#sita x oc
darksaiyangoku · 9 months
RWBY Christmas Tales
For @chaoslordjoe
Shen: Atchoo!!! *sneezes loudly*
Sita: *coughs loudly* Oh god, my throat...
Blake: *opens bedroom door* Hey sweeties. How are feeling?
Shen: Terrible. Why did we have to get sick a week before Christmas?!
Sita: Yeah! I wanted to help daddy with fhe tree! *pouts*
Blake: It's alright. You can help him next year.
Sita: But I really wanted to do it this year!
Blake: Hmmmm. *snaps fingers* How about I tell you two a story?
Sita: Ooooh!
Shen: Okay. *leans in*
Blake: It's about your father and I's first Christmas.
[Vale City - 13 years ago]
Sun and Blake wrapped their arms around each other as they walked down the street. Blake was really excited to show Sun Avalon Park.
Blake: Come on! Hurry up!
Sun: Alright, I'm coming. *chuckles* I've never seen you this excited before. What's going on?
Blake: You'll see!
As Blake and Sun carried on, snow started falling from the sky and decorated Vale in a beautul white landscape. The closer the two of them got to Avalon Park, the more crowded it seemed to become. Blake grumbled as she struggled to move through.
Blake: Damn it!
Sun: It's okay, babe. Whatever it is, we can see it tomorrow.
Blake: No! It has to be today. *spots tree* Hold on! Sun, let's climb up that tree!
Sun: Wait- aaaaaagh!!! *dragged by Blake*
Sun's arm was nearly pulled from his socket as Blake sprinted to the closest tree. She hastily climbed up and Sun followed. He was about to ask her what was going on until he heard the crowd cheering. He turned around and saw that the Silver Tree had been decorated... and it looked absolutely beautiful. Hanging among the branches were wonderful Christmas ornaments, each one a statue based on Vale's most revered Huntsmen and Huntresses. Chief among them was Nicholas the Merry, wearing a red suit and white beard. Sun's jaw was wide open with glee, making Blake smile.
Sun: Wow... this is magnificent.
Blake: *smiles* I told you you'd like it. *holds his hand* Merry Christmas, Sun.
Sun: Merry Christmas, Blake.
As the crowd continued cheering, Sun and Blake leaned in and kissed each other lovingly.
[Present day]
Blake: And that's what happened.
Sita: Wow! That was a great story, mom!
Shen: I'll say!
Blake: *laughs* I'll say. This time of year is always special to me. It's the time when your father told me that he loved me. *blushes*
Sun: There we go!
Sun stood back as he gazed at is masterpiece; a fully decorated Christmas Tree.
Sun: And God said 'let there be light!'
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justrainandcoffee · 4 months
“Have you ever fallen in love?” (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc)
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Alfie x Rose Modern masterlist. || Classic masterlist
Summary: He's not used to be loved. She's not used to love. Rose believes, she knows, that's something wrong with her. Alfie is determined to prove her wrong. What she is only makes her feelings more valuable.
Warnings: LGBTQ+ themes. || Aromantism. || Modern!AU.|| A bit of angst and hurt/comfort.
Words: 1.6k || Based on this moodboard.
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Alfie can see the love in her eyes, in her actions. He can see the way she smiles at him before kissing him or the way she's always touching a part of him, his hands, his beard or arms, like trying to be sure that he's real.
June 2020.
"What?" Alfie asks, looking at her before caressing her nose with one of his fingers. His girlfriend is next to him in bed. Rose is looking at him as well, so she smiles.
And it's scary and beautiful at the same time feeling that love. Alfie was used to be the one seeking affection, he still is, only that this time is reciprocal.
Tommy was always colder. Alfie was the one initiating the affection. It doesn't mean that Tommy never sought comfort in Alfie because that wasn't true. In those three years they were together, Tommy always found comfort in him after a tough day. But statistically speaking, the seeker was Alfie.
It's beautiful because he can see that she loves him. And it's scary because that's something new for him. He's not used to be loved.
"Nothing," she replies, before snuggling up against his chest.
What Alfie doesn't know is that for her is scarier than it is for him. Because Rose really never loved the way she loves him.
She always felt that there was something wrong with her. When she was a teen girl and she and her friends started dating, they were always talking about how much they loved their partners and Rose only smiled and agreed. But it wasn't true. She cared about her first boyfriend, he was a good guy and also a good classmate. They met when both were 17 and Lucian loved her but…
Countless nights after they broke up, she felt like a bitch. It was her fault, clearly, her mind said.
When she finished school and started to study fashion design, during those years she met a couple of men, but it wasn't serious.
In 2010, when Rose was 22, she met James Thorn two years older than her. There and only there, everything felt different.
James was photographer and she saw him for the first time when he was taking pictures to a model posing with a dress made by her. A smile here, a smile there ended with him inviting her to a bar.
Rose never knew why with James everything felt different but it was. Months after that first date she found herself thinking about him like she never thought about anyone else before. The idea of spending time with him even if it was just for drink a coffee caused her to smile stupidly. She loved the way he called her "Sita" a short for "Rosita". Rose loved the way he made her feel. James was the first one to whom Rose said a sincere "I love you."
But when that love was tested, it failed.
It was over two years later, when her mother received an offer to work in New York. Working and living there it was going to be beneficial for her and her youngest son. She offered Rose the chance to go with her. New York could give her more opportunities and she knew she was good doing her job so she'd success. But James could never accept to move to another country. He had a good job there in London. So for the first time she had to make a difficult choice: it was him or it was her family and her future.
The second option, painful as it was, won the battle.
"Do you think some people is broken, Al?" she asks when she stops thinking about her past for a moment. Rose leaves her spot on his chest to look at him again.
"It depends, luv. Some people are broken, yes but no one of them was born broken. "
"Sometimes I think I was born broken."
"But it's not true."
"You don't know that."
"Yes, I do."
"Have you ever fallen in love?" she asks.
"Yes. You know, I told you. I promised myself not to feel that again after what happened with Tommy and then you appeared. And life, and you, give me another chance."
"And before him?"
"Yes. Not so important but I did love them. You don't?" Alfie wants to know. She remains in silence.
"I thought you loved me, Rose."
"I do love you, James. But I love my family too and it's a good opportunity for her in America and for me too."
"That's it, then."
"Jamie, you still can come with me. That talk we had months ago…"
Both James and Rose had a conversation about their future. He was 26 and she was 24 when they talked about living together. It was a huge step but both of them agreed that they were ready to do it.
"No, I can't. Sita, I'm not going to stopped you because I know that even if I try, you're going to follow your instincts. You're that kind of person and I love you for that. I can't go with you, babe. I can't. This is my place, but if you decide that you want to return, I'm here."
People around them used to joke with them because of her name, Rose, and his last name, Thorn. Technically there's no roses without thorns. They seemed destined to be. But it happens that when the rose dies, only the thorns remain. And something similar happened here: Rose flew far away and Thorn stayed there.
"There's something wrong with me," she says "so don't ask me if I loved before because I don't know. I tend to ruin every relationship I'm in."
Alfie narrows his eyes "shit happens, luv, but I don't think it's your fault. Relationships not always work. I'm the one to blame for breaking up with some of my partners, too and…"
"But you did love them! I don't! I tried, so hard! I cried a lot of nights, thinking why! If they were good guys, then why I didn't love them, Alfie! I only succeeded once and yet, I ruined too when I went to New York. And it terrifies me that can happen again but this time with you. I love you. I love you the way normal people talk about love and maybe more… and I… if I lose you-"
"You're not going to lose me. I'm not going to let that happen, sweetheart," Alfie pushes her against his body and she hides her head on his neck. His fingers caresses her scalp softly. "You need to hear me now, Rosie. Because I'm starting to understand what's going on. You're not broken, luv. You, like me, are built different from what society expect from people. So, let me ask you: Did you hear about aromantic people?"
"A bit, maybe, in media."
"Mmm, okay, let me-" Alfie stretches his left arm to grab his phone and quickly he Googles something. The man offers his device to her. "Tell me if this is how you feel or felt in the past."
For the first in her life she reads the word "demiromantic". At her 32 years old Rose understands that she was never broken or anormal. She was simply different.
"That's me," she says reading the article for third time "that's me. Oh god… there's nothing wrong with me, then?"
Alfie smiles at her before wiping her tears away "No, Rosie. You're perfect."
"I love you. I really do."
"I know and now, knowing this," he says tapping the phoned where the article is still open "that makes your love even more valuable because you're not giving it to random people but truly to the person you really love. And Rosie, I don't know if I deserve it."
"You do."
"Look at us," he says kissing her forehead briefly "we're the stupid who promised himself not to fall in love again and the one who thought that was too broken to love. How wrong can a person be?"
Her answer is to kiss him until the clothes start to be a nuisance.
She did love James. A lot. But it didn't work. Would it have worked if she had stayed? Impossible to know. Same way it's impossible to know if his relationship with Tommy would've worked if he had given his ex that second chance.
Only one thing it's true: That afternoon while rain starts to fall all over London, inside that empty Inn, Alfie and Rose love at each other. And deep down inside them, they know it's working. And they know it'll work out in the future, too.
It's scary, yes. But also beautiful. And as far as they know that's what love is made of.
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sav1ored · 4 months
🍒 Don't roast me too bad bestie 🫶
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  positivity  for  them. || @twiicetheheart
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//. where do i even begin to say when it comes to my lovely michi ? i already told you i've been lurking on my old ass ramsay blog stealing aesthetics/musing that are negan relatable --- but I've also realized I've come across fond moments between us, can you believe that we've also known each other since around 2017 ? At least that's what it shows when I find things of us back in my many ramsay blogs. BUT WOW ! I was shook by that cause I didn't realize how long it had been ?!
