#sirena chilota
quewea · 6 months
Headcanon...de Mr. phillip?
okey se que es raro y que talvez phillip ya tenga lore para su propio personaje pero mientras màs contenido veo de phillip màs incrementa mi headcanon, mismo con el que sofi me ha estado aguantando... tengo una obsesion algo "LEVE" con los aviares y bueno mi headcanon lo demuestra Primero que nada, como surgio esto?, bueno antes pensaba que seria un un buena referencia para aprender a dibujar aves y aviares hasta que se me cruzo a la mente (sofi esta harta de mi help-), si phillip fuera un aviar...de que especie seria? bueno como se demuestra phillip ah estado relacionado con missa quien es representado por un esquelecto, osea cercano a temas goticos, y phillip demuestra cierto interes al demostrar que es fan de este mismo aparte de ser fan de missa de por si, ademas de su buena comunicacion con mafer quien seria una sirena en mi headcanon (esto es por su skin, aunque lo digo asi ya que no se exactamente que seria mafer en si...una mujer dentro de un tiburon? o una sirena tiburon?), quien oh vaya, esta relacionado tambien con el trabajo de ahogar a hombres descuidados! asi que mientras màs veia y le contaba a sofi le dije que si phillip tuviera un lore echo por mi- el seria un aviar de lechuza o mejor dicho un raiquèn, quien segun google: El raiquén es un ave nocturna que en la mitología chilota tiene un papel sobrenatural. Algunos autores lo asimilan a una lechuza y otros a un pájaro que se acerca a las personas en los caminos
ademas de que aveces miro a mr. phillip y aveces me recuerda a una lechuza mirando algo que le gusta o se siente bien, y esto se incrementa cuando se le busca una relacion entre missa y phillip cubitos, si esque interactuan y nos preguntamos (en irl si se nos conto ya varias veces como se conocieron) como se conocieron y porque phillip en el squidgames 2 en minecraft estaba atento tanto de missa como de german, aunque en cierto modo especificandose en missa, pues seria que como missa era un segador o un esquelecto llego a conocer a un aviar de lechuza similar a el, solitario y rodeado de muerte, la misma muerte les trajo la tristeza, y la misma muerte les trajo una amistad divertida y comunicativa màs informacion de google: Según la creencia popular, la lechuza es un ave desgraciada compañera de las brujas como el mochuelo y se las clavaba sobre las puertas de las granjas para paralizar al diablo, del cual se decía que tomaba a menudo su forma, esto me da una idea de que phillip fue despreciado por estas creencias (recordemos que hay algunos creyentes que ...son muy salvajes con sus creencias), asi que siempre fue despreciado y marginado por ser un aviar acompañante de brujas, pero al ser tratado por un igual y de forma amigable por missa provoco que el interior aviar de phillip se sintiera aceptado por su persona y no por los rumores ademas de que no lo intento clavar contra una pared o de dañarlo solo provoco cierta paz la comunicacion fue importante y finalmente provocando esa union de confianza y admiracion ya sea romantico o platonico, eso ya es desicion de usted de como verlo cierta imagen mental que no me puedo quitar es el echo de que phillip avisa a missa de su llegada haciendo sus tipicos sonidos de lechuza o el aleteo de sus alas, otro caso que me imagino esque missa aprendio a acicalar alas fue gracias a phillip debido a que las alas de las lechuzas son de por si largas,que son relativamente puntiagudas, y con una envergadura de alrededor de 90 cm, ahora imaginate un aviar de lechuza que mide alrededor de 1,79 y de alas grandes, sin duda es algo problematico si el aviar es phillip, pero apesar de todo se deja acicalar las alas por missa, debido a la confianza que le tiene y aprecio (como recompenza le trae cosas brillantes o objetos que le ayude, o espanta a las personas que hacen sentir mal a missa, posandose en el techo de sus casas a proposito para que crean que les pasara algo malo, y claro, graznir) ademas esta el echo de que si combinamos el headcanon de que missa sea un segador que le sirva a la santa muerte o mictlan, o incluso un miembro familiar de esta deidad, esta el echo de que como aviar de lechuza, por creencias, phillip aviar! sea uno de los náhuas o aviares de lechuza, al igual que los aviares de búho, sean aves de mal agüero y mensajeros de Mictlantecuhtli Señor del Inframundo (otra forma que se conocieron fuera porque missa se encargaba de recoger las almas que phillip señalaba y graznia que moririan esa hora, mañana,tarde,o noche, provocando la misma serie de: tu me ayudas y yo te ayudo) en fin.....ire a dibujar a phillip como un aviar de lechuza o no me quedare tranquilo
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oiram2112 · 1 year
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SCP-XXXX: "El Barco Mágico"
Clasificación de objeto: Seguro
Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-XXXX debe ser monitoreado por cámaras de vigilancia y patrullas aéreas y marítimas para detectar cualquier actividad anormal en las aguas cercanas al archipiélago de Chiloé en el sur de Chile. Se debe establecer una zona de exclusión de 100 metros alrededor del SCP-XXXX para evitar el acceso no autorizado a bordo del barco. El personal de la Fundación debe evitar cualquier tipo de interacción con SCP-XXXX o su tripulación sin la aprobación explícita del personal de nivel 3 o superior.
