#sirius x voldemort
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siriusblackdevotee · 3 months ago
When the dementors are gone, Bellatrix, Barty and all the other death eaters yap about Voldemort to keep their sanity. About how great, strong, powerful and strong he is in their usual cult-like way. And how handsome he is.
Sirius is there like, "I mean yeah, I guess he is hot, I can get behind that"
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piquanteye · 5 months ago
Sirius Black fanart - It Runs In the Blood
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It Runs in the Blood by @metalomagnetic is absolutely BRILLIANT
I never knew I needed Sirius Black/Voldemort in my life until I read this fic.
The heir of House Black wears Voldemort's soul on a chain
Edit: Thank you to Krissy and Fantalf who gave me wonderful advice. I have polished it up a bit more. I probably could fiddle with it more but I'm happier with it now!
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 6 months ago
voldemort had a crush on sirius and when sirius didn't join him & joined his ex-crush's party instead he got mad and took his brother who he didn't even gaf about
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slagathormoon · 1 year ago
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“Affection is a weakness, he still believes that. A terrible weakness. In others.
It only makes Voldemort fiercer. His affection for Sirius comes with something close to fury, with power surging through his veins, ready to use, at the tip of his fingertips.”
- Canis Major / It runs in the blood by @metalomagnetic
This ! Fic !
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astrophelexy · 1 month ago
Hey there! I'm at it again, drawing a Voldemort/Sirius pairing.
This time, my inspiration came from @metalomagnetic ‘s It Runs in the Blood.
Thank you so much for creating such an amazing piece!
In my illustration, Sirius is wearing the Gaunt ring, just casually slipping it onto his ring finger 😉.
Also, I took a stab at drawing disfigured TMR (in the second picture).
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v-a-l · 3 months ago
Fic: Rorschach
Summary: Fudge never makes it to the inspection. Sirius never escapes. Two years later, Lord Voldemort confronts the man who could have been his right-hand.
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resident-gay-bitch · 6 months ago
Wild. I’m not into it tbh. That’s a wild ship.
But tbh it would be so funny if sirius came home one day with his hot noseless boyfriend Voldy cause Reggie would be MAD jealous. He’d storm into his room and tear down his Voldemort shrine and cry himself to sleep.
Actually I’d read a fic about that just for the lols
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apk02 · 2 years ago
I have two moods for Sirius:
I either ship him with James or I ship him with Voldemort.
Also, if you've not read it, go and read @metalomagnetic It Runs in The Blood (for DeathStar)
@gracelesslady23's and a love that I dreamt of came to me at my worst (for Prongsfoot)
I also have a third mood where Sirius goes absolutely berserk and destroys everything to protect or avenge the ones he loves
The Black Lord by irislafey is beautiful in this regard.
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teacup-tai · 2 years ago
tai recs: my bleeding heart for this wip
that crazy feeling when your favourite WIP fic gets an update after a month and you're so hyped but at the same time scared and excited and you know you have 20k to read, but you also know the crushing feeling that will debilitate you like a shipwreck once it's over and you'll be left undone on the road while the proverbial truck goes over your body ad aeternun until next update.
It runs in the blood (E, 243k, Voldemort/Sirius, WIP) is one of the best dark rare pair fics i've ever read. it has THE best sirius, and THE best grasp on the dark psychology behind the Black family. amazing author metalomagnetic never cease to amaze me. I've been obsessed for more than a year now, if I could I would live inside this bloody fic. it's so well written i wanna shout to death. it's wartime, young sirius being reckless, deliciously long slow burn, dark and smart, sensual in a very dangerous and erotic way. and Bellatrix, goodness, god bless this insane creature, and all the pureblood crew, they are all so very well developed.
Summary: Sirius Black makes a different choice.
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uhhlifeig · 1 month ago
First Kid - Jan. 19th - word count: 431 - @wolfstarmicrofic
“So,” Sirius started nervously. “I, uhm, did a thing.”
Remus exhaled, crossing his arms. “What happened this time when I was away teaching? Did you accidentally fly your motorcycle into another house?”
