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aakgee123 · 2 months ago
"Lee Chunsoo is at Feyenoord?" In Beom's game
Lee Chun-soo, who visited Feyenoord Stadium, attracted the attention of local media in the Netherlands. Dutch media 'Raymont' reported on the 1st 해외배팅사이트리스트 (Korea time) that "a special guest visited the stadium on the 1st when Feyenoord played a home game against Fortuna Satard. Lee Chun-soo, a Korean who played for Feyenoord for a season in the past, visited his home." The media explained the reason for Lee's visit to Feyenoord. The media said, "There are many reasons why Lee chose this game. This is because sitart coach Danny Rocks is a teammate of Lee Chun-soo during the 2007-08 season. 해외배팅사이트KRW In addition, Hwang In-beom, who is also from the same Korean nationality, is currently playing in Feyenoord, and he continues to make strong impressions. However, the biggest reason lies with Lee Chun-soo himself. He is on a tour to visit several clubs he has worked with in the past." The media then conducted interviews with Lee about his Feyenoord days. The media said, 메이저사이트 "Lee had never visited Feyenoord again. There are no memories of the game. I don't remember the audience singing the cheer for him." He explained, "Even if it happened, I don't think he was qualified for himself." According to the media, Lee said, "I was able to achieve more. However, I was not good. Looking back now, I regret it. This is because it is a wonderful and good stadium to run in." He recalled his days at Feyenoord. "It's really special to have another Korean player here right now. And he is already shining more than me in the past. I sincerely wish him success."
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x-girlfriendofthesun · 4 years ago
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📍Amsterdam, Netherlands🇳🇱
is the capital and most populous city of the Netherlands with a population of 872,680 within the city proper, 1,558,755 in the urban area and 2,480,394 in the metropolitan area. Found within the province of North Holland, Amsterdam is colloquially referred to as the "Venice of the North", attributed by the large number of canals which form a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Amsterdam was founded at the Amstel, that was dammed to control flooding, and the city's name derives from the Amstel dam.
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sanadaprotector · 5 years ago
ghostofoichi liked your post “sitarter call starter call.”
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 “You must eat, please.” there was a tray of food on him as he serves as best he could with limited quantity on his own household. A far cry from what he was used to as a child. War and loss has made him rather poor in substance. 
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shimokitazawathree · 5 years ago
2019 10 01-15
1 tue
¥1,000 (+1D)
19:30 open
20:00 sitart
The Folksoons
the deadly school
and more
2 wed
3 thu
Live Time
VOGOS×NoLA presents OUTRIGHT japan tour OUTRIGHT welcome party
 open/start 19:00/19:30 
adv/door ¥1500(+1D)
live / OUTRIGHT(Australia) 
 DJ / 小野ボーイ 
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Bar Time
4 fri
Live Time
OP/ST: 18:30
ADV: ¥2,000 / DOOR: ¥2,500 (+1D) 
Live: GeGeGe / Waater / Hearsays / Bearwear / I Saw You Yesterday
DJ: Kendrick Omar (Dead Funny) 
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Club Time
OPEM 23:30
music charge ¥1,000
copa salvo / FRISCO
FOOD/ スタンドかげん
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5 sat
Day Time
open 12.15pm | show starts 12.30pm
adv. ¥3,000 | door ¥3,400 (+1DRINK)
mmm with Emerson Kitamura
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Live Time
Ita’s “Nat Records working” 25th Anniversary Party
Open 17:00 / Live Start 20:00 ~ Close 23:00
前売 2,500 Yen / 当日 3,000 Yen
Mega Munch Oysters Winstons
Los Rancheros
Crocodile Cox And The Disaster
Keisuke Naito / Shj (London Nite) / Katchin’ (London Nite) / Noel (Mystery Meat)
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6 sun
Day Time
Studio Crusoe Presents
Open 12:00 Start 12:45
ADV ¥1500(+1drink) DOOR ¥2000(+1drink)
毛玉 / ARAM / ムラタユスラ