Descripción: SCP-XXXX es un barco fantasma que se cree que navega por las aguas del archipiélago de Chiloé en el sur de Chile. El barco es descrito como un navío antiguo con un diseño similar al de los barcos españoles del siglo XVIII, pero con características sobrenaturales. Se cree que el barco es tripulado por seres sobrenaturales, como brujos, sirenas y almas en pena, los cuales son extremadamente hostiles hacia los seres humanos.
SCP-XXXX es un objeto mágico que puede aparecer y desaparecer a voluntad, y que sólo es visible para aquellos que han sido invitados a bordo. La tripulación del barco se compone de seres sobrenaturales que están bajo el mando de un ser supremo llamado el "Rey del Mar". El barco es utilizado para realizar rituales de brujería y magia negra, y se cree que los seres sobrenaturales a bordo tienen el poder de curar enfermedades y conceder deseos a aquellos que se les acercan con respeto y sumisión.
SCP-XXXX tiene la capacidad de transformarse en diferentes formas, como una ballena o una isla flotante, para evitar ser capturado por aquellos que tratan de perseguirlo. Se ha reportado que SCP-XXXX también tiene la habilidad de teletransportarse a diferentes ubicaciones en el mar, lo que hace difícil su rastreo por parte de los equipos de vigilancia.
SCP-XXXX es considerado altamente peligroso y se cree que su tripulación tiene la capacidad de ejercer un control mental sobre los seres humanos, lo que los hace susceptibles a sus órdenes y comandos. Cualquier intento de abordar SCP-XXXX sin la aprobación explícita del personal de nivel 3 o superior es extremadamente peligroso, ya que los intrusos son víctimas de la venganza de la tripulación del barco y se dice que nunca regresan de sus viajes.
Notas Adicionales: SCP-XXXX es una leyenda popular en la cultura chilota y ha sido transmitida por generaciones. La Fundación ha mantenido una presencia encubierta en la zona para monitorear cualquier actividad anormal relacionada con SCP-XXXX.Se han reportado avistamientos de SCP-XXXX en múltiples ocasiones a lo largo de los años, y la Fundación ha registrado varios informes de personas que han afirmado haber visto el barco o haber tenido encuentros con su tripulación. Estos informes han sido estudiados cuidadosamente por la Fundación, aunque la mayoría de ellos han sido descartados como simples historias populares o mitos locales.
Sin embargo, algunos informes han sido considerados como posibles encuentros con SCP-XXXX, lo que ha llevado a la Fundación a intensificar sus esfuerzos de vigilancia y contención en la zona. Se ha establecido un equipo de investigación dedicado a la recopilación de información sobre SCP-XXXX y su posible relación con otras entidades sobrenaturales en la región.
Además, se ha establecido un protocolo de respuesta de emergencia en caso de que SCP-XXXX se vuelva activo o represente una amenaza inmediata para la seguridad pública. El personal de la Fundación en la zona está capacitado para responder rápidamente a cualquier situación de emergencia relacionada con SCP-XXXX y tomar medidas para contenerlo y proteger a la población local.