But let's start with just how fantastic you are inside and outside. HOW MUCH I ADORE YOU AND HOW MUCH I MISSED YOU--- yes you know why, we don't have to speak of that. LMAO. I am just happy to have you in my life, always. My fellow Virgos sita for life, always. I hope you know that no matter what, you always had/have a place in my heart and have brought so many beautiful memories into my life that I am thankful for. And I do cherish to this day. And we have so many more memories to create between us, all the food places we can eat LMAO ! Also the ribs matt already promised to make us. UGH--- I'm already drooling at how much food we can pig out together. And also I'm hoping when we go see a horror movie together, we get it all to ourselves like we did when we watched Annabelle xD ! I found my old post talking about that and how we got sushi before the movies. I was like LOOK AT US always getting food even back then AHAH !!! Where is our restaurant au LMAO xD xD ! Or food blog au AHHA !
Seriously though let's also mention how precious your oc is, and how much I adore her, and how much I live for her. She's so perfect, you can tell just how much love you put into her, how lovely she is--- and how much love she brings out of my muses. like negan and Soldier Boy for example. I MEAN FIRST OFF--- soldier boy x Michelle came out of nowhere OMFG--- like in started out at a coffee shop, to a hug and now I'm like.... damn just kiss already-- I TOLD YOU I WAS BAD A SLOW BURNS AHHA. No but that's the fun part of finding someone you roleplay with and having chem with them and their muses ! cause obviously I love the way our muses just work together when we write--- it just flows beautifully, I'm honestly thankful to have you as one of my fave rp partners on here, and it's an honor to write with someone as amazing as you, it's an honor to be able to call you one of my close friends, the fact the connection is still there just goes to show how strong our friendship was/ and still is.
I love you so much. Never change, and keep being amazing, and keep making me sob with our things or with yours and jen stuff. cause I love y'all so much. <3
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 3 months
I went to the beach yesterday with my bstf and we drew some pictures in the sand
My oc Alex
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My bstfs oc sita
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Some oc x cannon with sir pentious x Stella(Cheshiresnake)
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Both our ocs who are bstfs (just like us^^)
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The one on the left is called Anya(she's mine) and the other is called Middlemist(she's my bstfs oc)
Vox being Pissie and my bstf drawing a cock next to him :)
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(apparently he's mad because the peepee is to smowl :<)
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astrophilic-soul · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Thank you so much for the tag @zeawesomebirdie !! 💜💜💜💜
As a little thing, I'll add the main character and main ships if there are any :)
The Wilting Flowers of Fortune : (America) (None)
Account Files>Alfred F. Jones>Personal Logs>[2083/2/22-2083/2/24] : (America) (None)
Cloth Prison : (India)(Indchu)
Cloudy Stars and Pineapple Sweets (America)(Rusame)
Forgotten Winds :(America)(GerAme?)
Gold and Silk :(oc:Rama and oc: Sita) (Rama x Sita)
Modern Wonder : (America)(None)
@the-heaminator @thegoliathbeetle @fumblingmusings @froggi-mushroom @darcymariaphoster @koolkat9 @kitaychan
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seherie · 2 years
the invention of love
sita x oc (yes, it’s sapphic)
tw: death, blood, violence
"ARYA!" Daksh cries out, a scream tearing through his body as he falls, blood bathing the earth scarlet.
"Wait, no-" she spins around, trying to reach him in time, adrenaline not allowing her grief to set in as she watched the light leave his eyes.
The young woman's eyes widened as another soldier lunged at her, his silver knife gleaming like molten light as it struck her torso, blood tearing through her body in rapid rivulets as she gasped.
Muffling curses that would've scarred her mother and her mother's mother, she blindly grabs for the closest object, anything sharp, and finds Daksh's shadow dagger. A jarring shock of pain at the thought of his death, but she forces herself to pull through.
The next few moments are a blur as she strikes forward with the rage of a goddess in exile, and in mere moments, the mammoth of a man was on the ground, face contorting in pain before the last etching of oxygen clawed out of his chest.
Arya didn't have the time to process her actions, not when blood unfurled through her clothes, or rather rags that merely suggested her general shape, as a wounded organ would.
"Anna," she choked out, stumbling as she scrambled to his body, pain that closed off her senses as she tried to shake him into life. He wasn’t her brother by blood, but nevertheless was the last remaining fragment of her life back home, of the family she had left behind.
"Please, please, please," she cried, fists beating against the ground while her own body contorted in pain.
She wanted to let go of herself entirely, to crumble in grief and pain, but she could hear the troops clearing in, their overlapping voices as they searched for her. 
No, she thought, she couldn't let herself get caught, not after all the bloodshed and sacrifices. She looked down, tears clouding her eyes, knowing what she had to do.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered, gripping Daksh's hands before tearing herself away, "But I have to go."
Lifting herself off the ground with a numbness she found terrifying, she turned to look at the man she had killed. God, what have I become?
And so, unable to comprehend what had become of her, she began to run.
She ran until her breath turned ragged, her vision weakened and her legs turned heavier with each blood-soaked step. Her wound was beginning to weaken her senses. She knew she didn't have long.
She heard water. She stumbles blindly in its general direction, hoping to find some human settlement that would shelter her.
She pushes through a bramble of shrubery, thorns mercilessly tearing through her skin, when she finally stumbled upon a lush lake.
A woman in a plain langa-voni sat by the lake, her body curled inward as though she were in pain, and upon Arya's intrusion, her head snapped around.
A half-scream nearly escaping her lips when she sees the blood-riddled body of Arya Khurana, she immediately rises to her feet. Fingers dropping a crisp, ivory letter into the water behind her in shock. However, neither noticed its disintegration into the lake as the woman stepped forward.
"Please-" Arya managed to choke out, blindly stumbling forward to steady herself.
"Oh, my god," the woman gasps, "Are you alright?"
Arya falls to the ground, her adrenaline no longer carrying her body through its pain, and the woman rushes to catch her in her arms, not worried about the blood that stained her pallu.
"Help me," she whispered, noises distorting in her head.
"Who did this to you?" the woman questions, her panic rising, "Are they still here? Wait- First, let's get you to the village. Hello? Hey, no- please, don't close your eyes. Wait, no- Don’t!"
Sita held the dying woman in her arms, fingers circling around her wrist in an attempt to search for a pulse and finding nothing but a pale strum. Blood smeared across her face, the only sign of life in her body was the desperation with which she clung to a dagger in her hand. 
Sita took one look at her face and knew what she had to do.
"Don't worry, I'll save you," she promised.
my usual victims: @juhiiiiii @maraudersfansassemble @irisesforyoureyes @manwalaage @thewinchestergirl1208 @redirection04 @itsfookingloosah @miriseven  @rambheem-is-real @lil-stark @gauri-vishalakshi @contemporarykafka
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Sita's Box
(Alluri Ramaraju x reader)
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Sangam Tera part 2
7 minutes
tera rasta chhodun na
piya ji ke desh mein
aaj ibaadat
tera aadi ho gaya
barfaani raatein
Nadi kinaare
raghuvan, teri raah nihaare (completed) with @dumdaradumdaradum
when Ram returned home after years of study, he didn't expect such chaos to fall. What will happen when an educated man betrothed to another falls in love with the owner of a brothel? - Ram x oc, akhtar x oc, bhansali!au (almost)
Ram and his wife adopts a daughter under unfavorable circumstances, how will their life turn out now? - Ram x reader, oneshots
bandook meri layla with @rambheemlove
RRR au, where Ramaraju is assigned a case where he finds out who caused the RC organization art expo bomb blast and exactly why was one of the top trader of arms in India was present there. - Ram x mafia!oc, Akhtar x Jenny
Tumhe jo maine dekha (completed) (nsfw)
Ram sir, were your theatre professor in uni. Far away from your city, you found the best college to take admission somewhere foreign to you, but he was one hell of a support. And something more. - Prof!Ram x Stu!reader
Accha Lagta Hai
a short series of Ram and Y/n's domestic life - RRR au, Ram x reader
Other Woman (completed)
Ram was the best husband. The most caring and wholesome, and no one could love you more than him. There is no way he will leave you, right?- RRR au, Ram x reader, cheating fic
Rasiya (completed) (nsfw)
It wasn't like you weren't getting any action, but you always felt that Ram held back so he does not hurt you. Maybe this potion Jenny got you will help in some way?- RRR!Ram x fem! Wife! Reader, Aphrodisiac fic
Rangrez (ongoing)
Alluri Sitaramaraju, crosses paths with Kainat, a woman with a mysterious past. They gradually uncover each other's hidden pasts, discovering that both have been deeply involved in the struggle for freedom- for or against? Heeramandi(oc) x RRR(Ram)
how i picture y/n in my fics (rrr)
dekha tha
dhivara (amrendra bahubali x reader)
chot (kala bhairav from magadheera x reader)
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Drunk convos
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gauri-vishalakshi · 2 years
Prema Nadhi
Ram x OC, implied Ram x Sita (set before Ram and Bheem meet), implied developing RamBheem
Ram had loved once. Not the love he persistently attempted to convince himself he had for Sita, but the type of love that resembled the mighty Godavari. Subtly gentle yet fiercely passionate, peacefully serene yet ferociously destructive. He had been her fire and she had been his water, balancing his intensity with her calm and his creation with her destruction. While Ram had always felt more comfortable warming up by a campfire, she had always been in her element during their days by the riverside, throwing her head back and laughing as the little fish that flocked near the banks pressed kisses to her feet as she dipped them in the cool water. Whenever Ram had doubts about his purpose, she had always soothed it with sweet words of encouragement, as she shared Ram's hopes for a homeland that may one day be free.
