#sirius loses his mind
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 31 - Age
@jegulus-microfic July 31, Word count 994
This is the final part of the Apple Core series
Previous part First part
James had been worried that Regulus would struggle to furnish his new flat and had offered to buy him what he needed, no strings attached. But Regulus had been smart. After he’d watched what happened to his brother, left penniless and with nothing but the clothes on his back, he made a contingency plan. Every pound he made went into a separate bank account to which only he had access and now had a healthy little nest egg, albeit a slightly smaller one after their shopping spree. 
James had sweet-talked the assistant in the furniture shop into giving Regulus a nice discount on the pieces he’d picked out. Everything was loaded up onto the truck as Regulus paid and was being unloaded by the time they’d walked the short distance back to the flat. 
“Did you buy the whole shop or something?” Sirius snorted as he waited on the street. 
“Something like that,” Regulus grinned. 
Sirius insisted on helping take the heavy items upstairs. So James suggested that Regulus wait on the street and keep an eye on his things.
It took an age to get everything upstairs. Sirius left them to unpack while he went to help Remus with the café.
“Wow, this sofa’s comfortable,” James said as he bounced up and down on it a few times, settling in.
“Hey, you can sit later, come and help me put the bed together,” Regulus ordered. James didn’t argue. He hopped up and followed Regulus into the bedroom. It was a bit of a squeeze putting it all together but eventually, there was a bed. 
“Now for the best bit,” James waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Regulus. Regulus jumped up and put his hands over the wriggling brows. “I meant unrolling the mattress. Gees Regulus get your head out of the gutter.” That earned him a few huffs and light smacks to his chest. He hauled the heavy box in and upturned it, letting the compressed mattress slowly slide out. “Want to do the honours?” He asked, holding up the little bag opener that came with the mattress. Regulus took it, and with his tongue poking out between his lips as he concentrated, he drew a long straight line down the plastic and watched as the squashy mattress expanded out of its casing. They both flopped onto it side by side. 
“I think I picked the right mattress. Regulus groaned as the memory foam cradled his body.
“I could get used to this,” James sighed, reaching his arms further up the bed until they brushed against the wooden headboard. 
“Oi, you two, if you’re shagging, stop and get down here, it’s barbecue time!” Sirius shouted up the stairs to them. With big sighs, James and Regulus reluctantly left the bed and trudged down the stairs. 
Sirius and Remus lived around the corner in a sweet little ground-floor flat that came with a garden. It was a lot bigger and a lot nicer than the one Regulus now lived in, but they’d put a lot of effort into making it that way. 
James walked straight through and started getting the barbecue set up. Sirius and Remus were useless when it came to getting the thing going and James quite enjoyed watching the fire light. Regulus came up behind him and watched as he piled the coals just right and added the firelighters. He stuck the long lighter in and clicked the button until the flame lit and held it near the firelighters. It didn’t take much and then heat blasted out of the base. 
“Want the tour?” He asked, waving at the flat. 
“Yeah, okay,” Regulus gave a half smile, but followed James back into the flat. He started in the living room. 
“They’ve got a very soft sofa as well,” James grinned, bouncing on it the same way he had on Regulus’s earlier. 
“If you break it, Potter, you’re paying for another one. Remember last time?” Remus poked his head out of the kitchen and raised his brow. James flushed as he remembered their old sofa that had broken in half when he’d had one too many and tried to wrestle it. 
“Er, yeah, sorry, Moony,”
“You broke a sofa?!” Regulus whispered unbelievably to him when Remus was out of sight. 
“Yeah, but it was old and buggered before I tried to put it in a headlock.” He tried to explain. Regulus shook his head in disbelief. 
“Right show me the rest of this flat then,” 
James showed him the bathroom, and they poked their heads into the bedroom. Regulus didn’t linger once he saw what was on the bedside table. They finally went to look in the kitchen. It was tiny but Sirius and Remus had made good use of the small space. Every scrap of counter, however, was full of dishes for their meal. 
“Right start taking this stuff out,” Sirius ordered as he finished mixing some sort of salad dressing. 
James and Remus cooked while Sirius handed out beers, and they sat down in the warm sun to eat. James was stuffed but still had room for a few toasted marshmallows. He looked over at Regulus and Sirius scrolling through TicTok together, laughing at the videos. He felt incredibly happy and lucky and all over a dropped apple core. They might just be starting out, but he could already see the mending relationship between the two brothers, so even if they didn’t work out, he’d always be glad Regulus had that, he’d make sure of it. 
