#jr ntr
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enigma-the-mysterious · 13 hours ago
Happy anniversary to the gayest Indian movie ever made. Everyone say thank you to Rambheem for inventing gay marriage
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ren-nolasco · 1 year ago
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for @druidfox ♡
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apunctureinthesky · 22 days ago
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scarletsabers-blog · 6 months ago
In RRR, bheem babyfied himself so much infront of ram like he captured tiger and wolves and infront of ram he is like yes i am your baby (with big bambi eyes)
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womansplainer69 · 1 year ago
you know what I miss rn? The niche desi fandoms that were hyperactive for a while and slowly fizzled out. So many friendships were born out of these fandoms. There three that were the most impactful out of these for me. So RIP Bahubali Fandom, RRR Fandom and Ponniyin Selvan Fandom. Also are y'all still sneaking out here?
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lucyinroses · 3 months ago
can't believe how good the making-of-rrr documentary is. right back into my obsession. truly a gift. love that the whole shoot is 80% unbelievably complicated, talented hard work and 20% them just grabbing each other with tarak yelling
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ririsasy · 11 months ago
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Hehe just doing impromptu wedding ritual to your besties no big deal these gays are now married your honor
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reyoftarth · 10 months ago
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Charan casually making me spiral today
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dianaprincewonderwoman · 1 year ago
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SS Rajamouli’s RRR - 2022
It started with a little sketching experiment, that I decided to colour eventually. I can’t really figure out which one I prefer, the first one looks a bit unfinished but I kinda like this minimalist style 🤷‍♀️
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urcadelimabean · 4 months ago
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Um. Who said they could be this cute??
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enigma-the-mysterious · 24 days ago
Ram: I swing both ways
Ram: Violently
Ram: With a gun
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ren-nolasco · 7 months ago
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drew some my fave south indian actors ☆⌒(>。<)
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nisreensartworld · 7 months ago
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"The Market"
Pencil on Paper
I drew Jenny (Olivia Morris) and Bheem (Jr. NTR) from the Indian Telugu-language film RRR (2022). It was such a soothing experience to capture the small details of this brief, yet heartwarming moment in the thrilling film.
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rambheem-is-real · 28 days ago
a compilation of tarak getting bullied on the sets of RRR
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hum-suffer · 2 years ago
Re-watching RRR. Still gay as ever
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rosellerivers19 · 6 months ago
I HATE Pushpa (the character)
Pushpa is a movie that was released during the pandemic and became a massive hit. Even Bollywood stars commented on the movie. The songs were memorable and the song Sooseki got around 100 million views even though the second movie hadn't released yet.
It seems South indian Cinema is getting more appreciated with films like Bhaubali, RRR and KGF Chapter 1/2 and Devara might even gain more attention due to Jr. Ntr's presence. (Which I'm super excited about I loved him ever since I was young, him and Ram charan were one of my favorites so RRR was a pleasant surprise)
I'm just disappointed that Pushpa's story is the one thats getting this attention.
Pushpa has good BGM, the setting is cool and cinematography can be considered good and Allu Arjun is always appreciated but the story is where it lacks.
Can I understand it? Yes, I've been watching TollyWood movies ever since I was 1. I was singing Gabbar Singh songs when I was a toddler. I understand what logic Tollywood tries portraying is it always right? No but its enjoyable and times were different we're evolving we want more complex and meaningful stories now Bahubali and RRR gaining attraction are examples that South Indian movie industry is evolving finally!
So imagine my disappointment when I see Pushpa the next great Tollywood film.
"Pushpa Raj is a self respecting young man who takes pride in his work. He works at a mill, but leaves it when his owner doesn't like his attitude outside of work. Pushpa goes for Red sandal wood cutting in the forest. Pushpa lives in a village with his mother Parvatamma, and is the illegitimate son of a local rich man." That is the story according to imbd.
You'd think the movie gives more context about Pushpa nope. IMBD really summed it all up and thats the problem. Pushpa's character can be summed up in a few words and there's not depth beyond those words in the movie itself.
The thing that makes this film detestable is the main character Pushpa he is not enjoyable whatsoever. It's like one of those Dark Romance ML's but they tried mixing in a few funny liners and tried making him a sunshine character as well but failed?