Prema. How aptly she was named, his wonderful priyatama. Love incarnate she was indeed, dispensing love and care as if she had no shortage of it. Ram had often said he had fallen in love with Love itself, and though she had always laughed, only he knew how irrefutably true that was. Prema had been a doctor, a perfect choice of profession if he had ever seen one, and she showered love on all of her patients, no matter their race, religion, or caste. "Rama," she had complained to him on one of their quiet nights together (Prema had always refused to call him Ram or Raju, insisting that's what everyone called him; she wanted a name that she could keep and cherish only for herself), "I wish I could understand the minds of people who wish to crush others under their heel through constant torment and disparagement. What drives them to do so? Why is it that they feel the need to be so cruel to another person just like them?"
"Being a doctor opens one's eyes to problems such as these. No matter your caste, the color of your skin, or the god you worship, your bodies all work the same. A Brahmin doesn't have more physical brains that an "untouchable" has. A Hindu has no more hearts that a Muslim has. A light-skinned person has no more eyes than that of a darker-skinned one. When you live, your body works the same. And when you die, you die just like everyone else as your body stops its work and chooses to rest. What sadistic satisfaction does it bring when attempts to convince oneself that one is better simply because of some reason when everyone has the same body, simply different sizes, colors, and souls?"
Ram and Prema had had many conversations like this, and Prema had always expressed that she enjoyed that about Ram. How he encouraged her to express her thoughts and voice her opinions, rather than attempting to silence her. How he indulged in her intellectual musings, rather than telling her she was "just a woman". Ram had always thought that since love lasted forever, his Love would too. Alas, that was not what fate had in mind for them.
Everything had been going spectacularly. Ram had just been promoted, one step closer to achieving his dream, and Prema had been recognized as one of the top doctors in Delhi, the first woman to have been granted that felicitation. Ram and Prema were getting ready to get married with the blessings of both their families, when of course tragedy took that moment to strike.
While love is blissful, it is always flawed. Imperfect. So it was no surprise when Love herself was flawed. Prema cared, but sometimes she cared too much. She'd take the whole world under her protection, but she wouldn't hesitate to take their beatings for them, too. She was known as Premamma by all she treated, a kind figure that exuded warmth and affection. A lower-caste woman with delivery complications had shown up at a British hospital, the only nearby hospital within a radius of forty miles. Normally, even a Brahmin receiving treatment at an exclusively British facility would result in a punishment such as whipping, let alone someone from a lower caste. Prema, unable to turn away the woman in her hour of need, took her into the hospital to deliver her child. The baby, a boy, was born safely, and his mother survived without any issues, but once Lady Scott found out a lower-caste woman was getting treated at the same hospital she was, she immediately demanded her punishment: death. But Prema, foreseeing the woman's fate, sent her and her son away, and by doing so, unwittingly accepted her penalty. Prema was mistaken for the woman, shot, and killed a mere two days before her wedding. And not even a death notice, let alone an apology was sent to her family.
Ram had been devastated. For nothing lasts forever, not even love. Instead of marrying Prema, Ram had buried her. Instead of tying a mangalsutra around her neck, he had lit her pyre on fire. After her funeral, Prema's sister Pranitha had walked up to him, red-eyed. "Baava, this is akka's journal. I want you to keep it, and I hope that by doing so, you'll keep her." Ram had looked at her, shocked, as she pressed a smooth, bound book into his trembling hands. "Prani, why-I-I can't take this from you. You knew Pr-your akka far longer than I did." He stuttered out, unable to say her name, for then he would be reminded of the cataclysmic realization that even Love dies. "But you loved her far more than I ever could. Even though my akka is not physically here, as long as love remains in our hearts, our Love will always be there with us. You will always be my baava, even if you marry someone else, or forget about me completely, for I know your love of Love is eternal." Ram had taken the girl who he had come to love as a little sister into his arms as they both sobbed, mourning the loss of light and of Love.
Six months had passed before Ram had found the nerve to open her journal. The last entry had been written on the day she died, May 7, 1919. It was written in her neat, detailed hand, and it was a poem. He had never known her as an author, only as an orator, but he proceeded to read the verse that was titled "Oh, Motherland".
Oh, my motherland
For you, I have shed blood, sweat, and tears
Ever devoted to you and your mighty cause
You are like the Mother Goddess incarnate,
Giving life to all that trod upon you
Providing sustenance for all beings without discrimination
You give us the hues of emerald and sapphire, oh motherland
Raising upon you your mighty sons the mountains that bear the weight of the sky
And your serene yet powerful daughters the rivers who thunder through the earth, bringing life along their path
It pains me, oh glorious motherland
To see you bound in the chains of foreigners
For if one has a mother, should they not know how to treat another’s?
Ram set down the journal, overwhelmed as tears gathered in his eyes. Perhaps she would've shared it with him, he mused, had she not been shot that day. Maybe she would've shared more such poems with him as his wife but alas, he was never destined to know. He was destined to always be alone, a fire without his water, and a Hate without his Love.
It was on one of his horse rides across "their" bridge when he saw the child in the water. On closer inspection, he realized to his mounting horror that the child in question was Premanth, the child whose life Prema had saved along with his mother's. Out of gratefulness, the woman had named her son after Prema. Ram felt a surging need to save the boy, the one that his Love had died to save. Across, on the opposite bank, he spotted a man trying to help the boy. He signaled to him, and together they saved Premanth. The surge of pride in Ram at his success quickly transformed into a sinking horror as he saw a familiar, thin, and compact leather book fall out of his pocket. He lunged for it frantically, but only managed to tear out the last page with the poem before the rest of the notebook fell away. Blinking back his tears, he caught the other man's arm, who howled in delight. Ram couldn't help but laugh through his tears, as the other man's happiness was contagious and his laugh was bubbly, just like Prema's. Have I found another water? Ram thought to himself. And how fitting is it that I find him over Love's favorite river, Prema Nadhi.
translation: Prema (Love; Telugu); Prema Nadhi (River of Love; Telugu)
A/N: ngl I'm nervous 'cause of my own poetry LOL. tagging some wonderful people @manwalaage @lil-stark @thewinchestergirl1208 @contemporarykafka @gauri-vishalakshi @maraudersfansassemble @itsfookingloosah @rambheem-is-real @adrakchutneyofficial @darlingletshurttonight @seherie @redirection04 @ramayantika @how-is-it-in-london pls do give me feedback!!
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Rules of the Garden
Hello ~! Please call me Fern. This is the blog where I tend to my blooming stories and tiny, seedling headcanons. All types of writing bloom here though.
I’m not the most confident in my writing currently. So, please be gentle. I only play FateGO NA. So, I apologize in advance that I won’t be writing for your JP Husbandos and Waifus.
Feel free to request:
I’ll only be writing Character x Reader/Master. I’m sorry to the Ritsuka and Hanako fans. Character x Character is fine as long as it’s already canon. Examples: Ozymandias x Nefertari Rama x Sita Etc..
1) Please be respectful. I’ll try to write each request to the best of my abilities. Though it might go slowly since I’m new to this kind of thing.
2) No Smut, though implied is okay. I am over 18 but I can’t write smut to save my life. This is fluff garden. Not a garden of sin.
3) Yandere and dark themes are welcome here. As beautiful roses are. They still have their thorns. Of course such things will have a trigger warning.
4) Please have fun!
So, stop by! Smell the roses and I hope you have a wonderful time.
Below the cut is a garden guide! If you’re looking for something on this blog. Below is the tags you should search!
Existing Flower Patches/bouquets
Twisted Wonderland
Child From The Future! Twst Boys as Husbands (Aged up!!)
Obey Me
Fate Grand Order
Writing Prompts
Manga Quotes
Fandom Name Lily of the Valley = Yandere x Reader
Lily of the Valley Meaning: The promise of happiness (not guaranteed) 
Fandom Name Dandelion = Fluffy x Reader
Dandelion Meaning: Happiness, Simple joys
Fandom Name Anemone = Angst
Anemone Meaning: Death or forsaken love
Wild Flower Writing = Original work/Ocs (Friends only, deepest apologies.)
Fandom Name Limes = Limes(?) Implied sexual acts
Fandom Name Blue Rose = Letter/Voice messages!
Blue Rose Meaning: Obtaining the impossible 
Replanted Works = A Repost of old works because Tumblr Trambled them 
More will be added as the Garden grows!
19 notes · View notes
darksaiyangoku · 4 years
BlackSun Headcanon #3
Sun and Blake celebrate Diwali with their kids, Shen and Sita.
19 notes · View notes
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Interior Design Ideas
  It’s great to be here to share some new interior design ideas with all of you! I’m happy to add some beautiful and inspiring kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, many interiors featuring different styles. So, hopefully you will find something you really like around here!
Pin your favorite interiors and have a great time, my friends!
  Interior Design Ideas
White Kitchen with Pecky Cypress cabinets painted in Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove. Countertops are Macaubus Quartzite.
Similar kitchen runner can be found here & here.
Hardware: Brushed Brass Knobs. Brushed Brass Pulls.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Backsplash Tile Ideas
Backsplash is Eveningstar Thassos, blue Celeste, and Azul Macaubas marble tile by Tilebar.