“WHAT THE ACTUAL!!!” Sirius yelled at the phone in his hands. He began furiously scrolling through videos, getting redder and redder. James peeked over his shoulder and paled. Sirius had stumbled onto Wormtail’s account. James grabbed Regulus’s hand and whispered in his ear.
“Scarper?!” The other man nodded. James blew a kiss to Remus and then raced out of the place, Sirius’s ranting following them down the street as they headed back to Regulus's flat. 
Second part of the series (Wolfstar)
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
Based off this post:
Reg: *evil grin* I found it
Remus: yeah?
Reg: *maniacal laugh* I found the fucker's little tiara
Remus: Merlin, you're worse than your brother
Reg: mmm, well he's in Azkaban for 13 murders now so I don't think you can say that one anymore
Remus: right :/
Reg: :)
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kaaaaaaarf · 3 months
guys, I'm working on my hozierfest hatefuck extended universe fic and I'm afraid I've gone and made TSA Remus too hot. I need to figure out a way to lame-ify this man so you don't all come for me.
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The day after a Slytherin party
Sirius: I mayyyy or may not have tried crack
Remus: …. Ok
Sirius (shaking): Last night. I don’t think I did. But if I did I liked it.
Remus (side-eyeing him): ……. Ok
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padfootastic · 1 year
James and Harry for the drabble thing? Please and thank you <3
i. i never realised how less 100 words was???? pls no one count this it was my first attempt. i promise i’ll do better w the next 😭
“Dad, I’ve been flying since I was a year old,” Harry deadpans, hands balled on his hips. “Literally.”
“Yes, well, I didn’t sign up for that, now, did I,” James Potter grumbles. His hair, an unruly mop on a good day, now resembles an electrified raccoon. He doesn’t seem to care as his hands reach up to pull at it again. “I still haven’t forgiven Sirius for it, you know.”
“Baby, you’re only twelve,” his father pleads, hazel eyes beseeching. “It’s not safe for you to be so high up. Trust me, I’d know.”
“Yes, because you were on the team in your second year,” Harry hisses in return. His ears feel warm, and there’s a telltale stinging in his eyes. “It’s not fair.”
With that declaration, he stomps away to his room, realising he was being childish but not being able to help it.
James stares at his son’s retreating back helplessly, hands fluttering in a futile attempt to do something.
“You deserved that, you know.” An amused voice pops up behind him and he shoots a dark glare at his wife leaning against the wall. “Acting all holier-than-thou when all of us know about the stunts you’ve pulled on a broom.”
“Yes, well. Harry’s just a child,” he harrumphs; it’s a familiar refrain. Lily just hums in response.
“And I’d like you to remember what you were doing as a child, at his age,” she says casually before walking off.
James’ face drains of all color at her words. They’d discovered Remus’ secret in second year and after that—
Oh fuck.
Send me a drabble prompt!
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wastingawayinmyroom · 2 months
@prongsfoot-microfic - warning: mcd, talk about death and killing
I'm losing it, he thinks, while he's walking down a damp London street, surrounded by everything except James' arms. I'm losing it, love, I'm so sorry.
James looks up at him, lazily, head still on his lap, despite the news he'd just told him. "I don't really care if you're a vampire, honestly. You could be anyone, anything, and I wouldn't care, Sirius."
He knows he promised James. That he wouldn't be like other vampires. He wouldn't lose his humanity. That he wouldn't kill.
Sirius shakes his head. "What if I stopped just feeding on rats? What if... What if I drained someone, James? A person? Would you love me when I became a murderer?"
He walks faster, away from the stench, the strong smell of blood. Away from the temptation to give in to what he's been pushing away for so long.
James thinks for a moment. Sirius drinks in the look on his face like a polo pony's insides. "You wouldn't do that. I know you, Sirius. You couldn't."
James is gone now, something inside of him says, something rotten and dead. There's nobody to hold you back. Nobody to go home to and feel guilty for.
Sirius doesn't say anything, at first. James reaches up to caress his cheek, his hand warm on cool skin, and Sirius finally speaks. "I promise," he says, "No matter how bad it gets. I won't."
