Snoke going down entire back/parts of her right side, cybernetic left arm from starting just above the elbow (has synthskin), various smaller ones.
Positive Traits: Her drive is something that pushes her constantly. She puts pride in her work and wants to make sure that the First Order works to its highest ability. Deep down, however, she knows that much of what they’re doing is wrong and part of her hopes to one day put an end to Snoke so that he can’t treat the people of the galaxy with as much abuse and control as he does some of the knights (especially Kylo). Sure, she was full of anger at first for Luke, but that doesn’t mean she’s a complete monster.
Negative traits: With the passion she holds, Cazalin tends to be extremely stubborn. She likes to stick to one plan if she can help it and rarely dives away from her original plans. It mainly comes from her constant anxiety of failure thanks to the high expectations Snoke has on all of the Knights. She also doesn’t let a lot of people in. But even with the few that she holds close - like the other Knights of Ren - she sometimes feels to be a burden to them thus opts not to turn to them in times of emotional need. Therefore, she has a lot of emotions building up which can be dangerous in the wrong situation.
Likes: meat, studying holocrons, the idea of making changes to the Order, soft blankets, training, sleeping in silence. 
Dislikes: Manipulation, the ocean, bug creatures, snow/the cold, her family (from childhood)
Motivations/drives: Her main motivation is the idea of growing stronger to later kill Snoke so that the Knights can take command with Kylo as the Supreme Leader. 
Character Flaws: She suffers from trauma that can cloud her judgment with emotions, and she tends to push herself too far to the point of utter exhaustion during both training and missions as a way to “punish” herself. 
Combat  Strengths: Agility, use of force lightning 
Combat Weaknesses: Physical strength, patience, can get provoked due to emotions
Main Weapon: Saber Staff | One Hilt | Two Blades | Two Red Crystals
Background/History: Cazalin grew up on Corellia with her mother Shalla (half human, half Umbaran, Child of Palpatine and Sly Moore), father Devron-Rell, and twin brother Drexen-Thel. Devron was close with her when she was a child, and he had encouraged her to embrace her powers while her mother didn’t want her using them, knowing the history with her own father, even if she wasn’t close with him at all. She lost her father due to a shipment accident at the shipyard, and with Shalla’s refusal to let her use her powers untrained, Cazalin ran off and eventually found herself at the temple. She and Ben became close friends, relating to him in the fact that a dark entity reached out to her through the Force. Later, she joined him and some other students to join the First Order. 
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(Henry Cavill)
Name: Dralin Novar
Alias: Dralin Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren 
Gender: Male
Birth Planet: Ord Mantell
Species: Human
Affiliation: Black Sun (Previously), First Order, Knights of Ren
Age: 40 (Born 5 BBY)
Skin: Fair
Hairstyle: Sleek
Hair Color: Dark Brown 
Eye Color: Blue 
Scars: His left ring and middle fingers are cybernetic from losing them, Scar on the right hand from getting stabbed as a teenager. 
Positive traits: Despite his embrace of negative emotions through the dark side, many of the other Knights are rather unsure how Dralin is able to stay so calm. He’s patient and prefers to wait things out until he feels as if it’s the right time to strike. The man also holds respect for his fellow First Order Members so long as they are competently doing what they are supposed to. He allows room for error as long as there was a clear effort put in that showed no signs of total ignorance. He is also a man who seeks out knowledge, interested in certain aspects of sith alchemy or other like aspects of the Force. 
Negative traits: Opposite to his usual calm demeanor, he is terrifying the instances when he’s pissed off. He will often snap necks to prevent things from getting too gruesome - partially because of his OCD and dislike of getting excess blood on his tunic. He likes things to be swift so he’ll do what he can to avoid violent confrontation so long as circumstances allow for it. IT proves bad in certain situations when the other knights believe violence is needed. Because of that, he doesn’t work too well alone with Orus, thus they don’t go on certain missions alone together. 
Likes: Force Knowledge, peaceful resolve when possible, fancy wine, people who waste his time, opera music (loves going to The Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant.) 
Dislikes: Complete incompetence, ignorance, disorganization, people who don’t speak up when they have something important to contribute to a conversation
Motivations/drives: He genuinely wants to keep order in the galaxy, and believes that the First Order is the way to go.
Character Flaws: Sometimes he doesn’t see that diplomacy will fail and always insists on staying on his original route on trying to negotiate rather than doing the hard things that are necessary unless there’s no turning back from it. 