Kitchen Faucet: Here.
Pot Filler: Rohl.
Lighting is from Horchow.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Green Cabinets
Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore 2047-10 Forest Green. Cement tile is from Cement Tile Shop (similar can be found here).
Sink: Kohler.
Fridge is Smeg.
Similar Sconces can be found here.
Hand soap set.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Floating Shelves & White Tile Backsplash
Modern farmhouse kitchen with chunky floating shelves and 4×4 white tile backsplash.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Black Range
Range is Bertazzoni.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Island & Corner Banquette
Kitchen island with four seating and corner nook with built-in banquette. The clients for this kitchen have 3 small children and wanted a family-friendly space where their kids and friends could hang out, complete homework, etc.
Clients wanted kid friendly but a very “grown up” looking kitchen, so we added the herringbone marble backsplash, capiz chandelier and glass pendants. All of the fabrics used are indoor/outdoor for easy cleaning.
Similar Counterstools: Here & Here.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Breakfast Nook
The clients spend most of their time in the kitchen, so by creating the breakfast nook and providing ample bar seating it made the space much more comfortable. Paint is Dunn Edwards White Heat.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
The herringbone marble backsplash is from Wayfair.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
White Farmhouse Kitchen
White farmhouse kitchen with reclaimed wood pantry door and zinc hood. The custom zinc hood is by Fine Design Fabrication. The custom Barn wood pantry door is Karten’s Case.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Similar barstools can be found here & here.
Faucet, prep sink and pot filler: Waterstone Kitchen Faucet – Waterstone Pot Filler.
Countertops: Ceaserstone.
Hardware: Top Knobs Pulls, Knobs & Bin Pulls.
Cabinetry: JT Designs Tab.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Wine Room
Beautiful Industrial-farmhouse wine room with patterned tile. The patterned tile is Mediterranean 26 tile​ from Tabarka Studio​.
Barstools​ are Caymus Bar Stools from Arteriors. Pendants​ are Clifton Pendant from Currey and Company. Table​ is custom made.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Kitchen
Beautiful, newly-designed crisp white farmhouse kitchen with shiplap hood and brick backsplash.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Two-toned Island
Two-toned Kitchen Island Design: “The design of the kitchen centered around my desire to have a two toned island. I designed the island to have a center base, with shiplap detail. I wanted that section of the island to be painted white. It was important to me to add some stained wood into the design of the kitchen to add warmth. One way I did this was to accent the island with stained “X” end panels.” –Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering
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  Shiplap Hood
“The white shiplap kitchen hood got a dose of stained wood and the open shelving was made of stained wood as well.” – Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Backsplash: Painted Brick – similar here.
Kitchen Runner
The kitchen runner is the Journey Wool Rug by Loloi Rugs.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Sconces are Savoy House Morland Warm Brass One-Light Sconce.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Sink
Kitchen Island Elements: “I topped the kitchen off with gorgeous, easy to maintain, marble look, quartz countertops. We used an extra thick 6cm quartz, with a mitered edge, to give the countertops a substantial look. My favorite feature may be the black silgranit, farmhouse sink from Blanco. The black sink, with brass faucet, set against the white countertops and cabinetry is an absolute showstopper!” –Sita Montgomery Interiors.
The matte black hardware provides a bold contrast against the white cabinet. Hardware is from Amerock Hardware.
Similar Faucet: Here.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Kitchen Desk
Desk chair can be found here.
Sconce is Savoy House.
Similar Shelves: Here.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Flooring is Hallmark Floors Alta Vista Malibu – similar here & here.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Dining Nook
Farmhouse Dining Nook: “The dining nook is the perfect spot for my clients’ family to sit and enjoy a meal or for the kids to do their homework. The nook is surrounded by beautiful large windows, which showcase the breathtaking views of the Utah mountains.” -Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Lighting is Savoy House Fulton English Bronze and Warm Brass Six-Light Chandelier.
Dining table: here or here (Pottery Barn).
Similar Dining Chairs: Here & Here.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Brick Fireplace
According to the designer, “the painted brick fireplace is the focal point of  the family room. Warmth was introduced into the space with the addition of a custom made white oak mantel. The mantel was given a custom stain, which compliments the other wood tones in the home.
Leather Chairs: West Elm.
Sofa: West Elm.
Get the Look:
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  Modern Farmhouse Living Room
 The fireplace is flanked with a 10ft tall bookcase on one side and a charming window seat on the other.”
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Farmhouse Style Bookshelves
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Nook
“The window seat is the perfect spot to sit and gaze at the gorgeous view or curl up with a good book. The two library sconces give off the perfect light for the evening hours. The black windows are absolutely stunning against the white interior walls. This bold contrast is my favorite!”
The cushion was custom made by the designer’s fabricator. The fabric is from Robert Allen.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Arched foyer with double wood front doors with draperies, dark hardwood floors and exposed ceiling beams.
Bench and chandelier is Gabby Home. Mirror can be found here.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Crisp White Paneling Paint Color
 Crisp White Paneling Paint Color: Benjamin Moore OC-117 Simply White. 
 Fox Group Construction.
White Foyer with Black Door
White foyer paneling painted in Simply White by Benjamin Moore and black front door. Lighting is Suzanne Kasler Morris Lantern.
Fox Group Construction.
Craft Room
Gorgeous craft room with built in cabinets and a nautical blue and white wallpaper. Wallpaper is Phillip Jefferies – Why Knot in Navy on White Paperweave.
Chair is Ballard Designs. Pillow on Chair HomeGoods.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Shiplap Nursery
Nursery features shiplap paneling and window seat with storage. Rug and Rocking Chair & Ottoman are Pottery Barn.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Color Palette
     Window Pillows: Custom using Duralee & Robert Allen Fabrics.
    Window Valances: Kravet & Lee Jofa.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bathtub Nook
Arched bathtub nook with marble herringbone backsplash tile. Ceiling features rustic Pecky Cypress wood. Paint Color is Benjamin Moore White Dove.
Pendant is Visual Comfort.
Bench is Gabby.
    Basket is Serena & Lily.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Bathroom Mirror
 In this bathroom, a Moroccan mirror add gorgeous curvilinear shape and shine in combination with the antiqued mirrored sconces.
Mirrors: Wisteria.
    Sconces: Currey and Co.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color
White Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White.
 Fox Group Construction.
Modern Farmhouse Bathroom
Modern farmhouse bathroom with black framed shower doors, black vanity, brass fixtures, shiplap paneled wall and cement floor tile.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Neutral Bathroom
Beautiful bathroom with neutral elements.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Countertop & Shower Tile
Countertop is Cosentino and the shower tiles are Asian Carrera Honed.
Faucets & Shower Fixtures: Pirch – California Faucets.
Hardware: Top Knobs.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bathroom Flooring
 Bathroom flooring is Oak Hardwood Flooring – Provenza Pompei Vesuvius.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Tub Chandelier
The tub chandelier is Restoration Hardware – 1920’s Odeon.
Tub is Pirch MTI Whirlpools. Window treatment is Maxwell and the fireplace tile is 1 x 2 Rock face white marble mosaic.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Grey Bedroom Paint Color
Paint color is Dunn Edwards Miners Dust. Trim paint color is Sherwin Williams Extra White SW7006.
Rug is Pottery Barn; Bosworth printed wool rug. Chandelier is Restoration Hardware Crystal Halo.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bed & Nightstand
This bed was custom made by OHM3 using fabric from Kravet (29484-11) but you can find similar looks at Restoration Hardware. The nightstands are Restoration Hardware – 1930’s French Mirrored 32”Nightstand – similar here & here.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bedroom & Sitting Area
Neutral bedroom with separated sitting area.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
The bedroom draperies are Serena & Lily. Bedding is Annabel Duvet Cover also from Serena & Lily. Rug is Dash & Albert.
    Mirror: Restoration Hardware.
    Floor Pillows: Custom using Duralee fabrics.
    Chair: Pottery Barn. Pillow on Chair: Home Goods.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
  Home Exterior & Gardens
Poolside outdoor shower and storage under the deck.
Old Seagrove Homes.
  Pinnable Paint Colors & Color Palettes
10 Most Popular Paint Colors: Cotswold AF-150 Benjamin Moore. Coventry Gray HC-169 Benjamin Moore. Crushed Ice SW 7647 Sherwin Williams. Dovetail SW 7018 Sherwin Williams. Sea Salt SW 6204 Sherwin Williams. Lazy Gray SW 6254 Sherwin Williams. Revere Pewter HC-172 Benjamin Moore.  Sticks and Stones SW 7503 Sherwin Williams. Mink SW 6004 Sherwin Williams. Solitude AF-545 Benjamin Moore.
Favorite Paint Colors Blog for Home Bunch.
  Summer Best Deals!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Wayfair: Black Friday in July! Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!
Joss & Main: Flash Deals! Up to 75% Off!!!
Serena & Lily: The Upholstery Event: Enjoy 20% OFF!
Pottery Barn: New Arrivals!!! Up to 70% Off!
West Elm: Mega Sale – 70% Off sales!
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Extra 40% Off Sale Plus 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor – Big Summer Sales!!!
Horchow: Flash Sale: Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: Save Up to 70% OFF! Free Standard Shipping on Orders over $99!
Williams & Sonoma: Spring Clearance: Up to 75% OFF!.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Biggest Memorial Day Sale: Up to 50% Off!
JCPenny: Final Hours of Huge Sale.
  Posts of the Week:
Kitchen and Mudroom Gut Renovation Ideas.