He stops moving. Nobody's in his flat. Just James' old belongings. He can burn those, later.
Sirius lets James pull him down, connect their mouths in a kiss. They break apart, and James looks him in the eyes. "I love you. Always. No matter what."
James wanted to get cremated, but he ended up burning down in a car crash. The least he can do is cremate the old clothes and trinkets.
Sirius closes his eyes. "Me too."
He turns around. He doesn't feel any regret.
I'm so sorry, love, he thinks. But you're gone. And a part of me is, too.
I lost it. I lost you.
I lost my humanity.
Sirius Black:
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risetherivermoon · 2 years
Transmasc Remus au where he just comes back one summer and he's transitioned. Like, everyone thinks he got a haircut or something but then when they're walking to their dorms for the night he walks to the boys dorm and just settles into one of the beds with the marauders.
Or, he tells James, Peter, and the girls about his transition through owl but Sirius pulled some prank on him the year b4 so he's out for revenge, and he gets everyone to collectively gaslight Sirius into thinking Remus was always a guy
I can just imagine something like:
Sirius: Moony, why are you here? In the boys dormitory?
Remus: Because, I sleep here? What do you mean?
Sirius: What? What do you mean you sleep here– You're a girl.
Remus: No I'm not...Padfoot are you feeling okay?
Sirius: Prongs! Back me up here!
James: On what? Remus lives here mate.
Sirius: Remus? Who's Remus?
Remus: I am...Sirius, like actually, are you okay?
Peter: Huh?
Sirius: Please tell me you're seeing this shit.
Peter: What shit? Remus has always shared a dorm with us.
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arliedraws · 6 months
Thoughts gone head empty just thinking about how Slytherin!Sirius and Gryffindor!James absolutely know when the other's birthday is. James is furious that Nov. 3 is burned into his brain. Slytherin!Sirius probably gets James a lil gift each March 27 to taunt him.
Oh 1000000%
Not only does Sirius get him a lil gift, it is MEANINGFUL and THOUGHTFUL which is far worse than a gag gift. Or he sends him flowers and a really nice bottle of wine or James’s favorite liquor and it infuriates James that he really does look forward to Black’s gifts. And he hides them from Lily or pretends he doesn’t know who sent them…
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impishtubist · 7 months
we talked about this but my petty hill to die on is that BEAUXBATONS AND DURMSTRANG ARE COED and making fleur the only female champion and coming in last place actually becomes extremely fucking sexist when you make her school all-girls
Okay, well, now I am declaring today "petty hill to die on day" and I want you all to come into my inbox with your petty hills, regardless of fandom. Happy leap day, all!
YES TO ALL OF THIS, ZO. You are 100% correct and it's absolutely sexist in light of Fleur coming in last.
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 2 years
headcannon that sirius black never cries. he gets angry and he yells and smashes things. his magic flies out of control and he says the most hurtful things. but no matter what happens, remus has never seen him cry.
and then one day the daily prophet announces that regulus black has died. and for the first time in eight years of knowing him, remus watches sirius breakdown and sob on their kitchen floor.
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elysianymph · 1 year
okay but post azkaban sirius coming back to grimmauld and looking for regulus all over the house, convinced his brother is just hiding from him because he doesn't want to see him
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moonyspadfoot793 · 10 months
living out my Sirius kinnie dreams (staying with my James, going and doing cute couple things with my Remus)
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apricote · 1 year
im taking a deal with raphael to free orpheus, i will probably regret it, but the emperor just gives me bad vibes and he wants me to become mind flayer so bad and i don't love that
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iheartmoons · 1 year
Tumblr media
GAHHDJD GUYS OMDS. this is exactly. how sirius’ hair is supposed to look in the football chapter of ddtk. i have been BLESSED to see this w my eyes.
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padfootastic · 2 years
honestly so obsessed with sirius & silver threading his pitch black hair.
(this is james potter speaking, by the way)
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Ok controversial take time (and get excited it’s at a mildly reasonable time in the day):
I know everyone is obsessed with the idea of Sirius freaking out and going Big Brother Mode on James when Jegulus get together.
HOWEVER I find it more interesting if Sirius goes Big Brother Mode on Regulus. Cos let’s be honest Sirius and James are platonic soulmates and Sirius knows his brother can be mean
So yeah I need more Sirius attempts to protect James and defend his honour from his little brother.
K thx byeee
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