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kitzatara · 3 years
Mermay day 3: Bizarre And Cool Variations
If you’ve ever thought to yourself “is there more than just fish mermaids? Are there different kinds of fish mermaids?” Well theb congratulations. You prove that people have always been people, because we’ve been coming up with different varieties of merpeople since at least 400 BCE.
From what I can tell, Greece was the first to make more interesting variations. They created the Telchines and Ichthyocentaurs. Telchines have several descriptions but among them are dog like and mermaid like hybrids. It was said they had the heads of dogs and tails like a fish. Sometimes both and sometimes only one. They were said to know magic and were eventually cursed by the gods for using foul and evil magic. Ichthyocentaurs are so interesting to me because they are centars with a fish tail instead of hindlegs or tritons with two horse legs on their tail.
Ichthyocentaurs spawned several other similar looking mermen designs including tritons with clawed forefins on their tails, wings, and in roman times lobster and crab claws on their tails. This then spawned a crayfish triton and sonewhere in between we get two tailed tritons and tritonesses.
Inuit cultures in the far north of Canada and Greenland had a sea goddess named Sedna. Who by some accounts had a seal, orca, or whale tail. It’s hard to pinpoint when belief in Sedna began and exactly when Sedna developed mermaid iconography but she has always been closely linked with sea mammals and sea life.
In Chilé tales of the Millalobo and his merchildren who had sea lion tails were prevalent. Said to be gods and had golden hair. Pincoy was Millalobos son and his sister wife Sirena Chilota who had golden scales not too dissimilar from Suvanamaccha who was a golden tailed mermaid.
The yawkyawk of Aboriginal myth was said to have seaweed for hair. A similar aesthetic to tritons who were often described with blue skin and green hair.
One of my personal favorites is the Sazae Oni who could shapeshift into a human form. And in its demon form it had the lower half of a mollusk. Making it a very rare mermaid like creature with a shelled lower half. It has a rather wellknown story of stealing pirates balls in exchange for gold. It was also known to travel to inns and devour the innkeeper at night.
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Avatea from cook islands myth was half fish on the left side as opposed to from the waist down.
Interestingly enough there doesn’t seem to be any octopus hybrids in mythology. You could maybe argue Scylla was the first tentacled hybrid but she wasn’t really depicted as half octopus and was more similar to the hydra or a dragon. Cecaelian creatures seem to be a unique creation of Disney’s little mermaid.
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facinaoris · 5 years
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Figures of Lore |
La Sirena Chilota is an aquatic creature belonging to the Chilote mythology. Perhaps its origin is due to binding of the myths of the Sumpall of the Mapuche mythology and the Mermaid of European mythology. Like to the mermaids, the siren chilota is characterized by a body half fish and half woman, with blond hair and golden scales; and her human side would look like a very beautiful teen. She would be the youngest daughter of Millalobo (king of sea, in Chilote mythology) and the human Huenchula. Commissioned by her father, she has the task of caring for all fish. Also helps her siblings (the Pincoya and Pincoy) to carry the bodies of drowned sailors, toward the Caleuche, for the purpose of reviving the sailors and to be happy. Sirena Chilota have very large flukes and strong tails so they can swim long distances while carrying victims of tragedies. It is also said that a Sirena chilota's tears are very delicate and, if used in a spell, is very powerful.
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thewinedarksea · 5 years
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myths around the world challenge: @ibuzoo & @thewinedarksea
chilote - la sirena chilota, an aquatic creature characterized by a body half fish and half woman, with blonde hair and golden scales. the youngest daughter of millalobo and the human huenchula, she is commissioned by her father the task of caring for all fish. she also helps her siblings carry the bodies of drowned sailors toward the caleuche.
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ltwilliammowett · 3 years
El Caleuche - the Demon ship
There are well-known and lesser-known ghost ships, and one of the lesser-known, until you hear her story, is El Caleuche, which is said to be off the Chilean coast or the Chiloé Archipelago. And she is something very special because she is a demon ship with bright white sides and blood-red sails. And more than just your average ghost ship, El Caleuche is a sentient being that can glide across the surface of the water at impossible speeds or dive beneath it like a whale. Hence its name, which derives from the indigenous word kalewtun - shapshifter.