  Santa Barbara Beach Home Design.
  Interior Design Ideas Coastal Florida Home.
  Georgian Home Design Ideas.
Palm Beach, Florida Dream Home.
Interior Design Ideas: California Coastal Home.
Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New-Construction Modern Farmhouse Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Andrea McQueen Design.
Texas Gulf Coast Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
New-Construction Home for First-time Home Buyer.
California Beach House with Beautiful Coastal Interiors.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors
2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home
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Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas
Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette
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Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color
Interior Ideas: Paint Color
More Paint Color Ideas
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
Interior Design Services within Your Budget
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/interior-design-ideas-154/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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seherie · 2 years
the invention of love (ii)
sita x oc (yes, it’s sapphic) (part i)
Who are you? Sita couldn’t help but ask, fingers brushing against the scars on the woman’s arms.
She bent forward to rest her chin in the bowl of her hand, tendrils of her hair coming loose, as she paced the uneven fall and rise in the woman's breathing in her head.
She was a beautiful woman, she couldn't help but admit that. 
Her features were regal, a golden undertone to her skin that carried throughout her face, with sharp, defined cheekbones and an elegant curve at her lips. In another lifetime, she could have been a princess.
"Sita," a tired yet patient voice called out, "Go eat, amma. Someone else can watch over her."
The ravenette glanced over her shoulder to see Sarakka. Sita's eyes were stained from the kajal that she hadn't washed out while her discarded langa-voni, still red from the stranger's blood laid in a clump beside the bed.
"I can't," she sighed, "What if she wakes up?"
Both women look at the bandaged young woman unconscious on the bed, a sheen of sweat on her forehead from the rising temperature of her body.
"You can come back then," she assured her.
With a reluctant sigh, Sita lifted herself from where she had been sitting for the last couple of hours and joined the group eating in Sarakka's kitchen. It was a communal experience, they all cared for one another, and it was in moments like this when Sita's mind was racing at the pace of a locomotive when she remembered just why she loved her adopted family so dearly.
Sarakka was the one who had healed the nameless woman, using her experience as an army nurse to clean the countless scars on her pale, brown skin and stitched up the stab wound with a meticulous, patient hand.
A part of her registered that her overbearing behavior was unwarranted. The woman was relatively out of danger now, yet, she couldn't help but feel protective of her. Perhaps, it was the broken plea of help that the woman had uttered seconds before she lost consciousness but also, it seemed to stem from Sita's own need for a distraction. 
Moments before she had shown up at the lake, she had been reading a letter she had received from Ram. It was a discouraging one, he had once again been sidelined, and their hope that he would be able to bring home the weapons they needed was beginning to dissipate. 
After she had struggled to bring the unconscious woman to the village, feet dragging in the mud, yelling for Sarakka to help them, she couldn't help the strong sense of responsibility she felt towards her well-being.
She had made a promise, after all.
It wasn't long before a troop of soldiers came bounding down the side of the hill, their swords gleaming in the baring sunlight and a viscous malice to their mannerisms. 
They asked the villagers whether they had seen a woman dressed in men's clothing pass by; they described her tanned skin and cropped raven hair, painting her as a dangerous, amoral thief who would rob them of their half-spent riches.
Sita remembered how the entire village had united in the face of that threat, they were warriors, after all, and their loyalty equaled the ferocity of the sun. They misled the men in a different direction, assuring them that no strange woman had entered their village.
After finishing her meal, Sita went back to the lake, fingers telescoped around the dagger that the woman had clung to until the last breaths of her consciousness. It was relatively small, something that could be hidden in the crooks and crannies of the human body with dangerous ease, and was crafted with a strange sort of intimacy.
A name in a foreign script was etched into the inner hilt, with lines and curves that resembled the living, breathing evocation of a tree and seemed to gleam under the glaring sunlight. One of the village elders, upon seeing the script, at once identified it as Hindi and translated it to the name Daksh.  
Daksh. She couldn't help but let the name wander around her brain, testing it in all the voices she thought would belong to the woman. 
Is this the name of her lover? Sita couldn't help but wonder. 
Growing up, her unquenchable curiosity had been both her savior and vice. It was what got her into trouble with her uncle when she snuck into his weaponry cabinet, but it was also what saved her when she investigated why the children in the village were becoming sick all of a sudden, only to realize that the river was being polluted by a nearby factory.
She questioned whether her interest in this woman would be the catalyst to her downfall. 
Found herself alarmed by all the possibilities of outcomes her intrusion in their lives could bring about. What if she really was an amoral thief as those soldiers had warned? Their village couldn't afford that sort of a threat, not without incurring the wrath of the Britishers.
Yet, she couldn't help herself. 
It was the most gripping thing that had happened to her in recent years, and she couldn't help but revel in its absolute unfamiliarity. Everything had become so mundane and routine, outside of the occasional letter that Ram would send her. Even the countless hours of training had taken on a monotony she couldn't escape. 
So, yes, if this woman was to be her distraction, then so be it.
However, she didn't have long to stay lost in her own mind when she heard someone yell her name.
"Sita, come quick! That injured lady, she’s gone crazy!" 
She immediately rushed back to her house. Her mind reeled with all the worst possible scenarios, and when she finally arrived at her doorstep, the wind knocked out of her chest, she came face to face with a sight she had not expected.
"Who are all of you?! Where am I?" a deep, hoarse voice demanded; the woman. 
Some of the villagers had rushed in as well, all of them carrying their own weapons as they wearily watched the woman wave around an iron rod they used to kindle fire. 
The men averted their eyes, not wanting to gawk at the woman dressed in nothing but a cotton bandeau across her chest but Sita felt no such need. She had seen the woman in her most frail moments and the scars littered against her body did not frigten her.
Her eyes were wild, a goddess’s rage etched into her face as she branded the rod around, and all Sita could think about was how she was going to hurt herself. She immediately took a step forward, her anklets resonating against the ground and the woman's eyes snapped to look at her.
She watched as her rage seemed to dissolve upon seeing Sita, replaced with confusion instead as a flicker of recognition crossed her eyes. The colour of her eyes, Sita finally realized, were not black or brown as she seemed to remember, but rather, amber, like molten gold struck in soil. 
"You're finally awake," Sita breathed out. 
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Interior Design Ideas Sharing interior design ideas is truly one of my favorite things to do on the blog and this post will show you this! Here you will find many interior styles and the latest trends for kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, laundry rooms, mudrooms and more. Are you in need of some good paint choices for your interiors? I have you covered! Besides sharing inspiring interior ideas, I am also sharing many paint colors and color palettes that the interior designers are using now! Get your home updated, or simply find a quiet corner to dream about these beautiful interiors. Collect more Interior Design Ideas: Follow me on Pinterest/HomeBunch and Home Bunch on Instagram. Interior Design Ideas Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Ivory Lane Kitchen Alice Lane Home. Kitchen Hood Alice Lane Home. Glass Cabinets Alice Lane Home. Wallpapered Cabinet Kitchen features glass door cabinets with backs of shelves lined with an abstract wallpaper — Kelly Wearstler Channels Wallpaper. Hardware White shaker kitchen cabinets with brushed brass knobs and vintage pulls. Alice Lane Home. Slab Backsplash Alice Lane Home. Cutting Boards Alice Lane Home. Utensils Holder Alice Lane Home. Backless Kitchen Stools Alice Lane Home. Kitchen Lighting Kitchen sink lighting is Single Sloane Shop Light with Metal Shade. Alice Lane Home. Bookshelf Alice Lane Home. Pink Peonies Alice Lane Home. Island Decor Alice Lane Home. Treats Alice Lane Home. Open Shelves Between Cabinets Alice Lane Home. Two Islands – Four Lanterns Alice Lane Home. Dining Room Chandelier Chandelier is Circa Lighting’s Large Crystal Cube Chandelier – $3,780.00 Alice Lane Home. Navy Dining Chairs Dining chairs are Alice Lane Home’s Turner Dining Chair in Navy – $934.00 each Alice Lane Home. Navy Butler’s Pantry Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Alice Lane Home. Navy Island Navy Island painted in Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Alice Lane Home. Industrial Lighting Kitchen island lighting is Elegant Lighting Pd1223 Pendant From The Industrial Collection $430.00 each Titan & Co. Beach-style Kitchen Titan & Co. Kitchen Island Lighting Darlana Lantern, Medium, Aged Iron -$630.00 each. Catalyst Architects, LLC. Basement Kitchen – Yes, really! Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray and the white island is Benjamin Moore Simply White. Gray cabinets are stained in a washed gray. Countertops are Pental Quartz in Lattice. Kitchen stools are Ballard Designs. Mirror is by Lighting Design. Sita Montgomery Interiors. White Oak Cabinets Graystone Custom Builders. Reclaimed Wood Beams Graystone Custom Builders. Kitchen Paint Color Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove. This floor material is 5″ wide white oak planks. The color is a custom mix that was created by the installer. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Glass Cabinets with Windows Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Breakfast Room Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Beverage Fridge Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Neutral with Pops of Color Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Coffered Ceiling Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Fireplace Dimensions & Art The fireplace wall is 16 feet wide and the fireplace is 6 feet wide. The painting is by Connecticut artist William McCarthy. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Elegant Dining Room Wallpaper The wallpaper is a Hand-painted silk de Gournay. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Doors & Transoms Chandelier is Visual Comfort George II Polished-Nickel Lighting – $746.00 The door and transoms are made by Marvin. Dining Room Blackband Design. Two Chandeliers above Table Blackband Design. Long Sideboard Blackband Design. Beaded Chandelier Chandelier is Ro Sham Beaux Fiona Sea Green Chandelier, White Swirl With Gold Trim – $3,680.00 each. Blackband Design. Archway Blackband Design. Table Decor Blackband Design. Living Room Ceiling Blackband Design. Pendants Blackband Design. Tone-on-Tone Living Room Accents Blackband Design. Reclaimed Wood Coffee Table Blackband Design. Open Space Blackband Design. Gray Cabinets Blackband Design. Cabinet Design Blackband Design. Stairs Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. French Doors & Desk Nook Blackband Design. Paint Color Dunn Edwards Swiss Coffee DEW341. Blackband Design. Console Table Blackband Design. Decor Blackband Design. Fireplace Millwork & Stone Catalyst Architects, LLC. Ceiling Catalyst Architects, LLC. Mudroom Wainscoting Welch Company Home + Design. Flooring Welch Company Home + Design. No Whining Welch Company Home + Design. Mudroom Catalyst Architects, LLC. Yellow Door – Gray Countertop Laundry Room Titan & Co. Soapstone Countertop Graystone Custom Builders. Grasscloth & Wainscoting Welch Company Home + Design. Herringbone Wood Tile & Marble Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Geometric Wallpaper Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Small Bathroom Graystone Custom Builders. Feminine Bathroom Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Neutral Floral Wallpaper Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Bathroom Wainscoting Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Bathroom Paint Color Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue. Kurt Baum & Associates. Bathroom Striped Wallpaper & Navy Cabinet Kurt Baum & Associates. Beach Bedroom Dan Vos Construction Company. Navy Accent Wall Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Knit Bedding Graystone Custom Builders. Bedroom Wallpaper Alice Lane Home. Cathedral Ceiling Kurt Baum & Associates. Bedroom Paint Color Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore. Sita Montgomery Interiors Bedroom Lighting Decor and lighting are from The Welch Company in Scituate, MA. Welch Company Home + Design. Dream Bedroom Decor The Welch Company. Pillows Welch Company Home + Design. Pinnable Paint Color & Color Palette Ideas Most-Popular Navy Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore: Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Calm Neutral Color Palette: Timber Wolf by Benjamin Moore. Stratton Blue by Benjamin Moore. Stonington Gray by Benjamin Moore. Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore. Cloud Cover by Benjamin Moore. Rainwashed by Sherwin Williams. Via Marital Glue. Main color: Benjamin Moore Azores AF-495. Trim color: Benjamin Moore Navajo White 947. Accent color: Benjamin Moore Hale Navy HC-154. Foolproof Gray Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore: Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Benjamin Moore Stonington Gray. Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Gray Owl. Three Gray Paint Colors to Keep in Mind for your Next Home Renovation: Benjamin Moore Nimbus Gray. Benjamin Moore Cumulus Cloud. Benjamin Moore La Paloma Gray. Brick & Mortar. Complete House Color Palette: Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray. Benjamin Moore Cloud White. Benjamin Moore White Chocolate. Benjamin Moore Simply White. Via All Things Big and Small. Best Benjamin Moore Neutral Colors explained: Benjamin Moore Intense White. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Horizon. Benjamin Moore Marilyn’s Dress. Via Pinterest. Comparing Gray Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore. Benjamin Moore Valley Forge Tan. Benjamin Moore Ashley Gray. Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray. Benjamin Moore Moonshine. Via Over The Big Moon. Modern Farmhouse Color Palette. Best paint colors for modern Farmhouse: Benjamin Moore Pale Oak. Benjamin Moore Mountain Peak White. Benjamin Moore Sweat Celadon. Benjamin Moore Collingwood. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Albescent. Via A Burst of Beautiful. Pinnable Interiors Design Tips How to pick paint colors for your home like an interior designer. Via All Things Big and Small. How to Style a kitchen for spring and summer: Light decor, natural elements and lots of fresh flowers. Via Becki Owens. Home Exterior & Garden Ideas White Dove OC-17 by Benjamin Moore. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. White Exterior with Neutral Stone House Dimensions: This house is 47′ x 56′ and the garage is 24′ x 36′. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Stone & House Dimensions The stone is FonDuLac. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Back Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Walk-out Basement Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Exterior Paint Color Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue Exterior Paint Color. Warline Painting Ltd. Pool House Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Open Doors Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Pool House Interiors Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Pool House Kitchen Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Flooring Combination Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Guest Towels Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. French Doors to Backyard Talianko Design Group, LLC. Pergola A Cape Cod style home with a backyard patio inspired by the East Coast. A casually elegant Hamptons style deck lends to family BBQs and relaxing in the afternoons. Turquoise accents and a range of blue fabrics pop against white and cream backgrounds. Bronze lanterns atop teak tables are perfect for a little light in the evenings. This coastal style backyard is located in Sierra Madre, California. Talianko Design Group, LLC. Canopy Pergola Canopy: This canopy was custom made.I made the shades. I used two Sunbrella Canvas Pattern in cream and navy. Grommets on the sides and cup hooks on beams to hang. They are a little tedious to take down but it is only once a year. The fabric is three separate panels, it was attached with eye-hooks to the pergola. It is very practical for shade purposes, it would not be very practical for rain. The curtains are separate from the canopy. All of the hardware is hidden between beams. The curtains are on a Kirsh Ripple Fold drapery system. The structure is about 12′ x 12′. The curtains draw to the center. The awnings are three separate strips with grommets in the sides. The grommets slip over cup hooks which are installed inside of the beams. Talianko Design Group, LLC. Decor Talianko Design Group, LLC. Sunshine Talianko Design Group, LLC. Florida Via View from my Heels. Pale Gray Pale gray exterior paint color: Sherwin Williams SW 6148 Wool Skein. T-Olive Properties. Spring T-Olive Properties. Modern Farmhouse Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Nature Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Aspen Mountain Houses K. H. Webb Architects. Patio Tile Flooring K. H. Webb Architects. Tasty View K. H. Webb Architects. Navy Home with White Trim The siding is natural cedar shakes. The color is actually a funny story! The day the designer was talking about exterior colors, the interior designer was wearing a blue shirt. The client looked at her shirt, and said, “I want the exterior to be that exact color.” So, they sent the shirt to their painters and they color-matched the siding perfectly to the color of the shirt. So, it was a custom color, but similar paint color is Sherwin Williams Naval SW6244. The door is stained cedar Marvin door. The garage door is a stained cedar. Kurt Baum & Associates. Outdoors Sita Montgomery Interiors. Patio Coffee Table Sita Montgomery Interiors. Navy & Stone The stone is a custom mix of Chilton, Fon Du Lac, and Indiana Limestone. The clad of these Marvin windows are bronze. Farm Memories T-Olive Properties. David Cannon Photography. Quote of the Week You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello, my friends, I hope you could relax and feel inspired by these beautiful interiors. There are so many things I will be doing during this weekend, including making bracelets with my daughter. She is making lots of bracelets to sell to help the food bank of our community. She did this before to help our local SPCA and now she wants to continue to help… I couldn’t feel any prouder of her and I feel Blessed to have children that are learning to be people that can see others, that can think about how the world is and try to do the best they can to help. It’s the small things that have the powder of change. What can you do to help? Ask yourself and have the goal of helping someone. Have a Blessed weekend, my wonderful friends! We’ll talk again soon. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane Sources: 1st Image: Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Remaining Sources: specified below each image.Blackband Design. Graystone Custom Builders. (Photography by Tessa Neustadt). Welch Company Home + Design. Sita Montgomery Interiors. Dan Vos Construction Company. K. H. Webb Architects. Alice Lane Home. Ivory Lane. Talianko Design Group, LLC. (Photography by Erika Bierman) Catalyst Architects, LLC. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. (Steve Henke Photography). Warline Painting Ltd. Titan & Co. Marital Glue. Brick & Mortar. Over The Big Moon. All Things Big and Small. A Burst of Beautiful. Nola Kim. Becki Owens. Save Save Save Save Save