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Live Time
OPEN 18:30  START19:00
前売り¥2200+1d  当日¥2400+1d
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7 mon
Live Time
Shimokitazawa Three Time: 19:30
Cost: 投げ銭/name your price (¥0~) 
LIVE: Tropical Death -tentative four -Demon  Altar
DJs: -koyeh (come to my party) -Noel Callan (Mystery Meat) -Ian Martin (Call And Response)
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Bar Time
8 tue
Live Time
OPEN 19:00 CLOSE 23:30
CHARGE ¥1,000
BOOK SELECTOR & DJ:福富優樹(Homecomings)
DJ:小野田雄, Half Mile Beach Club, FRANKLIN’S BOOK CLUB 
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Bar Time
9 wed
Live Time
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Bar Time
10 thu
Live Time
最高のウィークデイナイト 『Kira Kira Vol.19』 2019.10.10(thu) @下北沢THREE 開場/開演 19:00 チャージ ¥1,000(+2D) ■出演■ yokoThema 斉藤めい the autumn サヨナラボーイ ◽︎DJオファー中◽︎ DJ ミシシッピ ■FOOD■ いさわ食堂 チャージ1,000円(+2D) ■公式Tumblr,Twitter■ https://kirakira-official.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/kirakiraweekday
Bar Time
11 fri
Live Time
Hazy Sour Cherry 1st Album "Tour de Tokyo" Release Party!!! ★LIVE FLASHLIGHTS Mule Team The Original Mixed-Up Kids Hazy Sour Cherry ★DJ ホシエイスケ open19:30 前売り¥2000 当日¥2500
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12 sat
Live Time
SMELLS pre.『night after night vol.41』 
OPEN 18:00 START 18:30 
adv.2,000+1d door.2,500+1d ※高校生以下¥1,000(1d込み)
 Vital Club(山形) 
Teenager Kick Ass
 フライヤーデザイン やまもとみく
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13 sun
Live Time
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14 mon
Day Time
 開場 11:30 / 開演 12:00
 前売 ¥2,500 / 当日 ¥3,000 
女性 ¥1,500 / 学生 ¥500 (入場��学生証のご提示お願いいたします)
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Live Time
Bar Time
15 tue
Live Time
¥1,000 (+1D)
19:30 open
20:00 sitart
Bar Time
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jakarnould · 5 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOe7I1IQR3I)
In-sitart urban art by Jak.
Jak Arnould ©ADAGP
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mrfandomwars · 7 years ago
Batfamily Twitter
(part one:Nightwing)
He is the first to have one
He goes by 🌃Nightwing🌉 @thefirstrobin
His first post was:
"Patrol with Hood😁😁😁😁😝😝😝😝"
Followed by a video of him and Jason on a rooftop looking at the city, and after 5 seconds Jason turns around and tells him to turn off his phone which Dick replies saying that he will only turn off is phone if he(Jason) gives him a hug. The last thing people see is Red Hood about to jump to another rooftop while calling Batman saying to send help because Nightwing went rogue.
Later he post's a photo of him with the mask and a busted lip with a sad face and a description saying that he only wanted a hug
His posts are photos of him with members of the batfamily (most taken unwilling) and photos of Gotham, Blüdhaven and sometimes the Batcave.
He has a video of him trying to make Robin smile, which caused him to be attacked by all bat-animals [and in the end of the video it's just the the phone's(secured by Jason) camera turned to face Jason(who has a red domino mask) saying to get up because it was his turn to take the trash out and that that red robin wasn't going anywhere (this comment was followed by a loud ' Excuse Me?!')]
When the rest of the family got Twitters he followed them in seconds
He somehow got a photo of Bruce in the costume sleeping (the photo was taken down hours later but it was already to late, the news had already been able to make a copy)
He send happy 'birthday' to all heros on the days they sitarted in the heroing business.
He once made them all (including Alfred) take a photo to wish happy Christmas in costume (Alfred had a especial costume made for him)
Once he had a post's argument with Jason because he (Dick) wanted Jason to go back living again on the mansion (who was referred as Batcave)
Nightwing was soon backed up by the rest of the bat family and fans
Two/three days latter he posted two photos:one of an unhappy Red Hood with two suitcases and the other of a sing hanging in the walls of a cave saying 'Welcome Back Red Hood!!!' with bats painted and real bats hanging on it.
