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pageofheartdj · 3 months ago
Okay wait!
Drawing more parallels between Alastor|Vox and Vaggie|Lute!
Vaggie didn't change, she just shown a side of her she herself was unaware of, but being put in specific conditions it got out.
What if Vox and Alastor were happily being horrible together, but then a certain circumstance revealed something about Alastor for both of them. Something that Alastor was supposed to be okay with but he was not.
And how quickly Lute rejected and discarded Vaggie for not doing what was expected from her, Vox reacted aggressively to Alastor's refusal as well.
Both relationship broken because the assumed mutual status quo turned out to be not as mutual.
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sfc-paulchambers · 2 years ago
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1SG(Ret) Erica Jones Lehmkuhl a native of Louisville, KY, entered the Army August 11, 1994,and completed Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. She completed AIT at Fort Gordon, GA where she was awarded the Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) of Multi-channel Transmissions Systems Operator/Maintainer (31R). She is married to former Sergeant Jason Lehmkuhl, and has two children. Her hobbies include running marathons, traveling, volunteer service, singing, free diving/snorkeling, organizing and participating in SAMC/SCRA activities, riding motorcycles, surfing, stand up paddle boarding, free diving, and is a member of the Haleiwa outrigger canoe paddling team. She is now a Real Estate agent in Hawaii. @ericainhawaii If you’re ready to be a part of #history & #armyhistory then contact me now at 615-429-0932 #armystrong #armyteam #womenwarriors #bearmystrong #womenshistorymonth #bedifferent #theydiditwhycantyou #theydidit #whatsyourexcuse #teamarmy #bedifferent #bearmystrong #sistersinarms #sisterhood #notallwarriorsaremen #armyteam #armystrong #starspangledgirls @warriorwomenus https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXoC-Ou0i5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lazyajju · 3 years ago
Rainbow Six Siege - Sisters in Arms - Official Cinematic Trailer
It wasn't suppose to be easy, you know." Discover how Ela and Zofia grew up side by side and how two very different sisters evolved as part of Team Rainbow.
For both of them, things won't never be the same anymore.
Buy game here: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege
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reclusiveformerwarlord · 5 years ago
(sisters-in-arms) Supernova: "I'm no medic, but I have cared for sparklings. Need any help?"
For an answer, he immediately thrusts the little silver bitlet into their arms, taking a few steps back. "It's not mine, I have no idea who the creators are, or even where they might be. Nor can I tell if it's a mech or femme, or how old it is."
The bitlet whines when Megatron backs away, twisting in the stranger's grip to reach out to the large mech, quite clearly unhappy to be separated.
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wamproject · 6 years ago
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A little @usarmy history for your Saturday morning . . . . . . #sistersinarms #camplejeune #fortbragg #fortbraggnc #womenveterans #makeadifference #military #militarywomen #usarmy #armedforces (at Camp Lejeune) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMza_SnuzO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16akeafpzrwmd
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moses-shaw · 6 years ago
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The Women Warriors of the IDF’s Isuf Kravi graduating to active duty. I couldn’t be more proud of the Lone Soldiers especially my Daughter. @nefeshbnefesh @idf_lonesoldier @idf @garin_tzabar @friends_of_the_idf #idf #fidf #garintzabar #womenwarriors #nefeshbnefesh #lonesoldier #amyisraelchai #idf #israel #isufkravi #sistersinarms (at Bet Guvrin, Hadarom, Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpsh287HZmg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hnrk6048s8i
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 3 years ago
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I’m grateful for the opportunity to have done a first ten pages workshop with @writersdigest this weekend. In terms of getting my contemporary YA novel ready for querying it was helpful and gave me lots to think about, but it was stressful and anxiety-inducing and there were moments where I was stressed out and tired and frustrated. As much as I’m a night owl, editing at night isn’t the best way for me to work and I get frustrated more easily when I can’t twist the words into something that’s better. Since my weekend was stressful and there was a fair bit of anxiety last week, I’m turning Monday into a cosy day with coffee and a book. I’ll be returning to Sisters in Arms by Kaia Alderson. It’s fantastic. Highly recommend #writer #editing #contemporaryya #writersdigest #deepdive #deepedit #reading #coffee #sistersinarms #historicalfiction #kaiaalderson (at Monterey, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caz1n0YuZLz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kuttifunda · 4 years ago
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#sistersinarms #snowythecatgram #tinkythecat #shotsbypravish #shotononeplusseventpro (at Skyline Riverdale Petta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLwwmm4HVwX/?igshid=1p3ka7x5e4jga
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dwp4ptsd · 4 years ago