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ps-terrorism-blog · 7 years
Voluminous [Are-a-n|Brahman|Caste-R|Loot[a]chieph,feud[al]]ism; [Pejorative, Propagandized] deServe[ing,less]reServe [[doMi, sLoGa, karToo-क़र-तू(त)]n-eer-ing, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना-पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा, ogyGian प्रज्ञा] ArChaic {mass} p[u,o](b){li,ti}c{e,s}-{con-trol-ling, hyp{o-crit, not, o-the[t,atr]}i-cal, anArChic} [sCapeGoat, tool, raid, loot][ing,s] in the name of re[li]gion|Sir|Son-MAya-DAr-i|Capitalism! proto|crank|pseudo-science B[hr,rh]m-an-i-c-i [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]mazing ju-g-aad-u|fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|ble|poem Ramayan[a] Sing: Ramayan Plur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring] Vanara: vana + ra[+vana]: Ravana [aVarna: anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] | forest dwelling Homo-Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? | Gorilla|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes? Vana = forests-jungles जो लोग समाज बदलना चाहें, उनमें ये समझ नहीं के सुलझाना-बदलना क्या है! Osho: https://youtu.be/h9_oauNsv1g रामायण की ये बाते! https://youtu.be/B-368L4a05M https://ramleela.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/r16.jpg Living? Flying? yes-Wings?? priestcraft? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power] OR Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutt, carry]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones? g:ram:mar:y http://www.odiaguru.com/uploads/838067_ram01.jpg Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism Fled..? Flowed? Died? warcraft? H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humans {http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n 1. skill in warfare 2. the skill of directing a war} http://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg d:rama-mara|amar? (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/witchcraft wĭch′krăft′ n 1. Magic; sorcery) SamPati: https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg [priest,war,witch]craft aNTi-unFavoring-aGainst Ram[a]Allies & relati[ve,on]'s [after]life Su{sufFering-grief}grieve aRM[y,ed forces]Sena: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dD8ivNKBydo/Vjn7sT_317I/AAAAAAAAAhk/MXGhJGEQ9jk/s1600/22.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft strategics[eCo]logistics: batt[er,l]ing ram mar? http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg (A,(alp)vi[sh]) R-a-m/vAna-r-[a] | Sit[a] http://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed? https://youtu.be/ocTn7tnSvAk [wooden]slippers|paduka as crow[n] http://siyakeramsp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PicsArt_04-10-02.05.09.jpg for-thorns|as-throne!? [racial/st,baffling,cunning,shrewd] myth-o-logy [superim,trans]posed|overlapped http://siyakeramsp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PicsArt_04-10-02.03.34.jpg on|to|for g[ain,ett]ing [favorable] history & [r]evolutions of d earth|world (jadu-[ga[i]r)-Bha]-rat-i-ya-Qae-Qai OR Ram-Causal-ya Raj-ya|State? [g,b,ho,m]und[a/e] Sting-e/@-R[a/e]ant-Riot: https://youtu.be/xik_VDsGUOU mar-YAda: die-memories pu/ru-sh/ll[ho,(t)u(t,p)][Tum,Per,Ter] [puzzl,confus]ing [con]Quest[ion]&[s]Answer-Cru[x,cial]QualityAssurance? pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y http://www.storypick.com/greek-and-indian-myths [wo]men hu[ma]n hume home homo s-APie-ns un[g,c,e]raze[e] 10 Most eVil eMPires in hiStory: https://youtu.be/-IGHByjToO4 [demi]god[s,dess(es)] godl[y,iness] gaudy गाड़ gaurd[ian] गड़बड़ g[u,oo]n[da] gud[da,dia] opPosite dog[ma] The Faith of iDiots: https://youtu.be/dbJ4CPWi_pg अजायबघरी बकरी-बक्रा-बलि रीति: https://youtu.be/A9i_HOvCgpU Bringing UP|Country Back[war,priest-Craft,Stabb]ed! योगी पुलिस का खौफनाक रुप/HORRIFIC FORM OF THE YOGI POLICE: https://youtu.be/MGBRUXOFVNM नारे लगाते हुए [जय श्री राम] मस्जिद तोड़ना शुरू: https://youtu.be/7sQr6VuwxB4 Babri Mosque deMo[li]tion: RAm ke NAm? Or in the name of Brahmani-k[s]hetriya-Arya-n religion? https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik s[a]uGandh ram [apni?? apnon ki?? khAte hain, mandir wahin banAyenge. Ram lala-baba-dada [hum Ayenge, mandir wahin banAyenge] [Tota, Tula, Kalu, Mangat/Mange, Tuka, Ho, Bhola, Buddhu, Sita](d')Ram(a)[lala (kid), beti, lali, vati, charan, die-n, dhari, murti, purti, prasad, prakash] ri-gh/o-t realised names !? http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=rAma Hindi - Sons-crit Ram: dark|black[en-ed]d[e,r]own[ed] [se,de,out,il][c]lude KAl[i,a] Krushna go[rak[s]h, kul] http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=rAmI mythologies: Ram[a]Causal-ya never {really} [become prince-king, get [kid-s,king,wise]dom, queen]; but under{back}[gRound,sTand] Bh[a,A]ra-t[a]Que-Qai with {dosh-bhool[cult]ful[dis]ease-galati-zulm-jurm}:? get [[king,wise]dom, kid-s, princess-queen, rid of Ram[a]Sit]; aBhiGyanShaQ-UnTal[um] shrewdness [maha]BhAr:-t[a]: bhArat(m,f?), bharati(f, mata/bahan)]; Ram[a][[r]yan[a], lila, [my]th-e-o-logy]not[(hi)Story, bi/ge-o-graphy] http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanas once/one['s]एक[की] bioGraphy-जीवनी or अ-नेक़ो की inDustry-FacTory/के कारख़ाने-उत्पाद-ऊँतपद-उद्योग? JAn[wa]R जान[व]र ~ R[a]m[a] र[-ा]म: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s Creation of Ram Janma Bhoomi, flight of tale, is one of [brutal, tyrant, worst] type to obliterate, terrorize &| murder Muslims|Dalits|poor|Dasa|OBC. Nearly every communal [violence, murder-s-laugh-ter, riot, genocide] aGainst Dalits|Muslims|OBC in iNDia's eXeCuted after fabricating a [story, fable-s-tale] against Dalits|Muslims|OBC. Osho: राम नाम सत्य: https://youtu.be/jcHJsA6QFqw The Ayodhya - The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned #उघारब He-brew | Ger-man | Sons-crit #maha-bhara-t_exposé Bloody Sex|CoPulation|iNTer-CoUrse [machinate,pray-prey-play-holi,spread,sell] in the name of [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism]|re[li]gion: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pseudoscience !Shame on [g]ajab-a-e-Sons-crit-i|hindu-tvam|gar-Bha-rat model[ling,s] http://www.onlinepuja.org/images/7parbati1.jpg Goddess-Deity &|व्य Wed:DewaDasi https://www.quora.com/Which-religion-is-truth-based-or-a-true-religion https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg Weda [un,dis,non]Lawfull-y-ours https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dewa She-va{and} ling{phallus}[um(singular), a(plural,phalli)] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg pu[ru/sh]lling {tantric} inserted [with]in st(r)i[lling,yoni] b(h)aj-a orGan[s] Pervert[i,a]? शी-व-लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: Osho: https://youtu.be/4IusnrRV8Gw O-m{Oh me} namah{venerate,honor} she-va{and}-Aya{[in]come} le-d[rive] to consented copulation-s? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented, unLawful] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex-rapes? https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpg [{b,f}risk, endanger]ing [inter]national [women, female]'s [after]lives? mahaboret [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d-ange-r-ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans? https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 शि-व-लिंग की ख़ोज में खुदवाया नेशनल हाईवे: https://youtu.be/IslW5IILey0 pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s slavery[eXTRac,eXPLoita,pRosTiTu]tion ब्राह्मणी-k[s]hetriya बावल-ज़ुल्म-आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़-जुर्म https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा: https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqY DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k शि-व-[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConscious? dead? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg https://youtu.be/7zid6FfQaXM [दु:]उ-ग: दुर्ग[-ा,ति], दरगाह, killa-क़िल्ल:, [ef]fort {क़-ाण्ड:, स-ाण्डbull-बैल-ocks,ox-en,{castrated}, [गर्][भ,ह]-ाण्डा, [सर्]प-ाण्डे, गांड-arse} {Brahmi, aRya, aRe-a, k[s]hetriya}n {crime, ho[rror,nor], terror}ism: https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com [उग्र, आतंक, अति][वाढ, वाद, बाद, भाड़] 2012 {बस रेप}: कमज़ोर: शी-व javAn-juvenile rapistsक़ातिल-दरिंदे नई दिल्ली-देहली https://youtu.be/KphN_Y8p6UQ Osho: तुम्हारे देवी देवता सब झूठे हैं: https://youtu.be/TmIwxxyq_5I 2017: कमज़ोर: शी-छात्रा-व [घातक, प्राणनाशक] [बलात्कार, [आ,son]क्रमण], यूपी में: https://youtu.be/HtJEtfll9Oo शी-नारी-व-[पुत्री हत्या + बलात्कार] 9 month child thrown{from auto-rickshaw}+killed & thereAfter Mom's gangraped in GuruGram-GurGaon, HarYana: https://youtu.be/Lz7XBFqzavo heinous-vile-wil[le]d rape terrorism hap & crimes increasing.. शि-व प्रेम[-ीका डाह, -िका दाह]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/186413258229202/permalink/617455788458278 शि-व-सन्गीन{बलात्कार+[मौर्या]रेल-म-[पेल,फेंक]}गम्भीर https://youtu.be/c0yIOBl3Ius शी-व free UP Rape[ists, minded]Police: पहले शारीरिक संबंध बना[ओ,ऊँगा] फ़िर लिखूँगा FiR: https://youtu.be/sd2fXh7O3n8 muzlum शी/नारी-व [पिटाई, नीच-जय[कारे,लग,कार्य]वा[ह]ई नारे] paga[n,l] नरों द्वारा: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg H[e-in, i-de]o-us (uni)Sen/Sex-d|tr|qr(iminal,ual)ity God[dess] va{and}+Sheवशी{beWitchMent|Mes[h]mer-ism}+wa+Nar:(he:male)वानर: https://youtu.be/TcwYiy67FLA [ins,assa]ult on minorities !Shame She-va(&)-Shun-kara(doer): http://www.desiglitters.