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The Ghost Ship, by Ishikawa Tomoya (x)
Observers say that you can hear the cackling of its demon crew as it passes and it always sounds like they are celebrating, the crew themselves are said to hop around on one leg and have faces that turn backwards. The ship is also manned by dead and living sailors and under the command of a light-haired blue-eyed man. The crew was either pulled from the depths or stolen from passing ships. However, it only has use for the officers all the others are left ashore mad about what they have seen and experienced.
Others believe that if someone drowns off the Chiloé archipelago, they are taken to El Caleuche by three mythological Chilote figures - the Sirena Chilota sisters (mermaids) and Pincoya, a female water spirit associated with the Chilotan seas. The group is often accompanied by the Brujo de Chiloé ("Warlocks of Chiloé"), who are essentially powerful male witches of Chilote folklore. It is also rumoured that fishermen and sailors are kidnapped as slaves and turned into invunche, hairy monsters with legs bent over their shoulders and a forked tongue, associated with the Brujo de Chiloé.
Those who study the history of this ship believe it to be an adaptation of the Flying Dutchman saga, and if you look at it closely, there are certain parallels that cannot be denied. Especially not if you know the Disney version, which seems to have a very strong origin here. Others think that the legend has a true core, namely the Dutch ship Calanche which sank there around 1600 in a violent storm with great losses and the pirate activity and their temporary residence on the island under the leadership of the Dutch pirate Baltazar de Cordes in 1600, who wanted to keep away nosy sailors and natives with the ghost story around the Calanche, in order to work in peace.
Whether it's another version of the Flying Dutchman or a pirate story, El Galeuche is still up to mischief today and is said to be on the hunt for new crewmembers, especially around new year.
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currentlyonline · 2 years
bnha creature headcanons!
a mythology au, i suppose.
midoriya izuku : i live for werecat izuku, but i also rlly like daemon izuku so idk??
uraraka ochako : gives me werewolf vibes!!
todoroki shouto : part frost dragon, part japanese ryu.
ashido mina : i feel as though she'd be part daemon & part faerie.
bakugou katsuki : werewolf!
yaoyorozu momo : i love valkyrie momo.
kaminari denki : part faerie, part elf.
shinsou hitoshi : a siren for sure!!
iida tenya : i can see iida being a centaur.
hagakure tooru : i feel like she'd be a selkie?? dunno though.
kirishima eijirou : a golem!!
asui tsuyu : a sirena chilota or something of the sort.
tokoyami fumikage : a harpy !
sero hanta : he'd be a mellowed out jorogumo – also katsuki would most definitely refer to him as spider whore like 24/7.
jirou kyouka : she'd be a panotti, and i feel like her ears would be absolutely covered in piercings – but i'm not complaining!
aoyama yuuga : he's a faerie :)
aizawa shouta : he's a werecat, a panther to be more specific.
kayama nemuri : she's a nymph!
yamada hizashi : he's either a faerie or a harpy.
yagi toshinori : i feel like he'd be a chinese lung dragon.
takami keigo : a gryphon for sure!
usagiyama rumi : a wolpertinger!!
todoroki enji : japanese ryu.
kamiji moe : korean yong. (:
takeyama yu : she's also a nymph.
nishiya shinji : dryad.
all for one : he'd be a daemon.
toga himiko : she'd either be a wendigo or a chupacabra.
todoroki touya : japanese ryu.
bubaigawara jin : he's an orthrus!
shigarami tomura : daemon.
magne : she's a pixie!!
sako atsuhiro : kitsune.
iguchi shuichi : a leviathan.
moonfish : moonfish would definitely be a wendigo, i think. he'd also make a good banshee tbh.
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fyeahmyths · 7 years
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@fyeahmyths​ two week summer event day four: south american pairing/creature/event→  la sirena chilota
in chilote mythology this siren is described as being half human, half fish. her human half is that of a beautiful blonde woman and her fin is rumored to be the color of silver. if a sailor is lucky, he can see her sitting on the rocks, with her gold comb combing her golden hair. but this mermaid must be watched from afar, as her singing lures men into her clutches.
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l3gend-qu3st · 3 years
Capítulo 4
Leo se despertó Subió al cuarto de teodora..Teodora?.. llegaste?...
teodora:(entre un bostezo)
Hola leo..
Leo: cuando llegaste?
Teo: anoche..