“Shuddup,” Sirius pouted. “No, I did something else.”
“And what is this… something else?” Remus asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Did you maybe sire a kid I wasn’t aware of in the six months I was away?”
Sirius flushed guiltily, looking away from his husband.
Remus’s jaw hit the floor. “You didn’t actually have a child with someone, did you? Because I swear to fuck that if you did-”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Sirius said hastily. “I would never cheat on you, Moony!”
“But you got a kid,” Remus frowned. “From where? Sirius, did you kidnap a child?”
“Well, no,” Sirius said slowly. “Not technically. I got him from an alleyway. Kid probably ran from home.”
“And you formed a bond with the child, correct?” Remus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Sirius nodded guiltily, looking very much like a kicked dog.
“Alright. So, if we’re adopting a child off the streets, can I at least meet said child?” Remus asked.
“Yeah, sure- wait, what?” Sirius said as the words registered. “You’re letting us adopt him?” 
“Of course, dummy,” Remus said, rolling his eyes fondly. “You’ve apparently bonded with said kid, and since you found him in an alleyway then I’m assuming he has nowhere else to go. We basically have to adopt him now.”
Sirius beamed. “I love you so much, Moonbeam,” he exclaimed. 
“Love you too. Now, do I get to meet the kid or not?”
“Oh, right. Teddy,” Sirius said, turning around. “You can come out now.”
A little head of bright teal hair poked out from the doorway. 
“Hullo,” the boy said. “I’m Teddy.” He toddled over to Sirius’s side, clinging onto his pant leg. Then, without warning, his hair turned bright pink.
“Sirius, why the hell does the child change hair colors?” Remus frowned. “Do we need to get that checked out?”
Sirius laughed. “No, Moons. He’s a Metamorphmagus. You know, like the people who can change their appearance at will? That’s why he was tossed out, actually. His parents are Muggles, so…” he trailed off.
“Ah. So, what I’m hearing is that we have a shapeshifting Marauder-in-training now.”
“Yep!” Sirius grinned. “Prongs and Lils are going to have a fit when I tell them. We’ll have two mini Marauders on our hands now, Remus, isn’t that great?”
“Very great. We’re giving him to Lily for the moons though, alright?” Remus sighed.
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keksikart · 8 days ago
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My name is Bella and my name means heavy
So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger
Into the heart of my enemy
My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me
Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy
I too have a destiny
This death will be art
The people will speak of this day from near and afar
This event will be history
And I'll be great too
I don't want what you have
I wanna be you
Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black)
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siriusblackdevotee · 3 months ago
Order vs Deatheater battle
Sirius: what the fuck is that guy doing here?
Marlene: who--FUCK, THAT'S VOLDEMORT??
Tom: Bellatrix, who is that?
Bellatrix: that's my baby cousin, Sirius!! Oh you'll love him, I could tell you all about him!!
*the one Tom can't kill despite how annoying he is, for Bellatrix and pure blood political bs*
Tom, Sirius's sexy, older one-night stand:
Sirius: I think I know how to win the war
Sirius: and none of you are gonna like it
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 4 months ago
who's gonna write the parselmouth heir of slytherin sirius black x voldemort au
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slagathormoon · 1 year ago
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“Sirius makes an embarrassing noise as the ground disappears from under his feet. His grip tightens around Voldemort. They’re flying. Unassisted.” -It runs in the blood by @metalomagnetic ch 19
I was so swept away by this fic!
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immortalsoul · 8 months ago
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v-a-l · 1 year ago
The Unbroken Universe has truly ruined my life because simply nothing fucks as hard as this:
Voldemort looked up at him calmly, his voice surprisingly compassionate. "You won't save them, my friend. They're beyond that."
“I know." Sirius smiled a bittersweet smile. "But I don't have to save them. I just have to stop you."
“So you do." At last, Voldemort rose. "Then may this be our final meeting, for I would hate to see you die.”
Chapter 28; Promises Defended
Fifteen year old me read this once and hasn’t looked back since.
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