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To all my brothers and sisters in arms, Happy Veteran's Day! I know you have been through some of the highest of highs and some the lowest of lows. What I admire about you is that you keep shining through it all. Your internal willpower is what others admire. When they thank you for your service, take a moment to realize that it is more just service to our great nation. It is more about all the sacrifices you have made over your career and lifetime. Its about the time away from your family. Its about the sleepless nights due to duty or to nightmares. Its about the celebrations of success and the damages from failures. Its about the moments of solitude, whether emotionally or physically. Its about the self doubt, the questioning of your worth or even the loss of your identity when you retire. Its about the feeling of not fitting into the civilian world. It's about the feeling of not fitting in at all. In the end, our sacrifices go beyond just the service to this great nation. What you are being thanked for is EVERYTHING related to your time in service. Be proud. Stand tall. Accept their gratitude. I know its hard to accept and often embarrassing. Tell them you appreciate their support. Today is your day. Own it. Be proud. Tell someone your story. Impress upon the next generation of service members the desire to volunteer. From me personally, you are all my heroes! You are the reason why I served for 20 years. #veterans #veteran #veteransday #service #sacrifice #notfittingin #support #beproud #volunteer #nextgeneration #military #standtall #yourstory #share #brothersinarms #sistersinarms #gratitude #thankful #yourstory #share #nextgeneration #embarrassing #accept #november11 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHc5hLqgjIR/?igshid=1k67n8nsooh71
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warpaintaubre-blog · 5 years ago
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#nofilters The Warpaint Project pays tribute to Women with Breast Cancer in particular to a woman from El Salvador with this flower bouquet skull. To the left, a flower made with 'dot art' an ode to my sweetie pie, Caly, just 11 months old diagnosed with cancer and beat it, Caly's painting was a Lotus Mandala, so personal to me, the first painting completed in the Warpaint Project. The second personal detail, On the jaw, a lotus made of peacock feathers. EMILY, Warrior of Breast Cancer, had a photo shoot done of her bare breats, covered with peacock feathers. This photo was one of the first she shared with me as our friendship flourished after she was nominated. This project has brought me the most precious friendships with the most brave Warriors I've ever known. It's only fitting Emily's peacock feathers make it onto this painting a gift from Emily to Liz. We are all dying, we are all muscles and bones, a pulse, and blood, the soul is what brings us life. As souls find each other in this giant world, we have an opportunity to give a gift of a smile, a conversation, and in our case, our undivided attention and support. A painting is just paint and canvas, but this painting has a soul. We hope you feel it's embrace every day you pass it by, that you feel the excitement of seeing her come to life. We are so grateful to be able to paint, because it beings us an opportunity to honor your fight. With all our love, Aubre and Joe @warpaintaubre @pourhousejoe Www.thewarpaintproject.com/donate-here #sistersinarms #warpaintaubre #warpaintproject #warpaint2020 #cancerisbull #weareworthsaving #godblessusall https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ceVJYBAYz/?igshid=vcfvzlvu277n
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trifeboss · 5 years ago
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#PullUp today!! @thcentnyc will be on deck with our #SistersInArms @smokin_shots & @drodrinks_ladies #DM both IG's for more info!!! (at East Village, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8okTCZlTFr/?igshid=1h8tsqz5jkrd6
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pageofheartdj · 3 months ago
Attempt number who knows xD List will be updated!
I love shipping and ship names and usually I just stick the names together but it’s fun when fandoms make up something else! So I wanted to collect it! What I saw, maybe come up with something of my own?(unless it’s somewhere out there already xD)
Would be happy for any help XD
Abel – Sheep.
Adam – Guitar, Rock.
Alastor – Radio, Deer.
Angel Dust – Dust, Spider.
Baxter – Fish, Mad.
Carmilla Carmine – Ballet, Weapon.
Charlie Morningstar – Belle, Rainbow, Princess.
Cherri Bomb – Cherry, Bomb.
Emily – Halo.
Eve – Fruit.
Husk – Husker, Cat, Booze.
Lilith Morningstar – Song, Queen.
Lucifer Morningstar – Apple, Duckie, King.
Lute – Spear.
Mimzy – Flapper, Chicken.
Molly – Web.
Niffty – Maid, Needle.
Rosie – Rose, Cannibal.
Sera – Wings.
Sir Pentious – Snake.
St. Peter – Gates.
Vaggie – Ribbon.
Valentino – Moth.
Velvette – Doll.
Vox – Static, Shark.
Zestial – Ancient.
Oh also!
There were some separate creative names? Which are very cool and I want them all too!
Adam/Lucifer Morningstar: AdamsApple.
Alastor/Angel Dust/Lucifer Morningstar: RadioStar.
Alastor/Charlie Morningstar: RoyalRadio.
Alastor/Charlie Morningstar/Vaggie: FallenRadiostar.
Alastor/Emily: RadioJoy.
Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar: HellRadio, RadioRoyals, BlackjackSwitch.
Alastor/Rosie/Lilith Morningstar: FlowerStag.
Charlie Morningstar/Emily: RoyalHalo.
Charlie Morningstar/Vaggie: FallenStar.
Cherri Bomb/Angel Dust/Lucifer Morningstar: SunrisePapaya.
Cherri Bomb/Sir Pentious/Lucifer Morningstar: SnakeFruit.
Eve/Adam/Lucifer Morningstar: ApplePie.
Frederick Von Eldritch/Lucifer Morningstar: PoisonApple.
Husk/Angel Dust/Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar: PinkChimera.