Leo: que pasó?
Teo: nada!...mi mamá está embarazada!
*Suena la cosa con la que se comunicaban con fray godofredo**
L/T: Eh?....fray godofredo
Fray: si leo y teodora...hay un nuevo moustro que acecha a gente .. es la pincoya tendrán que viajar a Chile...
Teo llama a alebrije
Teo: Alebrije! Tu y don Andrés vayan prepararse por qué vamos a otra misión!
Alebrije: Yey que divertido!..ya le aviso al espantapájaros..Adiós!
Alebrije: Don Andrés! Vamos a una misión
Don Andrés: Enserio? Lagartija multicolor vamos a prepararnos!
Se encontraron en el aero barco
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Teo: Hola chicos!
Don Andrés: cuál es la criatura que tenemos que enfrentar
Teo: *saca su celular y busca* la pincoya es una creatura marina Perteneciente a la Mitologia de chiloe, en el sur de chile..tiene el aspecto de una Mujer muy joven y muy hermosa Con un hermoso cabello rubio A diferencia de la sirena chilota ella tiene Una apariencia completamente humana
Leo: bueno ya sabemos a dónde ir!
*luego de derrotar a la pincoya*
Alebrije: Don Andrés no cree que teodora y leo han estado muy cerca hoy día?
Don Andrés: Que tiene de malo? Si son amigos!
Alebrije: No, me refiero a como novios!
Don Andrés: Si, yo creo que ellos serían la pareja perfecta
Alebrije: de acuerdo don Andrés!
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Angel said I should analyze my own poems more, so here is an initial, mostly line-by-line analysis of my first Caleuche poem (I will do the sequel after); long, under the cut.
Slowly I felt I lost my mind. - The sirens' call? What did I expect to find? To see you as the realms collide And find you waiting on the other side? - Dias de los Muertos; the day the veil between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead is at its thinnest
The storm rages on and their song calls to me, Luring me in to drown in the sea. - Obviously the sirens I don’t know why I thought I might find you there But I felt I’d regret it if I didn’t dare.
On this eve before the hallowed saints And lost loved ones are honored, I have no restraint - Dias de los Muertos/All Saints Day; actually Halloween/All Hallows Eve, since it's the day before My love is beside me, loyal and strong, Trying to keep me away from their song. - Lorian saved him from the sirens song the first time they encountered, and he continues to be Cris's anchor
He doesn’t understand what I need to do That the only way to get to you Is to throw myself into the ocean deep And let her gently lull me to sleep. - The legend of Caleuche says that La Sirena Chilota brings drowned sailors to Caleuche. Could also be a lie the sirens song is implanting in his head. Cris did come out here knowing he might have to drown himself or, theoretically, nearly drown himself, to get to Caleuche. He was more than willing to take that chance.
But when I do, will I find you there? To rescue me from the depths of despair? On this night when lost loved ones are near, Will you come to me, will I find you here? - Again, a reference to Dias de los Muertos
But this won’t change what happened to you. You won’t come back no matter what I do. You didn’t drown in the sea, you took your own life, Did Caleuche still come for you in the night? - Again, Cris is back to the "I don't know what put the thought into my head that you would be here since your death doesn't seem to fit the typical requirements for getting onto Caleuche"; maybe it's the sirens/whatever has this sort of telepathic hold on him planted in his mind from the sirens' song
Did La Sirena guide your soul to her mast, - La Sirena Chilota guiding drowned sailors to Caleuche = Cris's La Sirena guiding Vandermeer's soul to Caleuche on the day when the spirit of loved ones are supposed to be able to find you; instead of Vandermeer already being there, maybe he has to guide him there Will I ever be able to make up for my past? When you drowned in your guilt, did she rescue your soul, And give you a place where you can still be whole? - He is a drowned sailor, albeit a metaphorical one. He drowned in his own guilt; Cris is doing that too and had been for years. Maybe it will be enough to grant Vandermeer passage on La Sirena? Grasping at straws to try to justify this to himself?
