dreamyarcana · 2 years
Yo yo yo! Quick question- are you still active? I have discovered your AMAZING blog today and I would love to follow you and request and whatnot, but I don't know how old all of this stuff is! :)
rip omg idk how old this is but !!!! I'm big flushed emote LOL i haven't rly been active for awhile LOL but i could honestly see myself getting back into being active looool <33 sending you good vibes hehe
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dreamyarcana · 4 years
hi cuties lol so for those who do not know, i love waltz from cinderella phenomenon LOL and now that i actually have time on my hands, i was finally able to dub one of my favorite scenes ^-^ please check this out if you have the time~
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dreamyarcana · 4 years
im losing my mind LOL I feel bad but I am not marrying the crayfish from my biology lab idjfsjdjwjejrheddfn
Tagging: anyone who sees this because I've been out of tumblr too long to know who's active and who's not
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Tag game
Rules: Scroll to the 25th picture in your camera roll, you have to either marry or kill that picture, then tag 5 people
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Yeah I’m marrying
Tagging: @if-yuri-plisetsky-wasnt-gay @pointlesscurses @so-excuse-my-tantrum @otto-wood-protection-squad @notnonormie
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dreamyarcana · 4 years
Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore: Walkthrough & 100% Achievements Guide
hello, after being dead for a year lol
This guide is for the visual novel Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore, which is the sequel visual novel to Cinderella Phenomenon. It explores life after the events of Cinderella Phenomenon and both the original and this are honestly some of my favorite games ever. it is highly recommended you play the original game first.
Please support the devs, Dicesuki, they’re the best!! ^-^
Please make sure to turn off the Right Choice Indicator for an achievement! I did my first route blind dfsafsa as someone who uses walkthroughs ALWAYS, this was painful for me LOL to get this achievement without some kind of guide honestly 
You're in for the ride of a lifetime if you love Cinderella Phenomenon just like me ^°^ Let me know if anything is wrong, and I'll fix it! I'm not sure what the parameters are for a good vs best ending but I think it's the majority?
There's not a recommended route order but here’s my personal recommended order: Chevalier --> Rod --> Karma --> Fritz --> Waltz
Under the cut so this post isn’t 28429828 years long and also mild spoilers
Rod: To achieve his best ending, you should be straightforward and honest like Lucette was in the first game (except she's a lot nicer about it lmao)
- Write back - ... - Forest - Stay silent - You are right - He is doing well - Interrupt the fight - Ophelia - Something simple - (any) - Convince her to tell him - I am the lucky one - He is hardworking - What do you want to do?
Klaude: To achieve Klaude's best ending, you should keep him and his preferences (hobbies and favorites) in mind.
- Use the sword - The chameleon - Refuse his help - Make a rose - Sit down next to him - Suggest he go to Klaude - Allow him to tag along - Remain silent  - Interject - Remain silent - Sword fighting - Tease him  - Stop for the cupcake - Beauty 
Chevalier: To achieve Chevalier's best ending, you should do your best to encourage him instead of doing it yourself, generally speaking.
- Let him sleep - Leave them be - Break up their conversation - Sweep - Answer the boy - Object - Agree with him - Make a scarf - Hold off - Ask Ophelia about her past - Flowers - Lessons in anatomy (lmao) - Encourage Chevalier to answer - Let Chevalier answer - Join the dance 
Fritz: I'm not going to lie, if I had to do this route blind, I would've gotten a lot of these wrong (which is not a surprise since I got most of Rod's incorrect lmao) Some of them are pretty counterintuitive in my honest opinion, but just keep in mind logic and also Fritz (specifically because he is very selfless).
- Congratulate - Croissant - Speak up - Accompany Fritz - Offer him the cup of tea - Teach me how to defend myself - Hide - Dismiss Fritz's worries - I loved him - Thirty years - Yes - Play along - I'd like to dance with you again - Intercept the knight - Talk about the future
Waltz: For Waltz's Best ending, stay true to yourself and remember Waltz's preferences. He’s best boy imo but that’s also just me LOL
- Wait for me - Walk around town - Tell me a story - Concede - Comfort him - (any) (i dont think there was a right choice indicator :')) - Argue - You have no right to judge him  - Reason with him ** (i cant find a right choice indicator even tho i went through this route not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES :') but this feels most right) - I will show them I am not my father. - Give the chocolate to the children - Deflector - You can make a difference - Perhaps - Candied apples 
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
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the magician card i made for my best friend for valentine’s day via water color paper, pencil, colored pens, and a shit ton of references lmao
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Mazelinka: You are either very brave or very stupid.
Julian: I'll have you know I'm both.
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Hope U r having good day
i hope you’re having a good day too
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Valdemar: Oh, so when other people dig up the yard it's "gardening" and "a hobby" but when I do it, it's "grave robbery"? Double standards much?
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Julian: hrngh
Julian: soup
*Julian tried to swim in lava*
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
I just finished Nadia's route after abandoning the game for two years and can i just say I'm absolutely fucking FLOORED oh my wife
THIS IS SUCH A HUGE MOOD!!! ^^^^^^^^^^
i was planning on replaying her route when the infinity keys hits!!
thank u and i hope ur having a good day!! :D
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
websites with resume examples: be brief but descriptive about your jobs!!!!!!!
me, working on a resume: oh shit what do i do again lmao
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
MC: Do you want to hear something weird?
Asra: First of all, it’s three in the morning.
Asra: Second of all, continue.
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
MC: Can you get us a table?
Portia: Alright.
*A few seconds later*
Portia, sprinting out of the restaurant carrying a table: START THE CAR
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Lucio: Oh, so now I’m ‘bad’ just because I’ve done not very good things in the past, continue doing so in the present, and will likely do so in the future?
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Asra: People like it when you're mysterious
Muriel: Got it
*On a date*
MC: So where are we going tonight?
Muriel: None of your goddamn business
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Julian, looking in the med kit: WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU FILL IT WITH CHEETOS?
Lucio, bleeding out: I thought it was funny at the time.
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dreamyarcana · 5 years
Portia: I DONT care what anyone says the best part of an oreo is the cookie
Julian: Dark without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Mazelinka: You two, it’s a fucking cookie
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