In the description he thanked Alfred for threatening saying that he would stop cooking for him when he slept or visited the Batcave (Mansion) if he didn't go live with them
He remembered his siblings to call sometimes and to not forget school and the things it brings[AKA schoolwork and homework(or Batcave-work as the members of the bat family like to call it)]
Part 4  2 3
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florianfermin-blog · 6 years ago
Breathing in and breathing out
Wat zou het onderwerp van deze week worden vroeg ik me vorige week zaterdag af.
Ik zat toen op het dakterras en was sporten al meer dan twee uur aan het uitstellen. Niet omdat ik er geen zin in had, maar omdat ik er even geen energie voor had. Na een lange en zware week achter de rug had ik de puf er niet voor om zaterdag ochtend vroeg te gaan sporten. Net toen ik op het punt stond om te zeggen “fuck it, ik sla het vandaag over”, dacht ik aan Wim Hof. Beter bekent als de iceman (wanneer je hem nog niet kent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6XKcsm3dKs). Deze man uit Sittard met tig records op zijn naam heeft ontzettend veel energie waardoor hij echt bizarre prestaties bereikt.
De komende drie blogs hebben allemaal met het onderwerp energie te maken. Sluit is je ogen en haal je het laatste moment dat je zelf geen puf of energie had voor de geest. Vond je dit moment ook erg vervelend en lukte het toen ook niet om honderd procent te presteren waardoor je je nog ongelukkiger voelde? Dit is gelukkig normaal.
Wanneer je weinig energie hebt kan je dingen alleen maar half of niet uitvoeren, zie het voorbeeld hierboven. Daarnaast bepaald de energie die je op het moment hebt de staat waar je in zet heel erg. Wat ik bij veel mensen zie wanneer ze bijvoorbeeld moe zijn, ze ook eerder chagrijnig zijn, terwijl wanneer ze vol met energie zitten lopen ze vrolijk rond en pakken ze alle kansen die ze worden aangereikt met beide handen vast.
De drie facetten waar energie uit bestaat zijn ademhaling, voeding en beweging. In de komende mails ga ik elk aspect van energie een voor een behandelen. Aangezien ik zelf dagelijks bezig ben met mijn energie zo hoog mogelijk te houden, zowel voor mezelf door onderzoeken te lezen en sport, voeding en ademhalingsrituelen elke dag uit te voeren en voor andere door training en voedingsschema’s voor andere te maken, heb ik ontzettend veel zin in deze mails. Laten we dus snel beginnen!
Excuses dat ik abrupt ben gestopt in het bovenstaande verhaal, ik werd een beetje afgeleid na de iceman. Ik zal het verhaal nu afmaken want het krijgt een hele interessante wending.
Nadat ik die video van hem heb gezien ben ik namelijk zijn ademhaling ritueel uitgevoerd. Deze ademhalingsritueel zorgt bij hem ervoor dat hij in een korte broek (zonder shirt) de Kilimanjaro beklom en 57 meter onder het ijs door zwemmen en dit is maar een klein deel van alle records die op zijn naam staan.
De reden dat hij deze bizarre prestaties haalt is door gewenning en zijn ademhaling oefeningen. Deze oefening ging ik dus ook doen. Hieronder leg ik uit hoe deze gaat maar het resultaat was echt bizar. Daarna kan je gemakkelijk 2 minuten je ademhaling inhouden omdat je lichaam zo vol met zuurstof zit, alles tintelt, je barst van adrenaline (zo erg dat je oren suizen) en je bent immens mindful.
De reden waarom ademhaling zo belangrijk is, is omdat een grote hoeveelheid zuurstof zorgt dat je lichaamscellen meer energy loslaten, super nice dus.
De meeste haarvaatjes zitten onderin je longen. De haarvaatjes nemen de zuurstof op in het lichaam maar wanneer je alleen maar oppervlakkig ademhaalt, dat je borst omhoog gaat bij elke ademhaling, komt er dus de minste zuurstof juist op de plekken waar ze het best opgenomen kunnen worden.
Het is dus ontzettend belangrijk om je af en toe kort te foccusen op je ademhaling en dat is dus ook precies wat je de komende week gaat doen. De komende week ga je elke dag de oefening van Wim Hof doen die er bij mij voor heeft gezorgd dat ik van geen energie en de neiging om sporten te laten zitten, naar op de fiets springen en een uitstekende sportsessie neerzetten ging. En dit is dus nog maar een klein ding wat je bereikt met dieper ademhaling, zeker als je kijkt naar de resultaten van onze vriend Wim uit Sitart.