Did she give you a second chance at life, Will I finally be released from my strife? - He's doing this to rid himself of the guilt. If he can ensure that Vandermeer has a second chance at life, his part in Vandermeer's suicide could be negated? At least, starting to make up for it? Will he be able to let it go if he knew Vandermeer's soul was at rest? Or did she enslave you to her decks forever? - The dark legends of Caleuche say that she's not a peaceful place where drowned sailors go to get a second chance at life, she enslaves their souls for eternity. It's a risk Cris is apparently willing to take. Would we be trapped with her here together? - "Will I be stuck with you? Will be forever trapped in my own guilt?" / "Maybe being trapped isn't such a bad thing, as long as we're together. Maybe I want to be trapped if you're by my side."
But my love waits for me faithfully, I have someone true who is dear to me. I can’t let him down when he gives me his heart, Even though I’m so close to falling apart. - If Cris didn't have someone he loves, this would be a lot easier. None of this would be conflicting at all. He would do it without hesitation. He doesn't see his commitment to Lorian as a burden, but a part of him might think it would be easier if he didn't have anyone who cared about him. He could do this and not worry about having to leave the one he loves behind.
I’ll be strong for him, so maybe I’ll try To guide you to be here by my side, - Another reference to Dias de los Muertos. Cris loves Lorian enough to not go through with this We’ll meet again, but just for tonight, When I finally see those sails of white. - Despite not taking the riskier route, finding an in between way to do this, he doesn't completely abandon the quest either. His loyalties are still torn. - Legends of Caleuche describe her having white sails; white is also the color representing purity, could be representative of Cris's hopes in the good side of this legend
But after that we will say goodbye, And my love and I will return to the sky, Knowing you have found a home, And you’ll be watching us wherever we roam. - "Return to the sky" means space, of course, although it could have "heaven"/"the afterlife" implications although he seems to make the choice to live. The thing is, Cris knows that if he died Lorian would kill himself. Still, the conclusion is an optimistic one. But is he fooling himself? Is he in denial, "expecting" (or claiming to expect) things to go right for him?
- Concluding thoughts: Is Cris really on a quest for redemption/salvation for Vandermeer or is this a suicide mission with an elaborate lie he is telling himself? Could it be both simultaneously? Could a part of him believe the lie he's telling himself, or is he self-aware enough to know of his suicidal inclination?
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kitzatara · 3 years
Mermay Day 10: Mermaids and Magic
Like several supernatural creatures mermaids are sometimes capable of doing magic or casting spells. This is usually to show that they are evil, unchristian, and pagan or the exact opposite, that they are good, wise, and divine.
Many mermaids possess supernatural powers that aren’t necessarily magic. The most common abilities are weather manipulation, shapeshifting, prophecy, and a siren song, these abilities overlap with many fae, certain types of witches, and even some dragons.
Ea/Enki who was a fish tailed god of water, mischief and magic among other things. Usually benevolent and one of the oldest gods.
The apkallu were sages who were teachers of mankind and in some cases they taught us magic.
Telchines were known to be magicians on top of being dog-like and/or fishtailed. It is because of their dark magics that they were destroyed by the gods or cursed.
Lumpeguin are capable of shapeshifting and had the ability to create food out of nothing or very little and were seen as benevolent. They had magical garments as well similar to a selkie or red cap.
Finfolk while possessing the same food abilities were generally malicious and untrustworthy. They could row oceans in seven strokes, conjure illusions, and shapeshift. As far as i can tell finfolk have the most numerous magical abilities.
Jaioren who were benevolent are said to be magical weavers and could turn their tears into pearls.
In the story of Ys there is a sorceress by the name of dahut or ( Ahez ) who theough accident or wicked intent sunk the city of Ys. When it sank in some accounts she becomes a mermaid. Usually as a form of punishment.
Sirena Chilota was known to be able to cast spells on mem in order to bring them to the kingdom under the sea. Weather or not she knew other spells isn’t really specified.
As far as i can tell there are very rare accounts of a merperson being considered a sea witch, or any type of witch. Sea witches were usually hag like and almost always lived on land or in a swamp environment.