Combat  Strengths: Patience, talking his opponents down
Combat Weaknesses: Dislike of excess blood on his tunic, balancing his saber and force abilities when he uses them connected. 
Main Weapon: Curved Hilted Sabers | Attachable Hilts | Two Red Crystals
Background/History: Being born before the fall of the Galactic Empire, he had a few memories growing up about them. It’s Because his parents were workers at the Ord Mantell Deep Dock that he lived on the planet under the control of the Empire. His parents often were caught up with work so he had to take care of himself, therefore learning not to expect much as well as to respect people who fight for themselves. He had his basic needs met with having enough food and other similar things. He eventually ended up meeting Volgoth and getting involved with the Black Sun to better support himself. But it ended badly he escaped with the Devaroian to survive on their own for a while until joining Luke to learn the ways of the Force. 
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( https://www.tvovermind.com/darth-atroxa-cosplay-star-wars-old-republic/
Name: Isa Covell
Alias: Isa Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren
Gender: Female 
Birth Planet: Ryloth
Species: Twi’lek
Affiliation: First Order, Knights of Ren
Age: 33 (Born 2 ABY)
Skin: Ren
Hairstyle: None 
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Gold
Scars: Cybernetic Implants above right eye that serves as a way to better hack into technology 
positive traits: Even if she can be ruthless sometimes in her actions, that doesn’t mean that she’s always so merciless. In fact, she will normally keep to herself and not say much unless needed. Therefore, she will be observant with her surroundings. Isa is very committed to her knowledge of technology and occasionally works with First Order to develop new ideas. In her free time, a lot of the time she will focus on technology as well as practicing hacking into systems. There’s a training room for the knights dedicated to this practice Because she was insistent that the others learn tricks For when she isn’t on missions. 
negative traits: She is a bit of a mystery, as she seems to lack some basic emotions. It’s not that she doesn’t feel at all but she’s become numb to certain feelings. Therefore, she can be a mixed card and hard to read, unpredictable if you would like to call it. It frightens many in the first order Because they’re all terrified that with one wrong move, they will have their heads. There is no telling if she will tear you in two or if she will merely bush things off and forget about them. Also, she tends to “pop” out of nowhere and scared people with how quite she was. 
Likes: Sweets (Guilty Pleasure), technology, massages. 
Dislikes: Medication, when people stare at her, people who try to talk too much, talking too much herself, red meats, mentions of her past. 
Motivations/drives: She doesn’t really seem to have one, but rather just does things to do things. 
Character Flaws: The fact that she’s pretty lacking in the emotions department. 
Combat  Strengths: Not showing her emotions to the enemy (Therefore, being unpredictable), Use of technology (she’s great with decoding and hacking, plus has a lot of knowledge about technology overall and knows how to use it against her opponents.)
Combat Weaknesses: Stealth (Prefers to run right into a fight rather than wait to get things over with), 
Main Weapon: Saber With Retractable Handle | Red Crystal
Background/History: Isa comes from a family of Twi’lek refugees that gave birth to her a couple of years before the Emperor died. She doesn’t remember anything from those days but ess met with the after-effects of the empire when her family tried to rebuild everything they and their people had lost. With all that her parents were doing, she tended to be forgotten about and neglected. Therefore, forming social bonds was never a strong suit for her with the lack of a proper social and emotional upbringing. It played a part in her difficulties of understanding the proper functions of emotions or how to handle them. Let’s just say she’s not too great at making friends because of such an upbringing. 
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( https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/swtor-making-a-char-the-resembles-darth-maul.2540321/ 
Name: Jerex Donos
Alias: Jerex Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren
Gender: Male
Birth Planet: Unknown
Species: Zabrak
Affiliation: First Order, Knights of Ren
Age: 32 (Born 3 ABY)
Skin: Red (Black Markings)
Hairstyle: None
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Yellow with Red Ring around the iris 
Scars: Scar along mouth (think Heath Ledger Joker(
positive traits: Despite being a more aggressive Knight who isn’t afraid to express his emotions, he tends to be calmer around the other Knights. He trusts them all with his life and holds high respect for reach other them; they’ve all got their strong suits and always prove to be valuable assets to the team. Deep down, Jerex genuinely cares for the others even if it is not obvious. He understands his emotions well and how to use each one to benefit him in battle. They never overpower him as he is always in control of his actions, therefore being effective in pushing back the complete influence of dark side where many others would fail. 
negative traits: Unlike someone such as Dralin, Jerex has little patience with people unless they are of a close rank to him, primarily being his fellow Knights of Ren or the Supreme Leader. He will usually go into a fight ready to get aggressive and dirty, but will not let himself go crazy like Orus might. He has some restraint, but only when it is extremely necessary for the occasion. Because he has a hard time finding reasons to respect others, he tends to just ignore anyone that he doesn’t believe is worth his time. 