Ga nu staan en zet de wekker op een minuut. Ga een minuut lang door je mond super diep in ademen en ook hard weer uit ademen. Blijf dit snel achter elkaar een minuut lang doen. Let er vooral op dat het vanuit je buik komt en je longen helemaal vol met zuurstof zitten. Blaas na een minuut dit te doen uit en hoe dan met lege longen je adem zo lang mogelijk in. Zie deze video om met Wim Hof mee te kunnen doen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU6Oi80n5J4&t=572s
Wanneer je ook licht in je hoofd werd, of andere bijzondere ervaringen kreeg doe je het goed. Je krijgt namelijk ontzettend veel adrealine wanneer je deze oefening goed uitvoert.
En zoals je weet doe het niet eenmalig maar maak er een habbit van om telkens betere resultaten te behalen en vergeet mij daarnaast niet nog een tip of iets anders te sturen wat je mij kan leren.
He lives most life whoever breathes most air - Elizabeth Barret Browning
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heydjacey · 7 years ago
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Kung feeling donya ka at tinatamad kang lumabas dahil mainit pero nagugutom ka, try niyo ‘tong El Chupapi Rolling Munchies! Swak na swak para sa mga tamad na burgis na kagaya ko! Salamat kay kapatid na Sonny at kay sitart niyang si Kay. Pwede bang ampunin niyo na lang ako? #PIOLO #aldventures #elchupapi #burgis #workathome #noplansnoshower #teamtamad
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albj-nitin-blog · 7 years ago
@sitarteli Hi Sitar, I am founder of tech based startup ALBJ Technology Ventures developed unique technology to reduce data size to cut transmission and storage cost by multiple times. Our product is B2B . We have raised angel round from RAIN,India and now raising seed round to scale our business. Advise next steps for funding. Warm Regards Nitin Saxena
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livingoutmyfairytale · 11 years ago
You keep asking me when I would like to marry you. Don't you know that if we could, I would want to marry you now so I could finally start my happy ever after with you? If only I had the guts to say that... :(
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sanadaprotector · 5 years ago
sitarter call
starter call.
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hopelessly0bsessed-blog · 11 years ago
I get them everytime I think of our moments together. You holding my hand, kissing me on the cheek, telling me you love me and all the sweet little things you do for me.
I used to only read it in my favorite paperback novels. And I had long since wanted to know what it felt like. Then it happened. You made it happen.
But it's not the same as the real thing. It was the most amazing sensation I have ever felt.
I enjoyed every moment of our weekend together.
Thanks for the sweet songs you played before we went to sleep. for sharing your breakfast with me and us having coffee float. for helping me and walking beside me all the way to the crater. for holding my hand and making sure I did not injure myself on our way back. for holding my hand on the bus on our way back to reality. for letting me rest my head on your shoulder so I could feel comfortable and fall asleep. for everything, big and small, that you did for me. thank you, mahal.
I just have a confession to make. I lied when I told you I fell asleep on the bus. Truth is I did not. How do you expect me to sleep when you were holding my hand, when I had my head on your shoulder and you pushing my hair away from my face?
I wanted to swoon. It was just too much. You were too much. I could hardly breathe and the butterflies in my stomach would not let me sleep. 
Thanks again, Mahal. I love you. :)
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jakarnould · 5 years ago
In-sitart by Jak.
Jak Arnould ©ADAGP
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secretbluestocking · 11 years ago
Wide Awake.
DId i just dream the last 2 weeks? Were you just a part of the bittersweet dream that I finally woke up from? 
If so, I would rather stay awake forever than go through all that again then have to wake up.
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livingoutmyfairytale · 11 years ago
I want to marry you. 
I want to spend every single day of the rest of my life waking up beside you, watch your sweet face as you sleep, kiss you good morning even when you don't know it, cook your favorite breakfast even though I dont know how to cook, spend the whole day taking care of you, loving you, worrying about you, waiting for you to come home, hold you tight after a long day and watch you fall asleep in my arms.
I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.
Please marry me. I promise I will love you and take care of you until my very last breath. 
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livingoutmyfairytale · 11 years ago
Notes to Self:
Hope. Never Expect.
Love like it's never going to hurt.
Love and dont expect anything in return.
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