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intern-seraph · 4 years
Hey dropping by to let you know: the sirenas chilotas aren't exactly tame and good. They're sorta like valkyries in the way they lead drowned sailors to a ghost ship where they can rest eternally, and they do court humans, but once you're under the mermaid's thrall you can never leave her unless she releases you. And even then, your future offspring will be half-fish and you'll be forever changed. So not exactly evil, but not good either. They're just chillin combing their hair and stuff
oooh, ty for the extra info! yeah that definitely makes things. not tame and good lmao
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dreamyarcana · 6 years
the arcana + mythological mermaids
Asra:  Sirena (origin philippine) also called “magindara”, they are known to protect the waters from raiders, and protect the boy moon from sea monsters. Sirenas can sometimes have legs however, covered with scales and webbed feet
Nadia: Melusina (origin: french) a mermaid that walks among humans, but returns to their two-tailed form during baths and when they bathe their children. often a water spirit of a nearby lake or river. 
Julian: Sirena Chilota (origin: chilote mythology) considered the more friendly mermaids, caring for all fish life and rescuing drowned sailors to restore life to them. known for their human-like beauty and youth, according to legend they are the child of a human and a “king of seas”, tears are a powerful substance.
Muriel: Amabie (origin: japanese) merpeople with birdlike torsos and three legs and scales. they are gifted with prophecy, usually foretelling abundant harvests or epidemics
Portia: Ceasg (origin: scottish) a fresh-water mermaid, specifically half-salmon, said to grant three wishes if captured. sometimes called maighdean na tuinne (maid of the wave) or maighdean mhara (maid of the sea).
Lucio: Rusalkas (origin: slavic), disturbed spirits of the “unclean dead”, ghosts of women who died violent deaths, with a penchant for drowning young men. they live only in rivers and lakes, and are known to have green hair like aquatic plants, only appearing in the night.
[source x]
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thirdsisfics · 6 years
To The Waters And The Wild
Title: To the Waters and the Wild
Ships: Steve/Natasha
Words: 634
Synopsis: Three fishermen have their worlds upended when they catch considerably more than the can handle 
Warnings: Fishermen & Mermaids AU. Ireland 1847.
Notes: For Romanogers week Day4. Prompt: “Meet Ugly”. Title taken from a Yeats poem. 
There was something strange in the air that day. The day the stories became true. The sea was rough, but the air was still. Not so still that a man couldn’t set sail, of course, but still enough to be uncanny.  A choppy sea and an odd feeling couldn’t keep the boys, Steven, Sam, and Bucky, from their duties. They were two years into The Hunger and people were depending on their catch. They’d taken to giving most of it away for free, few folks had coin to spare when the crops started to fail. The boys did what they could to offset the costs, mending nets themselves, even stealing salt from time to time to preserve their catch. On occasion, they made a few pence ferrying folk to one of the major port cities. These days, it seemed like anyone who could was boarding a ship headed for America.  Now and again a passenger would ask Sam Wilson, the only one of them who had been to those shining shores, what America was like. “It’s far from a promised land,” he’d say, “I won’t lie to you, neither the journey nor the destination will be easy. But America’s just another place with more people. Good people, bad people, and lots in between. People are the same no matter where you go. I hope you meet the best ones.” He never changed his answer. He never gave false hope. Sam Wilson was, without a doubt, one of the best ones.
Steven Rogers didn’t believe the tall tales Sam and Bucky would swap about the fanciful creatures living beneath the waves. He’d heard them all by now. Bucky would weave tale after tale about the sweet pretty merrow with her magic cap, the fearsome finfolk, the Slavic rusulka whose beauty lured men to a watery grave, Greek sirens who sunk ships with a song, kelpies, and selkies and so many others he’d lost count. Sam wove tales of La Sirena chilota who rescues the shipwrecked, the Caribbean Aycayia who cared for the outcasts, and countless others. Some creatures were kind, some were cruel, some monstrous, and some beautiful, all supposedly waiting in the deep.
Steven never believed a word until that day. Everything changed when the sun fell and they hauled in their catch. It took all three of them together. The net was heavier than usual, as if the contents inside were fighting their capture rather than floundering helplessly as they normally did. Panting, the men hauled the net over the side and dropped it on the deck. That’s when they saw it. Something large thrashing about amongst the fish.
“What do you suppose?” Bucky gestured to the net.
“Porpoise most likely. Sam, can you find an oar or something of the sort? We’ll need leverage to get back over into the water.” Steven instructed.
“I’ll get one, but the way that’s moving? I don’t think it’s a porpoise, Cap.”