Likes: Combat training, Warm weather, watching Volgoth and Orus bicker, lack of strict rules for himself on missions, meditating in the dark. 
Dislikes: Volgoth pushing him to drink, using bacta to heal his wounds, droids (some people suspect something happened in his past), 
Motivations/drives: To grow in strength, based on physical abilities and connection to the Force.
Character Flaws: His disrespect for some lower-ranked members of the First Order. 
Combat  Strengths: Stealth, utilizing his emotions in battle.
Combat Weaknesses: Speed, inability to properly use saber and offensive force abilities at once. 
Main Weapon: Spinning Double-Bladed Saber | Two Red Crystals
Background/History: One my see Orus of having the most mysterious background of all the Knights, but Jerex is a total Mystery to the point that even Kylo has no idea where he comes from. One day, he just showed up to the Temple with Master Luke and nothing was ever said about where he came from. The others don’t bother to question him about it as he had never shown even a drop of interest in telling them anything about himself. All that they can piece together is that he had a tough childhood that made him serious as an adult. 
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(Megan Fox)
Name: Orus Valara 
Alias: Orus Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren
Gender: Female
Birth Planet: Unknown, though suspected to be Nar Shaddaa
Species: Human
Affiliation: First Order, Knights of Ren
Age: 28 (Born 7 ABU)
Skin: Pale
Hairstyle: Down | To Breasts
Hair Color: Black 
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Scars: Faint scar above eyebrow, burn marks starting on left hand trailing up to her elbow. 
positive traits: She’s very dedicated to her work as a Knight of Ren, and when she finds the group she feels the most satisfied with (The Knights of Ren in current times), she will devote herself to them. Unless one of her own were to betray her, she would never do harm to them - unless one of them gets on her nerves. Though, she is not afraid to speak her mind so you will know when you cause her issue. With the small chances, if someone happens to get her attention, you may be able to break her walls and be one of the only people that she thoroughly enjoys being around. Only a few people in her life have seen her affectionate side. 
negative traits: Ever since she was a child, she took some form of pleasure in other people’s misfortunes because she believed that she was damned by the galaxy, this thinking that no one deserved something good unless they pushed to earn it. In her days as a Knight of Ren, she used it to fuel her acts of torture and interrogations. She is known as the best in the entire Order to get information out of prisoners or just to make them suffer for their misdeeds. Orus is the one who deals with anyone that betrays the First Order. 
Likes: Her Light Whip, peace and quiet, sensing fear in others, successfully finishing a mission, flying out to space to “float in the void” in a ship alone. 
Dislikes: People who push her buttons (Which is very easy to do), getting wet, Nar Shadda, excessively optimistic people. 
Motivations/drives: She takes some pleasure in making people suffer, almost as if she believes that they deserve it from the galaxy being hard on her with her 
Character Flaws: She lacks empathy much of the time for people she doesn’t care about and therefore can someones be excessive with how she treats people. 
Combat  Strengths: Control of the whip, lack of empathy
Combat Weaknesses: Tendency to get to extreme with fighting, her bloodlust.
Main Weapon: Light Whip | Red Crystal Broken Into Smaller Pieces To Allow For Whip Effect
Background/History: She keeps much of her background hidden from others as a padawan, never telling anyone where she comes from or the past that she derives from. However, when they joined the First Order as Knights of Ren, she slowly started to open up a bit more about her past. It started with Volgoth’s insistence of her drinking to “loosen up a bit,” to allow herself to relax, which led to her admitting about her past. When she realized that there was no going back, she revealed that she was abandoned as a child and left with the Hutts and gangs of Nar Shaddaa. She surprising survived, and picked up on her violent behaviors from watching the cartel do nasty things. And of course, she had some seriously horrific things done to herself. Those things she refuses to talk about with anyone. 