He's not funny I feel bad for his sidekick Kesava actually no. I like Kesava better than Pushpa Himself. He looks like he has actually meaning and depth he has relatable goals and is actually funny or seems to have some sort of personality. I wholeheartedly ship him and Srivalli's friend actually go Side characters!
Now lets compare 2 films Maari 2 and Pushpa which might seem random but let me explain
Maari in both the first one and the sequel was a gangster however do you know why i like him better than Pushpa? He has redeeming qualities he has morals like he kills bad people but doesn't want to sell drugs because he knows that can make innocent people succumb to horrible diseases like his best friend their situations are very different however Maari is seen as a morally gray character just like Pushpa is portrayed as. Maari also has morals when he kills beeja's brother for attempting to assault Anandhi's sister. He's doing something 'bad' killing a person but he essentially redeems it because of why he does it. He also gives good advice when she talks about no one wanting to marry her because she's ruined maari says she isn't an object to be ruined and its not wrong to wait how long to find a guy that understands that.
He's a troubled guy with not normal values but I can sympathize with him and actually root for him because he's a good person.
A more accurate example KGF Rocky is on a very similar path to Pushpa he only relied on his mother his whole life until she died while in Pushpa his mother and himself suffered humiliation. Pushpa was often beat up Rocky was also beat probably even more. They both started at the streets and slowly climbed up wanting money and power. Pushpa only smuggled and framed and fought. Rocky outright killed but I still like him better than Pushpa do you know why?
Because he has character Rocky's backstory is more compelling wanting to fulfill his dying mother's wishes of not wanting her son to die miserably without money like her even if it meant becoming a bad person? Hell yeah. Also similar to maari he has limits he has certain morals, clear cut morals. in the first KGF movie he outright stops traffic for a mother and her son who wanted to get some food but were unable to because of the traffic and gave her hard advice. That the world isn't gonna stop for you its harsh and not lenient and that we need to MAKE it stop. We have to put in the work and not just hope someone will always come along. This gives us insight into his views further developing his character.
Pushpa's story is he was an outcast because he was an illegitimate son and was unable to have his father's last name? So he makes his name Pushpa Raj. He disrespects his mother at times despite her being the only one there for him. He has too much Pride. He doesn't have much regard for women as we see when he gives his shirt to Jaali's victim he isn't sympathetic to her at all and is kinda indifferent except for looking away as if he's uncomfortable more than regarding her own feelings
And the thing is all of these problems could be fixed if we saw more into his character which we're only given bits and pieces of.
Pushpa isn't close to his mother? Maybe its because he blames her for all the prejudice but still cares for her somewhere in his heart which is seen through the light interactions between the two in the movie. He has too much Pride? well he feels like thats his right because he was denied everything else his father's name, money, and even necklace. He doesn't have regard for women much? Even that can be fixed like in the movie 'temper' where Jr Ntr's character first doesn't care much for other women ends up willing to give his life for them he gets character development. Pushpa could not really see a big deal in Jaali's activities until he's confronted with one of the victims himself and is reminded of the women in his life and starts to detest Jalli which ultimately bursts when Jaali sets his eyes on Srivalli.
Everything I said you can mostly think about happening in the movie but its like a real stretch you have to really put your mind on it to see it happening in the canon of the Pushpa universe its nots showed to us the viewers like in other movies we don't get clear cut shots of these narratives I spoke up being played out. Its what makes these movies lively or entertaining in my opinion because they had depth which is enhanced due to the main character himself.
So see this from my perspective a MAN is able to outsmart the police and insult them, illegally get sandal wood, Act like and arrogant bastard through most of this move, have so much intelligence out of nowhere and still gets a girl?
Reena has more personality than Srivalli I'm actually gonna begin stanning her after this.
And when I say a MAN I mean a MAN because the person Pushpa on my screen is a stranger to me I don't get a clear feel of his character or any connection to him.
I really hope these issues are rectified in the second movie but I have my doubts. Pushpa as a movie feels like a regression for Tollywood and I don't want that for my cinema industry which I know has flaws but I also know that its healing and has really good stories.
Anyways to all Indian movie lovers out hope you're excited for Devara because I sure am. Jr. Ntr in double roles? Its like Adhurs all over again. And one of his roles seems really cute too, I've wanted to see Jr Ntr in action again for a long time.
But thats all for now
Yours truly
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