Captain Rogers moved closer to inspect the creature they’d unwittingly captured. Sam was right, it was no porpoise. Porpoises did not have scales, but this creature had a long muscular tail covered in them. Dark green and blue, like it was covered in jewels. Once her got close enough he could see that the torso connected to that powerful wasn’t that of a fish, it was… human.  There she was, struggling against his net. Fiery hair and eyes green as kelp.
“maighdean mhara” He breathed, “Steady now, it’s all right. Just keep still and we’ll get you out of the net in no time.”
He was so focused on the sea maid’s face, that he didn’t see her hands release their grip on the net. He didn’t see the spear until she had jabbed it into his shoulder.
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Types of Merfolk
 Open Ocean Merfolk
 Freshwater Merfolk
 Deep Sea Merfolk
Arctic Merfolk
Tropical Merfolk
 Sirena Chilotas 
(referenced from: https://mermaidscorner.weebly.com/sub-species-of-mermaids-tail-examples-and-anatomy.html)
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shinezodiac · 7 years
Los signos como tipos de sirenas
ARIES: Sirena/Siyokoy La versión filipina de sirena y tritón, respectivamente. También conocidos como "magindara", se sabe que protegen las aguas de los invasores y protegen al niño de los monstruos marinos. Siyokoys a veces puede tener piernas, sin embargo, cubiertas con escamas y pies palmeados.
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TAURO: Siren De la mitología griega. Sirvientes y compañeros de persephone, que la buscaron cuando fue secuestrada. Se sabe que a veces tienen el cuerpo de un pájaro y su canto, que atraen a los marineros hasta su perdición. Su canibalismo implica folclore. Tienen el poder de la profecía.
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GÉMINIS: Cecealia A veces conocidas como "brujas del mar", son mitad humano y mitad pulpo. Orígenes en la mitología nativa americana y japonesa.
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CÁNCER: Ben-varrey Desde la isla del hombre, conocida por bendecir a aquellos que son bondadosos. Les otorga prosperidad, regalos e incluso ubicaciones de algún tesoro.
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LEO: Finman/Finwife Cambiaformas mágicas que se disfrazan de criaturas marinas o plantas para atraer a los humanos, a diferencia de la mayoría de las sirenas, secuestran a personas de las riberas para que sean sus esposas o sirvientes. Tienen una codicia por las joyas y las monedas, especialmente la plata, y prefieren a los humanos sobre los otros de su misma especie.
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VIRGO: Amable Merpeople japonés, con torsos en forma de pájaro con tres patas y escamas. Están dotadas de profecía, generalmente predicen abundantes cosechas o epidemias.
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LIBRA: Melusina Una sirena que camina entre los humanos, pero regresa a su forma de dos colas durante sus baños y cuando bañan a sus hijos. A menudo toman forma de un espíritu de agua de un lago o río cercano. De origen francés
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ESCORPIO: Rusalkas De origen eslavo, son espíritus perturbados de los "muertos impuros", fantasmas de mujeres que murieron violentamente, con una tendencia a ahogar a los jóvenes. Viven solo en ríos y lagos, y se sabe que tienen pelo verde como plantas acuáticas, y que solo aparecen en la noche.
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SAGITARIO: Ceasg Una sirena de agua dulce, específicamente mitad salmón, dicen que otorga tres deseos si es capturada. A veces se llama maighdean na tuinne (mucama de la ola) o maighdean mhara (mucama del mar). escocés.
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CAPRICORNIO: Alcaya Sirena caribeña, humanos que se convierten en sirenas cuando son rechazados de su comunidad y se van a vivir al mar.
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ACUARIO: Sirena chilota consideradas las sirenas más amigables, cuidando toda la vida de los peces y rescatando a los marineros ahogados para devolverles la vida. Conocidas por su belleza humana y juventud, según la leyenda, son hijas de un ser humano y un "rey de los mares", sas lágrimas son una sustancia poderosa. Proveniente la mitología de Chilote.
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PISCIS: Ningyo El "pez de rostro humano" conocida por tener escamas de oro, que trae mal tiempo y mala suerte cuando es atrapada, pero cuando se come su carne se le otorga al consumidor juventud y belleza, incluso eternidad.
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