Husk/Angel Dust/Cherri Bomb: AngelsSaviors.
Husk/Angel Dust/Lucifer Morningstar: PinkGriffin.
Husk/Lucifer Morningstar: Royalflash, AppleCider.
Lucifer Morningstar /Carmilla Carmine: CaramelApple.
Lucifer Morningstar/Emily: PrideandJoy.
Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar: SongBird.
Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar/Eve: DevilsCourt.
Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar/Eve/Adam: AppleCore.
Pilot!Lucifer Magne/Canon!Lucifer Morningstar/Angel!Lucifer Samael: AppleTart(s), AppleSauce.
Lucifer Morningstar/Rosie: AppleBlossom.
Lute/Vaggie: SistersinArms.
Lute/Vaggie/Charlie Morningstar/Emily: CharliesAngels.
Niffty/Val: LoveBug.
Rosie/Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar: CannibalDuck, RedDelicious.
Rosie/Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar: RoyalParade, DoubleTrouble.
Rosie/Lilith Morningstar: RoseLily, FlowerBouquet.
Rosie/Lilith Morningstar/Lucifer Morningstar: RoyalGarden.
Sera/Carmilla Carmine: AngelicBallet.
Sir Pentious/Baxter: SeaSerpent.
Sir Pentious/Lucifer Morningstar: KingSnake.
Sir Pentious/Lucifer Morningstar/Alastor: ScarletKingsnake.
Vaggie/Charlie Morningstar/Emily: TwoandaHalfHalos.
Valentino/Vox/Alastor: RadioSilence.
Velvette/Charlie Morningstar: RoyalVelvet.
Vox/Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar: AppleMedia.
Vox/Valentino/Velvette: VVVs.
Zestial/Carmilla Carmine/Sera: NeonOpera.
Oh hey I didn’t even think on Helluva Boss characters but I am not THAT deep in that side of hellaverse so have no idea what ship names even are there xD
Blitz Buckzo – Horse.
Emberlynn Pinkle – Meow.
Striker – Rodeo.
Verosika Mayday – Pop.
Bethany Ghostfucker – Ghost.
Andrealphus/Vassago: IceAgo.
Beelzebub/Loona Buckzo: HoneyMoon.
Crimson Knolastname/Alessio: CriminAle.
Satan/Yogirt: HellthCare.
Vortex/Beelzebub/Loona Buckzo: HoneyBunch, PartyPack.
HH/HB ships xD~
Paimon/Lucifer: AppleOwl.
Satan/Lucifer Morningstar: MorningWrath.
Stolas/Lucifer: CosmicApple.
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sfc-paulchambers · 3 years ago
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The #columbian -born actress, Zulay Henao @zulay_henao grew up in #newjersey. She has co-starred in a number of films such as Illegal Tender (2007), Fighting (2009), Takers (2010), Boy Wonder (2011), Hostel: Part III, The Single Moms Club (2014), True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016). She served in the Army for three years after #highschool . "I went into the Army right after high school, and the first day of #basictraining was really hard. We were in the cold and it was miserable. I quickly realized I’d have to change my attitude if I was going to get through it. I’ve always tried to make the most out of my experiences, but that one was tough." If you’re ready to be a part of #armyhistory & #havewhatittakes then #contactmenow 615-429-0932 #warriorswanted #yourarmyreservecareercounselor #sistersinarms #womenwarriors #notallwarriorsaremen @zulay_henao #WomensHistoryMonth #bedifferent #armyteam #armystrong #celebritysoldiers #shedidit #whatsyourexcusenow https://twitter.com/sfc_paul https://instagram.com/sfcpaulchambers http://sfc-paulchambers.tumblr.com/ [email protected] (at Columbia, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbfCCWEuKFp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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filipino76 · 5 years ago
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Having spent major holidays away from family overseas, I can tell you that it takes dedication to their profession to chose to spend time away from their family. Happy Thanksgiving to all my brothers and sisters in arms serving and protecting us around the world tonight. #thanksgiving #dedication #givingthanks #profession #career #family #turkey #brothersinarms #sistersinarms #timeaway #deployment #mre https://www.instagram.com/p/B5cZmE_gIM9/?igshid=1ue5gxs27miae
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wamproject · 6 years ago
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Today is national model of honor day , dedicated to all Medal of Honor recipients. It was on March 25th 1863 , when the first Medals of Honor were presented. We are thankful to those that made the ultimate sacrifice. @gallantfew . . . . #medalofhonor #medalofhonorday #lavadogshawaii #womenveteranusa #brothersinarms #sistersinarms #militarywomen #militarymen #wesupportourtroops (at Camp Lejeune) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvcLEhCHfwC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xh9xug9xz3yy
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 5 years ago
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My sisters 💖 in battle, in life, and forever in love 💖 #mysisters💖💖💖 #sistersinarms #sistersinlife❤️ #loveyoumorethanjellytotsbutnotasmuchasvodkashots #palliativecarewarriors #tyhafanfamily (at Miller & Carter) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-jbd0Dimq/?igshid=hgyvywt9thke
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