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Name: Volgoth Garr
Alias: Volgoth Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren
Gender: Male
Birth Planet: Devaron (Grew up on Ord Mantell)
Species: Devaronian
Affiliation: Black Sun (Previously), First Order, Knight of Ren 
Age: 38 (Born 3 BBY)
Skin: Red
Hairstyle: None (Horns) 
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: Slightly chipped left horn | Scar under right eye | Busted knee with cybernetic implants to fix the injury
positive traits: Volgoth is very open with his surprisingly light-hearted side, at least with the other knights or when he’s out for fun. He brings the much-needed humor to the group through trying to lift their spirits with sarcasm. With most of the others, he is always expressive and platonically affectionate, wrapping his arm around someone’s shoulder for fun as they talk. He’s also daring, some say that he’s stupid but he likes to see himself as a brave soul willing to do anything no matter the cost. 
negative traits: Growing up with a gang, he tends to get overconfident at times. It affects his training when he doesn’t expect whoever he’s sparring with to go so hard on him. Or during a mission, there are a few rare cases where he might come close to compromising it unless even if the others are there to fix things. Overall, he isn’t a bad guy but his need to enjoy things in life occasionally lead to him not taking his duties as seriously as he should. He also was utterly oblivious to the fact that Zira is in love with him before the others said something. 
Likes: Zira (In a relationship with her), Alcohol,  Nar Shaddaa, Snazzy music
Dislikes: When Orus won’t lighten up, being told to tone it down with his actions, being in space/on ships for too long, going more than a day without even a small sip of alcohol. 
Motivations/drives: Being able to enjoy life even if it means doing a few not so ethical things. 
Character Flaws: His arrotance
Combat  Strengths: Ability to run off of pure instinct, daring nature (won’t back down from anything and will attempt crazy things he may think will lead to victory.)
Combat Weaknesses: Balance (Can get clumsy at times), occasional arrogance
Main Weapon: Saber With Elongated Hilt | Red Crystal
Background/History:  Most of his life has consisted of being around the Black Sun thanks to his father having associations with the group. With them, he would run jobs for them even at a young age but also learned how to enjoy himself. They pushed personal pleasure to be one of his drives in life. Volgoth eventually met Dralin and taught him to do things for himself every so often to gain personal pleasure. The two left when Volgoth did something to piss off the Black Sun. They stole a star ship together and were on the run ever since, avoiding any Black Sun. They finally had nothing to worry about when they joined the temple in their teenage years. 
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( Togruta from Star Wars by Maja Felicitas Photo by eosAndy )
Name: Zira Vale 
Alias: Zira Ren
Rank: Knight of Ren
Gender: Female
Birth Planet: Shili
Species: Togruta
Affiliation: First Order, Knights of Ren
Age: 31 (4 ABY)
Skin: Yellow
Hairstyle: None
Hair Color: (Lekku/Montrals) Bluish Grey
Eye Color: Purple
Scars: None
positive traits: Out of all the Knights of Ren, Zira is the most compassionate. She first followed the others when she saw the errors in Luke’s ways as well as hoping to make sure that the others did not fully submit to the dark side as she cared for all of them. She’s an experience and Force healing techniques, therefore serves as the group’s primary healer. She’s almost like the “mom friend” of the group, making sure that they’re all doing alright and occasionally checking in on them. She’ll even go as far as to do it via holo if she’s not close to them. 
negative traits: As she’s a Knight of Ren, she sometimes feels out of place being as compassionate as she is. There are moments that she hesitates doing certain things expected of her but will still comply as she remains loyal to Kylo and the other Knights. Orus questions why she even stays with the Knights of Ren giving her compassionate nature, to which Zira will defend herself. In order to not need to get aggressive, she will use the force to manipulate people into doing what she wants. In this, she surprisingly doesn’t despite when she needs to do it, Because she justifies it by saying that there are just people in the galaxy that need to comply and she’s not afraid to influence them in necessary. 
Likes: Meditation, learning new Force healing techniques, floral-scented bath soaps, the beach, gold jewelry. 
Dislikes: How often the others get injured, being excessive in combat, how Orus treats some prisoners, being told to let everything of her past die
Motivations/drives: She wants to keep balance in the order and show some officers kindness when they can’t find it anywhere else. 
Character Flaws: Of course she is a little too sensitive and compassionate in her line of work but still stays for the tiebreak. 
Combat  Strengths: Healing herself or allies, Control of emotions
Combat Weaknesses: Empathetic Nature
Main Weapon: Two Saber Tonfa | Two Red Crystals
Background/History: She doesn’t remember much about her childhood before Luke found her while she was young. Feeling that she was Force-sensitive, Considering that Ben was Force-sensitive and his sense of duty to pass on the legacy of the Jedi, it was part of the reason why he decided to form the Temple in the first place. Leia would help with her much of the time until he put together the temple, where he eventually brought Zira and Ben; as well as a few other Force-sensitives that he had gathered. 
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