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Animated-Shiv-Pic.gif inse[mina,r]tion from below & er[o|ra]tic-energy|gang-e|ri-vule|o-t flow from above. Osho: भारत में सैंकड़ों सालों से नारियों पर [अ,स,ह]त्याचार-जुर्म[आना?]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/o7Ue-vSmAFE gar-Bha-rat: Spirits-Souls' sexual[ity]gender bound with temples https://shaktitrails.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/temple_blog.jpg प्राणप्रतिष्ठा पाखंड-जाल-साज़ि[श]धरपकड़ है - स्वामी अग्निवेश: https://youtu.be/PnD6DNHZHH4 on SupersTitions: https://youtu.be/W0yDO0MfKnw https://ssubbanna.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/devalaya-layout-four3.jpg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism O[h]m Mo[h] "fascination मोह, जादू, टोना, संमोहन endearment ममता, प्यार, लाड, चाव delusion माया, भ्रांति, ग़लतफ़हमी, भुलावा, इंद्रजाल illusion मिथ्या, भरम, अयथार्थता, मोहिनी" mohan, mohammed Hom[e] Om-kar  Moh-kar makkAr fakkad makkad Om-ni prefix: all; of all things. omniscient Muh मुँह Hum हम म[-ु]न[:,-ी]न[-ु]म O-m-en "an event regarded as a portent of good or evil." [wo]men Op Po - Of Fo sons-crit: support[er, system]s + sons [re]created it son-[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, dhi, das, son-i, jai, ki, t[an,ap,oor], nata, jivani, char] HinDi[aMBiguous]SonsCrit-enGLish-etc [language-s, lingua/e?, tongue] were mishmashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting hurtful-unjustifiable-sinister-injuring propaganda-agenda-domination-etc. कभी-अभी भूल-कर कैसे-भी [pejorative, निंदापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड-ित, तुच्छ-क्षुद्र]बनानेवाला राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: Ram[ayan]anarchy[Maha]Bharat[a] पौराणिकी-अयथार्थ-अनर्थ नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: OSHO: https://youtu.be/8A-OBtZpXVc राम:र[-ाव][ण:,त]:भ[-ा]र[त: रा,द्वा]ज: [अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]: make [slavery, eX[Trac,PLoita,Tor]Tion, prosTitution] eaSier than beFore [with]in[s/c-ide] country-nation: अवैध खनन का रण:-माफिया-राज:: https://youtu.be/lAoOGMNnMuE https://youtu.be/jMSXJ0SiqNwl उगाहित माफिया[कर्मी]पुलिस: https://youtu.be/eYsQltD_kFw tens of true[f]actual-eVident videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?q=bjp+sex+racket Part[y]BJ in जिस्म-फ़रोशी https://youtu.be/EsYelaeLmRE iN conGress: https://youtu.be/0Hy7Oj8aitk Kerala: शी-व चक्कू Chops off Genitals of a[lleged] rapist Swami: https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA she{-v:} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [Orgy, saturnalia, necking-party] [नंगा नाच, तांडव] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpg [fe]male['s][wo]men se[n,x]ual organs' p[ra,re,la]y https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR [सं-पु.] - 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 3. उग्र और उद्धत नृत्य 4. उग्र क्रियाकलाप 5. एक प्रकार का तृण। https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpg https://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि-व-MUsic-orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M दिमाग-mind-sets-अंतर्मन से धार्मि[क-ी] कचरा religious-religiose-regional trash-junk-dirt निकालो! https://youtu.be/JWq6Lzg9lDw [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] j[h]ugad[al]u prose Gandhari: how come exactly 100sons+1daughter http://www.artasiapacific.com/image_columns/0001/6851/mahabharata.jpg Who wrote the script: एक जुट-गुट Wed[a]Wyas/Biase?? or Ganesh[a]: grand-pa of Kaurava|Pandava? cousins? God-Krishna?? Or [appropriate,demean,subjugate]ing, [dark-black]s' sPirit[s]Soul-lord[s]god  inTo [self favoring/advancing] mythological [imagi,machi,combi,domi]nations?   Womanisers: fair-foul Gang[a,es] | dark Yam-un[a] wo-men-i-zed https://www.artzolo.com/sites/default/files/uploads/multi/3893/largest/216.jpg [battle, war-r, cattle, settle](ed) field[s]aRea for [lecTure-r, proPhet, proFessional]s? (अ-नेक़ जीते? Or बन[-ाई ग]ई गीता!) or for war-riors on cha-riots? https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 https://acrazymindseye.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/kurukshetra-hussain.jpg she{-v:} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-k[s]hetriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather[p/f]ancha[l,m]i https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpg https://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpg and [re]created [favor,profit]able vict[orious,imizing] my-th[e]ology http://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys:5+1D-in-law: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM http://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg शी-व [Tha]Kuru[v-a] http://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/10/04/535096-draupadi-book.jpg OR http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg aNim[e,ated]hindi movie: https://youtu.be/rOP3nvxj14A?t=1h1m12s https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-62597ac9d2d454d5631e227ecf9b2068-c https://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft strategics[eCo]logistics: [d,s-l]augh-ter OR [with,wed]drou[ght[ry],pudi]faMined? [a-nti]feMinism ? http://www.hinduhumanrights.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/stripping-draupadi.jpg शी/नारी-व चीर-हरण-नग्नता-शोषण-बेइज़्ज़ती anGst proPaganDize[mis,ab]use case on BjP MP: https://youtu.be/5uVTjV0Zmj4?t=4m11s https://www.quora.com/What-are-were-some-of-the-contradictions-anomalies-controversies-transgressions-idiocies-rising-since-Vyas-wrote-Mahabharat-See-comments-eg Bandar Sena Terrorists: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 85% [बाहुसांख्यकी, अधिकांक्षी][क] [संघठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िंदाबाद-सम्भावित !? [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 दलित-SCs-शूद्र-OBCs: Osho: https://youtu.be/QRGGp37lgo0 सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए/We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds (dhArmi[c]धार्मि[क]) itihAs[:]इतिहास = [farce स्वांग-आडंबर, [con]temp[t, late? फर्मा-सांचा, विचार-मनन, tation प्र-लोभ-न, ple मंदिर, orary अस्थायी], condescension कृपालुता, disdain तिरस्कार, derision उपहास-हास्यास्पद, humiliate-shame बेइज़्ज़ती-दर्पमर्दन]ing ≠ (true,real,[f]actual) hiStory Your Faith is A Joke: https://youtu.be/P4dSiHqpULk https://www.pinterest.com/explore/caste-system-in-india Religion V/s Reality: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI eham Brahmāsmi-ti अहं ब्रह्मास्मि[ति] is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan "i am the [in-finite, de-fined] [reality, brahman]" Or aHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity] [reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%k[s]hetriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy] nationals. inSulting Religion: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 हमको आज़ादी-स्वतन्त्रता नहीं; https://youtu.be/Y1fJS74yGww ब्राह्मणी-रीती-रिवाज़ की पोल-खोल: https://youtu.be/WiKwzRE--v4?t=5s Osho: लड़की होने पर दुःख: https://youtu.be/gB2mpNKqc54 अनपढ़ों [unKnowledgeables!] को पता होना चाहिए ये कानून: अब नहीं बना[ पा]ओगे मंदिरें-मस्ज़िदें !! पढ़ेग[:,-ी]भारत तो बढ़ेंगे भारतीय। https://youtu.be/1yul1wXVTQI https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion What Comes After Re[li]gion: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE HiNDu means [slave, robber, thief, waylayer] https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of [re]sources eXPlaining with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief Ramayan[a]: in-di-vi-d/s-u-al-s MahaBharat[a]: fa-mi-li-es she-v[a]: [female, couple]s Dur-ge: cast-le|ef-fort|go-spell va-nar[a]: group-s etc remote-control-able 3rd-class-world [after]life|artificial|priest|war-craft-ist [कुचक्र-साज़ि[श]जाल-अवधारणा[ष,ख]ड्यंत्र-परिकल्पना]ें [imagination-concept, machination-intrigue, conspiracy, hypothese]s against ~85% [civilization, nationals, people-populations]. The Tyranny Of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 भारत के पौड़ानिक-से-नवयुगी दासतानें[अ]फँसाने [slavery-enTrapments]: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 Arya-ns https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race were aLiens-forEigners to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent.. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें [दुर्ग:propa[g,p,bh]anda(ef)Forts]भीड़[उग्र]-mob->भाड़-hell: [bad,mad,sad,das]ist-i-cal [human] [resource] [management] of|for [the-earth-world], re[channeliz, diRect, divert]ing [progress, adv[anc,antag,entur]es] [re]sources of all, for 12-15% core-enClosed-dhArmi[c] groupings, time and aGain. बाहुसंख्यकों को मंदिर नहीं, modern [प्र]शिक्षण, व्यवसाय[प्र]गति चाहिए: https://youtu.be/qnjHrpGmZJE Study: Atheism will overTake re[li]gion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA ethnic-culturo-regio-poli[ti]c[i,e]o-religious/se-[pseudo-crank]scientific [claim, blame] gam[bl]e leads to is/are[crime, [hor,ter]ror, guilt, maim-lame, pain, loss, detention, quarantine, ostracise, imprisonment, remorse]s God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc [archaic-racist-casteist religion, capitalism, etc] eating ([aspects, aspirations, parts, opportunities] of) [after]life of ~85% civilization, by [p]reServing [with]in[s,c-ide] अजायबघर[ई]अजीबोगरीब-संग्रहालय-धाम. Equal[ity]-Justice&Opportunities of[f]for all, apPeasement-Favori[Ti]sm and eXPLoitation-eNSLavement-Pros[Ti]tution of[f]for none? http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg Angst-ridden regional-religious/se {[re]creations, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie]s, [p]art, priest|war|witch-craft, [af,ef,in]fect-us} none modern 21st century 1st-class-world-teams-organisations ending [archaic, hurtful, unLawful, disbalanced, unbalancing] [anarchy, machination[s]intrigue, etc]? steaming? teaming up!? streaming (soch-vichardhara)? OR time is running-up-out!?
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